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02x28 - Jetsons' Millions

Posted: 04/05/22 07:37
by bunniefuu
We never seem to catch up.

There are too many mouths to feed
around here.

l'm just not making enough money.

Maybe Mr. Spacely
will give you some overtime.

He'll give me all the overtime l want.
He just won't pay for it.

Hi. Hope we're not interrupting
anything important.

l've got great news.

Spacely Welker...

...possibly the most handsome
and intelligent boy in the universe...

...has invited me to the prom.

Now tell them the bad news.

-l'll need a gown.

And shoes and a bag...

...and maybe an evening wrap
and some jewelry.

ELROY: And a doctor for Dad.
-Elroy. l don't need a doctor.

Well. you will after l get my turn.

You see. there's this spaceball camp.
and a lot of the guys are signing up.

Spaceball camp?

Elroy. Judy. maybe this isn't the right time
to talk about it.

Sure it is.

You kids go ahead and make your plans.
We'll work out the money somehow.

You're the greatest daddy
in the known universe.

That's my pop.

Did you hear that. Jane?
The greatest dad in the known universe.

We can afford it.

But how will we get the money?
You're already working day and night.

Hmm. Not at night.
l'll find some work at night.

Mr. Spacely would k*ll you
if he found out.

Okay. Jetson. one f?nal quest?on. You p?ck
up a fare at the Outer Space H?lton.

He wants to go
to the Interstellar Spaceport.

-What's the best route?
-That's an easy one.


-Sorry. ma'am.
-Never m?nd. The best route, please.

As l said. an easy one.

You hang a left at the marker asteroid...

...and get into the orbit lane
to the Spaceport.

That's correct. Jetson.

l'm ?mpressed. You're h?red.

We'll start you out
?n the Apogee He?ghts area.

My favorite neighborhood.

Report to Hack Jet 12 at 1 900 hours.

GEORGE: l'll be there.
-You'll be where?

Uh. oh....

-Where. sir?
-You just said you'll be there.

-Where's ''there''?
-There? Ha. ha. ha. Did l say ''there''?

l mean-- l mean here. Right here.
Hard at work. doing my job.

Good. because if there's anything
l can't stand...'s a high-level employee
making big bucks...

...and not giving 100 percent.

That's why l fired Gridley.

Caught him moonlighting
as a used-jet-car salesman.

Uh. moonlighting? How terrible.

Don't ever let me catch you
trying a trick like that.

Oh. you won't. Mr. Spacely.

You've got my word on that.
This job means everything to me.

Which brings me to why l'm here.

Jetson. you ever hear
of the Venusian Lottery?

Sure. It's the biggest in the solar system.

Every year. some lucky son of a g*n
wins 10 million Venuties.

And this year it could be you. Jetson.

My wife's charity organization
is selling chances.

l put you down for two books.
Only cost you 50 bucks.

Oh. l don't know. sir.
l've never won anything in my life.

l couldn't possibly afford--

Jetson. this is the boss talking.
l'm stuck with--

l mean. l'm privileged
to handle 20 books of tickets.

So l'm allowing my loyal.
grateful employees first crack at them.

Do you get my meaning?

-Loud and clear.

Three-n?ner-two. Three-n?ner-two.

Proceed to 1 725 Snerdv?lle Dr?ve.
Passengers are wa?t?ng.

Got that?

l got it. and l'll get it. Bye.

Let's see. Snerdville Drive.

Why does that sound familiar?

l don't know anybody who could afford
to live there. except maybe....

-Cabbie. over here.
-Mr. Spacely!

Was it something l said?

Knowing you. probably.

You poor dear. You look out on your feet.

Wait till you hear what happened
out there.

-What happened?
-Don't ask. Is the alarm set?

-All set. George.
-Good. l'm wiped out. Good night.



Oh. l really needed that.

-l feel great. honey. Don't worry.
-But, George, you can't go on l?he th?s.

You hardly closed your eyes last n?ght.

l know. l'll catch up on the weekend.

Nice to see you're not goofing off.

Goofing off? Me? l'm full of pep.
Just dying to work. sir.

Good. Then you won't mind straightening
out those old file tapes of Gridley's.

-Have them on my desk by Monday.
-By Monday? That would mean--

Putting in full time
over the weekend. sure.

But you said you were just dying to work.

Just dying.

-Here. dear. this ought to keep you awake.
-Awake. All right.

That's good. Jane. That's real....


JANE: l'll get it.
-Shut off the alarm. will you. honey?

l need a few more minutes.

What? Say that again. please.

George. wake up. it's for you.
From Venus.

Don't accept the charges.
We don't know anybody on Venus.

There are no charges. It's prepaid.

Hello? Yes. this is George Jetson.

You're who? That's a cruel joke. buddy.

Well. sure l bought a raffle ticket.
Two whole books. Hold on.

Yeah. l got that number.
l did? You mean l'm a winner?

You mean l'm the winner? Yahoo!

What's all the screaming about?

l won. l won the Venusian Sweepstakes.

-George. we're rich?
GEORGE: Filthy rich.

-Wow. We each get our own steak?
-Oh. goodie.

Whoopee. This means spaceball camp
and the basketball camp.

This means a new wardrobe.
maybe a new car.

This means ''Goodbye. old Rosie.
and hello. new robot.''

Rosie. you're part of the family.
We'll get you your own robot.

Can you believe it? We're rich. Jane. rich.

-We've got 10 million Venuties.
-What's a Venuty worth. Dad?

Gosh. l forgot to ask.

Are you still there?

Look. how much is a Venuty worth
in dollars?

He's looking at the closing prices.

Yes? Yes?

Oh. Okay. Well. thanks anyway.

-Sounds like it's not much.
-lt's not very much.

A Venuty's only worth 75 cents.

So all we win is t7.5 million.



Hi. Mr. Spacely.

You can't get out of this one. Jetson.
You're late.

Gosh. you're absolutely right.

Jetson. are you listening to me?


Hmm. l wonder what Lake Luna Lagoon
would be like this time of year.

especially if you're out of work.

Oh. you're right.
Just look at these prices.

Jetson. have you had your hearing checked?
l just threatened to fire you.

Maybe Jane would like
the Palms of Pluto better.

You're not on your knees begging.
You're not even listening.

Oh. l'm listening. sir.
It's just that l'm planning this vacation.

l'll give you a vacation.
For the rest of your life.

-Thank you. Mr. Spacely.
-You still don't get it. Jetson.

You're through. Forever.

Well. it sure sounds like you mean it
this time. Ha-ha-ha.

Goodbye. Mr. Spacely.

Twenty years of firing him
and now he just walks out.

That's gratitude for you.

Oh. there you are. Mr. Spacely.
l've been looking for you.

Not now. Flunkly.
l'm still busy being angry at Jetson.

l just canned him. you know.

Good thinking. sir.
But l have something important.


What is it. dear? l'm a busy man.

Don't "busy" me, you worm,
you sneak, you cheapskate.


Something wrong. Iovey?

They ?ust announced the w?nn?ng number
of the Venus?an Sweepstakes.

lt was our number
from our booh of t?chets.

SPACELY: That's wonderful.
-That's terr?ble.

You sold that book to George Jetson.

l did? l couldn't have.

The travel folders. l must have.

You l?ttle t?ghtwad.
You ?ust cost us m?ll?ons.

And furthermore--

SPACELY: So Jetson's a millionaire.
No wonder l couldn't scare him.

-Why are you still standing there?
-More bad news. sir.

Flunkly. nobody wants
to hear the words ''bad news.''

Couldn't you have put it another way?


Crunchit. the Venusian conglomerate.
has been secretly buying up our stock.


FLUNKLY: So unless we come up with big
bucks. and soon. you'll lose the company.

l can't lose my own company.
It's mine. Isn't it?

Not if they manage
to get one more share than you.

SPACELY: No. no. no. l've gotta stop it.
FLUNKLY: You could hire Jetson back. sir.

Sweet-talk him. persuade him
to put some big bucks into the company.

-He'll listen to you.
-Not after the things l said.

Besides. l wouldn't crawl
on my hands and knees to any man.

lt'll take a million dollars in cash
by noon Monday. or it's all over.

Except to my warmest. dearest.
closest friend. George Jetson.

JANE: Hi. darling.
Aren't you home from work early?

l'm home forever.

l've just blown my job...

...and you and l are standing here
saying how nice it is.

George. l know it's hard
to get used to the idea...

...but we're millionaires now.

-But we're not going to lose our heads.

We're still the same people.
and we're still going to lead the same life.

-Modest. unassuming.

Mom. Daddy. what do you think?

-Oh. it's lovely. dear.
-ls it a dress or a chandelier?

lt's for her prom.

No. mother. this is for my debutante ball.

We're still the same people.
and we're still gonna lead the same life.

Oh. sure.

-Look at this.
-You're leaving home?

Now that we're rich. never.

You don't even have to send me
to spaceball camp.

-Well. that's something.
-l bought my own.

lt's an environmental transformulator.

You want spaceball camp? You've got it.

-You're out.

GEORGE: You heard me.
-You're crazy.

Why don't you get your eyes examined?

Why don't you head for the showers?
You're out of the game.

Ha-ha-ha. Hey. l kind of like this.

ELROY: Yeah. only next time.
l want mom to be umpire.

-There's basketball.
-Not in here. kids.

Come on to my room. Judy.

l guess it's okay
if the kids do get spoiled a little.

Sure. as long as you and l
don't let this money go to our heads.

-Who's that?
JANE: Just the contractor and his crew.

-l didn't know they were gonna start today.
-Start what?

JANE: Oh. just a few simple changes
l've been wanting to make.

What are they doing?

-l have a terrific idea for the sauna.
-We don't have a sauna.

Wanna bet?

Run it past me again. will you. Jane?

Oh. it's simple. dear.

Part of the hall closet and some
of Elroy's room becomes the spa...

...which means we have to tear out
the utility-room wall for the new bathroom.

-Then. for the billiard room--
-l changed my mind. l don't wanna know.

Just tell me when the walls and ceiling
will be back together.

Soon. George.

The contractor said two or three months
at the most.


l'm starved. Jane.
What did you make for breakfast?

l made a deal with Gourmet A Go-Go.
They should be here any minute.


Oh. would you get it. George?

And tell Antoine
to serve our cr?pes suzette in the solarium.

ls that the room with the ceiling gone
or the walls ripped out?

Jetson. why weren't you at work?

-Are you ill?
-Mr. Spacely. are you okay?

Don't you remember
you threw me out of my office?

No. Wait a minute.

Sounds like Coslo's been up
to his old tricks again.


l tell him to give you a raise.
and he fires you.

Who is this Coslo?

My twin brother. of course.
from the Crab Nebulae.

l didn't know you had a brother.

Sure. Cosmo and Coslo.
the Spacely twins.

-Ready to go?
-But l'm retired now. Mr. Spacely.

l came into money. a lot of money.

Well. that changes everything.

-No more talk about you working for me.

No sirree. We'll talk partnership instead.


Outer Space Hilton?
This is Mrs. George Jetson speaking.

How soon can the penthouse
be ready for us?

-What's going on. Jetson?
-Things are such a mess here.

We need someplace to stay
for a few days.

Excellent. You'll stay at my house.

-Mrs. Spacely will be delighted.

lt's the least l can do to make up
for that no-goodnik Coslo.

Flunkly. l've got that birdbrain Jetson
eating out of my hand again.

Get ready
to buy Spacely Sprockets stock.

That million dollars is as good as ours.


You invited all of them?
Jetson and his wife?

Are you crazy?

Well. actually. dear.
they're quite a nice. wealthy group...

...once you get to know them.

But you know how l hate clutter.


Come in. come in.
How lovely to see all of you.

JANE: Hello. Mrs. Spacely.
This is really generous of you.

This is Astro and Orbitty.

Maybe we should have dropped them off
at the pet shelter.


They can keep
my sweet Foo-Foo company.

Foo-Foo. Where are you. darling?

Foo-Foo. there you are.

-Foo-Foo? Oh. boy.
JANE: Astro. Orbitty.


George. do something.

Well. Arthur
how are you getting along w' ith your friend?

We hate each other.

That's only because
you don't know each other very well.

lt's because he won't let me
work the environmental transformulator.

Elroy. l didn't know you had one of these.

-Does it work?

Well. Jetson. what do you say
you and l have a little sporting game of...?

-How's your bowling?
-l'm champ of the league.

-l'm a B-plus player.


Aha. How about golf?

l can hit ball. l think.
But l never really played the game.

Oh. then it's about time you did.

Especially if you're going to be
an up-and-coming executive... Spacely Sprockets.

Can you send us to a golf course
for a fast nine holes?

Coming right up.

Hey. this is great.

Yeah. yeah.

Before you hit that drive. Jetson.
how about a modest bet?

Ah. l don't know. Mr. Spacely.
Why don't we wait and see how l do first?

You're a natural. Jetson.
You played that shot like a pro.

l did? Gosh. this is fun.

Why are you helping him. Dad?

-So he can beat me.

l'm gonna lose every hole.
That'll build his confidence.

Then when the money's down.
l sandbag him.

It won't be easy losing to that duffer.

Just watch me.

Oh. shuckers.

What do you say. Jetson?
Now is it time for our friendly wager?

Well. maybe l am a little better
than when l started.

Of course you are. So the bet is on?

-l guess so.

Good shot. Mr. Spacely.
By the way. what are we playing for?

Let's make it something you can afford.
An even million?


-Oh. what a kidder.
-Go ahead. Dad. You can do it.

Here goes.

Hey. that was fun. Mr. Spacely.
Never mind the bet.

-You were kidding. right?

Well. l wouldn't have paid off if l'd lost.

Oh. yes. you would have. Here you go.

Gosh. this is t2 million worth of stock.

That's right.
So all you owe me is 1 million even.

ln cash. please.

Oh. l don't have it with me.
or anywhere else.

l won't get my lottery check
until tomorrow morning.

Oh. that's okay. Jetson. l trust you.

Just bring it with you
to the office tomorrow.

we still have that partnersh'ip to talk about.

Oh. what a guy.

SPACELY: That's a lot of zeros. Jetson.
-More than l ever thought l'd see.

Well. you deserve every one of them.

So this is my new office?

lt is. the minute you sign this contract.

Will you go over the main points with me
one more time?

Uh. glad to.

lt says that you'll invest a small amount
in Spacely Sprockets.

ln exchange for this.
you become vice president.

And this small amount
is the change l owe you from my golf win?

Right. A million dollars should cover it.

Not bad. That still leaves me 6.5 million.

-Where do l sign?
-Hold everything. sir.

Not now. Flunkly.

l'm busy signing up our newest
and dearest vice president.

But. sir.
you must hear what l have to say first.

SPACELY: Whatever it is.
it isn't as important as this.

There you go. Mr. Spacely.

Now. Flunkly.
you can tell your important news... Vice President Jetson.

-The Venusian economy took a nosedive.

So in order to save it.
they've devalued the Venuty.

Gee. l wonder how much.

Shut up. Jetson.
How much did they devalue it?

-All the way down to a hundredth of a cent.
GEORGE: That far?

You dimwit.

Your 10 million Venuties
aren't worth chicken feed.

That's terrible news. Flunkly.
Why didn't you tell me?

ln a way. it's good. sir.

The entire assets of
the Crunchit Corporation were in Venuties.

That means they're bankrupt.

There is no more threat
to Spacely Sprockets.

-Except one. Our former vice president.

No. Mr. Spacely.
you can't go back on this contract.

Can't l?

l always have my contacts made
with a built-in escape clause.

-Escape clause. sir?
-Pay attention. Flunkly.

Get busy on that workload. Jetson.

You've been goofing off
Iong enough today.

Well. it was fun being a millionaire
for a while. anyway.

And look what it got us.

l don't know how we're gonna pay for it.

-l feel sorry for the contractor.

Because of us and all the publicity...

...he's got more work
than he can handle right now.

-Well. we almost made it.
-We did make it. George.

We have something special.
something no real millionaire has.

You mean each other?

No. l mean bags and bags
full of useless Venuties.