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02x40 - The Century's Best

Posted: 04/05/22 07:48
by bunniefuu

This galactic gridlock
has made me three hours late.

And Spacely chewed me out
for losing four accounts today.

But am I upset?
Ha ha, no.

Soon, I'll be safe at home
in the comfort of my family.


Good to have the man
of the house home, Mr. J.

beep beep

Bonjour, papa.


I sure need your help
with my homework, dad.

I've spent all day cooking
your favorite meal, George dear.


Ah-ha, there's no place
like home.


Man of the house
is home, Rosie.

Bonjour, Judy.

Hey, where's my jacket?

- 'Judy!'
- Can't talk now, daddy.

I'm, uh, studying.

Go on, Audrey.
Did you kiss him?


Gah! Where is everyone?

I want my slippers.

(man on TV)
Alright, pretty boy, Pluto,
you're under arrest.

- 'Elroy, Orbitty?'
- We're busy, dad.

- Watching Captain Zoom.
- Captain Zoom!

Jane, what's for supper?


I'm doing my Jane Fondu
photon aerobic exercise.

You'll have to ionize a frozen
dinner for yourself, dear.

What does it take to get some
attention around here, huh?


Mail call!

The afternoon
holograms are here.

- What did I get, Rosie?
- Me first.

[Astro barking]

Think maybe they'd
notice me if I joined

the planetary postal service?

That's my hologram, Elroy.

Expecting a love letter
from Roddy Rocket?

Hi, lunar-lips!

He he he,

I finished my
interstellar concert tour and..

It's against the law to tamper
with someone's hologram.

...we're throwin'
one last blast.

Everyone will be there.

I can't wait
to see Roddy again.

But I can't afford
a new dress for the party.

You've been chosen
to stay at the exclusive

'Halley's Comet Health Haven,
absolutely free!'

I've never won anything
in my entire life.

'There's just one condition.'

You must sign up
to inspect some attractive

arid property in Asteroid Belt.

Oh, there's always a catch.

Erase this junk mail, Rosie.

Furthermore, Mr. Astro Jetson,
if elected dogcatcher

I promise to sweep
our streets clean.

Can I count on your vote?




Erase this, Rosie.

(male #1)
'Learn all about spaceball
great, Gary Gammaray!'

Albert Isotope.'

'Country singer, Dolly Parsec,
and much, much more.'

Send for your copy of
Who's Who in the Universe today.

Wouldn't it be nice
to be famous?

The rest is for you, Mr. J.

More fan mail
from my grateful public.

No, just from
your grateful bill collectors.

beep beep

Someday, the whole galaxy will
know the name of George Jetson.

[indistinct chatter]

That's right. Just one more day
until the Galactic Expo opens.

Erase it, Orbitty.
Just more junk mail.

They'll want
you to buy somethin'.

No, I like pretty picture.

It's just a gimmick, Orbitty.

We'll have rides,
amusements, and displays.

Plus, a special contest.

Here comes the catch.

A contest to find
the person who best

represents the 21st century.

We'll keep the winners
life story inside

the Galactic Expo's
time capsule for 1000 years.

Best of the 21st century?

A Th-th-thousand years?

Plus, big,
big cash prizes!


I could vacation
in Halley's Comet Health Haven.

[Judy squeals]
I could buy a dozen outfits
for Roddy's big party.

Double plus, an unlimited pass
to the Galactic Expo.

Gee, I could go everyday
for the rest of my life.

But there's only one winner,
and only one entry per form.

So send in the best story
of your life

before midnight tonight.

Hmm, I wonder..

How I can get that entry form..

So I can win that contest.

And be named the greatest
in the 21st century.

he he he

What do you wanna do, Orbitty?

Captain Zoom!

I have a better idea.

I've had lots of great moments
in my young life.

I just know that one
is an award winner.

What would like to dream
about tonight, Elroy?

Jungle Hunter?

Super Sports Star?

Or Rocket Ranger?

'Rocket Ranger.'

[instrumental music]

Sleep tight, Elroy.

Good evening, Rocket Ranger.

Tonight, your mission
is to battle

'the gas blobs of Beta-3.'



[music continues]

boing boing


twang twang

twang twang twang

Huh? What was that?

twang twang twang

(male #2)
'Look out, Rocket Ranger.'

'There's a swarm
of deadly bees on your..'

[instrumental music]

'Astro, I thought you were
a swarm of deadly bees.'

You wanna wake
mom and dad up?


I know you're sorry,
but-but what's wrong with ya?

Look up there.

'That's my rock!'

'How did it get way up there?'

''s breaking apart.'

[indistinct chatter]

[Elroy and Astro scream]

Hey, what are you doing?

That really wasn't a rock
I picked up on the asteroid

was it?

'It was an egg.
You were inside an egg.'

Jumpin' Jupiter! This is even
better than I thought.



'Astro, stop that.'

You go sleep
in the kitchen tonight.

[Astro whimpering]

You can come down now.
Astro won't hurt ya.


My name is Elroy.

- Do you have a name?
- Eh, my name Orbitty.

- You're an Orbitty?
- Uh-huh.

Well, welcome to earth.


'Wow! Just wait till I show you
off tomorrow morning.'

Now don't go away.

[both sighing]

- Goodnight, Orbitty.
- Goodnight, Elroy.

Which should I send
to that time capsule contest?

Elroy Jetson, is Orbitty
in there with you?

'I need to see him
for a minute.'

Uh-oh, I bet she's after
your contest entry form.

Just remember, we're pals,
and I get it first.

I'll tell daddy.

Cool your retros, will ya?

Honestly! I'd never lock
my own family out of my room.

Come on, Orbitty.

Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy!

Didi and I were just remembering
the greatest moments of my life.

I thought you might like
to see some of them.

Judy, what are you doing home?

Dying of absolute loneliness
and humiliation, Herby.

- It's Curly.
- Whatever.

B-but what about
your surprise birthday party?

The big surprise
was no birthday party.

Wow! That's a real downer.

I'm sorry, Judy.

I was just calling to see if
I could drop off a small gift.

Really? How fast
can you get here?

I'll be there
in the speed of light.

Oh, Curly, how thoughtful!

It isn't much.

'It's the chartbuster
of video verse.'

"There once
was a lady from Niger

"who rode with a smile
on a tiger.

"They came back from the ride
with the lady inside

and a smile on the face
of the tiger."


[Judy laughing]

Too corny?

He he he.

Oh, no way! I'm wild
about old limericks, Curly.

You're a crackup.
I needed a good laugh tonight.

'"There once was
a student named Bright'

"whose speed was
much faster than light.

"She set out one day
in a relative way

and returned
on a previous night."


Ooh, I k*ll me.
Ha ha ha.

And here's
one of my own limericks.

'Oh, Curly, this is so cute.'

"There's a girl
in my class named Judy.

"Our school's
most popular cutie.

"Though I'm no flashy guy,
I still gotta try.

So I'll ask her
out to a movie."

You got it, Curly.

That's the sweetest invite
I've ever had.


Thanks for brightening
my day, Curly.

I feel a lot better now.

But still, I just can't believe
my family would entirely

ignore my birthday.

We're a pretty tight unit

but gee, not even one
little happy birthday.

Not even one!


Happy birthday, Judy!

Oh! Thank you, everyone.
This is a real surprise.

I knew you couldn't forget.
This is a beautiful party.

And you deserve it.
Judy, you're the greatest.

Good thing your folks
called us, Judy.

Yeah, we almost
forgot your birthday.

We would've missed
a big party.

Thanks, guys. I'm just glad
to see all my friends.

Come on, let's kick
this party into high.

Oh, I'm so sorry,
I promised, Curly.

We don't always pick our
friends, sometimes they pick us.

Thanks, Curly.


Good story, Judy.

Ha! Just as I thought.

That's my contest entry form!

Your entry form? I think
that is Orbitty's decision.

My stories
are better than yours.

- 'Are not.'
- 'Are, too.'

- 'Not! Not!'
- 'Too! Too!'

boing boing

Orbitty, I was just
going to call you.

I was telling Rosie here
that if I were entering

that time capsule contest,
I know just the stories

that would win.
Tell me what you think.

'I remember my sorority
roommate, Mimsy Borogrove.'

'It was not secret which man
she thought I should marry.'

Flash Motsam
or George Jetson?

You're comparing a ten
to a minus two?

Aren't you exaggerating
just a little?

Are you serious?

On one hand, you got a guy
with a great physique

a beautiful car,
and loads of money.

Then there's George Jetson.

Well, they both invited me
to dinner tonight.

Great. Then it's either
dutch treat at Magalaxy's

or sky's the limit
at the poshest restaurant

in the universe.

[doorbell ringing]
Ah-ha, the magic moment!

Will it be the tiger,
or the turkey?




Darling, you're on your way
to a perfect evening.

Flowers, candy and me.


How'd you get around
to picking the minus two?

Well, in his own quiet way, your
father was pretty resourceful.


'Well, after
I fueled up my jets'

'and Mimsy stopped growling
and told me where they'd gone..'

Pardon, monsieur,
but do you have a reservation?

No, but I have a girlfriend.

And she's in here
with a perfect ten.

I'm so sorry,
but if the perfect ten

has a reservation,
then he stays.

And you go, go, go!


Hey, I'm not afraid
of anyone named Francois.

But I will be from now on.


'It was a minor setback.'

'But I had a plan.'

[speaking French]

So sorry.
Late for work.

Crepe Suzette,
au revoir.

Hmm, there's something odd
about that waiter.

Jetson is a nice enough boy,
but he's like a dead asteroid

fizzing aimlessly
off into space.

But I am a man of vision.

And that vision includes
building a universe of my own

with you as my queen.

A queen more beautiful
than the moon and the stars.

I must say the words
sound very romantic, Flash.

The words are but an echo
of my feelings, my darling.

Ole a la Pluto.

Get lost.

Darling, words are but a..

Souffle a la
Martian marshmallows.

I didn't order souffle.

Ah, monsieur,
try it, you'll like it.

What kind of a waiter are you?

The kind that's
in love with you.

- George?
- Jetson!

You've asked for it.

I'm not afraid
of anyone named Flash.

That's a second name
I changed my mind about.


You're gonna get us k*lled.

Not till
after I've rescued you.



Don't worry, Jane.
Watch this.





- 'Wanna hear more?'
- Psst, Orbitty.

'I'm sure you do.

How's that feel, Orbitty?


I have a little presentation
for you to see.

Orbitty, this is my life.

Well, so long, honey.

You got a goodbye kiss
for your Super Husband?


Sorry, dear!

George, if you do that again,
I'm going home to mother.

Well, if you do,
I can throw you there.

George! We have
to get you back to normal.

I know.

I'll track down
that Nebulous Nifty robot

so we can get
a replacement Thinko.

'No rush, no rush at all.'

In fact, don't bother.

This is gonna be
the greatest day of my life.

Bye-bye, Jane.


Maybe I better press
the starter for you.

Don't worry,
I'll press it very gently.


George, be careful!

Now look what you've done
to our car.



Hey, who needs a spacecar?

I forgot,
I'm SuperGeorge!


Boy, this is livin'.

Hey, what's that?

Looks like a man flying!

Have a nice day.


Oops, sorry.

It's Superguy!

[kids cheering]

Hi, kids.
You wanna see a trick?

[in unison]
'Yeah, Superguy.'

Okay. Now you see
a jungle gym..

...and now, you see a horse.


Presto! Back to jungle gym.


(female #1)
'Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Oh, come down from there!'

Oh, please,
somebody help me with my kitty!

Ah-ha! Duty calls!

It's what any of those
super types would do.


Something I can help you
with, ma'am?

Yes! My poor, poor, Gums
is stranded up in that tree.

'Allow me!'


Uh-oh, the water pipe.


bang bang bang

SuperGeorge, awa-a-y!

'George Jetson,
I was talking to Orbitty.'

Talking, huh? You were going
to secretly enter that contest.

He promised
I could use his entry form.

He liked my stories
best of all.

'Well, Orbitty?'


Send my stories off
immediately, Rosie.

- Me, too.
- Here's mine.

- Here, Rosie.
- What now?

beep beep

beep beep

Which one do we send?


[instrumental music]

Oh, dear.
What's wrong with me?

My mind just
isn't on cooking breakfast.



I'm so tired
I can't even shave right.

I didn't get a wink
of beauty sleep last night.

I can't go to school.
I feel awful.

- I know what's wrong.
- I didn't sleep well.

Because of the way
I acted last night.

About that stupid
time capsule contest.

I've gotta stop Rosie!


Rosie, give me
my entry back.

Mine, too.

Us, too.

Sorry, folks.
Too late.

[in unison]
Oh, no!


[bugle call]

The Galactic Expo judges
are pleased to announce.. are the finalist
in their time capsule contest.

But-but which one of us?

George, Jane, Judy,
and Elroy Jetson

report to
Exposition Hall tonight.

Jane, I acted selfishly
last night. I hope you win.

But you had better
stories, George.

Will you let me borrow
your lifetime pass, Elroy?

Gee, Judy, I'm sure
you're gonna win.

Rosie, I thought there
was only one entry per form.

We took care
of everything, Mr. J.

beep beep

[music continues]

(male #3)
'The finalist,
ladies and gentlemen'

'for curing dandruff, adopting
hundreds of stranded space pets'

writing three bestsellers,
and calling his mother

twice a week, the winner
of the time capsule contest

'and the number one citizen
of the 21st century'

'is Milo McRocket!'

[audience applauding]

But that's not all folks.

We have created
a special category

'for the number one family
of the 21st century'

'the Jetsons.'

[audience applauding]

I electronically combined all
your entries to make one entry.

Meet George Jetson
and his boy, Elroy.

That sounds
the spaciest, eh, dad?

Sure is.


- 'Daughter Judy.'
- Oh, that's me!

- 'Jane, his wife.'
- It's beautiful.


[audience applauding]

[theme music]