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03x08 - The Odd Pod

Posted: 04/06/22 11:18
by bunniefuu
[theme song]

Meet George Jetson

His boy Elroy

Daughter Judy

Jane his wife

Goodbye my outer orbit baby

Farewell my own true love

My sweetie

I'm gonna zoom away
and leave you

Never see you any

Never gonna see you any

I'm gonna get away
to outer space

Never to return again

So goodbye farewell
so long forever

Goodbye my outer orbit
So long my outer orbit

Bye-bye my outer orbit



That's show business,
you make your own breaks.

'Oh, George, George.
Hurry, you'll be late for work.'

Be there in a jiffy, Jane.

How many times do
I have to tell you?

I don't tip
in my own bathroom.

On the other hand,
consider this my contribution

to your pension fund.


Some robotic arms
have no sense of humor.

- What's for breakfast, honey?
- What do you think, dear?

Frankly, Jane, I'd rather start
off with a nice piece of melon.

It's for my
garden club, silly.

Maybe it will take first prize
at the flower show.

Not to be discouraging

but with my
boss' wife entered

you're lucky to have
a pot to plant in.

You're not kidding.

That Mrs. Spacely is so rich,
she gets away with m*rder.

Maybe that's why she asked
me and the barbershop quartet

to sing in the show.
Ha ha ha.

arf arf arf

Way to go, Astro.

This could mean a try-out with
the Jupiter poodles. Ha ha ha.

It could also mean
going to school

without breakfast, Elroy.

You know the rules.


- Oh, no! My prize entry.
- Nice going, Astro.

What have you got
to say for yourself?

Re's out, re's out.

He's out and so
is my prize plant.


'I know just
how you feel, mom.'

You raised it
from a seedling.

I felt the same way last summer
when Squeaky passed away.

But he was a tarantula.

This was my only hope of winning
the garden club prize.


Well, at least,
it didn't linger.

Wonder if it left a will?

Elroy! You know
what they say, mom?

Every cloud
has a silver lining.

Good morning, Jane.

I just thought you'd like to see
my entry for the garden show.

Oh, it's just gorgeous,
Mrs. Spacely.

That silver lining
turned into a fern.

I presume, my dear, that your
plants are ready to be judged.

Why, yes. My plants
are all ready for burial.

I-I mean, showing.

Ooh, how courageous.

Especially, since my plants
have won first prize every year.

Don't put up
with that, honey.

Tell her she's got
fertilizer for brains.

What was that, Jetson?

Uh, I said your wife has a
fertile brain, Mr. Spacely sir.

Can the compliments, clown

and get to work early
for a change.

You've got it.

Sir, your inspirational words
are music to my ears.

That reminds me, Jetson.

No more singing at work,

Your voice is causing
a morale problem.

Yes, sir. Not another
peep out of me.

Pardon me, Mr. Jetson.
I'm here to pick up the pieces.

What are you talking about,
Rosie? Nothing's broken.


[instrumental music]


'Far-out Florists.'

'Hey, maybe I can find
a new plant for Jane.'

Yes, looking for something
that says it all?

Like this Venus fly trap.
We even include the flies.

No, thanks. My wife's
not into insects.

She's looking for
unique and beautiful.

I know just what you mean.

A rare import like this,
Martian Creeper.

Martian Creeper, huh?

I wonder why
they called it that?


Oh, you dropped
your wallet, sir.

- 'Here you are.'
- I will take it.

Send it to Jane Jetson,
Skypad Apartments.

- Now, I gotta get to work.
- Good choice, Mr. Jetson.

Your wife will
remember this forever.

Yeah. Especially,
since I'm using her card.

See you.

Einstein, deliver
this right away

before the goof
changes his mind.

Right, boss. But why should
the plant change its mind?

Not the plant, Einstein.
The customer.

So far everybody who's bought
this loser has returned it.

This time, troublemaker, you
better stay out of hot water.


Duh, get it out of here!

Yeah, R.U.D.I.,
our barbershop quartet number

will be the toast
of the flower show.

Hope so, George.

But meantime,
concentrate on your work

or you'll be needing a wreath.

Okay, R.U.D.I.,
just listen to this note.

Goodbye my outer orbit



Uh-ho, I sure hope
he's still under warranty.


Don't call us.
We'll call you.

No singing on company time,
unless I order it.

Yes, sir.

Hey, that's a beautiful camera
you've got there, Mr. Spacely.

Is that a zoom lens?

Does that answer
your question?

I'm using it to tape Petunia
when she wins first prize

again at the show.

Jane's competing too.

Wait till you see
her new plant.

If it's something
you picked

she might as well
throw in the trowel. Ha ha ha.

Throw in the trowel?
Funny! Ha ha ha.

While I'm at it, I think
I will tape your singing.

We're looking for
a new alarm system. Go!


- But, sir, my voice could--
- Do as I say. Sing!

Goodbye my outer orbit



Jetson, you have relatives.

I tried to tell you, sir.
The note needs work.

So do you.

Lots of overtime
to pay for a new camera.

Who wouldn't love
a plant like this?

Leave it to daddy
to send you a winner.

Judy, how many times have I
told you, don't stir so hard?

But I didn't do it, mom.

Well, it didn't spill
by itself.

Now, we better get this
mess cleaned up. Rosie!

Another day, another holler.

Uh, if this is chicken soup,
the chicken should be ashamed.


My notebook.
Elroy, are you hiding it?

Get off my back, will you?

What would I do
with your notebook? Fail?

[Astro barking]


sniff sniff sniff




Hi, Jane. Kids.

I see that the plant
has made itself at home.


Thanks, darling.
It's beautiful.

I think it's kinda
freaky, myself.

Remember that, Elroy, when it
wins first prize for your mom.

What's for supper?


I saw that.
I'm keepin' an eye on you.


Rosie, have you blown
your fuses again?

How many times
have we told her

not to get overloaded
on the job?


And as for you,
stay out of catfights.

grr grr grr


Never see you any

Never gonna see you any

I'm gonna get away
to outer space

Never to return again

So goodbye farewell
so long forever

Ha ha ha. Oh, cut it out, Jane.
The kids are home.

Bye-bye my outer orbit





Help, it's alive!


George, what's the matter?

The-the, the
M-M-Martian Creeper.

It maybe my imagination,
but I think it crept in.

Oh, honey, it's only a plant.
What can it do?

I'll tell you what it can do.

Thanks to that plant,
I needed a charge.

You'd be dead at work
with poison ivy.


You'll pay for this.

Cut it out, will you?
We've got homework.

arf arf arf

Rut them down,
rut them down.

You heard him,
put us down.

Dad, mom, we've got
a big problem here.

You see, Jane, that really
wasn't my imagination.

George, we'd better
get rid off that plant

before it gets rid off us.

It's all for the best, Jane.
Believe me.

Cut that out. You're being
returned and that's final.

Maybe, we can exchange it
for something else.

Like a senile cactus.

'Oh, no! They've gone
out of business.'

What do we do now?

Maybe we can give it
to a friend.

Give that?

'No, George. There's nobody
we hate that much.'

Well, that's the end of that.

Yeah, dropping the plant off at
the city dump's a great idea.

Say, I almost forgot.

My barbershop quartet's
coming over for rehearsal.

- Huh?
- Oh, no!

This is one plant that doesn't
take rejection lightly.

It's back. George,
what are we going to do?

When's your mother's birthday?

All ready for practice, George?
What's happened in here?

'You and Jane have a spat?'

Uh, no. We're redecorating
for Halloween.

Let's hit it, guys.
Tomorrow's the show.

[piano music]

Bum bum bum
Goodbye my outer orbit


Farewell my own true love

My sweetie

I'm gonna zoom away
and leave you..

Now we know for sure,
the plant has no taste.

Evening, Rosie. Elroy and I
are supposed to study together.

Right, Arthur.

Elroy, it's Mr. Spacely's
obnoxious son.

Listen, Arthur. I think
we better skip tonight.

So long my outer orbit

Bye-bye my outer orbit


Rad, man, that's some
plant you got.

- What else can it do?
- Don't ask.

[instrumental music]

Ha ha. What can I tell you?
It's got a great ear.

'My son Arthur tells me
that you have the most'

'unusual piece
of prize-winning greenery.'

It's green, but I wouldn't
guarantee the prize part, sir.

Uh, yes, dear.

I was thinking
that maybe Jane

would like to donate
her plant to Petunia.

'Sort of a goodwill gesture.'

I-I think not, Mr. Spacely.

You see, this plant's
got problems.

- Big problem.
- 'Now, hear this, Jetson.'

You'll have even bigger
problems with employment

unless we get that plant.

Have a nice day.

Never fear, darling.

No one will be allowed
to besmirch your reputation.

- Promise, Cosmo?
- Scouts honor.

We'll get that plant
even if we have to steal it.





(Cosmo on phone)
'Attaboy, Arthur. You're a chip
off the old computer.'

Nothing like on-the-job training
for my future executives.



I've got to get out of here.

- You forgot the plant.
- Oh, yeah, yeah. Thanks.


Rood riddance!

Who could have taken it?

Well, whoever took the plant
was either dumb or into pain.

'Astro, you're a watchdog.'

'Did you see anybody
come in last night?'

Who, me?

Some watchdog. A thief
breaks in and he watches.

Why are we worrying, daddy?

Let's be thankful that
the plant's out of our lives.

For once, you're right.

Mom can always enter
next year's competition.


So what if Mrs. Spacely

adds another gardening trophy
to her collection.

The witch.

There's nothing like being
a good loser, honey.

I'll call the Spacelys
and concede defeat.

It's you, George.

You must be proud
of what you did to Cosmo?

- What's the matter with him?
- He'll tell you himself.

'But he's all tied up.'


Jetson, do something quick

or I'll be dead
before I can fire you.

Oh, somebody, do something.
It's strangling him.

- They need you, dear.
- Don't go away.

Stay right where you are.

Where does it look like
I'm going, you pea-brain?

'Now, sing.'

Goodbye my outer Orbit baby

Farewell my own true love

I'm gonna zoom away
and leave you

Never to see you any

Never gonna see you any..

It likes his voice.

Ooh, there's no accounting
for good taste.

Maybe so, but it sure
plays good piano.

I want that plant disposed off
once and for all.

It's subversive.

Yes, sir. But maybe if we
gave it just one more chance.

A-ah! I didn't mean it.

I confess,
I plant-napped it, please.

Goodbye my outer orbit



Satisfied, Jetson?

Now, take that plant back
where it came from

or you're out of a job.

Yes, sir.

And from the
looks of things

poor Jane's
out of the flower show.

Hah, tish tish tish.

The plant's not all bad, pop.
Look what it did to Spacely.

I know, Elroy.
But orders are orders.

We gotta get rid off it.

'"Welcome To Mars."'

'Even they have
condos for sale.'

Okay, son.
I'll do the dirty work.

- So long, Martian Creeper.
- It's been good to know you.


If that was a bird,
I don't wanna meet him.

I have just one regret
about this whole thing, Elroy.

What's that, dad?

When we dumped that plant

too bad we couldn't have
dumped my boss along with it.

'I heard that, you sneak.'

Uh-oh, the snooper phone.

It's going to be
a double humiliation

at the flower show, Jetson.

A double, sir?

Jane's going to lose
to my wife

and you're gonna be
publicly fired. Ha ha ha.

One last favor, sir.

When you fire me

could you do it after
the barbershop number?

(female announcer)
'Yes, our annual
Gallactic Garden Show'

'is in the final moment
of the competition.'

Once again, the judges are
preparing to award this trophy.

Yay, yay, bravo!

Nice to see you again,

Remember those job offers
from my husband.

I don't think this is going
to make it, Judy.

He was the only thing
left at K-Martian.

At least, you gave it
a shot, mom.

Maybe, they have
a special prize for plastic.

While our judges make
their final decision

we'll be entertained
by George Jetson's

barbershop quartet.


You'll be more entertained
by what I do to him

after the number.

Bum bum
Goodbye my outer orbit baby

- Farewell my own true love
- My sweetie

I'm gonna zoom away
and leave you

Never see you any

Never gonna see you any

I'm gonna get away
to outer space..

Wait a minute.
Look who's back.

It must have heard
daddy's voice.

It's gotta be
a glutton for punishment.

I'm certain you'll make
the right decision, gentlemen.

Hope you don't mind, but this is
my last-minute entry.

A Martian Creeper.

[indistinct chattering]

Haven't seen
one of those in years.

[indistinct chattering]

A perfect specimen.

[indistinct chattering]

Winner of the first prize..

'Jane Jetson.'


Fix, fix. It's a fix.

Thank you. Thank you.

'I owe it all to a plant
that just wouldn't quit.'

[audience cheering]

Way to go, Jane.

That crazy creeper
crept right into our hearts.

Oh, I've been insulted
for life. Cosmo!

Jane may have won,
but George Jetson is the loser.

Jetson, you're fire..


Put me down.

No, please.

Some of my best friends
are vegetables.

Now, I know where I've seen
this plant before. Wimbledon!

Call it off, Jetson.
I'll give you a raise.

- Five dollars a week.
- What do you think, honey?

Five dollars a minute
is more like it.

Five dollars a minute,
my own parking space

a key to the
executives men's room

and six months paid vacation.

You've got it, Jetson.
Now, call off the plant.

You got a deal, Mr. Spacely.
My high note never fails.

Goodbye my outer Orbit



Sorry, honey.
I guess that trophy

wasn't what it was
cracked up to be.

[all laughing]


[theme music]