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01x04 - A Rock and a Farway

Posted: 04/09/22 16:07
by bunniefuu
[Narrator] Previously, on

This was Meghan's favorite spot.

You'll bury me next
to them, right?

Of course.
Frank. The box. I can't do it.

How do you think people
are gonna react

when you let Frank go?

Aren't you supposed
to be talking to me

about the virtues of mercy?

Is that what you'd prefer?

Hey, I'd prefer
not to put a broken man

in a f*cking box to be torn
apart when the sun goes down!

[Father] But you built a
guillotine in the town square.

What do you think happens
when people realize

you lack the conviction
to use it?

You take that and you make
whatever life you can out there.

[Jade] So, you're telling me
I'm in a town I can't leave

and that every night monsters
come from the forest.


[Kenny] No one is trying
to be cruel to you.

But you need to
understand what's going on.

Oh God. Tobey?

[Ethan] What are you doing?

I'm checking to see
if they've moved.

- If what moved?
- The trees.

Have you seen the boy who lives
out here? We're friends.

[Victor] If you see that friend
of yours,

tell him Victor says hello.

Sara... just tell me
what you did.

[Sara] I left the door open.


All newcomers have to decide
where they're gonna live:

Here in Colony House
or down in the town.

It's just part of
how we do things here.

I'd like to take the both
of you, show you around.

Well, I wanna come.

This is about all of us, right?

- I wanna see.
- We need you to stay here

here and be with Ethan.

Three, two, one.

Why are you doing this?
You guys barely know us.

It's just what we do.

[Boyd] Are you living
in town or Colony House?


- Julie.
- Colony House.

- Why are you doing this?
- [Donna] Girl made her choice.

[Frank] I appreciate everything
you're trying to do for me.

But the only two things that I
love in this world are gone.

I wanna see my girls again.


"Que Sera, Sera Whatever
Will Be, Will Be" plays...

Season 01 Episode 04

Episode Title: "A Rock and a Farway"
Aired on: February 27, 2022.

♪ When I was just
A little boy ♪

♪ I asked
My father ♪

♪ "What will I be?" ♪

♪ "Will I
Be handsome?" ♪

♪ "Will I
Be rich?" ♪

♪ Here's what
He said to me ♪

♪ Que sera, sera ♪

♪ Whatever will be
Will be ♪

♪ The future's
Not ours to see ♪

♪ Que sera, sera ♪

♪ What will be,
Will be ♪

♪ Now I have
Children of my own ♪

♪ They ask
Their father ♪

♪ "What will I be?" ♪

♪ "Will I be pretty?" ♪

♪ "Will I
Be rich?" ♪

♪ I tell them
Tenderly ♪

♪ Que sera, sera ♪

♪ Whatever will be,
Will be ♪

♪ The future's not ours
To see ♪

♪ Que sera, sera ♪

♪ What will be, will be ♪

♪ Que sera, sera ♪

[Song continues, fades]

[Dog barking in distance]

- [Birds singing]
- [Dog barking in distance]



You know how sometimes
you dream and you forget,

but then, later,
you start to remember,

and you realize
that it wasn't a dream

and that all of it
maybe really happens?

Uh, um...

I think I'm starting
to remember things,

things that I
thought were dreams.

I made you a drawing.

You can keep it
if you want.

Well, good morning,
sleepy head.

It's about
time you woke up.

Can I have
my pillow back?

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Someone just gave this to me
last night.

- I didn't realize.
- Oh, no.

It's totally fine.
I just want to take a nap

and it's sort of like a security
blanket for me, you know?

Yeah, I totally get it.
I'm sorry again.

Don't even
worry about it.

Mi pillow, su pillow,
or something.

Her name's Meredith.

Oh, the pillow.
You named your pillow.


The things that matter to you
should always have names.

Yeah, totally.

You know,
it's kinda funny,

I have a shirt
just like that.

Oh, I know, I got this
out of your suitcase.


You don't mind, do you?

We share
everything here.

I guess not.

Thanks for taking
care of Meredith.


[Quiet weeping]





Speaks Cantonese

Speaks Cantonese


You sleep?

Yeah, I think so.
I made some tea.

Let's get some light in here.

Oh, please no. Not yet.


I used to love
this time of morning.

I remember.

Sometimes he'd stop crying just
as the sun was coming up.

It was like he was saying...


"You've been up all night;
My work here is done."



Do you think
we're being punished?

Why would you say that?

Jim, I'm drinking tea
out of a dead woman's mug,

in a place
that can't possibly exist...

in a house where
another child died.

Julie's off doing
God knows what.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

Are you crying, Mom?

[Clearing throat]

No, honey.
I just... I just have a headache.

Come here.

Sit in my lap.

I miss Julie.


[Jim] Hey, why don't we
go down to that diner?

The sheriff said they serve
a big community breakfast

there every morning.
What do you say? You hungry?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- Let's do that.
- That's a great idea.

Yeah, you can...

You can go and-and
bring me something back.

What are you gonna do?

I, um...
I'm going to...

I'm going to unpack.

Just organize our stuff.

- You sure?
- [Tabitha] Yeah.

Okay. Saddle up, partner.
Let's go get some pancakes.

You think they'll
have pancakes?

[Jim] Well, I've never been
to a diner that didn't.

[Ethan] What are you gonna get?

[Jim] Guess I'll have
to look at the menu.


[Breathing heavily]

[Breathing heavily]

[Ethan] Do you think
they'll have whipped cream?

[Jim] Uh, well,
we'll soon find out.

Hi, Sheriff!

Uh, morning. Where are you two
fine gentlemen heading?

Oh, we're just off
to get breakfast.

What's in the cart?

Uh, nothing.
Just, uh, some supplies.

Gotta go over to the church,
take 'em to Father Khatri.

Do you need help?

No, thanks.
You should hurry on now.

Mrs. Liu is very strict
about breakfast hours.

Don't wanna miss it.

All right.
You have a good day.

- [Boyd] Take care now.
- [Ethan] Okay.

[The Monkees' "Last Train to
Clarksville" plays]

Hi there.

We were hoping you'd
come by today.

Mrs. Liu always likes to try

and make something special
for our newcomers.

Ah, that's... Thank you.
That's very nice.

It's appreciated.

- I'm Sara.
- Jim Matthews.

And you must be Ethan.

I heard all about
your heroic adventure

out in the woods
the other night.

Come on, you guys can sit
at our very special VIP table.

Do you have pancakes?

I'll have to check
with the boss and see.

Mrs. Liu
is kind of a genius.

She could probably
make a Salisbury steak

from a tire iron.


she's the one with
the husband the...

the other night
in the clinic?

Yeah, that was... um...

- I'm sorry, I shouldn't...
- No.

- I shouldn't...
- No, it's okay.

I, um...

I should go check
on those pancakes.

Told you they'd have pancakes.


They don't
leave much, do they?

Just make sure he's
buried with his family.


You're not coming
back for the service?


I'm sorry, is something funny?

You gonna mention
in your little service

how you're the one
who wanted him dead?

Feel better now?


Just bring back the cart
when you're done.

Uh, Jade?


I, uh...

I knocked on your door to get
you for some breakfast.

What are you doing out here?

I wanna show you something.

That? That's, uh...
That's empty.

Yeah. That's kinda the point.
Come on.


I thought it was some kind
of CGI party trick.

There was this...
They were right here,

there was this weird f*cking
symbol right on the ceiling.

And over here, right?
This is where the body was.

It was a guy right here.
Dead, right?

f*cking half-crushed
by this giant...

Giant boulder thing!
And then, he starts screaming!

Don't. No, come on.

Don't look at me like I'm
f*cking crazy, okay?

I know what I saw!

I'm not. I'm not.
It's just...

Look, the first couple days
can be really tough,

for everyone.

No, no, no!

It's like your
brain can't really

what's going on and...

Listen, I wasn't
hallucinating, okay?

Trust me, I've done
a f*ck ton of dr*gs,

I know what hallucinations
feel like. This was different.

It was here
and then it wasn't.

I have a pretty healthy
imagination, okay?

I mean, I built
a software company

based on nothing
but imagination. But this?

None of this is...

There has got
to be an explanation

and none of you f*cking people
seem to be looking for it.

Okay. Um, why don't we go back
to the sheriff's station?

'Kay? I wanna show you
something now. Come on.

Come on.

Speaks Cantonese


What do you say?

Thank you!


Oh, I'll... I'll just take
a little bit of his, thanks.

Speaks Cantonese

- [Jim] Pretty good, huh?
- Yeah.

See? Not everything's
so bad here, huh?

Do we live here now?

No, no.

No. Uh, we're just here
for a little bit.

You know what? Think of it
like, um... like a vacation.

I think it's probably a quest.


Like a hero's quest?

Like Norman had to go on
to the Lake of Tears?

We probably have to save
somebody if we want to go home.

That's what Norman had to do.

Yeah, you might be
onto something there.

Sometimes I pretend
that's where Thomas went.


That he's on a magical quest,

and if I try,
I can help him save the kingdom.

Is that right?

Look, uh...

I'm gonna go to
the restroom for a moment.

You just sit here and hang
tight, okay? I'll be right back.

Hang tight.

Excuse me,
where's the, uh...

[Breathing unsteadily]

[Breathing unsteadily]


[sniffles loudly]



[Breathing unsteadily]


Four inches.


The trees,

they've moved four inches.

Is that good or bad?

They're close,
so it's bad.

Should we tell somebody?

Oh, I don't think
they'll understand.

There's something
I need to show you,

something very important.

You remember the boy
that you were talking about?

The one
that lives outside?

Is that him?

Who drew this?

I did.

But it's in crayon.


You're a grown-up.

Is it him or not?

That's him.

What's wrong?

That means he was real.



It's okay, Dad.


Let me see that.

- I'm sorry.
- Hold on.

- [Victor] I wasn't...
- Hold on.

What is this?
What're you doing?

Excuse me.

Dad, stop!
What are you doing?

- Dad!
- You don't come near him.

You don't talk to him.
Do you understand me?

I would never
do anything...

The only thing you say
right now is "Yes." Okay?

- I'm sorry.
- He's a kid.

Stay the f*ck
away from him.


Why'd you do that?

Time to go.

Come on.
Let's go.

[diners speaking quietly]

[Breathing unsteadily]

[Breathing unsteadily]

There you are. Been looking
everywhere for you.

What's wrong?

Um, I think maybe
I made a mistake.

It was hard for me too
at first.

Tell you a secret...

It helped once I figured out

how to get my clothes
back from Trudy.

How did you know that...

Well, she's wearing
a new T-shirt

and I know she didn't
order that online so...


Come on.

Up, up, up.


Take it easy on that leg or
you're gonna pop a stitch.

You shouldn't have done that.

Victor's my friend.

Look, I'm sorry.

Just leave me alone.

[Fatima] You see that
one right there?

- Which one?
- The black one, right there.

- Uh, yes.
- That one is Armani.

It belonged to this guy
Charlie, from Duluth.

Oh, God, he was
this amazing cross-dresser.

Oh, he was so beautiful
and funny.

Ah! Anyway, when he...

[Clearing throat]
Well, Trudy got her hands on it,

and now she's always
trying to hide it,

so she doesn't have
to share it with anybody.

Since you're
on laundry detail...

It's up for grabs.

It's up for grabs!
Here, put it on.

I've never worn
Armani before.

Well, I think Charlie
would agree

it would look much better
on you than it does on Trudy.

Stop it.

Ms. Matthews!


It looks nice!


If you want,
I can go talk...

No, it's fine.
I got it.



What are you doing up here?

Well, I found
your sweater in my bag.

We miss you.

I miss you guys. Too.

Then come back with me.

Honey, this is not a prison.
You can leave whenever you want.


We'll talk to Donna about,

you know, you made a mistake,
that you've changed your mind.

I did...

Why do you
always do that?

Do what?

You make it seem
like poor, stupid Julie

doesn't understand
what she's doing

and that everything
will just be okay

once I admit that I was wrong,
like I always have to do.

No. I didn't say that.
I didn't say that.

Yeah. You know what?
Forget it.

I really don't
want to do this.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,
Julie. Julie.

We have no idea
where we are,

how we got here.

We have to stick
together as a family.

Are you kidding me?

You're seriously
gonna stand there

and lecture me about family?

I knew.

I knew what you
and Dad were planning.

I knew all about the divorce

and how this whole trip
was just one last hurrah

before you sat us
down to break the news.

So stop treating me
like I'm a child.

Okay, okay, Julie.

You're right.

Look, your father and I
love each other very much.

We love you and
Ethan very, very much.

Thomas is dead!

And I know that it's hard,

and I know that you lost,
but we all lost.

You have two other kids!

Why aren't we
enough for you?

It's not that simple!
It's not that simple!

I can't do this right now.
Please, I...

I'm not trying to make
this more di... I'm sorry.

[Door slams]

- I'll make sure she gets it.
- [Tabitha] Yeah. Yeah.

[Jade] What the f*ck is this?

[Kenny] This,
near as we could guess,

is where you and
your friend were driving

when you reached the tree.

But the RV that
the family came in?

They were driving here.

- Okay.
- Me and my parents,

we were in Austin, Texas.

Kristi, the medic?
She was in Detroit.

Every single one of these pins
is a different resident

who drove in from
a different location.

Yet somehow
we all ended up here.

That is f*cking impossible.

[Chuckling] Yeah.



All right.
Well, see?

That's the difference
between you and me.

- I don't do impossible.
- Right.

I don't just sit around,
accepting the world as it is!

Someone is doing this,

and I'm not gonna rest
until I figure out how.

Well, then you're
gonna lose your mind. Okay?

Because that's what happens
to people who can't adapt.

They can't bend,

so eventually they break.
Jade, look,

every new person who comes
here just assumes

that it's just the monsters
they have to be afraid of,

but that's not
the hardest part.

It's what this
place does to you,

what it makes you
think and feel,

what it makes you question
about every single thing

that you think you know,
and-and if you can't if you...

[Static hisses]

Yeah, it does
that sometimes.

Look, I'm just
trying to tell you,

if-if you can't
understand that...

What are you...?
Wait, where are you going?


Well, you look how I feel.


Ethan's mad at me.


I, uh...

I thought you
were gonna unpack.

Yeah, I was.
But I went to see Julie.

How'd that go?

Well, as well
as you'd expect.

She knows.


She knows about
the f*cking divorce, Jim.

She f*cking knows.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Oh, please
stop saying that.

What do you want me to say?

I don't know!

Say that-that you're...

That you're hurt,
that you're scared.

That this is all so f*cked that
you have no idea what to do,

because I am walking around,
reminding myself to breathe,

and every time
you talk about

how things are going to be okay,
it makes the rest of us feel

that we're doing
something wrong.

That's not fair!


I'm sorry, what part of the last
14 months have been fair?

[Jim] I'm tryin' to keep
a grip on things here.

It's not gonna do us any good
if we get hysterical.

No. You don't get to do that.

- I am not being hysterical.
- [Knocking on glass]

We wouldn't even be here
if we hadn't...

[Jim] What?

[Knocking on glass]

[Tabitha] Just forget it.

[Jim] Go ahead and say it.
Say it to my face.

[Tabitha] What was this trip
supposed to do, Jim?

What did you think
was gonna happen?

That we were gonna go
camping for a few days

and everything would just
magically get better?

[Jim] I'm sorry that I wasn't
just ready to cut and run.

[Argument continues
in distance]


What are you doing
out here?

We gotta go find him.

The boy?

Yeah. I mean,
he's been gone a long time,

and we need to ask him
why he's back.

I'm not supposed
to leave.

Oh, but you have to

'cause he chose you,

just like
he chose me once.

Like a quest?



But you can't take that.


Hm. No.

They're no good.

Those are for hospitals.

That's better.

These are for quests.

Don't you need one?

Well, I've got this.


Let's go.

You know, if you need
to say shitty things to me

in order to feel better
about what happened, fine.

I'm not having
this conversation.

Okay. In that case,
you're getting a sermon.

How 'bout Psalm 23,
from the book of

"Cut the Self-Pitying
Bullshit and Be a Leader."

Look, what happened to Lauren
and Meagan wasn't your fault.

Frank putting himself in
this box wasn't your fault.

None of this is really
about them, is it Boyd?

You're gonna want to be very,

very careful
about what you say next.

Or what?

You can't keep
punishing yourself, Boyd.

She wouldn't have wanted that.

Hey! Hey!
You are way the f*ck outta line!

You hear me?!
Way the f*ck outta line!

Before you got here,

I was burying more
people in a week

than you've seen die
in the last two years.

But you were the one
who found the talismans.

You created order
from chaos.

You made it possible for
people here to live again,

not just survive.

You saved this town, Boyd!

But the price you paid...

I can still see her face
when I close my eyes.


I can't even imagine
what it must be like for you,

and I wish you had the luxury of
grief, but you don't, Boyd.

These people need you.

We went three months
without a single death,

and there's been six
in the last three days.

People are scared. Okay?
The edges are starting to fray.

You need to be the one to tell
'em it's gonna be okay.

Look, you want to
use me as a punching bag?

You need a place to put all
your anger, all those regrets?


But they need you to be strong,
to hold this place together.

You need to be the one
to lead these people home.

'Cause if you don't...

she died for nothing.

And that's where
the sermon ends.


Come on. Come on.

[Victor] It's been so long
since he went away,

I started to think it
was just a dream.

The first time I saw him was
right before the two cars came.

Not your two cars.
The first two cars.

When was that?

Oh, it's been a while.

I wasn't much older
than you when they came.



You've been here
a pretty long time, huh?

I've been here
the longest.

For a long time there was
nobody else here but me.

How did you get here?

Mm. We shouldn't
talk about that.

What happened
to your parents?

I just said that we
shouldn't talk about it!


I used to have
a little brother.

His name was Thomas.

He died when
he was a baby.

Why'd you tell me that?

Because we're friends.

I don't want to know
that stuff.

Why not?

[Twigs snapping]

- Hey.
- What's the matter?




There he is.

We gotta go,
we gotta go.

[Exhales deeply]

Tabby, can we just
figure this out?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

I can't do that right now.

I really can't.
You know what?

I'm... I'm gonna take
Ethan to see Julie. Okay?

We'll talk later. Ethan!


Ethan, sweetie,
where are you?



Oh, my God, Jim!




[Ethan] Where did he go?

Look. A farway tree.

What is that?


What's supposed to happen?

Oh, could be nothing
or it could be...

H-how does it do that?

I don't know.
But guess what?

- What?
- It works for people, too.


Problem is

you never know
where you'll end up.

It could be somewhere close,
it could be somewhere far,

or it could be that you
end up stuck inside

a mountain somewhere.

They're temperamental
that way.

Are there more?

Oh, there's a bunch.

I've never seen
this one before.

So, now what do we do?

[Dog bark echoing]

- No.
- [Rock thuds]

[Dog bark echoing]


- [Dog bark echoing]
- No.


- [Gasping]
- [Ethan] What's wrong?

Don't you hear that?!

[Dog bark echoing]


Come on.
We... we gotta go. Come on.



[Jim] Ethan!



Oh, Jim.


[Dogs barking]


- What's happening?
- [g*n fires]

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Ethan!

[Ethan] Mom! Dad!

Ethan, come, come, come!

Honey, come on, come on!
Who is the guy?

Why are you with him?
Are you okay?

Let me see you.
Oh my God. Oh my God.

I warned you.

How's your leg? It's okay?

- [Jim] I warned you.
- Please.

I f*cking warned you.

I'm not a bad person.
I would never hurt anyone.

Dad, leave him alone!

Jim, he has a g*n.

[Victor] Sorry.

[Tabitha] Jim, let's go!
Let's go.


Jim, let's go!
He has a g*n.

Don't ever
leave the house.

Don't ever leave the house.













Not Sheriff.
Just Boyd.


Look, I don't mean
to be a...

I-I got a problem.

This-this guy Victor,
up at Colony House?

Right. Look, Victor is
one of Donna's people.

The way it works here,
with the townspeople

and Colony House...

No, I'm... I'm not talking about
the way it works around here.

I'm talking about this guy.
He's... he's taken my kid

to the woods,
he's drawn pictures for him...

Sorry about that.

I'll have a talk with Donna.

We'll make sure it
doesn't happen again.

Do you know he carries
a g*n in his lunchbox?


You may wanna
mention that to her.


Anyway, I'll let you...
get back to it.

Hey, Jim.

Listen, uh, look,

things around here
have been a little...

Been a lot crazy ever since
your family got here.

We have not had a chance
to get to know each other.

Let's change that.

What are you guys
doing for dinner?

- [Julie giggles]
- [Fatima] Hey. Watch out.

- I can't... [Giggle]
- Okay, this way.

Okay, my God.

I'm so scared right now.

Just a couple more steps.

Careful, careful.

Can I please see?

Just a second.


Okay. Now.
Oh my God.

Now, before
I take my hands off,

there's something
I want you to know, okay?


Okay. Julie, there are
no mistakes, just choices,

and you chose
what was right for you,

and that matters a lot.



[Clears throat]
Madam Julie,

behold - your very new
sleeping arrangements,

equipped with a cozy blanket
and your very own pillow.

Oh my...

Naming rights are optional.

But wait!
There's more!

Ah, there is more.

Let's see.

Curtains for privacy!

Oh my...

[Clears throat]
It's all yours.

[Julie] Thank you.

- [Laughs]
- Come on.

- Thank you.
- Go.

Well, come on,
try it out!

Oh my gosh!

- [Fatima] It's good, huh?
- [Julie] I love it!

thank you so much.

You don't need to thank us.
You belong here.

Yeah, you do.


so does this.

Oh, honey...



[Screaming continues]


Hamburger's good?

- Yeah!
- Yeah.

And Julie? How is, uh...

How is she?

Um, yeah, yeah,
she's... she's okay.

Sure Ellis will
take care of her.

Um, I've been meaning
to say thank you

for what you did
the other night.

Oh, yeah.

- [Tabitha] Thank you so much.
- My pleasure.

My pleasure. You know, the
people in this town, we are...

you know,
we take care of each other.

It's... It's like a family.

And, uh, given
the circumstances,

you guys are doing fine.

- Yeah.
- Okay, here we go.

Special delivery
for our newcomers.

Thank you.

We're VIPs.

Mm-hmm. I've never been
a VIP before.

So fancy!

Do you wanna help me bring
over the rest of the food?


Oh, you're walking better.

[Joni Mitchell's "Blue"
starts playing]


They... They do that sometimes.
It's just, uh...

Sheriff, can I, um...

Hey, would you guys
excuse me for a second?

I just need to have
a word with my deputy.

Of course.

♪ Crown and anchor me ♪

♪ Or let me sail away ♪

That summer in Texas.

♪ There is a song for you ♪

♪ Ink on a pin ♪

I'm sorry.

♪ Underneath the skin ♪

I'm sorry if I make
you feel like you're...

♪ An empty space to fill in ♪

I just don't know
what I'm doing

and I don't know
how to do that.

But I-I never, ever
meant to make you feel...

I just feel so...


- And I, uh...
- Hey. No, no, no. Hey.


We're gonna figure it out.

We're gonna
figure it out together.

♪ Everybody's saying that ♪

Don't worry.

♪ Hell's the hippest
way to go ♪

♪ Well, I don't think so ♪

Whatcha got there?

Sweet potatoes.


Sweet potatoes!
Let's try it.

Nice family.

Now, there you go.

[Tabitha] Come on.
It's really good. Try one.

Do you think they're good?



[Panicked breathing]


[Customers chattering in alarm]

[Ethan] Sara!

[Boyd] Hey.
Hey, hey!

Oh! Oh, no, no, no.
Okay, here!

Grab her... grab her arm,
grab her arm! Hold on, hold on!

[Indistinct chatter]

Come on! Hold on.
Hold on, baby girl.

Okay, Sara.

[Crows squawking]



What the hell are you doing?
You're freaking people out!

I was just trying to get
a head start this time.


