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01x09 - Into the Woods

Posted: 04/09/22 16:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on

Still can't
afford to buy a boat.

You know what they used
to call me in the army, right?

- Mr. Fish and Loaves.
- That's right! That's right!

No matter what the resources,
I would make it work.

- Dad!
- Oh!

to your worst nightmare.

It's Mom. I think this
place is starting to get to her.

You've been going out there
for weeks now,

and you're not seeing
what's happening here.

Help your Mom get everybody
secured, tucked away.

And when I get home tonight, we
will talk.

I promise.

The only way
for us to go home

is to wake everyone up.

Abby, stop!

I found something, s-something
I think is gonna help us.


No, no!

They're in the house!

We have to go.

Go where?
Where are we going?

You go first.

I'll follow you down.

We need to get to town.

No. We have to go to the trees.

You have to get inside.

The tree? No!

You'll be safe!

- What?
- I promise.

- Go, go!
- No, wait!

Find your brother.
I'll be right behind...

You went through
a Farway tree!

- Honey...
- What is going on?

What's happening?

We're digging a big hole
in the basement.

We're gonna find out where
the electricity comes from.

Is anybody out there?

All I got was some static,
but it worked.

I think if we get it up
over the tree line,

and we get it enough power,

I think we could
get a signal out.

How do you propose we
get up over the tree line?

We start by going
to the high ground.

If these voices
are real,

if something here is
communicating with you,

then that means you're
connected to this place

in a way that
no one else here is.

But we need proof.

What is this?

They said they
watched you bury the bag

and that this is proof
that they're real.

I have Sara tied up
in the basement of the church.

Tell me you're joking.

That girl may be the key
to unlocking all this.

That girl may be
the way we all go home.

Let's take a walk.

Where are we going?

Find our way home.

How do you know this
is the right way to go?

I don't.

I'm just following
my best hunch.

Based on what?

Based on that.

What is that?

I don't know.

No idea.

But it's, uh...
It's where I found these.


We're gonna camp out
here for the night.

But it's not dark yet.

Hey, look, this right here
is as far as I've ever gotten.

Once we go beyond this point,

we're in completely
uncharted territory,

and I'm not about to do
that two hours before dark.

We camp here. Go inside.

Will you at least
take these off?


I have to go to the bathroom.

Well, that's why
I cuffed you in front.

Don't go far.

Speaks Cantonese...

Hey, you.


I, uh, finished Chapter 6.

- Ah.
- You're up.

What do you think so far?

Well, it's not exactly
my favorite,

but I'm interested to see
how things turn out.

You think there's
gonna be a happy ending?

I don't know.
I guess we'll find out.

Get home safe, Sheriff.

You, too.

Great work today, everybody.

Come on in.

Hey, you okay?

Looking a little long
in the face.

Oh, uh, that's genetic.

Get a good sleep tonight.
The real work starts tomorrow.

Yes, ma'am.

So, livin' in a jail cell now,
that's quaint.

It's temporary.

Right. Until we get
this miraculous tower set up

and send our radio signal
out to Never land.

Cut the sh*t, all right?

Some of the folks in there need
something to feel good about.

Great. Let's play
make-believe. I'm game.

Tabby, are you hungry?
I made some dinner.

I'll be right up.

Ethan, I told you
to pick up the toys!

Can somebody grab that, please?


Grab the kids.
There's something's wrong.

Jim, answer me!


Oh, my God.

Car horn blaring...

"Que Sera, Sera Whatever Will
Be, Will be" plays...

Season 01 Episode 09

Episode Title: "Into the Woods"
Aired on: April 03 2022.

♪ When I was
just a little boy ♪

♪ I asked my father ♪

♪ "What will I be?" ♪

♪ "Will I be handsome?" ♪

♪ "Will I be rich?" ♪

♪ Here's what he said to me ♪

♪ "Que sera, sera" ♪

♪ "Whatever will be, will be" ♪

♪ "The future's
Not ours to see" ♪

♪ "Que sera, sera" ♪

♪ "What will be, will be" ♪

♪ Now
I have children of my own ♪

♪ They ask their father ♪

♪ "What will I be? ♪

♪ "Will I be pretty?" ♪

♪ "Will I be rich?" ♪

♪ I tell them tenderly ♪

♪ "Que sera, sera" ♪

♪ "Whatever will be, will be" ♪

♪ "The future's
Not ours to see" ♪

♪ "Que sera, sera" ♪

♪ "What will be, will be" ♪

♪ "Que sera, sera" ♪

He kept saying
he was fine.

He was making jokes
about the tower.


- Oh, that's backwards.
- Flip it.

Just make sure it's flush.

That's it.

Hey, Kenny.

Hey. Jade's all set up
in the kitchen, uh,

with the batteries, and, uh,

I think we've got enough wire
and cords now for the cable.

All right, well,
we're gonna need more material

if we wanna get this
tower up high enough.

Right. I'll send
people down to the barn.

I think there should
be plenty of wood there

for them to scavenge.

- All right.
- Cool.

Hey, how you doing?

Had a rough morning.

Is, uh...
Is Eric with you?

I need him to go
on a supply run.

Eric's not coming.


Mind if I join you?

I would not mind at all.


You hear about Eric?



I-I didn't
see that one coming.

It's weird, you know, this
radio might actually work,

and as amazing as that is...

I think part of me...

I think the idea
that it might work

is scarier than
the idea that it won't.

What do you mean?

I keep thinking...

"How do we go back now?"

After everything we've seen,
some of the things we've done,

how do we just...

And even if we can
go back, how do...

I'm not sure we can
ever really go home.

We're not the same
people anymore.

You know, when my dad...

came back home
from Afghanistan,

he said that that
coming home from w*r is like...

it's like traveling
from another planet.

And then
when you come back,

you can't tell if
everything is different

than it was when
you left it or... or...

...or if it's you,

if you're the one
that's changed.

What's it gonna be like for us?

This is the only place
we've ever known together.

I'll be right back.

Where you going?

Go find a sharper Kn*fe.

This one's
just taking forever.

Hold up a sec.

What are you doing?

Making sure we
find our way back.

All right, let's go.

How do you know
it's not just like the road?

What's that?

It just goes
in one big loop

and then brings
you back to town.

How do you know this
isn't the same?

How do you know we
won't just walk and...

walk and walk,

and then end up right back
in town where we started?

I don't.

Guess we'll see.

Let me ask you a question.

You say those voices told you

that k*lling those people
would get everyone home.

You ever stop to think
that maybe they were lying?

I don't want to talk about that.
- Wait, wait, wait.

I think, if we're gonna start

each other's decisions,
then that seems like

a fair question to ask.

So, what is it?
What exactly

did they tell you that made you
willing to k*ll that little boy?

You wouldn't understand.

Try me.

They told me...

that those people were coming.

They told me that there
would be two cars!

And they said that if
I didn't do what they said...

Then what?

If you didn't do
what they said, then what?

Hey, let me explain to you
again how this works.

I say jump, you jump.

I ask you a question,
then you g*dd*mn answer...

They said my brother
would die, okay?!

They said that
if I didn't do it,

that he would die,
that everyone would die!

Why didn't you
just put me in the box?

I don't know!
I thought...


I've seen this town
make good people...

do bad things.

Let's keep moving.

I don't understand.

Ethan said
he thinks it's a puzzle.

No, not a puzzle.

A story.

They all fit together
and tell a story.

And once we
figure out the story,

we'll know what to do next.

That's how it works.

Yeah, um, I think
we should stop seeing these.

But we have to.

We can't finish the quest unless
we figure out the story.

I'm not scared,
I promise.

I know.

Do you think Dad's
tower's gonna work?

I don't know. I mean, we'll just
have to wait and see.

Where do you
think this one goes?

Oh, yeah, this is super healthy.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Okay.

Okay. We should...
We should stop.

Um, maybe we should
play another game.

What kind of game?



A game called
"When I get home, I..."

And we just say whatever
we're looking forward to

the most about getting home.

I'll start.

When I get home, I...

I will go to Giovelli's

and I will order...

everything on that menu.

Maybe two of everything
on the menu.

Your turn, Jules.

This is stupid.

Oh, come on, Jules.


When I get home,
I'm going to, um...

I'm gonna call my friends and...

I'm just gonna call them.

What about you?

When I get home, I...

I want us to be happy,
like we are here.

We never play games
around the table at home.

Okay, look,

most of these batteries are way
past their expiration date.

All right, we've got the
newer batteries from my car

and that giant lunchbox that
you guys were driving, but...

even those'd drain
in a couple of hours.

We need something that'll
keep this running for days

or weeks, right? Not hours.

What we do is we-we
take the batteries,

we put 'em in the cars
and then we just run the cars

to recharge them.

And then what?
Burn how much fuel?

Look, the point is,
you're either burning out

one vital resource or another,

which would be fine if this
was guaranteed to work,

but let's be honest,
man, it probably won't!

Hey. Keep it down.

Has anyone seen Victor?

Look, if you would just
take a look at the symbol.

Open the book!

What is wrong with you?

We have a legitimate chance here
to go home and you're...

You know what?
Just go.

Go, go find Victor.

Do whatever you want.

I'll stay here, and I'll
figure this out myself.

There's nothing to figure out.
There's no power source.

Jim, this isn't
Gilligan's Island.

You're not gonna build a radio
with palm leaves and coconuts.

Maybe you're not as smart
as you think you are.


What do you want?

I, uh...
I heard what happened.

You okay?

Not my bathroom
the assh*le hung himself in.

Shouldn't you be out there

rounding up supplies
or building a spaceship

or some sh*t?

I'm just saying, if...

if you
want someone to talk to...

Oh, so, now you're sheriff,

you're gonna start
doling out words of wisdom?

One thing I always
appreciated about Boyd

is he minded his own business.

Well, I'm gonna take a few
people down to the barn,

salvage some more wood
for the tower.

Maybe if you want to...

come with us or...
I don't know.

You want wood?

We got plenty of wood.

Where are you going?

Let's get wood!


Come on!

I'm saving you a trip!


Donna! Hey!



Donna! Hey!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Hey!
- Donna, wait, wait, wait!

Oh, calm the f*ck down!
I'm not a f*ckin' psycho.

You said we needed wood?
Let's get wood.


Donna, please.

Better here than any of
that half-rotten sh*t

you're gonna pull off the barn.

You gonna get her to stop
or you want me to?

Donna, stop! We need...
We need this place intact.

For what? Huh?

We're all going home, right?

We don't need
this place anymore.

Your glorious tower's
gonna get us all home.

No need to keep
this place standing.

It's not a home anymore.
It's a f*cking tomb!

The f*ck!


Look, can we please...

Can we please just take
a minute and let's...

f*ck off!

Aw, f*ck!

Oh, f*ck.
Oh, f*ck.

It was nice that Ellis came
to see you before you left.

I'm sure he appreciates
what you're doing.

I heard the story about what
happened with your wife,

what you had to do.

We're not gonna talk
about that.

That's okay.

We don't have to. It's...

It's just, in some ways...

you remind me of Nathan.

I mean, you're a lot
more gruff than he was.

But... you always put other
people's needs before your own.

That's how he ended up here.

I don't think he'd like
what we're doing now.

And why is that?

Nathan had a theory
about this place.

If we tried to leave,
if we pushed too hard,

then something
would push back.

What is that?

I don't know.

Are you sure it was
coming from this direction?

Let's go.

I thought you said no one
had been out this far before.


What are you doing?

Look, there's
something inside them.

We gotta get one down.

Just, uh...

Are you sure
that's a good idea?

Maybe we should...

Hey, what's wrong?



Whoa, Sara.


Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, you're okay.

- You're okay.
- Ow!

Look at me, Sara.
You're okay.

No! No!

What's going on?

Sara! Sara!

I can hear them!
I can...

No, no. Talk to me.

Talk to me. Talk to me.

No, no, no, no!

No! No!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Don't, don't! No, no!

No. Sara?
No, no, no. Okay.

No, Sara! Sara! Hey!

How's the magic
tower coming?

You know, all the time
I've been here,

this is first you've
set foot in this place.

Because you serve piss water.
Your distilling is for sh*t.

At least here,
I can be alone.


Kinda feels like
a banner day today.

Feel like
I'm holding court.

You mind
giving us a second?


I'll leave this here.

Give me a holler
if you need anything, okay?

Are you okay?

Donna, I know you're
upset about Eric,

but there's
nothing you could have...

Oh, for f*ck's sake,
it's not about that.

Eric punched his own ticket.

Kid's got a right to
go out the way he wants.

Why don't you just
f*ck off and leave me be.

Go back to your
little fantasy land.

You don't think
the tower's gonna work.

Do you?

I think it might.
I think it's worth trying.

And what happens
when you fail?

Then we try again.


No, ya stupid little sh*t.

That's the point.
You don't try again,

because you got
people's hopes up,

you made them believe.

You take that away now
and they're lost,

they give up,
and then they f*cking die.

'Cause it isn't some
grade-school softball game

where everyone gets
a participation medal.

You don't know!

You don't remember
what it was like before

because you weren't here.

You wanna know
what I'm grieving?

I'm grieving the loss of what
we almost made this place.

I'm grieving the fact that,
for a little while,

this place almost felt like
something that could work.

I am grieving the fact that
you guys are so caught up

in playing Mr. f*cking Wizard
that you can't see

what this place is
gonna become when you fail.

So, what are
we supposed to do?

What are we supposed to do?

Just sit here
and not try to go home?

Live in a place where
those things come to hunt us

every single night?

Oh, God, the f*ck...

Why not?

At least here,
the monsters have the decency

to show you what they are.

I know you guys from town
look at Colony House

and figure it's all just
drinking and f*cking.

But it was more than that.

It was special.

All those people from
all those different places,

different lives,
everyone living together.

For all the fear

and all the
monsters-in-the-forest bullshit,

there was something,

there was a joy in that house.

For a little while, anyways.

And, like most things,
none of us appreciated it

nearly as much as we should
have, and now it's f*cking gone.

I'm sorry.


Me, too.

Look, I'm gonna put
my game face

back on tomorrow,

and we'll give
that tower a sh*t.

But you have to be prepared for
the fallout if it doesn't work.

And if it does work...

I think you'll find there's
more you're gonna miss

about this place
than you thought.

That kinda day, huh?

Just ironing out a few wrinkles,
that's all.


Where's Jade?

He's, uh...
I don't know.


Donna did a number
on the floor.


She knows how to wield an axe,
I'll give her that.

Well, better
get back to it.

So, we got that coil
for the CB that you needed,

and we should have enough
wire stripped for the cord.

That's great.

Is it?

Well, yeah.
I mean, look,

I'm not gonna stand here and
pretend that it was a great day.

These are setbacks,
nothing more.

Look, you got what we
need for the radio,

tower's almost finished,
and I'm gonna figure this out.


Well, that
I don't know.

But one thing you learn as an
engineer: There's always a way.

We will figure this out.



Are you okay?

Eric was a friend.

Oh God, I'm...
I'm sorry.

I-I didn't know that
you guys were close.

He had celiac disease,

so he came to the clinic a lot.

He was always bloated
and dehydrated.

I kept telling him
to stop eating bread.

But he always said things like,
"I'm already in shitsville,

"now you want me
to give up carbs?"

He just had this way
about him, you know?

He was one of the people that,
when I first got here, he...

just made it a lot easier.

And now he's gone, so...

Hey, Kristi...

Look, I know you've had
a hard time lately,

and that this tower
means a lot to everybody,

and you feel like it's
your responsibility now...

- Kristi, I...
- But I just need you

to promise me, okay?

If it falls apart,
if you fall apart,

just promise me,
you'll come to me,

you'll talk to me,

you'll let me help.

I promise you.

Hey, I promise you.

Come here.
Come on.

It's okay.

People just don't
understand what it's like.

I mean, it's not like
you can take a nickel

and suddenly make it
worth 10 cents!

Aw, it doesn't matter.
You know why?

Because Jade is a genius.
Jade'll figure it out. You...

Let me tell you something,

you have no idea
how much pressure that is,

to be the one that everybody

just assumes can fix a...

an unfixable problem!

Oh, and then...

Then, you've got
Mr. Tea Cups sauntering in

with his big white horse
and his blue eyes and his,

"Oh, don't smoke weed,
you degenerate."

Fine, fine.
You know what? Fine.

You think you can fix this?
Go ahead! Fix it!

I'm just dying
to see how it's done. Ha!

Speaks Cantonese...

You so much complain!

Complain, complain!

Stop complain!

- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.

You need electric?


The problem is you can't
plug anything in.

I mean, it'd be one thing
if it was just,

you know, like a pan we
could throw on the stove.

God knows,

whatever's coming up through
those wires is still...

Holy sh*t.
I know how to do it.


We're down here!


How did it go
with the tower?

Uh, good.

I think things are
really shaping up.

You're a pretty bad liar.

I'll add that to the list.

It's gonna work.

The tower,
it's gonna work.

What's got you
feeling so optimistic?

I don't know.

I was just thinking about
something Ethan said.

What was that?

What if we were
supposed to come here?

I don't know, it's weird, but...

back home,
we never talked anymore.

We just...

And now,
we're together again,

like, we're really together.

And it's...

it's like Fatima said to me
on my first night,

"If you climb up high enough,

even a nightmare can
look like a dream."

Wise words.

So, how about you forget about
your tower for a little while

and come help us dig our hole?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, it's okay.
It's okay. Come on.

It's okay.
It's okay. Come on.

There, there you go.

There you go.

I wasn't sure you'd wake up.

Where are we?

Don't worry. We're safe.

Is that...?

Oh, yeah.

I, uh...
finally managed to get one down,

and, uh... this was inside.

What does it say?


That's it.

And, from what I could tell,

every bottle up there seems
to have a slip of paper

just like this.

I think we should go back.


The voice I heard,

it was different this time.

It was a woman and...

and she was screaming.

She said...

She said that she was wrong,

that we shouldn't have come,
that there are things out here

that are worse
than the monsters.

She kept saying...

She kept saying what?

I don't know.

It doesn't make any sense.

She kept saying,

"Tell Mr. Fish and Loaves

that I was wrong."


What is that?

I don't know.

What's happening?

I don't know.

There's drawings of scarecrows

and bogeymen, giant spiders.

This is definitely a quest.

What is it?

Keep digging, keep digging!

I think I hit the bottom.

Oh, my God.

Here, here.
Let me help.


Get in!

Are you... are you...

Hey, where's the talisman?

W-Where's the talisman?


We shouldn't have come here.


We're okay. We're okay.


I don't think we are.