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01x01 - Just Add Magic

Posted: 04/13/22 08:50
by bunniefuu
[Crickets chirping]

[Spooky music]

[Crow caws]

It's time.

- Butter.
- Butter.

- Egg.
- Egg.




Both: darbie.


We're cooking,
not contaminating.

I was just doing
chocolate quality control.

Chocolate is chocolate.

Not true. There are
all kinds of chocolate,

And for this recipe,
we need it to be

% Cacao from belgium.

Wow. That's precise.

Grandma always says,
"perfection's in the details."


Now she hardly says anything.

It's okay.
I'm okay.

I just miss the old grandma.

Well, having her favorite
cooking companion bake

For her birthday might just be

The magic
she needs to feel better.

I want the brownies
to be perfect.

I've never cooked
for her before.

They're gonna be perfect.

[Cell phones beeping]

All: charlotte.

Ladies, congratulations. If you're receiving this text,

It's because you
don't completely stink

And might actually
make the team tomorrow.

As a reminder, double dribbles are lame for the game,

- And when in doubt--
- all: pass the ball out.

on her, not the ball.

- She's a little much.
- A little?

She's not even captain yet.

Technically, she hasn't even
made the team yet.

And neither will we
if we don't practice.

Holy banana pants,
we've barely practiced.

We're dead.

- [Sniffing]
- [gasps]

Buddy quinn!

Put your face and hands
where we can see 'em.

- Like this?
- [All gasp]

- Don't you dare.
- Or what?

- No!
- [All shriek]

Buddy! Ow.


Buddy, get back here.

Come back.

- Buddy?
- Buddy.

[All shriek]

Buddy, you're in
an out-of-bounds zone.

You're breaking parent code,
and, officially, so am i.

I see why.

It's creepy.

Is anybody else creeped out?

Just me?


Roller skate.

- Close one.
- [Sneezes]

- sh**t.
- Gotcha.

[All scream]

No, you don't!

Holy banana pants.

What is it?

It's a cookbook.

My grandma's.

Which one is she?

The one in the middle.

- Who are the other two?
- I don't know,

But I bet they were
my grandma's darbie and hannah.

Grandma and I never
made any of these recipes.

"Chipper chocolate chip

"Lazy lasagna,"

"Shut 'em up shortcake."

Weird names, right?

Someone can call their cake
whatever they want to,

As long as it's cake,

- And I get to eat it.
- [Laughter]

- [Cell phones beeping]
- all: charlotte.

Breathe, hannah.
We're gonna practice.

What about
the birthday dessert?

- It's ruined.
- No, buddy's brownie disaster

Was a happy accident.

- A sign.
- You're right, it is a sign.

I'm supposed to bake one
of my grandma's secret recipes.

Shut 'em up shortcake?

- Done.
- Yes.

We're gonna need
"cedronian vanilla."

- Do you have that?
- No.

but I bet I know who does.

- [Bells jingle]
- kelly quinn!

Long time, no see.
Come in. Eat.

Jake made empanadas.

Try them, then tell me
mine are better.

There's no way
anybody's empanadas

Are better than mama p's.

These are better
than mama p's.

Ha, well, don't tell her.

- Now, give me
the breakdown, kel.
- Okay.

I taste chicken,
mushrooms, serrano...

- Ooh, and tarragon.
- Mm...

No, not tarragon,
it's roasted cumin.

- Nice.
- Cooking's in my blood.

Ahem. Hate to break up
this little cooking showdown,

But we have a vanilla sitch.

- Oh, how can I help?
- Cedronian vanilla?

Stumped me. I don't think
there's such a thing as ced--

So what are you baking?

- Shortcake for my grandma.
- Oh, so thoughtful.

It's uncanny how much
you're becoming like her.

I wish she was more like her.

So how much for the vanilla?

No, no.
It's on the house.

Thank you.

For your
grandma's birthday.

Wait, how did you know
it was her birthday?

Come on.
We got to go.

[Crow cawing]

I hate this shortcut.

Is she sitting on her porch
being creepy?

I'm not gonna look.

Fine. I'll look.

- No, we're good.
- Okay.

[All scream]

Hi, ms. Silvers.

Awesome hedge work.

- It's a topiary.
- Okay.

We need to go.

- Let's go.
- Come on, let's go.

- Add one cup of flour.
- One cup coming up.

Nailed it.

Darbie, you just
won trash ball.

What are you
going to do next?

Help kelly and hannah bake?

I thought I was helping by being
the official taste taster.

But I guess if you need me
to do everything...

Just add one teaspoon
of cedronian vanilla.

Hit me.

[Dramatic choral music]

♪ ♪

Can you be any closer
to the cake?

Yes, but then
I'd be eating it,

And, well, I'm restraining
myself on behalf of a birthday.

Uh, guys?

I think we missed
some fine print.

"Be warned, whenever
adding cedronian spice,

Whatever results
will come with a price."

I'm new to this,

But do recipes
normally come with warnings?

No, they do not.

True, but no one's ever
complained about anything

My grandma's made.

Yeah. My dad entered
the pie-eating contest at school

Just to eat her pie
with his face.

- [Car horn honking]
- and that's him.

I gotta go, but bring me
a piece tomorrow.

It'll be my reward
after I crush it in tryouts.

And darbie o'brien
sets the world record

- For the best miss. Ha!
- Both: whoo!

- Yeah! Robot!
- I saw that.

She didn't.

Okay, what's
going on with you?

I didn't say anything.

You don't have to.
It's me.

I know when something's up.

What's wrong?

I'm afraid darbie's not
gonna make the team.

I mean, do you see all that?

So her sh*t's a little off.

She'll hustle on defense.


But we needed to practice.

She needed to practice, and if
she doesn't make the team--

- She's gonna make the team.
- And if she doesn't,

Things are gonna change.

We're not all
gonna be together.

Because we'll be on the team,
and she won't.

What are you doing?
You can't do that.

I just did.

Now shut up and take
your shortcake home.

It's gonna be okay.

[Upbeat music]

I was a little concerned when
the smoke detector went off,

But dinner tasted great, dad.

That's because
mom got takeout

After dad
b*rned the chicken.

I forgot to
spray the pan.

Or turn off the oven.

It's okay.
You're still cute.

Well, at least
the cooking skills

Only skipped one generation,
right, mom?

It's cake time!
I want to carry it.

- No! Buddy!
- Be careful.

- Hey, hey, hey.
- Knock it off.

No, buddy, I made it!

Watch out-- oh! Oh.

- Oh!
- You guys!

Not again, buddy!


Five second rule!

- It's okay, it's still good!
- Hey, buddy.

- Ugh.
- Okay.

Grandma can still eat it.
She doesn't care.

Shut up, buddy!
She does care!

Hey, hey, knock it off.
It's grandma's birthday.

Come on, buddy.
It's gonna take

A lot of paper towels
to clean up this mess.

Forget the paper towels.

I'm getting you the mop.

Buddy, exit, stage left.

Sorry we spoiled
your birthday.

I wanted you to
have the perfect day
and the perfect cake,

So you could taste
how much I love you.

I wanted you to see
that all those years

Of teaching me how to cook
wasn't a waste.

I even used a recipe
from your old cookbook

That I found in the attic.

Shut 'em up shortcake.

Kelly, no.

What did you do?

you're talking!

Listen to me.

I need you to trust
your instincts.





Trust my instincts?

What does that mean?

"Memory-enhancing macaroons,"

"Nighty-night noodles,"

"Shut 'em up shortcake."

My instincts say
to go to sleep.

[Foreboding music]

♪ ♪


- [Crow caws]
- [wings flutter]

Bye, dad. Wish me luck.
Tryouts are today.

Okay, kid.
Break a leg.

- It's not a play, dad.
- Right.

Uh, sub in appropriate sports
"good luck" saying.


Buddy, get a move on,
or you're gonna be late.

[No audio]

- What, are you sick?
- Aha.

I guess I did shut you up.

[No audio]

[Dog barking in background]

You can't talk at all?

Buddy can't talk.
He ate the shortcake,
and now he can't talk.

I think the shortcake
shut him up.

I don't think so.

I ate some of it this morning,
and I'm fine.

Right. Right.

Buddy was sneezing.

- He's just sick.
- Yeah.

Hey, guys,
how's it going today?

I'm fantastic. Woke up at :
without the alarm clock,

Thank you very much,
and I'm not a morning person.

[Gasps] wow, you guys
both look really cute today.

Hey, did you bring
some of that shortcake?

I've been thinking
about it all morning--

Darbie! Stop.

That's the thing.
I can't.

Couldn't even stop while
I was brushing my teeth.

Swallowed a lot of toothpaste.

I'm laughing right now,
but I'm actually

Really concerned that
something's wrong with me.

- Mm!
- Okay.

Maybe this does have something
to do with the cake.

Kelly, tell darbie
what happened with buddy.

Buddy can't--

[No audio]

Now you can't talk?

Guys, I don't think this
cookbook is just a cookbook.

- I mean, last night it glowed.
- It glowed?

How did it take you this long
to mention glowing?

Oh, my gosh, should we tell
someone? I'm thinking no.

We should definitely keep it
a secret, which is gonna

Be really hard for me,
since I can't stop talking.

I guess I'll just
talk about something else.

Like, did anyone else notice
that jimmy got his braces off?

Hey, jimmy,
do your teeth feel slimy?

What if this is permanent?

I just don't get it.

I mean, I get that you
and buddy got shut up,

But why is it
that I can't stop talking?

I was asked to leave
two of my classes today,

And one of them was
public speaking, you know--

The inscription.


"Be warned,
when adding cedronian spice,

Whatever result
will come with a price."

You're the one who added
the cedronian vanilla.

Computer voice: o.m.g. You're paying the price.

By not being able to shut up?

"All that's left is adding
the vanilla, darbie."

This is what happens
when I participate.

Next time
you ask me to do something--

[Whistle blows]

All right, ladies.
Here we go.

Day one of tryouts.

We'll start with some warm-ups,
all right?

Now, charlotte, you were team
captain last year. Lead the way.

All right, girls,
form two passing lines.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

are you chewing gum?

Spit it out.

But-- but I need this gum.
Not because I have bad breath.

Gum, that's what kills

The foundation of bad breath.
But that's not the root
of my problem.

My problem involves talking,
and talking involves--

- [Screams]
- oh!

- Ow!
- Oh, darbie.

Darbie, are you okay?

No, it's my acl or my mcl

Or something else
from the cl family.

It hurts.
It really, really hurts.

Bite down on this.

For the pain.

All right.
Let's get you up, kiddo.

You can limp this off.

All right. We'll get you
to the school nurse.

Here we go,
nice and easy.

[Mouth full]
it doesn't hurt that much.


Spoiler alert:
she's gonna live.

So get back to work.

Uh-huh. You're never
gonna say it, so I will.
I blew it.

While I was laid up
and jibber-jabbering

In the nurse's office, you two
were crushing it on the court.

And now I'm broke
and busted.

There's nothing left to do but
put me out to pasture, ladies.

I can't turn this around
by tomorrow, so just promise me

You're not gonna become
best friends with charlotte

When I don't make the team
and i--

You're gonna make the team.

And you're gonna
get your voice back.

Really? Because I think I have a permanent case

Of lauren glitters.



This is all my fault.

My grandma told me to
trust my instincts,

But now you're laid up,
you can't talk,

And buddy's on mute.

[Video game sound effects]

How you doing, little man?

I'm sorry you're sick,

And I'm sorry I got so mad
at you yesterday.

I said I hated you, but...

You're my little brother,

And I love you, always.

Even when I'm mad at you.


Yeah, okay.


Wait, what?

You can talk?

I can?

I can, I can talk!

I can talk!

♪ I can talk,
I can talk ♪

♪ I can talk ♪

Buddy got his voice back!

Good for him.

[All shriek]


Does this mean
I can stop talking?

Oh, that was glorious.

So is this.

Desk, posters,
drawers, lamp...

Super excited to talk,
but nothing to say?

Okay, I'm good.

Not that I'm not happy
this happened,

But why did this happen?

Maybe the magic
only lasts for a day.

But I ate the shortcake
way after buddy,

And we got our voices back
at the same time.

I guess it just wears off,

- Which means...
- We dodged a b*llet.

We can do another one.

Wait, do another one?
No way.

We should burn that cookbook.

Yeah, absolutely.
Right after we fix
darbie's leg.

Darbie's leg would be fine
if it wasn't for the cookbook.

So should we use the fire pit
or the fireplace?

Can you think of another way
to get darbie on the team?

[Crow caws in distance]

"Hazelnut healing tart."

It's like the book knew.

Are you feeling
the creepy now?

This is real.

We have to be careful.

Just one more time.

[Mysterious music]

♪ ♪


All we have left is a teaspoon
of cedronian vanilla.

So who's gonna pay the price?

- I'll do it.
- We don't have to do this.

We can stop now.

- [Knock on door]
- [all scream]

You guys okay?

Okay, well, mama p wanted me
to give you these cocoa nibs.

She said they'd be great
on tarts.

- What are you making?
- A tart.

♪ Creepy ♪

Uh, well, it smells good.
How's it taste?

- All: no, don't!
- It's not for you.

Mm, that is good.

What happened to your leg?

Basketball injury.
What happened to your hand?

Occupational hazard.
I was grilling some
sweet short ribs,

And let's just say
something got b*rned.

your hand?

Uh, yeah.

But it's no big deal.
Looks worse than it is.

Huh, it's already starting
to feel better.

Holy banana pants.

Save me a piece of that tart.


Are we adding these?

You know my policy
on chocolate. I like it.

Could be good,

But my gut says to stick
with grandma's recipe.

Bet you it's gonna happen
the minute you take your
mind off it.

Easier said than done.

- Uh, problem.
- What's wrong?

I can't move my arm.


Hey, it worked!

Yeah, it worked.

But this is bad.
This is really bad.

It's gonna be okay.

We knew there'd be a price.

Didn't know
it'd be so expensive,

But...i can roll with it.

Can you? You still
have to try out tomorrow.

Oh, man, kelly.
I'm so sorry.

- This is all my fault.
- It's not.

I'll figure something out.

You focus on getting
on the team,

And I'll focus on...

My one-handed pass.


♪ So come a little closer ♪

♪ There was something
I could tell ya ♪

♪ You were
such a roller coaster ♪

♪ And a k*ller queen, you ♪

♪ ♪

Come on, madison.
You can move faster than that.

It's okay.

You were hustling out there.

♪ Roller coaster ♪

♪ I don't say no ♪

♪ Roller coaster ♪

♪ When you don't say no ♪

♪ And it's such
a roller coaster ♪

♪ Some k*ller queen you are ♪

♪ ♪

You always have to keep
your head in the game, o'brien.

So do you, charlotte.

♪ Some k*ller queen
you are ♪

♪ Roller coaster ♪

Nice sh*t, darbs.

[Whistle blows]

Okay, here we go.

This year's team will be:
nick, jason, zach--

Those are boys' names.

that's the detention list.

Okay, here we go.

Allison, sarah, nicole,

Charlotte, kelly, madison,

Sophie, hannah, carina,

- And darbie.
- [All shriek]

Thank you,
everyone who tried out.

And for this year's
team captain,

I'm going with kelly quinn.

- What?
- What?

I really like the way
you supported your teammates.

This year, I want to focus on
how we can motivate each other,

On and off the court.

Now, when you leave here today,
try to think about how you can--

Trust your instincts.

Coach, I'm honored
that you thought of me

To lead the team.

But the truth is,
being a leader's tough

And requires trusting
one's instincts.

And no one's instincts
for the game

Are better than charlotte's.

She motivates us
on and off the court.

Maybe more off the court
via text.


The point is, there's
a method to her madness,

And she should be captain.

[All giggling]



Charlotte's captain.

See you tomorrow at practice.


That was...nice.

Yeah, well, you deserved it.

For what it's worth, you
would have made an okay captain.

I'll take that.

Whoo, nice!

Kelly, whatcha thinking?


Come on.
It's us.

We know when something's up.

I just feel like everything
that happened

Was meant to happen,
you know?

Finding the book,
cooking the recipes--

Every cause had an effect.

It's like...

It was destiny.

This is getting heavy.

I just know that whatever's
going on with grandma

Has something
to do with the book.

Like, maybe, just maybe...

She's under a spell.

But our spells wore off.

No. They were broken.


The fine print--
it's always in the fine print.

It says, "what's been done

"You can undo
with a noble act

From a heart that's true."

Oh, after you apologized
to buddy, we could talk.

And when you made
charlotte captain,

Your arm worked again.
It's simple.

But I don't think
it's that simple.

I think there's
more to unlock.

Don't say it.

We need to keep cooking.

We have to save my grandma.

[Mysterious music]

♪ ♪

[Crow caws]

What are you
doing here?

It's happening again.

You leave
those girls alone.

[Crow cawing]