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01x05 - Just Add Jake

Posted: 04/13/22 08:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

Maybe Grandma wanted us
to find these.

It looks like
a couple pages

have been
ripped out of the book.

This must be
your rightful place,
with me.

Magic cookbook?

Yeah, we hide it
in the crock pot

in the cabinet
under the island.

A magic cookbook.

This I gotta hear.



No. No.



No. No!



Kelly. What's going on?

Mom, did you--
did you use the crock pot?

No, I didn't, honey.
Everything okay?

Yeah, things just...
aren't where they should be.

Okay, well,
I assume you're gonna

put this all away
when you're done?

Where is it?

[school bell ringing]

I can't find
the cookbook.

Please tell me
you have it.



when we ate
the Truth Truffles,

we might have told Jake
about the cookbook.

Whoa. What exactly
did you say?

Just the exact location
of the cookbook.

You guys.

Okay, people,
take your seats and
open your minds.

I have big news.

We're finally having
class outside?

No, Darbie, but thank you for
suggesting it so frequently.

The Booster Club
has identified two
under funded clubs

to compete for the chance
to win new equipment.

Two student finalists
will deliver speeches,

and debate each other,

until finally,
the school votes
for the winner.

Join me in congratulating
our very own,

- Seth.
- [applause]

- And Hannah.
- [applause]

Seth will compete for
new robotics equipment.


And Hannah represents
the Music Club,

and their quest for
a new piano.

I'd like to thank
my spirit guide,

Mr. Steve Jobs,
for inspiring me

to always be better than
everyone around me.


A speech in front of
the entire school?

I get stage fright
ordering my lunch.

I know.
You always have me
do it for you.

He's gonna be
tough to beat.

Robots are so cool.

What Darbie
means to say is

we're here for you.

I know on the surface,
music isn't as cool as

but a robot
can't make you feel
as deeply as a song can.

Well, if the robot
was playing the song,

Never mind.

Hey. You got this,

Just speak from
the heart.

Robots don't have hearts.

Don't forget
your punch card.

Buy nine lunches,
and get the th free.

- Thank you.
- Jake.

How many times do I
have to tell you,

you are not allowed
to sell your food here.

Not true.
Section . of the
student handbook

states that a student
may sell food items

as long as the money
goes to support
an after school club.

This food bike
directly supports the
Rockbury Cooking Club.

Yeah, a club that
consists of you.

It's a rebuilding year.

Well, let's see what
Principal Collins
has to say about this.

Oh, I'll ask him.

As soon as I deliver him
one of my famous five cheese
Rock-n-Roll Ups.

He loves 'em.

Hey, you guys hungry?

There's a
half off discount
for friends.

Did you,
by any chance--

Did you take
my cookbook?

Excuse me?

My Grandma's cookbook.
It's missing.

And we told you
exactly where we keep it.

the magical cookbook?

You think I took it?

You're the only one
we told.

I didn't take it.

Well, did you tell
anyone else about it?

Just Mama P.

But we didn't
take it seriously.

Why would you tell
Mama P, of all people?

Why wouldn't I tell her.
I don't see the big deal.

Jake, you don't


I can't talk to people
who don't trust me.

I'm outta here.

Well, don't leave,

We're sorry.

I don't think
Jake has it.

It must have been
Mama P.

Agreed. Mama P has
all the magical ingredients,

and she knew
where it was hidden.

So what are we gonna do?

It's not like we can just
walk in there and take it.

We really need
an inside man.

You mean like
the guy we just insulted?

I feel terrible.

But maybe if Jake
could see the magic
in action,

he'd be
willing to help us.

I don't know.
He seemed pretty mad.

We have to prove to him
that we're not crazy.

How are we gonna do that
without the cookbook?

Students in fully funded
music programs

score percent higher
in English,

and percent higher in--

Blowing bubbles
out of their noses.


Are you two
even listening?

Sorry, I've just been
pre-occupied with Jake.

You really need to
jazz this up.

Robots. Mars.
The future.

That's what you're
up against.

You're not exactly
helping my confidence.

Do you think I used
too many stats
on pages , , and .

The missing pages.

The ones that came back with
the Lost and Foundue spell.

Yeah. We do have
access to magic.

These pages are
really damaged.

Some of the words
are missing.

I know it's risky,
but we have to do it
for Grandma.

We won't give Jake
anything we wouldn't
try ourselves.

- Agreed?
- Agreed.

No, I don't agree.

I don't want to
eat anything

that could sabotage
my speech.

Hey, these cheddar biscuits
call for Carnejian Cayenne.

Isn't that one of
the spices we have
in Grandma's stash?

Good eye, Darbie.

It's fate.
We should make these.

Okay, fine.

But, can we
practice my speech
while we cook?

Of course.
We can do both.



There's no warning
to this recipe.

Maybe there's no downside.

There's never not been
a downside.

Only one way to find out.


Music is my life.
It's my everything.

And I want you all
to experience

the power of it
for yourselves.

So vote for music,

because a vote for music
is a vote for your soul.


I really felt it
that time.

Yeah. You're so
gonna nail it.

Hey, Jensen.

Hey, Hannah.

Here are the strings
that you ordered.

Oh, and good job
making the Booster finals.

You heard about that?

Mr. Evans told me.

He also said that the piano
hasn't been replaced

since I went
to school there,

and, uh,
it was old back then,

so good luck.

I'll do my best.


Music is important.

Keeps you
out of trouble.

you could learn a lot
from Miss Silvers here.

At your age,
she played Carnegie Hall.


It was a long time ago.

I'd love to hear you
play this sometime.

I don't see that happening.

It's such a shame.

She could have been
one of the greats.

What happened?

No one knows.

One day she just...

stopped playing
in public.


Here to accuse me of
stealing something else?

No, and I'm really sorry
about yesterday.

I know you don't believe me,

but will you at least
look for the cookbook
at Mama P's?

I won't spy on Mama P.

I'm telling you, Jake,

ever since
I found that book,

weird things
have been happening.

I can prove it to you.

These biscuits...

aren't regular biscuits.



If I eat one,
will you let it go?

Yes. Thank you.

But I have to warn you,

I don't know
what's gonna happen.

I'm not worried.

we'll try it together.


What is it?

You're right, Kelly.

I am?

These are magical.

Truly fantastic.
Have you ever considered

selling your food
on Jake's food cycle?

Gotta run.
Edna's after me.

Seth: We must begin to
imagine the impossible.

Let's take Rockbury
to Mars.



Man: [in video]
Re-set the future.

He's amazing.

- I'm doomed.
- You're gonna do great.

Just remember.
More fun, less facts.

So, in conclusion,
to quote Steve,

"Let's get out there and put
a ding in the universe."


[microphone feedback]


Thank you, Seth.

Up next to speak for
the Music Club,

is Hannah Parker Kent.


Come on, people!
You can do better than that.

Give it up for my friend!

[minimal applause]

I can't hear you!

[microphone feedback]

Music is the language
of the spirit.

It remains one of the
oldest and most important--


You think you could
turn that off for
five whole minutes?



Chew with your mouth

Or how about this.

Wait until my friend's
done talking.

Don't let them ruin
your big moment, Hannah.

People need to see that
music is important.

It's important!
It's very important!

Remember that!
Listen to Hannah!

She's right!

So, where was I?

Why did you do that?
I was supporting Hannah.

Wow. You're kinda
hulkin' out right now.

I've known you
since kindergarten,

and you've never
acted like this.

This must be from
the magical biscuits.

It's not magic,
I'm just angry!

Stop that.
Why are you so mad?

Are you seriously
asking me that?

It's all wrong.

My grandma's under a spell
that we can't reverse,

the most loved woman in town
probably stole my cookbook,

and the only person that
could help me get it back

doesn't believe me!




That felt good.

Oh, my gosh.
Did I just kick that
vending machine?


But at least you
broke the spell.

And maybe my toe.

But how, exactly,
did I break the spell?

I don't know.

Maybe you had to get
all those feelings
off your chest.

Oh, no.

Jake had a
cheddar biscuit, too.

You want your money back?

You only ate half of it.

No substitutions.
This is a bike.

Just to let you know

those biscuits
that we had--

I don't have time
for this. Or you.

Jake, you're not
really angry.

It's the magic
making you this way.

Oh, I'm angry,
all right.

I'm angry that nobody's
buying my food,

and when they do,
they don't even
appreciate it.

That's it.
Get it all off your chest.

I'm angry that
you didn't trust me,

and thought I stole your
ridiculous magical cookbook.

[school bell rings]

Now I'm angry
I gotta go to class!

That felt good.

Jake, do you see
what just happened there?

Uh, yeah, I just yelled
at a customer.

But you never
lose your temper.

You were under
an anger spell.

Or I've been
working too hard.

And I just need to
blow off steam.

[school bell rings]

What was that?

Nobody even cared
what I had to say
after your outburst.

I'm so sorry.
It was the biscuits.

I don't care.

Did she eat a biscuit?

No, I'm actually mad.

At both of you.

We can
make it up to you.

We'll help you prep
for the debate.


I'll come over
after my guitar lessons

as long as you promise to
actually help me this time.


Hi, Mom.

Hi, Grandma.

How was the
doctor's today?

Another dead end.

But the good news is
is that the specialist
in New York called,

and moved her up
the wait list.

Wait. How long
would she be away?

I really don't know,

We'll see.

It's me.
Get over here now.

We need to cook.


Now I see why they
call this Noteworthy.

This horchata
smells amazing.

I'm gonna add
the spice now.

Wait. There's a warning.

It says, "When adding
Galifrazian Cinnamon,

"something make--
something stop--

"something drop"?

We don't have time to
figure out the riddle
on this one.


Now we chill it.

Man: [on TV]
Well, it's gonna be a
beautiful sunny day today.

We can expect
much more of the same

over the next
couple of days.

- You might want to...
-[door opens]

Sorry I'm late.

Hailey forgot to
pick me up from
my guitar lesson,

so I had to walk
all the way here.

Hi, Grandma.

Don't worry.

We're ready to help you
prep for you debate
against Seth.

I think my throat's
swelling up.

I need something
to drink.

Hey, this horchata's

Hannah, no.

Oh, no.

Please tell me
this is not

one of the spells
from the cookbook.


[water running]

Okay, what does
this one do?


we don't exactly know.

How do you feel?

A little sweaty.

Nervous, nauseous.

Mad at you guys.

Wow. That's a
complicated spell.

It's not a spell.

I have to debate
Seth in a minute.

- [school bell rings]
- Oh, no.

In conclusion,
the most precious resource
that we all have is time.

and robots can save us
a lot of it.

Uh, oh, and namaste.

Hannah, your response.

Seth talked a lot
about Steve Jobs.

But the truth is,
Steve loved music.

He understood
[singing] that--

♪ That... ♪

♪ Music makes us happy
and it feeds our souls ♪

♪ And makes us
better at math ♪

♪ And helps
achieve our goals ♪


Seth, rebuttal.

My robot can play music
all day.

♪ Someone still has to
press play ♪

I can set up my robot
to play automatically.

♪ You've missed the point,
you've missed it ♪

♪ Oh, you've forgotten
how to feel ♪

♪ Underneath
all the steel ♪

I wish Jake was here.
This would convince him.

♪ Music's part of
who we are ♪

♪ It's been around
forever ♪

♪ You may think
you're very clever ♪

♪ But you'll never
ever replace music ♪

♪ With tech ♪

♪ Will this ever stop? ♪

♪ Will this last forever? ♪

♪ Or will I be singing
until I drop? ♪

I sure hope not.

Because it's
really annoying.

"Never stop.
Last drop."

I think
that says last.

"Every last drop."

Every last drop.
I figured it out.

♪ Tell me now,
tell me true ♪

♪ Don't make me wait or
I'll have to hurt you ♪

I think you have to drink
the rest of the horchata.

Every last drop
will break the spell.

♪ Can that be the cure? ♪

♪ How can we be sure? ♪

- It's worth trying.
- Anything.


Did it work?

Write it down.

I don't think I can
take another song.

Funny. Thanks for
ruining horchata for me,
by the way.

Hey, that wasn't a song.

Yay, it worked.

You're finally
back to normal.


But I might as well
drop out of the competition.

I don't have a prayer
of beating Seth now.

Sure, you do.

Hey, we can help decorate
your voting booth.

Don't bother.

Honestly, it'll be
easier without you.


I won't give up
on you, Grandma.

Cedronian Vanilla.

I'll pay the price.

Let me guess.
That's another
magical recipe?

Yes. And I have no idea
what will happen if you
eat one.

Kelly, what's this
really all about?

My grandma.

She's under
a magic spell.

I know that the cure
is in the cookbook.

You're my best shot
at getting it back,

and I'm desperate.

I can see that.

I was gonna offer
one of these to you,

but I don't want to be


As your friend,

I'm not gonna
let you throw out

perfectly delicious
fruit bars.

I guess we know
these aren't
free-throw bars.

Girls: Eww.

I don't get it.

[blowing, sniffing]


Can you believe it?

Who would have thought
my Cajun kale chips

would have been so...


Whoa. Where's
everybody going?

What is going on?

attracted to you
and repelled by me.

You can't deny it.

This isn't normal.


I am going to talk to
Principal Collins

about selling your food
in the cafeteria.

It is so much better
than ours.

- Hm?
- Girl: Mm-hm.

- Thanks, Edna.
- Mm-hm.

Now do you believe me?

I don't know
what this is,

but I will look for
that cookbook

if you get away from me.

I can do that.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you.

Thank you.


Kelly must have spent
a whole night on this.

Both: Hey.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry!

I can't get any closer.
I'm under a...

[loud whisper]
you know what.

People don't want to
come near me.

I think I'm repulsive.

Yeah. I didn't want to
say anything.


I have not been
a good friend to you lately.

I love my Grandma and
I wanted to save her,

but you and Darbie
are just as important.

I really should have
been there for you.

You're not gross anymore.

- Yay!

Spell's broken.

People are
near me now.


That means that--


Don't worry,

No matter who wins,
you still have us.

Mr. Evans: Now,
for the results
of the vote.

It was a tight race.

And our two club advocates
should feel proud.


The winner...

is Seth Donahue.

Rockbury Middle
will now have a
robotics lab.

[cheering, applause]

I swear I voted for you.

It's okay, Darbie.

Robots are cool.
You can be happy.

Uh-- this is
most interesting.

An anonymous donor
has gifted the school
a piano.


Hannah, clearly
you inspired someone.

Thank you,
that's awesome.


[no audible dialog]

Oh, no!
We're out of sugar.

There's some on
the pantry shelf.

Okay, then, uh,
just gonna go get some.

[door bell jingles]

Got it.

