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01x13 - Just Add Pluots Part 2

Posted: 04/13/22 09:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

Morbium shadow root.

Add it to any spell,

and it will amplify
its effect.

This is my curse.

When I play
outside my house,
no one can hear me.

I know about Chuck

He mysteriously disappeared
at the Pluot Festival.

One minute he's on
the Ferris wheel,

and then the next
he wasn't.

Candied stone fruit
can break any curse
that's in your way.

We can hand them out as free
samples at the Pluot Festival.

Instead of Kelly
paying a big price,

many people would pay
a very small price.

How does the
magic work, exactly?

Hannah: Grandma Becky
must take the very first
and the very last bite.

I don't like it when
people get in my way.

Miss Silvers
isn't the evil one.

It's Mama P.

You're gonna
steal the spell
for yourself.

I'm not gonna let you eat
the first bite.

Try stopping me.




I'm telling you,
he took a bite,

and then just
into thin air.

He's gone?
That wasn't the spell.

It was just supposed to
keep him away from magic.

Calm down, Gina.

Did you at least get my
magic Morbium seed back?

Is that all you care about?
What about Chuck?

What about him?
He stole my Morbium,

and he needed
to be stopped.

I told you
he was bad news.

We've got to
bring him back.

We will, Gina.
I promise.

We'll fix this.


You un-grounded Kelly?

I didn't un-ground her.

I made an exception
for the Pluot Festival.

The poor kid's been
going through a lot.

That's no excuse.

She snuck out of the house.

She came home at midnight,

she wouldn't tell me
where she was.

Her behavior
is inexcusable.

It is,
and we will get to
the bottom of this,

but this is Mom's
last day in town.

And we don't know when
she's gonna come back.

It would mean a lot to me

to have the whole family

Okay. Okay. Fine.
For you and for Becky.

But starting tomorrow,
we are dealing with this.

I know.


Darbie, it's me again.

Where are you?

You're not at home,
you're not at Mama P's,

and you're not at Kelly's.

You're really
freaking me out.

Call me back.

Okay, Darbs.

no one's coming
to rescue you.

Time to rescue yourself.

First thing
we need to do is...

eat something.
I'm starving.


Hm. Chocolatey.


Not that hungry.


The whole town
is here.

We'll be able to give away
all the pluots in no time.

Just make sure
every single one of them
is eaten,

or the curse won't break
when we give Becky
the last one.

Care for a
candied pluot?

No thanks.

Watch this.


This is the best
candied pluot ever.

And you're telling me
they're free?



I forgot my line.

"I'm a plum."

I know I am,
but what's my line?

That is your line.
"I'm a plum."

- Are you sure?
- Yep.

I'm here at the
Pluot Festival

looking for you.
Where are you?


Please tell me you
changed your mind.

Are you here
to stop Mama P?

No. Had to see
with my own eyes.

This is what I feared.

All of Saffron Falls
is going to pay an
enormous price.

But Mama P said she made
the recipe bigger

to protect Kelly.

This way she wouldn't
pay a big price

because everyone
would pay a small price.

Haven't you learned by now

if Mama P's talking,
she's lying.

Then what's gonna happen
to Kelly?

What's gonna happen
to everyone else?

I'm not sticking around
to find out,

and neither should you.

You want me to
abandon my friends?
No way.

How do I stop this?

You can't.

The only thing you can do
is protect yourself.

That's what
I'm going to do.

Mama P is under
a powerful curse.

Well, I guess
you should know.

You're the one
who cursed her.

That's how I know
when it breaks,

it won't be pretty.

Here, Jake.
Keep eating.

I can't.

I'm more pluot than man
at this point.

You're a growing boy.


Candied pluots.
Free candied pluots.

Oh, courtesy of Mama P.

Thank you.

Oh, what do you
think you're doing?

Saving it for later.

Oh, no.
Our payment is watching

the enjoyment
on your face
when you eat it.

So eat it.


I'm not talking to you.

You have to.
I can't find Darbie.

She isn't answering
her phone or her texts.

She probably just
lost her phone again.
It is Darbie.

She said she would call me
after she talked to you
last night.

I didn't talk to
Darbie last night.

Oh. Maybe she went to
Charlotte's pluot party.

This isn't a joke, Kelly.

Hi, Hannah.

I'd offer you a pluot,

but I'm guessing
you wouldn't eat it.

Don't eat that!

Listen up!

Nobody eat Mama P's pluots.
They're bad for you.


What do you think
you're doing?

They're rotting and
will make you sick.

And she's got a C rating
from the health board.

Kelly: Uh-uh.
They're good.

Easy, Hannah.
What gives?

What gives is that
Darbie went to warn
Kelly in Mama P's,

and nobody's
heard from her since.

Wait. You're saying
Darbie's missing?

I've looked everywhere.

Everywhere except
inside of Mama P's.

Come on, we have to
get over there.

You seriously think Darbie
is locked in Mama P's?

Either help me look,

or I'll start making
a scene again.

Okay, okay.
But we need to be quick.

I'm only doing this
to prove to you that
Darbie's not here.

[door bell jingles]


[door bell jingles]

Jake, I need help.

I'm telling you,
Mama P would never
do anything like this.

Darbie: Yes, she would.

Stand back, Darbie.

Took you long enough.


- Are you okay?
- No.

I'm starving.

Stale muffin
never tasted so good.

Okay, what happened?

I saw Mama P
eat the first pluot,

and highjack
Grandma's spell.

Mind blown.

First Mama P was good,
then she was bad,

and then she was good
and now she's bad again?

Is she gonna be
good again tomorrow?

Considering she locked me
in a pantry all night?

I don't think so.

She played all of us.

Mama P never had any
intention of helping
Grandma Quinn.

It was always about
breaking her own curse.

At least the spell
doesn't work

until all the pluots
are eaten.

Well, they're going fast.

Jake: I can't believe
she's bad.

Get over it already.

She's bad.
Move on.

Hey. It's okay to feel.

We have to go tell Kelly

She won't listen.

The only thing we could do
is protect ourselves.

And Kelly.

"Protein Protection Shake."

Jake: "If there's a
curse coming your way,

"or a nasty price to pay,

"then fill up your cup
and drink it all up

"to keep bad magic at bay."

Skim milk, cottage cheese,
Greek yogurt, raw almonds,

Werpoes honey,
and a fruit of your choice.

Anything but pluots.


We're going to need
Werpoes honey.

But I don't think
Kelly has any.

I'll go back and get it.

Third shelf on the left,
second bottle in.

What? I was
stuck in there
all night.


This is it, Kelly.

It's the last one.

It's time.


I don't know what to say.

Thank you.


Just go save your Grandma.


- I'm a plum.
- I'm an apricot.

Both: And together we make
a great tasting pluot.


Wasn't your brother great?

He just nailed
"I'm a plum."

So much better than
that apricot kid.

Keep an eye on your grandma
while we go take pictures.

How are we going to get
Kelly to drink these?

She's a little
prickly today.

Oh, she'll drink it,

even if I have to
shove it down her throat

And don't forget,
she has to drink
the entire glass.

We better hurry.


This is for you.

It's almost over.

Any second now.


I have nothing
to say to you.

You don't have to
talk to me,

and you don't have to
be my friend.

Just drink this.

It's a
protective shake.

Take it.

Mama P's going to hurt
the whole town.

Woman: Please welcome
to the stage

our Saffron Falls
citizen of the year,

Ida Perez.

But you know her
as Mama P.


Grandma. Is it working?

Don't you get it?
She's not coming back.

Get away from me.

I am not about to drink
anything you give me.

Both: No!

Mama P: Thanks so much,
Mayor Harvey.

Oh, what a turn out.


What can I say about
Saffron Falls?

For starters,

it's the worst.

[all exclaiming]

I've been stuck in
this tiny backwater town
my whole life,

and I'm sick of it.

And I'm sick of
all of you.

[all exclaiming]

Please come back.

Mama P: I'm not gonna miss
a single one of you.

Carl. Ever hear of
a tip jar?

Alan. Restrooms are for
customers only.

And don't look away,

You know what you did.

Oh, no, no,
no, no, no.

I'm so sorry, Kelly.

I don't believe it.

She used me.

I've been waiting
years to say this.

Pluots are dumb!

[all exclaiming]

And holding a festival
honoring them is even dumber.

She has the last bite.

What are we going to do?

We only have three
protection shakes.

- Take it.
- What?

No, I can't.

You're the best cook
I know.

I know you'll fix
whatever's about to go down.

So long, suckers!

Thanks for nothing.


- Jake. He's frozen.
- Oh.

Everybody's frozen.

Because of me.

Protection shake.

You're not gonna
get away with this.

I already have.

Guess it's my turn
to gloat.

You're despicable.

This is your fault, too.

If you hadn't cursed me,
none of this would have

I was right to curse you.

You haven't changed
in years.

I was always
better than this town.

You should have let me go.

So you could steal the book
and exploit it?

You're both horrible!

Look what you did
to each other.

And to my grandma.

She was your best friend.

Your grandmother's
not so innocent, Kelly.

Once we cursed each other,

Becky got fed up
with magic

and threw the book
over the falls.

She left us with
no hope of ever
breaking our curses.

Enough of the past.

I got places to go.

Hey, that's Jake's.

So long
Saffron Falls!

Tell him he can
pick it up

at the bus station
in Lavender Heights.

I didn't listen
to any of you.

And look what I did.

I'm just as bad as Mama P.

It's okay,
we'll find a way
to fix this.


You know how.

Please help us
make this right.

Do you see anything?

No. Do you?

It's not working
because of what I did.

[sighs] Let's see.


Bitter Truth Truffles.

Mind Peering Peppermints.

Itchy Ice Cream.

All the recipes
are still here.

The book really wants us
to look at this blank page.


I think it wants us to
create our own recipe.

How are we gonna break
the biggest curse we've
ever seen?

Well, what do we know?

Mama P was trapped in town.

The price the town paid
was getting trapped inside
their bodies.

So it's a
physical spell.

We need Werpoes.

But they're not moving,
so Lapsus.

We'll use both,
and we need it to work

Both: Taurian!

But we've cooked with
those ingredients before.

How are we gonna
make them strong enough?

You're right.

Combining ingredients
from different families

will modify
their properties.

So we're gonna have to
combine them

without combining them?

that's brilliant.

What'd I say?

We need to cook them
without combining them.

We'll bake a
triple layer cake.

With each layer using
one of the ingredients.

One layer will be
Lapsus everything
that goes into a cake.

Lapsus sugar, Lapsus flour,
Lapsus baking soda--

And we'll do the same for the
Werpoes and Taurian layers.


You guys,
that's my handwriting.

Hannah: And mine.

Darbie: Whoa.
I gotta work on mine.


- Come on, let's go.
- Hold on.

There's still
something missing.

What? We have
Lapsus, Taurian--

We need a title.

All the other recipes
have a snappy title.

I got it.

Last Ditch Layer Cake.

Okay. Now we're ready.

[bird cawing]

Hannah: Kell.

Are you okay?

Let's cut the cake.


That's not
powerful enough.

I have what you need.

What is that?

Morbium Shadow Root.

That's the seed
I returned to you

when we made the
Lost and Foundue spell.

It's one of the most
powerful ingredients
in the world.

I was saving it
to break my own curse.

You would do that for us?

You girls need it
more than I do.


Let me help. Please.

I believe in our cake.

I believe in us.

- Me, too.
- We got this.


Whatever the price is,
don't leave me hanging.

You already fixed it,
didn't you?

That's the good news.

But Mama P
stole your bike.

Which way did she go?

I can't believe it.

back to normal.

Almost everyone.

My grandma's
still under a spell.

Don't be so sure.



I'm back!


Thanks to you.

You have a very special
granddaughter, Becky.

I know I do.

That cake the girls made
must have been powerful enough

to break the curse
Ida put on you.

Ida didn't curse me.


I got rid of
the book once.

But it came back for you.


Just let me
give it back to you.

I tried to return it
to the traveler,

but it wasn't mine
to return.

I needed to protect you.

So I turned to
an old friend.

I'm only doing this
for your granddaughter.

I didn't tell Gina
my true intentions.

I couldn't let the magic
ruin your lives

like it ruined ours.

Kelly: Those were
the three pages

that came back
through my window.

The book protected itself.


And the rest you know.

So, you kind of
cursed yourself?

I made the mistake of
underestimating the book.

It belongs to
the three of you now.

Clearly, you've proven
you can handle it.

Better than we ever could.

Oh, Buddy.


[laughs] Bravo!

You were the best
plum in the play.

- Becky?
- Mom?

She's back.

Come on, Hannah.

I want to
get in on this, too.

What happened?

I don't understand.
It doesn't make any sense.


Magic, Dad.

You can
say that again, Kell.

♪♪[Debussy's "Clair de Lune"]

She's playing in public.


That means
her curse broke, too.

Whoa. That cake
unfroze the town,

brought Kelly's
grandma back,

and broke
Miss Silvers' curse?

Broke every curse.

Wait, what did you say?

I said it broke
every curse.

[sighs] Oh, no.

If I'm back to normal and
you're playing the piano,

what if all curses
are broken?

That's impossible.

We spent years
trying to bring him back.

Are you talking about
Chuck Hankins?

The boy that disappeared
years ago?

So you did curse him.

We thought
we had no choice.

If Chuck's back,
nobody's safe.

