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07x13 - Hero

Posted: 03/31/13 18:21
by bunniefuu

Original Air Date on March 13, 2008

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Announcer: Hey, listen up. We want to thank everyone for coming out to support the band tonight. They're really excited to be here. Thank you, Metropolis, for spreading the word about our concert. The band will be out here soon, so sit tight and get ready for a great show.

Kara: [ Sighs ] So, uh, we used to come to places like this together? [ Sighs ] I can't believe it's all blank.

Jimmy: It'll come back. How about I reintroduce you to your favorite bevvy?

Kara: Okay.

Jimmy: I'll be right back.

Pete: Excuse me. Coming through. [ Breathing heavily ] Hey. The promoter needs some gum, and I'm fresh out. You got any?

Man: Look around, Einstein. We're in a gum factory.

Pete: Right.

Announcer: Let's hear some noise, Metropolise. Throw your hands together for one of the hottest bands out there. Let's hear it for One Republic.

[Music playing]

[ Cheers and applause]

And here is One Republic!

[ Intro to One Republic's "Stop and Stare" plays ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

This town is colder now

I think it's sick of us

it's time to make our move

I'm shaking off the rust

I've got my heart set on anywhere but here

I'm staring down myself, counting up the years

steady hands, just take the wheel

and every glance is ling me

time to make one last appeal

for the life I lead

stop and stare

I think I'm moving but I go nowhere

yeah, I know that everyone gets scared

but I've become what I can't be

oh, stop and stare

you start to wonder why you're here, not there

and you'd give anything to get what's fair

but fair ain't what you really need

oh, can you see what I see?

[ Cheers and applause ]

They're trying to come back

all my senses push

untie the weight bags

I never thought I could

steady feet

Pete: Hey, look out!

[ Music stops ]

[ Electricity crackling ]

Man: Hey, what happened?

Kara: [ Breathing heavily] Thanks. [ Breathing heavily ]

Clark: Well, at least Kara didn't forget how to use up all the hot water.

Lionel: Yes, but I understand that, uh, she still hasn't managed to recover her memory.

Clark: She still thinks she's from Minnesota. But I think the more she looks into her past ... she'll realize it's all a lie.

Lionel: I ... do you think, if she was, uh, taken to the fortress ... it might speed up the, uh, process?

Clark: Last time I went to Jor-el for advice, he kept me prisoner in the fortress. I think it's time to tell her the truth.

Lana: She won't believe you. Clark, we have to protect her.

Lionel: I agree, especially when she's been ... visiting ... with Lex.

Lana: As much as I hate to admit it, it makes sense. He found her. She trusts him.

Clark: Her bracelet. That connects her to Krypton.

Lionel: Yes, but, uh, I thought it had gone missing.

Clark: It has, but there's got to be some way to find it.

Lionel: Hmm. Oh ... in the meantime, I suggest you keep a sharp eye on Lex's, uh, latest endeavors. Pete Ross. What a surprise.

Lana: Oh, my God, Pete.

Pete: Hey. Oh.

Clark: Pete, it's good to see you. What are you doing here?

Pete: More importantly, what's he doing here?

Clark: [ Sighs ]

Pete: I guess more has changed around here than I thought.

Clark: It's a long story.

[ Door opens ]

Kara: Lex?

Lex: I take it the fresh farm air isn't as invigorating as it's cracked up to be.

Kara: [ Chuckles ] I spend every day wandering around that place, trying to find something that will jog my memory.

Lex: Well ... did anything stand out? Anything out of the ordinary?

Kara: Actually, yeah. Everything. I don't feel connected to it at all. But thanks for finding what you did. I know it matches with the girl formerly known as Kara Kent, but ... but ... the girl in that folder isn't me. [ Inhales sharply ] How well do you know Clark? Do you trust him?

Lex: I wish I could say yes.

Kara: I'm starting to wonder if he's hiding something from me. Doesn't it seem weird that I don't have any medical or dental records? Who doesn't get sick?

Lex: Clark can be evasive.

Kara: Why would he lie to me? I mean, what in my past could be so horrible he wouldn't want me to know about it?

Lex: Kara, I promise you ... I will do everything in my power to help you get your memory back. Now, I don't suppose Clark has mentioned anything about your missing bracelet?

Kara: No.

Lex: Then I guess I should tell you. The design on your bracelet is a symbol ... a symbol that matches others that have appeared around Smallville. These were first seen as paintings in the Kawatchee caves. But they've appeared much more recently ... burned into the Kent barn. Whatever Clark's hiding from you ... I think it has something to do with these symbols. That bracelet could be the clue to uncovering your true identity.

Lana: Okay, well, I'll see you this afternoon.

Clark: Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?

Lana: No, it's okay. Ben will help me unload the posts.

[ Engine turns over ]

Pete: So, the secret of the century is not so secret anymore. Lionel, Chloe, and Lana all know the truth about your extraterrestrial crash landing?

Clark: It all just kind of happened. [ Sighs ] Well, the truth is, with all the danger I put you in, knowing my secret, I actually didn't want to tell anybody else, but ...

Pete: But ... Let me guess. You couldn't stop trying to save the world, and you got caught. Let's go. Wonder what your dad would think about a Luthor hanging out in his kitchen.

Clark: Well ...

Pete: 2-1.

Clark: Since my dad's been gone ... Lionel's done a lot for me and my mom.

Pete: Oh, I'm sure he has. I mean, he's done a lot for my family, too. Took our factory, caused my parents' divorce. The guy's a real saint.

Clark: That's the way it used to be. I can't really expect you to understand. I mean, you have been gone for over three years. What have you been doing?

Pete: We don't all land our dream career like Chloe. Kind of been doing the roadie gig. Pays the bills.

Clark: Could've at least returned one of my calls.

Pete: You think it's easy saying goodbye to your best friend? I couldn't risk anyone using me to get to the truth about your secret. I figured it was better just leaving it all in the past.

Clark: I didn't ask you to do that, Pete.

Pete: I know, but it doesn't change the fact that I've been looking over my shoulder ever since. I mean, I had to leave my life behind because of you, Clark. And to be honest ... it was better than living in your shadow.

Clark: I didn't know.

Pete: Luckily, everything's changed. Whoo! Ha ha! I finally brought my game up to your level, Clark.

Clark: What happened to you?

Pete: [ Chuckles ] Doesn't matter. The other night, I saved this girl, and I finally got a taste of what it felt like to be you ... to be a hero.

Clark: Whatever it is, we need to find a way to reverse it.

Pete: I should have known you couldn't be happy for me.

Clark: I want you to be careful.

Pete: And what, hide like you?

Clark: This isn't you. It's the Kryptonite. You know what it does? It warps your reality.

Pete: The only thing warped is how many more people's lives you're gonna ruin by keeping your powers a secret. I'm not gonna make anyone live with that burden like you did. Things change, Clark. Time to share the glory, and if you try to stop me, my secret isn't gonna be the only one in danger of being exposed.

Chloe: Well, who should I blame for my server problems? I've been locked out of my files. Yes! Thank you.

Jimmy: Open my e-mail yet?

Chloe: Sorry, Jimmy, I've been in I.T. Hell all morning. Some network issue has got me surfing the slow lane.

[ Monitor beeps ]

Chloe: Okay. Here.

Jimmy: Pretty cool, huh?

Chloe: Oh, my God.

Jimmy: I know, right? This guy's elastic limbs are gonna slingshot his story straight to the front page.

Chloe: Jimmy, this guy is Pete Ross. He was, like, my best friend in high school, like, back before Clark.

Jimmy: You, uh, ditched him for Clark?

Chloe: No. Uh, I mean, we were all friends. We were all best friends.

Jimmy: Well, he is gonna be an overnight superstar. I just got off the phone. He's the first meteor frea ... Uh ... biologically enhanced individual ...

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Jimmy: ... Who's willing to be interviewed about his powers. I just need to flesh this out a little.

Chloe: Interviewed? Are you serious?

Jimmy: Yeah. Imagine what a guy like Pete could do for the public perception of the meteor-enhanced. He's smart. He's funny. The guy's story is beyond amazing ... it's great.

Chloe: Okay, so, he's a walking personal ad, but, Jimmy, as much as I appreciate your socially conscious attitude adjustment, the press would turn Pete into a circus freak.

Jimmy: It's just an interview.

Chloe: You know what? Maybe you're right. Do you mind if I, um, add a little purple prose, just to smooth out the rough edges?

Jimmy: Please sprinkle some of your Hemingway dust. Look, I'm off to the Stride factory. I'm gonna interview a few of Elastic Man's comrades before they star tthe next gig.

Thank you. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much.

Chloe: Hey, Clark, uh, we've got a problem, and it appears to be growing.

[ Door opens ]

Lex: Chloe. Someone's taking advantage of my open-door policy.

Chloe: The I.T. Department told me you've been monitoring everything that happens on the Daily Planet computers. Unauthorized surveillance is totally unethical.

Lex: Pretty big words from a cub reporter. Shouldn't you be using them to write stories?

Chloe: Good idea. I think "office espionage" has a nice ring to it.

Lex: Look ... I'm new here, but I thought Lois had first s*ab at conspiracy theories.

Chloe: You hacked into my computer and copied my files, Lex! I have rights!

Lex: No. You don't have rights. You have responsibilities. Owning the Daily Planet means everything within these walls, and if you have a problem with the way I run this paper, Miss Sullivan, you're free to find out if The Inquisitor offers a more considerate environment! You're excused.

[ Door slams ]

Lex: [ Sighs ]

Man: Clear. Test the lights. No, no, no. Not that one. That one here. Okay, cool, I'll just pull this one.

Jimmy: So, what time is the concert tonight?

Man: 8:00.

Jimmy: Thanks, bro. Keep livin'.

Man: Take it easy.

Jimmy: Hey, C.K. Kara tell you about Pete's stretch save last night? Snapped his arms out like silly putty right in front of me.

Clark: Maybe you didn't see what you thought you saw, Jimmy.

Jimmy: What, you don't want to think that one of your best friends could be a meteor freak? Look, I just hate to think that you have something against the meteor-enhanced.

Clark: That's not it ... I just don't want to see anything happen to Pete ... that's all.

Jimmy: Like what, get the credit he deserves? Pete Ross is a hero. He saved Kara's life. And having the courage to reveal that to the rest of the world ... that's a big deal.

Clark: I'm not sure the rest of the world is gonna see it that way.

Jimmy: Why? The world needs a hero now more than ever, Clark. Maybe meteor freaks can walk among us without being afraid. Wouldn't you want that if one was your friend?

Clark: [Groaning]

Pete: I always knew The Torch would light the way to the big leagues.

Chloe: Pete, hey. It's so good to see you. [Chuckles ] Don't be too impressed, though. I just went from being a big fish in a small pond to being a minnow in the Atlantic.

Pete: [Chuckles] Well, I, for one have read all of your stories, and, as much as some things change, some things always remain the same.

Chloe: I couldn't agree more. I'm actually in the process of mopping up Lex Luthor's daily carnage as we speak.

Pete: Now, there's a name I don't miss.

Chloe: He's playing Big Brother on all of the computers at the Daily Planet. All my work is under his cyber lock and key.

Pete: Well, can't you just work some of your virtual voodoo and get him back?

Chloe: Short of a direct hit from a massive virus ... all of these files will forever be in the clutches of Citizen Lex.

Pete: Maybe I can give him something else to focus on. Cool, huh?

Chloe: Actually, yeah. Uh ... come here. You don't want Lex or anyone else seeing that you can do that.

Pete: Come on, Chloe. Don't tell me that Clark's got you running scared because of his secret, too.

Chloe: Look, I know you don't mean that 'cause this isn't about Clark.

Pete: Isn't it? I mean, I remember what it was like covering for him. Always having to watch what you had to say ... lying ... to you.

Chloe: Well, sometimes you don't have another choice.

Pete: Yes, you do. And for once I'm glad not to be following in Clark's footsteps.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Pete: No secrets, Chloe. Put it on the front page.

Chloe: Okay, Pete. I get the whole reach-for-the-stars mentality, and right now [ Chuckles ] you actually could reach a few of those stars.

Pete: [ Scoffs ]

Chloe: But what about all the meteor-infected people who still appreciate their privacy?

Pete: They want to keep living a lie, that's their problem. Maybe it's time for everyone to realize that a real hero doesn't hide in the shadows. Excuse me.

Lana: Are you looking for something?

Kara: Um, Lana. Um, I was just ...

Lana: Kara, I don't think Clark would appreciate your going through his things.

Kara: What do you know about these symbols?

Lana: As much as anyone in anyone in Smallville, I guess. They're from a local Indian tribe.

Kara: Then why were they on the bracelet I used to wear?

Lana: Well, maybe you bought it while you were visiting the Kents, or maybe they sent it to you as a present.

Kara: You know, it's amazing how you and Clark can just lie on autopilot like that.

Lana: Kara.

Kara: I know about the symbols burned into the barn and the field. And I know about this. A tattoo you somehow don't have any more.

Lana: Where did you get these?

Kara: Lex.

Lana: Kara ... Lex has a way of being the hero at the exact moment that you need to be saved. I know how enticing that can be. One day, he'll turn the tables and you'll realize that everything was a lie.

Kara: If you really wanna prove that Lex is the one lying ... then just tell me the truth. It's obvious you're covering something. Please, Lana. You know ... you can keep shoveling dirt over my past, but eventually, I'll uncover the truth.

Lex: Please, don't let me disturb you. Quite the hero these days, aren't you, Pete? Saving Kara. Now I gather you're trying to impress Chloe by erasing any record of her extracurricular projects. I guess things never change.

Pete: You're living proof of that.

Lex: You know, we may have more in common than you think. We both had a friend who let us down, and something tells me you know what it's like to love a woman who's still infatuated with Clark Kent.

Pete: Maybe I was wrong. Things do change. You're even more messed up than before.

Lex: I thought an olive branch was a pretty civilized response to breaking and entering, but ... however you wanna see it, one truth remains: I control Chloe's fate, and if you really wanna be her hero, you're gonna put that amazing ability to work for me. Now, there's a certain bracelet that I believe is locked in my father's vault. I want it.

Pete: I'm sure you do. But Chloe wouldn't want you using her job to make me do anything.

Lex: I'm not talking about her job, Pete. I'm talking about the secret she's been keeping. Do you really wanna be the reason the world finds out that Chloe's a meteor freak?

Chloe: The Stride gum factory?

Clark: It was used as an underground venue for bands until it was shut down a few months ago.

Chloe: It's already been closed? Maybe next time they won't let the flavor last quite so long.

Clark: I found the source of Pete's powers. Kryptonite-enhanced gum. I found a whole stockpile of it.

Chloe: Chewing gum? Is nothing sacred any more?

Clark: I destroyed it, but we have to find Pete. His attitude is changing.

Chloe: Ah, so you got a whiff of Pete "The Boss" Ross, too, huh?

Clark: If he ingests any more Kryptonite, we both know what happens to people.

Chloe: Present company on standby. And since the Go Go Gadget Arms has been going public with his abilities, he's gotta be ...


Man: I don't know.

Woman: Yeah.

Man: Check the connection?

Woman: Yeah, I did.

Clark: What's going on?

Chloe: It looks like some kind of virus. My computer's totally fried. And judging from the collective sighs, so is everybody else's. Clark, I think our new hero went vigilante and wiped out the Planet's server to protect me.

Jimmy: Hey, guys. Major scoop. Pete's headed over to Lionel Luthor's office. He's stealing something for Lex.

Pete: [ Chuckles ] [Sighs ] Guess your world's only big enough for one hero.

Clark: This isn't the way to be a hero, Pete. The Kryptonite is affecting your judgment. Just tell me what Lex has on you. I'll take care of it.

Pete: By doing what? I've only been back in town one day and already Lex is squeezing me to get to your secret.

Clark: My secret?

Pete: Look familiar? It always comes back to you. I guess you didn't know your new best friend had that.

Clark: There must be a reason.

Pete: His last name, Clark. Lionel ... Lex ... they're the same person. And they're not gonna stop using people until they get to the truth about you. Sorry, Clark ...

Clark: Aah!

Pete: But I don't have a choice.

Clark: [ Groaning ]

Pete: If I turn that bracelet over to Lex, he's gonna be one step closer to your secret. The only way to stop all this is to take Lex out of the equation. It's my turn to save you and everybody else from Lex once and for all.

Clark: [Groaning]

[ Music Playing ]

[Crowd Cheering ]

Lex: Pete, you're late.

Pete: You're right. I should have done this three years ago.

Lex: Uh!

Pete: How many more people are you gonna hurt? When is it gonna end?

Lex: [ Groaning ]

Pete: [ Grunts ] Aah!

Lex: Where's the bracelet, Pete?

Pete: [ Yelling ] I never found it! I don't have it.

Lex: Where is it?

Pete: I don't have it. I don't have it. Ah!

Lex: You're starting to try my patience, Pete.

Pete: Then bring it on. Because the truth isn't gonna change.

Lex: Then maybe we can help.

Pete: [ Yells ]

[ Music Playing ]

Clark: Ah!

Lionel: What happened, Clark?

Clark: You and I need to talk. But first I have to stop Pete from making a huge mistake.

[ Music Playing ]

Pete: Ow!

Lex: I don't like this any more than you do, Pete, but I need that bracelet. Now this is the last time I'm gonna ask you. Where is it?

Pete: I don't have it. I already told ya I don't have it. And I never did.

Lex: Okay.

Pete: [ Grunting ] Aaah!

Pete: Ah!

Clark: You okay?

Pete: [ Panting ] Yeah.

Announcer: Thank you so much, Metropolis. You're a wonderful audience. We'll see you guys next time.

Pete: Guess the best part about knowing your secret is being able to say thank you.

Pete: [ Sighs ] I gotta admit ... one-on-one was a lot more fun when I had powers. Now I'm really at a disadvantage.

Clark: Come on, Pete. Even without powers, you were always at a disadvantage. Let's just hope for a quick recovery.

Pete: Look, Clark, um ... I didn't really mean what I said yesterday. You're not the reason my life's ended up the way it has.

Clark: I know that Kryptonite can get you a little amped ... but you weren't wrong. Almost every day I wonder what it would be like not to have to live a lie, but ...

Pete: You can't. I know. I never really understood how hard it was being you. I was always a little jealous of your life, and ... and it was easier to blame you. I'm sorry. It's time for me to make a change. I know there's a hero inside me somewhere, I just ... I gotta find another way to save the world.

Pete: Hey, Chloe.

Chloe: Hey. Is this the "Barry Bonds" Pete or the "Hank Aaron" Pete?

Pete: [ Chuckles ] This is the 100 percent "Pete Ross" Pete. I just came by to apologize before I left.

Chloe: Clark told me what you did. Thank you. You risked your life to protect me. Now, that's not only Webster's definition of hero, it's mind, too. There's no apology needed.

Pete: Chloe, um, Lex told me you had a power. You don't have to tell me what it is. This ... is for ruining your computer.

Chloe: Pete. Just promise me you won't let another light-year pass by before I see you again.

Pete: You can count on it.

Chloe: Come here. Hey!

Pete: Jimmy. No hard feelings, man. I decided to live my life in anonymity.

Jimmy: I understand. Some secrets are better kept.

Pete: See you soon.

Chloe: Yeah. Pete.

Pete: Relax ... it's Kryptonite-free.

Chloe: Bye.

Jimmy: So you guys gonna be hanging out any time soon? I just mean, it looks like Gumby found his Pokey. Unless you ...

Chloe: You were right the first time. Pete and I are just friends.

Jimmy: Cool. Yeah, that's cool.

Chloe: What about you? How was date night with Kara?

Jimmy: Uh, you know. Kara's great, but ... I think the spark kind of fizzled for both of us.

Chloe: Sorry.

Jimmy: No, you're not. No, no, uh ... what I meant was that I hope you're not. [ Sighs ] I should have just said that I'm not, right? Is there any ... interest in seeing if we can breathe some fire into this ember over a cup of coffee?

Chloe: I'll bring the butane.

Jimmy: [ Chuckles ]

Woman: Mr. Luthor. I checked with the Metropolis Observatory about the constellation in your family crest. The last time these stars were configured in this exact arrangement was October 7th, 1989.

Lex: The day of the first meteor shower.

Woman: And there's something else.

[ Knocking on door ]

Kara: Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.

Lex: I thought I made myself clear. You're always welcome here.

Kara: I was hoping you'd say that. I don't trust Clark and Lana any more and the idea of living with them on the farm ... hope you don't mind, Lex, but I was wondering if I could stay here, with you.