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07x14 - Traveler

Posted: 03/31/13 18:22
by bunniefuu

Original Air Date on March 20, 2008

Mr. Luthor. You received another one, sir.

Lionel: Thank you. That's, uh, it for tonight.

[ Crickets chirping ]

[ Thud ]

[ Boards creaking ]

Clark: Lana?

[ Air whistles ]

Clark: [ Grunting ]

[ Glass shatters ]

Pierce: Take him down.

[ Air whistles ]

[ Electricity crackling ]

[ Crackling continues ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Grunts ]

Pierce: I can see why they want you. Target acquired.

Chloe: Lana? Hey. I came as soon as I got your ... oh, my god. What happened?

Lana: I don't know. I came home and Clark was gone. He talked about going to the fortress.

Chloe: Last time he went to the fortress, Jor-El trapped him in ice for a month. Why would he chance the big chill a second time?

Lana: We just found out that Kara moved in with Lex at the mansion. Clark was hoping that Jor-El would give her back her memories and her powers.

Before Lex uncovers her secret.

He wanted to get up there, but he needed something from the loft first.

I don't think he got what he came in here for.

[ Sighs ] This key opens the portal to the fortress.

Lana: How did you know that?

Chloe: I kind of followed him there a couple of years ago. The key's still here.

Lana: Then he never made it to the fortress, so something must have stopped him.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Pierce: Stay in the center of your cell.

Clark: Where am I?! What is this? Aah! [ Groaning ] Come out here. Come out here and face me! [ Groans ]

[ Pulsating ]

Pierce: You just experienced a 20% increase in charge from the meteor rock lining your cell. Do it again, I'll ramp it up 50%. You try for three, I'm guessing 100% will k*ll you.

Clark: [ Groaning ] [ Groaning ]

[ Helicopter blades whirring ]

Lionel: Whoever would have guessed that skinny little Patty Swann was the author of those alarmingly cryptic messages?

Patricia: It's Patricia. Nice to see you, Lionel.

Lionel: The last time I saw you, you and Lex were both children. And your father, Virgil Swann, he adored the great outdoors. Then he shut himself away inside that dank, musty planetarium.

Patricia: We both know that those family get-togethers weren't about the great outdoors. When Dad d*ed, I inherited his estate. After a long probate, I've recently received all of his research. He was obsessed with one subject in particular ... a traveler from another galaxy who came to Smallville in a meteor shower.

Lionel: A great scientist with a vivid imagination.

Patricia: My father wasn't the only one who believed in the traveler. Four powerful families would gather every summer ... my dad, the Wueens, the Teagues, and you. According to his journals, the group formed a secret society ... Veritas.

Lionel: Veritas ... that's right, our astronomy club.

Patricia: You were preparing to welcome the traveler. The group planned on sharing the responsibility of keeping him safe once he arrived. But everyone d*ed ... ... except you.

Lionel: Where are you going with this?

Patricia: You k*lled Edward Teague and Robert and Laura queen. And I am sure that you had a hand in my father's death.

Lionel: A pity his brilliance was lost on you.

Patricia: I have proof. I found evidence my father collected and stored with his journals. You wanted the traveler all for yourself ... for your own personal gain. Turn over the son of Krypton, or I will release the evidence linking you to their murders.

Lionel: [ Chuckles ] The traveler from another galaxy, a clandestine cabal, a series of murders ... mm, that's quite a story. You be careful who you tell it to.

Patricia: Don't test me, Lionel. Take me to the traveler now.

Lionel: [ Chuckles ] You haven't changed. You're still that bossy little girl you used to be. But this time, Patty, you're swimming way out of your depth.

[ Whirring resumes ]

[ Crickets chirping ]

Lex: Hope you like your room.

Kara: I only moved in last night, and it already feels like home. Thank you for letting me stay here, Lex.

Lex: Taking another look at your alleged biography?

Kara: Yeah, I thought I'd give it another try. I still don't feel like I was ever this person.

Lex: Kara ... you should really consider having the procedure we talked about.

Kara: I don't know. I mean, I don't have my memory, but I'm pretty sure I don't like hospitals.

Lex: It would be done in my private clinic by a team of the world's top neurologists. You said you trusted me. Trust me now. Let me help you.

Kara: Okay, Lex. I'll do it.

Lex: Good. I'll pull my team together as soon as possible. Good night, Kara.

[ Door closes ]

We've been watching her since she arrived, sir. So far, nothing indicates she's anything more than a pretty girl from Minnesota.

Lex: I don't pay you to comment on her appearance. Besides, looks can be deceiving. Kara's agreed to do the procedure.

Sir, if I may, we just started observing her.

Lex: Her mind may contain answers to questions I've had for a very long time. Now, I've waited long enough. How soon can the lab be ready?


Lex: Keep an eye on her. If she shows any sign her memory is coming back, lock this place down.

Clark: [ Groaning ]

Lionel: Stop! You stop it now! What the hell are you doing? I built that cell to contain him, not for you to use as a t*rture chamber.

Pierce: Mr. Luthor, you hired me because of my experience with these freaks.

Lionel: If anything happens to him, anything at all, because of your appetite for cruelty, you will be held responsible.

Clark: [ Groaning lightly ]

Lionel: All good. No. Well, I don't agree with you. Absolutely not.


I'll get back to you.

Lionel: Lana. Miss Sullivan. I've got my people searching ... discreetly, of course ... the government agencies. If any of them are responsible for taking Clark, we'll know very soon.

Maybe you could help. Do know what this is?

Lionel: I ... believe it an electrode. Probably from a TASER g*n. This is Kryptonite.

Lana: We found it in the barn after Clark was taken. As far as we know, everyone that knows about Clark's weakness is in this room. It wasn't Chloe, and it wasn't me.

Lionel: What about Kara? I told you and Clark she'd been spending time with Lex. Now she's moved in with him. But her memory ... might be coming back, little by little. Wouldn't take much. Just a few simple words. Enough for Lex to work out Clark's secret. Oh, I'd hate to think that my son is responsible for any of this. This is Clark's worst fear. Wait a minute. Lx dynamics. Lx dynamics has m*llitary contracts developing combat technologies. I'll do some research, see if any of it involves electroshock or ...

Lana: If he harms Clark, I will k*ll him.

Lionel: I'll deal with him Lana. He's my son. I want Clark back safely as much as you do.

[ Telephone rings ]

Lana: Chloe. I dug around for some information on lx dynamics. Lionel was right. Lex is having them build experimental TASERs for the m*llitary.

Chloe: Actually, I've been wielding my own shovel, and I think I may have found where Clark is being held. About a year and a half ago, LuthorCorp bought a abandoned airstrip just outside the city. Now they've rebuilt the hangar. Check out the construction manifest. "Concrete reinforced Plexiglas in a ton of refined meteor rock"?

Lana: Lex built another 33.1 lab.

Chloe: Wrong Luthor. According to all of these records, this was all Lionel.

[ Beeps ]

Construction started around the same time Lionel found out Clark's secret. The department of water and power said they turned the lights on for the first time two days ago. Lionel's been planning this kidnapping for months. And if these specs are accurate, the place is built like fort Knox. We need Kara.

Lana: Chloe, Kara can't help if she doesn't have her powers back.

Chloe: Clark was on his way to the fortress of solitude to ask Jor-El for help. Now, maybe we can Polar Express Kara there ourselves.

Lana: The key ... do you know how to use it?

Chloe: If we can get her out of the mansion, I can get her there.

She wanted to move in with Lex. I don't think it'll be easy getting her to leave. Lex probably quadrupled his security since she moved in. We won't be able to get past the mailbox.

Lana: I'm thinking something a little more stealth. When I was married to Lex, he showed me these escape passageways he had built in case of another home invasion. So use his secret way out to sneak in.

Lex: It's good to see a friendly face from my childhood. What brings you to Smallville?

Patricia: I'm rarely in Metropolis, but I have some business there, and I remembered you'd moved out here.

Lex: Well, I'm glad you came by, Patricia. I have to admit, I don't recall much from when we were kids. After getting caught in that meteor shower, the years leading up to it became something of a fog.

Patricia: You were so young, Lex. It must have been traumatizing.

Lex: I survived. What about you? Where did you disappear to?

Patricia: I spent most of my life studying abroad. When Dad d*ed, I decided to stay in Europe.

Lex: I always admired Dr. Swann's genius. I was sorry to hear about his death.

Patricia: Thanks, Lex. I'm doing my best to carry on his legacy.

Lex: That's a beautiful locket you're wearing.

Patricia: Dad gave me this right before he passed away. I've worn it ever since. Actually, I have a gift for you.

Lex: A child's painting?

Patricia: It's your painting. I was going through some of my father's things, and I found it. You gave it to me when we were kids.

Lex: Well, I guess I thought I could romance you with my ABC's.

Patricia: [ Chuckles ] It's an insignia ... from when our parents would get together with the Queens and the Teagues.

Lex: Really? I don't remember that.

Patricia: That "V" was the symbol for their astronomy club. You must have seen it once and copied it. They called themselves "Veritas." While we were off playing, they were discussing secret things behind closed doors.

Lex: Do you know what they talked about?

Patricia: No idea. But considering your father's the last surviving member, he can probably explain it all to you. You should tell him I say hello.

Lionel: [ Sighs ]

[ Chuckling ] Where did you find this?

Lex: Patricia Swann visited me today. Apparently I made it while I was still learning my way around a paintbrush.

Lionel: Well, if you're looking for some validation of your artistic talent as a child, it's a little late, isn't it?

Lex: Patricia told me it's the symbol for Veritas, but she's not sharing the whole story.

Lionel: It's the misguided musings of a few youthful idealists with a little money and too much time on their hands. We took ourselves much too seriously, I'm embarrassed to say.

Lex: What secret was so important that you and your friends built a group around it?

Lionel: Oh, think about it, Lex. Skull & Bones, Scroll & Key, the Delphic. The rich have secret societies. The others have poker nights.

Lex: Well, it seems life dealt your charter members a poor hand. Besides you, everyone else is dead. Why'd you k*ll them?

Lionel: Will you give it a rest, Lex? Let the whole business rest in peace.

Lex: Sorry, dad. I can't do that.

Lionel: Lex! Why don't you treat this sketch for what it is? A reminder of what you could have become.

Lex: If you won't tell me, I'm sure Patricia will.

Lionel: [ Dialing ] Yeah. He was just here. He delivered your message. I'm ready, Patricia, to make a deal.

Lana: Lex likes to keep his women on a short leash.

Chloe: Sounds more like a choke chain, if you ask me. Let's get her out of there.

Okay, the passageways open up onto a steep hill. It's pretty far off the road. It's gonna take us a while to climb up there. If it means saving Clark, I'd climb Mount Everest.

Lex: Is she ready?

Yes, sir. And so is the lab.

Lex: Good. It time to find some answers. What happened?

The feed's been cut.

Lex: Lock this place down! Now!

Kara: What are you doing?

Kara, you have to come with us right now. We'll explain everything later. Just trust us.

[ Clangs ]

Pierce: You're not getting out, you know. I helped build this cage.

Clark: What do you want from me?!

Pierce: I've seen a lot of terrible things in your town. How could a place called Smallville be filled with such death and destruction? I think it has something to do with you.

Clark: Maybe you want to reconsider keeping me in this cage. You work for the government?

Pierce: I was head security for 33.1. I've tracked down a lot of meteor freaks, but you ... you're in a category all to yourself. The government wouldn't know what to do with you.

[ Beeping ]

Pierce: But I do.

[ Pulsating ]

[ Groaning ]

[ Pulsating stops ]

Pierce: Enjoy your stay ... freak.

Kara: What is this place? It's freezing in here.

Chloe: It's Clark's fortress. We're way up in the North Pole.

Kara: Right, fortress, North Pole. And how did we get here?

Chloe: Through the portal. Oh, and if there's a sudden shift in weather, just get out of here as fast as you can.

Kara: That's reassuring.

Chloe: Hello?! Jor-El?!

Kara: Who are you talking to?

Chloe: Clark's in trouble. Now, I know that your brother started all of this, but right now, the only way we can help your son is if you restore Kara's memory and powers.

Kara: Whatever Jor-El is, I don't think he's here right now.

Chloe: Jor-El! Out of all the planets across the universe, you decided to send your only son to this one! To Earth! You trusted us to protect him! Now, please, Jor-El, I need you to trust me! I love your son! He's in danger and he needs our help!

Kara: What's happening?! Chloe, why are we in the fortress?

Chloe: We have to save Clark.

Clark: [ Grunting ]

Lionel: Patricia.

Patricia: My lawyers know where I am, Lionel. If you k*ll me, they'll know who did it.

Lionel: Of course. Is that the evidence?

Patricia: My father raised me to keep my word. Before I hand this over, I need to see him first. You put him in a cage?

Lionel: What I have done is fulfilled my part of the agreement, and I expect you to do the same.

Patricia: Not yet. I want to meet him face-to-face. I need to verify he truly is the traveler.

Lionel: That can be done.

Patricia: I hope you've said your goodbyes, Lionel, because if he is the traveler, he's leaving with me right now.

Lionel: Put her on the plane. When she's on her way to Europe, return Mr. Kent discreetly to his home. I'll take it from there.

Pierce: That monster isn't going anywhere.

Lionel: What are you doing?

Pierce: You rich people ... your money makes you stupid. Anyone can see that thing is dangerous. It could k*ll somebody. For all we know, it might be a thr*at to national security.

Lionel: Pierce, listen to me.

Pierce: You know, in all the time that I worked for Lex, not once did he put the interests of a meteor freak above the safety of the world. He knew when to terminate a project. But you ... you're not your son. And I'm gonna terminate it for you.

Lionel: You don't know what you're doing. Clark Kent is not a thr*at.

Pierce: You really think after everything that I have seen that I'm just gonna let you and the Swann princess here just set him free? He must be terminated.

Lionel: No. He's a human being, Pierce. You'd be committing m*rder.

Pierce: It's not human.

[ Beeping ]

Clark: [ Groaning ]

[ Pulsating ]

[ Beeps loudly ]

[ Beeping rapidly ]

Kara: Clark.

[ Pulsating stops ]

Clark: It's nice having you back.

Kara: Clark, how could I have ever forgotten you?

Clark: Here you go.

Patricia: Somehow, I never pictured the last son of Krypton making coffee.

Clark: Just Clark.

Patricia: You know, my father thought the world of you.

Clark: Dr. Swann was a great man.

Patricia: I have something for you. Dad's journal, transcribed by his assistant. It's actually the last of many he kept throughout his life. I want you to have it.

Clark: Thank you. "The traveler will bring great change to the Earth."

Patricia: Clark?

Clark: All these prophecies about the traveler. I just hope I can live up to what everyone thinks I'm supposed to be.

Patricia: I've just met you, and there's no doubt in my mind that you're a force for good in this world.

Clark: What if that's not enough?

Patricia: You're right, Clark. And there are some people out there like Lionel Luthor who are willing to destroy others to get to you. Lionel had Robert and Laura Queen's plane sabotaged so it would crash. He poisoned Edward Teague, and I think he did the same thing to my father.

Clark: Why would he do that?

Patricia: They were all part of a group who swore to protect the traveler. Lionel wanted you all for himself.

Clark: He k*lled all those people because of me.

Patricia: My father often reminded me that despite the power of the sun, it's always night on half the planet. For all the good you do, there will always be darkness. People who would k*ll you or abuse your power for their own gain ... Lionel Luthor's just one of many. Clark, I wish you would reconsider coming with me. As long as Lionel Luthor is alive, he's a thr*at to you.

Clark: I'll deal with Lionel.

Patricia: Then I'll take an apartment in Metropolis. I want to be there for you. Just like my father was. Someday, I hope to see the traveler change the world.

[ Door opens ]

Lionel: Clark, I ... [ Sighing ] Oh. I'm ... sorry. I'm sorry that you had to be locked in that cell, but it was the only way I could be sure you were safe.

Clark: Safe from what?

Lionel: I got ... I got these letters, you see. They ... they threatened ... to ... kidnap you, to take you away. I didn't know who was sending them until I met with Patricia Swann, but I had no idea how many people were involved or how much they knew or what they intended to do with you.

Clark: Why didn't you just tell me there was danger? Let me make my own decision.

Lionel: If I told you, you would have rushed out to search for your enemies. I couldn't take that chance that you might get hurt.

Clark: So instead you sh**t me with Kryptonite TASERs. You trap me in a Kryptonite cell. Why would you even build that thing?

Lionel: Clark, you're not the only Kryptonian who's come here. Your fellow travelers are violent ... extremely violent. I built that cell for them.

Clark: Then why imprison me?

Lionel: Clark, son ...

Clark: You're not my father! I spoke to Patricia. She told me about the Veritas murders.

Lionel: The truth can be very easily manipulated.

Clark: You would know that better than anyone, Lionel. You've been doing it for years.

Lionel: I'm different now. I'm a different man.

Clark: No, you're not.

Clark: Hey, cousin. Need any help?

Kara: You've already done more than enough.

Clark: I have something for you. I was saving it till you got your memory back. [ Chuckles ] Thanks for saving my life.

Kara: I didn't do it alone. I mean, if it wasn't for Chloe and Lana, Lex would have dissected my brain by now. I can't believe I trusted him.

Clark: Don't be too hard on yourself. You're not the only one to be fooled by the Luthors. Lex and I used to be best friends. And I thought Lionel was my ally.

Kara: But it doesn't make any sense. I mean, Lex tried to save me in Detroit. His father saved both of us in Washington.

Clark: Lex and Lionel are only capable of doing the right thing if it benefits them. I want to see the good in people, Kara, but I think the Luthors are a lost cause.

Patricia: Why have we stopped?

[ Silenced g*nsh*t ]