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03x11 - Just Add Goodbye

Posted: 04/14/22 06:15
by bunniefuu
-Previously on Just Add
Magic... -HANNAH: I can't

believe Kelly's the Night
Bandit, and she's trying

to trick us into cooking
to keep the book forever.

When we unpoisoned the garden,

the cost was that
it poisoned Kelly.

-We deserve the book.
-That's the poison talking.

Did you spell me?

-Is that you? The real you?

I'm so sorry.

I gave you
a sleepwalking spell.

We already cooked the recipe
last night.

HANNAH: "Property
of Hannah Parker-Kent,

Kelly Quinn
and Darbie O'Brien."

We're tied to the book forever.

(birds singing)

(knock at door)

Hannah and Darbie
are still here.

I can't face them
after what I did.

What do I do to make this right?

I don't want to end up like...

You don't want to end up
like Gina and Ida and me?

It took you guys decades
to become friends again.

How do I know
it won't be the same with us?

Because you three are better
friends than we ever were.

Hey, why'd you run off?

Yeah, we thought
you were coming back.

Sorry. I, um...

was just thanking Grandma
for helping you two save me.

I'm sure
you would've figured it out.

You guys can solve anything.

Okay, so, the front page
of the book says that we own it,

so, we tried
to cross our names out.

DARBIE: No surprise,
the book didn't like that.

It literally wouldn't let us
write on that page.

So we tried
to rip that page out.

The book liked that even less.

The page would not come out.

Also, now I have a paper cut.

And we don't want
to spell the book,

because that never ends... well.

Wait. Kelly, are you okay?

This is all my fault.

It's okay, Kelly.

No, it's not.

I don't even know
how to begin to apologize.

It wasn't you.
It was the poison.

But I did things that...

Any one of us
could've gotten hit

with the downside
of regrowing the garden.

And you would have been there

for us, no questions asked.

Wait. You really forgive me?

There's nothing to forgive.

Maybe being the Forever
Protectors won't be so bad.

We can grow up to be
magical superheroes,

-fighting crime and
solving mysteries. -(laughter)

Does that mean we have
to stay together forever?

What if we do end up
living in different cities?

Teleport spell?

Look, when I'm a doctor, I don't
want to have to leave surgery

'cause I'm on call
for some mystery crisis.

I thought you could use
a non-magical snack.

Thanks, Grandma.

Maybe you could help us
figure out...


-What's happening? -Grandma?
-Grandma? -Grandma Q?

Help me, girls.

♪ ♪

Kelly? Everything okay?

-We heard a crash.
-KELLY: Uh...

yeah. I just... dropped lunch.

Yup, just clumsy Kelly
being... clumsy.

Have you seen Grandma?

She wanted to come
to Buddy's soccer practice.

Oh, um, she went home to...

Take a nap.

She should just nap at soccer
practice. That's what I do.

When you're not on the field,

-(door closes)
-Oh, no.

Grandma must be the downside
of Mama P's recipe.

But why?
What's the connection?

Mama P didn't write

a riddle for this spell,
did she?

'Cause that would be
really helpful right about now.

No, but the book might have.

Now that we've used
the recipe...

It should appear inside.

Here it is!

"To keep something precious,

you must lose
something precious."

And because
I forced you to cook,

the magic took Grandma from me.

It took her from all of us,

-I love her
like she's my grandma. -Me, too.

Especially since my nee-ma
lives across the country

and always sends
my birthday presents late.

But she means well.

I know.
I'm sorry. It's just...

You're worried.
So are we.

Is the spoon

from the logo fading in?

Just like Grandma faded away.

That's not good.

What happens
when the Kn*fe and fork show up?

That's when
the spell becomes permanent.

Once this finishes,
Becky will be gone forever.

So... there's still time
to fix this.

-But not much.
-Come on, book.

I know you've got
something in you

to break the casserole spell.

-It doesn't. -Ida!
If you're not going to help...

I'm being honest.
I crafted that spell

to forge a permanent bond
with the book.

It can't be undone or countered.

You were good, Mama P.

-Thank you.
-KELLY: But not that good.

We've broken
unbreakable spells before.


We have a bajillion spices.

We can create a new spell.

Something that severs bonds.

"Break the Bonds Borscht."

Did the book just
create the spell we asked for?

How? A spell only appears
in the book

-after protectors cooked it.
-MAMA P: Maybe this is

part of what it means
to own the cookbook forever.

Ah. The things
we could have done together.


-It's beet stew.

We should have said
it needs to taste amazing, too.


It just changed.

HANNAH: Into a
"Break the Bonds Jake-Rito"!

-Jake's recipe made it
into the book. -Wow!

Makes sense.

Nothing tastes better
than a Jake-Rito.

"To break yourself
of the strongest bind,

"you'll have to make something
one of a kind.

"With a special spice
your bond you'll veto

by taking one bite
of this special burrito."

Perfect! And the magical
ingredient is cumin from the...

Parquinnien Family?


We've never cooked
with that spice before.

And I've never seen it
in a recipe.

Neither have we.

If it didn't come back

when you regrew your garden,

it must be extinct,
like Morbium.

I'm sorry, girls.

Without the right spice,
this spell is useless.

Wait! Parquinnien
doesn't exist now,

but we could go to a time
when it did exist.

We can make A Guac Through Time.

But who would you go see
for help?


Traveling through time

to visit that greased-up punk
is a bad idea.

Look, I'm not Chuck's
biggest fan, either,

but his spice pantry must have
been stocked in the 1800s.

Yeah, it's bigger than yours,
Mama P.

Oh. Not that it's a contest.

If anyone has rare spices,
it's Chuck.

Plus, he owes us big time
for saving his sister.

Ugh, bad news.

The spoon has
completely faded in.

You go.

-We'll prep the recipe.
-MAMA P: Fine.


But if you see Chuck,
tell him I still hate him.


Maybe just don't say anything.

1800s, here we come.

So cool.


Uh, hmm, we kind of stick out.

Should we make a pit stop
at Ye Olde Ten Gallon Hat Shop?

-We don't have the right money.
-Or the time.

The guac wears off
in three hours.

Come on.

It's like being in a movie.

Except smellier.

People really need
to pick up after their horses.

Excuse me.

Whereabouts are you gals from?

Um... Lavender Heights?

Never heard of it.

Lavender Heights
hasn't been founded yet.

Thanks, Hannah.

What kind of getup
are you wearing?

I am so styling right now.

We don't take too kindly
to strangers around here.

No worries.
We should get going, anyway.

Oh, boy.

Just like old times.


No Becky.

We've never cooked together,
just the two of us.

I guess it's never too late.

(cell phone buzzing)

I, uh, I have to take this.


Yes, I know there's a deadline,

but I have
an emergency here and...

Yes, I'll let you know soon.

Hey, what about our phone call?

I still don't know
what law we broke.

Well, at least our guacamole
will wear off soon

to take us back to the future.

How is that good news?

We do not want to deal
with frontier justice.

We can't leave here

We won't. We'll get the spice.


Grandma's running out of time

and we're the only ones
that can save her.

We'll figure it out
like we always do.

What was that
about frontier justice?

I thought that description
of the strange girls

sounded familiar.

-Chuck. -Chuck.

You didn't happen to bring me
a Little Judy, did you?

No, but please tell me you have
a Danish in your pocket

and can magic us out of here.

Got something even better.


Ida taught me how to do this
back in the '60s.

How is she, by the way?

Uh, she says hi.

Thanks for rescuing us.

It's the least I could do after
you saved Rose and sent us home.

I'm not so sure
we did you a favor.

The past is kind of mean.

This is where I belong.

Done a lot I'm not proud of.

Now I have a second chance
to make up for it.


By helping people that need it.

Stopping bad people
from doing bad things.

Magical superhero.


So, what brings you
to my century?

Let it go, Ida.

If the call was no big deal,

why not tell me
what it was about?

Because it's none
of your business.


An old friend heard
I'd started performing again.

She's offered me a job
playing piano.

What's so bad about that?

For the New York City Ballet.

That's fantastic.

Not really.

I'm just looking for the
polite way to turn them down.

Gina, this is your life's dream.

It was my dream 30 years ago.

Hey, Ms. Silvers.

Uh, I brought my...

I know you're mad, Jake,
but you have to understand, I...

No. We're cool.

I beg your pardon?

I mean, yeah, I was mad
you left, but I got over it.

"Got over it"?

Springtown's not too bad.

And I'm learning a lot
from the new manager.


Well... I thought
you'd be a little mad.

So, you're upset with me
for not being upset with you?

I'm just saying it would be nice
to be missed.

Well, you can't skip town,
break ties

and then be upset
when people forget about you.

"Break ties"?
I sent postcards.

Could you two
work this out later?

Time is not on our side.


So, what's so important
you needed me

to bring over my top secret
Jake-Rito sauce?


I made it into the book?


Wait, do I get paid for this?

Help yourself
to whatever you need.

So, I got to ask, what's
the deal with your pocket watch?


It has the fork, Kn*fe and spoon
logo on it.

It won't stop ticking.

You left it right here.

Darbie, I don't own
a pocket watch.

I can't find any.

What spice are you looking for?


There's no Parquinnien.

It's extinct here, too?

Do you know when
we can find some?

You don't understand.

I spent a hundred years
researching spices

when I was trying to save Rose

and I never came across

I don't think it exists.

No, the-the book
gave us a spell.


these are all the spice families
I know.

Wow. This is amazing.

What are these little patterns
by each family?

If you look closely
at spice leaves,

you can see the patterns
hidden on them.

It's how you tell magical spices
from regular spices.

So when we were harvesting
the garden,

we ate all those carrots
for nothing?

(chuckles softly)

Guys, look.

There's spices
we've never even heard of.

Atlantean, Romany...

But no Parquinnien.

This can't be...

(alarm beeps)

That's our three hours.

We failed.

What's going on?

How can I help?

I don't think you can.

Bye, Chuck.


Charles, I got it just in time.

Now we have to destroy it.

Good work, Ian. I...

The girls couldn't have stayed
for five more minutes.

No, no, no, no, no, you don't
use the shredding side.

You use the grating side.

Look, even the book knows.

"Fine grated Parmesan."

Pardon me, head chef.

Just let me do it.

If I can travel the world
50 years late,

you can go to New York.

Travelling is great when you
have a home to come back to.

But to move?
To start a new career?

It's... scary.

You know what would
make it easier?

Turning them down in a letter.

Good idea.

You need someone to go with you
and help you settle in.

That would be nice,
but I don't have anyone.

Don't you?

I've always wanted
to see a Broadway show.


Oh, no.

Let me guess.

Once again, Chuck was good
for absolutely nothing.

Parquinnien isn't extinct.

It doesn't exist.

Now the fork is fading in.

We're running out of time.

Why would the book tell us
to use a fake spice?

Well, the book doesn't know

It doesn't even know
how to make my secret sauce

and that's just
a blend of three peppers.

Not that that's important
right now.

-That's brilliant, Jake.

I-I put a lot of work
into perfecting it.

That's not what I mean.

If Parquinnien doesn't exist,

we can create it
by blending magic plant roots.


Ms. Silvers, we have
your grafting book

from when we went Dumpster
diving for your recipes.

That book is just my research.

I tried for years
to graft spices,

but I could never find
a compatible pair of families.

Um, I think Chuck might've given
us the key to figuring that out.

I got it.

I know where Silvers went wrong.

Magic spices don't graft
in pairs.

They graft in trios.

Which three roots do we use?

Uh, the Jake-Rito spell
breaks bonds,

so the Parquinnien family
is a bonding family.

-That's physical.

Oh, but bonds
can also be emotional.

Carnejian. What else?

Uh, it needs to take effect
right now. Taurian?

No, Taurian isn't compatible
with those two.

We need something else.

What if it's Night Blooming?

Repulsion and attraction.

Yeah, the spell needs to break
our bonds with the book...

And allow it to find
new protectors someday.

Good idea.

It's a new type of magical math,

but I think this combination
will work.

♪ ♪

Now what?
Does it magically grow?

Some plants can bloom overnight.

But this is a magic plant,
so it takes...

...18 days to bloom.

Oh, no.

We merged three spices.

That means...

it's 18 days times 18 times 18.

Over 5,000 days.

Wait, this plant won't bloom
for years?

15 years.

I'm so sorry, Kell.

No problem.

I'll look after it.

Grandma Q doesn't have 15 years.


we still have some guacamole.

Jake's Deluxe Cafe?

Whoa, it looks so much
like Mama P's.

Does that make him Papa J?


This is Jake's flagship store.

You're right on time.

Okay. This is a lot to process.

Is that the Parquinnien?

Water it twice a week.

Um... where am I?

Are they here yet?
Oh, hi.

We look so young.

You're early.

No, you're late, Darbie.

-Well, I guess some things
never change. -(laughter)

But what has changed?
Tell us everything.

Well, things got weird
when we were taken over

by our alien overlords.

I'm just messing
with you guys.

Things are great.

We don't all live
in the same town,

-but we video chat all...
-No, Darbie!

It's too dangerous
to talk about the future,

even if it's good.

Whatever you say...

Professor Parker-Kent.

(all chuckle)

I guess now I have to tell you
how we end up.

We're all still friends,

and that's what matters
to me.

I want to be surprised
by the rest.

Hey, did you guys want
extra sauce on your...

I don't even want to know.

(girls chuckle)

I really wish we could stay...

But you've got somewhere to be.

There's more magic in life
than in the cookbook.

Now, go save Grandma.

Miss O'Brien?

I'm sorry to bug you,
but I'm a big fan.

Can I have an autograph?

-Of course.


We're out of time.
This has to work.

I don't feel "unbonded."

Not that being bonded
felt any different.


Did we do something wrong?
It still says...

-HANNAH: "Par..."
-KELLY: "Quinn..."



I don't think the spice
is pronounced "Par-kin-ian."

It's Parquinnien.

It's... us.

The book named the bonding spice
family after you three.

Well, that's even better than
getting a recipe in there.

Makes sense.

You girls are great friends,

and few bonds are
stronger than friendship.

So, as far as
I'm concerned,

Parquinnien is the
friendship spice, right?

There's a Parquinnien spice?

-Grandma Becky!

No one hugged me
when I came back,

and I was gone for weeks!

(all chuckle)

We're not open
to customers yet.

As if I would buy anything
in this place.

Does that mean
you're actually here

to say good-bye this time?

Jake, I've missed the people
of Saffron Falls.

Okay, some of the people.

And you were right.

If I want my friends
to care about me,

I need to be in their lives.

So I bought back the café.

Bought or used magic?

Let's just say
I got a good price.

Now, shut your eyes.

Open them.

We're back, Jake!


I found our old mystery box.

It was in the trailer,
under the sink...

Or you can just toss those.

I don't want to hold on to the
memories of the Night Bandit.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Guys, I'm so...

Kelly, stop apologizing.

This wasn't your fault.

I was going to say "grateful."

You guys helped me save Grandma.


We told you,
we love Grandma Q.

-She's our grandma, too.

Silvers got it wrong
when she said

our bond is our friendship.

We're more than that.
We're family.

We're sisters.

I couldn't agree more.

And we're sisters that have
a spice family named after us.

How cool is that?

It is pretty awesome.

I wonder if it's
some sort of reward

for a job well done.

You know...

this is the first time
since we got the book

that there are
no mysteries to solve.

No downsides about to strike.

It almost feels like...

Feels like... we're done.

It's time, isn't it?

But I thought the book chose

when it moved on.

Maybe we choose...
when we're ready.

Are we? Ready?

(quiet gasps)

(sniffling, crying)

I did not think
that I would be the one

crying the most
when the book moved on.

I can't believe
you're not crying, Kelly.

I know I should be sad.

I am sad, but...

I feel proud of everything
we did with the magic.

-We have helped a lot of people.

I'm gonna miss the book...

but as long as I have you two,

I'll still have the magic.

Then you will always
have it, Kell.

Seriously, we went
into the future

and saw that time and distance
will never keep us apart.

I do have one regret.

We never did use magic
to go see dinosaurs.

-Just saying.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


(clears throat loudly)

I'd like to say
a few words. (chuckles)

But history has shown I'm not
good with public speeches...


...or good-byes.

So, who wants to do the honors?



I don't want to say good-bye...

because this isn't good-bye.

It's the start
of the next chapter.

I know a future where
we're not all together

seems... scary.

But we'll always be
in each other's hearts.

That's what matters.

So, here's to moving on...

...and to change...

...and to all the adventures
yet to come.

May we always be lucky enough

to have a little magic
in our lives.


(indistinct chatter)

♪ ♪

How did this get in here?