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01x04 - Visiting Hours

Posted: 04/19/22 06:50
by bunniefuu
For f*ck's sake,
Cartwright. Not now.

Here, give me your phone.

Give me your phone!

- Phone.
- For what?

Just give me your phone.

Where's Harper?

- What the f*ck? Who's th...
- Hey. Phone.

- My phone?
- Your phone!

f*ck off. I Face
Time my kids on this.

I don't care if you ArseTime
the Pope on it. Give it to me.

Service phones have
tracking enabled.

We need to disappear.

Now, you three, go
fetch Ho and Loy.

And you better move it unless you
want the Dogs to bite your cocks off.

Yeah, hold... We don't
know where they live.

423 Middle sex Court, Hackney.

16 Mervan Road, Brixton.

You can figure out the
f*cking postcodes yourselves.

- Then where?
- You know where.


Blake's grave.

Wait, where?

I've definitely seen him
before. I recognized him.

- Who?
- The head.

He's one of us.

Was one of us.

What did you do? What
the f*ck just happened?

He was a traitor.

A spook.

I spoke to Simmonds.


I had a prepaid.
Can't be traced.

Look, if I hadn't
dealt with that scum,

we'd still be sitting there
waiting for the cops to show up.

Or the SAS.

And those bastards
sh**t to k*ll.

What I did was self-defense.

Self-defense? He was unarmed.

- He'd have done the same to us.
- The same to us how?

He'd have slung us
in jail, that's how!

How long do you think
we'd last in there?

Bleeding out in the corner
from some t*rror1st shank.

- I ain't going out like that.
- No, mate. That doesn't make any sense

because he organized
it, didn't he?


He came to us, yeah?

And then we all took
the plan to Simmonds.

He set us up!

- Nah.
- He was always too keen, too hard-line.

He'd never have gone
through with it.

We weren't supposed
to see it through.

No one was supposed to die.

- That was the point.
- What are we gonna do?

He's playing cards, and you
cut his f*cking head off!

- What the f*ck are we gonna f*cking do?
- Take it easy!

Take it easy. I say, I say...

Listen. We let the kid go.

- He can identify us.
- No, no, no.

He's been hooded up.

He's caught a glimpse at best.

He's heard our voices. He's
listening to you right now.

So what? So what?

He doesn't know our names, yeah?

Danny Campbell,
14 Dunlop Terrace.

Hey! Hey!

What are you f*cking
playing at, hey?

Hey, kid, did you hear
that? Did you hear that?

He's getting a good look
at your face right now.

f*ck you. f*ck you.

Kid, did you hear that?

If he didn't, I can
say it again louder.

You are a f*cking
snake, do you know that?

- I suggest you shut your mouth…
- You f*cking,

or I'll say your name and all.



There's been no indication
from the security services

to suggest they are any closer

to discovering the whereabouts of
the kidnapped student, Hassan Ahmed.

And while many are hoping
for his safe return,

there are still millions
across the world

who are continuing to
share the hostage video.

To explore the situation
in a broader context, I'm…


We confirmed the
victim. It's Alan Black.


No trace.

Black d*ed about 20 minutes ago.


Gone. His car's here.
We're bringing it in.

The back door's been forced, so
it looks like he wasn't alone.

Neighbor opposite said she
saw a group in a huddle.

Slow Horses.

Whatever it is can wait.

First Desk is on the
secure line, ma'am.

I was told it was urgent.

I have to go.

Secure the scene. Deep clean.

Get here as fast as you can.


Let me reassure you, there is no
need to distract from your trip.

I'm already at the airport, having
walked out of a State Department meeting.

Have you completely lost control
over there? What's going on?

- Lamb's gone AWOL.
- Christ.

I've been worried about him, which
is why I put Sid Baker in there.

What's Baker saying
about Alan Black?

She's in hospital.

She took a b*llet in a
detail with Cartwright Jr.


I want Lamb and his rejects off
the street and into the Park.

I need to know exactly our
level of exposure here.

Where's the boy?

I've pulled everyone in.

SO15 are standing by, and
command center is aware.

Clean this up by
the time I land.

And if it is the Slow
Horses behind it, bury them.


Twenty for the hat.


Min, is there no way
to turn that off?

No. The CD's jammed in

and the stereo doesn't turn off.

Can you at least
change the song?

It's stuck. It doesn't
turn off. That's the issue.

- Oh, my God.
- f*ck me, who cares?

Look, what do we know
about Alan Black?

I know that he left Slough House about
a year ago, way before you joined.

- Uh-huh.
- Where do you know him from?

I t...

- Maybe the Park.
- He was kicked out of the Park years ago.

Yeah, for sleeping with the wife
of the Venezuelan ambassador.

How did Lamb know
to go to that house?

Taverner, must be.
He met her earlier.

- What is this? Lamb and Taverner?
- f*cking hell.

Lamb's cut us loose.

That envelope he took off
Moody, that was his flight fund.

If he wanted to, he
could just disappear.

f*cking hell, we are f*cked.
f*ck, we really are f*cked.

Yeah, yeah, but I
don't think he will.

He broke me out when I was being
guarded by that Dog. He didn't have to.

No, no, that's different.

No, look. Lamb will have a play.

He doesn't like to lose.

Okay, so what do we do?

Do we do what Lamb said?

Or do we head to Regent's
Park and turn ourselves in?

- Stick to Lamb's plan.
- Turn ourselves in.

Right. Fine.

I say that we
round up everybody,

head to Blake's grave,
and if Lamb doesn't show,

then we know he's f*cked us.

- Yeah.
- Yes, stick to the plan.

Oh, sh*t, did either of you
get Ho or Loy's addresses?

Uh-huh. Yes. It was...

- It was a crescent.
- 423 Middle sex Court, Hackney, E9.

16 Mervan Road, Brixton, SW2.

God, and postcodes.

- Bagsy, not get Ho.
- Yeah, nor me.

f*cking... Thank you.

Right, you two get
Struan. I'll get Ho.


Where's the boy?

We're tracking
multiple vehicles.

What does "multiple" mean?

Thirty-five vehicles
passed the traffic cams

at the end of Roupell Street
15 minutes before Lamb went in.

Ma'am, I know it's not my place
to ask, but what is going on?

You're right. It's
not your place.

Why do you think Lamb bolted?

Maybe he saw Black's head and
worried about what it looked like.

It looked like what it was.

The head of the Slow Horse is panicking
because a Slow Horse op went south.

Lamb's gone rogue, and
one of my agents is dead.

Jesus Christ.

Who knows about this?

You, me, First Desk,
and it stays that way.

I'll keep the Hub on Hassan.

And I want you and your
Dogs on the Slow Horses.

I'll bring Lamb in myself.

This is an alias
he's likely to use.

If he surfaces, take backup.

And, Duffy?

If anyone gets hurt,
I'd rather it were Lamb.

I can be sure of your silence.
I won't lose any sleep over his.

- Where the f*ck are we going?
- Out of London.

- By the backstreets. No cameras.
- Then what?

Why did you tell him my name?

To focus you.

There's only one
way out of this.

- What, the boat?
- What?

My cousin's boat in Harwich.

- That was the backup plan.
- You and that f*cking boat.

No, no, no, listen. If it
gets us to Holland or France,

- whichever is close...
- I'm not getting on a boat, mate.

I've got a little girl.

Hey, you never
see your daughter.

Do you?

Is that what Simmonds said?

"Get to the boat,"
yeah? "Get to the boat."

- Simmonds?
- Yeah?

Nah, he wanted us to
walk out, take no action.

- What?
- f*ck off.

- Christ.
- No.

We're on our own, aren't we?

- Aren't we?
- We don't need him.

Simmonds could've got us money.

He could've got us new IDs.

- Got us out of this!
- We don't need Simmonds!

What you did back
there, that was you.

- It was you!
- Do you think the cops will care?

You still kidnapped someone.

- You still threatened to k*ll him.
- Yeah.

- Just listen to me, right?
- We didn't mean that, did we?

- You didn't mean it?
- No, we didn't mean it!

- No, we were gonna let him go, weren't we?
- Yeah.

How long would that
have got us inside?

Like, two years.

I could do that, mate.
I've done it before...

Listen, listen, I say
we stop the van now.

We let the kid go, yeah?

And we get out of the country.

You just told him
the escape route.

No, no, no.

We tie him up in the woods
somewhere on the way.

We'll be gone by the
time they find him.

We'll be gone.



- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, all right. The boat.



Give Daddy a big hug.

All right, monkeys, let Daddy
go. He's got important business.

- At the Park?
- At the Park, yes. It's hush-hush.

Isn't that right, Agent Pierce?

Quite so.

Shall we, Agent Loy?

Hey, we should keep kissing 'cause they
might see us in the rearview mirror.

Well, let me drive.

Where are you? Where are you?

- What's happenin', bruv?
- I'm looking for Ho.

No Ho here, man.

Why the f*ck are you here?

There's been a complaint
about your music. It's sh*t.

Come on. We gotta go.

Come on!

Are you in charge?

Show us your CCTV footage
from 20 minutes ago.

So, do you want to talk
about what just happened?

Well, we were too
late is what happened.

No. I meant us.

I think we should talk about
how we evade MI5 security, Min.

Well, it turns out we
evade them by kissing.

There's not gonna be any "us" if
we don't stay ahead of the Dogs

and work out what the
f*ck Black was up to.

Yes, of course. But
once... once that's sorted…

"Us" could still be a thing?

Less likely every
time you bring it up.

Hey, come on.

They might let us share a cell.

God. We really,
really are f*cked.


Yeah, that's him.


Now. Three. Two.

Yeah, here we go.

- Duffy.
- He's using that ID you gave me.

Booked a 06:00 a.m.
flight to Istanbul.

- Are you sure?
- I'm looking at the CCTV right now.

His face is obscured,
but it's Lamb.

- We're off to Gatwick.
- Duffy!

Hold on.

Look at this.

You dirty bastard.


He's also booked flights from Heathrow,
Stansted, London City, Birmingham,

and Manchester. He knows
we'll have to cover 'em all.

- He's drawing us off.
- Yeah, while he runs for a ferry.

No. I know where he's going.

Oh, God.

Whoever you are,
back off. I'm armed.

- No, you're not.
- Lamb?

Come on. Open up.


It... It's the
middle of the night.

You can't just show
up unannounced.

No. Leave the light off.

What do you want?

Fallen off the wagon, have we?

It's actually a water bottle.

You've probably never seen one.

Get dressed.

- I live here. You can't tell me...
- Just get dressed!

Where are we going?

Where are we going?

- What are you doing?
- I'll tell you on the way.

We just gotta move fast.
The Dogs are on us.

Why are they after me?
I've not done anything.

Well, nothing they'd
be able to trace.

We gotta keep
switching vehicles.

You can't hot-wire any of these.
You need to hack the alarm system.

I can help with that
for the right price.

Come on.

I'll go analog.

I'll have a bacon
double cheeseburger…

- Yeah?
- …chips, a can of Fanta


- You just got Kit Kats and TWIX, yeah?
- Just that, thanks.


If you're in any kind
of personal trouble,

I just want you to know
I couldn't give a f*ck.

And I don't want to
be dragged into it.

Yeah, you're already in it.





We have Loy downstairs
for you, ma'am.

I'll be right down.



Would you excuse me
a minute? I just...

It is relentless up there.

- I can imagine.
- Oh, no, you can't.

None of you can.

How does it feel to be
back here at the Park?

Well, this isn't
really the Park I knew.

I mean, I've never been down here. I
didn't know we had rooms like this.

Not many people do.

That's why I chose it for you.

I don't want anyone
to know you're here.

My wife knows I'm
here… at the Park.

She still thinks you
work here, doesn't she?

I've been trying to
find the right moment.

It's been a year.

Your little boy
must be, what, six?

And Evie, seven?

No, eight.

They must love the idea
their daddy's James Bond.

I understand why you don't
want anyone to know the truth.

Is that what this is about?
Me lying to my family?

You lied to the investigators
first, didn't you?

I panicked.

Said you didn't send the email, even
though it came under your log in.

Do you want to read it?

- Not really.
- I think you should.

"Anyone else surprised
by Tearney's outfit?"

!sis chic.

"Maybe she's undercover?"

She wore a shawl at
a press conference.

It... It... It looked
a bit like... like…

You used a service email chain

to imply that the head of MI5 was working
undercover for a t*rror1st organization.

But it was meant as a joke.

But it's a pattern
of behavior, Struan.

Joking around.

Undermining your superiors.

Questioning the line of command.
Not taking your job seriously.

And what we do here
is very serious.

So if you were to come back
here to work at the Park,

I need to know that you
have learnt your lesson.


I can't promise anything.

You probably know how many
people have made it back

from Slough House to upstairs
here at Regent's Park.


It's not impossible.

Have you seen anything
unusual at Slough House,

any activity?


I don't think so.

What sort of unusual activity?

It's a shame you haven't
noticed anything.

I was relying on you.

You see, I have a problem.

Quite a big problem.

How would you like to
be part of the solution?

Slow down! This
isn't Mario Kart!

Can you get Alan Black's
service record up on that?

Can you stop wasting my time
with rhetorical questions?

Can you just do it please? Or
whatever the magic word is.

How did you find me?
Those are the magic words.

Stop dicking around,
Roddy. Just do it.

No, but this is a
major security breach.

I need to review protocols
so it doesn't happen again.

You overlooked a massive
weak spot in your defenses.


I hacked the personnel
database at the Park.

I changed my address.

My phone, my Internet, my
bills, even my bank account

are all linked to false IDs
that rotate every 24 hours.

I'm so far off the grid, I don't
even know where the grid is.

Lamb followed you home.

When the f*ck?

I don't know, but
he told everyone.

Black! Come on.

You worked with
Black, didn't you?

- Roddy!
- Yeah!

What was Black doing in that
house with Hassan Ahmed?

Any clues in anything
he said or did?

Yeah, on the last day
he said, "f*ck you.

I'm off to kidnap an Asian kid and
behead him for the Union Jack."

f*ck's sake, Roddy.
Right, fine. Okay?

You drive like a
maniac, you know.

- That's him.
- Eyes on the road!

Look ahead!

I've definitely seen
him somewhere. Come on.

We never crossed paths at Slough House.
I think he left before I joined the Park.

This has literally
nothing to do with me.

Do you recognize him?

Alan Black. Left Slough
House soon after I arrived.

Seen him since?

You sure?

You haven't seen him recently
in the company of Jackson Lamb?

Well, not since he left.

Then you're not part of
the solution then, are you?

You're just another problem.

What are you doing? This
isn't Blake's grave.

I just need to know
that she's okay.

- All right?
- Why?

She can't help you now!

You'll be lucky if you get ten
minutes before the Park get here!

I'll be out in five. Just
leave the engine running!


You have two new messages.

Message one.

This is Diana Taverner. You need
to come to the Park straightaway.

Jackson Lamb's gone rogue.

Message two.

Catherine, Diana Taverner again. I
really need you to come to the Park.

There are things about
Charles Partner's death

that Lamb hasn't told you.

Call me.


I picked up your blue suit.

You could wear that
today if you fancy.

- Charles?
- What's taking so long?

Get out of my bedroom.

What, you think I want to
catch you in your underwear?

I imagine you'd like that.

Almost as much as I'd like to
see you in your nylon Y-fronts.

Come on.


What was Taverner talking about?

What don't I know
about Charles's death?

She's screwing with your head.

Look, you could leave with me now
or with less friendly people later.

It's up to you.

No, leave the phone.

Hi. Sorry, can you tell me
which room Sidonie Baker's in?

It's immediate family only.

Yeah, I'm her stepbrother.

Can you sign in on the screen?

Yeah, yeah.

- Great. Which room?
- ICU room 4.

- End of the corridor on the right.
- Great, thank you.


Baker has a visitor.

What the f*ck is he doing there?

Who can get there fastest?

Cartwright's back at
the hospital. Get him.

With pleasure.

Do f*ck off.

It's River, isn't it?

Has he gone off the rails, and
now we're paying the price?

Well, not a million miles off.

Baker's been hurt. Moody's dead.

There's probably a
C&C out on all of us.


How badly hurt is Sid?

Not as badly hurt as Moody's
dead. Did you catch that bit?

Jed Moody was always going
to end badly, but I like Sid.

Busy night?

You angling for overtime, Nick?

- You're talking to the wrong bloke.
- Need to know if you're carrying a w*apon.


I'll have to check that.
Spread 'em, please.

Please, Nick, shut the kid up. Come
on, it's embarrassing. You're a pro.

You can tell from the fold of
my clothes I'm not carrying.

- I'm afraid you don't get a choice...
- If he takes another step towards me,

he'll be frisking me
with broken wrists.

Come on.

Webb, you can drive.

Ms. Standish, you're up front.

Lamb, you're in
the back with me.

Come on.

Are you serious?

Time's up, Cartwright.
Screw all this.

Come on. Unbelievable.

You love it when
I'm hard on you.

What about that story
about you tailing Taverner?

Is that just a myth?

No. Not a myth, actually.
That really did happen.


Thanks, Sid.

Yeah, f...

Wait, wait, wait!

- Door closing.
- Come on, come on, come on.

- For f*ck...
- Hi.

Routine or emergency?

She's just switching wards.

Thank you.




Right. About 20 miles
outside of Harwich,

we pass through
some countryside.

Looks like there's some woods.

We leave him there, yeah?

That sounds good to me.


If you like.

Do you hear that, kid?

We're gonna leave you someplace and
someone is gonna find you, okay?

Yeah? It's okay.

Really, it's just a bit
f*cked up is what it is.

We didn't mean it to go like this.
We just wanted to wake people up.

Do you know what I mean?
It's... It is what it is.


I'm sorry.

- You're sorry?
- Hey. Hey!

Someone d*ed, okay?

Spook or not, that's not right.

Are they sorry?

When they k*ll our troops
and r*pe our women?


f*ck that.


- What the f*ck is wrong with you, mate?
- What's... What's wro...

The kid is not a m*rder*r,
okay? And neither am I.

I am though, aren't I?

The way I see it, I'm already going
down for one m*rder, so what's a second?

f*ck it.

- We're k*lling him.
- I'm not k*lling anyone, mate.

- We've lost our f*cking...
- Take it easy!

Shut your mouths!
The question is then

whether you've got the
balls to stop me, isn't it?


- Yeah?
- Inbound with Lamb and Standish.

Tell her she best interrogate
me in a room with a window.

I had a lamb bhuna earlier that's
gonna make its presence felt.

What's happening?

Catherine Standish
is being brought in.

I'm sure I can make her remember
what you seem to have forgotten.

What happens to me?

Are you gonna tell my
wife I don't work here?

Yes. And I'm gonna tell
her you're being held

as part of the investigation
into Alan Black's death.

No! No, wait, wait, no,
no. Please, please, please.

It's coming back to me now.

I blanked it out because it felt
like something I shouldn't have seen.

I definitely remember seeing
Lamb and Alan Black together

after Black had
left Slough House.

If I rack my brains, I can
probably put a date on it.

Well, we've got it on tape.

Let's err on the side of
caution. Get it down in writing.


Is she gonna stick us in
those new basement cells?

I've not seen them myself.

I used to work out
of the old building.

But, you know, I've
been in the Stasi cells,

so anything you've
got will be a luxury.

And then what?

Lady Di's gonna
rewrite the time line,

stick Slough House in the frame
for this f*cking disaster.

Is no one gonna say "Bless you"?


Bit rude.

Course, she'd rather that
kid had his head cut off

than admit it was her fault.

She's scorching the earth.

She's covering her tracks.

But it's the covering of the tracks
that always gets you in the end,

isn't that right, Nick?

I mean, she knows
that, of course.

She thinks she's the exception.

That's what everybody thinks.

Everybody's always wrong.

Look, the last time I was in the
Park, Diana Taverner was in charge.

Until that changes,
I'll do what she says.

Yeah, but it's all
gonna unravel, Nick.

The sensible thing to do would
be forget Lady Di's London rules

and concentrate on finding that
kid before he gets whacked.

If that's not already happened.

Oh, Jesus! You keep a
cat in here or what?

Standish, you got a
tissue in that bag?

I've only got one left.

Give us it here then.

I have a question I
want answered first.

Oh, for... What now?

The question
pertains to something

that was raised in a voice
mail that I received tonight.

I'll tell you later.

Pinkie promise.


Now, we all know I'm not going
to sh**t you dead, Mr. Webb.

But I'll put a b*llet through
your foot if I have to.

Pull over.

- I said pull over.
- Yeah, all right, all right.

This is your stop, boys.

You two can walk from
here if that's all right.

You're full of surprises,
Standish. You know that?

How'd you know my
Y-fronts are nylon?

Because I have to
buy them for you.


Very efficient.