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09x06 - Past, Present, Future,

Posted: 04/19/22 07:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on when
calls the heart...

Nathan: What do you
think that's all about?

They do seem thick as thieves.

Your writing is unlike
anything I've read

in the newspapers around here.

Your style is
bold, brazen, even.


You two were injured.

Mei: You both suffered
emotional trauma.

Come on. Easy. Easy.
Hey, newton, come on.

Henry: Jerome smith
and his investors,

you and I and Lucas were
to maintain a united front.

Well, you have a lousy
way of showing that.

You disappeared for weeks
then roared back in here

and got yourself thrown
in jail for as*ault.

Bill: But this doesn't look
good for Lucas bouchard.

Now, walden's a snake

and if you mess with him
you're gonna get bitten.

I missed everyone so
much, Robert especially.

I just kept thinking about him.

Nathan: Well, you could just
like each other as friends.

I think it might be
more than that now.

And if we should marry,

I will hurry home
to you every night.

And should we marry,

I would have to pull myself
away from you every morning.

That I promise.

Ok, newt.

What do you say we put on the
uniform and give it a try.

[neighs] It's ok, it's alright.
We're just gonna go...

We're just gonna go for a
walk around town, alright?

We'll be back at it again
full tilt, you and I.

[horns honking]

Oh, for goodness sakes, people!

Sir, let this car
through, please.

[horn honking]

What is with all the noise?

It's becoming a
common occurrence.

[honking horn]

No, no, no, no. You back up.

Yeah, you back up!

Woah, woah, woah! Nathan!
You need some help here?

Joseph, I've got it.

[horn honking]
Rosemary: Sir. Sir, excuse me.

Newt, it's ok.

If you just back
up just a little,

that way you'll
let this man out.

What you want is uh,

that car to back up there
and let the others clear.

Joseph has the right idea.

[horns honking]


It looks like this is as
close as you're gonna get

to your office today.

Well, it looks like
you may be right.

No, I-I wasn't in
sin- that you-stay.

I believe this started with
these two cars over here.

All I know, it is almost
becoming too difficult

to even concentrate
with all this noise.



Mei, can you take newton,
please? Thank you.

Joseph, pass through.

What a surprise.

Newton doesn't seem
so thrilled, either.

Uh, mei, are you gonna
open the pharmacy?

Would you mind?


Back up. Back up.

That's it.

[car backfires]

I don't like this any
more than you do, boy.

Come on, come on. Let's
go get a cup of coffee.


Someone needs to do something.

This auto traffic is
becoming quite a problem.

Don't you agree?

Yes, especially
for the children.


Oh, Fiona called to say it
looks like she cinched the deal

to sell the oil company.

Not for publication,

but I think I'm a bit worried
about what kind of business

Lucas might be getting
involved in next.

Wyman walden?

Exactly. I ran into him
at the saloon a while back

and initially I
couldn't quite place him

but there's just something
so unsettling about that man.

Have you expressed
your concerns to Lucas?

Sort of.

Here we go.

[theme music plays] ♪

- Hello.
- Hello.

I was just on my
way to my office.

Busy day ahead?

Fiona says things
are looking good,

so I'm waiting on a
call from Jerome smith

to tell me that he
will soon be on his way

with the investor's paperwork.


- Not yet.
- Oh.

But hopefully.

So, have you decided
what you'll do next?

In the way of business?

I'm keeping my options open.


My mother sent this
for you, by the way.

The new Anne of green gables?
That was very thoughtful.

Unless, of course, this is
her subtle way of telling me

to read and not write.

[chuckles] my mother, subtle?

There you are.

And you have a lovely...

Yeah, well I'll have myself
a lovely day, as well.

There is a new
varietal of customer

that really leaves a
sour taste in my mouth.


Rude. Peevish. Discourteous.

Oh, what excellent words for
the next valley voice puzzle.

Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure.


You're behaving just like
those ill-mannered customers.

Florence, a case of cling
peaches is unaccounted for.

Eight large cans. Poof.

Shall I alert mountie grant?

That is an excellent idea.

Hello, dear friends.

Ah, now here is a
perfectly lovely example

of just how to socialize.

We were just discussing
how this entire town

is losing its manners.

My parents were forever
stressing the customary code

of polite behavior.


Molly, oh, you're a genius.

Come with me.


If buying into this cafe
is so important to you,

I'll hold off talking to lee.

You've wanted to be partners
with lee from the beginning.

It's partly the reason
you went to work for him.

I know.

But maybe that's not what
I'm supposed to do right now.

We'll pray on it and wait and
see where the lord leads us.

Of course, if he's
tasted your apple pie,

I don't stand a chance.

- Bye, baby.
- Thank you.

- Love you.
- Love you.

What do you think?

- This should help.
- Ahh.

Mei, I don't suppose
newton's back there with you?

I passed him off to bill.

[traffic sounds]

- Nathan.
- Hi mike.

Oh, mike?

You need to do something
about this traffic problem.

Working on it.

Oh, hi there, faith.

Mei, I nicked myself shaving.

And you need an

- No, a styptic pencil?
- Same thing.


- Add this to your tab?
- Please.

You did something
with your hair.

Oh, Fiona curled it.

Well, you look... Fantastic.

Thanks, mike.

Well, so long.

And after everything
we said to Allie

about beauty coming
from the inside.

It's been a while
since a man's made

any kind of remark
like that to me.

Mei, I've been meaning to ask...

What happened between
you and Jeffrey?

Things were never
going to work for us.


Well, I'm here if
you ever wanna talk.

I appreciate that, thank you.

- Faith?
- Hmm?

Enjoy mike's compliment.

Look, bill, I'm not blaming you.


I drove all the way to
buxton and back, no problem.

I try and park in
front of my office,

I can't get anywhere
near the place.

Henry just moved his car.

Ok, that's great, but it
doesn't address the issue.

Well, what do you suggest?

I don't know, maybe we put in
stop signs or a traffic light.

Or we have somebody working the
intersection doing semaphore.

I don't know, I don't care!

Wait, no that's not
true. I do care.

I care very much.

Bill, I don't like
what's happening

in this town right now.

Neither do I, lee, but
neither one of us is mayor.

Of course, you and rosemary
do run the newspaper.

I gotta go. Excuse me.

What did you want
to see me about?

I wanted to talk about newton.

He's fine, bill.

You had to notice how
skittish he behaved

around all those cars.

Well, he's coming around.

I don't want you riding that
horse unless I sign off on him.

Are you pulling rank?

If newton falters in the line
of duty it's dangerous for you,

and anyone else around you,
so yes, I'm pulling rank.

We'd like to increase
our publication

to three times a week.

Lee: Sweetheart.

Lee's trying to write.

Just give me a moment,
I'll be right out.

Oh, lee is very busy today

working on an editorial
for the paper.

We want to increase publication

and I think the
valley voice is ready

but we need something
truly noteworthy.

Something that will
attract new readers so that

[children screaming] ahhhhh!!!

[children laughing]

Ned, come quickly!

Hey, hey! What is going on?


Oh, my heavens!

[horn honking]

- Florence, be careful!
- Ahhh!

Elizabeth: What
has happened here?

[horn honking]

Ah! Ned!

Oh, be quiet!

We didn't do anything.

Robert started it.

It was Allie. She started it.

Is anyone hurt?

- No, sir.
- We're fine.

[sigh of relief]

Opal: We tried to stop them.

Alright, let us through.


Oh, my goodness!


Robert wolf, come
out here please!

Mrs. Thornton,
I... I can explain.

- Look at this mess.
- It'll all wash off.

Allie, where are you?

He started it.

That'll be enough, miss grant.
Honestly, look at you two!

What happened here?

We were just asking him that.

Robert, I left you in charge.

I was only gone a moment.

Allie asked how a
seltzer bottle worked

and so I just did this and

[squealing] Robert!

I'm counting down
the hours, Henry,

when I don't need to
worry about these wells.

I don't need to worry
about them drying up,

about the pump breaking down.

I'll leave all that
in your capable hands.

Let's talk over here.

The outlook on our
arrangement has changed

since Fiona returned
from san Francisco.

Did you know she went
down there on her own

to try and close
that deal with smith?

I did not.

And when she returned
with a bank note

thinking it was good news,

well, I didn't quite know
what to do with that.

That wasn't good news?

Lucas, I'm gonna level with you.

I think that Jerome smith
is still the same man

that I did business with before,

and I've been
trying to figure out

what it is that he really wants.

Should it matter?
We have his deposit.

The deal is about to close.

This is good news,
Henry. For all of us.

When I talked to him last night

I told him the number
two well had run dry.

Why would you do that?

Because I wanted to
gauge his reaction.


Because I got a hold
of the judge's ruling

in the coal valley case.

It sets forth that the pacific
northwest mining company

cannot re-open the mine.

What's your point, Henry?

Well, it would seem to me
that a simple change in name,

Jerome and his associates
could re-open that mine.

When we got back from rock creek
we talked about you and Robert.

And I was being his friend,
just like you suggested.

But my inner beauty
must have come out,

because next thing I knew he
was squirting me with seltzer.

Your inner beauty?

Miss tsu and doctor carter

said that real beauty
comes from the inside.

I agree with that,

and while you are
never responsible

for robert's or any
other boy's behavior,

it seems as though you
were an active participant.

So, is there anything you
could have done to help?

Not thrown that
scoop of ice cream.

But what a shot!

I got him right in the puss.

Grandpa taught me that word.

Yes, I'm sure he did.

However, he would not
approve of what you did.

So, Allie, I want you to go
over to the soda fountain

and help clean up,

and then you can
report back to me.

Yes, sir.

I am sorry.

[both stick out their tongues]

Ok, hey, that's enough.

Robert, sit tight.


Yeah, I was just telling mei

how much Allie has
reminded me of my sister.

And did she ever keep my
parents on their toes.


Well, you are not alone.

If ever you're
feeling overwhelmed,

you've got a town full of people

who would be happy to
offer you some advice.



Come in.

- Just two ounces of that?
- Yes.

- That should be perfect.
- Great, thank you.


Oh, hi.


I'll check on how the clean-up's
going back at the soda fountain.

How can I help you?

Would you like to have dinner.

Oh, mike, that is
awfully nice, but I

oh, I'm not being nice.

That isn't what I mean.

You're clinical,
and dispassionate.

That isn't what I mean, either.

You're a doctor, and so
you have to be that way

in order to assess situations

and make the best
decision possible,

so I could use some advice.


In that case, why not? Yes.

I have been working
day and night.

It would be nice getting
out for a change.


I'll see you then.

We never said where, did we?

Or when.

One step at a time.


[loud arguing]

Alright, everyone! Enough!


Now, what I've read in this
filing henry's obtained,

and I've only had a
chance to skim it,

is that the judge's
stipulation is ambiguous.

Well, that's the point
that I'm trying to make!

[arguing ensues]

Stop, please! Just...

Does anyone have an aspirin?

- Maybe, yeah?
- No, no, I don't have one.

Ah, never mind.

I think we all have
reason to be concerned

of the possibility of
the mines reopening.

The possibility.

Fiona, your most recent
trip to California,

was there any talk of the
mines among the investors?

Not a word.

They're not gonna say a wit
about it with Fiona around,

even if they had that intention
of reopening the mines.

Bill, is there any step we can
take to remove the possibility?

Any kind of
preventative measure?

We could try, but

it would just show our hand.


And that could cause
smith and company

to create a ruse we
might never uncover.

Can't we just scuttle
the deal altogether?

Well, not anymore, we can't.

No, money's changed hands.

Once you accepted
that banker's note

it more or less sealed the deal.


Until we get a handle on
this, let me be clear.

For the sake of this town,

especially those who lost
husbands and sons and brothers

in that mine,

there is to be no talk of
this outside of my office.


- Yeah.
- Yes.

I need some aspirin.

Lee! You're still at it.

Yeah, I'm almost done.
At least, I think I am.

Well, you certainly are pouring
yourself into whatever that is

that you're writing,

it must be very
important to you.

Yeah, it's an editorial
about what's happening

to our town so, yeah,
it is important.

Um, what did Elizabeth say?

Pertaining to...?

Writing a column for the paper?

Oh, yes, well we
were interrupted

before I could even ask her.

You're not gonna believe this,

but the children got into
an ice cream skirmish

over at the soda fountain.

Oh, it was quite the spectacle.

Well, you know what I
always say about children.

That they're sticky?


- Sticky and delightful.
- Sticky and delightful.

Well, I wish I could
have seen that.

I believe ned and
Florence are still there

supervising the clean up
if you'd like to help out.

I'm sure they could use it.


Oh, are Joseph and your men
working on something out there?

They shouldn't be.
Let's have a look.

Do you know what it
is they're building?

I have no idea, but
I intend to find out.

Would you mind staying
and proofreading

the editorial I wrote?

Of course.

Thanks, sweetheart. Ok, bye.

Lee, don't even bother.
I already tried.

They're outside contractors
here to do a job and that's all.

They said they don't
want any trouble.

I don't want any
trouble, either,

I just want to find
out what's going on.

Excuse me.

Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey.



[fighting grunts]

lee! Lee!

Faith: How are you feeling?

I feel fine. Hungry.

Look, I already told rosemary,

the fight was over
before it began, so...

Well, thankfully Joseph put
an end to the fisticuffs.

He is quite a stout preacher.

Amen to that.

Who knows what
would have happened.

Well, go have dinner.

I'm sure I'll see you
two over in the saloon.

Alright, thank you.

Oh boy.

Oh, and you never
said what it was

those men were intending
to build, anyway.

A billboard.

Advertising jobs
for the foundry.

- Yeah.
- Huh.

Anyway, see you later.

- Oh.
- Rosemary.

Thank you.

So, you and I and newton

have spent quite a
bit of time together,

and now that it's
just the two of us

let me ask you, what
brought you to hope valley?

It was time to see the world.

So you-you came here?


When faith was in Chicago she
made it sound like heaven.

How did newton do this morning?

The longer you wait

to get back in the saddle
the harder it'll be.

Yes, no, I know. I
know all too well.

I'd be happy to hop on my own
horse and go ride out with you.

It's not newton
I'm worried about.

When I was 13 I was
learning how to ride

and I was thrown from my horse.

Something must have spooked him.

And I got my boot
caught in the stirrup.

I got knocked around pretty bad.

That was my first concussion.

You must be hungry.

I'm gonna-I'll
get us some menus.


Any luck tracking
down my peaches?

The theft report
I filed with you?


Um, not yet, ned, but
I'm hot on the trail.

All right.

Where would you like to sit?

Lucas is here now.

Well, no time like the present.

Why don't you find us a table,
molly and I will be right back.

- Lucas?
- Excuse me?


We have a wonderful idea.

- We think it's a wonderful idea.
- Mmmhmm.

-Good manners, common
courtesy- -even civility.

Have flown out the window.

That's why we'd like to begin

hosting etiquette classes
here in the saloon.

Absolutely not.

No, thank you.


Well, who would have thought?

I know the first person
who should sign up

to take our classes.


Fiona, I uh, I wonder if
I might talk with you.

Alright. I'm listening.

Tomorrow at the oil
derrick in the afternoon?

- Ok.
- Alright.

- Hello.
- Hi.


Everything alright with you two?


- Things are a little bumpy.
- Hmm.

But I just need to stay
in and keep swinging.

A sarsaparilla, please.


I won't put my
foot in the bucket.

In baseball, when
you're up to bat,

it means to be afraid of
getting hit by the ball,

so you back up.

Oh. I coached a team once
but I never heard that.

Or I could take my cue from a
new french fashion designer.

Thank you.

Coco Chanel.

She says keep your heels,
head and standards high.

- 'Night.
- 'night.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- She really is something else.
- She's something else, alright.

Well, that doesn't
sound very good.

Why don't we have a seat, alone?

You're finally gonna tell
me about your black eye?


Ah, hello.


Good evening, you two.

Lee, how are you feeling?

Oh. Oh yeah, oh, good.
I'm fine. Thank you.

Listen, Michael, did you know
that I had to stop a billboard

from going up over by
the pond earlier today?

That shouldn't be happening.
I'll look into it.

Thanks, lee.

Ok. Yeah.

Well, I'm enjoying ned and
florence's word puzzles

that you're publishing.

- Interconnected words, yes.
- Yeah.

Aren't they fun?

And often utterly challenging.

I have to admit, I have
been stumped a time or two.

Wait 'til tomorrow's edition.

You two have a lovely evening.

- You two, as well.
- Goodnight.

We are just having dinner.

Friendly conversation
over a nice meal.

- Wonderful.
- Ok.

And I love how Fiona
has styled your hair.

Oh, yeah.

Thank you. I think
it's kinda fun.


What did I do?

There is no need to herald
tomorrow's editorial.

People will read your
opinion soon enough.

Sweetheart, you know
that I like Michael.

You haven't acted
like it lately.

Ok, you're right. I haven't.

But I just think he's the
wrong man for the job.

The truth is I have no right
to be upset with Fiona.

Not with how Henry kept
her and I in the dark

when it came to hammering
out our oil agreement.


You know, in moments like
these when life is upside-down,

I wish you knew how much it
means to me just to be with you.

Thank you.

And while flattery
would normally

get you everywhere with me,

I have to ask, are you
selling the saloon?


I saw mr. Walden and
he mentioned to me

that he was still interested.

I'm not selling the saloon.

And something like that

I would certainly discuss
it with you first.


So, that's not how
you got the black eye?

Being pressured to sell?

I have no doubt that I was
jumped by one of walden's men,

but it had nothing to do
with selling the saloon.


I gave walden some push back.

Lucas, why would you do that?

Because I've dealt
with grifters before.

You have to stand
up for yourself

or they walk all over you.

Which he certainly did.

I'd say that's debatable.


You'll be happy to know

that walden checked
himself out this morning.

No note, no message, nothing.

And I'd say for
someone like that

it means he's running scared.

Well, I am happy to know that.


So, with walden out of the
way, you were saying...

What it means to
you to be with me?


Joseph: I decided not to speak

about partnering? Not
even about a raise?

There'll be time
enough for all that.

Lee has his hands
full right now.

What changed your mind?

Oh, pour a couple
glasses of milk, please.

Oh, yeah.

Well, lee needs me.

He's so caught up
at the newspaper

and everything that's
going on in town right now.

It reminds me of when I
first started preaching,

running around convinced it
was my job to save every soul.

He's on a mission
to save hope valley.

Well, you fought your calling
hard, Joseph, no doubt.

It seems lee feels the
same about what he's doing.

I agree.

Oh, hand me that bowl
of berries, please.

Thank you.

Well, if you wanna
speak with bill

about buying in on the café?

I'd like that. I would.

I do think you're gonna need
some more help around here.

You've seem cut
out for this work.

Now, minnie, you know I'm
better at sitting at a table

than waiting on one.

Whatever happens, we'll get by.

Pass me a couple plates, please.

Sure thing.

Why is the café so busy, anyhow?

You haven't seen the paper?

Folks are gathered everywhere,

talking over what lee
wrote about the mayor.



So, I already talked to
Norman over at the print shop

and ordered another
half run of the edition.



You think we need a full run?

No, lee.

We've printed enough.

Look, I know you're concerned
about this town's future.

So am I, I really am.

And so are the people out there.

But right now I am also
concerned that this newspaper

could be making the
situation worse.

I'm just trying to get

the conversation started
here, that's all.

Something needs to happen.

Yes, but while hickam
is the new mayor,

this town's problems
can't be placed

squarely on his shoulders
and his shoulders alone.

So, you don't agree
with my editorial then.

No, that is not what I'm saying.

You don't have to say it.

You know, it's just
an opinion piece.

I don't expect you
to agree with me.


Ah, yes. Could you
get me Norman Biggs

over at the print shop, please?

Norman, Leland coulter calling.

Um, I'm gonna need to
cancel that second run.

Thank you.

I think that was the right call.

Well, you may be right, but
uh, I stand by what I wrote.

As do I.

We just need to let the
dust settle, a little bit.



So, what about these
brandied peaches?

I shared some last night
with Florence and molly

at the queen of hearts.

I even dreamed about them.

You dreamed about
Florence and molly?

No, no, the brandied peaches.


You dreamed about food?

Yeah, and then when I
woke up this morning

I suddenly remembered gustave
bought a case of cling peaches.

I must have forgotten to
mark them off my inventory

excuse me, ned.

So, they weren't-they
weren't, in fact, stolen.

Alright. Let's clear
this up. Move forward.

Nathan: There we go.

Darling, I'll be
back in a moment.

You honestly like my idea?

The valley voice would
do well to esteem

a recurring column on decorum.

I thought of calling it "minding
your manners with molly".

That way there's
even a play on words.


- Oh, hello.
- Hello.

Do you remember back
in the good old days

when people just complained
about the noise in the saloon?

Where are you headed?

I have to go meet an
attorney in buxton.

Get a second opinion
on some paperwork

to do with the oil company.

Ah. Sounds exciting.

If only.

I can drop you at
home if you'd like.

But I'm gonna take the long
way to avoid all of this.

I don't know.

More time to spend with you?

Come on.


What did you want to discuss?

Well, it occurred to me that
you were kind of dropped

into the middle of this without
really knowing how it works.

The oil company, that is.

Mike's taught me a fair amount.

Mike's a good man, he
knows a lot about oil.

Hopefully he can apply some
of that to being the mayor.

He's doing the best he can.

Ok? And so am I.

I know I bear some

for what happened here
but I really thought that

with the shares
that you were given

you brought in Jerome smith.

And you took his bank note,

putting us on the
hook with no way out.

Now, done with good
intentions or otherwise,

yes, I would say that you
bear some responsibility here.

That said, I think
you were dropped

into the middle of this mess.

If you are amenable to it,

I propose that you
and I start over.

Thank you, Henry.

Well then, we'll
start from the bottom

and we'll work our way up,
see if mike missed anything.

Hello, mei.

How's your headache?

Well, the aspirin did the trick.
Nice having a pharmacy in town.

Is Robert around? I wanna
get myself an ice cream.

I can help you.

Oh, alright then.

I'll-I'll have a scoop
of strawberry in a cup.

I'm worried about Nathan.

He's having trouble
with his confidence

when it comes to riding.

Should I be concerned?


Well, that's very
considerate of you.

Have you discussed with Nathan

what's going on
with your husband?

Bill, when we spoke I told
you, Jeffrey isn't my husband.

I know what you said.

Well, you're my attorney.

Aren't you supposed
to believe me?

Well, yes.

But I've often found that people
who get upset over the truth

might be living a lie.

Hey there, stranger.

I feel like I've hardly seen
you since you came back.


What happened?

I was only gone a few months
and now, I don't fit in.

There's no one to be friends
with, no one to talk to.


Opal and Emily act
like little kids.

Cooper and Timmy only
want to run around,

hannah's getting
ready to graduate

and Laura and Robert work.

Of course, Robert and I aren't
speaking after what happened.

We weren't really speaking
before that, anyway,

because of Angela.

What exactly happened
between Robert and Angela

that has you so upset?

He took her for a bicycle ride.

Allie, they were
just being friends.

It might have meant
more for Robert.

I don't know.

But I felt jealous
when Angela told me.

I got upset.

May I offer you some advice?

I think I need it.

Stop trying so hard to fit in.

Just be yourself,

and wherever you feel
most comfortable,

that's where you belong.

Like here with you?

Like here with me, and at home.

And with Robert and Angela.

Maybe forget about being
boyfriends and girlfriends

and just be friends.

Just friends.


Now, do you think you could
help me out with these?


Excuse me.

I never asked you
to speak to bill.

Give me a chance to explain.

I spoke to you in confidence.

I'm concerned, Nathan.

You don't have to be.

I'm fine.

Alright. I misunderstood.

You'll be sure to call
me when you get there?

As soon as I arrive.

Henry, you're starting
to sound like my father.

He must be a charming
gentleman, then.

You know, jerome's
going to wonder

why I'm coming back so soon.

Not once you give him this.

Good luck.

- I hope I won't need it.
- Me too.

Take care.

So, she's off to san Francisco?

Indeed, she is.
Cross your fingers.

Oh, they're crossed, alright.

[rattles door]



Hey, hey! Wanna keep it down?

I'm sorry, bill.

Is this your new office?

Well, I haven't
finished moving in yet.

Need me to get you a locksmith?

No, I uh, I think
I... I can manage.

[door creaks open]

look at that.

Would you like to come in?

I don't think there's
room for both of us.

Oh, the hickams, I presume.

That's uh, Mary, Megan,
Millicent, maude, maisey,

and uh, me.

The only boy.

Yeah, it was hard getting
into the bathroom.

Let's go for a walk.

- What?
- You and I.

Let's go for a walk.

[sign clatters]

- Just keep walking.
- You haven't told me why.

You're starting at a
deficit the same way I did

when I took over being
mayor from Abigail.


No one knew whether
I'd make a good mayor,

especially after Abigail.


I had to learn, which I did.

I think I made a good mayor.


Now you're following
in my footsteps.

People know me. They trust me.

That's why it's good that
they see us together,

so they know that I
trust and support you.

- Hello, rosemary.
- Hello, bill.

Give a nod.

- Like this?
- Mmmhmm.

And a wave.

That editorial won't
be the last time

someone takes a swing at you.


You're back on
your heels, hickam,

and you need to
come out swinging.

I do have some ideas.

We'll talk about strategy later.

Right now it's all
about perception,

so just keep on
waving, my friend.

Just keep on waving.

- Hickam!
- Mmmhmm.

- Hey there.
- Hi.

Look who it is.

It's mountie Nathan and newton.

Hi, mountie Nathan, hi, newton.

Hi, jack.

How is he?

Oh, couldn't be better. Really.


I did want to ask you, though.
Is your offer still good?

It's about time I
learned how to drive.

Just say when and I
will borrow lucas's car.


Sorry I'm late.

Oh, that's alright.
Here you go, Robert.

Hi, mrs. Thornton. Hi, jack.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Come on.

After what happened
at the soda fountain

I told him that that
wouldn't look very good

for a young man trying
to become a mountie.


So, he's showing you he's
responsible by grooming newton?

Actually, he was out
a few days' wages so I

I'm paying him to groom newton.

But that's a way better idea.

I'll see you later.



Under carriage is
good, wheels, too.

Brake rollers could
use some replacing

along with the toe board
but that's no big problem.

You are getting
bigger and bigger.

May I see the horsies?

The horsies?

Of course you can
see the horsies.

There you go.

In a minute.

Joseph, do you think
you could build

a frame in the
back with shelves?

A lot of shelves?

Maybe a couple of doors?

I can build anything,

if you'd just tell me all
it is you'd like me to make.

A book wagon.

I wanna travel
into the mountains

where people don't
have access to books.

Someone left a note
on the headline board.

There's a real need for
books in neighboring areas.

And when school isn't in session
this is what I want to do.

It's what I feel lead to do.
