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04x06 - The Tallyman Cometh

Posted: 04/19/22 07:20
by bunniefuu
(chair scraping on floor)

I am the Tallyman,

but I am not the villain.

I'm your wake up call.

You believed
the Charmed Ones were your...

saviors, your protectors,

but you were wrong.

Look how easy it was
to show you the truth.

They haven't even come close
to stopping me.

And for months,

they didn't even try.

And I'm not the first.

Remember the Source of All Evil,

the Faction?

Tomb of Chaos ring a bell?

With every one
of their mistakes,

guess who pays the price.

You do. You do.

Aren't you tired

of those three Chosen Ones
taking your loyalty for granted?

Choosing humans over us?


The good news is,
help is on the way.

And, well...

it's gonna be a doozy.

(Ghanaian music playing)

Think these slices
are thick enough?

I don't even know how
to pronounce what we're making.

Chi boom?


Ah, the vegetables are supposed
to be chopped, not abused.

I'm-I'm sorry.

I just can't stop thinking

about that guy's ranting
at the Blue Camellia.

That goblin goober is about
to blow up the bar, but yet,

we're the bad guys?

I think that's good.

Look, I'm not defending
Donnie Darko,

but his behavior is classic
psychological deflection.

I mean, he can't handle the
mistakes he's made in his life,

so he uses us as scapegoats.

And we're easy targets, because
of the Tallyman's propaganda.

The problem is

is that some people
are starting to believe it.

I know, and we'll get him,
but right now,

we need to make sure
Kaela doesn't disappear

into the night again
now that she knows

we're not actually related.

So, happy faces,
favorite breakfast,

no drama.

(music playing over headphones)


Are y'all making chibom?

Trying? (Laughs)

You did all this for me?

Mm. That's really sweet.


you're okay?

Yeah. No, I'm good.

I mean, seeing those two randos

in the Filiation Frame was
a bit of a needle scratch,

but it's not the end
of the world.

But we some
bad ass witches. (Chuckles)

We're gonna figure out
who they are.

Well, I'm so glad you said that,

because there might be another
way for you to find them.

Another spell.

We would just need something

from before you were adopted,

like a toy
or a piece of clothing.

I'll talk to my mom.

(doorbell rings)

We expecting anyone?

KAELA: Someone drops it
on the porch and splits?

MEL: From the looks
of that spider,

it's got to be
from the Tallyman.

Okay, so, so what are we
supposed to do? Just

leave it in this containment
spell forever?

We have to be careful.

What if it's rigged to blow?

Or mechanical spiders jump out
and att*ck us?


Any chance you can get
a vision from it?

Figure out what's inside?

I ha-haven't had one since...


I'll try.

I can't even conjure that warm,
familiar feeling anymore.

(alarm chimes on phone)

What's that?

That was the reminder for your
anger management, wasn't it?


Okay, fine. I'm not going
to abandon you two.

Not when...
No. You blow this off,

and the court revokes
your plea deal.

Unless you want to be
the only witch on Cell Block D.

Yeah, we got this, boo.
We need you healthy,

and we need you out of the shoe.


Fine. But if things heat up,

text me,
or I'm gonna be so pissed.

Anger management.

Can I help you?

Roxie would like
to see you.

So she sent you two?


Can I at least, uh,
finish my coffee?


Oh, hey, hey, hey, come on.

Not here.

Come on, guys.


Your guys said
you wanted to see...

Harry. Harry?!


What happened to him?

Nothing you can't heal.


Normally, I can...

I can feel the energy
of whoever I'm healing, but...

oh, his is so faint.

Well, he has been
to hell and back, literally.

I'm gonna fix my friend,

but after I do,
you're gonna tell me everything.


Hey, Mr. Borden.

Sorry I'm late.
Traffic was crazy.

They say being late is
a form of aggression,

albeit passive.


Little Bug.



Hey, how did you know
I'd be here?

Did you talk to Mel?

No, I have not had time
to see my Tori to, no.

But she's the only one who...


ChooChi... he's been
keeping an eye on you

and Mel since Macy passed.

You mean spying on us.
Ah, to may to-tomahto.

I'm sorry, I was worried.

Can you blame me?

For invading our
privacy? Yeah, Dad.

We can handle ourselves.

Well, sure, when it comes
to magic, but, you know,

it's the everyday life stuff
that can get to you. Huh?

Flat tires or debt or...

smashing a guy's face in
on a crowded public street.

Admittedly, not my finest hour.

ChooChi pulled some strings
with your counselor.

Apparently, they have
a mutual friend on the force.

They let me come
as an intervention.


Honestly, Dad, I'm fine.

I know what
I did was...

completely unacceptable,

and it will never happen again.

So just

tell them that
this intervention was a success,

'cause I really...
I really should be going.

- Oh, hey, you're not going anywhere.
- What are you doing?

Not until we talk.
Just... (groans)

Seriously, Dad? Faking
a heart att*ck's not gonna work.


(gasps) Dad?


It was that bartender... Sunny.

She managed to escape while
we were interrogating her,

got me with one of
her poisonous claws.

Interrogations? Does this mean
you're working for Roxie now?

No one's working
for anyone.

We just happen to share...
common interests.


And how exactly is it
in your interest

to rot from the inside out?

I was hoping
to get a lead on the Tallyman.

Did you?

Sunny escaped before we
could get anything out of her.

And what about Donnie?

He's proving difficult to cr*ck.

Maybe I can help.

I know it sounds strange, but
the guy kind of opened up to me.

I don't think that's a good idea.

I know the dude went off
the deep end, but he told me

he still had a soft spot
for his wife,

so, maybe she knows something.

I still have Donnie's wallet.

His address
is in there.

See what you
can find out.

Mind if I come with?

Or do I need
to ask her permission now?

Lead the way.

So what is this? Like,

- a see-through-stuff kind of spell?
- Yeah.

It's basically a version
of an X-ray machine

when you don't have
an X-ray machine handy.


Mystical glow,
grant me sight,

show me what's hidden
under the light.

What is it?
Looks like

a box of some kind.

Doesn't look like

there are expl*sives
or dark magic. I think

we're good to go.
Let's do it.



Dimitte ex carcere.

"You've failed to save lives,
but try not to worry.

You have one more chance,
that is, if you hurry."

Another one of his cruel games.


"Help hundreds of innocents,
save the day.

"Before the Tallyman
makes them pay.

"The box sings a song,
sing back its tune,

and the top will open
before they meet their doom."

Did that say
"hundreds of innocents"?

♪ Tallyman, Tallyman,
he keeps count ♪

♪ Tallyman, Tallyman,
don't step out ♪

♪ If you're good, then he pays ♪

♪ If you're not,
then he slays. ♪

Well, the guy's
a homicidal maniac.

I guess he's not gonna
make it that easy.

We don't have time to sing
every song on the planet.

You know what? How about we just
save ourselves a lot of time

and cr*ck this sucker open?

Because that went so well

the last time
you broke a magical artifact.

Well, the clock was an accident.

Wait. That's it.
What's it?

Ugh. No. No, no.
It's-it's a dumb idea.

Okay, fine. Maybe I know
this guy at the Blue Camellia

who can help, but it's just...
it's gonna be a whole thing.

What kind of a thing?

an annoyingly confident,

surprisingly charismatic,

kind of thing.

Okay, well, this just got
a whole lot more interesting.

Mel... (clicks tongue)




That's the melodious
thirst trap.

MEL: You have a thing
with Hot Singer Guy?

There was... a connection.

Like a lip connection?

No, no,
but he's-he's got this thing

with frequency and sounds,
and, um, he really helped me

when you and Maggie went
to Ripples.

So just please
don't embarrass me. Okay.



Bar's closed,

out of respect for, you know,
what happened with Donnie.

And I've got a gig, so...
Okay, well,

well, this will
only take a second.


Close it! Close the box!

(gasps, panting)


What are you doing?

Just helping you stay calm.

Okay. That should help.

I'm calling an ambulance.
Oh, no.

No. No, no, no, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Dad, you're having
a heart att*ck.

It's not the time
to be Mr. Tough Guy.

It's not a heart att*ck,
Little Bug.

It's just angina.

What's that?

It's when the heart doesn't
get enough blood and oxygen.

It's the beginnings
of coronary artery disease.


Is that it?

(clears throat)

How long have you had this for?

Well, I was diagnosed
four months ago,

but the chest pains
really ramped up

in the last couple
of weeks, you know,

because of all the... stress.

Why didn't you tell us?


Saving the world's
a big enough burden for you

to not have to worry
about your sick dad.

You're not a burden, Dad.

Okay, we got to get you
off meat, like, now,

and into a good
exercise program.

Oh. I was afraid
you were gonna say that.

There's some pills in my bag.

(chuckles softly)

Is this... Trunksie?


It's one of the last things
I have left of your childhood.

Maybe he could help
settle you.



I'm not gonna do
a Trunksie session, Dad.

Well, you'd be surprised
how cathartic it can be.

Yeah, when I was, like, six.

Can't just talk to a doll
to make it all better anymore.

Come on, do it
for your dear old dad.


(high-pitched voice):
I'm Trunksie,

and I'm all... ears.

Just give it a sh*t.

You still haven't told me where
you've been the last two weeks.

Kaela's training's
a real wake up call for me.

I needed to get away so I could
choose a path forward.

Did you?
I can't really
talk about it.

Why? Does Roxie have
something over you?

This isn't about her.
Then what the hell is it?

'Cause the Harry I know wouldn't
just disappear for two weeks.

He would have called,
texted, something.

I lost the love of my life.

You have no idea
the kind of pain I feel.

Maggie and I broke up.

Oh, Jordan, I'm so sorry.

I know you said you were getting
frustrated with the fighting,

but I thought you'd find a way
to move past it.

I tried, but it got worse, man.

I couldn't keep enabling her.

Then she goes out and beats
some random guy up in front

of a bar, gets arrested,
and doesn't even call me.

Arrested? Maggie? Is she okay?


Are you okay?

No, man, I'm not okay.

And neither are you, obviously.

Which is why we have
to talk to each other.

They got their sisterhood, but
you and I... we're a brotherhood.

You're right.

When this is all over, I swear,
I'll tell you everything.

Right now, we need
to go see Donnie's wife.

(rapid beeping, whooshing)

I don't know what that thing is,

but keep it the hell
away from me.

Please! That psychotic
Tallyman t*rror1st

is gonna hurt a lot of people
unless we cr*ck this code,

and we can't do it without you.
You know,

I used to think that the Charmed
Ones were these superheroes,

that you could do
anything, b*at anyone.

But now, after what I've seen,

I know you guys are just
a bunch of posers.

What have you seen?
The Lamia, the Leprechaun,

the spa. It's all out there.

We are doing the best we can.

Are you? Because when
there's a witch in trouble,

it seems like
you can do no wrong.

But when it comes to
the rest of us, you know,

the lower class, you always
manage to drop the ball,

as if you never gave a damn
about us in the first place.

Oh, Dev, wait!
Good luck saving

or not saving the world.

Thank you.

What I wouldn't give
to see him sitting there

eating that damn cereal again.
(laughs, sniffles)

Sounds like you two
have a very loving home.

We did

until he lost his job
at the spa

and became
a completely different man.

I watched him drift
further and further away

because of those damn GemCast
videos people were posting.


Isn't it funny

how one tragic event
can define your whole life?

If you let it.

Does Donnie ever talk about
someone called "the Tallyman"?

Only to curse his name.

He'd flip if he knew
people were talking about him

in the same breath
as that t*rror1st.

You met Donnie. You could tell

he has a gentle soul, right?

He seems lost,


by someone who doesn't
give a damn about him.

Now we can't clear his name

unless we figure out
who that is.

There's something
I need to show you.

What the hell is "The Unseen"?

So, Dev...

He's charming.

Yeah, and different
from when we met.

Something changed.

It's those damn GemCasts videos
spitting out hideous propaganda

created to turn
people against us.

Yeah, well, all the more reason
to figure this out

and stop the lies.


(high-pitched tone)

(high-pitched tone returns)


Dev's power.

It lets him connect
to all kinds of frequencies.

Hmm. So when he was in pain...
Pretty sure

the box was sending out
a signal, just at a frequency

that you and I can't hear.

Like a dog whistle.

That's apropos.
Yeah, okay.

Dev's a dog, and I have
terrible taste in men.

No, that's not what I meant.

Yeah, I hear you're not
much better on the lady front.

Ah. The Tongue of Babel.


When I had my Hot Girl Summer,

a lot of the women
that I met didn't speak English

or any human language.

So I found a spell
that could translate

anything, any word, any sound.

Any frequency?


And this is why
you never, ever slut-shame.

Why did you snap on that guy?

I was angry.
Yes, but why?

And don't say
it's because he was catcalling.

You were angry way before
he even opened his mouth.

Don't look at me,
look at Trunksie.


Jordan and I had just
had a fight.

We basically broke up.

So you're mad at Jordan?

He's not wrong.

I may have been fighting demons

instead of dealing with my own.

Grief is a frigging
ouroboros of emotion.

So you're mad at Macy?


I understand why
she did what she did.

Then what are you mad at?

I don't know.

You do know. You do know. You're
just not willing to go there.

And if you don't, this anger...
It's gonna eat you alive, hon.

It's already cost you
your boyfriend.

It's cost you your humanity.
What's next, huh?

Fine. You want to know
who I'm mad at?

Who I really want
to punch in the face?

Me. I'm mad at myself.

I should've known.

Seeing the future...
It's kind of my thing.

It's what makes me me.

So I should've stopped her,
or at least warned her.

But my visions failed,
and my magic failed. I failed.

And Macy is dead because of it.

BOTH: Two tongues speak,
but neither can hear,

create a tone unique,
and the confusion will clear.

(notes chiming)

"For He's a Jolly Good Fellow")

♪ Which nobody can deny ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly
good fellow ♪

♪ Which nobody can deny. ♪

It worked.



Three tickets?

There's an address on it
in Albuquerque.

No way I'm going
to this unarmed.

Good idea.

Out of all the weapons
you could've chosen?

I had, like, four seconds
to draw something.

Where are all the people
he talked about?

If he thinks that we're going

to sit down
and break bread with him,

he's even crazier
than I thought.

Hello, Charmed Ones.

Took you long enough.

Don't fret. You made it
just in time for the show.

An entire movement
of magical creatures.

Who were all buying into the
Tallyman's brand of crazy.

We were so focused
on stopping him, we were blind

to just how many people
he was affecting.

The problem is, we have no idea

if the Unseen are dozens,
hundreds, maybe thousands?

Boss has been waiting for you.

Not you.



I'll see you back
at the command center.

I hope you enjoyed
my puzzle box.

I knew you smart cookies
would figure it out.

And I hope
Maggie will be joining us.

It would be a shame if she
missed our little dinner party.

It's gonna be a blast.

Cut the gracious host crap.

Now why are we here?

Someone never learned
the fine art of small talk.

Who are you... really?

I am revolution.

You got us here.

What do you want?

Well, it's not really a matter

of what I want.

It's a matter of what
the magical world needs.

- And what is that?
- TALLYMAN: Chaos.

Destruction, rebirth.

And, of course, reformation.

I've got to go.
Enjoy your dinner.

The main event will begin

This is a dead end.

He clearly didn't bring us here
to save lives.

We can't just sit here
doing nothing.

We need to figure out

where he is and go get him. Aah!

Something bit me!

Oh, I got it.
Let's get you back

to the command center
and treat that bite.

You have
to forgive yourself.

I wish I could.

I just don't know how.
Yes, you do.

You want to know
how I know that you can?

When you were little,

and I used to promise
to come and pick you up, hmm,

and then I wouldn't show up

well, because I was being
a selfish jerk.

But then, the next time,
there you were,

sitting at the door,
and every time after that.

My little pink suitcase packed.

That's right.

You forgave me,
without even thinking about it.

Now, if you can do that for me,

you can most certainly do that
for yourself.

And lean on
your sister, hon.

'Cause I always thought
that-that your thing,

the-the thing
that makes you you,

is your connection with her.


What did Mom always say?

You're stronger together.

(phone chirps)

Speaking of which...


Go. Go, go. Go be with her.

I love you, Dad.

Oh, I love you,
too, Little Bug.

I don't know, Harry.

It's still pretty
touch-and-go in there.

Be careful.

I know. I will.

I have to keep going.

You sure you're ready for this?

I have to practice,

get better if I'm ever
going to see Macy.






Harry?! Harry!

Don't get too close!

Not while he's
talking to the dead.

Talking to the dead?

You're telling me that


Gone. Sunny k*lled him
just before she escaped,

probably to keep
his mouth shut.


What did you do to my friend?

I gave him what he's been
missing for months: Purpose.


There. That should neutralize
any poison

he might have put
in that spider.

Any luck?

This is more intricate

than an Alfa Romeo twin turbo.


Did you get any of my texts?

Where have you been?

I was trapped
in a room with Dad.

It's a long story.

I'll fill you in later.


Is that ticking?

Maggie, get back!

Alligatum est.

Oh, my God.

He isn't just using these
spiders for surveillance.

He's using them as bombs.

We need to find him
before he goes full Unabomber.

Is this the puzzle box
you were texting me about?


(magical chime)

There's a family,

a lot of people,
maybe a convention?

I'm sorry. It's blurry.

What did Mom always say?

Stronger together.

Mel, Kaela,
I need the Power of Three.

(magical chime)

Come on. Come on.
I need something specific.

Oh, God.

Something bad, really bad.
(baby crying)

A lot of people hurt.

He's at the Gnome Is Where
the Hearth Is Hotel.

I've been there.
It's in New York.


(indistinct chatter)

KAELA: Why are all
these people here?

The one-year anniversary
of the Faction's defeat.

What's the Faction?

A group of
power-hungry humans

who were experimenting on
and k*lling magical creatures

in an attempt to steal
the magic for themselves.

Okay. So dude's
really gonna come

and blow up a bunch
of people who were here

remembering their lost loved
ones? Could you get any lower?

We have
to get these people out. Now.

Dev? Is this the gig
he was talking about?


Hey, I-I know I'm not
your favorite person right now,

but I need you to listen to me.

The Tallyman is here.

He's programmed these
mechanical spiders to be bombs,

and God knows how many are
crawling all over this place.

It could... it could blow
at any second.

Why should I believe you?

Because why would I lie
about something like that?

To save your reputation,
make you seem more like a hero.

No. Uh, this is not
a PR stunt.

Listen to me.
This is real.

Are you real? Is anything
we shared the other day real?

People are saying you're
not even a real witch.

Are they lying, or are you?

Almost showtime.

It's him.

We just have to be careful about

how we take him down.

There are families around.

(crowd gasping, chattering)




You know what?
You're right.

I'm not. I'm not a real witch.

You know, not too long ago,

I was just a girl
living in Philly.

And then, um, all of a sudden,

I find out that I'm... magical.

I've been thrown
some curve balls in my life.

Adoption, cancer.

I've learned to roll
with the punches,

and not let anyone or anything
affect me too deeply.

But this...
this is affecting me.

It's affecting me deeply.

Okay, I have no idea
what I'm doing.

No idea how to carry this...
this burden.

Maybe a real witch would,
but I'm just me

and I'm asking you to get your
ass off this stage right now

because I like you,

and I could never
forgive myself if I let you die.

You need to get off
the stage.

(pants, grunts)

(banging on doors)

Give up. There's
nowhere to run.

Call off your spiders,
and we'll let you live.

(both panting)

Sorry. The show must go on.

♪ Oh, ho, ho,
oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Oh, ho, ho,
oh-oh-oh-oh. ♪

Told you
everything has a frequency.

(laughs softly)

No. No, no.

No! No, no, no, no! No!

They were supposed
to blow up!

You're not supposed to be here!
What's the matter?

No clever riddles
coming to mind?

This isn't fair!
I planned this whole thing.

You're supposed to be watching
from the theater, not here!

MAGGIE: What's in his hand?

He's gonna blow himself up,

just like the Leprechaun
and the Lamia.

Now run!
Run, run, run.

♪ Tallyman, Tallyman,
he keeps count ♪

♪ Tallyman, Tallyman... ♪






I healed you

after you passed out.

Thank you.

Sunny didn't poison you,

did she?


And that... thing you were
doing with Donnie's corpse?

I was talking to him...

in the Veil.

The Veil?

It's a place
where the dead linger

when they have
unfinished business.


So you've been
hanging out down there,

just having tea
with a bunch of corpses?

No, it's not that simple.

Then tell me, damn it!

What happened to you?


I gave up my powers

in exchange for the ability
to talk to the dead.

Which I suppose makes me
a Necrolighter.


This is about Macy.

Isn't it?



You have
to let her go, man.

I tried.

I really tried.



It's okay.

I got you.

We'll figure this out, okay?

We'll figure this out together.

(crying softly)

Today was bad, but I'm glad
no one got hurt.

At least the Tallyman's dead.

This pocket watch is all
that's left of him.

Good riddance.

Now that he's gone, I feel like
we can finally go out

and really help people.

Hmm. Well,
you can start with me.

♪ Dreams turn to dark... ♪

You know, I... realize

I've been probably
avoiding my feelings

by trying
to be positive all the time.

Like the Filiation Frame.

I know I said
it wasn't a big deal, but...

it's a huge deal, right?

And I'm... I'm excited,

I'm scared and...

feeling all of the feelings
at once. (Laughs)

We'll help you get through it.

Yeah. Okay.

My turn. (Laughs)


I, uh...

didn't realize
how guilty I feel about Macy.

So, I'm-I'm gonna
need to talk

through some stuff.
A lot of stuff.

Well, we're here for it.

All of it.

♪ When the magic fades... ♪

Oh, Mom, my day?


it was kind of hard, actually.



You know I always say "yes"
to your banana fritters.

Oh, uh, Mom, do you still have
that old baby blanket

that was in my car seat
at the fire station?

Yeah. Um, could you send it?


Um, hey, Mom, I got
to call you right back, okay?

Okay, bye.

♪ So why do we keep holding... ♪


What are you doing here?

Hey, um,


...when I was 14,
there was a bombing

at the temple
where my family and I sang.

I lost my whole world that day.

My sister, my little nephew,

both my parents,

my home.

It was the worst day
of my life.

♪ It's hard to find a way... ♪


that was 18 years ago,

and I thought
I'd gotten over it.

But then,

the expl*si*n
at the hotel...

It just...

took me right back there, Kaela.

And for some reason,
the only person I could think of

that I wanted to see was you.


Is that crazy?

No, no, it's-it's...
it's not crazy. I...

♪ Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ We close our eyes
'cause we don't want to see ♪

♪ Oh, oh-oh ♪

♪ When the magic fades ♪
♪ Magic fades ♪

♪ When the magic fades. ♪

Hair of the youngest.

Blood of the eldest.

Just need one more piece.


Hey, your call sounded urgent.

This about Mags?

She told me
you two broke up.


Now, look, Jordan,

this is none of my business,

but... don't give up on her.

She's stubborn,

but she's worth every damn bit
of patience

you got, so just...

just give it some time, okay?

(sighs) You're right.

It's none of your business.

There's something else
I need your help with, Jordan.

But you've got to swear
not to tell my girls.


'Cause this is something
that... (groans softly)

Only you can help me with.


(heart b*ating)


Seems I've gone
and got myself cursed.