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09x07 - Hope Valley Days (1)

Posted: 04/19/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on when
calls the heart...

Rosemary: While hickam
is the new mayor,

this town's problems can't be
placed on his shoulders alone.

I just think he's the
wrong man for the job.

You brought in Jerome smith,

and Jerome and his associates
could re-open that mine.

I wish you knew how
much it means to me

just to be with you.

I'm worried about Nathan.
We all have limitations.

What's important is
learning to accept them.

I spoke to you in confidence.

I'm concerned, Nathan.

You don't have to be.


Thank you all for being prompt.

Now, before we begin I
thought it appropriate

to mark this meeting of the
town council with a photograph.

Uh, Henry? Elizabeth? Ned?
Would you care to sit?

Where's Fiona?

Oh, she's uh, still out of town.

Oh, right.

Well then, uh, bill,
why don't you sit?

Or stand, that's good, too.

Lee, whenever you're ready, if
you would stand here, please.


By the way, I appreciate the
use of the paper's new camera.

It's fine.

Rosemary promised she'd
be along any moment.

[door opens]

Good afternoon, everyone.

Still know how to
pick up my cues.

Now, lee, did you manage

to get this contraption
set up and ready to go?

Because I'm ready to sh**t.

All yours.

Hickam: Who else are
we missing? Someone.

It's Carson.

We haven't gotten together
since he left for Baltimore.

Of course.So,

we'll have to
approve a replacement.

But for tonight, as long as
we have a quorum, one, two...

There's six.

A quorum.

Good. Ok then.

Rosemary, how are
things looking?

Rosemary: Almost there.

Oh, good gracious.

This looks like a meeting
of the gloomy gus club,

not the hope valley
town council.


♪ there are smiles
to make us hap- ♪


Fine. Alright.


And... Are you
ready? Say "prunes".

All: Prunes!

[shutter snaps]

Hickam: Good day. Good day.

But then, it's always a
good day in hope valley.

[nervous chuckle]

But first, I'd like
to thank the constable

for closing our
streets to traffic...

Forensic inspector. Why
can't anyone get that right?


Especially after you hear
what I'm about to announce.

Oh, I can't bear
to listen to this.

Oh, lee. You haven't liked
anything he's done as mayor.

He hasn't done
anything as mayor.

Hickam: Even in wet
weather like this,

we all still have so
much to celebrate.

To appreciate.

We won't let this
dampen our spirits.

That's not going to happen,
not on this mayor's watch.

You know, I think
mike might be right.

I couldn't agree more.

The power of this office
to declare town holidays,

and so I ask all of you, just
as I asked our town council,

what could be better than
celebrating one holiday?

Well, what about four holidays?


This week, hope valley
will be celebrating

Elizabeth thornton's


Ned and Florence yost's hanukah.


Rosemary and lee
coulter's Halloween.


And, after nomination
and unanimous approval

to fill a vacancy
on the town council,

mei tsu's valentine's day.


Oh, and at his insistence,

we've added an
unofficial fifth holiday,

bill avery's April fool's.


April fool's? What
is that, a joke?

Let him go, he's on a roll.

Let us enjoy ourselves,
and one another,

as we recapture the
heart of this town,

while I officially
declare these to be

hope valley days!

[jovial band music] ♪



[theme song plays] ♪

Thanksgiving! What does
that mean to everyone?

It means no school.

Cooper can field.

That was my answer.

Alright, very funny.

Emily, how about you?

Cooking with my mother.

Oh, that sounds like fun.


Wonderful smells.

Mmm, I know, right?

Opal, what does
thanksgiving mean to you?

Turkey and snoring.

A snoring turkey?


After we eat, my father always
falls asleep in his big chair.




This may sound silly,

but having been away for
so long in rock creek,

it means being together.

That doesn't sound silly at all.

Thanksgiving means something
different for all of us.

Now, what you all
have been describing

are things for which
we are giving thanks.

But what if we
try... Thanks giving?

- What?
- I don't understand.

I want you all to think about

what else thanksgiving
might mean

and how we might be
able to celebrate it.

And then we'll discuss
it next time we meet.

[rings bell]

Children: Yay!

Oh, remind your parents I'll
be posting a sign-up sheet

for any dishes they wanna
bring for thanksgiving dinner.


Did you realize that our
subscriptions are up 20 percent?

Well, to quote Cleopatra, "we
will not be triumphed over!"


I came, I saw, I conquered.

That was Caesar.


Don't you think you should be
working on your column, Marc Antony?

Well, yes, sweetheart, but
Rome wasn't built in a day.

I don't know why this
was addressed to me.

I don't think this is for
me, I think this is for you.

Well, I didn't contact
this gentleman.

Well, I'm just the
managing editor, so...

Lee, he works for
William Randolph hearst.

You don't think- is
it at all possible

that the William Randolph hearst

wants to add our little
newspaper to his mighty empire?

Well, that's how life
works, though, isn't it?

Great things have
small beginnings!

Mountains are moved first by
picking up the smallest stone!


Those are for the children.

Can I just have one?

Oh, that's how it begins
though, doesn't it?

Next thing you know you've
eaten the entire bowl.

Don't you think you're being
just a little bit dramatic

about, oh, I don't
know, everything?

I suppose this letter
and its possibilities,

perhaps even this costume,

has all got me feeling
a little bit heady.

Alright, a sweet for my sweet.

Thank you.

Oh, lee, I'm so excited

for all these ghosties
and ghoulies to come.

Isn't it fun to play at work?


- Lee.
- Mmmhmm?

What do you think about writing
something nice about hickam?

You don't always have
to bark when you write.

I know! I know.

You are concerned
about hope valley.

- Mmm.
- But so is he.

And what hickam is trying to
do, bringing us all together,

well, it's a wonderful,
even admirable, aspiration.

It's what you're
always trying to do.

Why not show that
part of yourself? Hmm?


Well, I'm already
showing my legs.


I need an opinion. And a
scoop of honey vanilla.

Robert's delivering the mail
so let me get that for you.

I really like the way
that you've decorated

for valentine's day.

Quick see?

Is that how it's pronounced?

She she.

The Chinese celebration of love.

It's rooted in
romantic folklore.

She she.

How beautiful.

Although, I am trying
to remind people

there are many kinds of
fondness and affection

and that expressing love doesn't
only have to be romantic.

And how's that working?

Well, a lot of people have come
in asking for candy and cards,

and one woman asked me if I
could mix her a love potion.



On the house. For
your friendship.

Thank you.

So, what'd you want to discuss?

Well, in the past, when the
infirmary needed equipment,

Carson and I asked the
town to help with the cost.

It was an arrangement made

when the mining company
oversaw the facility.

What're you looking to purchase?

An x-ray machine.

Only now that I've
hung out my shingle,

according to mayor hickam,

I am in private practice
and I don't qualify.

I have to say, that
sounds reasonable.


I was hoping you'd
be unreasonable.


Nothing wrong in
celebrating love, mei.

Romantic or otherwise.

Bill spoke with
Abigail who agreed,

unless bill wants to buy her
out she's ready to sell to us.

And bill's interested?

Only in being partners with us.

Oh, Joseph.

Oh, now, now, don't get too
excited, not yet, anyhow.

We still need to get a loan
from the bank in buxton.

It'll be alright.

Yeah, I hope so.

I know how much you want to
be in business for yourself.

- Have faith.
- Oh, I do. In god.

It's the folks at the
bank that I worry about.

Thank you.


You're the judge here in town?

Try going back out and knocking.

I'm not looking for trouble,

but I've come a long way
and I'm out of patience.

You wanna be thrown out?

[slams door]

I believe my wife's
in hope valley

and I'd like her arrested.

Well, as odd a request
as that may be,

you're closer to being
arrested yourself, pal.

Come back when you can
behave in a civilized manner.

[slams door]

Now that's a mistake.

That's very funny,
bill. April fool's, huh?

Yeah, ha ha.

- Hi.
- May I walk you home?

You never have to ask.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

How was your attorney meeting?

You were getting
a second opinion

on the sale of the oil business?

Oh, fine.

the second opinion

is the same as the first.


I wish I had the same kind
of passion for my work

that you have for yours.

Teaching has always
been my passion,

ever since I was a child.

I know. I admire that.

Well, what about you?

What did you want to do
when you were younger,

traveling through Europe
with your parents?

I wanted to live in
one town in one home

where my family and I
could get to know everyone

and everyone could
get to know us.


I want it to be
here... With you.

Well, then that makes
us both very lucky.

- I am leaving.
- What?

With the holiday
celebrations coming up

and elizabeth's
thanksgiving dinner

I'll be back to
work, mon cousin.

Until then, all will be well.

Gustave, I...

I, uh, I spoke with
Fiona in san Francisco.

Things did not go
how we planned.



Alright, so what's next?

Well, Fiona will ask the
investors if they'll close

on the deal without me being
involved in the company.

And have her acting as
manager with no experience?

They're not gonna
go for that, Henry.

Look, I'm gonna be left
holding the bag here

once you get your pay day.

I need you to trust me on this.

I do trust you,
Henry. I have been.

I just hope you haven't
overplayed our hand.

I'll go to san Francisco
in the next few days

and see Fiona and we'll
find out just that.


There's no arrest warrants
for Geoffrey Lewis,

but bill, there are
three for mei ts...

You don't seem surprised.

Because I'm not surprised.

Why aren't you surprised?

Mei hired me as her attorney,

so legally I couldn't
say anything to you.

Constable, where are you
going? That man hit me.

Not hard enough.

What are mei's charges?

Larceny, forgery,
spousal abandonment.

All made in Chicago.

May I help you?


Hi, mrs. Thornton.

How long have you
been working here?

This is my first day.

Oh my goodness, you got a job
so quickly after graduation.

Good for you.

Is there something wrong?


Excuse me.

Did I interrupt?

No, no, it wasn't you.

Anna was such a delight
when I substitute taught.

I was so happy when
she applied here,

but she hasn't been herself.

Well, maybe I'll ask her to
come by after work some day,

see if I might be able to help.


Now, what can I get for you?

Oh, um, buttermilk biscuits.

I ran out of flour and
jack is asking for them.


Can you keep a secret?

I don't know.

But I'd still like to know
whatever it is you have to say.

Joseph and I are getting a loan

to buy abigail's
portion of the café.

I guess I can keep a secret.

Abigail called and told
me that was the plan.


Minnie, I'm so happy for
you. Congratulations.

Thank you.

Now, how many biscuits
would you like?

Half a dozen, please.


[accordion music] ♪

- Well, isn't this enchanting.
- Yes.

I hope it's alright,
I hired gustave.

Oh, we think it's wonderful.

In fact, we were just
coming by to ask you...

Ned, would you like
to do the honors?

Oh, why thank you.

Well, we uh, we never
quite made it official,

but um, would you
consider staying on

in our permanent employ?

I would! Very much! Thank you.



- Welcome aboard.
- Thank you.

Oh, uh, mike!


I wonder if you and the town
council might reconsider

the purchase of
an x-ray machine.

An x-ray machine for
the town's infirmary,

or for your private practice?

The town will benefit
from investing in me.

I don't doubt it.

But the same could be said

for just about every
business in town.

I understand.


I started working right
here at the mercantile

as an assistant shopkeeper,

sweeping up, stocking
shelves, closing at night.

My next job, and
it was a good one,

was at coulter lumber, where
rosemary called me "lumberjack".

And after that, I worked at and
eventually ran gowen petroleum.

I thought my life couldn't
possibly get any better.

Now, I'm the mayor.

You've come a long way.

As much as I want to, I can't
offer you any special treatment.

But I know that you can grow
your practice on your own,

and the town will still
benefit and so will you,

only more so because you'll
have invested in yourself

as well as your business.

Oh, hello.

You think Michael
likes being mayor?

No. Not yet, at least.

It goes against his sweet
and generous nature.

Well, heavy is the head that
wears the crown, you see.

Try wearing a crown of laurel.

At least I think
that's what this is.

And maybe it's poison ivy?

It could be poison
ivy, I don't know.

Children: Trick or treat!

- Oh!
- Mmm.

[laughing] oh!

Oh, my goodness, no tricks
please, just treats.

One for you.

And don't you kids forget about

the weenie and marshmallow
roast, alright?

Children: Thank you!

You're very welcome.

Oh, so cute.


Would you like to know
what else I think?

If I said no?

I'm going to tell you anyway.


I think you miss hickam.

Ever since you wrote
that editorial about him.

I was telling the truth.

The truth can hurt.

So it would seem.

But truth spoken, or
written, out of love,

well that's entirely different.

[laughs] oh, hail Caesar!

Marc Antony, but don't feel
bad, nobody gets it right.


Look, I think I'm gonna
go to the soda fountain

and cry over an egg cream.

- Bye.
- Bye.


You look so gorgeous.

Oh, well, thank you.

I have two trunks full of old
costumes that I've collected.

Lee and I could play
dress up for months.

Although, I will try
and restrain myself

and stick to just the one week.


Now, I was just on
my way to the library

to exchange this book for jack

but I thought I'd come
by to see your costume

and ask if you might
run this announcement

for the thanksgiving dinner
in your next edition?

Oh, well, as Cleopatra would
decree, let it be done!



Bill: Your husband
is rather annoying.

You know, he's not my husband.

Well, I don't know
what or who he is.

That was you.

Riding into town a few
months ago dressed as a man.

A woman's safer
traveling that way.



Do you blame him?

He doesn't know what happened.

And unfortunately
neither do you,

since I never told
you the whole story.

Well, thank you.

I will take some blame, a shred,

for not running a
record check on you

when you first
came to my office.

You trusted me, and I'm
sorry I broke that trust.

Well, you can make it up to me

and maybe even help yourself by
coming to speak with Geoffrey.

Now, let's get this thing
cleared up in short order.

Can I have a moment?

I haven't seen Geoffrey
since I left Chicago.

Of course.

I have something to take
care of down the street

but I'll be back.

Big breath.

[inhales and coughs]

[exhales and coughs]

And again.


I'm sure this is nothing.


I am sending you to union
city for a chest x-ray.

April fool's. No, thank you.

No, no kidding.

You've got wheezing and a slight
stridor on your right side.


This could be the
start of pneumonia.

That would account for
your shortness of breath.

Molly, thank you, but
don't try to help, ok?

And faith, could you just write
me a prescription, please?

Go see dr. Terry.

You'll like him.

I'm not looking for a friend.

Would you talk to him, please?

[exasperated sigh]

Your health... aah.

Bill. Please.

For me.


Yeah, maybe.

- Elizabeth.
- Hi.

How about that
driving lesson now?


Well, it's better than later.

Of course, but is there a
reason for the sudden urgency?

Is everything alright with newt?

No, no, newt's fine.

It's just, with
everything going on,

I can't put this off any longer.

I'll just ask Lucas if
I can borrow the car

and I'll swing by.


Sedimentary rocks and minerals?

You know, I picked
out the magic of oz,

but for whatever reason

jack likes it when
we read about rocks.

Well, hm...

Anyway, meet you by the saloon?

Yeah, yeah.

And if it be your will for
us to buy into this café

then we'll do our best
to honor you here, lord.

Both: Amen.


I just want to tell
Anna we're leaving.

Oh, she heard you
the first two times.

Minnie, you and I come from
two very different families.

Not that yours didn't
work just as hard as mine,

but back in st. Louis your
folks were well-respected,

and we've seen, not
here in hope valley,

but in other places,
that people don't

I know what you're saying,
and everything will be fine.


Alright. Let's get to buxton.

We don't want that
bank to close on us.


Miss mei? Have you seen my dad?

He's not at the jail.

No. Sorry, I haven't.

Can I talk to you?


My dad thinks Robert and
I should just be friends.

I think so, too.

But what if Robert and
Angela don't think that?

What do I do then?

You stand up for yourself.
Just be yourself.

Even if I'm afraid to?

Even if you're afraid to.

What's the worst
that can happen?

I end up without him.

I don't wanna be with him.

It's like you said
in the beauty salon.

Both: I'm perfect
just the way I am.

Thank you, miss mei.

No, thank you, Allie.

- Mr. Bouchard.
- Robert.

- What is it?
- A game.

This is a bagatelle
pinball machine.

Well, how do you play?

Well, crank this,
the ball comes out,

pull the lever back, let go.

And wherever the ball lands.

- That's super.
- Mmmhmm.

- Oh.
- Thank you.

Have a go.

- Mr. Bouchard?
- Yes?

Can I ask you something?

Of course, what about?

About girls.

Are you sure you don't
wanna play pinball?

No, that's ok.

Uh, when did you first,
you know, go together?

Uh, Robert, don't
you have to finish

the rest of your deliveries?

No, I made sure you
were my last stop.


What I mean is,

when did you and mrs.
Thornton first begin courting?

Well, mrs. Thornton and
I have known each other

a little over three years,

but I wouldn't say we started
courting until just recently.

I see.

Do you think it'll feel
like a long time for me?

Before I court?

I think the time
will fly right by.

Thanks, mr. Bouchard.


Now, before even
entering the automobile,

take the time to check

what does this button do?
[honks horn]

Are you paying attention?


As I was saying,

take the time to check your
vehicle and the surroundings.

Are your tires fully inflated?

Is there anything, or
anyone, blocking your path?

When do we start...
Going? When do we drive?

Nathan, if I'm going to
teach you how to drive

I'm going to do it the
way my father taught me.

[clears throat]

Upon entering the vehicle
make sure you're comfortable.

Orient yourself
with your controls.

Briefly, steering wheel, brakes,
very important, of course,

throttle, spark arrester
[door closes]


Would you mind terribly if
Lucas taught me how to drive?

Not at all.

Thank you for understanding.

Of course.

You know, maybe it
was a good thing

that you and I
never got together.


I talked to the police in chicago

deputy chief, in fact.

He sent a man over to
the clerk of courts.

Now, mei, they found a marriage
license with your signature on it

just the way geoffrey's
been claiming.

I told you, he's
made up everything.


What're you talking about?

Be quiet!

Now, I've been holding
him on as*ault charges

because he punched
me in my office

with no witnesses present.

I have no choice but to
let him go. I'm sorry.

Bill. What am I going to do?

Nathan and I will look
out for your safety,

but the rest is up to you.

Mei! Mei!

If you'd allow me to explain.

Geoffrey, you couldn't
possibly explain.

Just give me a
moment, that's all.

You accused me of things
I didn't do and now

I had to find you! You
know how I feel about you.

Mei, listen. You need
to come back to Chicago.

I don't know how you knew I
was here but I'm not leaving!

I made mistakes. I
took you for granted.

Mei, please! Wait!

Goodbye, Geoffrey!

I'm glad you've decided to start
celebrating hanukkah again.

Irene and I used to do
it every year with Katie

and she loved it.

And after Irene died,

for some reason, I don't
know, I just stopped.

Thank you for encouraging me.

Ned, if something is important
to you, it's important to me.

Florence, I was hoping
to post some flyers

inviting anyone interested,

but the only spot I could find
to celebrate is the saloon.

I wouldn't want anyone feeling
I'm being disrespectful.

People know your heart.

I'm sure that people
would love to come.

Oh, you make up those flyers
and I will help post them.

Oh, this is gonna be so fun.


lee, rosemary.

Back so soon?

Thanks for letting
us use your car.

Break down?

No, we made it to
buxton just fine.

When we got inside the bank
that things didn't go so well.

They wouldn't give us the loan.

I don't understand.

Joseph, I'm so sorry.

Bye, now.

This is just awful, lee.

I don't believe this.

Florence, can you get me my
banker in buxton, please?

I'm assuming you're ok if
we cover the can field loan?

Without hesitation.

But lee, don't you think

you should speak with
him about it first?

No. He's never gonna
accept the help.

I know that you are
well-meaning, sweetheart,

but this is the type
of wonderful gesture

that could backfire.

Ok, fine. I'll make sure
he doesn't find out.

But Joseph is my
friend, sweetheart.

And since I've been doing all
this work here at the paper

he has covered everything
for me at the mill

and he hasn't
complained, not once.

Colby, yes. Leland
coulter calling.

Yes, he just left here. I know.

Colby, listen very carefully.

They either get the loan
without knowing we'll cover it

or I'm pulling all of my
business from your bank.

Do you understand me?

I've never been more serious.


Ready to go?

I assume Elizabeth at least
showed you how to start this thing,

so why don't we give it a whirl?

Someone came into town yesterday
claiming to be mei's husband.


I don't know. But
he's from Chicago.

Do you think that mei
might really be married?



It's just we've spent
so much time together,

the fact that she hasn't
mentioned anything

just makes me feel like...

After everything that
happened with Elizabeth,

maybe you're once
bitten twice shy.

If I were you I wouldn't
walk away without asking mei.

Thanks for the
driving lesson, Lucas.

You know, if you actually

ever wanna learn how to
drive you just reach out.

Appreciate it.

Anna, thank you for coming.
Are you finished at the café?

No, but I wanted to talk to you
and I couldn't wait any longer.

Why don't you have a seat?

My mother got a better job in
bellingham so we're moving.

Oh, Anna, I'll miss you.

But, you know,

the coulter's niece lives
in bellingham and I bet

I'd rather stay here.

I understand.

But moving to new places
and meeting new people,

it can be one of the best things

I know.

You taught us not to be
afraid that way, and I'm not.

Oh, Anna.

You were one of the youngest
students in my class

when I first arrived.

So friendly and playful.
Always dancing around.

It's been a privilege
watching you become

this remarkable young woman

and I just know you have
a bright future ahead.

Eventually I wanna
go off to college

when I earn enough money, that's
why I took the job at the café.

But I'm not ready to
leave hope valley just yet

and I'd like to stay until I am.

You'd rather stay
here on your own,

taking care of yourself?

I can do it, I know I can.

You've inspired
me, mrs. Thornton.

Well, I think it's
wonderful that you know

you have so many possibilities
available to you.

Will you help me?

I don't know how I
can, but I'll try.


Ned: Hanukkah is called
the festival of lights

and it celebrates the rededication
of the ancient temple in Jerusalem

when oil to light the lamp,

which should have only lasted
one night, lasted for eight.

Now, the candle that we use to
light the other eight candles,

one for each night, is
called the shammash.

Opal, would you light
the first candle

celebrating our first night?

Even a little light

shines the brightest
when things are darkest.

And you're all gonna
see that later.

But first, head to
the soda fountain

for some pumpkin ice cream.

- [children excitedly] - really?
- Thanks!

- Rosemary, lee.
- Hey, you two.

We got the loan.

[gasps] really?! - Well, congratulations!
- That's fantastic!

The bank called to say they
hadn't taken into account

how fast hope valley is growing,

making the café more
valuable than they estimated.

I knew everything
was gonna be alright.

I'm so happy for you.

Listen, Joseph, I know that
I've been spending a lot of time

at the newspaper and you have
had to work twice as hard,

but I want you to know
how much I appreciate it.

I really do. Thank you.

What do you say
we uh, go and see

if we can get everything
together for the bonfire, huh?

- It would be my pleasure.
- Ok, let's go.


- Bye, ladies.
- Bye.

So, I have so much...

Penny for your thoughts?

I think our relationship is
worth a little more than that,

but yes, of course.

So, here are my two cents.

If fear is a person's
only motivation in life

then they won't move forward,
they won't accomplish anything.

I couldn't be any more thankful
that I ventured out on my own

from Hamilton all
those years ago

and became far less
fearful... About everything.

And now I feel as though I
could do almost anything.

Even more so with you.

Thank you for always
being so supportive.

[accordion music plays] ♪

Thanks gustave.

I have to say, I am
quite enjoying myself.

Me too.

I have to admit Michael
has done a good job.

Hope valley days
was a huge success.

Well, they're not over yet.

Please say no more costumes.
Please say no more costumes.

Oh, I won't spoil anything.

Just you wait and see
what I have planned.


Thanks for helping
take this down.

It was overdue in my opinion.


Mike. Just in time.


If I'm gonna step out on my
own I have to go all the way.

Can't rely on anyone.
Not even the town.

I'm not sure I would have
come to this decision

if it weren't for
your encouragement.


[ringing triangle]

The fire alarm!

No, it's just Florence.

Oh. I knew that. I-I knew that.

Alright, children,
gather 'round.

We have a special
treat in store.

Remember what I said
about a little lights

shining brightest when
things are darkest?

Well, it's time to find
out just how true that is.

There you are. Here you go.

There's just enough
chill in the air

to remind us that
autumn is at the door.

Have you ever considered
a fall wedding?

Just curious. That's all.

I can't say that I have.


Have you ever considered
a spring wedding?


[accordion music plays] ♪

It really was a beautiful night,

and for the first
time in a while

everything that seemed
to need our attention

that had occupied all our
days, was set to the side.

And in their place instead

were those things that
are surely more precious,

simple pleasures
such as hot cocoa,

toasted marshmallows,
and a roaring bonfire.

That night we realized our town
could shine brighter than ever.

And for now,

hope valley days were still
here helping remind us.