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09x13 - Persuasion

Posted: 03/31/13 19:05
by bunniefuu

Original Air Date on February 13, 2010

Sorry about the heels. I need the inches.

[ gasps ]

[ chuckles ]

I'm not sure this is such a good idea.

Look, either R.A.O. Incorporate is throwing a Valentine's Day part for their worker behind this wall or they are running double shifts on a Saturday night ... a total union violation.

[ chuckles ]

Lois, I'm sure someone is keeping an eye on this situation.

[ alarm blaring ]


[ sighs ]

They are moving more tech equipment into that building than NASA.

And if they're skulking around in the middle of the night, they are definitely hiding something.

Nice teddy. Next time, buy her a silk one.

She's not 6 years old.

You know, Lois, I think we should drop this story.

You sound like you want it all to yourself.

Wait. Is there something about that towel that you're no telling me?


It's Valentine's day.

We should be out having dinner together, by candlelight.

Clark, Valentine's day is just a smarmy Hallmark holiday engineered by corporate executive to convince people to spend hard-earned money on dead flower and overpriced meals ... but not you two.

Lois, you're kind of overreacting, even for you.

History has prove that if I embrace V-day in any romantic way at all, it always end in disaster.

Valentine for the lady?

No, thank you. She doesn't really ...

Actually ... what? I didn't have any dinner.

Happy Valentine's day.

[ twinkling ]


[ chuckles ]

Easy with the pixie dust there, Tinker Bell.

Looks like it's too late to follow that story anyway.

It's never too early for nachos, and it's never too late for hard-hitting journalism.

Lois, maybe we should put our relationship before our work, just for tonight and ...

Hold hands?

You could come a-courtin' on your horse and buggy.

All we need is a chaperone.

Sounds mighty traditional.

And what's wrong with that?

With all of our crossed text messages lately, I thought maybe sometimes...

I want...

us to have a more traditional relationship.


The R.A.O. has schedule a ribbon-cutting at the solar towel in two days.

I'm gonna nee the exposé now.

Two days.

Lois, maybe I should check on those building permit that you were talking about.

You wanted to avoid the whole Valentine's-day-thin thing, right?

Anything for your career, sweetie.


Here's the scoop, buddy.

A traditional woman does no spend her time in the office when she can be at home taking care of her man.

I quit.

♪ somebody save me ♪
♪ "Save Me" performed by Remy Zero ♪
♪ let your warm hand break right through ♪
♪ somebody save me ♪
♪ I don't care how you do it ♪
♪ just stay ♪
♪ stay ♪
♪ come on ♪
♪ I've been waiting for you ♪
♪ just stay with me ♪
♪ I've made this whole world shine for you ♪
♪ just stay ♪
♪ stay ♪
♪ come on ♪

[ air whooshes ]


I was gonna ask you for the lowdown on your v-day with Lois, but something about you being here with m tells me it didn't' go over so well.

Do you have the passport and I.D. cards ready?

Or we could get right down to business.

All the material you would ever need to escape your life and start a new one.

Thanks, Chloe. You're a life-saver.

[ chuckles ]

If by that you mea sweet on the outside and empty in the middle, that's pretty much exactly how I feel right now.

I realize you're not on boar with me helping the Kandorians.

Yeah, well, you know how it is.

You find out that one of the skewers you to death in the post-apocalyptic future, you kind of lose interest.

Yeah, well, I know it seems like I may have overlooked some of their mistakes.

Mistakes? By "mistakes" d you mean them building a towel so they can give themselves powers to take over the world?

I want to lead the to a better place.

The tower will be complete in two days.

Granted, they haven't got the satellites up and running to change the atmosphere, but come on, Clark.

We both know one of them k*lled your father.

Look, maybe it would just be safe if we sent the Kandorian to the Phantom Zone.

I know that you're saying that because you want t protect people, but right now, I want you to focus on watching my back.

Leave the rest of The Planet to me.


I will protect you...

no matter what it takes.



I have the papers.

It's your new life.

You'll have your own identities.

I misjudged you, Kal-El.

I was born into the military.

I never had a choice to live as a civilian.

We can't repay you.

Tell m who k*lled my father.

I know that Zod took him from Tess.

And was he the last on to see Jor-El alive?

I know you want justice, but be careful.

Zod has a lot of loyal followers, and if you go after him, there will be w*r.

Hey, sweetie pie!

Welcome home.

Lois, what's going on?

I moved in.

But don't worry, I'm camped out into the guest room until we get engaged.


[ dishes clinking ]

Move over, Betty Crocker.

I have go this cooking thing down.

How's your pot roast?

Oh, it's delicious.

[ Shelby whimpers ]


It was really sweet of you to do all of this.

Well, I am just so proud of you for bringing home the bacon.

The least I can d is cook it up in a pan.

And, well...

never let you forget that you're the man.

Lois, did something happen?

You just see so cheerful, I...

Well, you said you wanted a more traditional relationship, And you were very persuasive.

What if I miss the old Lois?

Too late.

I... quit my job at The Planet.

You did what?


Now, instead of being chained to a desk all day, I get to b your ball and chain.

[ chuckles ]

Lois, you can't quit reporting.

That job is your life.

And now my life is with you, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.

Lois, what are you talking about?

You're absolutely right.

What kind of adjective is "poorer"?

Somebody is gonna nee an editor ... for their vows.


You know, Lois, there's something at the office that I need to...


All right, Mr. Cold Feet.

I'll keep the home fires burning.

Rain check on talking about the big event for now.

You better make an honest woman out of me, Clark Kent.


I'm afraid they're otherwise engaged.

Ah ... no.

I like you just where you are.

Then maybe you'd like to join me.

[ chuckles ]

You're already in bed with someone else.


[ clicks tongue ]

Wrong choice of bedfellows.

I'm moments away from completing my tower.

I thought you needed the Book of RAU to finish it.

We found another way.

And it seem your satellite system are lagging behind schedule.

We're onlining the safety tests now.

I'll handle that, thank you.

Only I can run them.

[ scoffs ]

Well, now that I've got your fingerprints, I can access all o the networking data without you.


You're digging your own grave.

Then, you better make sure there's room in there for both of us.

You neglected to tell m that Kal-El was supplying new identities to my people.

They're no more your people than they are his.

And eventually, he will be their leader.

Now, don't underestimate their loyalty to me.

But they don't see you as the savior that he is.

There's blood on your hands.

You're tainted ...

a reminder of their past.

He's the promise for their future.

It's what you've always wanted, isn't it ...

Help give my people their power so they can save your doomed planet?

Hand over the rein to Kal-El and then what?


Get rid of me?

If necessary.

[ scoffs ]

We need the knowledge of your people to help us reverse the damage we've done here, to show mercy to this planet.

[ chuckles ]

When I take over those satellites tomorrow, and when I gain my own powers ... you will be the one who needs mercy.


Hey, Chloe.


Well, it is amazing what four hour of scrubbing a kitchen can do.

[ sighs ]

It simply sparkles.

Okay. Let's open a window.

I think you may have gotten a contact high with that lemony-fresh scent.

And why i your vinyl collection here?

Drum roll, please.

Chez Ken has a new resident.

I moved in!


We can have you move back to the Talon and all packed u before the sun's up.

Look, I-I'm sorry that you're, uh, having a hard time with this, Chloe, but this love train has left the station.

No, the love train has jumped the tracks.

I've seen Clark in love before, and it always holds him back.

Okay, you know what?

It is just a little sad that the only way that you can get close to Clark right now is to play mother hen.

Clark i a very private person, and when the chips are down, everyone can see your cards.


Clark know that he can trust me.

Just like The Blur?

[ gasps ]

When you were secretly talking to him and you announced it to everyone on national television?

I never planned for i to happen that way.

Okay. Look, you know what?

As long as I've known you, you have always had to have the scoop, but when it come to understanding the real Clark, you are always gonna b a second-stringer.

Ah! [ gasps ]

You know, this whole Martha Stewart-makeover thin isn't fooling anyone.

Once Clark knows you, the real you underneath all of this Lois armor, he's gonna see that you're just a scared little kid who runs away the second anything goes wrong.

If you really love him, the best thing you can d for Clark is leave him.

[ door slams ]

Excuse me.

You sold my friend and I

some candies the other night.

Oh, yeah. That's right.

[ chuckles ]

You were with the bitter chick.

Right. Well, the bitter chic isn't feeling so good.

She kind of got sick.

I'm retracing her steps.

Was there anything in that chocolate you sold her?

Uh, yeah.


I ate two boxes and gained three pounds.


Fairy dust. That was ... that was cute.

Where'd you get it?

Yeah, I ...

I don't know what it is, but it comes from some quarry in Smallville.

Meteor rock.

[ cellphone buzzes ]

[ beeps ]

Is that your girlfriend?

No, she's not my... we don't use that word.



[ crying, sniffling ]


Are you all right?

What's the emergency?

[ crying continues ]

Oh, um...F-false alarm.

Are you sure?

'cause you seem kind of...

kind of pathetic.


I mean, why even bother going through the motions, Clark?

This whole moving-in thin together was a joke.

You're not yourself right now.

Come on!

I'm not stupid.

I could tell that you just hate that burned brick of meat!

Let's get you some water.

Stop trying to sugarcoat it, Clark.

I am not good for you, Clark!

Chloe was right to protect you from me.

Well, Chloe can b overprotective sometimes.


She hit the target head-on.

She said that it was gonna wreck us, and she's right.

Clark, I don't ...

I don't know the first thing about family time or dinners at home.

I don't.

Lois, I'm glad that you're opening up to me, but there's something else going on here.

You're right.

Something is going on.

I've made a fool of myself long enough.

It hurts m to be around you.

I have to leave you, Clark ...

leave Smallville.

Lois, you ...

you need to sleep on this.

I promise thing will look better in the morning.

[ chuckles ]

No, they won't.

Clark, I'm a big girl.

I can pull myself u by my own bootstraps, thank you very much.

I just ... I had hope that somehow I'd be able to pull it off, The whole making-a-home thing.

Lois, stop. You are home.


A home is for real.

For always and forever.

Not this.

Goodbye, Smallville.

Lois, you can't leave. Not yet.

I promise we'll be together, always and...


Do you mean it?

I do.

[ sighs ]

Guess we can move my stuff out of the guest room now.

[ beeping ]

[ sighs ]

Clark, it's good you're here.

For some reason, Chloe has shut me out of all of Watchtower's systems.

Everything's encrypted.

I'm sorry to hear that, Emil, But I have my own fire to put out.

Do you know where Chloe is?

She's gone.

She's activated laser trip wire around the system core.

[ scoffs ]

There's firewalls around firewalls around firewalls.

I can't get into it. I've tried every iteration.

Emil, look, I want you to calm down.

Just try to relax for once.



This place goes nuclear, it is not my problem.

[ chuckles ]

I want you to go back to the way you were.

There are no backsies in this lifetime.

Where are you going?

I need a brew.

This job' way too stressful.

I need to figure out a way to reverse this.

I think I breathed i some sort of new meteor rock.

[ laughs ]

Dude, hasn't anyone ever told you not to inhale?

This is serious.

It's like you and Lois are doing whatever I say, but then I can't un-do it.

Normally, Kryptonite only affects me, not other people.

Sounds kind of like hypnosis to me.

People are pathetic.

They're open to suggestion.

I bet it's great with the ladies.

How do I stop putting people into hypnotic trances?


Well, maybe...

you don't need to stop.

Maybe you just need to chill.

Use it or lose it, Kent.

Come on!

There's got to b something out there that you're after. Huh?

There is no luck.

[ air whooshes ]

Oh, Mrs. K., can I really?

Thanks so much!

But actually, I'm wearing it right now!

I found i in the back of your closet.

I know.

Clark will just love it.

Thanks ... Mom.

Okay, I have breaking news.

Brace yourself.

I am getting married!

(Woman) [ screaming ]

[ laughs ]

Come on, dad. Can't we just hitch a carrier to Greece?

I'm only getting married once.

We need to talk.

Why would I make time for you?

You're trying to isolate m from my people.

You lost your right to lea when you k*lled my father.

He was a brother to me.

We had our differences, but I could never take his life.

I want you to tell me the truth.

Did you k*ll Jor-El?

I didn't k*ll him.

But I know who did.

Tess Mercer.

How is that possible?

Well, she obviously had her own agenda.

She was the only one who knew where he was.

She was the only one who could finish the job.

You are his firstborn.

Only you can see retribution.

I'm not gonna k*ll Tess.

It's the Kryptonian way.

You cannot let this injustice stand.


You knew when you started on this pat that you had t get your hands dirty.

You must avenge him.


I can't.

[ scoffs ]

I tortured him.

I beat him black and blue.

I threatened him, and he still wouldn't give you up.

You were the so he never met, and he was still willing to sacrifice his life for yours.

He died protecting you, And you won't even defend his honor.

You don't think I want justice?

You don't think I want revenge?!

You don't think sometime I want to be a k*ller like you?

[ air whooshes ]

[ keys clacking ]

I can't believe he piggybacks my cameras.

(Tess) And I can't believe you actually manage to be of some use.

Go ahead.

Hack yourself silly.

You'll never crack my system.

This isn't so much cracking as it is bleeding out.

This is the digital equivalent to the Ebola virus.

[ beeps ]

You take down my firewalls, and you'll be exposing Clark to much greater danger than you can even imagine.

I've done everything in my power to postpone this, but the day has finally come.

The tower is ready.

It's linked u to the satellites.

The countdown has started, and in t-minus 18 hours, the atmosphere will turn re and the Kandorian will have their powers.

But I have lost my faith in Zod.

If Clark joins them, he can rule over all the Kandorians, even Zod.

But you and I

have to work together.

It's quite the offer.

Let me think about it.

I'm sorry, but embracing the red skies definitely violate my no-conspiring-with-baddie policy.

[ grunting ]


[ g*n cocks ]

Should have aimed a little higher.

[ breathing heavily ]

[ air whooshes ]

My father was m*rder*d, and I'm here to collect.

Collect on what?

Justice, vengeance.

It just depend whose side you're on.

You confided in me, Clark.

You revealed your powers.

You know I haven' told anyone your secret.

Only to sell me out to Zod and the others.


So that you could lead them.

You've seen the future, Tess.

You know what happens.

Which is why you have to join the Kandorian and defeat Zod so he doesn't take your powers away.

He doesn't take them, Tess.

Your tower doe when it goes online.

No, the satellite just create a shield that filter the radiation.

And block the source of my power, giving them theirs.

You have to believe me.

I had no idea that your powers disappeared.

Don't worry, Tess.

I'll save your world.

Just not with you in it.


Why did you call me here?

I'm sorry.

I did i in the name of RAU.

Jor-El ...

he thought we were abominations.

He would have destroyed us.

You k*lled him?

Justice must be served.

[ g*nsh*t ]

(Clark) Yeah, mom, about the engagement ...

there was a miscommunication.

They're gonna print a retraction.

Sure, I'll tell her.

Okay, I love you, too, mom.

[ telephone clicks ]

My mom says, "when you're ready, you can borrow it."

Do you have any idea what she's talking about?

Nope. [ chuckles ]

it's Greek to me.

Speaking of Greece, your dad left a message.

Oh, you know what?

I-I just need to make a few phone calls here.

Donna Reed on crack.

I just ... I'm never gonna buy chocolate from another fairy.

I promise you. I wasn't myself.

I don't know what she put in that stuff.

It's too bad. I kind of liked your outfit.

You really are an old-fashioned romantic, aren't you?

[ chuckles ]

Well, I guess it's easier to complain about Valentine's day than it i to give it a shot.

So, in the face of the candy-coated, emotional manipulation of V-day, Maybe I just need to trust that what we have is something more.

[ cellphone vibrating ]

It's Chloe.

She's been really sweet.

She left 12 message apologizing for what she said after she found out that I move in together... with you, here.

Yeah, we should talk.


When you asked m to move in with you here, I know it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Yeah, but it wasn't ...

and about the whole proposal ...

It was a dream-come-true level of "wow,"

but, um, things are moving a little too fast for me.

[ chuckles ]


I don't know what I was thinking.

We should just stick to our plan and take things slow.

I am so relieve to hear you say that.

We just have to continue being honest with each other.


About everything, right?

God know I spilled my guts.

Clark, if you had a really big secret ... would you trust m with it?

You're the most trustworthy person I know.

But I confessed to the whole world that I was talking to The Blur on national television, And I really mean to keep that secret.

I don't think The Blur minds, Lois.

You were doing the right thing.

You were protecting him.

But that's not the point.

Look, I know it sounds crazy, But I'm just afraid that my big mouth is gonna wreck our relationship one day.

Don't worry, Lois.

It's not gonna be that easy to get rid of me.

How'd she die?

By my hand.

You k*lled her?

She confessed she m*rder*d your father.

She was one of the zealot who thought he would find a way to destroy us.

She didn't deserve to die.

You've gone too far, Just like when you did when you sent me to see Tess!

You want to become one of us.

You want to live by our ways, and yet, you reject them.

Kal-El, when you came to u with your powers, I thought ...

I thought it represented hop for all of us, but because you were too weak to do it, I had to k*ll one of my own soldiers ... to get justice for you.

This isn't my kind of justice.

In the coming days, you will see there i only one kind of justice.

And then you will have to decide if you really are one of us.

[ beeping ]

If you were really under a command to protect me, why didn't you let me k*ll her?

Because sometime protecting you means protecting you from yourself.

You're someone we all have to believe in.

Nothing can compromise that.

Zod took matter into his own hands.

He k*lled Jor-El's m*rder*r.

It was Alia.

So, now Ali can't slay me in the future like she's supposed to.

This means the future that we saw is changing.

But there's only one way to be sure.

When the first rays of the sun fall upon the solar tower tomorrow morning, it will herald the dawn of a new age of infinite power.

[ rumbling ]