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02x06 - Two Places

Posted: 04/20/22 14:58
by bunniefuu
KITTY: Previously on
Brothers & Sisters...

Your sister took a pregnancy test,
but it was negative.

Actually, it was positive.

ALL: What?
NORA: What? What?

Whatever extracurricular relationship
you have, end it.

I award Joseph Whedon full temporary
custody of Paige and Cooper Whedon.

I have a lot of friends who are addicts.

And when they head back
down this road,

starting now, everything changes.

It was a big gay cocktail party.

So it was all gay men and Uncle Saul?

Why do I feel like
I'm being cross-examined?

All I said was,
"You never told me your uncle's gay."

Are you happy about the baby?

Yeah. Really, really happy.

TOMMY: I... I gotta get going.

You know, there's nothing that says
you can't spend the night.

I'll even make you my famous
French toast in the morning.

Which, in the spirit of full disclosure,
I get from the diner across the street.

Sounds great, but I gotta go.


"Goodnight stars. Goodnight air.

"Goodnight noises everywhere."

- Night, Mom. Love you.
- Night, my little man.

- Hi, Mom.
- Hey, chicken.

So, it looks like we're up to...


- "The Whomping Willow."
- I don't really feel like it.

- Oh, honey, do you feel okay?
- Yeah. I'm just tired is all.

Okay. Well, you go get some sleep.

And know that I love you
more than anything.

- Good night.
- Good night, beautiful girl.

- You're not still at the office, are you?
- No, I called it a night.

- How you feeling?
- Great. Really great. Except, you know,

I'm exhausted and I'm constantly
fighting the urge to vomit.

I wish I could be there. I would...
Hold your hair back while you puke.

- You know what? You're so romantic.
- I try.

By the way, "Operation Puppy"
is proceeding as planned.

Must we call it "Operation Puppy"?

Well, "Operation Shotgun-Wedding

just doesn't have the same ring.

But I did find some
really good help for the event.

Cheap, efficient. Mom.

I might have known. Look,
how is the media strategy coming?

- Oh. Well, you know, I'm on top of it.
- Are you being purposefully evasive?

No. I'm just not bombarding
you with the details,

because you and I agreed
that we would divide and conquer.

You'd run for President and I would
take control of the domestic situation.

Unless, of course, you want to switch?

I do.
I'm tired of sleeping at , feet.


- Hi!
- What?

No. No. Sorry. Not you.
Honey, I gotta go.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

- Isaac. Isaac. Hi!
- Hey, Kitty.

- Oh, hello.
- Oh, Kitty.

So good to see you. Look at you.
It's been a long time.

- So, you're finally collecting, huh?
- Oh, well, you know, I told you I would.

A stupid move on my part.
I get you to keep quiet about

my candidate's offshore accounts
and the idiot still loses the election.

Well, too bad, my friend.
A deal's a deal.

Well, I just wish you
didn't wait until I retired.

Well, I couldn't waste your talents
on something trivial.

- So, have a seat.
- Okay.

- Yeah.
- I'm all ears.

Well, it's sort of... It's sort of...

Well, it's kind of stupid. It's just...

I'm pregnant.

With that buildup,
I thought your guy was busted

playing footsies with a state trooper
in an airport bathroom.

No. No. Thank goodness. No.

But, so, then...
This is nothing to worry about?

It's not a felony. But, of course,
it's something to worry about.

The girlfriend of a presidential
candidate gets pregnant?

You know? Pretty scandalous
in some parts of the country.

Right. Right, of course.

Well, we've already been on it.
We've moved the wedding up a month.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You do need me. Yeah.

If your boy wants to be President,
you get your butts down to city hall.

No muss, no fuss.

- Really? Well, when?
- This weekend.

No. No, no. You're telling me
that I have to get married in two days?

No time to waste.

Kevin. Why are you here?

Well, I called your cell phone,
but it's disconnected.

So I dropped by your place,
and your landlady,

who is really creepy by the way,
said you no longer live there.

Yeah, well, I would love to catch up, but
I just spent the last hour deboning

quail, and now I'm moving onto
chicken, so now is not the best time.

Okay, fine. I get it.
You're mad about the whole Saul thing,

but, you know, disconnecting your
phone and moving is a little extreme,

- even for you.
- This may come as a shock to you,

but what's happening with me
has nothing to do with you.

Okay, fine.
What does it have to do with?

I'd really rather not do this here.

I'd rather not stalk my friends
for them to talk to me, but I'm here.

My tuition was due,
so I fell behind on my rent.

And my car insurance.
And my phone bill.

Turns out being a cooking student
and apprentice sous-chef

- isn't a road to financial freedom.
- Why didn't you just call me?

What is it they say,
"Pride goeth before the eviction?"

- Oh, come on. Scotty, this is me.
- I know.

And you were finally starting
to treat me like someone

whose life wasn't
a complete train wreck.

- So where are you staying?
- Friends' futons, friends' sleeping bags

- and last night, my Ranchero.
- You're homeless?

Oh, I like to think of it as
being between homes.

Look, I've got an inflatable mattress.
You should come and stay with me.

Are you really sure there's
room for me, with all our baggage?

I have a boyfriend and I'm in love, so...

And your missionary really won't mind?

If he's going to be looking
after poor schoolchildren,

the least I can do is shelter
a struggling culinary artist.


I'll put the key under the mat.

- Good luck on the chicken.
- Thank you.

NORA: Every single one, you know?
REBECCA: I was thinking...

- I was looking at this new trend...
- I don't like new...

- Good morning, Justin.
- Hey.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Just didn't get a lot of sleep.
Thank God for Skin-e-max.

Oh, that's nice.

Okay. Well, anyways,
the new centerpiece trend

is to put citrus fruit in the vases
instead of flowers.

Citrus fruit? No, no, no, no.
We couldn't do citrus fruit.

It would look like we were
advertising for Ojai Foods.

Besides that, Kitty is much more
of a traditionalist than that.

Except for the fact that she got
knocked up before the "I do's."

Yes, well, except for that.

I was thinking hydrangeas,
white orchids.

- What do you think, Justin?
- I think now is my cue to leave.

- I love orchids.
- Yes. I love orchids, too.

I'll just run that by Kitty.

He seems a bit down, doesn't he?

Well, his life pretty much
consists of physical therapy

and more physical therapy,
so, you know...

He really needs to have some fun.

You don't happen to have
any single, attractive friends, do you?


Hello? Kitty.
I was just going to call you.

Okay, hydrangeas. White orchids.

What change of plans?

But we lose an opportunity
for media coverage.

Everybody loves weddings.

I'm sorry. What's your name again?


Travis, people like celebrity weddings.
Political weddings?

The last one that meant anything
was Charles and Diana,

- and look how well that turned out.
- Yeah, I agree with Isaac.

We get married under the radar,
and then we send a press release

to the media saying that our impending
wedding is distracting them from

- the current issues and the campaign.
- And what about the bun in the oven?

We wait until the second trimester
to announce Kitty's pregnant.

Come on! It is still going to reek
of a shotgun wedding.

The Christian Right is going to
have a field day with this.

I'm sorry to break it to you,
but the Christian Right?

They're not even supporting
your candidate.

- So we abandon the base?
- No. You own the candidate you have.

Make McCallister and Kitty represent
a modern-day Jack and Jackie.

I'm sorry. That's a little pie-in-the-sky,
don't you think?

Not if we give the press
something else to focus on.

Right. Right. Something that makes
our wedding and our baby

look completely
old-fashioned and quaint.

- Like...
- I'm working on it.

Does Robert know about any of this?

SECRETARY: Excuse me.
There's a meeting inside.

I'm sorry to barge in.

Kitty, I cannot stand by
and let this happen.

For the love of Pete! You know,
I am in the middle of a meeting.

It's the most important day of your life!
You can't honor your marriage

- like you're getting a building permit!
- We are not going to negotiate!

- Excuse me.
- You are gonna thank me one day.

- You're going to thank me...
- I am not ever going to thank you.

- You're going to thank me...
- Excuse me.

- I will not!
- Yes. Yes?

- Who are you?
- Nora Walker.

This is my mother.

NORA: You should have seen this child.

Four years old,
she put a dishcloth on her head,

pretending it was a veil.

Walked down the aisle,
as if to Prince Charming.

- That was Kevin.
- It was both of you.

Don't you remember how you would
pore over my wedding pictures?

She's your little girl and you want her
wedding day to be perfect.

- Yes.
- I understand that.

- Good.
- But this isn't about romance.

- It's politics.
- Politics be damned.

Mom, the groom
is running for President.

And given that, this wedding
needs to be disposed of.

Oh, isn't that nice.

What a lovely way for them
to start their lives together.

Well, what do you suggest,
Mrs. Walker?

It's Ms. Walker.

And who said a wedding can't be
memorable, romantic and quick?

Kitty, we could use our house.

You could wear my dress,
flowers from the yard...

Mom, thank you, you're being
very sweet, but you know how you are.

You get carried away.
And the minute you tell Kevin,

- everybody in the world will know.
- I won't tell.

- You really want to take this on?
- Yes.

Look, Robert and Kitty

deserve more than drop ceilings
and fluorescent lights.

Fluorescent lights, Kitty.

Ms. Walker, if you can pull this off
by Sunday morning,

I put it in your hands.

Put it in my hands. Thank you.
He put it in my hands.

- Yes, he did.
- Fine.

Call me Nora. In my hands.

Wow. What was that about?
You just folded like an origami swan.

You know me,
I don't fight battles I can't win.

- Two days?
- I know. I know.

But I do not want to hear
it's impossible,

because I just convinced some
Republican politico that it is possible.

All I want to hear is that
you'll be here tomorrow to help.

Mom, I've got the kids this weekend.

- Great! Four more hands.
- Oh, God.


Principal Briel is on line two.

Mom, I've got Paige's school
on the other line.

Call me back. Call me back. Call me...

Sarah Walker speaking.

I'll be right there.

- I'll take a tuna sandwich.
- Oh, no. Tuna. Tuna, no. No fish.

Oh, okay. Okay, okay.

Let's make that veggie salad
with chicken. Thank you.

Hi, honey.
What are you doing back so soon?

The rally was canceled. It was raining.
What's he doing here?

Robert, it's good to see you again.

I think double congratulations
are in order.

Thank you. Would you mind if I just
took one second to catch up with Kitty?

Of course. Take your time.

That is who the hell you think
you need to get this under control?

Why didn't you just hire
G. Gordon Liddy?

Oh, please!
Would you stop being so dramatic?

- He is the best at damage control.
- He is damage!

Look, if people get wind that he is
on this campaign,

they will think we are in crisis.

Oh, well, guess what? Robert, we are
in a crisis, remember? I'm pregnant.

Isaac is handling this as a favor to me
and after that, he is going to be gone,

and you are never going to
have to deal with him again.

But if you want
to get through this pregnancy

and you want
to get through this wedding

and you still want to be a viable
Republican presidential candidate,

then you are going to have to
get a hold of your testosterone

and you are going to have to suck it up!

REBECCA: So Sarah and I
are being civil, which is an improvement

from her just glaring at me.

And Justin's doing great.
He's off his crutches, and...

I mean, the physical therapy's
still hurting him,

but he's handling it, so... Here.

That's great. Here.

Yeah, and I've been reading about
vets coming home and, you know,

I'm just trying to give him his space,
you know...

You have been home for an hour,

and all you've done
is talk about the Walkers.

Mom, I know that you're
still mad at them, but...

No, this is not about them at all.
This is about you.

- I'm doing great.
- No, what you're doing is

being nursemaid to Justin
and assistant to Nora.

That's not fair.

You know, I have come to terms with
the fact that you need to know them

and be part of their lives.

I miss you, but I understand.

But, sweetie, you shouldn't give up
yourself in the process.

- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about your life. You.

I have a life.
It's not like I'm wasting my time.

And you may not understand this,
Mom, but he needs me.

He depends on me for a lot of things,

and I just want to help him
get through this.

When I was your age, I thought
that I had all the time in the world.

But the truth is, you don't.

And I don't want you to look back
at this time and have regrets.

Okay. I won't. Can we drop this?

For now.

It'll take three or four hours in the van.

Make sure you send... Excuse me.

I'm meeting
with a former associate of mine.

He might be of some help.

Look, Kitty's an old friend.

There's not much I wouldn't do for her.

I don't like how you operate.

And Kitty's brought you on, that's fine.
I'll give her that latitude.

But let me make one thing really clear.
Around here, I run a clean shop.

- You can't stand me, can you?
- That's putting it mildly.

Oh, no. No, no, guys. No, no, no.

This table stays here. I'm going to put
the place cards on the tables outside.

Mom, it's all family.
Do we really need assigned seating?

Yeah, please, Nora.
And don't sit me next to Kevin.

The details matter. Now, this couch
I want you to move out.

I'm sorry. I'm too old for that, Nora.

Oh, Saul, come on. Think of
your darling niece upstairs, resting,

- exhausted, nauseous...
- And here.

Hi, honey. How are you feeling?

Well, apparently, really bad.

I was just saying to them
that they should be at least...

No, no. You were just guilting them
into heavy lifting.

- I was not. I...
- Yeah, you were.

- Saul, you want to go grab a beer?
- Is that what movers drink?

- So...
- Are these...

The doctor's office called.

You're all set up for
your after-hours sonogram.

Is Robert going with you?

No. No, he's... He's busy.

- Well, then, I'll go with you.
- No, that's okay.

You know, it's just a routine.
It's no big deal.

Sweetheart, this is your first baby
and your first sonogram.

- You can't do it alone.
- Do you really want to go?

I really want to go.

- Hi, Grandma. Hi, Aunt Kitty.
- Hi.

- Hey, Paige.
- How are you?

- Where's your Mom and Coop?
- In the kitchen.

- How's the boss?
- Bossy.

Kevin's on a flower run
and we're on furniture duty.

- Oh, God.
- Oh, no, no. Not me. I quit.

- Hey.
- Hey, Kitty.

Quick. Show Aunt Kitty what you made.

What is it?

It's something to hold your flowers in
for your wedding.

Oh, Cooper, I love it. That is so cool.
Thank you.

What's with Paige? Is she sick?

No, she's grounded. Well, she pulled
the fire alarm at school for a dare.


- Hey. Thanks.
- Well, that's not like her.

I know.
She's been very distant and angry.

I think this new custody arrangement
is really affecting her.

Hey, how'd the interview go?

Great. And you were right,
they asked about no-bid contracts.

- You still mad at me?
- He's a skunk.

But it's hard to be mad at you
when we're having a puppy.

- Listen, I wish I could be there tonight.
- Oh, well, don't worry,

they put it all on a DVD now.

You can see it
when you get home tonight.

- I can't wait.
- I know.

I know, it's weird. It's messing
everything up, but it just feels right.

Well, listen. It's going to be late,
so don't wait up, okay? I love you.

I love you, too. Bye.




I remember that.
I used to watch it all the time.

It's so weird.

So I hear you're grounded.

You know, I got grounded once.

Well, I got grounded
a lot more than once.

But there was this one time, I got so
mad at this boy that I forked his yard.

What's that?

Well, do you know those plastic forks
that you get out of the cafeteria?

Well, I used them to spell
a message in front of his house.

What did it say?

It was very naughty.

Oh, do me a favor. Don't tell
your mother I told you about forking.

Oh, and I also wanted
to ask you another favor.

I need a flower girl for my wedding,

and I was really hoping
that you would say yes.

- You want me to be your flower girl?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I do.

So, what do you say, you up to it?

- Thanks. I'd love to.
- Really? Oh!

Oh, good. I'm so happy. You're going
to be the best flower girl ever.


What color dress do you want to wear?

- Purple.
- Purple.

Lena, hey. It's Rebecca.

Hey, I was wondering, do you maybe
want to grab a drink later?

Because it's total chaos over here.

I need something to look forward to.

- Yeah, you and me both.
- Yeah. Okay, I'll call you in a little bit.

So, where you going?

I'm just going to meet up
with Lena in a little bit.

All of this wedding prep is...

Yeah, I know.
It's like air traffic control in here.

Could I come?

Well, I'm... Yeah. I mean.
Well, it's at a bar. So maybe...

Are you kidding? With this family,

I think I've mastered the skill
of not drinking around drinkers.

Well, then, yeah. I mean, sure.
It could be fun.


I postponed your speech

to the Pittsburgh Fireworkers Union
for the wedding.

I rescheduled it for Wednesday,
between the pep rally in Cincinnati

and your CNN interview in New York.

On Sunday, you get hitched,

and then we jet to Sacramento
for a speech at the VFW at : .

Did you schedule my bachelor party?

- Did you expect me to do that?
- No, Travis, I didn't expect you...


Come in.

- Am I interrupting?
- No.

No, we were just finishing up.
You can just put that on my desk.

Did you know that
Governor Adamson has

a severely
developmentally-disabled son?

No, I thought
he just had the three daughters.

His son has been
in a residential facility since birth.

A very reputable, very good,
very expensive facility,

which he's paying for privately.

And what does that
have to do with me?

Adamson's record.

He authorized budget cuts
for special education.

He didn't support the reauthorization
of the Individuals with Disabilities Act.

And what am I supposed to do
with this information?


I have a source,
just waiting for a word from me.

Once you announce the pregnancy,
he'll leak the story.

You're good. Kitty was right about that.

But there's something
she doesn't know.

Ten years ago, you were doing some
consulting work for Michael Breen,

who was running for state senate
in California.

Do you remember the race?

- That was a long time ago.
- I was his opponent.

And just as I started to get
some traction,

the Sacramento paper wrote an article
outing my brother.

Who, of course, wasn't out at the time.

It practically ruined
my relationship with Jason.

It devastated him,
not to mention what it did to my family.

I almost quit politics after that.

Any idealism I had about public policy
or sanctity of government

was completely obliterated
by what you did.

Then stop wasting your time
and drop out of this race.

This is presidential politics.

If you're looking for idealism,
you're not going to win the nomination.

I'd expect you to say that.

All right.
Well, all your test results look fine.

Your blood pressure is normal.


Want to take a look at your baby?

- Yes!
- Me, too.

Okay, lay back. Let's put this up.
Put a little gel on.

Okay. Let's just make sure
that everything is good.


There's the sack.


KITTY: Oh, my gosh.

All right.
Let me just see if I can try and get a...

- Is something wrong?
- Okay.

Kitty, let's sit up.

And I want you to take this
and wipe the gel off your belly.

I am so sorry to have to tell you this,
but I don't detect a heartbeat.

What are you trying to tell me?

I'm afraid that this pregnancy
is not viable.


This is lovely.

Can I make you some soup
or some tea or something?

- I want to help you.
- No. I'm fine.

You didn't do anything wrong, Kitty.
That's what the doctor said.

Miscarriages in the first trimester
are very, very common.

I know.

So you want to lay down? I'll stay with
you until Robert comes home.

I think I'm just going to wait for him
by myself, if that's okay with you.

Yeah, I understand.

- Thank you for driving me.
- Sure.



I hate to ask you to do this,

but do you think maybe you could call
everybody and tell them

that there's not going to be
a wedding tomorrow?


Okay. Thanks.





No, seriously. Tommy wanted to put
a picture of Lizzie in a bee costume

- on the label for the new cabernet.
- What?

Oh, my...
I mean, she's cute, but come on.

Yeah, and babies don't really
make you want to drink.

Which was exactly
your mom's point, right?

So, while they were arguing,
I went back to the files,

and I found a picture
of a single flower on a grape vine...

- And they loved it.
- Oh, that's good.

- Good.
- Yeah.

But what's really cool is that, you know,
once they're on store shelves,

I'll be in the supermarket, and I'll know
that that label was my idea.

It was completely my idea.
Wait, is that lame?

- No. It just means you love your job.
- Well, a little lame.

- Thanks, Justin. That's sweet.
- Yeah. No worries.

Would it be completely rude of me
to ask you what it was like over there?

In Iraq?
I mean, that must have been intense.

Oh, yeah. It's not rude.
Check this out, though.

It's impressive, right?
That's right there.

Yeah, that's great.

So, Becca, what's going on with you?

Oh, you know, nothing, really.
Same old.

Are there any new guys
on the horizon?

- No, no. I... You know, I've been busy.
- Yeah, busy playing home health aide.

Do you wear an outfit?

What's going on with your guy?

Oh, you know, we're just hanging out.

So he's a bump-buddy?

- No.
- Yes.

- Do you go to the movies?
- No. Well, he's not really into movies.

- Have you hung out with his friends?
- Not yet.

Has he spent the whole night?

Well, he has to get up early for work.

- Bump-buddy.
- Whatever.

What's wrong
with just having some fun?

Nothing. In fact, I'm jealous.

I'm going to get
something else to drink.

Do you guys want anything?

Yeah. Actually, I'll take one of these.

- I'm good. Thanks.
- All right.

What are you doing?

Just meds.
You know, take the edge off the pain,

w*r wounds, nerve damage...

You're milking it, right?

- Yeah, is it working?
- A little bit.


- Did they give you anything good?
- It's not bad.

Feel like sharing? Please.

Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.

Jose Suarez?

Okay. Busted.
You know, let's just keep it between us,

because if Rebecca finds out,
like, she'll flip out.

Like, as soon as I got home,
she's been, like, protective.

You know, like making my mom
look mellow, which is like...

Listen, don't worry about it, all right?
It'll just be our little secret.

All right. Cool.

I thought you were tapering off?

God! I missed my last dose, all right?

I got you a soda
in case you change your mind.

Whoo, party time!

Come on. Drink up.

Jason, I've tried every number
you've given me,

and I know I'm about
to leave you the worst

answering machine message in history,
but I don't have a choice.

There's no wedding,
because there's no baby.

Kitty had a miscarriage, so...

I'm sure Robert would love
to hear from you.

I'd love to hear from you.

Anyway, I hope you're okay.


- I'm really sorry.
- Yeah. Me, too.

Is there anything I can do?

Yeah, you could deflate the mattress
when you leave. I tripped on it earlier.

Almost k*lled myself.

I'm serious, Kevin.
After everything you've done for me.

No. No, there's nothing.

Thank you for the thought, though.

Oh, God. How's Kitty doing?

Yeah, I'll call her tomorrow. Okay.
Thanks, Mom.

Oh, God.

How you doing?

- Making a card for Aunt Kitty.
- She's going to love it.

That was Grandma on the phone.
Your Aunt Kitty's not feeling too good.

She has to spend
a couple of days in bed.

But what about the wedding?

They're going to have to
postpone it, honey.

But she still wants you to be
her flower girl when it happens.

But what if we're staying at Dad's
when they get married?

Well, that's okay.
We'll work it out when the time comes.

No, that's not what happens.
You fight and you yell!

- Paigey.
- Leave me alone!

- Oh, hey there. Hey.
- Hey.

Wow, you're drunk.

Yeah, well you're not feeling
much pain, either.


- Well, this is awkward.
- But it's nice.

Justin, we have to stop.

- What? Why?
- We have to stop.

Because you're Rebecca's brother.


And we're blocking the entrance
to the bathrooms.

Oh, it's about that other guy, right?

It's a lot of things.

Okay, yeah. You know, let's go back.

Where's Rebecca?

- Hey.
- Hi.

How you doing?

You okay?

I had a miscarriage.

Well, actually, they call it
a "missed miscarriage."

I guess the baby d*ed
a couple days ago, or maybe a week.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, I guess
we're not going to have a puppy.

I'm so sorry.

Sorry, it's just my...
My pathetic attempt at humor.

What happened?

I don't know.

They say it happens all the time.

I have a D & C scheduled for tomorrow,
where they remove the fetus.

And after that, a couple days
of recovery, and then I'll be fine.

- Oh, my God.
- No, honey. It's good.

It's nature's way of ending
a potential problem.

And we don't have to rush the wedding.

I am so sorry. I am so sorry.

It's okay.

Paige? Paige, honey, you want to talk?

Paige! Paige?

That's right. Eight years old.
Gray jeans, a print top.

Call all her friends at school.
Call anybody you can think of.

She's diabetic,
she doesn't have insulin on her.

And call me as soon as
you hear something. Yes. Thank you.

SARAH: Okay. Thanks again, Officer.

What did the police say?

They're sending a car over.

They're going to put out
an AMBER Alert.

They want me to stay here
in case she calls.

All right.
I'll drive around the neighborhood.

The first weekend she stays with you.

Oh, she's stayed with me
her whole life.

I told you she was in trouble. I told you.

- lf anything happens to her...
- What? You'll blame me.

Sarah, you're supposed to be
watching her. She's with you. Not me.

Damn you. We did this to her.
Why did you have to make it so hard?

She didn't disappear from my house.


It's Mom. Hi, Mom.

- Sarah, I've got Paige.
- You do?

When I pulled into the driveway,
she was on the porch, waiting.

How is she?

Fine, but she's begging me to let
her spend the night here.

- She wants to stay with Mom tonight.
- I really think it might be good for her.

You don't have to worry,
I've got an insulin kit and everything.

- All right.
- Okay, we'll pick her up in the morning.

- Thanks, Mom. I'll call you.
- Okay, I'll talk to you later.

Joe, this isn't working.

I know.

- Did you get any sleep?
- No. Couldn't.

I made coffee.

I tried to drink it, but...
I've been off caffeine for so long, I've...

To drink a cup of coffee, it just...
Felt so final.

It just made it feel so


Well, it's not over. We can try again.

I know.

You know what? Let's just...
Gonna get through this, and...

We'll be able to move on.

- I'm going with you.
- No, no, no.

- My mom is going to go with me.
- Kitty, I'm coming.

Oh, no, no. No, Robert.
What if somebody sees you?

- Or somebody takes a picture?
- I don't care.

I'm not leaving you alone.



So you heard?

Yeah. Yeah, I did. It's so sad.


So you're packing up her room for her?

Nope. I'm going home.

Wait, is this because of last night?

Are you using again, Justin?

Rebecca, I'm taking pain medication
for my leg. You know that.

Yeah, and I also know what people
look like when they're high,

and last night, you were high, Justin.

Why are you being so judgmental?

Because I have spent every waking
minute trying to take care of you.

- Who asked you to?
- Nobody! Nobody!

I have no idea what I'm doing here.

You know what? Yeah, you're right.

I'm using more than
what the doctor prescribed.

You want to know why?
So I can get better, fast.

Because I am sick and tired of being
here while my friends die over there.

And I can't tell anyone that,
because they won't get it.

But I want to go back.
Can you understand that?


No, Justin. I don't believe you.

I think you're telling yourself that
because it seems noble and important.

But you're using
because you're an addict, Justin.

And you'll always find a reason.

- Hey. What are you doing in here?
- Waiting for my mom. She's mad.

People are mad at me too, kid.

I just... I do things that I know
will get me in trouble,

- but I do them anyhow.
- Yeah.

It's been hard
with your mom and dad, huh?

I wish I could be
two places at the same time.

Me, too.

Kitty Walker. We're ready for you.

- I'll be waiting right here.
- Yeah. Thanks.


This is what I want,
so please make it happen. Thank you.

Come here.

- I was worried about you.
- I'm sorry.

I don't want you to get a divorce.

Oh, Paigey.

SARAH: I'm sorry.

The thing is, life just sometimes

doesn't work out the way
that you want it to.

And there's nothing that
you can do that will change it.

Especially not running away.

But we are going to change
a few things.

From now on, you and Coop are going
to spend half your time here,

half your time with me.
You all right with that?

- Yeah.
- Yeah? Good.

Go upstairs, say hi to your brother.
He'd love to see you.

Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Did you hear from Jason yet?

No. But luckily I have
enough work to distract me.

Okay, I cannot let you drown yourself
in legal briefs. It's too depressing.

- Scotty, I am depressed.
- That's because you miss him.

But there are other ways
to deal with it other than work.

Really? What do you propose?

Well, if you're feeling romantic
about him, The Thorn Birds.

If you're angry at him, The Exorcist.

And if you're just in the mood for a
good time, and my personal favorite,


Let's start with The Exorcist.

- Hey.
- I thought I'd drop by before my flight.

How's Kitty?

She's at home, resting with her family.
Thank you.

I realize this is a bad time, but...

I know Kitty would want me
to warn you.

You've got a potential time b*mb
on your hands

because of what just happened.

If your opponents discover

that Kitty had a D & C,
and that you went with her,

you'll be dealing with speculations
that she had an abortion.

If I were your campaign managers,
I'd have a press release written.

I'd schedule interviews for both of you.

Especially with female reporters,

daytime talk shows.

That way, if the story leaked,

you'd be able to end
the rumors immediately.

The two of you will look sympathetic,

and your opponents,
cruel and opportunistic.

My fiancée and I lost our baby
less than hours ago,

and we just canceled our wedding.

I have to fly to New Hampshire to talk
to the Family Taxpayers Associations.

I haven't had a minute

to think about what just happened
until I was in the hospital waiting room.

And you know what I was thinking?
That I never wanted that baby.

I have two kids of my own already.
And I thought I was done.

I never told Kitty.

And I can't tell Kitty.

And I don't know if God is giving me
what I want or punishing me...

Or both.

So, Isaac, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going to ignore your advice.

I haven't quite reached your level of
sober pragmatism.

Before I can spin
what's just happened to Kitty and I,

I'm going to need just about
two hours to feel like crap.

Fair enough.


If after all of this,
you still want to be President, and

if I can do anything, call me.



How do you feel?

I don't know.
I guess just like the doctor said I would.

Groggy and crampy.

She said a heating pad might help.

Yeah, I think I just need
to be sad for a while.

You take as much time as you need.

Well, I should let you get some sleep.

- Mom?
- Yeah?

- Do you think you can stay for a while?
- Always.

And so the day starts out so slow

Again the sun was never called

And darkness spreads over the snow