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02x07 - 36 Hours

Posted: 04/20/22 14:59
by bunniefuu
SAUL: Previously on
Brothers & Sisters...

You know, there's nothing that says
you can't spend the night.

- You're homeless?
- Oh, I like to think of it

- as being between homes.
- I've got an inflatable mattress.

- You should come and stay with me.
- Okay.

- I had a miscarriage.
- I am so sorry. I am so sorry.

Wow, you said a few people. Just...
I don't know. I wasn't expecting...

- All men?
- Yeah.

- Feel like sharing?
- Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.

Keep it between us,
because if Rebecca finds out, like...

You're using because
you're an addict, Justin.

And you'll always find a reason.

Saul, are you gay?

I just can't believe
that you're asking me this.



- What?
- I know it's early.

- How early?
- : a.m. Central Time.

I was having a dream about you.

I was back in high school
and nobody would have lunch with me.

Was I at the cool table?

No. You were serving food.
You were wearing a hairnet.

Do I even want to know
what that means?

It means I'm missing you.
And I'm hungry.

How are you?

I'm actually feeling a lot better.

- Did you get your schedule?
- Yes.

And it would be great if there
were hours in a day.

Melanie always overbooks.
She's like an airline.

Yeah. Who's the King of Pork?
Because he's my : .

Ask Melanie.
She's gonna be there any minute.

Maybe I should call her.


Come in.

- Melanie.
- Told you.

Who's the King of Pork?

He's the President of the Domestic
Pork Boosters of America.

- He's a king and a president. I like that.
- Well, have Travis vet him.

And make sure Phil preps
you before every stop.

- Who's Phil?
- He's the guy with the bad bow tie,

eating a Danish.


But you and I could bring back
vaudeville with an act like this.

I better let you go, sweetie.

I was hoping you'd let me carry you
around in my pocket all day.

You'll be fine.
Just be patient and don't fire anybody.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

- Travis.
- Good morning.

So, brief me on the King of Pork.

He owns a chain of restaurants.
Big donor.

But, Senator, there's been
a slight scheduling mishap.

Your daughter is going to be landing
in Des Moines in an hour.

No, she's supposed
to be here next Saturday.

MELANIE: I must've gotten
the dates mixed up.

- I was just...
- Just... Okay.

It's fine, but you're going to have
to cancel my : .

No, no, no. What, are you crazy?

It's with the King of Pork.
It's a barbeque. She'll love it.

- HOLLY: Rough night?
- Mom, I gotta tell you something.


Justin's taking dr*gs again. Painkillers.

Well, he needs those, right?
For his leg.

No, not anymore.

He's supposed to be tapering off.
Now he's just using them to get high.

- Oh. Is that why you moved out?
- Partly.

I just... I feel so bad.

I want to help him,
but I don't know how. It's so frustrating.

- Well, what does Nora say?
- Nothing. She doesn't know.

- Nobody does.
- Well, Becca, you have to tell them.

No. No, I can't tell his family.

Are you kidding me?
He'd never forgive me.

There has got to be
some other way that I can help him.

You don't realize how serious this is.

Last year, before you knew Justin,
he overdosed. You have to tell them.

You owe Nora that much.
You owe Justin.


Dude, what are you doing
coming to my job?

- I don't do business here.
- Bro, I paged you twice,

- you didn't call me back.
- That's 'cause I don't have your stuff.

- I'll call you when it comes in.
- How long?

My guy has rehearsal. He's in a band,
man. I'm gonna meet him at : ,

- when my shift is out. I said I'll call you.
- All right, so : ?

Look, and don't follow me out,
either, okay?


- Well, I didn't expect to hear from you.
- Yeah, I know. I'm... I'm sorry.

I probably overreacted.
I shouldn't have left like that.

- Yeah, that's okay.
- Can I take you to lunch? My treat?

Yeah. Can we do it early? I just...
I have some plans this afternoon.

Yeah, sure. No problem.

I have to pick up the rest of my stuff at
your house. Why don't we meet there?

Yeah. Sure. That sounds good.

- Okay.
- All right. Bye.

I promise not to make a habit of
working Saturdays, Saul. It's just,

- when Joe has the kids it's the only...
- Sarah, it's fine.

I'm just so relieved that Joe came
to his senses about sharing custody.

Whatever schedule works for you
and the kids is fine with me.

Thank you.


Ojai Foods. Mom. Mom, slow down.


(SIGHS) I told you no weekends, Sarah.
Look, I have Scotty here,

I'm trying to clean...

Oh, God. When?

Tommy, wake up. You overslept.
Don't you have to get home?

Why? There's nobody there.
We can spend all day together.

Really? What do you have in mind?


Breakfast in bed. TV in bed.


- That's your phone.
- They can leave a message.

What are you looking for?

Quarters for the meters.

- Is Rebecca here?
- She's in the living room.

Oh, no way. No way.
This is not happening.

What did you do?

Look, I appreciate all your concern,
but you're overreacting.

I just saw you go through Mom's purse.

- Yeah, for change.
- Really?

Not because you know
that's where she keeps your pills?

Justin, we... We just want to have
an honest conversation.

Honest? Then why the ambush?

They told me it was the only way
to get you here.

Mom, I live here. You didn't need
to turn this into a sting operation.

But now that we're here, why don't you
level with us. What's going on?

Okay. Look, fine. You know,
maybe it got a little out of hand,

- but it's nothing I can't deal with.
- Deal with?

Would you like to be a little more
specific, like when and where?

I don't know, Kevin. Not today.
I have plans.

- KEVIN: You have plans?
- Damn it, Justin.

Nothing could be
more important than this.

Is that your take on tough love?

Honey, we just want
what's best for you.

Right. Because a few weeks ago,
oxycodone was what's best for me.

Mom, you were practically
begging me to take the pills.

You're worse than my drug dealer.

You know, maybe you don't
have a clue what's best for me.

I thought we could control it.

- I was wrong. I'm sorry.
- SARAH: Mom.

- So sorry.
- Mom, come on. Stop apologizing.

It's not your fault. Okay?
Justin's got to take responsibility.

Oh, right, Sarah, Ms. Responsibility.

So responsible that
your ex-husband left with your kids.

- That's really great.
- SAUL: Come on, Justin.

- This isn't about us. It's about you.
- Okay, you know what?

- You're not my father!
- Wait.

So don't act like you are!

Wait one minute, now.
I think we need to take a break.

We are saying things here
we're all going to regret.

- Mom! That doesn't help.
- I think we...

- Please sit down.
- SARAH: Look, we're not taking a break.

- Justin, we know you're angry.
- Oh, you do? Wow, that's insightful.

I mean, maybe you guys
should've brought in a professional,

because that level of observation,
me being "angry," is a little lame.

Stop trying to be funny, Justin.

- This isn't!
- Whatever. Whatever, Kevin.

- You know what's hilarious?
- What?

What are you, like, now, years old?

Have you ever had a relationship
that's lasted longer than three weeks?

No, you walk around in your suit
and tie, pretending that you're a man.

But you know what? You're just a boy.

- You're a scared little boy.
- Really? Well, for the record,

I have a boyfriend, I have for...
For quite a while now.

Yeah, you know what?
Big freaking whoop!

- And what is she doing here?
- I'm here for my daughter.

- Justin, we're just...
- Look, don't! Don't!

Because you are beyond pathetic.

You spend so much time
trying to get somebody to love you,

- that you can't help anybody.
- That's enough, Justin!

What are you,
the protective mother, now?

Because in case you missed it,
your daughter's been living here,

all summer, wishing she was a Walker.

You know, you two are the same.
You'll do anything, or, I'm sorry,

- screw anyone to be part of this family.
- I can't take it. I can't. No. No, I can't.

JUSTIN: Which, you know, it's sad...
Oh yeah, walk away.

That's the best you could do, right?
Thanks, Rebecca. Thanks for coming!

You feel better now?

Oh, wow. Look, it's almost lunchtime.
Isn't this like Walker Happy Hour

for you guys? Maybe you should
crack open a few bottles of wine,

so you can actually sit in a room
without k*lling each other?

You know what I think?

I think it's all of you guys
that have the problem!

Hey, where are you going?

I am a free citizen. I have plans today.
I am leaving. Is that all right with you?

- No, get off me! Stop it!
- Go score more dr*gs?

- Stop. Don't do... Don't... Stop!
- Stop it! Stop it!

Justin, if you walk out the door,
I'm gonna change the locks.

- Kitty! No.
- No, Mom.

And if you come back onto the
property, I'm going to call the police.

- What?
- Because believe me, I would rather

- see you in jail than see you like this.
- I'm taking pain medication for pain.

Okay? I go to w*r and I come back,
and what? Right, what?

Have my family attack me like this?

- We're not attacking you. No. No.
- Yes you are! Yes you are, Mom!

KITTY: Stop it! It's enough! It's enough!
We all know, Justin,

that you don't need
pain medication anymore.

You know, why don't... Why don't you
get off the high horse you're on, Kitty?

- Why don't you just...
- What? What, Justin? Go ahead.

Go ahead, say it. Say it. What is it?

What is it? Because I'm here. I'm here.

I'm bleeding and I'm aching
because I've just had a miscarriage,

but I'm here, and I'm dealing with you.

And I'm dealing with your addiction,
so what is it, what is it, tell me?

Tell me, come on.
Tell me, what is it that I'm doing

that isn't all about
how much I love you?

I'm sorry... I didn't mean...

You know, I just need
time to think, okay?

No, Justin.
You need to deal with this now.

We're here, we love you
and we're going to deal with it now.

Right here. Right now.

No. You start importing cheap meat
from Third World countries,

you're going to have
a God-awful problem on your hands.

Salmonella, cross-contamination,


That's why I voted to increase tariffs
on agricultural imports.

Which is why I'm raising cash
hand over fist to get you elected.

Cutler has personally bundled
over K for us.

Well, Iowa's a must-win for us,
so I appreciate anything you can do.

Well... I mean, I'll be grateful
for the VIP hotel suite

and the luxury box seats
at the convention.

Well, we can't actually promise that,
but we can, you know,

extend every legal courtesy.

All right. I get it. I get it.

Hey, sweetie. What?
You don't like the ribs?

- I'm a vegetarian.
- What? Since when?

Well, eating meat is cruel to animals,
and ruins our environment.

I don't know where kids
get these crazy ideas. It's...

The thing is, Cutler, our opponent,
Congressman Burgess,

is polling very well
in the rural counties.

No, no, no.
Don't worry about Burgess, all right?

We sent out a direct mail flier
about how he voted

on that environmental bill.
Ever since then, thanks to him,

every time I turn around I got some
bureaucrat sticking a thermometer

- in my waste collection lagoon.
- You do know that I voted

- for that bill as well?
- Yes. But... You got it right on trade,

and subsidies, so...
We don't talk about that.

Hey, Cheryl.
You want to come over here?

- Mind if we get a little photo op?
- Not at all.

Go right there, Cheryl.

Listen, thank you very much
for a delicious meal.

I appreciate everything
you're doing for the campaign.

Oh, my pleasure.

You gotta promise me,
next time you come back,

- I want you to try that creamed corn.
- You bet.

My mouth is already watering.

Could I just have a word?

We really, really appreciate
your support.

So when exactly
did you become a vegetarian?

- Well, my boyfriend is into it...
- You have a boyfriend?

I did. But I broke up with him.
I met an older boy I like way better.

Travis? Cancel my next appointment.

I'm going to take my daughter out
for a vegetarian meal.


- Hello?
- Yeah, Holly, it's Saul.

Hey, how's it going over there?

It's better than before. I'm calling
because I need to find Tommy.

I've left messages for him
everywhere and I can't find him.

Do you have any ideas?

Let me give you Lena's home number.

Why? It's Saturday.
Why would she know?

Saul... I don't think she stops working
on Saturday.


You know, you keep that up
and I'll never let you leave.

That's the idea.


That's probably my mom.

She's the only one
that ever calls my landline.

- Hi.
- Lena, this is Saul Holden.

- Saul.
- I need to find Tommy.

I don't know where he is.

Lena, I want you to listen to me.
This is an emergency.

It's about his brother.
It's urgent that I speak to him right now.

It's Saul. I'm sorry.
He says it's an emergency.

Saul, what is it?

Well, I called the doctor, and they have
a room for you waiting at Riverside.

- We better get you packed.
- Yeah.

All right, don't freak out, but Mom and I
were talking that... That maybe

I don't need to go back to rehab.

- No, no. Come on, guys. We agreed.
- That's...

- He agreed to get better.
- Yeah.

He didn't agree to enter a facility.

Okay, Mom, don't undo
everything that's been done.

JUSTIN: Look, just hear me out, okay?

Kitty, I know how much
the media's watching you.

And the last thing you
and Robert need...

Yeah, well, nice try.

Okay, but do you think I actually
care more about this campaign

- than I do about you?
- No. But I do, Kitty, all right?

You know, I've done enough
damage to everybody here,

and I'd like to detox without taking
anyone else down with me.

I can do it here, if you guys can help.

What... You know what? As fun as
that sounds, we're not qualified.

Qualified to do what?
Watch me throw up?

Get the shakes? Look, I know the drill.

Just keep me hydrated and
don't let me out of the house. That's it.

I don't know why we can't just
do this together.

Look, just let me try, okay?

You know what? You guys
don't need to sit here staring at me,

waiting for me to grow fangs
and hair on my face.

Well, who'd chain you to the radiator
and poke you with a stick?

It's going to be hours before
I start feeling the withdrawal symptoms.

We're okay.

Well, it looks like your leg has
gone ahead and started without you.

No, it's just nerves.

Okay, so I talked to Dr. Kendall,
and he thinks that with the amount

you've been taking,
and since it's only been three weeks,

it would be feasible to start a detox
without medical supervision.

But he does prefer that you
go to a treatment center.

But if it's feasible,
I think we should do it here...

Well, he also said that...
Addicts typically lie about their intake,

and so, Justin, it could be
really dangerous

if you're not telling us the truth.

You know what? I actually
consider myself a pretty honest

thieving, low-life addict.

- Does the relentless sarcasm help?
- A little bit.

Seriously, Justin.

Look, I'm telling the truth.
I promise I'm telling the truth.

Okay. Here we go.

Look, and as much as
I appreciate the support, all right,

I don't need an audience.

Especially not my mother
and my sisters.

Sorry, you're stuck with us, baby.

- Oh, look what the cat dragged in.
- JUSTIN: Hello.

NORA: Hi, Tommy.
KITTY: Tommy.

What's going on?

Saul said you were all high on dr*gs
and it was some big emergency?

It is. This is just the lull between
Hell and Hell with vomiting.

Yeah, the family's throwing me
an all-night, cold turkey, detox party.

It's going to be good. Fun times.

- You're kidding.
- KITTY: No, not kidding.

I've done some research
and we know what we're doing. Sort of.

- Sort of.
- All right, well, you just can't stop

screwing up your life...

- You know what, Tommy?
- Are you serious?

Tommy, that's what happens
when you're late.

See, we've already done the hateful,
name-calling part.

Right, well, if this is the poor-little-
Justin part, I'm going to pass.

Tommy, why don't you just go upstairs
and help them get the room ready?


One question. Whose idea was this?

- JUSTIN: It was mine.
- Mine.

And nobody found that suspicious?

How many mismatched socks
can one person have?

He's certainly not the neatest kid
in the world, that's for sure.

The only dangerous thing
on this desk is an old sandwich.

What's next?

Well, I've looked under the bed.
Why don't you try the closet?

- That's funny.
- I didn't...

If you don't mind,
I'm going to go look in the night table.

- lf that's okay with you.
- Saul.

- Hey.
- Where have you been?

I was starting to think
you were trying to get out of this.

I was at the gym.

Well, maybe next time you shouldn't
stray so far from home, Tommy.

Saul, relax. It's not his fault.

He's watching a movie with Sarah.

She not-too-subtly asked me
to stop mothering him.

Stop mothering.
What the hell does that mean?

- Mothering? Mothering? No clue.
- Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

You're going to be a wonderful mother.
You get the benefit of learning

- from my mistakes.
- You know what?

- You've got to stop blaming yourself.
- Yeah.

You know, maybe you should go
spend the night at Sarah's.

I mean, there's no reason for you
to have to go through all this.

No. I'm not going anywhere.

I'm the one that got him
to start taking the pills again.

This is my fault.
I promised him whatever happened,

I'd go though it with him.
No matter what.

Well, this room is officially clean.

- Has anybody checked the bathroom?
- Yes, Tommy.

Some of us have actually
been here for hours.

Well, I'm here now, okay, Saul?

Hey, you got something
to say to me, say it.

Yeah. I'm going downstairs.

Okay, you want to tell me what's going
on between you two?

He wasn't at the gym this morning.
He was at Lena's.

- So what's the big deal?
- He was lying.

Lied to...

Wait, you're not seriously suggesting
he's sleeping with her, are you?

I'm just telling you
where he was, Kevin.

So, you're insinuating
he's having an affair?

- Just draw your own conclusions.
- I will.

Okay, let me get this straight.
Pardon the expression.

You go to a gay party,
it means nothing.

He spends one day with his secretary,
all of a sudden he's having this affair?

You are just not going
to let go of that, are you?

What is it going to take to get you
to understand that I am not you. Okay?

I know you feel you have
a need to have this company,

- but the point is that...
- No. I have no need for any company.

It's you who's stunningly all alone.

Kevin, you may have
grown up in a world

where men walk around in public
holding hands.

But at the end of the day,

you are one of the Ioneliest people
I have ever known.


- SARAH: Are you all right?
- No, I'm going upstairs.

- Wait. I'll come up with you.
- No, I can make it by myself.

- No, Justin. You cannot be alone.
- Are... Are you okay?

He's not feeling too good.
I'll be right back.

- Saul, where are you going?
- Justin's right. I'm not his father.

- This is your family, Nora. Not mine.
- What's the matter?

I can't do it.

I can't. I can't be this person anymore.

- Yes! That's to what?
- I forgot.

Thirty-nine. How long
have we been playing this game?

- I just never miss, that's all.
- JUSTIN: God.

- You all right?
- Dude, stop asking me that.

You know I'm not all right, Kevin.

You want to take
a couple of free throws, man?

- I got to throw up.
- I got it. I got it. I got it.

- Don't worry.
- Hey! We're playing to !

Shut up.
I can make it by myself, all right?

This is so much fun. Hey.

And it's just going to get better.

Saul was right to leave.

So, he told me you were
at Lena's this morning.

Yeah, I stopped by her place.

I thought you said you were at the gym.

I was.
I went to the gym and I worked out.

I turned my phone off while I was there,
and then I went to Lena... What?

What? Oh, nothing. No, you just
seem a little confused, that's all.

Why do you always have to be
such a freaking lawyer?

All right. That was a false alarm.
Maybe not.


I have a right to meet with my assistant
without getting the third degree.

Okay, so why are you acting so weird?

Because. It's none of your business.

Anyway, who's...
Who's staying at your apartment?

What does that have to do
with anything?

I don't know how your team plays,

but I wouldn't invite a hot ex-girlfriend
to crash at my place.

- Why not?
- Because... Something might happen.

Did you tell Jason about
you and Scotty's little "slumber party"?

No, actually.

- I haven't spoken to him, but...
- Right. Right. Right.

If there's nothing to hide...
Why didn't you tell him?

- You want...
- Guys, I really need your help.

- Yeah, all right. Lay down, man.
- It's okay. Okay.

TOMMY: Come here.

Kev, grab that blanket.

I'm sorry I trashed you guys
this morning.

You know what?
Tommy wasn't there then,

- so you want to give him his shot now?
- Maybe next time.

- There better not be a next time.
- There won't be. I promise.

SOPHIE: I can go faster than you, I bet.


How'd you learn how to do that?

Well, I was the best hockey player
in Castroville

after the other hockey player
moved away.

Do you want me to spin you?

MAN: Senator McCallister?
WOMAN: Yeah, that's him.

No. Everyone's staring at us.

- Who cares?
- Well, I want to sit down, okay?

Okay. What's bothering you?

Polly Schwartz told me
that if you get elected,

Secret Service agents are going
to watch me go to the bathroom.

Well, that is not true.

They will stand outside and they'll wait
for... Who the hell is Polly Schwartz?

She's my best friend.

I thought Jennifer Howard
was your best friend.

She is. They both are.

I see a future in politics for you.

Have you talked to your brother?

I called him this morning,
but I haven't heard back.

Oh, he and Mom went
up to Maryland for...

I don't know,
one of his stupid soccer tournaments.

That was this weekend?

Well, yeah. That's why I'm here.
I hate soccer.

Oh, I wanted to go to that.
I was going to take Kitty.

- She likes soccer, too?
- Well, she likes Jack.

She likes you, so...
Whatever you guys like, she likes.

Are you and Kitty gonna have kids?

- Why, honey? Would that bother you?
- Yeah, kind of.

But it'd probably bother
Jack more than me,

I mean, he's kind of a baby
about that stuff.

Well, I think it's really early to be
worrying about that, okay?

Kitty and I aren't going to make
that kind of decision for a long time.

Senator? We... Sorry. Sorry.
We've got a situation.

Something turned up on
the King of Pork's background check.

- I thought you already vetted him.
- Well, the staff supposedly did,

but it turns out
he's under federal investigation

for defrauding investors.
It's basically a Ponzi scheme.

All right. I want you to get
on the phone to Fundraising.

I want refund checks cut
for every donor he bundled.

All right.

- By the morning.
- Right.

- You look horrible.
- Thanks.


- You want me to get that?
- No. No. Let that go to voice mail.

- Why? What is it, your drug dealer?
- Oh, give it to me.

I'll put the fear of God in him.

We don't need Scarface coming over
with a couple of Uzis.

Okay, you know what?
His name is Fred and he's in a band.

Oh, my God.
I feel like a truck just ran me over.

Tommy, do something.
Get him a wet towel or something!

- Why don't you go get it?
- I got it last time!

Stop shouting, okay?
My head is k*lling me, all right?


- It's his dealer again. Give it to me.
- Not unless he's calling you.

- What do you mean? Oh. Oh, it's me.
- It's not...

- It's all right.
- It's Sarah. What?


Mom wants an update. Is that Justin?

No. Freddy Krueger just came
through the window.

- Should we call a doctor?
- No. We're fine.

- Look, just tell Mom everything's okay.
- Okay.

- Why are you staring at me?
- You're sleeping with Lena, aren't you?

I'm not sleeping with...

The question is,
are you sleeping with Scotty?

I'm in love with someone else.
You know what?

I'm sick of this whole family
assuming I'm going to screw it up.

Jason's the one who went to Malaysia,
okay? Not me. You know...

Yeah, I haven't talked to him
about Scotty. You want to know why?

I never talk to him, ever.

I call him twice a day,
he never calls me back.

Well, isn't he in some
remote village somewhere?

Oh, come on.

If I was that important to him,
he'd call me back.

- Why didn't you say anything?
- Because I was embarrassed.


Well, my wife left me, took our child.
Joe left Sarah for his ex-wife.

And there's a drug addict
in the bathroom. So...

- Be patient. He'll call.
- I am patient.

And I wish you'd acknowledge that.

You know, he's not a saint
just 'cause he's a minister.


- Hey, you feeling any better?
- No.

- KEVIN: You want to lie down?
- No, I can't.

- Why not?
- I just can't.

It's okay. Let's just chill out.
Everything's fine.

Look, don't touch me, okay?
I'm not kidding.

- Okay. Calm down. Everything's fine.
- I can't do this.

- What?
- Jus... Where's he going?

- Justin!
- Justin!


TOMMY: Justin, what are you doing?

Look, just calm down.
You're not going anywhere.

Look, just let me out
of the house, okay?

It's not gonna happen.

Don't make me sh**t you in the back.
Justin! This is ridiculous.

Where do you think you're going to go?
Justin! Tommy!

- Tommy! Justin. Stop him.
- NORA: What's happening?

- I can't breathe! No, I can't breathe!
- What's happening?

- Please, just let me go! Just let me go!
- Calm... Calm down.

- You're hurting him.
- He's fine.

- No, I can't breathe! I can't breathe!
- KITTY: What is going on?

- What happened? What's going on?
- Tommy, he can't breathe!

There's something wrong with him.

His drug dealer just called, Mom.
That's what's wrong.

No, that's not it! That's not it.
Let me go!

- Look, Mom.
- What?

I swear. I need to go outside

for a couple minutes.
I'm just going to go outside.

I can't breathe, okay?
And I'll be right back in, I promise.

- I just can't breathe.
- TOMMY: Mom, don't.

Mom, please. Please.

- Mom. Mom.
- Mom. Mom.



TOMMY: Mom, don't.

Stop it! You're not going anywhere.

Kitty, call the doctor, please.

You're going back upstairs
with your brothers.

Tommy, Kevin, take him back upstairs.

What time is it?

It's : in the morning.
You want some?

Careful. Mom made it.
We may never sleep again.


I'm sorry I accused you.
It's none of my business.

- You were right.
- Yeah, I figured.

I feel guilty and terrible,
but I don't stop.

You want to know why I'm letting
Scotty stay with me?

- He's cute?
- Yeah. And I'm Ionely.

A dangerous combination.
Same for you, huh?

- Exactly. What is our problem?
- We're men.

I mean, if history's any judge,
we've never been good at monogamy.

I think it's our history
that's the problem.

Nice try, but I think we're
this way all by ourselves.

I mean, I didn't know Dad
was cheating on Mom till after he died.

One thing I did know
was how much I admired him.

And how much I felt like this confused
wimp in his eyes. And I was q*eer, so...

It doesn't make you special
because you're gay.

I felt exactly the same way... Mom.

You're both wrong. Your father loved
and respected you both very much.

He just had a hard time showing it.

I don't know why. But get over it.

You're both better men
than your father.

And you were as good a dad to Justin
today as William Walker ever was.

I have never in my life
been so proud of you.


- TRAVIS: Okay!
- Sophie's sleeping.

Oh. Sorry.

Well, everybody's getting
their money back, so... You can relax.

- This stuff happens.
- Stuff happens.

That's your excuse?
You should have known about this.

You seen this?

I'm going to live to regret
that photo, aren't I?

We don't know that yet.
He hasn't been indicted.

Have you read this direct mailing

- he's been sending out?
- Yeah.

Yeah, well, it's not
just about the environment.

In it, he claims that Burgess
m*rder*d a woman in his state,

because he let them
take her off life support.

- Obviously, that's a bit of a stretch.
- No. It's a lie.

The courts decided that woman's fate.
Not Burgess.

Those mailings were not
produced by our campaign.

But they support me.

What are we doing
hanging around these lowlifes?

We need the money.

These things are a fact of political life.
I'm sorry if you're offended.

- lf you don't want to be in politics...
- Offended?

I'm not offended. Racism offends me.

Wasteful government spending
offends me. This?

- Well, this is just bad strategy.
- Oh.

Look, there are other guys
who do dirty better than I do.

I need a different angle,

and not because I have some
naive view of politics,

but because otherwise,
I don't win this election.

- Okay. I understand.
- Good.

I'm firing your entire team.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Robert, this is a fantastic team.

No, no, no. I'm not letting you
or your staff get in my way.

I have given up too much to do this.
Sophie's childhood.

Robert, we had a bad day.
You didn't have Kitty with you.

After everything
that happened with the baby...

It's not about that. I am relieved
that I'm not having a baby now.

Get rid of them.


Why spare me?

If I fired you, it would look
like the campaign's in trouble.

Firing these others won't even
make the Drudge Report.

Look, I'm warning you. Don't mistake
my kindness for weakness again.

I am the most ambitious man
you will ever meet.

Wheels up in minutes.

I want to see a list of potential staff
replacements on the plane.

KITTY: I guess I should go.

The doctor said
you should try and get some sleep.

Yeah, well, unless he gave you
some sleeping pills,

that's going to be pretty
tough to pull off.

Yeah, well, you're out of luck.

- Come on.
- Kitty?

I'm sorry about your baby.

I should have said something earlier,

but, you know, I've been
so messed up, and...

I don't know.
Sometimes I think it was for the best.

I'm not sure I'm cut out for motherhood.

Kitty, you're crazy.
You're going to be a great mother.

Well, that's what everybody says, but...
I don't know. How do you know?

Well, you know, maybe you don't know
yourself so well, because last night,

you know, you took care of me so well.

- Oh, please. Please. No. I... What? I...
- No, what?

I was organizing, making phone calls,
making lists, ordering everybody

- around, and... You all right?
- Yeah, my head's hurting.

- Does that help?
- Yeah, thanks.

Like... Just keep talking. I'm listening.

Oh, it's just, you know, Sarah.

She's an amazing mother.
She just oozes maternal.

And Mom, she's the same way,
and I'm just not like that. I'm...

I guess the cuddle gene
just skipped me.

You know, I'm all sharp points
and tough talk and crankiness, and...

I mean, I fight with people for a living.

What if I'm not warm and maternal?



- Saul.
- How's Justin?

He's fine. He's been asleep
for a few hours. Thank God.

I've been more worried about you.

- No. I'm fine.
- No, you're not fine.

You ran out of here like a crazy person.
You scared me to death.

What do you mean, you can't
"be this person anymore"?

What person?
What are you talking about?

Look, I shouldn't have said
what I did last night.

And I'm sorry. I came here to apologize.

Well, that's lovely,
but I still don't know what's going on.

You don't have to know everything,
Nora. We all have secrets.

Oh, Saul. If you have some health
issue that you're hiding from me...

There's nothing wrong
with me physically. I promise. I'm fine.

It's just hard.

You know, your kids
are the closest thing I have to a family.

And it's not that I don't love
coming here for their birthdays

and holidays, and it's...

It's just not my family.

I wish I had found someone
that I could've...

God. You know,

I have always wanted you desperately
to find somebody to love.

- How do you know that I haven't?
- Stop talking in circles.

Nora, I'm not who you think I am.

My husband was in love with another
woman for most of our marriage.

Well, I was in love with a man.

How about that?

You were what?

Oh, God, Nora.
It was so many years ago, I...

Why didn't you tell me?

Because it was a different time.

Different time?
I was there. I'm your sister.

- See, I shouldn't have told you.
- Yes, you should have told me.

You should have told me
a long time ago.

Saul, I'm so... I'm so confused.

I mean, the women
you were with, and...

- KEVIN: Hello?
- Oh, no.

Kev, could you just please
give us a second?

- Why, what's wrong?
- Nothing.

I'll see you. I have to go.

Saul, please don't go. Please.

- Please don't go.
- Hi, Kevin. There's your son.


Everything's fine.

- Is he all right?
- Who?

- Saul.
- Oh, yeah. He's fine. Why?

Is there something
you're not telling me?

No. No. As far as I know, he's fine.

Well, fine. Just fine.

ROBERT: Hello?

I brought you bagels from Iowa.
Made of corn. You want one?

No. I just want you.

How was your trip?

- Productive.
- Really?

- I fired a quarter of the staff.
- You did not.

- Oh, no, you did not.
- Yeah.

Yeah, it was time.


Okay, I'm too exhausted to be
as mad at you as I should be.

- Did you get any sleep?
- No, no. But don't ask.

Robert, I don't want to wait
to get married.

I want to get married now.

I mean, there's never
going to be a good time.

And if you're President,
there's never going to be any time.

- I like Vegas. We could go tonight.
- We could, but it's not just that.

I really want to have a baby.
I really want to start trying.

It's just that I thought that we'd agreed
that this wasn't the best time.

No, I know.

I know. We did. But...

I guess I was kidding myself.
I just really want this.

Well, you really want this too,
don't you?


There's nothing more important to me
than you. Not even this campaign.

Yeah. And unlike politics,

trying to have a baby
might even be fun.

Think globally, act locally,

I always say.

So, what, this is, like,
the third time now?

I can't do this to my family.
I'm sorry if I hurt you.

I'm sorry it took you
this long to figure it out.

You know what?
Can you just... Can you just go?

Of course.

I promise,
I won't make this difficult at work.

Yeah, I can't wait to see
how you're going to pull that one off.

Way up in the sky
little darlin'

And if you fall
I'll pick you up, pick you up


You will grow until you go


Hi. You're up. You slept all day.

And even then
whisper the wind

I had a dream you locked me
in the house.

It wasn't a dream. I did.

And you had superpowers,
but I was sure I knew how to beat you.

- How?
- Crying and whining, basically.

Did you finally wake up?

In one bird's lonely cry

Yeah, I did.

See them tryin' every way

Yes. So did I.

Can't you see him

Things have to change, Justin.

He has a broken wing

I know.

Looking all around

Look, I'm trying
to be a man, Mom. I'm...

No, I mean between us. The two of us.

You breaking up with me?

Way up in the sky
little darlin'

I'm holding you back.

If you fall I'll pick you up

We got stuck, you and me. And...

That's the way it's gonna be

We have to let go.

You'll go riding

I know.

On the horses yeah

Changes. So many changes.

Way up in the sky
little darlin'

And if you fall
I'll pick you up

- It's nice out, huh?
- Yeah.

And if you fall
I'll pick you up

You know, I'm actually getting
a little hungry.

Good. That's progress.

You feel like
making me some oatmeal?

You're a man, make it yourself.

- Wow. It's a brave new world.
- I'll say.

Maybe we should just stay out here
a little while longer.

JUSTIN: That sounds nice.

I'll pick you up