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02x12 - Compromises

Posted: 04/20/22 15:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Brothers & Sisters...

ISAAC: I'm not going to deal with that
right now. So don't call back.

I'm dealing with something
extremely important.

Be careful of this one.

He'll make you a ton of money
and you'll never want to let him go.

That's right.

I was in love with a man.

Why didn't you tell me?

Ten years ago, you outed my brother.
It devastated him.

Any idealism I had was completely
obliterated by what you did.

I don't trust you, David.

You still haven't told me why you
suddenly showed up at my house

and my place of business.

Mom, there's no way that...
I mean, he couldn't...

Oh, God. No.
William Walker was your father.

NORA: How's the hollandaise coming?

- REBECCA: Almost done.
- Let me taste it.


- Oh, sweetheart, that's fabulous.
- Good?

You're turning into a really good cook.

Come on, you did all the cooking.
I just whisked.

You know what?

I'm going to ask Kevin to talk to Scotty

about getting you in
as a trainee at the restaurant.

- Oh, God, not you, too.
- JUSTIN: There you go.

You sound like my mom.

She's all over me
about finding a direction.

Apparently everybody thinks
I'm an aimless loser.

Hey, aimless loser is my job.

- NORA: Speaking of jobs, I...
- We're talking about her.

You know what? Photography.

You were carrying around that camera
with you all last summer.

- JUSTIN: Yeah.
- But that's not a job.

That's like a hobby.

- Photography can be a job.
- Yeah.

You know what? This is delicious.
Maybe I should stick to whisking.

Well, you better be careful.

You don't want to whisk your life.


REPORTER ON TV: With the Michigan
primary only a week away,

Republican frontrunner,
Robert McCallister

is facing increasing pressure from
dark-horse candidate, Boyd Taylor.

Following an onslaught of attack ads
airing in Michigan this past week,

Congressman Taylor has pulled

to within a single percentage point
to the California senator.

How did we not see this coming?

I mean, Taylor just pulled up
out of nowhere,

and he goes from zero to
in less than two weeks?

He took a risk. You know, lay low,
let the other guys pick each other off,

and then go after the ones
who are remaining standing.

That's how he stole Iowa
right out from underneath us.

KITTY: Wait a minute. Let's not forget
that we did win Wyoming,

which is a very good indication
that we are going to take the west.

We just need to trust our strategy.

Really? Because you all told me
to focus on Adamson and Burgess,

ignore the rest of them.
Those were the two to pay attention to,

and then Taylor ambushes us in Iowa.

Well, we also advised you to reveal
the truth about Adamson,

and you didn't, which gave Taylor

the opportunity
to reveal it on his own schedule.

And even worse, it let Taylor see
what kind of campaign you're running.

And what kind of campaign is that?

Robert, taking the high road doesn't
always get you where you want to go.

If anybody has any qualms about
the way I'm running this campaign...

- Wait a minute.
...remember that I'm the candidate.

Nobody has any qualms.
We're just all very stressed out.

Now, what we need to do is
we need to change the itinerary.

Michigan's primary is next week

and we just need to focus
all of our efforts right there.

No. I already scheduled
a huge rally in New York.

Well, reschedule.
Taylor's making a big push in Michigan

and I say that we have to push back.

We need to go into Super Tuesday
strong, not playing catch-up.

And don't forget, Governor Bryant
is going to endorse Robert,

and we could have
a really nice press conference.

Well, Bryant is certainly
taking his time.

You sure you can count on him?

Yeah, I've known Michael
since boot camp.

If he says he's going to endorse,
he's going to endorse.

Travis, tell the staff we're going
to Michigan, all right? We're traveling.

ISAAC: I'll postpone my trip
to California, oversee the new initiative.

We just have to keep the faith.

You sound like Jason.

He always told me
until the last votes are cast

that I needed to hold on to my faith.

Well, Jason happens to be
a very, very wise man.

Do you know that I haven't even
seen him since he's been back?

I haven't seen my kids
since the wedding.

I probably wouldn't even see you
if you didn't work for me.

All right, I got to go pack.


MARIO: I'm so over it. It's like,
the nicer the car, the smaller the tip.

Mario is a valet
at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Oh, I love that place. I take
a lot of clients to the Polo Lounge.

How can you even breathe in
that place? So many stuffed shirts.

Where do you want him to go?
He's a lawyer, Jordan.

They actually do a great burger.

QUINN: Gentlemen!

QUINN: You made it!

- Quinn, this is Kevin.
- Hi.

Oh, the infamous Kevin.

Quinn is one of the promoters here.

And we're doing
karaoke night tomorrow.

- It's going to be off the chain.
- Yes.

(STAMMERING) You know what?
I'm not actually a karaoke type.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

Do you mind if I?

- Yeah, you go right ahead.
- Good.

Ibuprofen is my favorite.

Did you just take four?

I was trying to keep up with

these crazy kids
from Singapore last night.

Man, these venture capitalists
can drink.

They bought themselves
a startup airline

and they're thinking of
providing healthier meals,

and I thought, well, there might be
something in it for Ojai.

Are you serious?

What? That's why you
brought me on, right?

Help explore new business
possibilities, right?

Yes. And if they have anything to do
with Ojai or the future of Ojai,

I would appreciate an invite.

(CHUCKLING) Sarah, listen,
these guys are savages.

The heavy drinking is not optional.
And the entertainment is...

You're far too respectable.

How many strip joints
did you go to exactly?


Sarah Walker?

Thank you.

Oh, it's just my divorce papers.
They're finally ready for me to sign.

Oh. Well, that's fairly significant.

It's not exactly unexpected.

Well, I'm here if you need me.

Oh, look. I'm stuffing my shirt.

Okay, I know my friends weren't
the warmest last night.

- I should've worn a parka.
- They were just being protective.

From what, me?

You have to admit, our history's
been a little bit checkered.

I'm not solely responsible
for the checkering, okay?

Did you tell them any of the good stuff?

Yes. They just happen to
remember the other stuff.

They'll warm up to you.
You're different.

They're more bohemian.

Come on, admit it.
They just think I'm boring.

No, they just think you're uptight.

I am not uptight.

Okay. Whatever you need
to tell yourself.

Okay, fine. I'll see you after
my long, uptight day at work.

At least they think you're cute.

TRAVIS: : a.m., Waffle Emporium.

Construction, trucking
and shift workers make up

- the early morning breakfast crowd.
- Hey, where's Kitty?

She should be here by now.

She told me she had something to do.

I get very nervous when Kitty's vague.

Okay, so after breakfast,
we head out to the Dearborn Fair,

and then we're going to go to
the Saginaw Wildlife Field Office

for a Q&A with a hunters' group.

Hey, maybe we can do
a photo op, you know?

You, r*fle in one hand, deer or elk...

It's too late. It's small game season.
Squirrels, bobtail rabbits.

Yeah, it's not very manly
to k*ll Thumper.

Any luck with scheduling
a meeting with the Governor?

Oh, his office is checking into
available times, or so they claim.

You know what? I'm going
to call him. Personally.

- TRAVIS: Finally.
- Hi.

- What was so important?
- Well...

Daddy! Daddy!

Hey! Oh, what a great surprise!

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
There's more.

- Robbie.
- Jason! God! Hey!

Well, not a bad idea, huh?

- What?
- Kitty,

remember his brother being outed
during Robert's first campaign?

Yeah, well...

That was you?

MAN: Try your luck at the ring toss!
Three rings for one ticket!

KITTY: All right, if I get this one,
Robert's going to take Michigan.

And if I make this one,

it confirms that tossing rings
can't predict the future.

- And we have a winner!
- Okay. All right, I'll stop.

Good idea to bring the kids.

Robert seems more relaxed
than he's been for a while.

So, when are you headed back
to California?

In a couple of days.

Well, good, because we need you
coordinating this Super Tuesday push.

And I just don't think
it's a good idea for you

to be here when Jason's here.

Robert and I have come
to terms with it.

- Good.
- Hey.

Oh, hey. Are you having a good time?

- My head hurts.
- Oh, no.

I don't think they're feeling well.

Maybe they have a fever or something.

Well, maybe we should
pick up some aspirin on the way

to your next appointment which
we are already minutes late for.

Why don't I just take them
back to the hotel?

You know what, Kitty? I'll go with you.

Great. Excellent. Okay, guys.
See you back there.

- I love you, Daddy.
- ROBERT: Okay. Bye. See you later.

Okay, well, let's get you back
to the hotel and put you to bed,

and I'll get you some hot chocolate.

SAUL: I was very surprised that
you had time for lunch.

Why? I always have time for you, Saul.

And then a lot of my family and loved
ones are not even in the state.

You mean Isaac?

I remember when you first
started dating William.

I didn't see you for many months.

- Really?
- Mmm-hmm.

Well, Isaac is very busy
and so we have to take it very slow.

I see.

Why are you smiling?

I just thought how much fun
it would be to tell Mother

about your new boyfriend.

I really don't care what anyone thinks.

I only care what I think
and what Isaac thinks.

- And you know what?
- What?

I have a family who loves me,
and they're happy when I'm happy.

So this is no longer about
you and Isaac, right?

No, Saul, it isn't.

I am your sister.

I love you in a very
non-judgmental way.

If there's ever anything
you want to talk to me about...



I want to tell you that you are
my little sister and I do love you

and I want you to have your lunch.


Hey, David.

Hey, come on in.
Did you bring your camera?

Yeah, I have it.
And thank you so much.

I'm really excited to go out.

Please, my social calendar
is humiliatingly empty.

You're doing me a favor.

So what's with the sudden interest
in photography?

Trying to avoid getting a real job?

Something like that.

Look at this.
It's probably older than you are.


Well, it was a good year.

So when did you get into photography?

- Who cares? Come on. Let's go.
- Where are we going?

We're going to go take some pictures.
Let me see your camera.

Now, first lesson,
you always take it off a*t*matic.

You only sh**t manual. Trust me.

It's going to change the way
you see things.


SARAH: And that's just meant
to be okay that you're taking Paula?

Look, fine.


- Do you think I'm uptight?
- Yes.

Why, because I wear a suit?

Come on, Kevin, I'm not in the mood
for one of your neurotic freak-outs.

What's wrong with you?

Joe is taking Paula to Paris
for her birthday.

- So?
- So, I told Joe

that I wanted to be whisked off
to Paris for my birthday.

Well, she stole my present.

Or he stole it and gave it to her.

Did you get the divorce papers
I sent you?

Don't change the subject.

Did you sign them?

I will. Later.

I've been busy.

- We should go out.
- No.

You're uptight, I'm not going to Paris.
This deserves an outing.

You and me. Tonight.
We can commiserate.

I don't need to commiserate.

Then watch me commiserate
with a bottle of tequila.

You don't need a brother.
You need to get lucky.

Oh, come on.
It's not my senior prom. I just...

I want to go out, let my hair down,
and get savage.

Okay, now you're scaring me.

- That's because you're uptight.
- I'm...

Come on, Kevin. We're Walkers.
Let's go do what Walkers do best.

Get drunk?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Okay. But I get to pick the place.

McCallister attended a Dearborn...

- Okay. I just...
- Look at this.

You are all over the local news.

Man, take that, Boyd Taylor.
You know what?

We are winning this thing.
We are going to k*ll him in Michigan,

and then we're going to drag his bloody
carcass through every primary state

until there's nothing left
but a mangled flag lapel pin.

I got to hand it to Kitty.

Bringing the kids was
a stroke of genius.

Walking petri dishes that they are.

Oh, and are they feeling better?

I spoke to the Governor.
He'll see me tonight. Late.

Oh. Under cover of darkness.

- Yeah.
- Hey. Kid update.

Fevers are dropping,
noses are running.

Just your run-of-the-mill flu.

How's Kitty holding up?

Good, now that
the cold medicine's kicking in

and the kids are getting drowsy.

You know what? I'm going to catch
a couple hours sleep myself.

Wear a face mask.

Hey, put Jason to work.

- Whatever you need. Yeah.
- Okay. Well, we could...

Women's Baptist Group? Easy.

All I need is the collar, the smile.

You know, last time I campaigned
for Robert I learned how to quilt.

Yeah, but this is the mid-west,
not California.

You know what? I'm going to be blunt.

If you want Robert to win,
you're going to have to lay low.

Want to run that advice by Robert?

Oh, believe me,
he doesn't want to know.

But he's willing to make concessions
to win. Like hiring Isaac.

Surprised you're being
such a good sport about it.

- Why wouldn't I be?
- Oh, wow,

you really got this whole forgiveness
thing down, don't you?

I'd want to k*ll the man who outed me.

Isaac outed me?

Oh. Now that is a photo.

They are just like these little angels.

Well, the demons only appear
during waking hours.



My allergies are acting up.

Hey, I can get us a sitter service
if you want.

No, no. I don't want to
dump them with a sitter.

I like being their step-mom.

Hey, you don't mind if I get some sleep
in the other room, do you?

No, no, no. I don't want you to get sick.

Yeah, but you could always
come visit me.

- Wow!
- What?

Yeah, you are just burning up.

I am? No, I'm not. I'm totally fine.

I'm just achy and tired
from all the travel,

and my allergies are starting to act up
because we're in a new place,

and my voice is scratchy
because I talk a lot.


And I'm... I've caught their flu.

I'm sorry.


- Here you go, sweetie.
- Oh, thanks.

These movies are stupid.

Wait, Pirates! I want to watch Pirates.

No. I don't want to watch that.

- I don't care! I want to watch it!
- Come on. Hey, hey!

Hey, guys. You guys, just...
Let's just take turns, okay?

Just watch something. Anything.




- No, don't!
- You said we could pick anything.

Yeah, I meant anything that
was age-appropriate.

Now, this...
That show is for grown-ups.

It's for grown-ups who love each other

and love to watch other grown-ups
who love each other...

Never mind. Oh, look, cartoons.

That'll cancel out what you just saw.

No, wait a minute.
I'm taking the remote.

I'm going to the bathroom,
I'm going to get some medicine

and I will be right back. Okay?


- Hello?
- KITTY: Hey, Mom.

Sweetheart, you sound terrible.

I know. I know. I'm sick.

Oh, well, drink lots of water
and get into bed.

Oh, yeah, I am. It's just that,
you know, the kids are sick, too.

And they're not letting me
get any sleep and...

You know what? I don't know
how to make them feel better,

and didn't you tell me once

that Grandma gave you
some brandy or something?

Yes. But that was a different era,
and she was a terrible mother.

Right, she was. Okay, fine.
So I can't do that.

Where's Robert?

Everyone is out campaigning.

I know Isaac is. I only got to talk
to him for minutes today.

Mom, please. I don't want to talk about
Isaac. I just want to talk about me.


Kitty, do you remember
when you had the chickenpox?

Yes. You made me chicken soup

and you put cold compresses
on my head,

and you rubbed calamine lotion
all over my body.

Yes. But what you don't remember
is when you had the chickenpox,

Sarah had the chickenpox,
and Tommy had the chickenpox,

and Kevin had the chickenpox.

And I had a very bad cold,
your dad was out of town on business.

Sweetheart, I'm saying this to you
with as much love as I possibly can.

Sometimes motherhood
means sucking it up.

Kitty, go suck it up.

Oh, great. Oh, great.
Well, thank you, Mom.

Good night, sweetheart.




I'm sorry, I was expecting Milo.

Milo's out of town for a few weeks.

Italy. The lucky dog.

Well, would you tell him that
I stopped by, please?

My name is Saul.

- You're Saul.
- Yeah, I'm Saul.

Milo told me about you.
I'm Evan, by the way.

Milo's just letting me stay here
while he's gone.

- Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.

Well, why don't you come in
for a minute,

and I'll get you the number of the hotel
where he's staying?

Apparently, he managed to drown
his cell phone in the Trevi Fountain.

Did he? That's funny.

No, you know what, Evan?
I don't want to trouble you.

No, no. It's no trouble.

Just give me a second to sort
through the rubble that is my life.

Come on in. Pour yourself some wine.

REBECCA: These are pretty cool.

Yeah, it's Joshua Tree.

That would have been
during my peyote period, which was...

REBECCA: , according to this.

Yeah. God, I'm old.


dr*gs are bad. You know that, right?

Yes, I do.

Look at this. You and my mom.

Oh, yeah.

That one's .
That was the last hurrah, huh?

I guess. The ' s are
pretty much a haze for me.

Oh, my God, look. Wow.

- She looks beautiful.
- Yeah. Wow.

I can't take credit for this one, though.

Why, you didn't take it?

No, I took it. I just... You know,

trained monkeys couldn't mess up
a picture of her.

You want it?

- I can have it?
- Yeah.


Okay. I deleted all the bad ones.

- How many are left?
- Two.

What? I took over .

Hey, come on. Two good pictures
for one day of sh**ting, that's great.


Hey! Oh, God, I'm just starving.
Hey, you want to take a ride?

I got the driver taking me
to the Governor's mansion.

I thought we would look
at the Lansing skyline.

Maybe you could prep me.

I know about Isaac.

And you still put him on your payroll.

That was a long time ago.

No, no. You breaking
my Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots?

Okay, that was a long time ago.

Me being outed in the local paper
when I was barely ?

That's damned recent.

This is something that we should
talk about. But right now...

It's inconvenient. Is that right?

Unlike when you're campaigning
in the Bay Area

where having a gay brother
is the thing you're most proud of?

I have been completely
consistent with you.

I have never hidden or lied
about your sexuality.

I couldn't care less
whether you were gay.

Would it be easier for me
if you weren't? Yeah.

I'm sorry I can't make it
any easier for you.

I have to go meet the Governor.

Great. Go.

- SARAH: Two Patróns, please.
- You got it.

- We're doing sh*ts?
- We are having fun.

To hell with Joe.
Paris, it's such a cliché anyway.

- What are you looking at?
- What?

- Hey, isn't that Scotty?
- Where?

It is Scotty. Let's go say hi.

No. No, he can come to us.

Oh, yeah.

This is one of those "I'll prove them
wrong" nights. I got it. Gotcha.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

I'm just here to have fun
with my big sister.

That's him. Right over there.

Uh-oh. We've been spotted.
Oh, my God.

- Quick. Have fun. Have fun.
- Yeah.


- Sarah, hi.
- Hey!

- I didn't expect to see you here.
- Hi.

SARAH: Yeah, we're just having fun.

Sarah wanted a night out,
and she loves karaoke, so...

- Fanatical.
- Perfect.

Actually, Kevin and I,

- we're going to do a big duet.
- Really?

- Yep.
- No.

Okay, well, I'm glad that's settled.

I would,
but my throat's a little sore, so...

- Liar.
- Traitor.

Well, you guys are welcome
to come and join us.

You know, we will.

- SCOTTY: Okay.
- Later.

Great. Now he wants me to sing.

Oh, you're singing, baby.

Do you have any idea how stupid
people look when they sing karaoke?

- No chance.
- Two more Patróns, please.

- BARTENDER: Coming up.
- God, you are so uptight.

Do you want Scotty's friends to know

what a warm, caring, fun guy
Kevin Walker is?

- Yes.
- Then drink up and get stupid with me.

So when are we going to meet
the new Mrs. McCallister?

As soon as you come
to one of our events.

This week has been hell.

Tell me about it.

Hey, look at you.

You might win this thing.

You know, your endorsement
could really make that happen.

Taylor has a reputation
of holding a grudge.

If he wins, it's my state.
It's my political future on the line.

- Taylor has some serious momentum...
- Oh, come on! I campaigned for you.

And I'm grateful.
And look, this isn't personal.

It is to me.

You have my vote,
but public endorsement I can't.

You should have told me sooner.


- How about Dolly Parton? You love her.
- No, I don't.

Yeah, remember in high school you
said she had the only pair of breasts

you ever noticed? to .

No, no, no, no. Scotty's friends
think I'm obsessed with work.

- Something less corporate.
- Okay, Free Bird.

Yeah, what are we supposed to do
for a three-minute guitar solo?

- Dance?
- I don't care. No.

We get up, we express ourselves!
Come on! This is our chance.

- No! No, no, no!
- What?

- I'm not ready. What are you doing?
- Singing.

- No, we're supposed to sing.
- No, we can't even decide on a song.

- I hate you.
- Oh, go get drunk.

No matter how hard I try

You keep pushing me aside

And I can't break through

There's no talking to you

So sad that you're leaving

Takes time to believe it

But after all is said and done

You're gonna be the lonely one, oh

Do you believe in life after love

I can feel something inside me say

I really don't think
you're strong enough, no

Do you believe in life after love


I can feel something inside me say

I really don't think you're strong enough


Do you believe in life after love



Honey, you made me believe
there is life after love.

Okay, then make me believe

because I can't even bring myself
to sign my divorce papers.

What man in his right mind
would divorce you?

- Okay, I love your friends.
- Oh, the feeling is definitely mutual.

Okay, so my soon-to-be ex
is about to vacay

- to Paris...
- "Vacay"?

...with his new girlfriend
who happens to be his first wife.

Shut up!

You need to sign
those divorce papers and move on.

- Where are they now?
- They're in the office.

So get someone to bring them here.

What, now? I can't do that.

You see this?
It's a little thing called a cell phone.

Get those papers and sign them now.

- No, I can't.
- ALL: Come on.

- Do it. Do it. Do it.
- Do it.

Okay! I'll do it.


- Graham Finch.
- SARAH: Graham.

It's Sarah.
What are you still doing there?

I can barely hear you.
You at a concert or something?

No, I'm in a bar.

Are you drunk-dialing me?

No. Listen, the thing is
I need my divorce papers.

Could you have somebody
bring them over to me?

They're in the top right-hand
drawer of my desk.

Yeah, well, what's the rush?

Graham, please, can you just for once
do what I ask you, please?

Okay, where are you?

I broke up with my boyfriend
a month ago

and I needed interim housing.

So I'm sleeping in Milo's spare room
and drinking through his wine supply.

How long have you known him?

Not as long as you have,

but a group of us, his friends,
helped him through his divorce.

His ex assumed
we were the other women.

- Well, she was wrong.
- Yeah, the famous Elaine.

Well, we encouraged him to leave her,

but he was horribly, horribly faithful
to her right up until he moved out.

Well, I guess he's making up
for lost time now.

Is that jealousy I hear?

No. I didn't have
that kind of relationship with Milo.

I know. He told me.
I think you broke his heart a little bit.

I didn't mean to make
you uncomfortable.


This burger's dry.

KITTY: I thought you were a vegetarian.

Yeah, like a million years ago.

I got to go to the bathroom.

Are you okay, Jack? Jack...

Are these your clothes?

Uh, yes.

Mom has a dress just like this.

- Except it's bigger on top.
- Great.

Maybe if you get pregnant,
you'll get boobs.

One can only hope.

Oh, Sophie, please come
and rest, please.

Jack! What... Why are you wet?

Well, behind the toilet,
there was this thing sticking out,

so I turned it just to see and...

SOPHIE: Toilet water is everywhere!
This is disgusting!

Oh, Jack. Jack, why did you do that?

Mom says yelling
is a sign of weakness.

I'm not yelling, Sophie. I'm...

I wish Mom was here.

You know what?
You guys are starting to act like

those mean, spoiled little kids
in that fairy tale.

Remember the ones that fell
into the boiling cauldron?

Well, that must make you
evil step-mom.

Well, right now I am the evil step-mom
and I want you to listen to me.

There is going to be no more whining,
no more complaining,

no more fighting over
what we're going to watch!

Now get in bed!

And I don't want to hear another word
out of either one of you.

Do you understand me?

Oh, hi. Hi. No. No, sorry. Sorry.
No, everything's great.

We're just, you know...
We're having, um, a plumbing problem.



MEN: Yeah!

Oh, my God. Is that...

Is that your messenger?

He's not a messenger.
He's a stuffed shirt.

He doesn't seem
too button-down to me.

Excuse me.

Graham, what are you doing here?

Well, I called a messenger,
but he wasn't comfortable

picking out a woman
in an unknown bar.

But I can see that
it wouldn't have been difficult.


SARAH: Graham Finch,
these are my new best friends.


Hi. Here you go.

QUINN: Do it, girl. Be strong.

Believe, girl.

I will be divorced in three, two,


So, I'm a divorcée.

Does that make me hotter?

What's new, pussycat?

Whoa, whoa

What's new, pussycat?


Pussycat, pussycat
I've got flowers

And lots of hours
to spend with you

Maybe I didn't love you

Quite as often as I could have

Your brother's really something.

Maybe I didn't treat you

Okay, he's not uptight
when he's drunk.

Girls, I never thought I'd say this...
I don't hate him.

- MARIO: Where are you going?
- This is incredibly sweet,

but I think I should probably
put him out of his misery.


They like you.

I didn't get the endorsement.

It's probably your cosmic payback.

I don't want payback.

Yeah, because you're good.

And forgiving.

I wish I was more like you.

I feel like we're both doing
the same thing.

You know, we're making compromises
for a greater purpose.

Is that what I'm doing?

Because, boy, I don't know.

It all just seems like a game.

Attack this guy,
stay away from that issue.

And in the end,
what do you really accomplish?

Robbie, you didn't get into politics
for money or power.

A lot easier ways to get that, right?

I think we were both called to serve.

Thank you.

Well, listen.
It could all be over in hours.

JASON: Well...

You want a drink?

Hell, yes.


Oh, good, you're up.

Yeah. I have been looking through
these beautiful photography books.

- Where did they come from?
- David.

Beautiful, aren't they?

Mom, he lent me so many things.

He gave me a tripod and filters
and a light meter.

I mean, he's great.

I don't know how I feel
about you seeing David,

but I am thrilled you're so excited.

You know, I might actually
be half good.

No! No! No, no. I look terrible.

Mom. No, you don't.
You look like you, which is beautiful.

Could you just like fix some
of the lights or something?

He hasn't taught me that yet.

But he did show me
some old pictures of you.

Oh, no. That must have
been embarrassing.

No, no. Not at all.

If the way he photographed you
means anything,

he was seriously in love
with you, Mom.


So, um, you stopped seeing David
right when you started dating William?

Becca, I was seeing William,

and then finally he let me know
that he was never going to leave Nora,

so I broke it off and I tried to move on.

That's when I met David.

We had fun, we made
a few terrible movies together,

but it ended in .

I was still in love with William.

So even though he was married,
that's who I wanted to be with.

So William and David
never overlapped?

No, they did not.

That's enough!

Well, thank you.

Besides your headshots, I don't
really think I have any pictures of you.

Yeah, well, I want to see all of those.

Oh, hey.

Sophie, what are you doing?

I was just checking to see
if you still had a fever.

I'm okay. How are you feeling?

My throat still hurts.

You know, my mom gives me
ice chips to chew on.

Want me to get you some?

Oh, that's really sweet, but I'm okay.

You know, I'm really sorry I yelled.

I guess I get cranky when I'm sick.

Yeah. Me, too.

Does Jack hate me?

No. He thinks you're cool.

How do you feel about
getting some more sleep?

That'd be good.

I can't believe that you brought
my divorce papers to a gay bar.

Now don't you regret
not going out with me sooner?

- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.

Do you have women in every city,
or just California?

Well, not every city. No.


You never got married?

Came close a couple of times.

What stopped you?

I don't know.
Too much to get into right now.

A piece of paper to signify my regret.

Well, you won't be on the market long.

A woman like you?
I give you a year, tops.

Maybe I like being on the market.

- You know what?
- What?

No, I can't.

- No. No, you cannot...
- No, we shouldn't do it. the perfect gentleman right now.

You've been coming on to me
since the day that we met.

Listen, you're drunk.

I know, but I'm a grown-up,

and I know what I'm doing
despite the tequila.

Well, when you put it that way.

Oh, God.

- Let's get out of here.
- Yeah.


Oh, boy. Not even going
to say goodbye, are you?

Was I that bad?

No. No, you were far from bad.

I think.

So why are you sneaking out?

I'm not sneaking. Just...

What? Why are you looking at me
like that?

Just seeing you do the walk of shame.

You. I'm seeing
a whole new side to you lately.

No. No. There's no shame. I am...

I'm going to strut out of here,
and I'm going to get in my car,

and I'm going to drive home with pride.

Yeah, well, along with your pride,

you might want to take this.

I knew I should've worn the sexy one.


I wish you would've called first.
I would've cleaned up.

Oh, your place looks fine.

- No, I meant me.
- Oh.

You look fine, too.

I wanted to thank you
for helping Rebecca.

- Here. Sit down.
- Thanks.

And you don't have to thank me.

Rebecca's a great girl.
A young woman. Whatever.

And she's not a bad photographer,
you know? She's got potential.

I know. She showed me.

She's actually thinking about enrolling
in some college courses.

- Oh, that's great.
- Yeah.

Yeah. Did she tell you
I showed her these?

Oh, I can't believe you kept those.


Oh, look at us.

Yeah, we were so cute.


- Wow.
- And these.

- Oh. Oh, no.
- Yeah.

Those are the last pictures
I ever took of you.


Okay, you're going to have
to leave now,

or I'm pretty sure I'm going to kiss you.


Okay, you're going to leave?
Or okay, I should kiss you?

I don't know.

You're going to leave now, aren't you?

you can't put two cards down.

- Yes, I can.
- What...

Don't look at me. I'm Switzerland.

Yeah, Dad, he's allowed to put down
two cards if they're the same value.

Well, I'm just getting completely
steamrolled here.

You know, I think the precincts
have probably reported by now.

No, listen. If there's some news,

Travis will come running in here
and tell us, I'm sure.

All right. All right.
Well, I suck at this game.

I know. You lost the last six times.

Five. And guess what?
I only have two cards left.

We all know what that means.

KIDS: You forgot to say UNO!

You didn't even give me a chance
to say UNO. UNO! UNO!

All three networks just called it.

- We took Michigan!
- Yeah!

KIDS: Daddy!

- Daddy! Awesome!
- It's unbelievable.

- They're waiting for you downstairs.
- JACK: Oh, yeah! This rocks!

SOPHIE: This is so cool!

SOPHIE: Yes, Daddy!
JACK: Daddy!

- JACK: Way to go, Daddy.
- Go. Go, go.

- Okay.
- SOPHIE: Awesome.

Bye, Dad.

Bye, Dad!



- Nora.
- Isaac. Hi.

So, what are you doing?

Well, I'm sitting here watching
how good you do what you do.


The only thing I want to do
right now is to see you.

I miss you.

ROBERT ON TV: Thank you.

Tonight I want to thank the people
of the great state of Michigan.


They have given this campaign an
amazing vote of confidence tonight.

And to all the people
across the country

who have worked day and night
on this campaign,

get some sleep.

Because now is our moment.

And together we can change
this country

and we will not stop until
we get to the White House!

Thank you very much!

Oh, wow. Can you believe it?
That's your dad.

Thank you.


Thank you.