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05x11 - You're Under a Rasta

Posted: 04/21/22 18:05
by bunniefuu
A little monopolistic
in the bathroom there.


You ok?


I'm official.

One line,
not pregnant...

2 Lines...


2 Lines.

Oh, man, uh...

Are you happy, bobby?

I'm very happy, baby.

Let's not tell
anybody, ok?


'Cause I'm just...

I'm superstitious
about it, and...

I promise.


Oh, I'm...

Oh, scared
out of my wits.

Well, don't worry
about a thing.

Yeah, huh?

The voice of experience?


Oh, it's gonna be
wonderful, diane.

I know.

I love you.

I love you, too.

We won't tell
anybody, right?

I promise.

All right.

[Pager beeps]

Hey. You the first uniform
on this thing?


Simone: you found 'em
like this?

Face down
on the floor.

b*ll*ts to both heads.

Looks like the sh**t
gave them both barrels.

This one lives here‐‐
uh, wanda livingstone.

Who was the other one?

Driver's license says,
uh, joann demille.


Open safe. Empty.

[Shutter clicking]

Excuse me, sir.
Can I help you?
going on?

You knew her?
What happened?

[Shutter clicking]

I need you to wait
right here, sir.

Says he knows
wanda livingstone.

What's your name?

Ronald anderson.
I live upstairs.

Oh, god! This is awful.

Poor wanda.


You've known her long?

Just yesterday she asked me
to help her move
some furniture,

Being that her husband
was away.

She do that a lot?

She, uh, ask for
your help when
the husband's away?

Did wanda have any enemies?
Anybody that might want
to see her dead?

Her husband.

You think her husband
k*lled her?

Her husband marvin is involved
with some very violent people.

And he's in a very dangerous
line of work, too.

He's with the cia?

I think you can infer
what I'm talking about.

Why don't you tell us
what you're talking about?

dr*gs, all right?

Marvin's in sales?

You know, you are amongst
dead people here.

Does wanda have any
enemies of her own?

Wanda was
a beautiful person.

Now I told you.

Look into the husband.
He had enemies on his job.

You ever call in to
america's most wanted?

Why are you so
viciously callous?

That's the way I deal
with my continuous grief.

[Telephone rings]

Phone's ringing.

take him upstairs.


No, she's not available
right now. Who's this?

Hung up.

You got
that call redial?

Yeah. One minute.
I'll have it traced.

Maybe we bring in
whoever's calling.

What, this ronald assh*le's
been banging the deceased?

Diane, you heard
our conversation?

Yeah, I did, and I'm betting

The deceased was a little
too fast for ronald.

On the other hand,

He might be
perfect for
sally jessy raphael.


So would that be your
outfit, shirley?

No. This would be my


Part of that
evening out,

You spent that with
your girlfriends
wanda and joann?


We were all
the three of us
at kingston 12.

That's a nightclub
on avenue d.

I met a friend there,

And him and me left
wanda and joann

Who were they
dancing with?

I'm not
exactly sure.

Look, you know
wanda's husband?


That's right.

And marvin's
got a temper,

And he don't tend
to be law‐abiding,

And I don't wanna get
in front of any of that.

So marvin wasn't one of
their dance companions?

No. Marvin's
out of town.

And wanda was out... Dancing?

Look, I don't know
nothin' about no dr*gs,

And if wanda and joann
are in trouble,

I can tell you
they don't know
nothin' either,

And I just called to see
how they were.

You figure wanda and joann,
they were collars for dr*gs.

Some type
of foolishness.

Wanda and joann
are dead, shirley.

That type foolishness.

Oh, my god.

So unless wanda's
husband marvin

Snuck back into town
under cover of night,

He's not the only one
with a bad temper

As pertains to wanda
and her girlfriend joann.

Now, you got any ideas
on that, shirley?

Uh, look,

As pretty
as she was,

Wanda liked to play
that. You know?

She was a real type
of it girl,

Life of the party
type of thing.

She liked to hang out
at the caribbean clubs
when marvin was away,

Dancing and stuff.

Dancing and stuff?

Sometimes it would go
a little further.

Maybe a lot of the time.

She was sleeping around.

She was doin'.

Anyone in specific
she was doing?

In specific, she'd
been hanging out

With this posse
of rasta men.

You know...

cr*ck dealers
from brooklyn.

That's who they were
with last night.

And that's not who
you were with?

The guy I was with sells
watches in times square.

You got a place that we could
look for these rasta men?

One of them lives
off king's highway.

He calls himself

I could give you
the address. I was
at that place once.

I'm not arrested,
am i?


But we'll need you to
write down the address

And everything else
you know about wanda.

[Sighs] poor things.

Thanks again,

So this girl was partying
last night with the 2 doas

In some club on avenue d.

We dumped call return,
and this girl called in.

Do we think she might
have been involved?

No, she's pretty

Says that the doa
whose husband was
a dope dealer...

This is marvin.
He's on his way
back from canada.

Yeah, whenever
marvin was out of town,
she was running around

With some rasta men
from brooklyn.

Dealers, too,
the rasta men.

This girl says that that's
who the 2 doas were with
last night at the club.

She give you a place
to look for
the rasta men?

A place to look and
one of their names.


Well, greg and james
are on a dump job. Um...

Simone: want to get some
backup from anti‐crime?

What's going on?

Um, back up
bobby and andy
on a pickup?




Come on.

I‐‐i was walking my dog,

And I found her lying there
like that.

[Dog barking]
do you know her?

No. I never saw her

Did you notice anything
unusual on the street?

Hear any arguments?
See anyone looking suspicious?

I just saw her
lying there like that
and called 911.


[Dog barks
and barks]

Anyone else say
they saw anything?



beautiful girl.

Yeah, dressed
pretty upscale.



If I was mayor,
first ordinance,

I'd abolish
all poodles
from city limits.

That'd be
a discriminatory statute.

Believe me,
I'd get a lot of votes
with that platform.

[Nonstop barking]

Simone: we don't know
what we got in there.

Ropehead scumbags.

We got exits in the front,
side, and the back.

Jill, you and diane
take the back.

I thought you were
gonna tell us to
kick the door down.

Careful, huh?


Put your hands up!
Hands up now!

[Police shouting orders]

Police! Freeze!

[g*nf*re continues]
in the back!

Andy, you got
this guy?!

You ok?


Done shaking yet?

Just about.

The second he turned,
I thought maybe
we were gonna die.

Should I not talk
about it, diane?

No, that's ok.

I felt the same way.

We gave that prick
just what he deserved.


God, it was awful.


I'm gonna do
my paperwork downstairs.

Meaning...i'm gonna
take a good long walk.

Once around the block
for me, huh?


Pretty proud of yourself
there, diane?

What are you
talking about?

Putting yourself
in harm's way
like that?

I was doing my job,

You're pregnant.

You're telling me
I should stop work?

Diane, you went out of your way
to get sent on that pickup.

Any detective unassigned.

What, you gonna start quoting
the book how to do the job

While you're carrying
our baby in your belly?

This conversation
does not continue here.

That skilly's
in the poky.

Here's his sheet.

All the collars
are for dope.

Yep. No v*olence.

Plus his assh*le buddies
throw the sh*ts
when we pick 'em up.

Oh, there's a wonderful
guy in there.

Yeah, that's what
I'm driving at.

Your point is,
you don't see him murdering
this wanda and joann.

Walkin' into
a world of trouble

Murdering a woman
everybody knows
he's bangin'

And robbing
a competitor dealer?

Yeah, well, I would still
like to spread his brains
on the wall.

How about, you being
somewhat distressed,
we go in there,

I'll be the one
jumping up and down?

Sit straight,

Like the school
you never attended.

"Carlton mackintosh.
Aka skilly."

Birthplace: jamaica.

Good‐looking watch,

must be good,

What with the price
of marijuana

Rising so greatly
here in the land
of opportunity.

Back off,
ya bumbo klaat.

I'll put obeah curse
on you‐‐

Grow horns
out your head.

Hey, you curse away.
I've been cursed
by the best.

Attempted m*rder
on 2 police officers
there, skilly,

And, even though you
didn't pull the trigger,

You're responsible
for those sh*ts.

That's 30 years
in our back pocket

Before we even get to
these 2 other dead people.

Wanda livingstone.

You know anything
about her m*rder?

You've been seen
dancing with wanda
at the kingston 12.

Now she's dead.

You deal in marijuana.
So does wanda's husband.

You a statue, skilly?

I'm talking to you!

Yeah, I'm a statue.

I'm the bloody
statue of liberty.

Is that some kind
of ironic comment
on your civil rights‐‐

You being a foreign
visitor to our country?

Well, you're
gonna be using our
government hospitality

At the famous
rikers island, skilly,

Which is a few
boat rides away

From where the statue
of liberty is.

One of those weapons
we grabbed up
at your place

Gonna be the one that
k*lled wanda and joann?

Wanda and joann,

Those 2 women that you
and your pals whacked
in the basement.

You got breath
like a street dog.

You ever wash
these pigtails, hmm?

They're getting
awful dirty.

Piss off.

Piss off?

Must be one of them morons
from that bobsled movie‐‐

Got in a crash,
did damage to his brain.

I gotta tell you, skilly,

You're responsible
for throwing sh*ts
at cops,

And you're gonna sit here
cracking wise?

Maybe you didn't
come in here

But you're liable
to walk out that way.

I don't know damn thing
about any m*rder.

We know that you
were banging wanda.

So I was banging her.

'Twas everyone
who was banging her‐‐

Half the bloody town‐‐
but I didn't k*ll the bitch.

Where'd you go last night
when you left that club?

Me and my mates
drove to baltimore

To pick up some stuff.

This would be

Royal court hotel,

On camden street.

Ask one of those
american spades
valet‐parked my car.

Skilly figures he
can break cocky
as he wants

What with his alibi
being good about
wanda's m*rder

And his pre‐existing
damage to his brain

Making him forget that
he's dead‐to‐rights

For trying
to m*rder 2 cops.

Oh, you're deep,
you are.

You understand your
situation here, skilly?

Good alibi or not,

You are screwed
for throwing those sh*ts.

The only way you're
gonna help yourself

Is helping us
with these murders.

I don't know a thing.

Get up.

I got a fingerprint hit
on our doa.

Mary ann rice: 19.
Born: decatur, illinois.

A couple collars
for prostitution
down in the bowery

Since arriving
in our metropolis.

19, Huh?


I got her phone number.

Maybe we should
notify her parents.

I'll have decatur pd
make the notification.

Maybe someone
on their job
knows the parents.

Yeah. Ease the blow
a little.


Are you experiencing
some kind of physical
discomfort, james?

Uh, I threw out
my back.

Doing what?


Anyways, let me call
decatur pd.

Then we can go talk
to some of the girls
where she strolled.

Yeah. Sounds
like a plan.

I got full confidence

Marvin the dealer
that's returning
from canada,

He's gonna provide us
with an overflow
of leads.

How you were
with russell,

That's my habit also.

Any situation of danger

Where they just come out
of some kind of risk,

I like to shout at them
and exhibit my anger.

Giving them something else
to think about.

That comes from
my childhood background.

Any girl I ever had
a crush on,

I'd tend
to approach 'em

With some type
of physical blow.

Well, i...

I can't act like I did
afterwards with diane
no more, andy.

That back and forth
between you and her
in the squad,

Something going on
between you beforehand

Where this was
added on?

Not really.


I'd concentrate on expanding
my range of apologies,

'Cause I don't think
you get over

Not wanting her
walking into trouble.

Night, partner.

Yeah. Good night.

[Door opens]


Want some
overdone pasta?

I want to apologize
for going off on you.

Just that finding out
that you were expecting,

And then something
like that happens,

I was upset,

And I was worried.

But it was wrong for me
to go off on you
in the squad.

Don't think it's
not gonna be wrong
going off here, bobby.

Does it sound like
I'm going off right now?

You sound like
that's your big project
for this conversation.

Diane, you muscled the boss
into sending you out.

Stop saying that.

I worked the first
part of that case,

And I was otherwise

Here we go again
with the police manual.

I'm a cop.
Who's pregnant.

Yes, I'm pregnant,

And I'm not
gonna take any
unnecessary chances.

I'm also not
gonna hide.

Fine. God bless, diane.

Next time,
take down the door.

You're being
a complete jerk, bobby.

I sh*t a man today,

And, instead
of being there
for me about that,

You're squeezing
my shoes about

I didn't even do wrong.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I need you.

I'm gonna need you
so much.

Don't be a jerk to me.

I won't do it
no more, all right?

I'm sorry.

Just hold me.

It'll be all right.

Good morning.

Good morning,

in the squad room.

What's with all
these coats up there?

Anti‐crime doesn't
have a coat rack.

Hey, andy.

How's it going?

Where's this one?

Uh, she had
an appointment.

Not seeking counsel

Anticipating the slaughter
of her live‐in lover?


We more or less got that
straightened out.


Good morning.

Good morning,

Oh. Detectives martinez
and medavoy asked me
to tell you

They're interviewing

In connection
with the girl found
dumped in the trash.

Thank you.

Is everything ok, naomi?

A few "outside
the workplace"

Have arisen for me,

But I'm trying
to keep them

From steamrolling me
flat in the pavement

Like some
cartoon creature.

Well, we wouldn't
want that.

It's ok
for roger rabbit,

But not naomi reynolds
of durham,
north carolina.

Good morning.
Just a second.

Boss, this is gonna be
marvin livingstone,

Husband of one
of the doas.

Back from canada?

the trade imbalance
in drug imports.

I'm detective simone.

Arnold kaffir,
mr. Livingstone.

Appreciate your coming in.
This is my partner
detective sipowicz.


We can talk down here.

Simone: sorry about
your wife, marvin.


Can you help us out
at all,

How that might've happened?

I don't know.


Some sort
of business deal

Maybe left one of your
customers dissatisfied?

No. I don't
know about it.

You don't know
what business you're in?

You notice I'm receiving
a lot of them‐type stares
in this investigation?

Like "if you think
I'm telling you

"The many things I know
about this case,

You ought to have
your head examined."

That was your wife
all sh*t up on
that floor, marvin,

And your safe emptied out.

Now you don't care
about your money

Or her getting
m*rder*d like that?

My partner and me,
we write this off.

Tonight, I go nappy‐bye,
no problem at all.

I cared
about my wife.


Any chance her
and her girlfriend

Might have been down there
in the basement partying,

Easy, marvin.

People she was with
down there see the safe

And, thing
leads to another.

What people she supposed
to be down there with?

How do you figure it,

While you're on the road,

The little woman
stays in the kitchen
night and day

your favorite recipes?

My client has fulfilled
his obligation
under his probation

To give cooperation.

That's his p. O. Decides
if he did that, counselor,

Based on how we say
that marvin acted.

We know your wife was dating
some rasta guys, marvin,

But they got alibis.

So we're hoping maybe
you could give us some
other names of people

Wanda might have
been seeing.

If I give you
who did this,

Will you
give me the names
of those rasta guys?

We might be able
to work that out.

He was not
banging wanda,

You understand that,

The name
I'm gonna give you?


He wasn't banging her.
All right.

He's the scumbag
that took me off

But had no balls
to do the k*lling.

So who I'm betting
did that

Was big rick,

Which I'll tell you
where you can grab him.

But this one
set it up.

Marvin, would it
make sense

For you and me to
talk this through?

I'd have taken care
of the business myself,

But I want the names
of those rasta guys.


Shut your mouth.

So big rick
pulled the trigger.

The guy that
set it up is...

A neighbor,

A snake half a f*g
named ronald.

She let him
live upstairs.

I'm so glad
to hear you say that.


Can I talk
to you?

Hey, come on
here, man,

I'm just trying
to do my job.

Yeah? Us, too.

Either of you
recognize her?

I don't know.
I ain't sure.

That's cristal.

She's dead there?


That's cristal?

How'd she die?

Well, we don't
know yet.

When's the last time
you saw cristal?

Last night about 11:00.

Some john
picked her up.

You get a look
at him?

Yeah. A gray‐haired guy
in a suit.

You think maybe if
we parked outside
the building

Where cristal
was found dead,

And the gray‐haired
guy in the suit
came in or out,

You might
recognize him?

I don't know.

I mean, I really
gotta work.

If I go with you,
it'll cost me money.

I'm sure we could
work something out,

Some type
of compensation.

I got a bagel.


There's a guy that
could use some fat‐free.

I think that ship
has sailed, james.

I think that guy's
solution lies more
in the realm of, uh...

Stomach stapling
or jaw wiring.

Coming up the street.

That's him, the guy
in the gray suit.

You sure?

That's the guy I saw
pick up cristal last night.

All right.
Take a walk.

Excuse me, sir.


Police. We need
to talk to you.

Why? What's it about?

I think it'd be
better for everyone

If we do this down
at the station house.

Am I under arrest?

Should you be?

We don't think you meant
to hurt those girls,

sh**ting them
like that‐‐

Don't strike us
you got the balls.

No. I didn't know
that was gonna happen.

Wanda was your friend.

She was my friend.

We confided
in each other.

Big rick put you
under some kind
of pressure?

I knew marvin kept
a lot of cash in the safe.

I thought it might be,
like, a million bucks.

And did you, uh,
inadvertently happen to
mention this to big rick?

That's what it was.
I happened to mention it
in passing.

Big rick
wouldn't let it go.

I didn't even
go downstairs, man.

Wanda, she knew rick.

She figured he was
a friend of mine,

He probably
wasn't gonna hurt her.

She just let us in.

Big rick somehow
had menaced you
to come with him?


That's what it was.

And did big rick
do the sh**ting?

He tied up the 2 girls.

Man, I don't know
exactly what happened
after that.

He took them downstairs
into the basement.

The safe was down there.

He sh*t 'em.


Why did he do that,

Well, ronald,
maybe it's because

Big rick knew wanda
would know who robbed them

And she'd tell
her husband marvin.

I ran out.

I didn't even
see them dead

Until after
the police were there.

I don't even know why
I went back into
the apartment.

I just had to.

When I saw them,
I thought I was
gonna throw up.

Well, you're
a sensitive type.

You want to tell us
where we're gonna
find this big rick?

I'll give you anything
you want to know, man.

[Sipowicz clears throat]

And I'll bet you got
excellent penmanship.

That way.

Big rick.

He drive a truck?

We like him
for that double
in the basement.

Why do you ask
if he drives a truck?

His nickname.

Is that some
famous truck driver‐‐
big rick?

I thought you said
big rig.

When did they start
calling you big rick?

'Cause my cousin moved in
with the same name.

He was little rick?

He was rick.

You want us to call you
big rick or just plain rick,

Being your cousin
isn't around?

You can call me
smokey robinson
and the miracles

Much as it means
to me.

Yeah? Well,
ronald threw up
all over you, smokey.

He put you wasting
both of those girls,

Back and forth,
execution style.

Which prosecutors
explain to a jury,

That shows a person
who's had some experience
in doing murders.

We, uh, got your w*apon
from your apartment there,
big rick.

Always the right move
tossing the piece, rick,

Though at the time
it may seem wasteful.

Oh, maybe it was just
a recreational w*apon,

Not gonna caliber‐match
the b*ll*ts in those women.

We're painting a picture
for you here, big rick,

Like that kraut moron
on the late‐night talk show‐‐

You know,
"big rick, screwed."

Unless ronald's telling us
a wrong version

And maybe you were
pushed into something that
you didn't really intend?

Maybe he was
the mastermind,

Held a g*n on you
and forcing you
to do his bidding?

I had to k*ll 'em.
They saw us.

I knew there had to be
a reason.

Money from the safe's
stashed in my apartment.

Black leather bag...

Under some
skin magazines,

In a corner
behind the bed.

I want to use that
to pay for a lawyer.

Don't exactly work that way,
big rick,

But if they try
at the trial

Passing you off
as a mastermind,

You tell 'em
what you just said.

James, uh, why don't you
show the good commissioner

Into the interview room,
and I'll fill in the boss.

you got it, greg.

What's up, greg?

Uh...our case has taken

A potentially stinky turn.

The doa pross?

Yeah. It turns out
her last client was the, uh,

Deputy commissioner
for traffic.

And we like him
for k*lling her?

Well, I'd be dubious
'cause he hasn't
lawyered up yet,

But, uh, a girl
that the doa
strolled with

Was definite this guy
was her last trick.

And we did find her body
outside his residence.

James has him
in the poky room.

Well, ok.
Let me know.

Yeah. Absolutely.

Your back kickin' up?

Yeah, brutal.

If you don't mind,

Maybe you could get
his full medical report

After I'm released.

You sure you're gonna be
released, huh, mr. Shapps?

I am. Because whatever
you've got me here for

Has got to be a case
of mistaken identity.

You frequent
mr. Shapps?


Why don't you just answer
my partner's question?

Look, I'm down here
voluntarily and
without counsel

Because, to a point,
I'm willing to cooperate.

You want to cooperate,
tell the truth.

Sir, a hooker picked you out

Soliciting another prost*tute
we subsequently found dead

Outside your
apartment building.

Thrown in the garbage
like she wasn't even
a human being.

Are you suggesting
I k*lled her?

We're asking you
to tell us
what you did

And stop playing

I have given my life
to public service.

Yeah, we're all
deeply appreciative,

Deputy commissioner
of traffic.

That includes
dealing with
traffic patterns?

Why have you taken
such a personal
dislike to me?

Are you the guy that
put that new light in
over on 23rd street?

Those are
collective decisions.

That's a completely
useless light.

Does nothing
but stall traffic in
every other direction.

I could check into that
for you.

No. What you want to do
is tell us about the girl.


Look, I had nothing to do
with her death.

I only...

Moved the body.

Threw her
in the garbage,
you mean.


I picked her up
over on second avenue.

State the time.

After work, about 8:00,
on my way home.

I took her
to my apartment.

Afterwards, she went into
the bathroom to get dressed.

She closed the door.

She come out
of the bathroom,

And she‐‐
she didn't seem...well.

I was gonna offer her
a glass of water
or something,

But she‐‐she collapsed
right there on the floor.

All right, what happened
after you noticed
she was dead?

My apartment
is on the second floor,

Directly above
the garbage cans
for my building.


I'm in public life.

So you waited till
no one was looking,

And then
you tossed her
out the window.

I, uh...

I rolled her up
in a rug.

I carried the rug
to the window,
and I dropped the rug.

I looked this up.

The worst you can
charge me with

Is a violation
of the health code.

That's assuming
we buy your story
how she d*ed.

I don't know how
to sh**t dr*gs‐‐

In myself or anybody else.

Maybe you know how
to do that. I don't.

My brother d*ed like that.
He didn't forfeit
being human.

All right. Everybody,
just‐‐let's calm down.

You know, I resent the tone
you've taken with me
from the beginning of this.

Frequenting a prost*tute
is not a capital offense,

No matter how
your junkie brother d*ed.

I think we've heard
all we need to, james.

No, I've heard
too much.

Hey, no! Keep him‐‐
keep him away from me!

Greg, let go of me.

Calm down!

Oh, my god...



What is it, james?

I think you just
broke my back, greg.

If he's incurred some
paralytic‐type injury,

I‐i‐i'm never gonna
forgive myself.

He'd been complaining
about it through the day,

Yet it didn't keep him
from moving around.

He's been complaining
to you, too?

Medavoy, you said
that he was complaining
about his back.

That he could still move
while it was still
bothering him

Shows it's‐‐it's
probably muscular.

Oh, yeah, I see.

Did james say
when he first felt
the discomfort, greg?

Um, he said, uh,

In that context.

[Medavoy sighs]

Gina's pregnancy
getting somewhat advanced,

I figured james
might have meant

That he assumed
some unfamiliar type
connubial position,

Hurt his back like that.


Here he comes.

Oh, god, they've
immobilized him.

That's gonna be
precautionary, greg.

How you feeling, james?

In pain, which I guess
you could say is good.

Hey, buddy.

He's got sensation

He's a little tingly
in his left leg,

Which doesn't have
to mean anything.

He's tingly?

It's not so bad, greg.

Could he have hurt
his disk?

They'll take x‐rays
and find out.

James, I am so sorry
for restraining you
that way.

Hey, greg, if you weren't
restraining me,

I would've wound up
clockin' that guy
and would have been in jail.

Let's let james
get to the hospital.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
Absolutely. Right.

Come on.

All right.
Let's go.

Easy, easy.

It's ok, though, for me
to ride over there
with him?

Yeah, sure.

Yeah. I don't think
we need to worry

About that tube steak
deputy commissioner

Making any stink
over james getting
in his face, boss.

Yeah. He'll want
to keep this

slow, slow.

If you're going,

Don't hold up
the bus.

Yeah. I'm gonna
take a ride over with him.

Hey, feel better, james.

Don't say nothin'
if gina calls.

We'll make sure
naomi knows.

I don't want her informed
till I find out what's what.

The slow,
uneventful shifts

Definitely have
their charm.



Jill, how was it for you
being pregnant?

First and third trimesters
weren't much fun.


But the, uh...

The middle trimester
wasn't too bad?

I wouldn't be much
of a detective

If I didn't wonder
why you're asking.

You know, uh,

Bobby and I are just
talking about it.

I threw up a lot
with frank.

Not so much with kyle,
but, uh, my back pain
was worse with him.

I'm sure bobby would be
a lot more supportive
than don was.

Bobby really
freaked out yesterday.

Just being worried
about you, generally,
you mean.


It's all worth it‐‐

So much more
than you can imagine.

It's the most wonderful thing
in the world.

Thanks, jill.


Hello, detective simone.

I was, uh, gonna get
some water for the ride home.

feel free.

You were a fortune‐teller
the other day, detective.

My landlord turned me in
to the authorities...


From the immigration
and naturalization service.

I've been summoned
to a hearing.


Bloody oath
he's an assh*le.

I'm sorry.

My situation's not hopeless.

If I turn my back
on naomi reynolds of canberra

And cast my lot
with naomi reynolds of durham,

Relying on
my forged documents
holding up,

I can go on
with my life.

What difference
does it make,
detective, really?

Don't we come by
our true selves
through what we are,

Rather than what
we're called?

And, in fact...

Your name is
naomi reynolds.

As far as that goes,
it's not.

No, huh?

I'm adopted.

I just always dreamed
there'd be a point

Where the goals
in my life
and the facts

Could be the same.

Naomi reynolds, adopted,
of canberra, australia.

New york city policewoman,
happily married,

With 3 children,

To a fellow patrolman.

You...get superstitious

Being alone.

You have to believe
so hard

In things working out

That if you give up
a part of your dream...

You're afraid it's gone,

Part and parcel.

You love detective russell,
don't you, detective?


It's clear
how that holds you,

Loving her so.

It gives you
a place to stand
in the world, doesn't it?

No matter what your name is

Or if you get
the job you dream of or not,

You make life out of that.

I'd actually like
to go be with
detective russell now. all means.

By all means.


Thank you
for talking to me.

Back at you, naomi.