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04x14 - Drive, She Said

Posted: 04/22/22 06:36
by bunniefuu
Na-no, na-no.

Hi, I'm home.

Ah, Mork, Mearth,
I'm home from work.

What a day.


No, no, no,
you keep your coat on, Mind,

because if we really haul rubber
right now, we can get downtown,

we can go to the grocery store,
the hardware store.

I've saved up enough coupons
to buy a small Learjet. Now, come on.

Mork, I just got home from work.

I don't wanna run out the door

Come on, there's gotta be something
in this house we can eat.

Oh, we just have that cheese
that the president sent us.

Mearth, Mearth, come on, son.
Move it, let's go.

I'm moving.

My clothes are standing still.

Hi, sweetheart.
I know you're in there somewhere.

Whoa. Neat. Hey, listen, Mommy,

can you get someplace
where there's air conditioning?


Just give me a minute
to catch my breath, Mork.

I just walked in the door.

Oh, hon. Now, poor little,
pooped-out pooter, don't worry.

Come on, you just sit down here

and we'll make you feel
so much better.

- Mm-hm.
- That's nice. Yes.

MORK: Now we feel better, don't we?
- Mm-hm.

Mm, good. Now let's haul tush.
Come on, let's go.

Mork, every time I come home,

I've gotta turn around
and run out the door again.

There's gotta be some way you can
handle these errands during the day.

Mind, Mind, Mind, it's not that easy.

- Well…
- It isn't.

Come on, you guys,
are you gonna go or aren't you?

- No.
- Yes.

Are you or aren't you?

You know, I tell you something both.

I'm beginning to sweat as much
as Orson Welles chasing a Frisbee.

Right, we forgot about you
under there.

Here, let me help you.

Well, Daddy sure kept you warm,
didn't he?

I don't believe it.

I feel, Mommy, like a… Some kind
of huge artichoke and it's just…

You're de-leafing me.

Or debriefing me.


Mork, you know it would be
a lot easier for all of us

if you would learn how to drive.

You want me to drive some primitive
vehicle financed by the government?

Come on now.

Mind, it'd be like asking the great Pelé
to play soccer with a bee-bee.

Mork, look at it this way.
What if something happened to Mearth

during the day, like a real emergency,
what would you do?

Well, I'd do what I always do,
fall apart.

Wouldn't it be a lot simpler
if you learned how to drive a car?

I mean, really, Mork, it's a snap.

Like in some parts of the country,
you can get your license at 14.

Oh, the same parts of the country
where they marry at 8.

Listen, you two,
I'm gonna tell you something, gently.

I've had it right up to… say here.

Okay? I'm going into the bedroom.

If I'm not called for dinner
within an hour,

remember this,
I can get awfully cranky.


Think about it.

Oh, Mork, have it your way.
But I'll tell you, I think it's a shame.

If you had your license, just think,
you could drive those 6 long miles

to the arcade and play "Pac-Man."

But if you wanna stand on the curb
sniffing at life's exhaust,

that's your prerogative.

- I'm Stirling Moss.
- And I'll be Jackie Stewart.

Great, great, great.


Gonna be great today.

There we go.


Oh, I forgot to start mine. How silly.

Don't touch the automobile.
It'll be cursed.

Oh, I forgot to wear my goggles.

These flies are hitting my eyes.


All right, enough's enough. Okay.

All right, now, Mearth,

Mommy's gonna ask you
to do a big favor,

and that's help me teach Daddy
how to drive, okay?

And that means, shh, be quiet.
That's great.

- Oh, come on.
- You pay attention.

Okay, now…

My understanding was,

that this was gonna be
a lot of family fun.

Well, no, Mearth,
we're not on a family trip.

We're just gonna sit in the car.

Well, then we're very much
overly packed.

Okay, Mork.



You gave it to me.


You've seen me drive before,
all right?

- Mommy.
- Hm?

Are we there yet?

Sweetheart, I told you,
we're not going anywhere.

We're sitting in the garage.

But why don't you pretend
we're going on a family trip, okay?

Okay. But that's what I mean.
Are we there yet?



All right, now, this is the ignition.

To start the engine,
you put your key in and turn it.

Key. That means I'll need a key chain.
Oh, Mind, that's wonderful,

because maybe I can get one
with a cowboy boot on the end.

Or one with a piece of Tupperware,
or one with a bagel that says:

"Nosh, nosh, who's there?"

Mork, forget the key chain,
it's not important, okay?

Are you kidding, Mind?
Style is everything to me.

Okay, back on the track.

this is a standard transmission.

That means
you have to change the gears

by using the gearshift.

Ooh, so that's what that's for.

Yeah. What'd you think it was for,
churning butter?

It doesn't really matter
what I thought.

Oh. Okay, now,
what you do to do that,

you take your foot off the gas
and depress the clutch.

Depress the clutch.

Clutch, have you ever seen
the movie Brian's Song?

How about that last Ali fight, huh?

Mommy, Mommy.

- What, Mearth?
- Mommy, I'm getting car sick.

- No.
- I am, I am, I am.

You know, sweetheart, so am I.

You know, I have come
to the realization

that I don't have the ability
to teach you how to drive.

In fact, I know for sure
I don't have the patience.

I think you should go
to a driving school.

- Does that mean the lesson's over?
- Yes.

- You know what that means, son?
- Yes, I do.

Back to the Grand Prix, eh?


[SINGING] Oh, what a day
Let me say

When you drive in your way
You can say


No, I'm not coming into the pits now!

I'm not coming into the pits!
No, don't touch my arm!

- Aah!
- Oh, let my arm go! Let my arm…!

- They got my arm! He's got my arm!
- What is…? Forget that.

Oh, let it alone! Agh!

Oh, the police are following us.

- There's the queen.
- Oh, well, hello.

- The regular queen.
- Hello, hello, hello.

Hello, queen.

Ha, ha! As I live and breathe,
Todd Norman Taylor.

TNT, that's my initials
and my lifestyle,

a megaton of fun
and a pretty fair limbo dancer.


Hey, where's my hug?

We're a couple of today guys,
aren't we, huh? No macho hang-ups.

How I missed you.

I wish we could share
something shallow,

but my driving instructor's
on the way over.

Oh, yeah? Well, time's up.

Oh, huzzah, huzzah, boom-bah!

Whoa, for sure, totally gnarly.

Wait a minute.
I gotta show you something.

I've already picked out
my bumper sticker.

Look at this.

"Aliens make better lovers."

And look at this one here.

It says, "Horn if you're a h*nky."

That's real trendy, Mork,
real cute. Heh.

But if you're gonna be king of the road,
you're gonna have to get serious.

A lot of things
you're gonna have to learn.

For example,
you know where to stash your Binaca?


You know how to drive
with your wrist?

More important,
do you know how to look cool

when a lit cigarette falls
between your legs?

Teach me, O guru of the gearshift,
my motor mentor.

Numero uno.

No matter how treacherous
the road conditions,

always, always stop
for female hitchhikers.

Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm married.

Married? Ugh!

The ultimate social disease.

Sorry, I didn't know.

That's all right, you still have a year
to pick out our wedding gift.


If you're not out cruising for skirts,
why do you wanna learn how to drive?

If cars didn't turn on women, you
wouldn't catch me in those death traps

for all the musk oil
in Cleveland. Heh, heh.

Death trap? As in:

AND expl*si*n]

…death trap?

Oh, man, no. Come on, if it's that bad,
why are you a driving instructor?

Teenage girls with learner's permits.

I got the boss jacket for free.

Come on now, you…
I mean, you gotta be kidding there.

Yeah, it's not really that bad, is it?
It's not dangerous.


Mork-o, it's slaughter alley out there.

Don't you ever watch CHiPs?

How'd you like to get Rolfed
by 3 tons of cold, hard steel, huh?

You're right. I'll just have to drive like
a senior citizen looking for an address.

Go by me, go by me.

Well, that's real good,
except then you'll be a real easy target.

Those people are out
looking for blood.

But, hey, take the Zen view.

You can only have
one fatal accident.


No! No!

- Mork. Mork.
- Aah!

Wake up. You're just having
a nightmare, and you're off key.

Oh, Mind, it was a real nightmare.
It was worse than that dream I had

where I was trapped
with the three seminary students

and the animal therapist
who kept saying,

"Let the hamster have his space."

Oh, Mork, just relax.

You're just having a bad dream.
Everybody does.

Just try to shake it off
and think of something pleasant.

Go back to sleep. You wanna be fresh
for your test tomorrow.

Mind, Mind,
I'm not taking that test tomorrow.

No, no, no, this dream was a sign.

It was a warning from beyond, Mind.

I mean, I don't wanna end up
as a subject of some pop-maudlin hit:

[SINGS] We knew him well
But he's windshield dust now

Are you subtly trying to tell me

you're not gonna take
your driving test tomorrow?

I'm just trying to tell you
I'm never gonna get in a car again.

Night, Mind.

You sleep well.



What's this copy of Playgirl
doing under here?

Mork, look, why don't you just

describe your dream to me
and maybe I can help you analyze it,

then you'll see there's nothing
to be worried about.

- Well, all right.
- Okay.

All right, I'll try.

Let me see now.

It'll just take a moment
to get into this.


Okay, I remember now, Mind.

I was on this road
and it's very, very, very thick fog.

I try to run, but I can't.

I try to scream, but I can't.

I try to rumba, I win second prize.

What does this have to do
with driving?

What are you, a dream critic?
Come on, honey.

- And then… Then it happened.
- What?

I felt this icy-cold hand
touch me here,

and it sent a chill down my spine.

I look back.

It was him.


It was Satan.

The devil, Beelzebub.



Oh, Mind, I mean, it had to be him.

I mean, how many men do you know
that have little hooves?

Oh, his eyes, Mind.

I remember his eyes.
They were like a combination

of Ming the Merciless
and Nancy Reagan.

And then he looked at me,

and a long, bony finger pointed
and said, "You're next."


And then the next thing I remember,
there I was, seat-belted into a hearse

and there's no one driving,

and the hearse is going down
a long hill towards a tunnel,

and I'm screaming, going, "No! No!"

And the next thing you know,

I'm in a beauty parlor
having electrolysis.

Oh, Mind, Mind, Mind.

Oh, Mork, calm down.

I mean, I think that,
under the circumstances,

what you're experiencing
is perfectly normal.

You mean everybody
has dreams like that?

Well, no.

Well, yeah, sort of.

But everybody is afraid
of taking their driver's test.

I know I sure was.

I was so scared.

But I took it and I passed
and I was so excited.

As a matter of fact,
I remember the day I passed,

my dad gave me the car.

And I went
and picked up my girlfriends:

Perchy and Mellat and Susie.
And we went to the record store

and bought
the new Herman's Hermits album.

Remember that?

Anyway, so then we went to the A&W
to celebrate, and I had an…

I had a root beer.

No, no. No, Mellat had the root beer,
I had a cherry Coke.

We were trying to impress these guys
in the other car.

I was holding my cherry Coke like this
and I poured it down the front of me.

We tried to get napkins from the guy,
but he didn't have any.

- Mind, Mind.
- Yeah?

I'll make you a deal.

I'll take my driving test
if you don't finish that story.

I can take a hint.

Okay, it's a deal.

Good night.



Are you mad at me?


Well, kind of, Mork.

I mean, you cut me off.

You cut me off like you did
that time we went to the grocery store

and I was trying to make spaghetti,
remember that?

And we were buying all the…

No, no, I was making meat loaf.

Anyway, I was buying
the tomato sauce and the onions and…


Well, other people like my stories.

I did it. I did it.

- I did, did, did it, hey!
- I did, did, did it, hey!

Well, I hate to rain on your parade,
but that was just the eye test.

You mean there's more?

Never fear, TNT is here,

guiding you from gear to gear.

How are you doing, TNT?

- Hey, crazy lady.
- Hi.

Brought you a wedding present.

You did?
Oh, you didn't have to do that.

Try to buy that in a store.

Gee, thanks.

It's returnable.

Have you met our son…?
Uh, son…? Sonny?

- His name's Sonny. Sonny.
- Sonny.

Sorry to hear about you
and Cher. Hoo!

Whoa, I'm hot today.

So you're TNT.

Take these.


Here we go, bye-bye.

[MIMICS expl*si*n]

Oh, TNT, I'm so glad you're here.

Nothing stands between me
and my personalized license plate.

How do you like this one?

R-R-R. Get it?


Mork 12.

Boy, that'd be…

You're next.

- Mind, Mind, it's him.
- Who?


He's no…

Try to avoid those garbage bags.

Bear to the right.

Isn't that bad for the tires?

Only two of them.

Boy, that was great.

- Did you do that on your driver's test?
- No.

Would you try to avoid
those parked cars?

Parked cars? Aah!

There were no parked cars
in my dream.





I'm gonna get out of here.

Stop. I'm too virile to die.

Please, Lord, get me out of this

and I'll donate all my chains
to Parents Without Partners.

Another right turn, please.


Watch out! Get down!

Get funky.

I'm satisfied with your work
on the test course.

I think it's time for the highway
section of the test. Ha-ha-ha!

It's him! It's him! Mindy, anybody.

Mayday. Mayday.

Now I know how Ed Sullivan felt.

Kiss me good night, Daddy.

Listen, Daddy, I was just thinking,
maybe I could fix you

a nice, big, hot cup of cocoa
with a marshmallow in it

and maybe a goldfish sandwich.

- Mearth.
- I know, no mustard.

Oh, isn't that sweet of him, Mind?

Unlike you who tried to send me
to my doom.

He's turning on us.

Mearth, why don't you
go up to your room

so Dad and I can have a talk?

Okay, okay. I tell you what,

I think you should maybe rub him
on the tummy like this.

That's what I always do with Teddy.

Only with Teddy,
when I rub him and keep rubbing,

he never closes his eyes.

Oh, come on, Mork,
don't be so depressed.

So you'll take the test another time.

Yeah, well, if I don't take it again,
Mearth will think I'm a quitter.

Yeah, he might.

- He'll think I'm a coward.
- Maybe.

- He'll lose all respect for me.
- Possibly.

I can live with that.

Mork, so you failed your driving test.

It's not the end of the world.

Oh, easy for you to say, Mind.

I mean, I've never failed before.

I mean,
now I'm an inferior superior being.

Oh, Mind, Mind. I mean, even Richard
Dawson wouldn't kiss me now.

Sit down.

Oh, Mork.


I might not have been able
to help you learn to drive,

but there is one thing I do know about,
and that's failure.

- See, there was this time…
- Mind.

Are you gonna tell
that spelling bee story again?

Well, I was.

All right, the simple truth is, Mork,
I mean, everybody fails sometimes.

Even Buddy Ebsen?

Yeah, sure, probably.

I mean, nobody's perfect.

I mean, sometimes you succeed
and sometimes you don't.

- That's what makes you human.
- Well, I'm not a human, Mind.

All right, all right.

What I'm trying to say is,

just because you failed
doesn't make you a failure.

Yeah, but it still hurts.

I know it does, sweetheart.

And the only way to prevent that hurt
is to go back in there and try again.

Now, put everything behind you
and think positive.

I know you can pass that test,
so go in there and try it.

You can do it. I know you can.


Yeah, I can.

And you know what? I think I can.

No, I really can. Yeah, I can.

I'm gonna do it. I really am.

But just in case, I'm gonna dress up as
an old lady so they'll give me a break.

That's the Mork I know.

Oh, Mind. Do me a favor.

If we go someplace formal tonight,
will you paint a tie on here?