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06x18 - The Other Shoe

Posted: 04/22/22 08:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bull...

Ms. Rentzel?

You recently met a young woman

by the name of Zola Macer.

A hacker, goes by Tidal?

You should be more careful
who you associate with.

CHUNK: A new A.U.S.A.
has been assigned to Bull's case.

Dr. Bull! [CHUCKLES]

Come on, Finchy-doodle.

- Parker Reilly.
- BULL: Well,

if I'm gonna be wrongly
imprisoned for ten years,

- at least it's by the best.
- The max is years,

and that's only a sentencing guideline.

I'd argue for more.

You want to win this case,

or do you want to help

get to the truth?




Looks like Babiack's
new supplier's a no-show.

[OVER RADIO]: Okay, if there's
no deal, let's call it.

- Try again tomorrow.
- [OVER RADIO]: Copy that.

Before you go, can you grab me a coffee?

Cream and...


Scott, stay in place. You copy?

Copy. Where am I looking?

Front door.

Danilo Kovalev.

The agency's been trying
to bust Kovalev for decades.

SCOTT: He's on the move.

I'm gonna keep eyes on him.

This could be our only chance.

COOKE: Wait for backup.

You copy? Scott.


OLEK: You went behind

Mr. Kovalev's back.

BABIACK: I didn't do it.

I wouldn't.

Who were you meeting?

BABIACK: No one. I swear.


Nothing here.

Lose it.


- Hey!
- So sorry.

Watch it.


NIKO: Mr. Kovalev.

On the house.


You are very generous.

SCOTT: Enjoy the pastry.

[g*n CLICKS]

I heard prison food sucks.

Danilo Kovalev.

You're under arrest.

COOKE: You have
the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be...


Oh, we bagged Kovalev.
Put that on my tombstone.

For once, I'm actually looking
forward to the paperwork.

Oh, I'll handle it.

You got stuck logging
the evidence last time.

I did, didn't I?

Have at it. Hey, drinks tonight?

Drinks tonight.


BULL: Where are you?

Well, you were supposed
to be here minutes ago.

And I'm not exaggerating when
I say a man's life is at stake,

so... No, no, no, don't put me on hold.


Oh, hi, there.

- Are you in legal trouble?
- PARKER: Finch!

Finchy! Ah. Sit.

Stay. Finchy.

Get her. Yeah.

No, I'm not at the state... Okay.

No, I said federal courthouse,
not the state courthouse.

No, not all courthouses look the same.

Give me a sec.
I'm a man in need of pepperoni.

I know you can get the job done.

Thank you.

Hi, Reilly.

You waiting for a pizza?

I am waiting for pizzas, actually.

What do you want with pizzas?
A coronary?

[CHUCKLES] Well, I have hungry jurors
about to deliberate.

So I'm gonna place those pizzas

right outside the jury room door.

Not inside,

- 'cause that would be bribery.
- Oh...

And I am going to, uh,
let the aroma waft into the room

and they will come
to their decision more quickly.

And the quicker the decision,

the more likely they are to acquit.


That doesn't break any technical rules,

but it is certainly unorthodox.

Most good ideas are.

Listen, I called TAC,
they told me I'd find you here.

What crime am I being
falsely accused of now?

No crime. At least that I know of.

- Hmm.
- I need your help.

My help?


I'm prosecuting Danilo Kovalev
on a RICO m*rder charge.

Yeah, I heard about that.

Didn't a DEA agent see him
pull the trigger?

- Sounds like a slam dunk.
- Yeah, not anymore.

Tomorrow the DOJ's going public

with the fact that
the DEA agent, Darren Scott,

was caught stealing cash from evidence.

Now, he's refusing
to testify against Kovalev

unless he gets immunity.

Give him immunity,
if that's what it takes

to lock up a drug lord.

Scott stole from
the Kovalev arrest, too.

Ah, and Kovalev's attorney
will use that to discredit him.


Well, it might hurt a bit,
but I still say

the move here
is to put Scott on the stand.

If I let Scott off the
hook, it sends the message

that it's okay for agents to be dirty,

and dirty agents
compromise investigations.

Which compromises prosecution.

It's a domino effect.

The entire justice system suffers.

So this slam dunk
is really more of a Hail Mary?


Without Scott,
I only have circumstantial evidence.

It'll be like prosecuting
with one arm behind my back.

- Yeah.
- That's why...

I want to hire you.

- No, you don't.
- I do.

Really, you don't.

Is this about our history?

No, I have only the fondest memory

of you trying to put me in prison.

I know you were just doing your job

and I get that, but...

All right, so what is it?


I don't think you'd like my process.

You think outside the box.

There's nothing wrong with that.

How should I put this?

I'm pepperoni pizza,
and you're steamed broccoli.

So what?

Combined just right,

those two can taste
awfully good together.

Can they?

Look, Kovalev's on trial
for murdering one man.

We suspect that that he is
responsible for a dozen others.

None of those victims'
families got justice.

This is the DOJ's one chance
to put Kovalev away for good.

I need the best,
and-and-and you are the best.

You should have led with that.

- You'll do it?
- Well...

I mean...

What the hell?

But when you find yourself hating me

and every move I make,
remember that I warned you.

Noted. Thank you.

Ooh. My acquittal is here.

- You want a slice?
- Mm, mm-mm.

[LAUGHS]: Okay.

Hey, guys. Thanks for coming.

You finally made it.
We're going into the courthouse.

Outside the jury deliberation
room, not inside.

Come on. Double-time.

I'll do this one.


So, we're teaming up with the man

- who tried to put Bull in prison?
- Awkward.

If Bull can get past that, so can we.

He did have his back in the end.

Okay, United States v. Danilo Kovalev.

Surprisingly, the first time
his name's been on the docket.


Guy's notorious.

Notoriously hard to prosecute.

I heard you guys aren't using
Agent Scott's testimony.

- What about the partner?
- BULL: Agent Cooke

was in the van, so she was
not a witness to the sh**ting.

REILLY: And she didn't see Kovalev

enter or exit the basement
where the m*rder took place.

MARISSA: Surely someone
from the coffee shop

could place Kovalev in the basement.

Probably, but Kovalev's reputation

as a dangerous crime boss
is keeping people quiet.

All except one.

Francesca Gant.

A customer. We're prepping her today.

CHUNK: Yeah, I'm sorry,

but one witness placing Kovalev
near but not at the crime scene?

If I'm defense counsel,

I'm ripping that apart.

Admittedly, the evidence is thin,
but Kovalev

had someone with him
that day, an associate.

We find him and we flip him.

Uh, we only have a first name. Olek.

But the, uh,

DEA suspects he fled to Warsaw.

We have agents on the ground there now.

BULL: Taylor,

you are gonna coordinate
with the DEA search.

- On it.
- REILLY: Actually, you're off it.

Excuse me?

Ms. Rentzel didn't pass DOJ clearance.

BULL: What are you talking about?

She's one of the most skilled analysts

- in her field.
- I understand that,

but her association

with a hacker named Tidal

earlier this year
caused some internal concerns.

BULL: What are you talking about?

She was cleared of any wrongdoing.

It doesn't matter. Even the
suggestion of Ms. Rentzel's

criminal association could
taint the investigation.

So not only are our hands
tied behind our back,

but you're cutting our head off, too?

I'm not cutting off anything.

We have a very capable DEA team

- already searching.
- It's not my team.

TAYLOR: It's okay, Bull.

I'm sure the DEA can handle this.

No, this is ridiculous.

TAYLOR: Really. I'm good.

Just drop it, please?

BULL: Okay.

Danny, you will be the liaison

with the DEA search,

and that is nonnegotiable.

Not a problem.

You see? We found a compromise.

Broccoli and pizza.


FRANCESCA: I was at the back
of the coffee shop

near the staircase when this guy

came out of nowhere and bumped into me.

And this was the defendant,

- Danilo Kovalev?
- Yes.

I remember because
when he bumped into me,

my coffee went everywhere.

Okay, hold on, let's pause for a second.

You said he "bumped" into you,

but maybe it was more of a push?

I wouldn't really describe it as a push.

Ah, how would you describe it?

As a bump.

Mm. Bump.

Just looking for another word.

Maybe "shove"?

Sorry, it was just a bump.

Okay, just...

work with me here,
help me find a synonym.

Maybe he collided with you?


Can I speak with you?


Don't put words into my witness's mouth.

Oh, I thought she was our witness.

A pizza gag is one thing,

but lying is a boundary
I will not cross.

Okay, I don't want her to lie,

but right now, her testimony,
it's limited.

Look, she didn't see
Kovalev pull the trigger.

She didn't even see a g*n.

I need to tell a story.

Yeah, but you're trying
to change her story

- before she's finished telling it.
- No.

"Bumped" is a friendly word.

We need to paint Kovalev
as a stone-cold k*ller.

K*llers don't bump. She needs oomph.

- I want facts, not oomph.
- Okay.

So you want to put Kovalev in prison,

you've hired me to help you do that,

and I'm telling you
that this word "bump"

is not gonna convince jurors

to put someone away
for the rest of their life.

I mean, if you want
to give it a try, go for it.


Uh, let's, uh, try this again.

This time with

a little more... oomph.

So, I checked in with the DEA
team that's hunting Olek.

They've been searching
the same Warsaw spots for weeks

and coming up empty.

It's like a depressing game
of Where's Waldo?

We need you.

Love to be able to
help, but I'm benched.

You're just gonna accept that?

I don't want to taint the investigation.

[SIGHS] Come on,
you're not gonna taint anything.

I put a lot in jeopardy
when I worked with Tidal.

I don't want
to jeopardize this case, too.

Did you know this Olek guy

is suspected of k*lling multiple people?

- I thought Kovalev was the sh**t.
- This time.

But rumor is, Olek's got
a pretty big body count himself.

He needs to be taken off the streets.

So now you're guilt-tripping me.

- Yes.
- The answer's still no.


Can you just reach out
to your contacts at Homeland?

See if they can point the DEA

in the right direction overseas?

I'm sure the DEA's
checked in with Homeland.

Government agencies rarely know
what the other hand is doing.

They're too proud and territorial.


Look, I'll keep your involvement
off the books.

Just a call to Homeland.

- That's all I'm asking.

Furthermore, the evidence
will show that Danilo Kovalev

was in the coffee shop's
basement that morning.

My question to you, the jury,
is simple: why else

was Kovalev in that basement,

other than to m*rder Konstantin Ba...


NOLAN: Whosever phone that is,
turn it off,

before I have court security
confiscate it.

Your Honor, excuse me.

It is my mother's medication reminder.

May I quickly help her?

Very well, but please hurry.



It's okay. I got it.

Forget "not guilty,"
this guy wants an Oscar.

I don't know what Kovalev's doing,

but I just lost two jurors.

I apologize for the interruption.

Mr. Reilly, please continue.

I was essentially done, Your Honor.

Since Ms. Lamont's
reserving her opening,

are you ready to proceed
with your first witness?

Yes, the government would like to...

One moment, Your Honor.

- What is it?
- [WHISPERS]: Ask for a recess.

No, we need to keep
momentum with the jury.

Ask for a recess
or I will throw this pencil

at the judge and we will
get one the hard way.

Very funny.

The government requests a brief recess.

Kovalev put on quite a show in there.

I know. The good son act.
Hey, don't worry.

I'm sure the jury saw through it.

I don't think so.

You were busy watching Kovalev,
I was watching the jury.

They wanted to hug that cuddly bastard.

Oh, come on.

Kovalev is obviously a sociopath.

You can't get more dead
behind the eyes than that man.

You see him that way because
you know about his crimes.

You are primed to see a sociopath.

The jury comes in a blank slate.

And now?

And now, that slate reads "angelic son."

We need to convince them

that he is a dangerous criminal, Reilly.

I just told them that
in my opening statement.

We need to show them, not tell them.

If Kovalev is playing theater...

...I think it's time we went full opera.

LAMONT: Objection.

These theatrics are
outrageously prejudicial.

Your Honor, the safety of our
witness is of paramount...

All parties to the bench, now.

This bodyguard stunt is clearly intended

to make my client look dangerous

- in front of the jury.
- He is dangerous.

Dr. Bull, please.

Using these marshals

to paint the defendant as violent

is not only prejudicial,
it's disappointing.

I expect better from the government.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

Marshals, you may be excused.

Your presence here is unnecessary.

Now, let's get

to the witness, and no more antics.

- Got it?
- Of course, Your Honor.

I feel icky. That was a cheap stunt.

It was worth it. They're
scared of him now.

REILLY: Ms. Gant,

where were you around, uh, : a.m.

on Wednesday, February ?

I was at the Romanian Garden
coffee shop near Ocean Parkway.

I like to study there sometimes.

And did anything unusual
happen that morning

of February ?

Not that I recall.

You don't recall anything
out of the ordinary?


Do you remember spilling your coffee?


Excellent. And do you recall
who spilled your coffee?



MARISSA: Did someone catch
a case of witness amnesia?

- [SIGHS] Looks like it.
- REILLY: You don't remember

who collided with you

and spilled coffee all over your shirt?


[SIGHS] Your Honor,

I'd like permission to treat
Ms. Gant as a hostile witness.

NOLAN: Granted.
You may proceed with leading questions.

Gant, isn't it true that the person

who spilled your coffee
was the defendant,

Danilo Kovalev?

- I can't recall.
- And isn't it true

that at the time Kovalev
spilled your coffee,

he was coming from the staircase
that leads to the basement?

- I can't recall.
- Ms. Gant,

may I remind you
that the penalties of perjury

include serious prison time?

Now, I'll ask you once more,

didn't you see the defendant
come from the basement?

The same basement

where Konstantin Babiack
was found m*rder*d?

- Objection.
- I'm allowed to ask leading questions.

But you're not allowed
to testify for her.

- I'm doing no such thing.
- Your Honor.

NOLAN: Overruled.

Ms. Gant, please answer the question.

Did you see the defendant

come up from the basement?

It doesn't matter
how many times you ask me,

I can't remember.

Kovalev got to Francesca.

We've lost our witness.

No, we've lost our case.


All right.

There's only one way to win now.
You know what we need to do.

Yeah, I'll go back to the
witnesses from the coffee shop.

See if I can get someone to
change their mind about testifying.

So Kovalev can scare them
the way he scared Francesca?

Fine, I'll put Agent Cooke on the stand.

She wasn't inside. Won't work.

I'll call an expert witness.
Someone from the task force

investigating the Kovalev operation.

Won't work.

I know you don't like this,

but there's only one witness
who can put Kovalev in prison.

In exchange for your testimony,

the government is willing to
reduce your current sentence

from ten years to four.

I thought you guys came to play.

It's a decent deal.

I want better than decent,
or you can find another witness.

Fine. One year.

That is as low as I'll go.

No. I want out today.

BULL: A year is nothing.

It'll pass in the blink of an eye.

I am not gonna make it a year.

They're gonna k*ll me in here.

You should have thought of
that before you broke the law.

I kept the streets safe for kids.

I put criminals away.

I put my life on the line every day

and barely made more than minimum wage.

I just took what I deserved.

You deserve prison time.

Look, my dad has advanced Alzheimer's.

I couldn't take care
of him on my salary.

The federal government doesn't
need that money. My dad did.

What does it matter?

It matters because you took
an oath. The same one I did.

And if it's meaningless to one,
it's meaningless to all.


You're lucky there's someone
out there he wants to put away

more than you.

You owe me. Big-time.


My call to my Homeland contact
turned into a two-hour lunch.

He kept on trying to sit
on my side of the booth

for "security reasons."

Wasn't fun.

Did you at least get anything out of it?

Yeah. He ran the Olek photo
through facial recognition.

He hasn't boarded any flights
since the m*rder.

He's not in Warsaw.

Well, the DEA's looking in the
wrong direction. I got to text them.

MARISSA: I just got word from Bull.
Agent Scott is cooperating.

Bull and Reilly
are prepping him tonight.

We don't need Olek for trial?

Oh, no. If we can find Olek,
we want him.

Scott's an eyewitness,

- but he's also corrupt.

The jury might not think
his word is enough to convict.

Damn it.

Well, the DEA's not gonna be
much use finding him.

Why not?

Taylor got a tip from Homeland

that Olek hasn't left the country.

I passed the intel on to my DEA guy

and all he said is, "I'll look into it."

You know what that means.

"Don't call us, we'll call you."

Yep, the bureaucratic kiss-off.

They're never gonna find Olek if
they keep dicking around Warsaw.

Hold up.

You've been helping

with the search for Olek?

All I did was make a phone call.

And eat too much green curry

with an annoying ex-colleague.

But I'm back on the bench,

- where I'm supposed to be.
- No, no, no.

I don't want you on the bench.

- You heard Danny.
- The DEA

is not gonna find Olek on their own.

Well, you heard Reilly. If I'm involved

in the investigation,
it could get tainted.

Maybe, maybe not. Reilly
is not right about everything.

He thought Bull was a criminal.

You said you were past that.

I lied. We need to find Olek, Taylor.

Oh, who am I kidding?
I hate being on the bench.

I'm in.

He's not at any of his known locations,

and his cell and credit cards
have gone dark.

Someone connected to Kovalev
must know where Olek is.

Sure. Let's just stroll

on into Kovalev territory and say,

"Hey, has anybody seen Olek?"

Actually, that's exactly what we'll do.


DANNY: Hello.

I'm a private investigator.

I'm looking for a man named Olek.


I'm looking for Olek.

He's a friend of Kovalev's.

No English.

Well, if you see him, let him know

Alexis Woods is looking for him.

I knew it was Kovalev right away.

How's that?

His picture's been hanging up
in the DEA's office

as long as I can remember.

Besides, you don't
forget a face like his.

What do you mean?

SCOTT: He just looks like a criminal,
you know?

And you have particular experience

knowing what a criminal looks like?


I've busted dozens of crooks.
They're all the same.

[EXHALES] Must be hard,
working around scum like that.


I do what I can for
the good of the country.

That's what really inspired me
to put my life on the line

- every day, you know?
- That's what inspired you?

- Not the cash?
- Okay.

- Excuse me?
- Stealing cash from the scenes.

Isn't that what really
inspired you every day?

BULL: Hey. Agent Scott.

Give us a minute.

In fact, we're gonna take five.

You do realize Scott's
testifying for us?

I know. I won't ask those questions

in front of the jury, obviously.

Obviously, because the jury
is gonna sense your contempt.

You need to find a way to hide it.

I just can't stomach
that Captain America schtick.

The hypocrisy of it all.

Reilly, the world is not a binary place.

It as a gray and messy place.

A place where Scott, yes, is a criminal,

but he's also a man
who's done some good.

In theory, I get that,
but when I see his smug face

going on about his love

of his country, I want to punch him.

Well, if Scott's face is the problem,

then replace it with another.

What do you mean?

Try this visualization technique.

When you're facing Scott,

picture someone you trust implicitly.

You think that'll work?

It better.

REILLY: Why did you become

a DEA Agent, Mr. Scott?

I got into this line of work
because of men like Kovalev.

Because you wanted to clean the streets?

- Yes.
- And protect Americans?


In doing so,

did you ever place
your own life in harm's way?

Every day.

Weren't you, in fact,
injured in the line of duty?

I was shot right here, in the shoulder.

REILLY: Despite this harm and the risk

of being shot, you proudly
went to work every day?

- I did.
- Why is that?

Because I took an oath
to protect this country.

No further questions.

Well, look at you. Turned
a corrupt cop into a Boy Scout.

We're done here. You can take him.


It's a bust.

- No one's taking the bait.
- It'll work.

Once Olek learns someone's
asking about him,

he'll check the fake website.

It's classic curiosity k*lled the cat.

My cat's too smart to let
her curiosity k*ll her.


Well, someone's not that smart.

- DANNY: Someone's accessing the site?
- As we speak.

And that means my malware is
being dumped onto their system.

Okay, what does the malware do?

It gives me access to the computer

of whoever's visiting the
site, including their webcam.

It's the guy I gave my card to.

Between you and me,

I should have given him a breath mint.

MAN: Olek?


Any chance he told Olek
to check out our site?

No idea. But I don't need him to.

I can mine this guy's computer
and hack his recent call log.

And that'll get you Olek's number?

He drew us a map straight to Olek.

That was an impressive turnaround.

So tell me,

whose face did you picture
instead of Scott?

The only face that's never
let me down. Finch.


Ah. Man's best friend.

In some cases, man's only friend.


I know it's not easy for you.

Having to turn Scott into a hero.

It feels strange to say, but it
wasn't as hard as I expected.

Is that what's bothering you?

When a government official goes corrupt,

it's not usually one big dramatic move.

It's small steps. Each time
there's a justification

for moving the line.

"I need it." "I deserve it."

Until they can't see who they've become.

People rationalize their behavior

to make it acceptable to themselves.

I thought I'd never have to worry about

that kind of slippery slope,

if I never got out onto the
slope in the first place.

And tonight, you stepped
out onto the slope.

I did, and I was fine.

The world didn't crumble.

That kind of terrifies me.

What step will I take next?


We found Olek.

- What?
- Without the DEA's help.

Well, where is he?

I tracked his burner phone
to this neighborhood.

Ms. Rentzel, I made it crystal clear

that you were to stay away
from the investigation.

There's no warrant in place.

Whatever you've captured
is completely inadmissible.

- I can't...
- He's on Scott's street.

He's gonna try to take Scott out.

Call the marshal.




What happened?

Scott went into the backyard
to have a cigarette.

We heard a shot, ran out,
found Scott on the ground.

He's still breathing, but... looks bad.

Olek got to him.

- What's Scott's status?

He's alive, but in a coma.

- Will he recover?

It's too early to tell.

As of now, doctors are giving him

a five percent chance to wake up.

[SIGHS] Do we know where Olek is now?

I lost his signal not long
after Scott was shot.

DANNY: Olek's been hiding for a
while. Wouldn't surprise me

if he routinely changes burner phones.

What about the g*n found at the scene?

Any connection to Olek?

REILLY: Ghost g*n. Untraceable.

CHUNK: If we can't find Olek,

and Agent Scott's out of commission,

this prosecution's over.

Kovalev's team will easily
have this case dismissed.

REILLY: And he'll have
added another body

to his tally... This time, on my watch.

DANNY: He had security.

This isn't on you.

I hate that Kovalev's gonna
get away with this.

He won't get away with it
if we have Scott testify.


We recorded his prep.

Of course. We can use that.

Isn't that hearsay?

Technically, yeah.

But there's an exception
called forfeiture by wrongdoing

that allows you to enter
hearsay into evidence

if it's the other side's fault

that our witness isn't available.

I'd say a coma qualifies as unavailable.

What happened to Agent
Scott is a tragedy.

But Mr. Kovalev had
nothing to do with it.

You can't be serious.

The night before Scott is set to testify

against your client, he's shot?

Who do you think did it?
The Tooth Fairy?

Dr. Bull.

LAMONT: Need I remind the court,
and Dr. Bull

that Agent Scott routinely
put notorious criminals away.

Yes, like your client.

And Agent Scott is an admitted thief.

This is a man who has many enemies.

REILLY: Judge, with all due respect,

the timing of Scott's sh**ting
can't be a coincidence.

Obviously Kovalev ordered
the hit, and therefore,

under the forfeiture by wrongdoing rule,

we should be allowed to use
the recorded testimony

of Agent Scott.

Do you have any evidence
of Kovalev's involvement?

Not directly,
but we have reason to believe

that Kovalev's associate Olek
acted under his orders.

I don't know any Olek.

Do you have any evidence to support

your theory that this Olek shot Scott?

Nothing admissible right now,
but we're working on it.

NOLAN: I agree the timing is curious.

But it doesn't matter what you
or even I might suspect.

Without something to hang my hat on,

I can't find that Kovalev's responsible

for making Agent Scott unavailable.

LAMONT: Judge Nolan, we'd like to move

for a directed verdict

in favor of the defendant.

BULL: Now wait a minute.

If Your Honor won't let the video
of Agent Scott in,

we would like to bring
Scott himself in to testify.

There's a chance Agent Scott
might be well enough to testify?

BULL: Yes, but he needs rest

rest at the moment. Give us two weeks.

NOLAN: Mr. Reilly,
two weeks sound right to you?

Yes. Yes, it does.

We just lied to a judge.
A federal judge, at that.

- Okay...
- I could be censured.

We didn't lie. We left things
open to interpretation.

Come on.

Look, Judge Nolan asked
if there was a chance

Scott would be able to testify,

and I answered truthfully.

Yes, there's a chance.

A five percent chance.

He didn't ask if it was a good chance.

I guess you weren't technically lying

to the judge when you
said Scott needed rest.

- No, I wasn't.
- Okay.

We bought time. For what?


Well, we need to find evidence

that Kovalev ordered a hit on Scott.

What about that burner phone
that Taylor captured?

Maybe we can use that to get
Olek to flip on Kovalev?

The burner evidence is inadmissible.

Olek won't know that.

And once he flips, it won't matter.

He becomes our evidence.


How do we flip Olek
if we can't find him?

Well, I know someone
who happens to be very good

at finding an Olek in a haystack.

But you might have to do
a little bit of groveling first.


Ms. Rentzel?

I owe you an apology.

I should've included you in the
investigation from the outset.

It's fine. I get it.

You were just doing what you
thought was best for the case.

Any new leads on
Olek's current location?

Not yet. But I recorded
this man's call to Olek.

It's how I found his burner phone.

MARISSA: I just finished running
their conversation

through a translator.

He asks Olek

if he is still in "the bowels
of the greedy tiger."

The bowels of the greedy tiger?

It might be a Polish expression

for "jeopardy."

Maybe it's not a metaphor.
There is a convenience store

in Kovalev's neighborhood
called The Greedy Tiger.

I wonder if bowels means
he's staying in the basement?

I'll send a team there right away.

DANNY: Judge Nolan's chambers called.

There's a problem.

NOLAN: An affidavit from
Agent Scott's doctor.

Courtesy of Ms. Lamont.

Don't bother, Mr. Reilly.
It's very easy to sum up.

Agent Scott won't be able to testify

in two weeks because he's in a coma

with very little chance of recovery.

So little, in fact, his family

is pulling the plug this afternoon.

Hmm. Well, then, Agent Scott's death

will be on your client's hands.

Where is the evidence?
The only evidence I see

is that you and Mr. Reilly
falsely claimed

Scott would be able to testify.

I never said that. I did not lie.

Enough. Mr. Reilly?

Judge, I'm-I'm sorry
if I misled the court,

but I have an update that
makes this whole issue moot.

We've located Olek, the man we believe

Kovalev ordered to sh**t Agent Scott.

Well, where is this mystery man?

We only need a few hours
to arrest him and meet with him.

You snowed me for time
once before, Mr. Reilly.

Why should I believe you now?

This man we're arresting, Olek,

he can testify as to both Scott's

and Babiack's murders.

But as you stand here now, you
haven't yet arrested this Olek.

So you have no evidence

that Kovalev had anything to do
with Agent Scott's death.

Without Scott, you have no evidence

that Kovalev m*rder*d Babiack.

I have no choice

but to grant Ms. Lamont's motion
and dismiss this case.

Let's go to court,
and put it on the record.


You can't let Kovalev
get away with this.

I'm sorry, Mr. Reilly.
You've left me no other option.

Don't do this.

Mr. Reilly, please move.

Come on. Let's get this wrapped up.

What the hell?

[GRUNTS] Son of a bitch.

That's one way to object.

BULL: Your Honor, let's take a breath.

Let's take a breath?
I just got sucker punched

in my own chambers.

You can forget about going to court.

I'm gonna sign an order of
dismissal right here, right now.

Clearly, A.U.S.A. Reilly is having

some sort of mental breakdown.

But please don't dismiss this case.

Not, at least, until you've heard

the argument as to why you shouldn't.

Argument from what attorney?

I'm not letting this maniac

back into my courtroom.

I can have an attorney here
by the end of the day.

- Chester Palmer.
- Okay, clearly,

this is just another stall tactic.

If you dismiss this case now,
Kovalev walks.

Until he is inevitably
brought to trial again.

He just k*lled a witness.

Who's next? A juror? A judge?

Have Mr. Palmer here
by the end of the day.

As for you, Mr. Reilly,

I never want to see
your face in my chambers

or courtroom again.

- Understood.
- Get him out of here.

He can cool off in a holding cell.

OFFICER: Yes, Your Honor.

You went full opera.

Make it worth it. Lock Kovalev up.


Hey, Olek.

Get on the ground.

Hands behind your back.


You have the right to remain silent.

We can place you
near Agent Scott's street

minutes before he was shot.

Okay. [LAUGHS]

Look, you're not the one we want, Olek.

I've been deputized by the DOJ
to offer you a one-time deal:

admit that Kovalev ordered
the hit on Agent Scott,

admit that it was your g*n at the scene,

and you're a free man.

I have nothing to say.

Scott was a federal agent.

That's a capital offense.

That's the death penalty.

Use your head, Olek.

Give Kovalev up.

Are you afraid he's gonna
have you k*lled, too?

Because we can offer you protection.

Kovalev would not k*ll me.

He knows you can bring him down.

Kovalev is not a bad man.

People fear him.

I do not know why, but they do.

Maybe your friend,

this, um, Agent Scott,

maybe he feared testifying
against Kovalev.

Maybe he feared so much,
he take his own life.

I don't know.
Maybe it was his g*n you found.

Maybe he pull trigger.

Okay. I don't have time
for this garbage, man.

Shame, really.

Kovalev never would have harmed him.

Kovalev would never harm anyone.

REILLY: Did we get him?

We got Olek,

but he won't flip on Kovalev.

He even had the gall
to say that Agent Scott

was so scared of Kovalev
that he k*lled himself.

That's absurd.


This forfeiture by wrongdoing rule,

does it define wrongdoing?

Not in the rule itself.

It could be harm,
threat of harm, really anything

intended to discourage the
witness from testifying. Why?

Well, maybe Olek has a point.

Maybe Olek does have a point.

What point?

Your Honor, we have uncovered
some last-minute evidence

- that we believe...
- Mr. Palmer,

I'm gonna cut to the chase here,

because I'm a little tired
of the government's games.

Do you have any evidence
of any kind that shows

the defendant tried
to have Scott k*lled?

No, Your Honor.

NOLAN: Then because there is
no wrongdoing by Mr. Kovalev,

Agent Scott's video testimony
can't come in,

and this case is dismissed
for lack of evidence.

CHUNK: If Your Honor will indulge me,

that is not an accurate statement.

We have evidence

that Mr. Kovalev committed
a wrongdoing that made

our witness unavailable.

- What wrongdoing?
- Your Honor,

we have a statement
from Mr. Kovalev's associate

that Agent Scott shot himself
because he feared Mr. Kovalev.

Now, we believe Mr. Kovalev's wrongdoing

in this instance is
creating an atmosphere

of paranoia a-and fear,

with the sole purpose

of wrongfully scaring Agent
Scott into harming himself.

Objection. I-I can't
even state a precise basis

for this objection

because I've never heard
such a wild argument

in open court before.

Your Honor, may we approach?

Oh, why the hell not?

Your Honor, you asked for a showing

of wrongdoing,
something to hang your hat on

in order to enter into
evidence Agent Scott's

truthful and extremely
relevant testimony.

Testimony he would otherwise
have given himself,

if it were not for the defendant.

But here it is.

A wrongdoing.

Hang your hat.

REILLY: And after Babiack and Olek

began to argue, what happened next?

Kovalev pulled this g*n
out of his jacket

and shot Babiack dead.

He didn't hesitate.

He just shot him,
like it was no big deal.

That is the kind of monster
that Kovalev is.

Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

We the jury find the defendant
Danilo Kovalev

guilty on all counts.

You better get me out of this.

You hear me?

Well, look who's a free man.

Well, not free enough to go
into Judge Nolan's courtroom,

but free nonetheless.

Thank you.

For all you and your team
did for this case.

Because of you,

Kovalev is gonna spend the rest
of his life behind bars.

What about you?

I will probably be censured.

Definitely kicked
down the career ladder.

Guessing I'll be on
misdemeanor duty for a while.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Don't be sorry.

I should be disciplined.
I punched a judge.

Being disciplined means

the system is working.


I admire your outlook

in the face of demotion.

How about I buy you lunch?

That's a great idea.

Convictions always make me hungry.

I just have to grab my clock.


Hey, did you know that, uh, casinos

don't have clocks on the floor?

Yes, so the customers

will lose track of time
and keep gambling.

Exactly. And you know,

the longer jurors deliberate,

the greater the chance
they'll choose to convict?

You removed the clock so the jurors

wouldn't realize how long
they've been deliberating

in order to persuade them

- to convict?
- Yes.

Before the jury came in this morning.

That's very unorthodox.

- Most good ideas are.

And so the student became the master.

Learning from the best.