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05x25 - Last Exit to Ohio

Posted: 04/22/22 09:51
by bunniefuu
Hey, thanks for letting me
bunk here for the night.

No problem. Glad to be of help.

So, when did you, um...

Get my "out of jail free" card?

A couple of weeks ago.

Even the Maryland pen

doesn't keep you
locked up forever,

unless you chop
somebody's head off

or something.

You see, son,

all I did was
knock off a liquor store.
I was having trouble
supporting my family,

and got a little desperate.

You can understand, can't you?

Uh, Billy, right?

Yeah, it's Billy.

And sure, yeah,
I can understand.

Anyway, that's all in the past,

so you just out for a visit?

Did you tell Mom you're out?

I bet you can't wait to get
back out on the Chesapeake

and get after them crabs, huh?

Well, to tell you
the truth, girl,

I'd appreciate it
if you kept my release

our secret until I get a chance

to tell your mom myself.

Sure, of course.


it's nice to see you

with such a solid-looking
young man here, Sam.

It kinda reminds me
of when we were a family.

Life was good, wasn't it?

I mean, until things
got all messed up.

Yeah, Dad, life was
real good for a while.

I'm gonna head into bed,

and let you guys catch up.

So, good night.

It was really nice
to meet you, Mr. Reilly.

You've got a wonderful
daughter here.

You can call me Jim, son.

I'm nothing fancy,

just an old waterman.

All right, Jim.

Hey, calm down,
I can make my own bed.

Sit down.

Come on.

I want to tell you
something, girl.

You don't have to worry.

I... I forgive you.

What happened in
the past happened.

And that's our little secret.

Your boyfriend doesn't need
to know anything about it.

I don't know.

It's not anybody
else's business.

It's Reilly business.

Understand me?

Yeah, O.K.

I understand.

I know a secret is hard

for a such a straight
arrow as you,

but we know that honesty isn't
always the best policy.

Don't we?

I won't talk about it,

and I'll just leave it at that.
Good night.

Night, girl.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ You say
all that matters to you ♪

♪ Is this love that we found ♪

♪ I made you happy somehow ♪

♪ And it's funny ♪

♪ I only wanted to be free ♪

♪ But now
I don't want to leave ♪

♪ This place
where we've come to be ♪

♪ So I'm not running ♪

♪ From this life
we've made together ♪

♪ 'Cause I've come to see ♪

♪ As long as you're beside me ♪

♪ This love will guide me ♪

♪ Through any kind of weather ♪

♪ And I'm not letting go ♪

♪ Even when the rain
falls down... ♪

Well, Alison, after we got you
stabilized last night,

we ran some tests
to try to get an idea

of what we're dealing with here.

Just tell me,
is the baby all right?

For now, yes,
but this is complicated.

Your blood pressure
is abnormally high,

and after the work-up, we
pinpointed the cause as toxemia.

What is that, like toxic
shock or something?

Not exactly.

But Alison, your body is
reacting with extreme stress

to this pregnancy.

Now, what we're gonna do
is put you on some medication

that will hopefully
bring the blood pressure down

and keep both you
and the baby out of danger.

What if it doesn't work?

What then?

Let's not deal in
hypotheticals, O.K.?

One step at a time,

and right now
your job is to rest, all right?

I'll see you later today.

Oh, no.

Oh, I did this, didn't I?

By getting up
when they told me not to

and going to work.

Oh God, I am so selfish.

Would you give yourself
a break, please?

The doctor didn't say this had
anything to do with that.

I swear, Jake...

if I did anything
to hurt this baby...

if I lose this baby,
I will never forgive myself.



Why did you leave me?

Why did you leave me, Beth?

Why, Peter Burns,
I didn't go anywhere.

I'm right here by your side

where I've always been.

My God, it's really you.

Of course it is, silly.

Who'd you expect, Princess Di?

You always were
a social climber.

I can't tell you
how much I've missed you.

Then come on, Peter...

ravish me.


Oh, God, Peter!

You scared the life out of me!

You O.K.?

Yeah, yeah. I...

must have been
dreaming or something.

Well, I like fooling
around in the morning

as much as the next girl,

but you could spend a little
more time warming me up.

Yeah... I'll do that.

Next time, I'll do that.


You've been through so much.

Taylor's here.

And from now on,

everything's gonna be perfect.
Don't you worry.

That woman was fine

after her so-called
accident here.

I saw her at the hospital,

which by the way
I didn't have to do

but I did out of the
goodness of my own heart.

She was lying there
basically perfectly fine.

She said to me

that she was A-O.K.,
not to worry,

and that she was sorry, and it
was all her fault anyway.

And now she's suing me?

I don't think so.

I am just gonna
have to show the world

what a skanky lying
thief that old bag is.

Did you get a lawyer yet?

Um... hello, I happen to know

that you have one
that will work for free,

your old boyfriend
that you used on Amanda.

You're gonna get him for me

and he is going to be a
millionaire after I countersue.

Whoa, Syd. He did a
little favor for me,

but he's gonna want a big
retainer for a job like that.

Any lawyer will.

Of course.

You know I don't have
the kind of money

for any kind of big retainer.

You're not gonna help me anyway.


I should have known
you have no loyalty,

no sense of right and wrong.

But fine, I don't care.

I have a hearing in 2 days,

and I'll just defend myself.

You know better than that.

Can't you get
a loan or something?

I'm just gonna have
to prove to the judge

what a fake that woman is.

I think I know
just how to do that.

Daddy! Hi!

Hey there, girl.

I just wanted to see

where you hung your hat
during the day.

Um... Syd,

this is my father, Jim Reilly.

And this is my boss,
Sydney Andrews.

Such a beautiful young
lady to be a boss.

Uh... thanks, I guess...

Um... nice to meet you.
Try not to distract her.

Listen, I didn't mean
to bother you here.

Oh, it's O.K. Don't pay
any attention to Sydney.

No, it's not that,
it's just that, uh...

I was hoping maybe you
could spot me a few bucks.

I need to pick up some things,

you know shaving cream, beer.

I'll get it back to you

because I've got
some money coming in.

Sure, of course,
how much do you need?

$100 oughta do it.

I don't know if I
have that on me.

All I have is $50.

This'll do fine.

You'll have it back
in a couple of days.

Look, I know you're worried,
but she deserved to know.

Kimberly needs all the help
she can get right now.

You don't know
Kimberly's mother.

She lives to hate me.

Speak of the devil.

There must have been
no traffic from the airport.

Where's Kimberly?

Hello, Marion.

Uh... this is Megan, my... wife.

Is she in the bedroom?

Yes, she is.

Mrs. Shaw, I just
wanted to tell you

how much your daughter
means to me.

Young woman,
I don't mean to be rude,

but considering
who your husband is,

I really don't care.

I'm going in to see my daughter.

I'd appreciate it if you two
left as soon as possible.


Oh, Mom, thank God it's you.

Oh, my poor little girl.

You look so frail.

Why didn't you tell me

when you were getting sick?

My God.

I'm sorry, Mom.

It just seems like all I ever do

is cause you pain.

After the last time,
I didn't want you to...

I c...

I couldn't let you...

see me...


Oh, no, no.

That is not going to happen.

I'm not going to let it.

I'm here now, Kimmy,

and I swear to God

I am not going to let
anything or anyone

hurt you ever again.

I swear it.

Hey, partner.

I was just coming to see you.

Something interesting
has just popped up.

I just spent the day
talking business with you.

Can't this wait
till the morning?

This has nothing to do with
advertising... it's fun.

A friend of mine is opening
a club tomorrow night,

and I thought that you
might want to go with me.

Craig, there is no way

anything is gonna
happen between us,

so give it up. O.K.?

This might be
hard for you to believe,

but somebody might just like
your company, Amanda.

I mean, for God's sakes,
would you like lighten up?

I swear, I'm not
looking for anything else.

Come on.

It'll be fun.

All right.

But you know the rules.

Yes, ma'am, I sure do.

But then again,

rules were made to be broken.


Come on, damn it! Not now. Go.

No! No! I can't believe it!

God, no!

It's you!

You're harassing me!

I'm going to call
the cops on you!

It's too late now!

You're a fake, lady.

I've seen it with my own eyes!


You're not getting
away with this!

Somebody... help me!

Help me.

Peter, hey.

What's the big surprise?

Well, um... I called
Samantha yesterday,

and she was kind enough to bring

some special things in

they don't normally carry,

and I thought you might
want to try them on.

Oh, that's so sweet.

But things have been
so tense between us lately.

I'm surprised that you're
extending yourself like this.

You know something, Taylor?

It's like I woke up and
realized what I had.

And maybe it's time
that we, uh...

we both appreciate what's
right in front of us.

Don't you think?

I do.

I really do.

So why don't you go see

what kind of presents
Samantha has there

and maybe try them on?

Everything's right back here.

Back in a flash.


Why, Peter Burns...

I didn't go anywhere.

I'm right here by your side
where I've always been.

I'm not sure, Peter.

It seems awfully
conservative to me.

Oh, but you look great in it.

Very mysterious, you know.

I mean, it looks more like
something Beth would wear.



I don't see that at all.

Samantha, would you wrap up
the rest of those things?

We'll be taking them
home with us.

I'm sure Taylor will
love them all,

won't you, darling?

So... you're gonna
love this club.

It's in old town Pasadena.

It's where a dairy used to
keep its fleet of trucks

so it's huge,

retro design without
being stupid.

And tonight's premiere
is gonna be jammed

with the hippest
people in the basin,

including you.

Well, it sounds fine
as long as it isn't filled

with Young Turks
like you smoking cigars.

There's no one like
me anywhere, Amanda,

and the cigar fad is way over.

Hey, Kyle, what are you up to?

And why aren't you
at the restaurant?

I don't know.

I just took the night off

to sit and watch the pool light

dance across the walls.

Well, instead of
sitting here by yourself,

you oughta come with us.

Craig says we're going to a club

filled with the hippest
people in L.A.

Well, then I would definitely
stick out like a sore thumb.

You know, maybe he's right.

Besides, I mean,

Kyle looks like he needs
to be by himself tonight.

Oh, bull.
Come on, we're all friends.

We've gotta grab life
by the back of the neck

and give it a good shake.

Shake, huh?

You know what? You're right.

I'm in, let's go.

I told them I'd only
bring one guest, so...

Well, I'm sure
you're well-connected enough

to fit in one extra body.

Craig, thanks, you're a pal.

Hey, Billy,
I was just telling Craig

how well the meeting went today.

Oh, don't worry. I'll have that
report on your desk in the morning.

You've sure got that boss
code down pat, don't you?

Hi, uh... do you mind
if I turn this down?

It's your house, isn't it?

What are you doing here, Jim?

I'm making dinner, Billy boy.

Get set for some
serious home cooking.

Yeah, well you see, I'm, uh...

pretty sure I mentioned
I was bringing home

Chinese takeout
for dinner tonight.

Yeah, well, that Chinese stuff,

that gives me gas
like a bastard.

Why don't you just
put it in the fridge

and have it for
breakfast tomorrow?

Tonight, we're having
chipped beef and biscuits,

American food.

Where's Sam?

She's in the back
clearing out some stuff.

Why don't I take that for you?


I thought this was gonna
be your new studio.

Look, just till
Dad gets on his feet, O.K.?

He's gonna try to make
a go of it in L.A.,

and I thought it would
be better for everyone

if he had his own
proper bedroom.

Wait a minute. He's moving in?

Just temporarily.

I thought there weren't
gonna be any more secrets.

It just came up today.

Come on, just till
he gets a place of his own.

He's really grateful.
He's making us dinner.

Yeah, he sure is,

and it looks plenty scary.

Come on, there's nothing
wrong with chipped beef.

That and blue crabs
is what I grew up on.

Now lighten up, O.K.? For me.


O.K., kids, dinner's served.

Here we go.

No, I got this round

considering the fact
that I'm a third wheel and all.

Oh, don't be silly.
No one's dating here.

We're just hanging out together.
You know, pals?

I'm not sure Craig sees it that way.
Do you, Craig?

Keep the change. Thanks.

That was like a 100% tip.

You trying to impress someone?

No. I've just spent
too much of my life

in the restaurant biz.

You know, I always thought

that it would be a
frustrating business.

You know, having to
cook people's food,

wait on them.

You know, running
around with an apron.

It's kinda like being a, uh...

a servant or something.

Well, you get used to it.

Of course, it's not as demanding

as say, inheriting
daddy's company.

Hey, if you guys can't get
along, I'm gonna leave.

I'm sorry, I'm just a little
sour these days.

You know what would
make me happy?

Can't imagine.

Watching the two of you dance.

That's very kinky.
I don't need your help.

Good. I'll dance with her.

Oh! I don't think so.

Look, you're fighting over me.

Not me. I gave that up.

I still think
we should order pizza

and get the little cheese steaks
that come with it.

We are getting groceries from
a store and making dinner.

O.K., frozen pot pies,
um, ice cream,

and the little turnovers
that come in a cylinder

and you just bake 'em...
and soda.

No, fresh vegetables,

a roasting chicken,
mineral water,

juice, and maybe some ice cream.

You know,
for a persecuted minority,

you're really quite square,
Uncle Matt.

At least you have
good taste in music.

Yeah, well...

You'll have to eat your peas,

but you won't have to
listen to the Beach Boys.

Go get your jacket. We're going.


Well, if we're gonna
be eating healthy

and studying all the time,

then at least we could
get some decent coffee.


Matt Fielding's
very square residence.

Yeah, hi.



O.K., I guess. I mean...

Yeah, I guess that's O.K.



Chelsea, what's wrong?
Who was it?

It was my mother...

calling from Paris.

She's on her way
back to the States.

She's coming to
take me back with her.

It's so nice for us all
to be together for once.

My mother and I
have been talking,

and we've come to the decision

that I should move
back to Cleveland with her.

There are some
specialists there, and...

Who knows? I might even get
better without surgery.

Well, Kimberly, um...

I'm gonna miss you,
but I'm happy for you.

Wait a minute...
Kimberly can't fly.

In her condition,
it's way too dangerous.

That's why we're
taking the train.

W-whatever. She can't
travel, or excitement.

Anything can cause
a seizure, or worse.

Oh, Michael, come on... you know
you don't want me here.

I'm just causing you trouble.

Michael, it's her decision.
If it gives her hope...

False hope. Kimberly, you're a doctor.
You know the facts.

The fact is, your mother's
solution to everything

is to drag you back
to the Midwest,

even if it risks your life,
because she hates me!

Michael, that's not so.

You're right, Michael.

I would do anything

to get her away from you.

She was a doctor
with a bright future

until you nearly k*lled her,

and then you infected her
with your cruelty and deceit.

You made her sick.
I'm gonna make her well.

Right, and I gave her
cancer, right?

You'd blame me for global warming
if you could make it fly.

Stop it! Stop it!
Just stop it, please!

I just want some peace. Can't
you at least give me that?

Your mother is the one
stirring the drink here.

Look, enough, Michael!
I'm sorry, Kimberly.

It's all right.

I guess we should go.

That would be a good idea.

And Megan,

be careful of this young man.

He'll destroy you, too.

There is something
very dark in him.

You are a twisted, bitter old crone.
You know that?

I didn't even get to say
goodbye with all the fighting.

He's my husband,
and I love him, Mom.

And she was my friend.

You can write them
when you get home.

Kim, our train leaves
in just a couple of days,

and we have so much
to do before then.

Believe me, this time
Mommy knows best.

Mommy knows best.

It's too dark to read.

They won't even
let me veg with the TV.

Well, they're trying
to keep your stimulus down.

The doctor said
that with the way things are,

it's important
to keep you stabilized.

If I have to live like
this for 7 months,

I won't be relaxed. I'll
be a raving lunatic.

Come on, talk to me. Tell me
something even slightly interesting.

Uh... I got a couple
of new CDs for the jukebox.

Oh, that's fascinating.

Thank you.

I'm sorry. I live a simple life.


Sam's dad showed up.

Billy seems kinda weird
about that.

And... oh! Sydney.

Now you're talkin'.

Sydney is being sued by a woman

who was injured and
confined to a wheelchair

when one of Sydney's
displays fell on her.


And so Sydney's, of course,
defending herself.

Oh, no! Who told you this?

Sam. She came by the bar
this afternoon.

But, no, it gets better.

Sydney decides
to get a video camera.

She's going to tape this
woman walking around

faking, right?

But, no...
The cheap camera screws up.

Sydney freaks out, of course.

The woman catches her,
calls the police...

Oh, no!

Oh... aah!

Are you O.K.?

Alison? Alison?

Oh, God...

Nurse! Nurse, help.

Nurse, we need help in here!

We've got all your
blood work back now,

and in combination with
last night's seizure,

it confirms what I
feared earlier.

The only way for you to survive

is for us to terminate
this pregnancy...

as soon as possible.

But I feel better.

Can't we just...

give these medications
a chance to work?

Look, I know this
is hard for you,

and you're welcome to
get another opinion,

but I guarantee you'll
hear the same thing.

And I can't stress enough the
importance of having this done

as soon as possible.

Your life depends on it.

What about the life of our baby?

I'll let you two
talk about this.

I'll be available as soon as
you've come to a decision.

Oh, God...

I am so sorry.

You didn't do anything
to be sorry about.

What's important now...

is for us to concentrate
on you getting well.

You'll have this operation...

It's not an operation, Jake.

They are taking our baby.

Everything you wanted.

Everything I wanted.

It's alive...

inside of me,

and they'll...

Alison, listen to me.

There's nothing in this world

that I want more

than to have a child with you.

But if you don't do this,

neither one of you
are going to survive.

Think of it like...

Think of it like a sign...

like God saying
something's wrong

and stopping it.

You'll get pregnant
again... I promise.

But please... please...

let them do this.

'Cause if I lost you,
I couldn't live.

Although this is
the first status conference,

I strongly advise you,
Miss, uh... Andrews,

against representing yourself.

This could wind up being
a very costly mistake for you.

Oh. I don't
think so, Your Honor.

I mean, it's obvious this whole
case should just be thrown out.

Is that so?

Yes. See... I saw
this woman at her house

when she thought
no one was looking,

get up out of her chair, walk
down the stairs to get her mail.

That is hearsay and not
admissible as evidence

unless there is
some kind of proof.

I had proof.

Then my camera jammed.

What we do have proof of,
by her own admission,

is that Sydney Andrews
is harassing my client.

I have a copy of a complaint
filed with the police

by Hilda Morris,

the day Miss Andrews
came to her home,

harangued her, and put
her in fear of her life.

We'd also like to file for a
restraining order at this time.

I'll take that
under consideration.

Your Honor,
this is such a crock!

Admit it, Hilda.

You're just trying
to keep me away

so I won't catch you
outta your chair,

skipping around your
house, you old fraud!

Enough! On the basis
of evidence,

the lawsuit does seem
to have merit.

The clerk will inform you
of your court dates.

Now, Ms. Andrews, I must strongly
urge you to get hold of yourself.

And as quickly as possible,

get yourself
some legal representation.

Next case.

I'm just telling you
what happened.

Your dad and I were walking
into the video store,

and a cop car pulled up
and parked in the lot,

and he got all weirded out.

He came back here,
and it was like

he was running away from them.

Cops make him nervous.
Can you blame him?

I don't know. I've never
lived with an ex-con before.

Oh, that's real nice.

You know what?

I don't think this is about
my father's jail time at all.

I think this is about you being a
middle-class boy from the Valley

who finds out
that his girlfriend

is Eastern Shore trailer trash,
and it makes him queasy.

That is total bull.

I don't think so, Campbell.

You know what?

If you don't want to
be around my family,

you don't have to be.
Them or me.

Just stop it, all right?

I'm sorry.

The whole thing is putting
a lot of strain on us.

I love you and you know that,

but it's really hard having
your father right here

in our faces.

There's something
you should know.

Great. More secrets.

Listen to me, O.K.?

I'm the one
who testified against him.

I saw him do it,
and I told the cops

and the D.A. and the jury
and everybody,

and that sent my father
to prison,

so I'm not doing anything more
to hurt him, O.K.?

I'm not throwing him out!

Billy: All right!

I didn't say you had to.

Oh, I forgot.

The ramp's on the other side.


I'll just go get a guard
to help get you down, O.K.?

I'll be right back.

Well, hurry up. I wanna go home

and get back on my feet.

Lady, you're the biggest faker
since Yuri Geller,

and I'll be damned
if I'm going to let you ruin me.

Please! Oh, please! Leave me

No, I won't... not until you
stand up, go back in there,

and tell that judge what you're
trying to do to me.

Come on, let's go!
Stand up! Get up.

Get away from me,
you little witch!


Oh, my God. No!

Burns-Mancini. Can I help you?

Hi, Megan. It's Kimberly.

I, um... I really need
a favor from you.

Sure. What can I do?

Will you come and get
me at the beach house?

My mom took the car,

and I really need to see Michael

one last time before I leave.

I'm starting to get these feelings
like I'm running out of time,

like everything's getting
distant, you know?

Can you help me, please?

I need a real goodbye.

I don't want to leave
things as they are.

Don't worry, O.K.?
Michael's at the hospital.

I'll close up here
and get there as soon as I can.

Thank you.

God, I hope
I'm doing the right thing.

You are.

I just have to see Michael
one more time.

You still love him, don't
you, in spite of everything?

Mmm. In the end,

I guess there's no reason for it.
It just is.

You know what it's like.

Yeah, I do.

Thank you, honey.

Oh, no.

Where in the hell do you
think you're taking her?

Mom, I have to
see Michael once more.

And you call
yourself her friend?

Michael is the last person
you need to see right now.

I am not going to let you be
harmed by these people out here!

Listen to her for a second...

Shut up! I am her mother, and
I'm going to protect her!

No! I wanna go! I need...

Oh, God, no.

Call 9-1-1!

Oh, honey... quick!

Oh, Kimmy...

Kimmy, Kimmy, Kimmy!

Hello? Yes, it's an emergency!

1-1-2-5 Beach Front Walk.


Mom... I'm sorry.

I should have stayed home...

but I love him.

It's all right, sweetheart.

J-just stay, baby.
Just please stay.



Marion's taking the
body back to Cleveland

tonight on the train.

We should do something.

Like what?

I mean, Kimberly's body's in the mortuary.
She's dead.

There's... there's
nothing more to do or say.

I know, but we
should go see her.

She was trying to see
you when she d*ed.

I know. You told me.

What am I supposed to do, feel guilty?
Because I don't.

And no matter what you, Marion,
or old dead Kimberly think,

I don't feel guilty about
anything that happened

between her and I.

You know? She gave as good as she
got, and it's over now, O.K.?

It's time to move on.

Which means, by the way,
right now I gotta do rounds.

All right.

What? You think I'm wrong?

Doesn't matter what I think.

It's between you and Kimberly.

I am telling you, Ms. Andrews,

that if the case goes to trial,

the jury will see to it

that you will owe
Miss Morris more money

than you ever expect
to make in your lifetime.

On top of that,
if she presses charges,

there is a strong possibility
of your winding up in jail.

If you just let me
try to explain...

The less talking
you do the better.

Now, for reasons that escape me,

opposing counsel
has agreed to settle?

Your Honor, really...

I suggest you settle.

You will remember I was a
witness to the last incident.

Exactly how much money are
we talking about here?

I think we're looking at
at least a million dollars.

I don't have that kind of money!

Then, young lady, the court
is going to have to see

exactly how much money
you do have,

because Miss Morris is going to
get her settlement... isn't she?

Yes, sir.

They're beautiful.

Not as good-looking as you,

but for flowers
I guess they're O.K.

Jake, um...

before I went in for surgery,

you said that we could
try again, you know,

to have a baby.

Yeah. Of course,
we have to wait a while.

The doctor came in
to talk to me after.

And, um...

she's almost positive I...
I can never have children.

Oh, um...

I'm sorry.

So, I have gone, um...

over it and... and
over it in my head,

and I know how important
a family is to you.

And I understand
if you want to...

you know...


Leave you?

I already told you
I couldn't live without you.

Hell, there's plenty of kids
out there that need a family.

And none of it... nothing in my
life is possible without you.

Well, then...

can you do a favor for me?


Would you marry me?

I would be honored,
Alison Parker.

Oh, my God.

I can't believe this.

You really lost the store
in the blink of an eye?

I don't have a job?

Well, don't expect me
to feel sorry for you.

Somehow I'm supposed to
find a whole new life.

They took everything... my car,
my percentage of Burns-Mancini,

My p*rn royalties, every
penny of my savings.

I'm a big zero!

So... just don't stand here
and feel sorry for yourself.

Why don't you just
leave me alone?

Yeah. I think I'll do just that.

Hey, Ms. Andrews.

How are you?

Drop dead!

You've already ruined me.

Could you just leave me alone?

That was Hilda Morris's
last case.

That tumble down the courthouse
steps, that was her jackpot.

Pretty gutsy move,
don't you think?

She's an old stunt gal,
so she knows how to fall.

But still...

Anyway, she's headed down to
Florida for a life of leisure.

I hope you're having fun

with your... gloating jamboree.

When I'm back on my feet,

I am going to hire
an investigator

and take you
for all you're worth.

Seems to me you're broke.

But you got a lot of guts,

the kind of personality
for this kind of work.

Not in a million years.

Sydney, the only way you're
going to get back on your feet

is to fall off 'em
in the right place.

I need a new
percentage plaintiff.

You could make a bundle
of money real quick.

Give me a call
if you're interested.

I'm not.

Not at all.

And it's a strike.

Hey, Amanda.

I just heard about
Alison losing her baby.

I'm sorry. It's a shame.

Yeah. I just came
from the hospital.

It's pretty sad, but
they're a good couple.

They'll do fine.

You know, it's strange.

An acquaintance of mine just d*ed.
Kimberly Shaw.

It's been coming
for a long time,

but it kind of puts
things in perspective.

I'm sorry.


You all right?

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh! A bowler, huh?

Yeah. I like to knock the
pins down now and again.

Plus, I got a little
extra time on my hands

now that I'm single,

and I can't spend it
all in the restaurant, so...

Do you ever bowl?

Oh, yeah.

Believe it or not,
I'm pretty good.

Doesn't surprise me at all.

It's not a league night.
You, uh, care to join me?

No. I don't think so.

Maybe some other time.

All right. Another time, then.

Take care of yourself.

Thanks. You, too.


Marion, wait!

Wait a second.

Look, I, uh...


I don't know what to say.

I, uh, just felt
I should say goodbye.

I didn't want to, but...
I don't know.

But what, Michael?

You wanted to make sure
you finished her off?

Look, Marion...

She was my wife.

No matter what you think,
I loved her.

And I didn't mean to hurt her.

I swear to God.

My little girl is dead.

My baby. Do you understand?


our Kimberly.

It's O.K.

Do you want to...

see her one last
time, say goodbye?

I know she would
have wanted that.

Oh, uh...

I... I don't know. I...

It's O.K.

O.K., I guess so.


Goodbye, Kimberly.

I'll never forget you.


Good luck, Michael.

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