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08x20 - The D'Arcy Files

Posted: 04/22/22 12:33
by bunniefuu
Oh, Peg, I'm so excited.

It's been so long,
so very, very long.

But in just a few brief moments,

a brand-new baseball
season officially begins.

You know, Al, as long as I live,

I will never understand
your fascination with baseball.

Well, if you promise not
to live too long, I'll tell you.

I mean, baseball is so boring.

How come they don't have a
Harlem Globetrotters baseball team?

They do. They're
called The Mets.

Hey, hey, hey...

Do I smell Trail Mix?

Fresh from under
the sofa cushions.

Grab a seat.



Oh, hey, before I forget,

Marcy wanted to invite you guys

to an April Fool's
party tomorrow.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Oh, man, I love
April Fool's day.

Peg, remember Mrs.
Quinn, our music teacher?

Yeah. One April Fool's,
we faked a love note

from her to the
female gym teacher.

And the school board
suspended her license.

Just three days
before her retirement.

And her husband divorced her,

left her penniless.

Well, one April Fool's day,

I called the operator, said I
couldn't get through to the zoo,

because their "lion" was busy.

You get it?


Great news, Dad.

Kelly and I wanna start
up our own business.

So will you loan us $5,000?

Well, sure.

Jody, Buffy, let me truck
on over here to the wall safe.

Nobody look.

Well, strike me blind
and call me Charlie.

It's been took.

Quick. After 'em.

I'll wait over here,
by the ball game.

I didn't even know
we had a wall safe.

Yeah, too bad it's gone.
Your brains were in it.

Now, kids, if your father had
been a successful shoe salesman,

or a husband or a
lover, or anything,

what kind of business
would it have been?

It was gonna be a
photography studio,

where lonely guys could get
their pictures taken with pretty girls.

Hey, that's not a bad idea.

How did you come up with that?

Well, Saturday night, and everyone
was out partying and everything,

so obviously, Bud was
upstairs in his room,

looking at underwear
ads in the paper,

- and I figured...
- Look.

It's not important
how she got the idea.

Point is, we need $5,000.

Well, a good panhandler
can pull in $500 a day.

$500 a day?

We'll have Bud and
Kelly's opened in no time.

Hey, wait a minute. It was my
idea, we're gonna name it after me.

There's already a
place called In-N-Out.

The game's starting.

Who are those guys?

Oh, they're just a bunch of
VIPs nobody cares about.

That's the owner of the team.

He's introducing a new guy
who just bought 10% of it.

That's him.

Huh? That's who?

That's him. Walter Trogett.

I... I... I gotta go.

Wait a second, Jefferson.

Come back here. What's wrong?

Was it something Peg did?

Because if it was, she'll be in
the basement till the All Star break.

Now who am I gonna
watch the game with?

- And another thing about
this baseball, - Ah, no.

Now, why does that guy
get to walk to the base?

Because he got four balls.

- Well...
- Don't even say it, Peg!

If your mouth must open
and close, do it on this.

You know, if you paid half as much
attention to me as you do to this game,

I probably wouldn't
mind so much.

I do pay attention to you, Peg!

- Ow!
- No, he was safe.

Al, I think I broke my tooth.

- Ow!
- He was safe!

- Ow!
- Safe!

- Ow!
- Safe!

- Ow!
- Safe!

Please, Marcy, I am not
in the mood for this tonight.

But, Jefferson...

it's been almost eight hours!

Look, there's something
I have to tell you.

Tonight, I was watching
the ball game with Al

and who do I see on the TV?

Walter Trogett, the
new owner of the team.

Wow! Odd that the owner
would be at the game.

Mount me.

Look, there's something
else I have to tell you.

I haven't been completely
honest with you about my past.

You mean, you're not
permanently disabled and can work?

No, not that.

Look, my real name
isn't Jefferson D'Arcy.

I used to work for the CIA,

and a few years ago, I was
involved in a covert operation

that sent a lot of bad people
to prison for a long time.

But there was this
one guy that got away...

The only person in the
world who can blow my cover.

Walter Trogett.

Well, thank God!

I thought you were gonna
tell me you dated Cher.

Well, I did, but...

It wasn't part of the job.

It was my turn.

Now, I know you'll be upset.

You'll probably go
through the classic


acceptance syndrome.

No, that is preposterous.

Admit it, it's all my fault.

I should just k*ll myself.

Or k*ll you, you son of a bitch!

But I love you whoever you are.

What do we do now?

I don't know.

But if Trogett finds me,
I'm as dead as network TV.

Maybe it's just a coincidence

that Trogett's in Chicago. I
mean, Chicago is a big town.

It's not like he's gonna come
through the window and get you.





Ow, my tooth!

Jefferson, I can't stand to
hear Peg in so much pain.

You have any Novocain?


Al, it's getting worse!

How about some duct tape?


Hello, yes, uh, Golden
Sunset Retirement Home?

Yes, I'm with the phone company.

Um, we've got a man
working on your phone lines.

So if you could,
would you not pick up

the phone for the
next five minutes or so?

Or he'll be electrocuted.







Oh, I love April Fool's day.

Ah, hello, Chicago
Memorial Hospital?

Yes. Coronary Care Unit, please.

Room, um... 410.

I don't understand it.

Well, we both look
desperate and homeless.

Yet they give you all the
money and spit all over me.

Why is that?

You don't get it, do you?


This is not a fun house mirror.

This is actually
what you look like.

Now, on the other hand,
this is what I look like.





And that is why we're
opening Kelly and Bud's.

Spare change?


Al Bundy?

Ah, yes, Officer. I'm innocent.

I... I was abused.

No, Mr. Bundy. My
name is Walter Trogett.

Oh, the... The
baseball team owner.

Yeah, I saw you
on TV last night.

What are you doing here?

I've got something
to discuss with you

of a rather, um,
personal nature.

Oh, well... don't
worry about it, Troggy,

your secret's safe with me.

I'll just go close the blinds,

and you can try on
anything you like here.

For a couple of season tickets,

I'll call a friend of mine
over at Victoria's Secret,

and you can... coordinate.

Thank you, no, Mr. Bundy.

I came here to
ask you a question.

Specifically, do you know
the man in this picture?

Or this one...

Or maybe this one.

I'll cut to the chase.

This man is one of the most
dangerous people in the world.

Joey Bishop?

I always suspected that.

That one.

Him? Why, that looks like...

Like... who, Mr. Bundy?

If you're a cop, I
don't talk to the law,

I don't listen to the law,
I don't watch L.A. Law.

Let me level with you.

The man I'm asking you
about is a spy, Mr. Bundy...

A dangerous spy...
And we want him.

This is my card.

I'll be in Chicago
for two more days.

Oh, not that you'd
put financial gain

above your country's
national security,

but there is a small reward

for information leading
to the arrest of this man.

Oh, a reward...
means nothing to me.

How much is it, by the way?


I'll be talking to you.


All right, all right, Peg.

I made the appointment
with the dentist,

and this better still
hurt when we get there

'cause dentists aren't cheap.

Hey, guys, what's up?

Oh, nothing.

Or as they say in
the Kremlin... nyet.


Peg, please just
go wait in the car.

I'll be right there.

Promise me, Al?

Yes, I promise, Peg.

You swear to me, Al?

Damn your hide, yes, I promise!

Wait in the freaking car!

Geez, the things that
women make you say

to show 'em you love 'em.

So what do you want, buddy?

Oh, nothing. It's just
that I didn't get a chance

to talk to you much yesterday,

and I was just, you
know, wondering...

what was up, you know?

Ah... nothing.

Me, neither.

So, ever been a spy?

I beg your pardon?

Okay! Okay!

Let's get right to the point.

Who won the World Series in '76?

- The Reds.
- Uh-huh.


Interesting choice-ski, comrade.

Shouldn't you be taking
Peggy to the dentist?

Oh, you'd love
that, wouldn't you?

You know what I wanna do?


I wanna play "Name
the American Presidents."

You've gotta be kidding.

Afraid not.

You go first.

Okay, George Washington.


John Adams.


Thomas Jefferson.

Um, Eisenhower.

James K. Polk.

Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Al, we have run through
the presidents 15 times.

Just one more question.

Big 'Uns Magazine...

Hooters Of The Month...

November '88.

Kimberly Nicholson. Born 1969.

Turn-ons: fast cars, walks on
the beach and young Rod Stewart.

Turn-offs: men who smoke,
w*r and old Rod Stewart.


What's that? I'm sorry. I
wasn't paying attention.

All right, let's say
you're an American.

Of course I'm an American, Al.

Look, what is going on here?

Walter Trogett came
into the store today,

told me you were a spy.

Said he'd give me $50,000
reward if I turned you in.

Did you?

Do I look like I'm in Rio
without the wife and kids?

Although there is a
plane leaving at 6:00.

All right.

All right, look,
Al, I was a spy.

Thank you.

But for us. Trogett's
the bad guy.

Besides, Al... you have
known me for three years.

You know I'm an American.

So am I; that's why it's so
hard to turn down free money.

I've got another reason
for you not to turn me in, Al.

Because you're a Bundy,

and if you put a "D" where
the "N" is, you're a buddy.

And if you put the "N"
where the "D" is, I'm a bunny.

What's your point?

Now, look, I'm not
gonna turn you in.

There are three things
a Bundy will never be:

rich, a snitch or regular.

So, relax, your
secret's safe with me.

Thanks, Al.

One last question.

Who was the Vice-President

under President... Eisenhower?

I have no idea.

You are an American.


Oh, yeah, the
dentist. Sorry. Let's go.

I've already been, you kumquat.

Here's the bill.

How am I supposed to pay this?!

Don't look at me.

If only it were that easy.

Dad, I got some bad news.

The traditional Bundy greeting.

The police confiscated
our beggings.

And we're being sued for
impersonating the homeless.

You know what the worst part is?

That it's too late to adopt
the Menendez boys?

No. That the photo studio
would have been a success.


This is what we get for
listening to Mr. D'Arcy.

Yeah. Boy, I wish we
had something on him.

Fifty thousand dollars.

Fifty thousand dollars.

Fifty thousand dollars.

Hi, Al.

Hey, I got some great stuff

for the April
Fool's party tonight.

Check it out. Fake vomit. Ah!

And fake doggie doo-doo.

Humans. They really
know how to party.

You know, Jefferson,
I've been thinking about it.

I can't go to the
party with you.

Why not?

Oh, it's the lame
April Fool's gags, huh?

Well, that and I could get
k*lled hanging out with you.

See, I don't wanna
go that way, Jefferson.

I wanna go the
way all Bundys go.

I wanna hang myself
in my own basement

by jumping off my workbench.

Not that I have it
planned out or anything.

But nobody knows who I am, Al...

unless you told.

Now, why would I do
that? Who would I tell?

ON TV: Paging Mr. Trogett.

Paging Mr. Walter Trogett.

Now... now that... that page
could have come from anybody.

Mr. Al Bundy paging
Walter Trogett.


Hey, Jefferson, I swear.

I didn't have nothing
to do with that.

I see now what I have to do.

Well, but... l didn't have
nothing to do with that!

You know, you would
think after a few years,

you could count on a
friend to take him at his word.

But I guess you just

never know who
you can really trust.

Hey, buddy?

That's... that's bunny.

With... with two "N's."

Don't grovel, Al.

Look, if you have
to say anything,

I want you to take a deep breath

and tell me...

Who's the best damn April Fooler

in the whole world?!

A-April Fool?

That's right. April Fool.

What about that guy
that came to my store?!

Walter Trogett?

He's an old friend of
the family from D.C.

I sent him into your
store with that story, Al,

and you bought it
hook, line and sinker.

Oh, yeah? Well, you better not use
your phone for the next five minutes,

'cause someone's gonna
be working on your lines.

Oh, well, that's a nice try, Al.

Come on, let's go to the party.

But... you mean none
of that spy stuff was true?

Oh, come on, Al.

If I was really
involved in espionage,

couldn't I have just
made one phone call

and had Trogett taken out?

I guess.

Well, then, what do you think?


And that's a
ground out to third.


Oh, my God!

Ladies and gentlemen,
Walter Trogett

just fell to the ground from
an upper deck luxury box.

And now some other scores
throughout the League.

In the top of the fifth,

Milwaukee is leading
the White Sox six to one.

And in Los Angeles,
the Dodgers still suck.