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08x22 - Ride Scare

Posted: 04/22/22 12:35
by bunniefuu
Next up on the Home
Shopping Network,

"Boyfriends of Cher
Collector Plates."

Ew! Who'd wanna
eat off a Greg Allman?

You won't believe what
they're doin' at the mall now.

Putting a sign in front of
the shoe store that says,

"Over two pairs sold"?

That hurts, Peg.

Not as much as seein' you
first thing in the morning,

but that still hurts.

Anyway, they're
makin' us all car pool.

Damn this cleaner,
greener Chicago program.

Do you realize that they even
want us to conserve water?

Well, did you tell them about how
much water you save on showers?

I did!

You know, this conservation crap

has gone a little too far.

What did we take this
country from the Indians for

in the first place if
we're not gonna use it?

Do you know the kind of people

that are doing this, Peg?

People who won't
chop down one tree,

but mow their heads,

are the kind of people
behind this, Peg.

Al Bundy, why would
you leave that landfill

you call a car running
after you come home?

I didn't.

It just takes a while to stop.

I mean, when you cut
a chicken's head off,

it still runs around the room.

There. It's off.

Well, it's cars like yours

that make car pooling necessary.

Which is why I'm glad my bank

is one of the cleaner,
greener sponsors.

Marcy, it is a man's
God-given right

to drive alone in his car.

A man's car is his castle.

I thought a man's
home was his castle.

It is, if he can slay

the dragon that's living there.

Besides, too many people
in one car spells trouble.

I mean, what are
we supposed to do

when someone cuts us off?

Are we all supposed
to give him the finger?

No, just whichever
one of you can get it

out of his nose first.

A man's nose is also his castle.

In my America, a man's
car and his nose is his castle.

Well, in my America,
there's one giant bus

that the whole world gets
on to ride to work together,

and on this bus, I greet people

from different lands...

each in their own
native language.

You're talkin'
about the city bus.

Well, I can see this
is certainly falling

on a pair of deaf
and furry ears.


This carpool outrage
will not go unchallenged!

You wanna get somethin'
cleaner and greener?

Wash my underwear!

Hey, wait a second.
That was a shot at me.

Well, if it makes
you feel any better,

it can be from me.

Peg, whatever
happened to the time

when a man could
burn a t*nk of gas

backin' out of his own driveway?

When a man could take
a hooker to a steak house

and no one would
even blink an eye?

Peg, why can't we go
back to simpler times?

Al, but look at this place.

Any simpler and we'd be bushmen.

You know who I really
feel for, don't you?

The kids.

What's the point in being young

if you can't get
in a big old car

with a really dumb girl?


I got straight A's and
made the Dean's List.

Son, I wish you could've
been alive back when I was.

Of course, I probably wouldn't

have let you hang out with me.

Back when a time

when a man could be a man

and a car could be a car.

When we had one
hand on the wheel

and one hand on the girl

and one hand on the stick.

That's what I liked
about the old days.

We... had more hands.



I made the Dean's List.

Oh, and I'm very proud of you.

Now tell me, honey,
who is this Dean?

Is he a nice boy?

Mom, Dad.

I am getting a raise at
the extermination company.


And I was also voted
employee of the month.

So Pest Boys is gonna hold

this big awards ceremony
for me in a few weeks.

I gotta go tell my friends.

Oh, oh, honey.

They might even put my name

on the golden fly swatter.

Oh, Al.

Our little girl is all grown up.

Ha ha ha!

Kinda puts this Dean's thing

in perspective, doesn't it?

Kinda puts my genetic
makeup in perspective.

Listen to that, Peg.

Now he's using makeup.

First this Dean
thing, and now this.

Now look what you've done!

You get out of here!
You've upset your mother!

Don't answer it, Peg.

That's a representative
of the mall.

They're coming over here

to tell me who I
have to carpool with.

As far as I'm concerned,
they can rot out there.

Come in!

Or they can rot in here with me.


Are you Al Bundy?

Why ye... yes, I am.


Oh, and that's my... my...
My housekeeper Consuela.

Oh, Consuela, upstairs-o.

I'm his wife.

It's a marriage of convenience.

Um, unfortunately, not mine.

I'm deporting her.

Can I get you a drink or
a... a... a condominium?

No, thanks, Mr. Bundy.

My name is Naomi, and
I'm with Victoria's Secret.

Oh, I love your work.

I know.

I've seen your face
prints on the window.

The mall sent me over here

to ask you if you would
join us in our car pool.

I'm in. Ha ha ha!

Let's go. Adios, Consuela!

Actually, I'm not driving,

but several of our
models do live in the area.

They do?

Oh, Consuela...

we live model adjacent.

Blot your chin...
and your pants.

So... when do my
models come to get me?

7:00 A.M.

Oh, that's good because I
don't have to be there till 10:00,

which gives me a lot of time

for coffee, cart wheels
and a cold shower.

He's just kidding
about the shower.

Here are your models' names.

Why, thank you.



"Alexis, Monique and Paulina."

Oh, my.

Alexis, Monique and Paulina.

Oh, my.

Alexis, Monique and Paulina.

Oh, my.

Alexis, Monique and Paulina.

Oh, my.

So they tell me you girls

are models for
Victoria's Secret.

Oh, we are.

We're Victoria's big secret.

Well, Victoria couldn't
keep a secret this big.

It's a new line of lingerie
for the full-figured woman,

'cause you know what they say...

"You're never too
big to be sexy."

Oh, and do you
know who says that?

Fat girls.

So, do you always go to work

wearin' a suit and
smellin' of Hai Karate?


Do you always go to
work wearing curtains

and smelling of Mars Bars?

Sounds to me like you're
full of self-hate, Mr. Bundy.

Well, at least I'm full.

Would you mind
turning on the radio?

I feel a crying jag coming on.

Say "please."

There's a Chunky in it for ya.

Oh, I love this song.

It reminds me of that
summer in Hawaii with Tony.

God, what a lover.

Oh, man, he could
do it all night long.

Did I ever tell you
about that time

me and Johnny Klog
joined the mile high club?

I was wearin'
this frilly little skirt

and not much underneath.


Pull over!


Pull over, I've gotta heave.

Shut up or I'll pound
you like a scallopini.

We're almost there.

Uh-oh, the police.
What did we do?

Well, I don't know.

Maybe we missed a truck scale.

But on the positive side,

maybe they'll get me out of here

before I turn into a diamond.

What seems to be
the problem, officers?

Hi, I'm Alderman Johnson.

Would you four be carpooling?

No, I'm their lunch.

What's up?

Well, we were following you

and laughing and pointing.

And as it turns out,
despite our best efforts,

you're the only people car
pooling in all of Chicago.

We're also the only people
eating Snicker Doodles

by the gallon.

Well, we'd like you
and your friends

to represent the city in
its new media campaign

"Everybody into the car pool."

Forget it. You
got the wrong guy.

Ah, well...

That's too bad, because your
first promotional appearance

would have been courtside at
the Chicago Bulls' playoff game.

Say cheesecake!

Oh, here comes your Daddy.

Hi, I'm Al Bundy,

but many of you know me as...

Al Bundy.

There was a time I
scored four touchdowns

in one game on this field,

but now I can't run four
feet without being tackled

by someone else's garbage.

Be a part of my team.

♪ Two, four, six, eight ♪

♪ Pick up litter,
clean your plate ♪

♪ Hey, keep Chicago clean! ♪

Score a touchdown
for Mother Earth.

Let's help keep
Chicago green and clean.


What a load.

Mom, isn't Dad being
just a tad hypocritical?

I mean, that was the first time

I've even seen
him walk the field

without takin' a whiz.

Yeah, ever since
he's been on billboards

and the side of buses,

he has been an insufferable pig.

Wow, that was a big word.

There are no big
words, just little heads.

Now, kids, maybe we
should give your father

the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe he's learned something.

Maybe he really does
care about the environment.

♪ I'm in the money ♪

♪ I'm in the money ♪

Did I tell you about
the cutest thing

Paulina did at the
Mayor's office today?

We don't wanna hear
about your fat friends.

They're not fat!

They just eat way, way too much.

You know, I don't get it.

Everyone in this town

loves what I'm
doing but you guys.

You swine.

And our next door McNugget.

Do you realize that
you have cost me

my job at the bank again?

They have demoted me
to drive-up teller again!

What happened?

Al called the bank
president and asked,

"How could you call yourself

correct and yet have

"an employee who
would disconnect

the smog device on her car?"

I'll have you know
that I religiously

get my car tuned up,
and I will expose you

for the liar that you are!

I will prove myself innocent

of these false allegations!

My car is no gas
guzzler! It is clean as...


I disconnected your smog device.

Did you?

If I may be so
patient as to ask why?

I'm a guy.

Well, just come with me,

and we can disconnect that, too.

Al, I told you that in
the strictest confidence.

What're you doin'?


Marcy, the smog device
can be put back on

if you just give me
your credit card. Please!

Man, I love this gig.

I never realized how
much power I've got.

Yeah, but Dad, if
you don't really believe

in this ecology stuff,

then doesn't that make you

a lying bag of sleaze?

Yes, son, but a rich
lying bag of sleaze.

You see, we celebrities
don't really believe

the stuff we're paid to say.

Well, then why do you do it?

To make money and
get out of the house.

That is the American dream,

and by God I'm livin' it!

I'm so happy, I
could almost cry.

In fact, I am crying.

My friends and I are
doing the right thing.


Because we're car pooling.

Good morning, ladies.

- Morning, Al.
- Morning, Al.

When I'm off to
work, I'm not selfish

because I drive to work
with my... my friends.

How about some
doughnut holes, Al?

Thank you, Monique.

That's enough.

As you can see, when you have

a lot riding on your tires,

you help not only
the environment...

but you make friends,

And after a leisurely breakfast

of doughnut holes and sorghum,

you can sit back,
and enjoy the ride.

Mother Nature says, "Hey."

Father Time says "Yikes."

Don't worry, Peg, you'll
have your moment in the sun

when they start couch pooling.

Now, the girls are coming over

to discuss next
week's itinerary.

Remember... no fat jokes.

But they're... they're fat.

They're not fat.

They just have cream filling.

Come in, ladies!


Got any munchies?

Right over there.

I'll get the milk.

Mmm! Mmm!

- Here.
- Mmm.

Al, wait till you hear this.

We've been invited
to Los Angeles.

We're gonna be on Vicki!

And do guest voices
on Captain Planet.

I haven't been
this happy since...

You installed seats
in your refrigerator?

Allow me to introduce my family.

This is my wife, Peggy;
this is my son, Shecky.

Oh, Al, we're goin' to L.A.

Just think of the things to see.

Wendy's. Winchell's.

Der Weinershnitzel.

It's so exciting!


Ah, congratulations, Mr. Bundy.

You and your gals have
practically put Chicago on the map.

Hey, Chicago was
already on the map.

Do you vote?


Then I wasn't talking to you.

Now, before you go to L.A.,

we'd like you to kick
off our new campaign

by making a speech in front of
the most toxic plant in Chicago.

We want you to tell the world

that our program
is going nationwide,

that polluters like this
may soon no longer exist.

Huh? What do you say?

Will there be shrimp?

There will.

We're there!


In here, pumpkin. Yeah!

Tomorrow I'm giving a speech,

and what with you getting
employee of the month

and Bud on the queen's list...

That's Dean's List.

Yeah, like there's a difference.

It's gonna be a banner
day for the Bundys.

Well, that's just it, Dad.

I may not be
employee of the month.

See, tomorrow, a certain
environmental group

is gonna be speaking

in front of the
extermination company.

And when they find out
that a certain spokesman

is related to a
certain verminator,

I'm gonna lose my job.

Oh, no.

I... I'm speaking at a
horrible toxic waste plant.

What the hell do
you think we are?

I mean, till last week,
that's how we advertised.

But, pumpkin...


Pie? Where?


Al, you know what
you have to do.

You are the greatest
daddy in the whole world.

You gave up all
your dreams for me.


Well, I l... l...

Love me?

No, pumpkin, I was
gonna say I lost my mind.

So I don't get my
15 minutes of fame.

That just means Pauley
Shore gets a half hour.

He is funny, isn't he?


But, pumpkin, my job as a parent

is not to be famous.

It's just to do the
best that I can

so that my children can
have the things I never did.

The world I leave behind...

that is my legacy to you.

You first, sweetheart.