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01x03 - The Other Side of the Mountain

Posted: 04/23/22 06:32
by bunniefuu
Name: Richard Kimble.

doctor of medicine.

death row, state prison.

Richard Kimble has been tried and
convicted for the m*rder of his wife.

But laws are made by men,
carried out by men.

And men are imperfect.

Richard Kimble is innocent.

Proved guilty, what Richard
Kimble could not prove

was that moments before
discovering his wife's body,

he encountered a man running
from the vicinity of his home.

A man with one arm.

A man who has not yet
been found.

Richard Kimble ponders his fate, as
he looks at the world for the last time

and sees only darkness.

But in that darkness,
fate moves its huge hand.

Starring David Janssen
as The Fugitive,

with guest stars:
Sandy Dennis,

Frank Sutton,

Ruth White,

R.G. Armstrong.

Also starring Barry Morse
as Lieutenant Gerard.

West Virginia.

What used to be a town
before the coal mine gave out.

A naked relic now,
without future, without hope.

Another dreary point in
time for Richard Kimble,

eight months a fugitive.

Is there a bus through here?

Not since the mine
closed down.


Beer, please.



Talking to me?

I sure ain't talking
to myself.

Where you headin'?



No place special or nothin'?

Just north.

What's the idea?
You wanna break up the game?

A game
without a pot.


On the cuff.

Come on,
I'm good for it.

Nothin' here for strangers, boy.
You better hightail it someplace else.

Plan to,
soon as I can get a lift.

As soon as I can
get a lift.

How much money
you got?

Seems like
you didn't hear me.

I heard you.

Then how much money you got?

Enough to get me
where I'm going.



How much that set you back?

Forty, bucks?

Got enough money to buy me a beer?

You ain't answered the man, mister.

You gonna
buy me a beer?

Just leaving.

You mind?

You mind?

Why, you big jerk.

Grab loose of me.
What's the matter?


Come on.


What's wrong?

What's the matter
with you?!

Come on, will ya?

All right.

Who started it?

Look, it's not very funny. It's a
very hot night, and I want to know

who I got to take in,
that's all.

Please, make it easy on me.

Oh, now, wait a minute... Let's go.
Look, I didn't start this.

Tell it to the sheriff.
I don't even know those fellas.

Come on.

Give 'em room!
Give 'em room!

You gonna live?


Four days to Saturday.
Ain't you a little
ahead of time this week?

Who's he?

He's the guy
that s-started it.

No labels.
He say where he was from?

Just where he's goin'.



No cards.
No driver's license.

You're gonna need something,

You're gonna have to find
the next of kin.

Is that his?

That's his.

That is his.

Huh. No pictures.

No letters.

Feller sure
travels naked.

Not a thing in the whole bag.

Just have to wait
till he wakes up, I guess.

Well, don't count on him,
he ain't the kind that'd talk much.

Won't have to,
long as we got his fingerprints.

Hell, now I'm here,
might as well
draw me a beer.

Almost pays
for the nuisance.

Looks like you lost
yourself a chicken.

Take South Street.

DEPUTY: No, he ain't
nowhere back there.

Sure had a bur under his tail.
Just picked up
for fightin'.

He took off like the
place smelled of skunk.

It does.

Tell George to run
this over to Bluefield.

Take off any prints
and put 'em on the wire.

You got it.

How long
would you be gone?

Couple of days.


they lost him.

You might be going
down there for nothing.

I hope not, captain.

So do I.

So do I.

You sure it was worth it
to bring them dogs up?

The worst you could've done was
fine him just a couple bucks.

It's important enough for him to run,
it's important enough for me to find him.

What time you want
the truck back?

Uh, couple hours,
I'd say.

That means I gotta go down
and come back up again.

That costs you
another couple of bucks.

Up and down
is two bucks.

One time or a dozen.

Supposin' we just
make it the once.

I ain't gonna
just hang around out here.

Not unless I deputize you.

And I deputize you.

Drive on up above
and take a look.

If you see anything,
haul tail right back. Now get.


put your dogs
to workin'.
I got this
out of his bag.



Boy, I never seen a man so pure mean.

What are you tryin' to do,
k*ll me or somethin'?

You were following me.

I was no such thing.
I was just walkin' along.

I been walkin' this mountain
my whole life.

Just so happened I was walkin'
the same way as you.

You all right?

Well, sure.

Little hill like that?

I mean, I slid down
twice the size.

Come on,
I'll help you up.

Well, you better help yourself up.
From the looks of yourself,
well, you're gonna need it too.

Oh, that must be
two miles up,
the least.

Mountain does that.
It plays tricks on ya.

That's the same
with them dogs.

They must be five miles
down the valley.

I was you,
I wouldn't worry none.

Who said I was worried?

Jesse Hobart came up to
the house this mornin'.

He said, uh,

some fella run out
on the sheriff.

Some fella that,
uh, he picked up
for fightin' last night.

it was a city feller.

I'll race you to the top.

Oh. Twice in one day.
That would've been somethin'.

You headin'
over the mountain?


I figured.

Wouldn't nobody wanna
stay this side.

I'll show you the way.

That's the third time they've
brung us right up to the water.

Oh, he musta crossed. Ain't no dog in
the world can track a man through water.

Them dogs couldn't
track a bear
through a flour mill.

Five lousy bucks a day
for nothin'.

Day's not over yet.

There ain't nobody home except Grams.

She'd be proud
to have you stay and eat.

You wanna go hungry?

Sheriff must be kinda mad
at that fella.

I mean, just gettin'
the dogs out and all.

He's gonna find you too,
unless you get some help.

I know every foot of this
mountain. I could show you the way.

After you eat.

Grams! Hey, Grams.


we got us company.

This here is Mister.
He's gonna sit
and eat.

It's a good miles.
A trip like that costs money.

How much?

Hundred and .

I'll give you a hundred. How soon can we leave?
Let's go.

You can't hold a feller like that.
You can't keep him for a pet

like he was a rabbit or somethin'.

Well, I found him.
Ain't nobody gonna
take him away.


Oh, you rather give
him to Coy Peters' dogs?

I warn you.

You scare him off,

and I'll sit you down
on your skinny old shanks.


when I get him
cleaned up, uh,

he's gonna
be pure pretty.

You won't find anything
in that.

No, there ain't
nothin' in it,
so there's
no harm done.

You ain't gonna go.


you ain't gonna
get far,
not knowin' the way.

And them dogs.

Only chance you got
is if I help you out.

I... I can do it, Mister.
I can... I can get you clear.

You keep saying that.

But I mean it.
I know this mountain like I...

So you know what?
We could use a truck.

Yeah, we, uh...
We got this old pickup truck.
It's up the loggin' camp right now.

Ames Woodruff,
he asked could he
borrow it for the day.

All you gotta do
is just, uh,
wait for the truck.

You know, you just sit and eat. Heh.

I got side meat.
Fresh bread and gravy.

Well, when will
the truck be back?

Well, real soon,
that's for sure.

'Cause, uh, Ames Woodruff,
he don't like to work past noon.

You're Sheriff Bradley?

That's right.

I stopped in town.

I'm counting on you to find this man.
I've come a long way to get him.


One of them
flyin' grasshoppers.

They must want him
real bad.

I want him, as you put it, real bad.

I swear, I never did see
a man eat so clean.

Where you from,

Lot of places.

Yeah, well,
I was just askin' for one.

You said the truck
could be back?

Yeah, well, uh,
Ames Woodruff must've stopped
to jaw with Miss Keel.

See, her old man's up in
Clarksburg, uh, lookin' for a job.

She and Ames used to be real close
till she got married.

I guess maybe
they still are.

Well, you ain't got
the sense
God gave a beetle.

If Ames Woodruff, uh,
gets one look at you,
he's gonna tell it
all over the mountain.

Now, you...
You just stay outta sight.

She had her way,
she'd keep you here.
I guess you know that.

I told her.

Fella like you...
wasn't even a chance.

Make more sense,
did you take her along.

You mean, y-you'd just pack her away with
any man that's willing? No matter who or what?

Matters aplenty.

Been lots of men
willing and anxious,

but since the mines closed,

all we got is
the Del Jackson kind.

None of your style. Seen how she been
lookin' at you.

Wouldn't have to be ashamed of her.
She can be real handsome in a dress.


I ain't got much time left.

If I just knowed she was
down off this mountain...

Hey, Cassie!

I got somethin'
to show ya.
I just been deputized.

Oh, they swearin' in
fools and jackasses now?

You just ain't got
no respect for the law.

Hey, Grams!
She ain't here.

She ain't here?
She ain't here.

Said she went out
to pick us some berries.

She must've just knowed
I was comin' by.

You see any weasel traps around?

You been deputized.
Deputy, go.

I told ya,

she ain't here.

Well, I know she ain't here.

I just wanna
get me some coffee.

We ain't got none. We
didn't make none today.

That's the first thing
a person does in the morning.

Are you sure you ain't got
some other reason?

Like what?

Well, like,

maybe you got some company.
Like that fella
the sheriff's lookin' for?

I told you
once and for all
that she ain't here.

She don't need no help.

You ornery little...

Now, Del,

you back off.

You climb in that jeep
and get outta here.

Go on!

Well, that's Del Jackson.
He stops by sometimes.

More than
Ames Woodruff, huh?

Yeah, well, it ain't
the same thing.

because there is no
Ames Woodruff.

'Cause he isn't bringing a truck back, because
there is no truck, because you're lying to me.

Thanks a lot for the food.

Mister, Mister,
uh, you can't
just walk out.

No, I'm supposed to stay here
till he comes back.

Yeah, well, you can't make it alone.
I know.

Yeah, there's no
question I was lyin',
yet I was just tryin' to help.

I was just tryin' to keep you here
until they pulled them dogs out.

Thank you.

Mister, that mountain's
pure mean.

Now, there are ,
ways to get yourself lost.

Now, you gotta believe me, there are things
a lot worse than gettin' took by them dogs.

Now, I can get you to the top,
and the other side's easy.

And I can show you
how to lose them dogs.

She could.

Lost him again.

Dogs lost him.
Can't expect them to
track through water.

Do we need the dogs?

He crossed somewhere and
headed up the mountain.
An instinct as old as life itself.

A hunted animal always runs up.

Hey, sheriff!


I found him, sheriff.
I found him for you.


This is Gerard,
police lieutenant.
He's after him too. Where is he?

Up there,
the Boland's place.

They're kin to me.

Cabin near
the old mines.

Did you see him?

Well, no,
I didn't see him, exactly.

Sheriff, he's up there
and that's for sure.
And Cassie Boland's
hidin' him out.

How do you know?
She wouldn't even let me
past the front door.

If I was her,
I wouldn't either.

I'm tellin' you, sheriff,
she shooed me off with a g*n.

And look at what she did to me, she
sank half-inch of teeth in my hand.

She do that today too?

No, that's last week.

It's worth checking out.
How long will it take?

Ten minutes in the jeep.

And warnin' him all the way too,
if he is up there.

Every time that old
junk pile jounces...

Any other way to get up there?

Straight up
the mountain.
Do you think
you can make it?

I'll make it.

You must want him bad.

you can rest the dogs in the jeep
and bring 'em up in a couple hours.

I'm gonna go around
and cover the back, yeah?


You wait here.
Jackson said there was a g*n.


I'll go in first.

Because it's my job to go in first,
not that I don't
respect your authority.

Try respecting
my intelligence too.

I respect your gumption.
You got plenty of that.

Sure messin' up
that fancy suit, ain't you?

Maybe next time you'll wear Levi's.

If I'm right, sheriff,
there won't be any next time.

If you're right,
and I ain't sayin' you ain't,

you better cover me
when I hit that door.

What in the name
of the seven sins?!

Del Jackson said there
was a feller here,

Miss Boland.

Ain't no young feller been here
unless I'm blind.

Where's the girl?

Your granddaughter?

I don't see as you got
the right to ask.

Miss Boland, Del said that...

You wanna ask, that's different, Sam.

Cassie went out
to pick us some berries.



Anywhere there's berries to be found.
Could be anyplace on this whole mountain.

Sorry to have troubled you,
Miss Boland.

That's not gonna
give much light.

Ah, it'll give lots more than light.
As long as this burns,
you know the air is good.

I guess that's somethin' they
don't teach you in the city, huh?

Be pretty risky,
these old tunnels.

Timbers rottin'.
Ain't nobody been in 'em
since the mines gave out.

Except me. I... I come
up here all the time.

One tunnel running
out of another.

Oh, you get lost,
you'll be in here
a hundred years.

One of these go
through to the other side?

Well, sure.
That's how
I'm gonna get you out.

Half a day lost.

Well, maybe not.

She said, "young fella."
Now, how would
she know that?

Somebody washed up.

That's not unknown,
even here, lieutenant.

Not too long ago either.

What's the matter?

It's dry.

They didn't use a towel.

Now, what sort of man
wouldn't use a rag like this?

A man who expects
a towel to be clean?

A special kind
of man?

A doctor, maybe?

Any idea which way
they'd go?

Well, like you said, lieutenant,

Mister, h-hey.

I should've told you.
Them shorings
are loose.

Oh, you just touch 'em, and
they'd maybe come right down.

See how easy
you can get lost?

Cassie, stop playing games with me.
Y... you said you'd get me
to the other side.

And I said it and I meant it,
and I'm goin' to.

I... I just wanna
ask you somethin' first.

All right.

A man can get tired
runnin' alone.

You want to go along.

I won't be no worry to you.
I wouldn't hold you back none.

you're holding me back now.

If you don't quit, you might as well
just hand me over to the sheriff.

Oh, you're still sweatin' about him?

Sheriff ain't gonna
find you here.

See, you... You
believe me, don't you?

Is there any reason
why I should?

Well, sure.
Don't nobody know

this old cave except me.

I come up here sometimes
just to sit.

You know,
uh, what I call it?

I bet you wouldn't guess
in ten hundred years.

The dreamin' room.

Now, I bet you...
You think that's pure foolish.

A grown girl dreamin'.

Guess it depends on
what she dreams about.

Well, lots of things,

but mostly gettin'
down off this mountain.

One of them tunnels
goes clear through.

You come out
on the other side,

and you can see the road,
white and narrow like a,
uh, fresh-washed ribbon,

twistin' and turnin' all the way down, then
kinda hurryin' straight across the valley,

like it just plain can't wait
to get to the city.

If you could know
how often
I took that road.

Just, uh, dreamin',
I mean.

Doesn't have to be a dream,

That's what Grams says.
She run away to Nashville once, she stayed two years.

Came back just before my pa was born.

Takes a lot of gumption,
to go down there alone.

I wouldn't know, uh, which foot
to set in front of the other.

Unless somebody took me along
and showed me.


I can't.

I wouldn't be
in your way.
And there...

There wouldn't be nothin'
I wouldn't do.

I'm sorry, Cassie.

Well, I mean,

can't hardly blame you.
A fella like you and
somethin' like me.

Somethin' you could've
picked off a berry bush,

walkin' down
a city street,

folks lookin'
and whisperin',
and maybe laughin'
behind their hands.

Anywhere, any city in the world,
I'd walk with you.

I'd be proud to.

But I can't.

You know I can't.
You know I'm running.

Just for fightin',
I mean,
that ain't nothin'.

You can go back
and sit in jail

for a couple of days. And that
pays 'em back and then you...

You can stop runnin'.

There's somethin' more?

Yeah, a lot more.

You did somethin' bad?

They say I did.

They say I k*lled somebody.

You didn't?

No, but I can't prove
that I didn't.

That wouldn't be much of
a life for you, would it?

Always on the go.
Always looking back.

You'd never know
who'd step out of a doorway,

sit beside you on a bus
or in a restaurant.

I don't care.

I do.

Yeah, well, it, uh,

seemed like a kinda good idea.

Cassie, listen to me.

Now, just don't say anything.
Just listen to me.

You can get down off of this
mountain, and you don't need me.

You don't need anybody.

All you need is something to get
you started, and you've got that.

You want to go.

It's... It's just all in yourself.

The wanting to go,
that's all you need.

You understand?


just pick up that ribbon
and follow it down.


I guess you'd better
show me that tunnel.

It's down this way.

Jesse, fire up that lantern.

Not even
a decent light.

We're lucky the old woman
even gave us this.

Well, this...

Here's the one.
Goes all the way through.

SHERIFF: Gonna be hard
to find him, lieutenant.

Must be a dozen tunnels
branching off of the main one.

Smaller tunnels
branching off of them.

You run.
I'll hold 'em back.

Go on.

Uh, sheriff's kin to me,
he won't do me no harm.

Go on.

GERARD: You say one of these
goes all the way through?


Question is,
which one?

Mr. Bradley!

Mr. Bradley,
you lookin'
for somebody?

You know who we're
lookin' for, Cassie.

I reckon I don't,
unless you tell me.

The feller that got away
from me last night.

That's him.
Where is he?

Where is he?

You think I found me
somethin' like this,
I'd let him get away?

No use foolin' with her,
we got him cooped up.
He can't get out on this side.

What about
the other side?

There's not but one tunnel.
I'll phone Barlow Springs
and have 'em close it.

I'd better see if Jackson's
come up with the jeep.

Run, Mister, run!

Run, Mister, run!

Plenty enough air
coming in.

It's a question of
diggin' out is all.

I'd say,
six or seven hours.

And if the others
find us?

Maybe two or three.

He could be halfway across
the next state by then.

Ain't a bad place.

You get used to it.

And kind of a nice room
for dreamin'.

We got kin in Wheeling,

the Iversons,

if you find
you need some help.

I don't need no help.

Not them,
not nobody.

You just remember that.

You don't need nobody.

Above the mountain, leaving
it far below and behind him,

Lieutenant Philip Gerard returns home

without the man he had
come to find and recapture.

The other side of the mountain...
of many mountains.

A road twisting and
turning into the future,

without promise, without assurance
for the man who must always go alone.

Richard Kimble,
