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04x02 - Death is the Door Prize

Posted: 04/24/22 17:28
by bunniefuu
Mr. Sanders.

What's going on?

My hand.

Come on. Come on.

Well, hello again.

Have you seen our friend?

Who is our friend?

Ed Sanders.

He was just reported
trying to leave the grounds.


Well, why ask me about him?

Well, I figure he only knows
two people here. You and me.

Me, he's running from.

You're nice to run into.

Have you seen him?

Now, really, Mr. Dawes. Ha, ha.

- Look, Miss Stone-
- Now why would he wanna see me?

It's important that I find him.

What happened?

Miss Stone,
it’s very important that I find him.

It's a police matter.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim of blind justice,

falsely convicted
for the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate
when a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at man y jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave
the scene of the crime.

Freed him to run
before the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

Lois Nettleton,

Ossie Davis

and special guest star,
Howard Da Silva.

For a fugitive,

there must be a weariness
in even the simplest chore.

An extra sense,
sharpened by the two-fold chase.

The fugitive hunted,
and the fugitive hunting.


- Sorry.
- Well-- Oh, that’s all right.

- Where?
- Over there.

Bumped into a woman
and took her wallet.

- Can you point him out?
- Had dark hair and a brown jacket.

No, I don't see him.

She's gone too.

A brown tweed jacket?

Yeah. Brown tweed.

We'll keep a lookout for him.


I'm sorry.

And is this your first visit
to the show, Mr. Patterson?

Yes, ma'am.
I'm from Texas, visiting relatives.

Oh, you're along way from home.

Ha, ha. Yes, ma'am.

Uh, this ABF,

- uh, that's a Texas company

And I'm, uh, thinking of buying into it.

Well, I’m sure you won’t regret it.

No, ma'am.

- I’ve been studying its growth-Well, now, we’ll just play this back.

I'm sure you'll be pleased
with our home video tape recorder.

There we go.

And is this your first visit
to the show, Mr. Patterson?

Yes, ma'am.

Uh, I'm from Texas, visiting relatives.

- You're a long way from home.
- Ha, ha. Yes, ma'am.

Uh, this ABF,

- that's a Texas company

and, uh, I’m thinking of buying into it.

Well, I’m sure you won’t regret it.

No, ma'am.
I've been studying its progress--

- There we are.
- Now, if that don't beat everything.

Oh, thank you, Mr. Patterson,
it's been a pleasure talking with you.

Yes, ma'am. I--

How do you do, sir?

- How do you do?
- Ha, ha.

Well, thank you, Mr., uh--

- Sanders. Ed Sanders.
- Ah.

It's all there.

Oh. Heh.

I'm sorry. Of course.

Well, it’s a pleasure
to meet an honest man, Mr. Sanders.

Thank you.

I'm trying to think
of a suitable reward.

It's not necessary.

You know, when I missed it,
I did think for a moment that, uh--

But then I said to myself,
"No, he couldn't."

But why he couldn't or isn't,
or what he is, or what anybody is?

Well, you have to take people
at face value, don't you think?

Suspicion is a very dark corner.

On the other hand,
I misplace things.

So I thought maybe
that's what happened.

So I reported it to the lost and found.

How did you know
where to find me?

The number on the badge,

Oh, that's right.

Well, I’m not just number .

I'm also Marcia Stone.

Nice meeting you, Marcia.

Uh, please stay.

We have a fine exhibit.

And my job is demonstrating our handy
little home video tape recorder.

- No, thank you.
- Oh.

Well, most people are curious
about the way they look and sound.

Well, I guess I’m just not.

Uh, well, would you--'? Wouldn't you
like to at least, um, look at our display?

Some other time. Thank you.


I wanna talk to you?

Hey, you.

Stop that man.

Now, hold it, everybody.

Just hold it.

Get an ambulance.

All guards' alert.

Pickpocket on the grounds.

Male Caucasian, , about foot,

torn brown tweed jacket
and out hand,

May be dangerous.
Approach with caution.

Security guards, block all exits.

Pickpocket, male Caucasian, ,

about foot, torn brown tweed jacket
and out hand,

May be dangerous.
Approach with caution.

- No sign of him.
- Him.

He did it.

He shot Stuart. k*lled him.

Take it easy, kid.

We're looking into it.

- Hi, Pete.
- Johnny.

We lost the pickpocket, chief.

Checked everywhere.

Well, if he hasn’t gotten away in the past hour, he won’t now.

The ground's covered tighter
than a drum.

The same thing applies to the hotel.

My people are making a lot of trouble
about this.

Pete, the boy said you fired
without warning.

That's not true, Johnny.

I yelled to the kid to hold it,
but he reached for his back pocket.

You heard me, Ben.


No. No, I didn't, Pete.

Uh, I must have
come in right after that.

I was chasing the pickpocket.

You came in sh**ting.

You punks,
you got no right to be here.


No w*apon was found on the body.

That's right. That's right.

We had nothing.

Johnny, that's not true.

I tell you he reached
for his back pocket like this.

I thought-- Well, what could I think?

But I didn't sh**t to k*ll.

I have a witness. Ben?

I didn't see the sh**ting.

I mean, the man I was chasing.

Oh, well, yeah, I saw someone,
all right, but, uh--

Gee, everything went so fast that--

Well, I couldn’t identify him, Pete.

That's the pickpocket.
He's my witness.

Not until he shows, he isn't.


you know me.

I've got a good record.
I retired clean.

I know that, Pete.

I'll not forget it.


I guess we'd better move this down
to the station.

Sorry, Pete.

Until this thing is resolved,
you know the rules.

I didn't sh**t to k*ll.

I got nothing to say.
I'm a minor and I know my rights.

Just tell the story
you told in the basement.

You'll have a chance to read it
before you sign it.

No, sir. Not until I talk to my lawyer.

Too much television.

We've contacted your parents.

Do they have to come here?

You're a minor.

They're responsible for you.

What about him?
You gonna hold him?

He k*lled somebody.

He's already made a statement.

Mr. Dawes will look out for himself,
you look out for you.

If they're coming, they're coming.
There's nothing I can do about it

and I'm not gonna say a word
till they get here.

I'm in trouble, but good.

You know the routine.

Coroner's inquest.

With more than the usual amount
of noise

because it's an ex-cop
involved with a minor.

I didn't sh**t to k*ll.

You got to believe that, Johnny.

Suppose I do believe it.
What difference will it make?

It's still homicide.

What kind?

We'll have to wait and find out.

Can I ask you a favor?

Sure, Pete.

Anything within reason,
but not any more than--

I'd like to get a line
on the pickpocket.

He might have a record.

The files would tell me who he is.

You're wasting your time.

My time to waste.

And I might end up
with an awful lot of it.


You know where the files are.

Thanks, Johnny.


I have to do this by the book

just like you would have to.

Hey. Where is he going?

If you're not gonna hold him,
why hold me?

He k*lled somebody. I didn't.

All right, kid.


one more time,

what were you and your buddy doing
down in that basement storeroom?

Any luck?

Yeah. Bad.

No. it's worse than that.

It's lousy.

This report just came in.

The woman's purse wasn't stolen.

“Marcia Stone, ABF Electronics,
purse returned.”

So your witness
wasn't a pickpocket.

- He's still my witness.
- Not until he shows.

What was he running for
if he wasn't afraid of anything?

Well, some people are scared
when they see a uniform.



I hope you find him.

Otherwise it don't look good.

Telling me. Manslaughter.

You're a good cop, Johnny.

I'll always be happy
to have been part of that.

- Wait a minute.
- You find something?


Oh. Looked a little bit like him.

Well, is it?

No. No, it's not him.

Pete, in here, they all look alike.

But I don't understand.

I didn't report my wallet to the police.

Your lost and found did.

When Mr. Sanders,
you said his name was, returned it,

did you talk with him?

I thanked him and that was it.

Did he say anything,
anything about himself, I mean?

No, why should he?

Did you demonstrate
this gadget to him?

I started to, but he stopped me.

Did you get anything on tape?

I might have.

- Would you show it to me, please?

Um, let me see. That was,
uh, just before noon, wasn't it?

Let's see how good I am.

No, ma'am, I've been, uh,
studying its progress and I--

Hold it.

That's him.

Are you sure that's the man
who returned the wallet to you?

Yes, sir.

Is there anything else
you can remember about him?

Oh. I don't know any more to tell you.

Is he in trouble?

If you see him again, get in touch
with Jim Boles, the hotel detective.

He'll know where to find me.


You can't leave the grounds this way.
You'll have to go to the main entrance.

Thank you.


Let me see your hand.

No, the other one.

Rear-gate entrance.
Get me the chief.

Mr. Sanders.

What's going on?

My hand.

Come on. Come on.

Well, hello again.

Have you seen our friend?

Who is our friend?

Ed Sanders.

Really, Mr. Dawes, I only talked to you
a little while ago.

I mean, since.

He was just reported
trying to leave the grounds.


Well, why ask me about him?

Well, I figure he only knows
two people here. You and me.

Me, he's running from.

You're nice to run into.

Have you seen him?

Now, really, Mr. Dawes.
Ha, ha.

- Look, Miss Stone-
- Now, why would he wanna see me?

It's important that I find him.

What happened?

He know

You're being very mysterious.

Miss Stone, it’s very important
that I find him.

It's a police matter.

Have you seen him?

I'll tell you where I'm hiding him,
if you tell me why you want him.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to come on like gangbusters.

Is there anything else you know
about him you haven't told me?


- Miss Stone?
- Oh, excuse me.

How do you do?

Uh, would you be interested
in a demonstration

of our home video viewer?

Excuse me.

Come with me.

- You wanna debate?

I hid you and I lied for you,
now come on.

You'll be safe here, Mr. Sanders.

I don't have any etchings.


My home away from home.

I live too far away to commute
so the show put me up here.

Let me see your hand.

You need a fresh bandage.

This one will give
—or gangrene or something.

Uh, pour yourself a drink,
Mr. Sanders.

One for me too.

I've only got a few minutes
before they'll start missing me.

Why are you helping me?

Don't get the wrong idea,
Mr. Sanders.

You returned my wallet.
It had two weeks' salary in it.

I'm a working girl living dollar to dollar.

Losing it could be a disaster.



You know why the police want me?

You don't owe me
the story of your life.

You're not curious?


Then I'll break your heart
with the story of my life.


Well, I've gotta get back to Abel,
Barker and Frawley Electronics.

Be comfortable.

Excuse me, miss. We’re looking for a man--

Oh, well, ha, ha. So am I.

If you find any spare ones.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Ha, ha.


Don't take that.

I was just gonna have it repaired.

It's not necessary.

I can fix it
if you'll give me a needle and thread.

You'll never manage with that hand.

Let me do it
when I get back from work.

Why don’t you just lie down
and rest?

You really shouldn't try to leave
before tonight.

Two people.

Well, see, I’ll walk out with you and--

Two people walking hand in hand,

when they're looking for only one.

You still ought
to let me take your jacket.

I know a very fine tailor who--

Two boys out on a lark.

Is that a reason to k*ll one?

It was hardly a lark, Mrs. Lee.
Your son and his friend

were found doing
what they had no business doing.

Go on. Stick together. Defend that
man just because he's a policeman.

He deliberately k*lled a boy.

He should be charged with m*rder.

My wife's upset, Mr. Gaines.

So am I.

But I do understand
that you have a job to do.

Oh, Victor. For heaven's sakes.

- It’s our son who’s being persecuted-
- Please, Martha.

The boy's not in chains,
his mother and father are here

and we're waiting for the attorney.

I'm also here for Mrs. Sanger.

She's a widow.

I don't always like my job, Mr. Lee,

there are some times I like it
even less.

May I have just a few moments alone
with my son?

Gary, whatever made you
get into this mess?

It wasn't my fault.

Believe me.

If possible,

it's even worse this morning
than it was yesterday.

Dead boy's mother is a widow,
both boys never been in trouble before.

Wait till the papers get a hold of that.

I didn't sleep last night either.

The coroner's inquest is tomorrow.

If you can't produce your witness
by then...

I know.

You’re out on your own cognizance,

But I can't guarantee it
after the inquest.

If charges are filed...


not if, old friend, when.

Good luck.


I haven't seen anybody like that.

You're sure you didn't see him?

Mister, I'm sure, I'm not sure,

I get a lot of transient trade
from the hotel.

Their shop is very expensive,
you know.

A few extra steps
and I'm a lot cheaper.

And believe me, I do good work.

It's a torn brown jacket.

The left sleeve.
He could have left it here for repair.

It didn't happen. But tears. Ha, ha.

sleeves, buttons, pockets.

But I'd remember if a man brought
in a brown jacket with a torn--

Hold it up.

Excuse me.

You said a-- You said a man.

It was a woman who brought this in

A beautiful woman.

Did she leave her name?

Stone. The hotel.

How soon will she pick it up,
do you think?

From now on.

Thank you.

The political pot continues...

- You didn't have much breakfast.
- I'll eat later.

Ordering two
would have been suspicious.

- How is your hand?
- Oh, it's fine.

Police continue their search
for an unidentified witness

to the k*lling of Stuart Sanger, .

The witness is described as about , dark hair.

When last seen
on the hotel grounds,

the left sleeve
of his brown tweed jacket was torn.

His hand
was also described as cut,

but the wound is not believed
to be serious.

The police hope
that he will come forward.

On the local weather front--

You're not annoyed with me
for taking your jacket out?

No, things look much better today.

It's terrible about that boy.

Dawes wants me to testify for him.

Dawes shot him?

- Didn't he tell you?
- No.

He was just asking for you
and being a little mysterious about it.

Is he in trouble because of it?

Yeah, I think so.

Why you do what you do
is your own business.

Some people
don't like to get involved.

You do.

That's me.

You're you.

You're funny.

You don't care
to know why I won't testify.

I'm dying to know.

But hours isn't a lifetime hold.

You don't say much about yourself.

Well, you’re better off out of it.

Well, I’ll go get your jacket
and report to work.

You'll be leaving then?


I'll be right back.

Good as new.

- I wanna thank you once again--
- Please.

Uh, I'm sorry.

No goodbyes.

I mean--

Don't think of me as just kind.

If you ever think of me again.

No, don't say anything.

I'll leave first.
You wait a few minutes and then go.

Good bye.

Good bye.

Good luck.

- What--'? What are you doing?
- Open the door.

Let-- What do you think you're doing?

- Let go of me or I'll scream!
- Keep your voice down.

Mr. Dawes,
I will not let you into my room.

Beat it or I'll pull you in
for harboring and hustling.

Give me back my key.

Jim Boles, please. Quickly.

Yeah, all right, Pete.

Look, Pete, the only way
that he can get out is through the lobby

and the only way he can get to the
lobby is through the pool area past me

and he's not gonna get past me.

Now, if I see him--

- Hold it.
- Stall him.

Whatever you do, don't let him
get away. I'll be right down.

- Sir. Good morning, sir.
- Yeah, good morning.

Excuse me sir, but could I help you?

I don't think so.

Well, you seemed a little lost.

The hotel grounds are rather spacious,
it's easy to get lost.

- I'm just fine, thank you.
- I'm, uh, delighted to hear that.

We get nothing but complaints
all day and all night.

People wandering
into the wrong bungalows.

Oh, you'd be surprised
at what actually does go on.

Now, I can remember one time,
Mr., uh--

I didn't get your name.



Mr. Sanders.

Well, I remember one time...

I'm very busy.

Oh, just, uh, passing through
the pool area.

I'm trying to.

Pete, he's all yours.

Thanks, Jim.

I wanna talk to you.

But I don't wanna talk to you.

I think maybe you'd better.

You're not the police.
You can't hold me.

All I want is a quiet talk.

Or would you rather make
a complaint about me to the police?

There's a quiet spot over there.

After you.

You're a hard man to catch up with.

You caught up.

And you know what I want from you.

What do you want?

Now, don't get fancy with me.

You're in deep trouble
unless you testify for me.

Unless you tell exactly
what you saw.

Well, maybe I didn’t see .what you think I saw.

Then you'll lie.

- Why should I?
- Because I'm innocent.

Does that surprise you, Dr. Kimble?

That a man be accused
and still be innocent?

I think you've made a mistake.

No, Dr. Kimble. I'm trying to save you
from making one.

This can go one of two ways.

We haven't got much time.

Now, which will it be?

All right. You know who I am,

you know I can't afford
to get on that stand to testify.

You can't afford not to.

- Blackmail?
- That's not a word I'd use.

All I'm asking you to do
is testify for me.

And either way, I lose.

Not if I put this card back in the files.

We help each other.

Now, what do you say?

So far, it's all on your side.

You know what I'm facing.

Who? Ed Sanders? What did he do?

You think I'll turn you in
after you testify for me?

- You could.
- I wouldn't.

You'll just have
to take my word for that.

It's still all my risk.

Look, you haven't got much choice.

Now if you--

This is wrong.

I don't wanna thr*aten you.

I'm innocent.

I didn't g*n that kid down for kicks.

I'm innocent too
or don't you believe that?

Maybe yesterday I wouldn't have.

Since then, I've had a short,
hard lesson in what could happen.

And if I want you to take my word,
I guess I'll just have to take yours.

All I want is the truth.

I mean it, just the truth.

If you really believe
that I coldly k*lled that boy,

I'll let you walk out
and keep walking.

Now, things are a lot different
than when they started.

I meant what I just said.


I'm tossing my life in your lap.

How do I get through to you?

You just did.

The boy made a move.

A definite move to his back pocket

after Mr. Dawes warned him
not to move.

That's not true.

It just isn't true.

Mr. Sanders.

Would you say that the move
the boy made was threatening?

It looked that way.


How do we know that this Mr. Sanders
isn't a hired witness?

Where was he yesterday?

- The police are not above this.
- Please, Martha.

I'm sorry, lieutenant.

This has been quite a shook
to both of us.

Lieutenant, will this go to trial?

Not if Mr. Dawes is not charged.

If your son corroborates Mr. Sanders,
it won’t.

It can probably be held
to a juvenile hearing.

Victor, you're agreeing to blackmail.

It's this man's word against
our boy's.

Our boy's a thief, Martha.

So I can't be surprised
if he'd lie as well.


He's a k*ller, I'm not.

It wasn't my fault that he comes
down there and sh**t Stu.

Stuart is dead.

Whatever happens to Mr. Dawes
doesn't alter the mess that you're in.

Mr. Sanders,

have we met before?

I don't think so.

I want you to listen to me, Gary.

I want the truth.

If you believe that both these men
are lying, fine.

I'll back you up on that.

On the other matter,
you'll have to take your lumps.

And your mother and I
will take them along with you.

God help us,
we're responsible for you.

But the truth.

Victor, please.

If you're lying, your best friend is dead,
a man could go to jail for m*rder.

That's what we're talking about.

It's beyond your problem.

Our problem.

Do you understand
what I'm telling you?

I told you, Dad, that-- Well...

Well, what?

Say it.

Mean it.


Did Stuart go for his back pocket?

Yes or no.


Is this man lying?




He's not lying.

Father, I'm sorry.

Thanks, Mr. Sanders.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience
we might have caused you.

What are you doing here?

- Is everything all right?
- It's just fine.

L-- I followed Mr. Dawes.

When he brought you here,
I thought...

Johnny, I told you
I checked the files.

I'll double-check.

Mr. Sanders.

Just another moment, please.

Hold him.

I'm sorry.

We made a deal.

I didn't tell him anything.

Frank Finlay, second story man.

If you were inches shorter
and years older, you could be him.

Sorry, again.

I appreciate your coming forward.

I'll always be grateful.

Well, this wrapped up clean.

Congratulations, Pete.

What for? For being a lousy shot?


another farewell scene.

Don't you hate them?

I don't like this one.

I can't coax you to stay?

Ha, ha. I'm shameless.

I'm not the man.

He must be somewhere.

Whatever you're running from

or searching for

good luck.

A fugitive moves on,

Through anguished tunnels of time,
down dim streets, into dark corners.

And each new day offers fear
and frustration,

tastes of honey and hemlock.

But if there is hazard,
there is also hope.