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04x20 - There Goes the Ball Game

Posted: 04/24/22 18:19
by bunniefuu
Next: The Fugitive in color.

No, you're going to
go through with it.

I know you don't care what happens
to me. I can understand that.

Now, you can't force me into
going through with it.

I think I can.

I could send you over
to Captain Gibbs' office

to check over some mug sh*ts,

but don't think that's the place
you want to go.

Is it, Dr. Kimble?

I'm sorry to drop the other shoe,

but you were the last on the list
and the easiest to check out.

From my own newspaper morgue.

Look, I don't expect you to believe me,
but I didn't k*ll my wife.

I don't care one way or the other.

It's between you and me, doctor,

maybe Nadine didn't turn the way
I expected her to.

Right now that doesn't make
any difference. She's my daughter.

And lf you don't deliver,
I will turn you over to the police.

- How do I know you won't anyway?
- You don't.

A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim of blind justice,

falsely convicted
for the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate
when a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him
to hide in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run
before the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story: Gabriel Dell,

Lynda Day,

and special guest star,
Martin Balsam

A man on the run
has few moments to relax,

to live as other men.

But even a fugitive
cannot live by flights alone.

Even he must pause
for the rare moment to replenish.

Uh, excuse me, sir.
I think you're sitting in the wrong seat.

It's this one.

Excuse me.

I'm expecting someone,
and we always have these seats.

Well, I'm sorry.

Here are the lineups for today's game.

First batter, number six,
playing second base, Al Frishman.

The next batter, number ,
the left fielder, Ken Cobey.

Next batter, number three, playing
first base, Ray Sheinbaum.

- Miss Newmark?
- Yes?

Pardon me, sir,
I have a message for the young lady.

- What is it?
- There's a phone call for you.

- A Miss Walton.
- Vicki?

Would you follow me, please.

Number ,
the shortstop, Birdie King.

Strike three. Out!

Excuse me, sir.
Have you been sitting here long?

I beg your pardon?

Well, I was supposed to meet
my girlfriend, but I'm terribly late.

I didn't think she'd...

I'm sorry.

Well, there was a girl here
waiting for someone.

A man came and told her
she had a phone call, and she left.

- When was that?
- Right before the game started.

That's quite some time ago.

Phone call?

Uh, did she know the man?

Well, he was a park official, I think.

He called her by name.

He said there was a message, um,

from Vicki. Vicki, yeah.

- What did he look like?
- I don't know.

I guess I'd remember him again
if I saw him, but that's all.

Your attention, please.

Miss Vicki Walton, please report to
security office, lower level.

Miss Vicki Walton, please report to
security office, lower level.

Time out!

Sir, lf you don't mind,
come along with me.

- Where?
- The park security office.

They'd like you
to answer a few questions.

Mr. Tyler, let's just get this straight.

You saw my daughter, and you saw
the man who kidnapped her.

I saw two people.

Whoever it was called me
at the newspaper...

...said he had Nadine.
I didn't recognize the voice.

He said no publicity and no police.

And he demanded
my home phone number...

...said he was gonna call me
there later.

I came right down here hoping
to find someone who could help.

- And I guess that's you.
- How can I help?

You told me you'd recognize him
if you saw him again.

- No, I said maybe--
- Well, that's good enough.

I'll get the ID cards
of all my employees

and have them sent over to my house
for you to check out.

Mr. Newmark, I sympathize
for the way you feel, but I can't--

If you had any other plans,
cancel it.

We'll contact your family.
Give Joe here your number.

- I have no family.
- Then I can count on you.

All I'm trying to say is that I have a job.
I have to be there at : .

Mr. Tyler, don't worry about your job.
I'll square it.

If you get docked, I'll double it.

If you lose it, I’ll get you another one.

I just don't see how I can be
of that much help.

I can see it. You're the only one
who can identify the kidnapper.

I'm sorry. No.

Mr. Tyler,
I'm talking about my daughter.

If I strike you as a benign man,
forget it.

Any threat to things
near and dear to me...

...I become a street brawler.
Now, you said no. I don't hear it.

All right, I'm making
a citizen's arrest.

- What charge?
- My wallet's missing.

I'm sure lf Joe here would search you,
he'd find it in your pocket.

And the police will take
my word for it.

Now, is that what you want,
or you going to come with me?

I guess I come with you.

Phil, what's this all about?
I don't understand.

We'll explain it to you.

Now, this is your home for the
next hours, Miss Newmark.

There's just that one door,
and it's triple locked.

And all these windows are tight.
So don't try anything cute.

That thing's too loud, Phil.
Will you turn it down?

Take off the shoes.

Ah, just the shoes.

Off, I said.

Look at those heels,
one whack and...

What are you doing?

Checking for weapons.

You think she carries a g*n?

All women are armed.

Nail file.

Rat-tailed comb.

Cuticle scissors.
She's a walking arsenal.


Phil, why?

Tell her.

You play with fire,
you gotta get burned.

She'll figure it out.

Oh. Look, lf it's money you want,
I'll get it for you.

Which is why you're here,
Miss Newmark.

Oh, Phil, this is all wrong.

- You'll only get into trouble.
- Oh, no. Ha, ha.

Not if you behave yourself.

Phil, we were...

Well, I thought we were friends.

We were more than that,
don't you remember?

You know I remember.

I don't know why you should.
Uh, I must be one of a hundred.

That's not fair.

Oh, that's great, you talking about fair.
That's just great.

I don't know what you mean.
I really don't.

Then you don't remember any of it.

All I know is when I had
major league prospects, I have a girl.

Then when the arm gets sore,
she walks out on me.

That had nothing to do with it.
It was over, that's all.

Just like that.

Oh. Phil, look,

we had some good times,
some laughs.

But that was all,
and then it was over.

I never intended for it
to be any more.

I guess I'm the stupid type.

The American dream.

Marry a rich man's daughter.

Knock it off, Chester.

Look, Phil, I thought you knew exactly
what we had.

- I never intended to hurt you.
- Okay.

Okay, you had your kicks.
It's over now.

But it'll cost you.

Look, both of you.

Let me go.
You'll get your money, I promise.

And my father won't press charges.
I'll see to that.

Where are you going?

Just to get a glass of water.

Or do I need permission for that too?

For the next ...

hours, you need it to breathe.

Jerry, I want you to watch the gate.
See that nobody gets through.


You should be in bed.
What's she doing down here?

She can be as stubborn as you,
Mr. Newmark.

Have you found out anything more?

There haven't been
any telephone calls.

No, we're working on it.
Now, please let me do the worrying.

We'll get her back.

Vicki, dear.

I'm so sorry, Mrs. Newmark.

- lf hadn't been late, this--
- it's not your fault, dear.

This is Gene Tyler. My wife.

He spotted the kidnapper at the game,
and he's going to help us.

Mr. Tyler, I’ll be so grateful
for anything you can do.

Rosie, please, don't fret.

Now, go upstairs.
Try to get some rest.

- How can I rest?
- All right, I'm worried, you're worried.

She's .

Now, come on, upstairs you go.

Take her upstairs, Aggie.
Up you go. Doctor's orders.

Just hold onto me, Mrs. Newmark.

Aggie, show Mr. Tyler
where he can clean up.

When you finish, come down here,
we can go to work.

This way, Mr. Tyler.

You're going to be an important man
to me, Mr. Tyler. I won't forget it.


Joe, I want you to go down
to the paper

and get me all the personnel cards.

I want this Tyler guy
to look at all the pictures.

Everybody who's ever
worked for me.

I'll have Jerry get me the names
of all the people

who've worked in this house in the
past five years. You check them out.

It'll take more than hours to check
all those names out, chief.

Okay. Check Tyler out too, and have
Jerry put a guard on both gates.

Will do.

- Check on Tyler?
- Sure.

Who is he?
What do we know about him?

- But you insisted that he come here.
- Well, he wasn't anxious.

How do we know he didn't
deliberately give us

the wrong description
of the kidnapper?

He didn't have to say anything
and he wouldn’t be here at all.

I know it's wild,
but everybody's got a rock.

You dig, you'll be surprised
what you find.

Even if there's only one chance in
a million, I've got to touch on all bases.

It won't hurt to check one more name.

Gene Tyler’s the name.

It's, uh, almost : .
You said you'd call my home.


It's five minutes to the phone booth,
one minute for the call.

Not a second more.
We don't want any trace.

I can make it back here
in minutes.

Hey, we got time.

Let the old boy sweat awhile. Then lf
we ask him for Fort Knox, we get it.

- No.
- Get in there.


No, Chester.
I don't want her marked.

- Gonna let her get away with that?
- She didn't, so simmer down.

I set up this deal, and you agreed,
nobody gets hurt.

You'd better not try
anything like that again.

- She won't.
- You bet she won't.

Because next time
I might just get mad.

- Take it easy.
- You take it easy.

I know what I'm doing,
and you better know it too.

- The both of you better know it.
- I know what's at stake.

Then remember it.

Because I don't want no surprises.

I can't figure anyone I know
who would do such a thing.

Maybe it was somebody Nadine knew
that I had never met or you know.

I mean, you're friends. You date
together, you do things together.

We know a lot of people, Mr. Newmark,
but a lot of strangers know about you.

Oh, it's my fault, right?

You punk kids
are just a bunch of saints.

- What's the matter?
- I'm finished.

Check them again.

Take it over there.

Newmark residence. Newmark.

Mr. Newmark, listen carefully.
I won't repeat.

$ , for your daughter,
in used bills.

Tens and s. You got that?

That should fill a large suitcase.

Who are you?

And where am
I supposed to get old bills? it's late.

You'll manage. Now, don't interrupt.

I’ll call you before noon tomorrow,

tell you where,
when and how to deliver. Got that?

What assurance do I have
that my daughter's all right?

You'll have it. Remember,
no police, no publicity.

- Where's Tyler?
- He went out.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- You were on the phone.

Anyway, he'll be back.

Oh, Fred, this is Andy.

Listen, I just heard
from the kidnappers.

Now, they want $ ,
in old and dollar bills.

What do you mean two days?

By noon tomorrow, Fred.

Don't promise me, have it.

All right.

Caught him trying to
sneak out the gate.

Nice work, Jerry.

Where you think you're going?

I did my job,
I looked through the cards.

I couldn’t identify him.

I'll be getting information on
some other people, so stick around.

You don't need me anymore.

We made a deal.
I kept my end of it.

Fine. I'm grateful.

Now we're making a new deal.

You never intended to let me leave until
you got your daughter back, did you?


You're the only witness to the fact.

Now, lf I need the police,
they'll need you.

You're the only one
they can line up suspects for.

You've already been in touch
with the kidnapper.

So cheer me on. Sit on your duff.

You never had it so good.

You want a witness,
your daughter's a witness.

Suppose he kills her?

- Well, I can't prevent that.
- Granted.

But if that happens

I'll get whoever's in my way
and whoever's responsible.

Now, right now,
you're the only w*apon I have.

You can't hold me.

What kind of cold potato are you,

My daughter's years old.

She's out there somewhere with
a kidnapper or a k*ller, for all I know.

Maybe I can't identify him.

The files, he has no record.

So you gave me a chunk of your life.
I'm beholden.


Never mind.

- No, go ahead.
- it wouldn’t be any use.

Try me.

You want to ask me lf, uh,
I'm sure I know what I'm doing.

Something like that.

I guess when a dame like you snows
a guy, you figure he stays snowed.

Don't worry about it.
I know what I'm doing.

- What about your friend Chester?
- What about him?

Phil, he's going to k*ll me, I know it.

I told him and I'm telling you,
it's my show.

It doesn't seem that way.

Look, I planned the whole thing.

As far as Chester's concerned,
he's just the hired help.

But lf he does try to k*ll me,
do you really think you could stop him?

Just shut up with this talk
about k*lling.

Oh. Give it up, Phil. Please.

I'll talk to Daddy.
He won't press charges, I swear it.

Just shut up!

Phil, whatever we had together,
it was good, wasn't it?

All right, so it ended.

But that's no reason for you
to get yourself into this kind of trouble.

All it takes is one quick call
and you'll be out of it.



I know what you probably think,

but I meant what I said before.

I never wanted to hurt you.

Oh, Phil, I'm scared.

How'd the call go?

I was on the phone seconds.
No time for a trace.

- Good.
- Not so good.

You didn't get all the lipstick off.

What's the matter with me?
Don't I appeal to you?

Not your type, huh?

Well, you're mine.
Any dame worth $ , is.

Take it easy, Chester.
Just because--

Just because and more.

There's a very interesting
item in the paper.

I picked it up after the call.

''Publisher’s daughter missing.

Feared kidnap victim.

Spectators at the ballpark
were questioned.

According to reports, an unidentified
man came forward

with a description of the abductor

and is now being held

But this isn’t even Daddy's paper.

It doesn't matter whose paper.
It changes the ball game.

- lf somebody spotted us.
- Us? Me.

I bought the deal from you
and I made the snatch.

I called on the phone
because the old man might recognize

the voice that went with the arm.

- I do all the dirty work.
- Never mind that.

- We gotta think about who's gonna--
- Not us, me.

There's nothing to think about.
There's something we gotta do.

- Get that witness.
- How?

Who is he? Where is he?
We don't have the time.

By this time tomorrow,
the FBI is gonna be in.

You know what that means?

There was only one person that paid
any attention to us at the ballpark.

The guy that sat next to her.

But I never saw him before in my life.

That witness is a complication.

And we've got to get rid
of complications.

So he's gonna deliver the money.

I don't follow. Why?

Because I say so. Because he can
identify me, not you.

Because after he delivers the money,
he won't be a witness.

- Chester--
- I know what I'm doing.

Everything neat and clean.

We get the money, we get rid
of the witness at the same time.

Joe, how did this break?

Newspapers, television, radio.

I checked with the security office
at the ballpark.

One of their guards finally admitted that
he leaked the story to a newspaperman.

If this throws a scare
into the kidnapper, he...

Okay, Joe. Thanks.



PETE: it’s Pete, chief.
Captain Gibbs is on his way through.

Oh, great. First the newspapers,
then the police.

Okay, Pete. Thank you.

Where are you going?

- I thought I'd go up to my room.
NEWMARK: After the police leave.

Uh, it won't take long.

I'll cooperate a little,
they'll cooperate.

The most they can do is
ask you a few questions, that's all.

Sorry to bust in, Andy.

Well, I see you're reading
my competition.

I wouldn’t have to, lf a friend would
let me know when he's in trouble.

This is Vicki Walton,

Gene Tyler. This is Bill Gibbs.

Even out of uniform,
he's still brass buttons.

You're the young lady who was
supposed to meet Miss Newmark?

That's the man who saw the kidnapper.
But you probably know that anyway.

Looks like you've got a corner
on the witness market.

Bill, the kidnapper called me.

He wants me
to keep the police out of this.

Still, you should have
kept us informed, Andy.

Anyhow, the FBI called,
this makes the inquiry official.

They don't have to get into it
unless you make a request.

But we've wasted
valuable time, Andy.

Tyler, here,
could have been working with us.

I haven't wasted any time at all.
I've been keeping him busy.

You're the one who worries me.

Your car parked in my driveway
could k*ll my daughter.

For all I know, the kidnapper could be
watching this place.

The paper broke it wide open, Andy.

Have you heard from him again?

Yes. And he's gonna call tomorrow.

What I can't figure out

is how they knew Miss Walton, here,
would be late.

Their whole plan depended on it.

I think I can help you there.

Because when I got in my car
to pick up Nadine, it was out of gas.

It happens.

But I'm sure I filled it
the day before yesterday.

Anyhow, by the time I walked
to the station, picked up a gallon,

went back to the car, filled it up,

oh, that must have taken
minutes to half an hour.

Well, don't you see?

Somebody must have known
both of us.

Known where I live

and that I park my car
on the street overnight,

that we go to the ballpark every
Saturday afternoon and where we sit.


Well, there must be more to it
than simple coincidence.

Don't you think?

I think you're probably right.

When we get through here,
I think it would be a good idea

if you come downtown with me,
check the mug sh*ts.

Who knows, you might meet an old
friend of yours in one of the books.

Bill, why don't you take off
right now.

That car of yours outside
makes me nervous.

Andy, I'm only trying to help.

Yeah, I know. I know, I appreciate it.
I'm just half out of my skull.

My wife's sick, the kid gone,
I have to raise all that money.

I know you're in the wings.

Holler and we'll come out.

Okay. One way or the other,
it'll be tomorrow.

- Then you can turn your dogs loose.
- Okay, Andy.

Let's go, Miss Walton.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Tyler.

Not every citizen would get involved.

Now, what's the matter? Don't you
wanna talk to Daddy w*r bucks?

Tell him to take his hands off me.

Go on, tell me.

It'd be easier for you if you don't fight us
every inch of the way.

- You shine his shoes too?
- Just keep her still.

Get the other one.

- Newmark.
- Okay, Newmark.

You've got one minute to get this.

Bring the money to that
old power plant on Dorado Road.

South end of town. Back entrance.
: sharp. You got that?

Is my daughter safe?

- Dad?
- Honey.

- Are you all right?
- Dad.

Nadine. Hello. Hello?

You heard. She's alive and okay.

That means no police and no FBI.
You got that?

Yes, I got it.

Oh, one more thing.

The witness delivers the money.

What are you talking about?
What witness?

You heard. I read the papers.

The witness makes the drop.
And I know what he looks like.

Dorado Road, back entrance,

Walk in yards, wait.

Come on.

At least I know now,
this minute, that my daughter's all right.

Mr. Newmark,
I can't do what they want.

Now, don't waste my time.

You know why he wants me.

Look, I want my daughter back.
You're going to deliver to the letter.

He'll do the same thing to your
daughter for the same reason.

I don't believe that.

You don't believe it
because you don't want to believe it.

If he didn't intend to k*ll
all the witnesses,

why would he want me, personally,
to deliver the money?

As long as I'm alive
and can identify him,

no harm will come to your daughter.

Well, if you don't show,

someone else does,
it could scare him off

or panic him into k*lling her.

No, you're gonna go through with it.

I know you don't care what happens
to me. I can understand that.

Now, you can't force me into
going through with it.

I think I can.

I could send you over to
Captain Gibbs' office

to check over some mug sh*ts,

but I don't think
that's the place you want to go.

Is it, Dr. Kimble?

I'm sorry to drop the other shoe,

but you were the last on the list
and the easiest to check out.

From my own newspaper morgue.

I don't expect you to believe me,
but I didn't k*ll my wife.

I don't care one way or the other.

It's between you and me, doctor.

Maybe Nadine didn't turn out
the way I expected her to.

Right now that doesn't make
any difference. She's my daughter.

And if you don't deliver,
I will turn you over to the police.

- How do I know you won't anyway?
- You don't.

Oh. Point.

Don't take any walks
from now until : .


If you think I'm a m*rder*r,
how can you trust me?

After you give me the money,
maybe I’ll just continue to walk.

That's my gamble.

I'm betting you won't.

Everything I've got comes
from gambling on what men will do

when the chips are down.

It's a big bet, $ , .

Bigger than that.
I'm betting on my daughter's life.

I don't get it.

She passed out so suddenly.

Sweet repose.
Poor kid's been having a trying time.

That cup of coffee.

Knockout drops.

I don't want any last-minute ruckus.

Miss Newmark will never know
what hit her.

Never know what?

Chester, never know what?

Get it through that thick amateur head
of yours that we're in this all the way.

You weren't so squeamish
when I said I’d take care of the witness.

- Yeah, well, him--
- And her.

I've been carrying the load
and I’ll follow through.

You'd only bungle.

But I didn't figure on k*lling anybody.

You didn't figure a witness.

Even without him, she's one.

What did you think
you'd do after the kidnapping?

Ask Nadine to please not say anything
to daddy or to the police?

Leave the country. Brazil, maybe.
You too.

I like it here.

You some kind of commie?
You wanna leave your native land?

- Chester, I think--
- I'm doing the thinking.

We'll separate after the money
is divided.

You won't know
what happened to either one of them.

You mean, even before the witness,
you were gonna k*ll her?

There's no other way, lover boy.
There never was.

You got pangs? Think of the loot.

A hundred thousand
covers a lot of conscience.

Hold it.

NEWMARK: What the devil
do you think you're doing?

I have a warrant for his arrest.

I thought he looked familiar,
so I checked our mug files.

Dr. Richard Kimble.

Or are you gonna tell me
you didn't know?

- Bill--
- Andy, don't obstruct.

I had to get rough with your gateman.
I don't want to get any rougher than that.

Look, Bill, don't jam the works.
I need him to get my girl back.

He's the drop. it's not my idea,
it's the kidnapper's.

He has a rendezvous at : .

- I'm sorry.
- You gave me your word.

Not to go after the kidnapper.

- But a m*rder*r, that's different.
- All right, I’ll call the commissioner.

You know, my paper influences
police policy here. Appropriations.

You're a big man in this town, Andy.

I know you can hurt.

You may cost me my job.
But right now, he is my job.

And while you're doing your job,
you're k*lling my daughter.

You're not just capturing a m*rder*r,
you're committing a m*rder.

- Andy--
- Look, you can have him back.

I'm not fighting about that, but he's the
only chance I have to get her out alive.

Andy, you're putting me on a spot.

Bill, I'm begging you.

I've never begged before in my life.

You know how many people
you're gonna destroy?

- I've got a job to do.
- Of course, you have.

Just another hour.
One lousy hour to get her out.

What difference does it make to you
if you can help to save her life?

It's possible.

It's just possible that we can have
our cake, kidnapper and Kimble.

Hold it.

Don't turn around.

Hey, don't sh**t.

The money's no good. it's marked.

Check for yourself.

Open the case.

And don't pull anything out but bills.

Pull out a bill.

Where? How?

The bills have been
run through a machine.

There's a hole in every bill.
Right in one of the eyes.

Why are you warning me?

- I want to make a deal.
- What kind of a deal?

- A piece of the action.
- What action?

You just told me
the money's no good.

You're going to get another payoff
from Mr. Newmark, aren't you?

Sure. But why do I need you?

Well, you don't.
But, see, I think you owe me.

I saved your life.
You spend one of those bills,

the police will pick you up
in a minute.

How did you know
the money was marked?

They told me.

They didn't want me running off
with the money.

How do I know
I'm not walking into a trap?

I can't afford any traps.

It's only a matter of time
before the police get a make on me.

- I'm wanted for m*rder.
- Who?

- My wife.
- Go on.

I'm Dr. Richard Kimble. Maybe you've
seen my picture in the paper.


Maybe I do remember.

When Newmark makes his payoff,
all I want is $ .

Okay. Let's get out of here.

The police dropped me off.

They've got the road staked out.

Yeah, I saw.
But there are other ways out of here.

My car's straight ahead.
And, mister...

if I'm walking into anything,
I'll get you before they get me.

You better believe that.

I believe it.

They're moving.

You think Kimble
will double-cross us?

He'll try. But we won't lose him. Not
if we keep him within a two-mile range.

What if he goes beyond
the two-mile range?

Then we both lose. But that
homing device we placed on Kimble

is the best we could fit
into a cigarette package.

AI. Pick up Kimble moving northeast.

Picked him up on the grid.
They're not coming this way. Over.

Switched directions. Moving south.
Plan A. Over.

I'm coming with you.
You two follow in my car.

Where are we going?

Wherever this old,
abandoned road will take us.

AI, the scanner's frozen.
Kimble’s outside range.

What do you read? Over.

The same.
Don't know what to figure. Over.

There has to be another way.
We'll keep moving and try for a pickup.

Stay close. Out.

I knew it.

He probably smashed
that homing device

and hightailed it into the tall grass.

I don't think so.

You got something
to back that up with?

A lot of years
being right about a lot of guys.

AI. AI, I've got the pickup.

Kimble’s back on the highway.

Cross points three and six.
Stay close. Out.

This is Dr. Kimble.
You know, the Dr. Kimble.

- My partner, Phil.
- What's he doing here?

He was the witness.
A good thing too.

They gave him marked money.
He tipped me to it.

Hey, this thing's going haywire.

Take it easy.
It only postpones things.

- Now I'm gonna hit Newmark hard.
- What about him?

What do you mean?
Come on, what's happening with this?

My head.

All of you in there.

This is the police.
You're surrounded.

Come on out.

What are we gonna do?

Hold it.

It's Kimble.

AI, keep an eye out for Kimble.

Baby, baby.
Are you all right? Are you all right?

I'm all right.

Hold it.

Quick, get in the car.

Get in the car, Dr. Kimble.

- Where's Kimble?
- I don't know.

But Mr. Newmark's limousine
just took off, going .

All right.

What's going on, Andy?

Captain Gibbs,
I'd like to report the theft of my car.

We owe you this for Nadine.

- I can't tell you how much I appre--
- No time. Hurry.

Good luck.

So darkness swallows the fugitive.

But it merely covers, not hides him.

He is still hounded, still hunting,

but still free until tomorrow.