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06x01 - A Brand New Day

Posted: 04/25/22 13:07
by bunniefuu
Come on, Matty, step on it. The
ER is right there on the right.

Take it easy, Billy,
I know where I'm going.

Matt, look out!

Let's go! Let's move!

Okay, here we go.
One, two, three.

Come on, move it,
move it, move it.

Come on, let's go.
Coming through.

- Sam! Is that Sam?
- Step back!

Nurse: All right, take her
to trauma one. Come on!

Stay at the nurses' station.
I'll go see what I can find out.

Chelsea, stick with Billy.

My girlfriend was
just brought in.

There was an accident.
Her name is Samantha.

I want to know
who the doctor is.

Who's the doctor
in charge, please?

Sit down and
stay out of the way.

We'll let you know
as soon as we can.

Yeah, why don't we just...

Mr. Field, can I talk
to you for a moment?

What is it? Tell me.

I'm afraid it isn't good news.

Your wife never
regained consciousness.

She died.

The injuries were just too
severe for us to help her.



I see.

Yeah. Thank you.

Craig, I'm so... No! No...

Samantha is going to be okay.

Matt: Her father didn't make it,

but she will probably
be released tomorrow.

The police are
talking to her now,

but the important thing is
that she is going to be okay.

Thanks, Matt, that's great news.

What about Sydney?

Not good news. Um...

She's gone.

Oh, my God.

Don't, Billy.

Don't say you're sorry because
you'd be lying, wouldn't you?

I mean, your precious Sammy
is still breathing,

so, hell, forget that
she's a m*rder*r.

Come on, don't do this.
It was an accident.

An accident?

She drove through a bus stop
onto a church lawn

and ran over my bride?


How? Was she drunk, or what?

Craig, maybe
we should get out...

Get your hands off me!

Who are you to
tell me what to do?

She's just trying to be nice.
Shut up!

All of you.

You can't make nice here.

My wife is dead.

And this man's girlfriend
k*lled her.

And none of you hypocrites
can change that.

Don't worry,

I'll make sure that
Sammy pays for that.

You know, Sydney was right.

None of you cared about her.

Well, I sure as hell did.

And she was better than
all of you put together.

May you rot in hell.

May all of you rot in hell.

♪ She just wanted
a sanctuary to get away ♪

♪ To get away from the stoned ♪

♪ She wasn't trying
to get ahead ♪

♪ She was just
trying to get alone ♪

♪ If I could do it all again ♪

♪ I'd just try
to be her friend ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ She was an innocent girl ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, when all
she wanted was you ♪

♪ Ah, you ♪

Good morning, beautiful.


You know, um...

How did we end up in bed?


The last thing I
remember, we were

making love in the hallway?

And then, um... The bathroom,
and then the kitchen.

Oh. And...


on the living room couch.

The dining room table?

No. Oh, well, good.

Thank God we retained
some dignity.

You know, I haven't done
anything like this

or felt like this

in a really long time.

Neither have I.

It's like everything
has changed.

It has.


Thanks to you.

But I still have to go to New York.

No. No, you're not still
going to New York.

No, not permanently,

but if I'm going to
turn down this job,

I really, really have
to do it in person.

Why? No, you know what?
Come here. Look.

Call them. Call them.
No, trust me.

Trust me, this guy does
not take rejection well.

But I'll only be gone
for a day or two.

I have to book a new flight.



I think, um...

You know.

Kyle: Yeah. Me, too.

You just be sure to get your
butt back here damn quick.

Amanda: Promise. Woman,
on phone: Reservations.

Hi, yeah. Um,

I'd like to book a flight
to New York this morning.

Woman, on phone:
One moment, please.

Peter! My God,
where have you been?

You've been gone for two hours.

I... I had to get something.

I don't know what
you're thinking.

I mean, you haven't said
a word to me all last night.

But I want you to know
that I'm not lying.

I really am pregnant.

And I know you're gonna want
me to prove it, and I will.

Taylor, you don't have
to prove anything to me.

I believe you.

And I've always trusted you.

You do?

You have? Yes.

I went for a little walk
this morning,

and I realized
that this pregnancy

might be exactly what I
needed to force me to act.


I wound up at this
little store in town,

and I think I found
the one thing that'll

help us both.

Will you do me the honor
of being my bride?

Will you marry me?


Oh, of course.


Well, you really did it this
time, didn't you, big brother?

Yeah, cut the commentary.

Help me with this tapioca, huh?

So, I thought
you might like to know

that Megan is completely
disgusted with you.

Mmm, believe me, I know.

And she moved out
of the beach house

and is staying with me.

Personally, I don't think
you have a prayer

of getting back with Megan


you have somebody,
say, close to her,

who'd be willing to
plead your case.


All I care about right now

is that she bats me with
this as*ault charge

and take it against Peter.

I mean, forget what I did.

She knows he's on
a psycho rampage.

See, well, that's just it.

Apparently, the cops
got a hold of Taylor,

and she's up in Carmel
with Peter,

and they're getting married.


Isn't that something?

Anyway, I figure the only
hope in the world you have

is to fix things up with Megan,

so that she doesn't join up
with the other side

and flush you away
just for the fun of it.

No, no! But she won't
even talk to me.

All right. All right,
if you manage this,

if you get us back together,
what's in it for you?

One day, Michael,

I will come to you for a favor.

And when I do, you will
grant me that favor.

No matter what it is.


You're the weird one
in the family.

You know that, right?

All right, fine, deal.

Now leave me alone.

Billy, how are you holding up?

Well, that depends
on you, detective.

Are you going to press
charges against Samantha?

Well, finally,
that's up to the D.A.

But from what we've gathered
from witnesses at the scene

and at the supermarket,
it's unlikely.

It's pretty clear that
Jim Reilly abducted her

and that he caused the death
of Sydney Andrews and himself.

We thank you.

Sad part is,

all of this could
have been avoided

if you two would have come
to us in the beginning.

Anyway, you'd better take
care of your girlfriend.

Good day.

Thank God it's you.

I've been waiting to see you,

and they wouldn't
let me in till now.

That doesn't matter.
You're here now.

I talked to Detective Walker.

Yeah, I guess that part
of the nightmare is over.

Sam, it's totally over, okay?

No matter what
anybody says or does,

it's going to be a brand new day.
That's it.

I don't think it's going
to be that easy, Billy.

But I just want you to know

that last night I was trying
to get to you.

I mean, maybe it was too late,

but I wanted to be with you

and I wanted you to know
how much I love you.

I love you, too. It's not too late.
It's never too late.

Billy, I think I've ruined
everything for everybody this time.

Hey, you're almost an hour late.
We open up in minutes.

I know, I know. I'm sorry.

What happened,

sleeping off the wedding
reception last night?


Did you have too much to drink

at Syd and Craig's
wedding reception?

You don't know, do you?

There was no reception.

There was an accident.

Sydney was k*lled.

What? No.

No, you...

But how could...


It was terrible,
a freak accident.

She was hit by a car
right outside the church.

Look, I don't... I don't
want to hear any more,

it's, uh... oh, Syd.

She never meant anybody
any harm,

and things never went her way.

Finally, I thought that
she was going to be happy.

Let's get this bar set up.

So, where did you go last night?

You ran out of the wedding
like there was a fire.

Doesn't matter.

Did it have something
to do with Amanda?

What if it did?
It's none of your business.

Oh, excuse me for caring,

But I just wondered if

maybe you were feeling
a tiny bit guilty

because you were off
in yet another woman's bed

while one of the many
waitresses you had sex with

and dropped like
she was worthless

was outside bleeding to death
in her wedding gown.

Why don't you zip it up

and get back to work
before I can you.

Yes, sir, Mr. McBride.

But remember this,

you're gonna be sorry you
ever threw off simple girls

like me and Sydney

just to get tangled up with a
man-eater like Amanda Woodward.

And this office...

The best,

outside of mine, of course...

Is yours, Amanda.

Oh, um, Eric,

you haven't let me get
a word in since I got here,

and I really need to
discuss something with you.

Ah, Amanda, ever since I first
met you some years ago,

you've always had
things to discuss.

Opinions to air,
worlds to conquer.

That's why I'm so glad to have
you back where you started.

Eric, please. Amanda.

I'm walking down
memory lane here.

Indulge me, please.

You walked in as
an assistant, remember?

I had this picture
taken that day.

'Cause the minute I saw you, I
said, "That is no memo-taker."

"That is an ad exec."

Promoted you, then and there.

Yeah, you did,

and I'll always be grateful.

But there's something
that I need to tell you.

Ah, nothing that can't wait
for lunch at Lutece,

I imagine, huh?
Come on, let's grab my car

and go formalize your homecoming

over a bottle of ' margot.

Eric, can I please speak now?

Of course. My apologies.
Please, go right ahead.


this isn't easy for me.

But when I called you
a few days ago,

I was desperate,

and you were kind enough
to listen to me

and to welcome me back here.

Amanda, you've already
thanked me I'm not finished.

My point is that
things have changed,

and I've found a reason
to stay in Los Angeles.

Although I appreciate
everything you've done for me.

A reason?

What kind of reason?

Well, a friend of mine and I

have a small business together.

A club, actually,
and I can't leave it behind.

And I know how much trouble
you went through for me,

and I had to come and
tell you this in person.

I see.

Uh, this friend,

he's a man, a relationship?


And you're willing to
throw away all of this,

everything you said you wanted
and needed on the phone,

when you were crying,


The position I created
for you, everything,

just goes right out the window

because you're sleeping
with some guy.

Now, Amanda,

you're smarter than that.

It's not that simple.

I'm so sorry.

So am I.

Michael is going to pay
for what he did.

Goodbye, Kimberly.

I'll be back someday.

Megan: There you go.
Cream and one sugar.

You can just put it on
the table. Thanks, Megan.


Man, would you look
at these clothes?

God, I would die to dress
designer from head to toe.

Didn't Michael buy you
some clothes like this

when you were together?

Seems to me you were always
dressed like money.

Yeah, well, not exactly.
I mean, he gave me money...

Yeah, I bought some nice things.

One day I'm going to
find me a rich husband,

and I'm going to stick
by him and his portfolio

come hell, high water,
or the apocalypse.

Yeah, well, that's
one point of view.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Really. I know
it's different for you.

You are one of the most moral
people I have ever known.

Yeah. Well,
I wouldn't go that far.

No, I mean it.

I know what matters for you
is love and trust.

You're deeper than I am.

You stand on principle.

It doesn't matter that Michael
pulled you off the street

and believed in you when
nobody else did because

he destroyed all that
history with his lies.

Yeah, he did.

I admire that in you,
I really do.

Yeah, well, thanks. Uh...

I'm gonna get in the shower
first, if that's okay.


And, Megan, I, uh... I know
you're right.

Michael's a rat.

I just...

I hope you'll be happy
without him.

Yeah, don't worry. I will.

Sincerest condolences.

She was a wonderful person, Craig.
We're all going to miss her.


Okay, this is the last time.
Are you sure about this?

You just got out
of the hospital.

I don't think going to
Sydney's memorial service

is the kind of stress
you need right now.

Billy, I'm fine.

It's like you said,
it's a new day

and I gotta put
the past behind me

and face up to things, you know?

I owe it to Craig and Sydney.

It's the right thing to do.

After this, I'll deal
with my father's body,

and it'll be taken care of.


Thanks for coming.

And, Chelsea, thank you
very much for the bouquet.

It meant a lot to me.

I'm glad.
I'm really sorry, Craig.

It wasn't necessary for you
to come, Campbell.

You still have your job
without having to do this.

Craig, we just wanted to...
Listen to me.

Don't waste your time here.

Go back to the agency
until I return from Chicago.

I'm taking Syd's body
home to her family,

so I want you to
keep things running.

But don't make any deals,
all right?

All right.

Craig, I'm...

I don't know what to say,
except that I am so sorry.

Get her out of here, Campbell.

Craig, please...

Go! I don't want you here!

You k*lled her.
Isn't that bad enough?

For God's sake.

Get out of here!
You can't blame her.

You know in your heart
you can't blame her.

Peter, really,
you played golf all day.

Do you have to watch it
on TV, too?

I love golf, Taylor.

You want me to
be happy, don't you?

Well, you know I do, baby, but

I think now we should

play a round of
my favorite game.

Hey, hey. I want to
save the physical thing

till after the
wedding tomorrow, okay?

Peter, don't be
so old-fashioned.

We're up here on
this romantic weekend,

and we haven't even done it
once yet. Now, come on.

Look, I told you, Taylor, I...

It can wait, okay? Come on.


Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Here...

here, just take it off.

Take it off,
I'll get you another shirt.

You know, I asked you to just...
I'm sorry.

To wait. I'll get you
another one, just...

Here. Just watch your game.

Yeah, okay.

I was afraid you
might find that.

Peter, my God. I was just trying
to find you something to wear.

Aren't you curious
about the blood?

No, uh...

you cut yourself shaving,
that's all.

No, Michael and I had a fight

right before I came to pick you up.
I changed my shirt in a hurry.

A fight. Uh, why?

You know how he got that
chief of staff job from me,

how unfair I thought that was?

Well, you know, he...

Just the rage, I guess,
boiled in me

and it came out in one of
those rage epilepsy att*cks,

and I think I bloodied
his nose up.

I mean, I don't really
even remember it happening.

So, I guess
the diagnosis is right,

and I'll have to stay on
that medication after all.

Well, yeah, I guess. I
guess you're right.

You'll have to do that.

I'm just grateful to you for
pointing out my problems to me.

It was very brave of you.

Well, it was nothing.

Forget it.


No, I won't do that.

I'll never forget it.


All right, uh... your
father, James Reilly,

will be going into the
crematorium furnace now.

I see you've brought a
container for the ashes, good.

We'll bring the remains out about
minutes after the cremation.

And you can watch through
this window, if you like.

Thank you.

When I was years old, he started
taking me out on the bay.

He named his work boat after me.

Those summers were the best.

Being with him, talking
as we motored back.

The sun setting behind us.

But there was
something wrong in him.

Something so wrong.

And now, it's in me, too.

Billy: No, it's not, Sam.
He is gone now.

He died, but he
poisoned me first.

Both of us, he made me him.

He covered me in his hate.

In his sick lies.

He ruined me

because I loved him.

I loved you.

I loved him.

Why did you do that to me!

Think you'll be okay?


Uh, get going.

You know you can call me any time,
if you want to talk or anything.

Okay, I will. Thank you
for understanding,

and... thanks. Okay. See ya.

Woman: Kate's Crab House on
the Chesapeake in Maryland.

Hi, is Kate Reilly
there, please?

Yeah, hold on.


Hi, Mom, it's Sam.

Hello, Samantha.
It's been a while.

Doing all right
out there in California?

Yeah, yeah, I guess.

The police are going to
be contacting you soon.

Oh, no, what happened?
You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

It's Dad.
He broke out of prison,

and he came out here,
and, well...

he got into some trouble,
and there was this accident...

He died, Mom.

He died while he was trying
to get away from the police.

Mom? Are you there?


Well, I wondered if...

I want to bring his remains home,
as soon as you want me to.

I am really not interested in anything
having to do with your father.

Mom? I don't know what to do.

I feel like it's
all my fault, again.

Sam, I'm sorry. I just
can't help you.

I wish I could.
But no more of him.

No more.

It's getting busy
around here. I gotta go.

You want to do your residency
at a research facility?

AIDS research, it's
up in San Francisco,

affiliated with the university.
It's very cutting edge.

Yeah, yeah, I'm familiar
with this place.

Matt: So, anyway, there's
only one position open,

and they're filling it right away.
I'm faxing this application off,

and I need some
doctors' signatures.

Chief of staff would be great.

Can't sign without hands, Matt.

But I'll do you one better.

Believe it or not, I went to school
with the guy who runs this operation.

I'll give him a call for you.

You'd do that?

Why not? I mean,
you had the opportunity

to train under the most
ruthless doctor in California,

but if you want to be a do-gooder,
who am I to stand in your way?

Sorry to barge in. I'm looking for Dr.

Yeah, you found him.
Thanks, Michael.

I'm Dr. Brett Cooper,
I'm a surgeon.

Just joined the staff here
at Wilshire Memorial,

thought I'd introduce myself
to the chief of staff.

Nice to meet you.
I'd shake your hand,

but that's a little
difficult right now.

Yeah, yeah, I heard
about an accident.

Look, I hope you don't mind, but I peeked
at your chart at the nurse's station.

Your attending doesn't seem
confident you'll operate again.

It's nice to know
my life is an open book.

Remind me to fire
the charge nurse.

You know what? I'll stay
out of your business.

Last thing I want to do is tick
off the boss on the first day.

Just thought I could help.

Wait, help?


I know a top hand surgeon who's
on sabbatical over at UCLA.

I'm having dinner
with him tonight,

I thought maybe I could ask him
to take a look at your case.

You know what? I'm sure you
don't need any favors from me.

No, no, that'll be all right.
That'll be all right.

Hey, if there's one thing I
believe in, it's favors,

and if this works out,
I'll owe you one.

Hey, forget about it. You know, it's
enough that I finally got to meet you.

Take care. I'll let you know.

Yeah, thanks.

Well tequila? Working
bottle eighths, back.

eighths, back.

Amanda still in New York?

As far as I know.

Let's move on to scotch.

Working bottle
eighths, and one back.

You let a woman
like that fly off?

You don't know if you'll
ever see her again.

I'll see her again. Her
flight's probably delayed.


Lochlorn? Both full.
bucks says she dumped you.

You'd lose that bet,
short stuff.

Ah, look who's here. It's
the missing girlfriend.

Welcome back.

Are we working or are you going
to mate right in front of me?

Why don't you go back and see if
you can find a case of McBride?

Don't hurry.

Priest: We are gathered here
to honor Peter and Taylor

as they become husband and wife.

Though our witnesses have only
known this couple a short time,

during the couple's
stay up here,

they have grown to know the devotion
the two feel for each other.

And now, if there is
anyone who has a reason

why this couple should not
be joined in holy matrimony,

let them speak now,
or forever hold their peace.

Actually, I think I do.

Peter, that's not funny.

No, it's hilarious, actually. I
mean, if you think about it.

Really, just think about it.

Just probe that scheming
little brain of yours

and try to understand how you
could think for a second

that I could possibly stomach being
in your presence for one more minute,

much less marry you.

Peter, my God, stop it!

Did you think I was
insane and stupid?

I know what you and Michael did.

I know about the lies.
I know about the dr*gs.

I know about the fake beatings.

And how you and him
wanted to ruin me

so you could come full circle
with your bizarre fantasy

of marrying your
dead sister's husband.

I won't listen to this!
That's enough!

That you would believe that
I would ever, ever love you

or want to touch
your pathetic self.

You know what, Taylor?
You're a joke!

And it's hard to believe you were
ever related to your sister!

Because to me,
you're lower than a slug!

Stop it! Please, stop!

You ruin my marriage to Amanda,
and then you try to destroy me,

and then you want me to believe
that you're carrying my child?

That's beyond pathetic.

The thought of you being pregnant with
my child is enough to make me vomit.

Goodbye, Taylor. I hope you get a
ride back to wherever you came from.

No, Matt. Matt, down
there, on the left.

I don't know why you think.

Peter's going to be skulking
around your hospital wards.

He is bound to come
back to town someday,

because I'm chief of staff
now and he can't accept it.

Besides, I want to make sure
all his crap is out of there

and it's redecorated
the way I want.

Oh, so I see,
it's about wallpaper.

Have you heard about
this position...

Look at this! You see the door is open!
I told you!

Michael: Dr. Cooper,
what are you doing here?

Well, I was looking
for you, actually.

I thought you'd be
keeping office hours by now.

Well, obviously I'm not, and you
have to make an appointment.

Sure. Look, I just wanted to tell you
that the hand surgeon I mentioned

said he'd be happy to see you.

Tomorrow, if it's not too soon.

No, no, no. That's fine.
That's great.

Thanks, I guess I owe you one.

Well, if you happen to know of any
cheap apartments, let me know.

I've got to get out
of my hotel soon.

Well, as a matter of fact...

Oh, Dr. Brett Cooper,
this is Matt Fielding,

an aspiring Dr. Schweitzer.
Nice to meet you, Dr. Cooper.

Just call me "Coop."

Michael: Anyway, Matt's
moving out of his apartment.

Probably tomorrow.
You could take that one.

What? What are you...
Oh, didn't I tell you?

You got that job
in San Francisco.

Are you kidding?
Michael! That's great!

Michael: All right!
Easy there, big boy!

Oh, my God! Thank you!

So, uh, Dr. Mancini, I'll
see you later, I'm sure.

And I'll be watching
your progress.

Yeah. See ya.

Michael, this is great.

All right, calm down a second.
Let me tell you something, okay?

Now, I know we haven't
agreed on things all the time,

but through everything,
the good times and the bad,

well, you've been a friend to
me and I'm going to miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too,

And I'll never forget this.
Thank you.

Yeah, and after
you save the world,

come back and
help me corrupt it, okay?


Now, get outta here. You've
got some packing to do.

Spit! Gosh, darn!

Nurse! I need some help in here.

What's wrong?

Nothing. I was, uh...

just planning on saying goodbye
to everyone, and then, uh...

nobody's home.

I have never lived
anywhere like this.

It's a special place, you know?

Amazing people have
passed through here.

Some have died, some have gotten
married and just moved on.

But I swear, it was
only a moment ago

I was sitting at
the edge of that pool,

laughing with Rhonda. I...

I'll remember 'em all.

The old and the new.

And I will always
remember this place.

It's where I really grew up.

Anyway, we should get going.
Start our new life.

Mmm. I just hope that someday

we can find the kind of great,

if looney friends, that I
found when I moved here.

They found you, Uncle Matt.
And you're plenty looney.


Hey, Reg. Hey, Kyle, what's up?

Kyle, excuse me.

Your turkey bartender's
filching bar supplies

that were paid for
by the restaurant.

You know that's not kosher,
and I want it stopped, now.

Good evening to you, too.

Don't get your
panties all in a knot.

I'll make sure
it doesn't happen again.

All right, you do that.

But, how was your romantic getaway
with the shaggy-haired doctor?

Well, not that it's any of your business,
Kyle, but I'm through with him.

He's not well, and I never
want to hear his name again.

Kyle: Good. He never did
much for me anyway.

Hey, Taylor. Where's Peter?

Aren't you two inseparable now?

I really can't chat right now, Amanda.
I have to get back to work.

Oh, that's a good idea. And let's try
to see less of each other, okay?

That might be
a little difficult,

since Matt just rented me Jake
Hanson's old apartment before he left.

He was the manager, wasn't he?

He left? And he rented to you?

Yup. Lease and all.

A better businesswoman would keep better
track of those things, don't you think?

What do you say we dance?


Hey! Sammy?

Hey, what are you
doing up so late?

Nothing, really. I just
had a little insomnia,

so I had an idea. I wanted
to put it down on canvas.

Are you okay?

Yeah, yeah. I just had a burst of
inspiration for the first time in a while.

I'll be back to bed
soon, I promise.

I promise.

"To Sydney and Craig, may you have
a long and happy life together."

What life?

I want all this out of here.

You understand? I want
all this out of here!

I want this gone!


It's okay. Hold it.
No, it's not.

Everything's gonna be all right.
It's not okay!

She's dead, do you know that?
She's dead.



It's from Sydney.

Oh, it's inscribed.

"Craig, time doesn't matter,"

"our love is forever."

"Love, your wife, Sydney."

Don't destroy this, any of this.

Treasure it,
and it'll live forever.

I don't want her to go.

Hi, Mikey, I'm back. You didn't
think I was done with you, did you?

Please, I can't breathe.

Don't worry, I'm not gonna let you die.
Not just yet.

Just trying to get your
attention, that's all.

Because I'm going to
destroy you, Michael.

For everything that you did
to me, I'm doubling it back,

and when I'm finished with you,
you're gonna wish that you were dead.

What I did was mischief,
little jokes.

You're going down
for attempted m*rder.

You got a lot of pain
coming your way, Michael.

And I'm gonna enjoy
every minute of it.

I'd stay awake
if I were you, Michael.

You never know
who may sneak back in.