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06x05 - Desperately Seeking Samantha

Posted: 04/25/22 13:10
by bunniefuu


Are you here?


No kiss on the cheek?
"I'll see you later?"

Hi, you got a second?

Not really, I'm in the middle
of a relationship emergency.

Well, I got a real one, okay.

Sam's taken off. I have
no idea where she's gone.

I was out all night
looking for her

at bus stations, union station,
called all the airlines.

I wish I could help,
but as you can see,

I'm not dressed
for detective work.

Well, did she tell you anything?

Did she leave
a forwarding address?

Sorry, not a peep,
no piece of paper.

You know, you look like hell.

You should make sure
you get some rest

before our
ribbon cutting ceremony.

Thanks for your concern.

Oh, come right in.

I don't think that there's
anything ruder in the world

than sneaking out of a woman's
bed in the middle of the night.

Not only is it rude,
it is immature.

I expect better from you.



Do you wanna tell me
what's going on?

Nothing, I just decided to get
an early start on the day.

You got a busy day, too, right?

Some big powwow with Baines,
all about the money

that he's stuffing
into your pockets.

For God's sake,
of all the people

for you to be jealous of,

you chose that
New York finance hound?

You wanna call
him names, go ahead.

He's your friend.

Listen to me,
I have fallen for you.

I tried to resist, but you
just kept coming at me

until I couldn't say no.

So, I let you in.

Now that you're there,
you're not backing out.

Do you understand?


But you understand this.

I don't share.

There's only room
for one in my life,

and that's you.

♪ ♪

Oh! So, how do you feel?

Let's see... surprised.

Especially seeing as
you never called me

the morning after
we met at the hotel.

I was scared.


But I don't regret this.

Do you? No, no.

I hardly know you and I am...

I'm just out of an extremely
painful and messy marriage.

You know, I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry that we have to
keep this thing a secret,

but Coop can't
find out about this.

At least not until
the financial settlements

are finalized.

This may be none of my business,

but according to Coop,

money's the last thing
that you need.

So, why the fight?

Let me guess.

He called me a money-grubbing
wretched bitch from hell?

Yeah, something like that.

What I am is
a loyal wife and friend,

who put her husband
through medical school.

I loved him.

I stayed up nights
listening to him complain

and bolstering his confidence.

I made his meals,
I rubbed his back,

I made sure that
he got his dream.

And when he did,
when he finally became

this all-powerful doctor,

he fell in love
with someone else.

And he lied, and he cheated,

and he tore my heart out.

So, you know what,
I think he owes me something.

Maybe you don't.
Maybe you just think

I'm the bitch he says I am.

Hey, hey, listen.

My thoughts are my own.

And I don't care
what he says about you.

Make love to me.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Where have you gone, my angel?

I think I'm going blind
again staring at the sun

I'm home all alone
with your halo.

Something makes
me feel that I'm not.

The only one.

Has anyone seen my angel?

I guess she walked
away from heaven.

To have some fun.

Where will she be tomorrow?

Is anybody else going blind.

Staring at the sun?

Where have you gone, my angel?

I think I'm going blind again.

Staring at the sun

I'm home all alone
with your halo.

Something makes me feel...

Hello, Craig.

Mr. Andrews.

My God. Um...

Hello. How are you?

No better than you, I imagine.

Mind if I...

Please, come on in, of course.

I just got up.

What are you doing here?

I mean, in L.A.

Partly a business trip,
but more than that.

I was drawn back to
the place that took

my daughter from me.

Sydney's death has changed
everything in my life.

I'm sure you feel the same way.

Yes, I do.

Your daughter made me whole,

and I will never forget her.

Sydney's mother and I
were talking about you,

and we thought we should
give you this.


Everything all right?

No, it sure as hell isn't.

Wait a minute, you don't
understand, she's...


Mr. Andrews.

Uh... oh, no!

Do I know you?

I'm Jennifer Mancini,
Michael's sister.

We met at Jane's wedding.

I spilled cake on you.

Of course, I was
much younger then.

This isn't...

This is breakfast.
I was bringing breakfast.

Jennifer, please, just go.

No, don't bother.

I'll leave.

It's nice to see
you've gotten over

your memories so quickly, Craig.

I'm sure you'll be very happy.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry, Craig.

It's not your fault, Jennifer.

It's me.

I just keep losing.

Kate over phone:
Kate's Crab House.

Is Mrs. Reilly there, please?

This is Kate Reilly.

Mrs. Reilly, hi, this is
Billy Campbell.

I'm a friend of
your daughter, Samantha.

Is she there by any chance?

Billy Campbell, huh?

No. Please.

I'm sorry,
I don't know where she is.

Please, Mrs. Reilly,
if she's not there,

do you know of some other
place she might have gone?

No, I don't.

Leave her alone, Billy.
That's what she wants.

You did the right
thing, sweetheart.

Okay. We ready? Yeah.

Hey. Hey.

May I have everyone's
attention, please?

I have always dreamed of
opening my own ad agency,

and today,
thanks to Eric Baines,

that dream has become a reality.

As you all are aware,

there isn't a more
stylishly intelligent,

beautifully ruthless
businesswoman in L.A.

than Amanda Woodward.

I pride myself on having
discovered her talent

eight years ago in new York.

I taught her everything I knew.

And now, she's teaching me

how much single-mindedness,

guts, and sheer will it takes
to strike out on your own.

So, let's open
Amanda Woodward advertising

and get to work.

Hi, what are you doing here?

We're roommates, remember?

At least temporarily.
Unless you've changed your mind.

No, no, I just thought
you'd be at the beach house.

You know, now that you and
Michael had your wild weekend.

Oh, it was a wild weekend,

but we have a lot of work to do

before I move back
into the beach house.

I'm not sure I completely
trust him yet.

And, you know, sleeping
with him clouds my judgment.

What is all this?

Mm, I'm trying to find out where.

Sydney's father is staying.

See, he showed up out of nowhere

at Craig 's apartment
this morning.

I don't know why, to, like,
grief bond or something.

Anyway, unfortunately,
I was there

wearing basically nothing,

and Mr. Andrews got
all bent out of shape,

and then Craig went into
a tailspin again,

just when he was
getting back some fight.

So, I've got to
find Mr. Andrews,

get him to be nice to Craig,

so that Craig could
get back on his feet,

call his contacts, and be
the huge, honking success

that I know he can be.

And then I can
marry a billionaire.

Oh, gosh!
If you only had a plan.

Take it from me,
we Mancinis don't wait

for things to happen,
we make them happen.

If I were you, I'd get out
to that beach house

and make sure Michael
stays happening with you.

I'm just not in the mood
to force the issue.

He can come to me.

Your choice.

I'm late for work.

You got a minute? Just.

We're all working late
tonight and no one wants

to be here until sunrise.

Yeah, not me, I'm afraid.

I talked with Samantha's
mother in Maryland today.

And Sam's definitely
staying there.

I could just hear it
in her mom's voice.

So, I'm gonna catch
the red-eye out right now.

Oh, Billy, that's
out of the question.

You have to staff
our entire art department.

There are resumes to go through,

client meetings to prepare.

I'm not asking for permission.

I'm taking the personal days
which I have

in my contract, okay?

I'm going. Fine, go.

If you're not back
in hours, you're fired.

You can't do that.

Watch me.

What are you doing here, Taylor?

Well, I just wanted
to thank you again

for getting me pregnant.

Um, Taylor, like I
told you before, okay.

It's still too early to tell.

A mother knows.

Uh-huh. Fine.

Well, then, if you're through
thanking me, goodbye.

But I'm not though.

As much as I love Kyle
and want him back,

I wish I could have
that single feeling again,

just one more time.

It's so free, and spontaneous,
and uncomplicated.

Uh-uh. I'm telling you,
I'm not interested.

No way, Taylor, okay?

Oh, come on,
it could be our swan song.

No one's gonna know. I'll know.

Oh, Mike. Taylor...

Please? Pretty please?

It's gonna be a long time
before I get that thing

with Kyle worked out.

Probably until after I deliver.

And that is a long,
long time to go without...

you know, especially
for a girl like me.

And you're just...
you're so good.

So good.

Yeah, and I know I am.

But look, we just
shouldn't do this.

It's wrong.

Oh, but it's so much fun.

♪ ♪


Oh, you are such a slob.

Megan. Uh... Oh, my God!

You are really a sad,
disgusting human being.

Oh! Megan, wait!

I can explain.

Oh, no! No!

No, what did I do?
Why did I do this!

Oh, she'll forgive you.
She always does.

Oh, no, not this time.

You know, I was just
turning over

a new leaf in therapy.

Megan was just starting
to trust me again.

Now this!

God! After I promised
I wouldn't lie to her anymore.

Wait a minute.

That's what I gotta do.

I gotta tell her the truth.

What truth is that?

The pregnancy truth.

That you're only interested
in me as a sperm donor.

Oh, no, you don't.

If you tell Megan,
then Kyle will find out,

and he will completely freak,

and I will lose him forever.

Well, that's too
damn bad, isn't it?

You listen to me,
you two-bit Italian snake.

You breathe one word of this
birthing plan of ours to Megan,

and I will make up
things to tell her

that will ruin
your life forever.

You told me that she's
always been a whore to you.

You told me that you
were just using her

until you could find
somebody with class.

You told me that the only time
you ever had it good

after old, dead
Kimberly was with me.

Am I clear?

Don't answer it.
It could be Mike.

Hi, it's Jennifer.

Leave you message after the beep.

Michael, on phone: Hello,
Megan, are you there?

Come on, honey, I can explain
why I was in bed with Taylor.

Oh, my God! You're kidding!

Michael: Come on, if you don't
pick up, I'm coming over.

Well, if you do, smart guy,
I'll be long gone.

It's always polite
to call first,

but I figured
if that didn't work...

Oh, you thought you would
just barge right in?

Well, go to hell! Ow!

Michael, stop it,
this is nutso time.

Megan, please, let me
explain this to you, okay.

She forced herself on me.

Oh, and you couldn't say no?

I tried, honey,
like crazy I tried.

But you saw me.

My eyes, my slurred speech.

Didn't you notice anything odd?

No, there's nothing
odd about a look

of total shock
and surprise, Michael.

Megan, I was drugged.

She slipped something
into my drink.

Look, I know
that sounds ludicrous,

but the woman does
have a history.

Kyle's Marine buddy,
Peter with his rage epilepsy.

The woman's obviously
out of control.

No, the only thing out of
control is your testosterone.

We're finished, Michael, and
I really mean it this time.

♪ ♪



Look at you, all grown up.

Ernie, you just don't change.

Where were you yesterday?

I was looking
for you everywhere.

Your mother told me
you were working here.

I told her I didn't believe it.

At least not
permanently, anyway.

I'm not sure yet.
My life's kind of a mess.

I needed to, I don't know,
get back in touch with things.

As you can see, not much
changed around here.

Same old crabs.

And here comes one of the
biggest ones of them all.

You know, one of these days

I'm gonna wise up
and fire you, Ernie.

Sam, we got some hungry
customers out there.

On my way.

♪ ♪

What are you looking at?


Nothing at all.

Here you go, boys.

J.D., let me know if that's
spicy enough for you.

Okay, sure will, darling.

What can I get for you?

Well, I guess a taco
would be out

of the question, huh?

You shouldn't have come here.

Well, we need to talk.

I left a note.

Yeah, which didn't
explain anything.

What's there to explain?

I left you, I moved home.

I'm sorry you wasted
the plane ticket.

So all of this, everything,

is about the marriage
proposal, isn't it?

Never mind that that was
the most embarrassing

moment of my life.

The hard truth is it woke me up.

I don't belong there,
I never did.

This is my home.

This was your home.

The home of a little girl.

You are a woman now, okay?

You're not the kid
of some water woman.

You still feel something.

Is that so bad?

So, this is Billy?

You must be Sam's mom.
I'm Billy Campbell.

We reserve the right
to refuse service to anyone.

So, I suggest you get
your city butt off the premises.


Maybe it's better if you do.

I'm gonna be over at the Ramada

if you change you mind.

And if you don't,

then I'll just keep coming back,

again and again,
for as long as it takes.

Table five is waiting
for their food.

Mr. Andrews.

I called every hotel
in the city to find you.

Craig doesn't know
that I'm here,

but I had to tell you that the
physical stuff between us,

what you saw the other morning.

It only happened because
of all the pain that.

Craig's been feeling
over losing Sydney.

I was just another
shoulder to cry on.

A port in the storm.

Somewhere to hang his hat.

Young lady, I have two day left

on this business trip,
then I'm going home.

I never wanna see
you or Craig again.

Mr. Andrews,
I know you're hurting.

I mean, who wouldn't be?

You lost a daughter,
for God's sake.

But you have to realize that

Craig lost the only woman
he's ever really loved,

and all he's doing now is
trying to rebuild his life.

Don't try to
compare our feelings.

With Sydney's death,
I lost a piece of myself.

Yeah, well, he lost
half of himself.

His better half.

Craig has realized
that moving on

is what Sydney
would've wanted him to do.

And maybe I'm nuts, but I think

that's what she would've
wanted you to do, too.

We've only got so many years

on this crazy planet,
Mr. Andrews,

and I'm thinking
ticked off and angry...

is a waste of
that precious time.

Just my opinion, of course.

You do what you want.

God, don't you ever give up?

Not until you stop playing this
ridiculous game of hide and seek.

Look, if for one minute
you think I'm enjoying this,

you're dead wrong.

Coop: Don't you get it?

I'm trying to start a new
life here, a new beginning.

Do you have any idea how
difficult you're making it?

Well, I'm hoping very difficult.

Look, I am broke, Lexi,
all right? I'm broke.

When are you gonna get it through
your thick head? There is no money.

I'm sorry.
Everything okay in here?

Yes, everything's fine,
Dr. Burns.

I'll instruct
my attorneys to proceed

with no regards for your
position or your privacy.

As they say, this is w*r.

You know, I think she means it.

Yeah, who asked you?

Hey, just in time
for happy hour.

Oh, it'll have to be
half an hour.

I've got a pile of copy at home.

She's been like this
for a couple of days now.

Won't talk to anybody,
just mopes around.

It's beginning to be a problem.

Oh, I'd look
on that as a miracle.

Man: Yo! Yo, cap!

Ah, the band arrives.

I'll be right back.

So, Kyle tells me you're
going through a tough time.

It's not job-related, I hope.

Then, heaven forbid,
you might have to quit.

You're not that lucky.

No, it's man trouble.

And before you sock me,
I'm not talking about Kyle.

Oh, well,
that would leave Craig.

I can't believe I'm saying this,

but your celibacy solution

might actually have some merit.

Maybe if I'd been less
aggressive, I don't know.

Michael and I have
the same damn problem,

and no solution.

I thought Megan and Michael
worked out their problems.

Sure, until he hopped
into bed with Taylor.

Taylor and Michael?

Yeah, Megan walked in on them.


Wait, where you going?

I knew from the beginning

that slut wasn't
carrying your baby.

The truth is, you've been
taking her word for it.

For all you know it could be
Michael's baby,

it could be anyone's baby.

She has got to take
a paternity test. Period.

I agree, okay,
but I will handle it.

I'm trusting you to take care
of the Eric situation,

you trust me to handle Taylor.

Guess that means
happy hour is over.

Hey, baby.

Throw on an apron,
I could use the help.

Cut the crap, Taylor.

Is it true that you've been
having sex with Mancini?

Who told you that?
I'm not going there with you.

You tell it
to my face right now,

or I will get Megan on the line.

Okay, it's true.

You know what,
you make me sick sometimes.

I want a paternity test
right away.

Kyle, this baby is yours.
You have my word on it.

Yeah, what word is that? Liar,
schemer, or just plain desperate?

You know, you've been
listening to Amanda too much.

As for Michael,
there is an explanation.

Oh, tell it to
somebody who cares.

Until you get that test, we got
nothing to say to each other.

Amanda: Thanks for seeing
me on such short notice.

No problem.

I was thinking about you.


Can I get you a drink?
I'm having one.

I've been thinking
about you, too.

That's why I called.

I need to, for lack
of a better word,

unburden myself.

I know why you moved to L.A.

And I thought I made
myself clear years ago,

when I turned you down.

There's never gonna be
anything more between us

than business, Eric.

♪ ♪

Uh, Amanda, that was...
that was years ago.

As for coming to L.A.,

I'm keeping tabs
on my investment.

Could I do it by phone?
Yeah, I suppose so.

If I trusted you enough.

Well, I'm relieved.

Well, good.

And if your ego's bruised,
then I apologize.

Besides, you already got a man.

A good man, I think. Yes.

Kyle seems very down to earth.

It's important to have a partner

who's different from you.

You know, works in
a different world,

travels in different circles.

We own a business together.


I thought he worked for you.

Wonder where I got that idea.

I wouldn't know.

Well, I really should be going.

No, no, no, no,
come on, what's your rush?

Relax, let me call room
service, order us some dinner.

Actually, I'm not
very hungry, but thanks.

Well, thanks for coming by.

Hope you feel better now.

Never better.

I'll show myself out.

Woman, on phone: Room service.

Room service,
this is Mr. Baines in .

Yes, sir. Let's make that
dinner for one, all right?

Yes, sir.

And cancel the champagne.

Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

People who dine alone
die younger,

did you know that?

It's just a little statistic
that's very popular

in the restaurant business.

What do you want?

If you're here to ruin
my life, you can't,

because you already have.

Kyle found out about us.

Not the sperm donor part,
but the sex part.

And now he's
going bonkers on me,

and he's demanding
a paternity test on my baby.

But you don't have a baby.

Well, that's why I can't
have a paternity test.

That's why I'm here.

Because you're gonna be a prince

and fake
the test results for me.

First of all, not a chance.

Second of all, you have
to wait at least a month

before an amniocentesis
can be performed.

A month? I can't wait that long.

Kyle is already falling more

under Amanda's spell every day.

I need him to believe
that this baby is his.

Well, then, you're out of luck.

Actually, so am I,

since Megan didn't believe

the "Taylor drugged me" story.

The what story?

Well, I told her
you drugged me and...

that you forced me
to have sex with you.

No wonder she didn't believe it.

It's the most ridiculous
story I've ever heard.

Okay, so you're a
better liar than I am.

I'll put you up for a medal.

Hey, wait a minute. What?

That's it.

Megan didn't believe me,

but if you went and told her...

I'd get the same laugh
that you got.

No, I'm betting you're
a better liar than that.

In fact,

you know what? What?

I'll make a deal with you.

You do this for me,

and I'll see what I can do about

dummying up that paternity test.

We'll, uh, fudge on the dates.

Anyway, a jarhead like Kyle
wouldn't know amnio from olio.

You lie for me
and I lie for you,

and everybody wins.


Oh, it's wonderful, Michael.


Thank you.

A million times thank you.

I love this.

Just love this.

What are you doing here?

I thought I'd try working
in your world for a while.

Who knows, maybe I'll like it

and decide to stay.

You better take some
seasick medicine first.

How did you get so wet?

I fell in the water.

You don't mean this.

This is just a marketing
campaign to sell yourself.

You've been an ad man too long.

You know what, I'm not afraid
to try something new.

How about you?
Or did you just think that

hiding out here
at your mom's place

is gonna save you
from the big, bad world?

Time to pay the man, Samantha.

I'll take care of this.

Give me a hand with this?


So, how long have you known Sam?

Only most of her life.

I'm trying to get her to
come back to L.A. with me.

She told me.

So you think she'll stay?

Well, her mother does.

And, what, Kate runs her life?


But Samantha 's kind of
confused right now,

and her mother has
very strong opinions

on the matter.

This is kind of like
a second chance for Kate.

How so?

Well, Samantha 's father,
he's crazy, mean.

Yeah, I met him.

Made their life hell.

So, Kate wants what?

To do Sam's childhood over
until she gets it right?

No, just to protect
her this time around,

like she didn't last time.

She doesn't need
to protect her from me.

From what Sam says,
she doesn't need much

of anything from you.

Samantha: Let's go, Ernie.

I won't hurt you.

You already have.

Mr. Andrews.

Hello, Craig, I'm glad
I found you here.

Um, come on in, please, sir.

No, I'm on my way
to the airport.

I can only stay a minute.

But I didn't wanna leave
without giving you this.

It's from Sydney.

What is it?

An insurance check.

Part of a family
policy I took out

when the girls were little.

I don't understand.

My wife and I were
the beneficiaries, but...

if you look at the back,
I endorsed it over to you.


Because my daughter
loved you very much.

I can't accept this.

What you do with this
is your decision, son.

You were Sydney's husband.

She meant to share
her life with you.

Doesn't seem right
to hold this back

just because you were
torn apart so soon.

But this is meaningless
without her.

Maybe you can give it meaning.


keep the check, son.


After what you saw
the other morning,

what made you decide
that I deserve this?

I realized it was time

we both got on with our lives.

That was Amanda.
She's running late.

When some guy named
Eric shows up,

she said to tell him
she'll be here any minute.

Right. We wouldn't want
Mr. Big cooling his heels

for too long.


Do I detect a male energy
shield going up here?

No, it's just this guy's
making a play for Amanda

and she's being
totally naive about it.

Yeah, that's Amanda.

Naive from head to toe.

Kyle, hey,
I'm supposed to meet...

Right, she will be here
in just a minute.

Meantime, why don't you
have a drink on the house.

I'm gonna go make
some phone calls.

Thank you.

So, what will it be?

Uh, give me your best
dry martini, straight up.

Haven't seen you around before.

That's right.

Checking the place out?

That's right, too.

Well, we've got great music,
great drinks,

and great women.

What are you looking for?

A ride back to
the hotel, actually.

But I think Amanda
has that covered.

Oh, nice work, Casanova.

So, will she be spending
the night with you there?

Well, she'll just have
to take a number

and get in line, now won't she?

Hey, sorry I'm late. Hey.

Why don't we grab a table?

I wanna show you
some spreadsheets.

Actually, you know,

I've made some other
plans, I'm afraid.

So, if you could just give me
a lift back to my place.


Amanda, we still on for dinner?

Oh, you know what?
Um, go ahead without me.

I've got to run
some numbers by Eric,

and I'm not sure
how late I'll be.

I'll be here.

So will I.

♪ ♪

What do you want here?

To apologize.

And to ask you not to blame
Michael for what happened.

No? And why is that?

Let me guess, he was
suffering from sex epilepsy.

I know you have
every reason to be mad,

but just hear me out.

This isn't easy for me.

I have a problem and I'm seeking

professional help for it.

What kind of problem?

I'm a sexual compulsive.

I can't control my carnal urges,

and with Michael's
resemblance to Kyle...

well, sort of resemblance.

I just couldn't stop myself.
I had to have him.

This is pathetic, Taylor.

I don't care about
your mental disturbance.

The only thing that concerns
me is Michael cheating.

But it's not his fault.

I drugged him into
having sex with me.

With what, Spanish fly?

No, some barbiturate.

I don't know the exact
pharmaceutical name.

Uh-huh, and where
did you get that?

Did you steal it
from the hospital?

Or did Michael
prescribe it for himself?

I had some leftover.

From when you drugged Peter?

Yeah, he was really hyper-sexed

during that little
episode, wasn't he, Taylor?

He was...

Know what, he was unconscious

the whole night, okay?

That's what barbiturates do.

What did Michael pay you
to come in here

and give me
this third-rate performance?

Okay, so maybe
I didn't drug him.

Maybe I just seduced him in
a weak moment for both of us.

But it was
a one-time thing, Megan.

Michael loves you.

You know what? You can keep him.

I don't want him.

♪ ♪

Now, this is a chunk of change.

Can I get my check back now?

Oh, sure.


So, what did
Sydney's father say,

exactly, when he
gave you the check?

He said that I should
honor Sydney's memory

by getting on with my life.

Go, Mr. Andrews.

That is the absolute best advice

anyone could give you.


Don't keep me in suspense.

Lay it on me.

What are you planning to do
with the rest of your life?

I may have an MBA,
but all my business adventures

have added up to one big bust.

Correction. Two big busts.

Amanda Woodward.

And as far as I'm concerned,
she's responsible for

any bumps in the road
that you may have encountered.

Okay, so maybe advertising
isn't your thing.

There's public relations,

and stocks and bonds,
and real estate,

and direct marketing.

Jennifer, you just helped me
make my decision.

I did? Yeah.

Thanks to you,
I'm not gonna do anything

with that insurance money.

In fact, I'm not gonna
do anything. Period.

From now on,
I'm a man of leisure.

I don't know what to say.

Just say that
you'll be happy for me.

Go away.

This is a party of one,
and you are not invited.

Listen, Megan, I know
I've made some mistakes.

All right, I've been a dog.

But, you know,
since you left me,

I've had time for
some serious introspection.

I don't like what I've become.

And I know I've said
this before,

but I'm willing to change.

No, Megan, I really
mean it this time.

I'll go into therapy. Whatever.

Just tell me what
you want, and I'll do it.

Let's be honest, Michael,

nothing short of
a brain transplant

could make you change
who you are.

You can insult me
all you want, honey.

I still love you.


I suppose that's why I found you

in bed with another woman.

Since when is
"forgive and forget"

a one-way street?

At least I knew Taylor's name.

Don't go there.

If I can forget all the hundreds

of nameless guys you slept with

when you were nothing
but a high-class hooker,

then you can sure as hell
forget about Taylor.

I don't have to listen to this.

No, no, no,
you're my wife, damn it.

Let go, you're hurting me!

No, we're gonna work this out...

Hey, the lady said let her go.
Back off.

Who the hell are you?
This is not your fight.

You wanna beat him up,
Mancini, take it outside.

Michael, just go.
You're embarrassing yourself.

Fine. What the heck?

I don't want any trouble
with Prince Valiant here.

But if there is a next time,
I will take it outside.

You better make sure
there's a priest standing by.

You okay?

Yeah, thanks.

Next round's on me.

Hit it, guys.

I don't know what to say,
except thanks for

coming to my rescue.

You're welcome.

So that wild man
is your husband, huh?

Yeah, I'm filing for divorce.

Glad to hear it.

I'm Eric Baines.

I'm Megan Mancini.

Actually, just Megan.

Everything he just
said about me,

you know, it's true.

Uh, well...

I did six months in juvie hall

for kiting bad checks.

It doesn't define
who I am today.

And who are you?

Just a guy who'd like
to have a drink with you.

Go get him, Megan.

We're closed.

Sign out there says
you're open till : pm.

: .

I'd like an order of
crab cakes and a draft.

You can join me if you want.

Boy, you didn't get
the message, did you?

I got a message
for you, Mrs. Reilly.

I'm not leaving here
without your daughter.

She's not in love with you.
Not anymore.

That's what you'd like
to believe, isn't it?

'Cause that eases
your conscience.

I don't have a problem
with my conscience.

Can you say the same?

At least I want
what's best for Samantha.

I'm not trying to hold on to her

because I failed
the first time around.

I'm not gonna listen
to you tell me

what a bad mother I was.

I'm right, aren't I?

That's what this is all about.

It's about you
not being there for her

when she was growing up.

About you not protecting her
from that dirtbag,

poor excuse of a father.

I'm right. Admit it.

Get off my property.

Or what? You're gonna sh**t me?

I will do whatever it takes
to protect Sam from you.

She doesn't need you
to protect her.

What she needs is
to get away from you

so you don't destroy
her life for the second time.

Mom? Oh, my God! Stop it!

Stop it!

Put down the g*n.

I won't let him hurt you, Sam.

I'll never let any man
ever hurt you again.

I know that, and I'm okay,
because he's going back to L.A.

Right, Billy?

Sam... Just go, Billy. Please.

Can't you see what she's doing?

Just leave us alone.

This is what you really want?

You can put the g*n down, Kate.

You won.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪