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06x15 - Amanda's Back

Posted: 04/25/22 13:30
by bunniefuu
Let's go get them.

Woman: All right,
let's go. All right.

Hey, I'm looking for information
about the helicopter crash.

Hey, Kyle, there's no
sign of any wreckage.

Billy, what're you doing here?

Same as you. I got a call that said
Samantha went down with Amanda.

I just saw it on TV but the
news didn't say much though.

Yeah, there isn't much. They
just know that the chopper left,

hasn't come back,

nobody's found a crash site.

So, we don't even know
if Amanda's alive.

Sam either.

Who's in charge here?

This guy over here.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

I'm a good friend
of Amanda Woodward's

and I wonder if you could tell me
what you're doing to find her.

Everything I can, son.

No, what? Exactly, what
are you doing?

I've had air and ground parties out
all day covering their flight plan.

They apparently
wandered off-course.

Afraid I'm gonna have to cancel
operations for tonight, though.

Oh, no, you can't do that. No, the
temperature is dropping out there.

I'm quite aware
of the weather conditions.

I've got one last chopper run
going out now.

I'm gonna be on it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm
afraid that's not possible.

Yeah? Watch me.

You want to ground that helicopter,
son, just go ahead and sit in it.

There's a storm coming in. It's too
risky for anyone who isn't trained.

I don't care how risky it is.

I was a Marine in the Gulf w*r.

Well, whoop-dee-doo.
I was a grunt in Vietnam.

You've got some attitude, pal.

You're out of here, pal.
I'm too busy for this crap.

Wait, sir. Hey, come on. Let's just
relax here. My friend just showed up.

I'll brief him on what's what.

He's not gonna get in your
way, all right. I promise.

We'll find them.

Now, the good thing about
an air search at night

is if they lit a fire,
we'll see it.

Samantha: Come on.
Come on, breathe!

Yes, yeah!

That's it. Come on.

Good God. What happened?

You stopped breathing.

But you're okay. You just have to
hang on until help gets here, okay?

I'll be fine.

Why don't you start walking?

What're you talking about?

I'm gonna stay right here unless
you plan on walking out with me.

Oh, no, no. My legs are numb.

I can't move.

I think, I think
maybe my back is broken.

I feel like I'm falling.

Amanda, don't. Stop it.
You're scaring me.

Don't be afraid.

I'm not.

Everything is so clear
and so quiet.

No! Don't leave me alone!

I'm right here.

I'm ready.

Amanda? Amanda!

Don't give up.

Don't give up.
You're not going to die.

Kyle is out there
looking for you.

Just like Billy's
looking for me.

Don't worry.

You're gonna make it.


I'm just so sleepy.

Amanda, this isn't you.

You would be fighting
for every breath.

You would be shouting
at me to try harder.

Come on, you wouldn't
take this lying down.

Mmm. Like I have a choice.

Look, it's not so bad. We have a
little food. We have a little water.

We have stuff to keep us warm.

Pretty soon, a search party
is going to see our fire.

And they're gonna
come rescue us.

They have to come rescue us.

♪ ♪

♪ You disappear in trouble
don't you won't you ♪

♪ The mist has
come surrounding you ♪

♪ You're not outside of danger ♪

♪ Something out
there takes you on a ride ♪

♪ Without a stand and you're
inside ♪

♪ Something out
there takes you alive ♪

I wish I didn't have
to go to work today.

That's true.

What's wrong?

I think you
just make me so happy.

Mmm, bummer.


I mean, I just, it's like we've
left Michael in the dust.

He must be feeling
pretty alone right now.

You know I never slept
with a saint before.



I, uh, I didn't hear you
come in last night.

Yeah, I kinda scurried by.

There was a lot going on
under the sheets.

I didn't really wanna know what.

Or with whom.

Well, now you know
with whom at least.

I'm sure you can guess the rest.

Yup, I guess I do
and I guess I can.

I'll see you guys later.

You know,
this woman deserves a man

who's gonna work hard
to treat her right

and work hard to support her.

And if you don't,

you'll answer to me.



Wait, where're you going?

I gotta get to work or I'll never
live up to your roommate's standards.


Oh, Michael, don't ' go in.
You'll just cause a scene.

Oh, he's in there, isn't he?

Yes, and they're
very happy together.

So, if you wanna save your ego
just turn around and walk away.

I don't care about my ego, it's
my life I'm trying to save here.

Michael, fine, suit yourself.

Just try listening
to her for a change.

It's a very unique way
to get to know someone.

Go away.

Megan, I'm not gonna
beat around the bush.

I want you back.

You know what is really sad,
Michael, is that I used to love you

but I had to find somebody
that I can depend on.

The only thing you can
depend on Coop to do

is to use you
until you're used up.

All right.
How does the mantra go?

He forced you out of the company
and your Chief of Staff job

and now, he's only sleeping
with me to hurt you.

You know, you think everything
is about you, okay?

Coop is here for me.

His feelings are real.

Yeah, he's a real tender
and caring guy.

Look, now that it's all out in
the open about me and Megan,

what do you say we try
to be adults about this?

I mean we do have to
work together, Michael.

Oh, yeah. Just a couple
of working Joes.

And a working girl.

Hey! We're all
professionals here.

You know, as long as you pay her
bills, she'll warm your bed.

And then we can all smile at
each other in the office.

Like none of it mattered.

Well, none of it does.

Mmm. French toast.

It's my favorite
power breakfast.

I can work all day
on a charge like that.

Just what I need to go apartment
hunting this morning.

You know, I don't know how
I'm ever gonna thank you

for all the help
you've given me.

You know, just watching you get back
on your feet, that's thanks enough.

That was Kyle. Amanda's flight
went down near Barstow.

Search and rescue is clueless.
It doesn't look good.

I'm sure she's fine.

Well, that a big help.

Who's Amanda?

She's an old friend.

I'll be at the hospital. If
anybody calls about the accident,

page me immediately.

What was that about?

It's Peter's ex-wife.

He seems pretty worried.

Well, the way I understand it,

if Amanda's missing, she's probably
staged her own coup somewhere.

Then how come
you seem so worried?

What are you, my shrink?

Just a friend, I hope.

You don't know
anything about me.

I feel like I've known you
for a long time.

I don't know. Think we just ran
into each other in the street.

Maybe you just recognize something
a little familiar in me.

I used to have the same
problem you did with alcohol,

only mine was with pills.

And who saved your life?


Then I guess I owe him double.

Kyle: Amanda hates to be late.

This has got to
be aggravating her.

You know, I guarantee you,
the second she gets in,

she is gonna start
barking orders.

We spotted the crash.

Where is it?

North face of big rock.

Couldn't put down
for all the scrub pines.

Is everybody all right?

There was no movement. I would
have to say no signs of life.

Virgil: We can send a team
down there at first light.

First light, no way.

No way. We go back right now.

We can't land anywhere
near there in the dark.

They might not make it through
another night. Not in this weather.

You're going in there now
and we're going with you.

Look, ground's pretty level
about four miles downhill.

I can land you guys there.
You can hike up.

It's a two-hour trek.

You might still walk
right past it in the dark.

No, have your man fly back
to the site in two hours,

shine his light down,
show us where to go.

I don't think it's a good idea.

No, I don't care what you think.

If you don't fly us in, we're gonna rent
a chopper, we're gonna fly in ourselves.

I don't respond to threats, son.

It's not threats,
just good sense.

Hey, if we go in there and
we find them before you do,

you're gonna look like fools.

If we don't find them,
big deal, what?

Two more idiots
lost in the woods.

Man's got a point there, Virgil.

All right.

Virgil: Fuel up and get going.

All of you.


All over it.

Hey, Michael.

Let me guess.

You and Megan never
got back together.

No. Thanks in large part to you.

Excuse me,

but if you recall,
I told Megan that

I drugged you
into having sex with me.

I never would have
tarnished my reputation

with a lie that ridiculous.

Except as a huge favor to someone
I happen to respect a great deal.

Yeah, whatever. Anyway,
Megan's with Coop now, so

my life's in the toilet.

I hear you.

Here I was, I was in Vegas.

I had Kyle in
the palm of my hand

when suddenly he runs off to do
some savior number on Amanda.

Who, I guarantee you, is off sleeping
her way into someone else's gold mine.

Yeah, well, that knight in shining armor
thing is vastly overrated if you ask me.

Hey, Michael. We just got a huge hospital
contract for the cauterizing glove.

Well, not really that huge.

Michael, don't do it.

It's beneath you. Don't
give them the satisfaction

of seeing you out of control.

And how about my satisfaction
of seeing Coop dismembered?

Listen, calm superiority
wins every time.

Trust me.

Sit down.

All right.

Send a bottle of your best
champagne over to their table

with my compliments.

Aww, that's my boy.

Don't worry. We'll plot
your vendetta another day.

Champagne, back table.

Waiter: Right away.

Hope you choke on it.

Billy: Sam? Sam,
we're coming, baby.

We're coming, hey, Sam!

Kyle: Amanda! Sam: Billy!

Where are you?

Billy, over here.
I think her back is broken.

Don't move her.

You okay? Oh!

You'll be okay, Amanda.
I'm here now.

I love you so much.


I'm never gonna lose you again.

Vital signs are stable. This patient
has a possible subdural hematoma.

No movement in her legs.
No sensation at all below T .

I can't feel anything.

You're gonna be fine, Amanda. We got a
neurosurgeon waiting in OR. I won't let you down.

She's suffering
from exposure, too.

They both are.
Don't forget about that.


Thank God you're all right.
I was so worried about you.

This is not the time
or place for this.

I will see you at the club
later. Just wait for me there.

Of course I'll wait.

I'm just so glad
you're not hurt.

How's Amanda?

Looks like her back is broken.

All right, get her upstairs.

If she needs a transfusion
or anything...

I'll make sure
she has everything.


I swear to God, you better.

That day
when your flight went down,

I just kept trying to imagine what
life would be like without you

and it was blank, you know.

It was just like a big hole

that nothing could fill,
except for you.


You've been sleeping for hours.

I've been awake for minutes.

I just loved hearing
you say those things.

I could keep talking
if you want.

I'm a pretty good talker.

Billy, I have to ask you.

Before I left, Connie said
that you made a pass at her.

A serious pass.

No, hold on here.

It wasn't like that.

I'm sure if you talk
to Connie about it again

she will tell you
there was nothing going on.

Just a little misunderstanding?

Honey, I promise
nothing happened.

Except I fell in love
with you all over again.

God, nobody's
ever saved me before.

Now you've done it twice.

First from my messed-up parents,

then from the crash.

I guess I married the right guy.

Spinal fusion was successful.

Bleeding stopped
against her brain.

She's in post-op now. She
should be completely awake

in a few hours.

So she's gonna pull through.

Well, Kyle, the spinal
cord wasn't severed,

it was contused, there's
still a lot of swelling,

we're trying to bring it down
with medication.


And there's a possibility
she may not walk again.

Oh, no. No.

It's one of the worst possible
outcomes for somebody like Amanda.

Did you tell her yet?

I will, when
she's fully conscious.

No. No.

Look, if anybody should deliver
news like that it should be me.

Kyle, I'm her primary physician.
It's my place to tell her.

Besides, I thought
you two had split up.

Look, yeah, our relationship has

been a little rocky lately, but,

she knows how much
I love her now.

Well, I'm sure she'd love to
talk to you about it later.

No, Peter, listen, look,

I know I'm a tough guy
to get along with,

no doubt about it, and sometimes I
can be a royal pain in the ass,

but I'm asking you
as a true friend to Amanda,

let me break this to her.


Wait till she wakes up tonight.

Have them page me
if you need some help.

Thanks, man.

How's Sam?

She's gonna be okay.

She'll be home
in a couple of days.

Thank God.

She'd like to see you. She was kinda
hoping you were gonna come by today.

Is there a problem?

I didn't tell her anything
about, you know, about you.

Meaning what? Like I've
done something naughty?


I just thought you'd
wanna tell her yourself.

I knew you were gonna
want to go see her.

Well, I can't, okay?

After she almost died?
I thought you cared for her.

I love her, Billy.

But she loves you.

You won.

This isn't a contest.

What, are you mad because
she wanted to see me first?

Because she loves a man?

Get off your high
horse, Campbell,

I don't make those
kinds of distinctions.

Sam doesn't care
that you're gay either.

Truth is,

I always kept that from her because I
was afraid it would come between us.

If I smiled at her too long.

Afraid of feeling her pull back
when we hugged hello or goodbye.

That's why I can't go
see her now.

Because I wanna hug her and I
don't wanna lie to her anymore.


if you decide you don't wanna
tell her about any of this,

if that's what you really
want, then I'll respect that.

I won't say a word.

If you are the friend of Sam's
that I know you are,

then I think now is the time
to go see her.

Well, aren't you
the gracious host.

Hi, handsome.

Nice to have you home.

Hi, it's good to be here.
What a day.

I heard about Amanda.
Is she gonna be all right?

It's too hard to say just yet.

Well, I had quite a little
adventure myself today.

Hand me the shampoo, would you?

But I guess I'll tell you when
you get out and we get in bed.

Oh, that's not gonna
happen tonight.

I gotta get back
to the hospital.

The first hours after
surgery are the most critical.

But I thought
we were gonna have...

I just came by for a shower
and a change of clothes.

Hey, come here.

Listen, I'm sorry, I know
I have been preoccupied

but this is a unique situation.

I'll be home
tomorrow night, late.

I'll be here for you, I promise.


See you tomorrow night, late.

You scared me.
What are you doing in here?

I just came to say goodbye.

Well, excuse me,
but my bedroom is off-limits.

Oh, I'm sorry. I knocked
first, didn't you hear me?

No, I did not. Why don't we talk
about this going downstairs.

I'm moving to my new
place now, that's all.

Aw, then you are starting a
whole new chapter in your life.

Bob, I'm proud of you.

I really am.

Couldn't have done it
without you.

Well, we could all use a
helping hand once in a while.

Just like Peter helped me
when I was having hard times.

Peter is an amazing guy.

Charming, compassionate,

Yes, he's all those things.

What I admire the most
in a man is loyalty.

It's a lost virtue.

I never lost it.

I better get going.

You won't forget
to visit, will you?

No, of course you won't.

You're loyal, too.

Hey, listen. I'll tell you what.

I'm running around
all day tomorrow.

But why don't we meet
for some dinner?

Say, around eight?

Oh, I don't wanna intrude.

No, no, Peter's working late.

And besides, I could
use the company.

Let's celebrate loyalty.

It's a deal.

Come here.



I must look so glamorous.

You are the most beautiful
woman in the entire world.

I hear you saved my life.

Well, fair is fair.

You saved mine
by surviving the crash.

See, if you hadn't,

I would have had to jump
off a very tall building.

No big deal for a super hero.


is it still too little too late?


Oh, Amanda,

I'm so sorry for
the way I acted.

They thought of you sleeping
with Eric drove me crazy,

and I know I was a fool to
ever have believed him.

I know how it must have looked.

But I know you better than that.

And it doesn't matter anyway.

If you had slept with him
I would understand

and I wouldn't care
because I love you.

If I had known
the effect it would have

I would have crashed that
helicopter a lot sooner.

Speaking of which,

I got some news, some hard news.

Does it have anything to do
with the fact that I have

no feeling below my waist?


There's a chance
you might not walk again.

Well, if you believe that, then you
don't know me as well as you think.

I'm just taking a little rest here
while everyone else tries to catch up.

I'll walk again. I will run
out of this damn hospital.

Just better hope to hell
you can keep up.


I can keep up.

I can keep up.

Hey, what're you doing here
this early in the morning?

Oh, I was just waiting for you
to come back from the hospital.

I guess I dozed off.

What did you do with that
money we won in Vegas?

I gotta get it to the bank.

Well, it's already
taken care of.

I walked it over yesterday and I
made the big balloon payment.

So, now, the club's ours again.

Ooh, nothing can
stop us now, Kyle.

It's just like old times.

The old times are gone, Taylor.

They ended the day you chased
out here after Peter Burns.

I love Amanda.

But her back is broken.

I mean, she's not gonna
be much fun in bed.

Don't. Don't.

Well, maybe she won't love you if she
knows about our little viva Las Vegas.

You do that, you and I are over.

No restaurant, no club,
no relationship whatsoever.

I'll never talk to you again.

Fine. I don't care,
I'll tear it all down.

If I can't have you, the least I
can do is ruin your life with her.

And you know I will.

Taylor. Taylor.

Look, you're right. You and I,
we did, we had some great times.

All right? And we'll be close
again in the future, just,

you know, maybe not exactly
the way you want.

Maybe just a little
the way I want it?

You and I will
always be friends,

as long as you don't tell
Amanda about our little fling.

Well, that fling

happens to be a very
cherished moment for me.

Very private moment, between
good friends, that is.

You know, Kyle, if you started
to drift away from me,

I could become very indiscreet.

Looking good.

Where have you been? Have you
not gotten any of my messages?

Yeah, I've just been packing up.

Oh, you got a place of your own?

No, I'm moving back
to New York, Sam.


How come? This doesn't have
anything to do with Billy, does it?


I'm moving away from you.


Just, don't say anything, okay?

Just let me...

I'm kinda hung up on you.

I always have been.

My fantasy was that I would come
here and break you and Billy up.

And then tell you how much I loved you
and you would say you felt the same way.

That you'd wanted me always.

And we'd go off
and live in a loft

in Soho, happily ever after.

You're gay.

The thing is
you really love Billy.

So, my plan was

a bad plan.

Why didn't you tell me
a long time ago?

Didn't you trust me at all?

How could you even think
it would matter to me

that you were gay?

The issue is not
that I love women.

The issue is I love you.

Too much.

I figured if you didn't
know that, then

you couldn't reject me.

I love you, too.

Just not like that.

I know,

that's the problem.

Oh, but you know what?

You got a really
good thing with Billy.

He's a really special guy.

And now, all I need to do is
find someone special for me.



No, listen.

I understand if
you need to go now.

But you have to understand

that you will never
be out of my life.

That you will always
be my best friend.

So you damn well better not
try to back out right now.

Love you.

Hey, how's Amanda doing?

Well, it's hard
to say long term.

She still has a lot
of spinal swelling,

but I hope it's not
a permanent problem.

And speaking of problems.

We need to talk about Michael.

What now?

Look, look. It's just you and
I, we're uptown kinds of docs.

And Michael's
a downtown kind of guy.

I mean, we bring in executive
ulcers, he brings in gallstones.

I don't mind having
a wide patient base.

No, it's more than that.

There's something off about
Mancini and the patients know it.

Brett: It's time to
get rid of him.

He's dead weight.

Peter: Those are bold
words coming from a man

who let Kimberly's mother
run amuck with a scalpel.

Isn't this vendetta thing
getting a little tiresome?

I'm just looking out for the
best interest of the practice.

Michael and I started
this practice together.

So, back off, doctor.

He's out when I say he's out.

Suit yourself.

You know, from what I've seen, the guy's got
a knack for sh**ting himself in the foot.

Brett: So, I guess I'll just
grab a front row seat and watch.


You're here early. It's only : .
The roast isn't ready yet.

Couldn't wait.

Here, I brought you these.

Oh, these are lovely!

I bought some new clothes with the
advance you gave me on my salary.

Oh, you know, I'm sorry I
didn't get a chance to call you

but I'm running
a little bit late.

Oh, that's okay. I'm not that hungry.

Well, Peter came home early so we
just got a little sidetracked.

You know, I figured,
if I get good at this job...

Peter got home here?

Well, it is my home, Bob.

And I'm starving.

For food, anyway.

I, I gotta go.

Wait, you're not
gonna stay for dinner?

No, I just came by to give you the
flowers and tell you my news.

Uh, you can't leave.

No, no, it's okay.

I just ran into an old
friend and I got a date.

You two, go ahead.

I'll catch up with you
some other time.

Hey, Bob,

next time, call first.

I was on my way home when I saw the
smoke, so pulled off the freeway.

Looks like the radiator.

Or a hose, maybe.

Yeah? Can you fix it?

Probably. This might take me
a couple of hours.

Oh, terrific.

Listen, is there a place around
here I can grab a bite to eat

while I cool my heels?

Yeah, they serve
burgers up there,

if you don't care
what they taste like.

Thanks, I'll see you
in a couple.

Something wrong?

No, why?

Well, it's just you seem
a little distant, that's all.

I'm fine.

It's just, I don't know
who you are anymore.

Oh, well, I would say that
something is wrong.

Okay, yes.

Why do I feel like I'm a trophy
in your w*r with Michael?

I don't know. Why?

Well, maybe because
of the conversation

I heard between you and
Peter earlier today,

about getting rid of Michael?

Listen, um,

my strong feelings for you

have got absolutely
nothing to do whatsoever

with my dislike of
your ex-husband.

But, you know,
I just kind of assumed

that you despise the guy
even more than I do.

Okay, he's not my
favorite person, but...

No, I'm just trying to get him
out of both of our lives.

You know what? I've had
it with vengeance.

I mean, the guy's lost enough.

I mean, why take
away his livelihood,

why can't we just
ignore the poor guy?

All right, you're right,
you're right.

He keeps falling on
his face by himself.

I, uh, I don't need to push.

So, can we please start
ignoring him right now?


♪ Pushing my
pedal to the floor ♪

♪ I'm gonna run the bases my bat
is big and bad ♪

♪ I'll be the homerun
honey that you never had ♪

♪ Ooh ahh baby I'm crazy
for you ♪

♪ Ooh ahh baby
I'm burning for you ♪

♪ It's been too long since
love's been right ♪

Announcer: Let's give it up
for Amber, gentlemen.

And don't be stingy. These
girls work for your tips.

Give them some dough,
they'll give you some show.

You deliver the greenery,
they deliver the scenery.

And speaking of scenery,
let's hear it for Tiffany.

Buy me a drink.

You're cute.

You're stunning.

You look stunned.

Maybe you could take a cab home.

Mm, maybe you could
drive my car.

I never date customers.

Well, I'm not a customer.
I'm a doctor.

Dr. Michael Mancini.

Uh... and I'd love
to be your doctor.

No, thanks.
I'm a pretty healthy girl.

Oh, I can see that.

Waitress: Here you are, sir.

Well, wait a second, uh,
what about your drink?

My shift's over.

Besides, I don't handle
alcohol very well.

The management just likes us to
get the customers to buy liquor.

Well, I'll keep buying.


But I've got to get to bed. I have
to get up for school in the morning.


It looks like
you could use the sleep too.

Well, my car is probably
fixed by now anyway.

Come on, lady.
Give me the purse.

Hey, get off of her!


You okay? Yeah.

Oh, I think so.

Well, you really saved my bacon.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I'm a
regular Prince Charming.


You know what
the prince gets to do.

Come by the club
around seven, tomorrow night.

I'll give you something
really special.

Thank you.


Dr, Mancini, were you mugged?

Uh, I'm fine, Mrs. Huntington
now just take a seat, huh.

Need I say more?

Michael, over intercom: Megan, bring
me a cup of coffee and three aspirin.

May want to have him slap a
porterhouse on that eye.


Okay, what happened?

Oh, you don't care.

You're right, I don't.

In that case,

I don't want to talk about it.

Look, Michael, you better get
your act together, okay,

because you're on a
slippery slope around here.

Oh, jeez.
What is that? A threat?

No. No threat.

Just a piece of advice,

to someone who thinks
he's hit bottom

from someone who's been there.

You're still falling, Michael.

You better open your eyes.

I just think it's so romantic
the way those guys slogged

through the wilderness
to the rescue.

Well, there's nothing
romantic about wet socks.

But really,
would you do that for me?

Battle over rock slides,
slay dragons,

forge ahead until you saved me?

That kind of thing
is purely for show.

But they saved
Sam and Amanda's lives.

Well, technically, it was
a search and rescue team

that took them up there.

Kyle and Billy just went
to plant their flags.

Oh, of course,
you're gonna dis it.

Kyle grabbed Amanda, not you.

Okay, granted,

Kyle never saved me
from a burning building,

but we still always
had the best sex.

And we're still two of the
most connected people

on the planet.

This, tramping around the woods,

something he gets off on.
It's just a Marine thing.

Would you do that for me?

Would it involve
giving up a personal day?

Why is our relationship
still so casual?

I mean, at least there's
fire between Kyle and Taylor

even if they hate each other.

I wouldn't say he hates me.

He might dislike me a little,
but he doesn't hate me.

I am so tired of getting
your emotional leftovers.

You are my emotional leftover.

You know, I hate to be the
one to break this to you

but I never really
found you really appealing.

You were there and that's all.

It was too much trouble
to throw you out of my bed

and now I'm getting
tired of wasting my feelings

on a dead-end relationship.

You better close
your mouth, Craig.

Wouldn't want any stray
feelings to get loose.

You pig.


I was just on my way home
and thought I'd stop by

and see if you needed anything.

You know, I've been thinking
about being paralyzed.


now, the chance of total
paralysis is pretty remote.

That's not the point.
The point is, it

kind of puts
your life in perspective

you know, I almost
died out there without

ever realizing what I had here.

What I still have here.

Whether I can walk out of here

or have to be wheeled out.

Friends and work and life.


How lucky is that?

You're a lucky guy, Kyle.
Don't blow it.

Announcer: And now, gentlemen,

direct to you from
Have Mercy Hospital,

Nurse Amber!

Ooh, doctor,

when can I get an appointment?

I'm sure I can find an opening.
I'll fit you right in.

You can reach me there
most afternoons.

I thought
you didn't date customers.

I thought you might just

give me a physical, Doctor.

Something wrong?

I just got
the creepiest feeling,

like the night
is coming too close.

Let's go upstairs,
we'll get more comfortable.

No. No, no, no. I'm fine.

In fact, I've never felt safer
than right here, in your arms.

You hit me.

It was you.