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06x26 - M.P. Confidential

Posted: 04/25/22 13:35
by bunniefuu
Oh, hi.

Expecting someone else? Say,
maybe, I don't know, a guy?

Oh, yeah, right, I'm beating them
away with a stick these days.

Samantha: Oh, you shouldn't be
so hard on yourself, you know.

I think most guys probably
find you irresistible.

I'll accept the compliment,
Sam, but at the same time,

I'll assume that's not the
only reason why you're here.

Well, I just wanted you
to be the first to know

that my period
of confusion is over.

I've decided to work
it out with Billy.

Wow. That's great.

Yeah, I realized that my affair
with Jeff was a big mistake.

Almost as big as
discussing it with you.

Well, you seemed
to need a friend.

Yeah, and friends
share everything,


In theory.

Theories are great,
until you test them,

and they wind up
trashing your life.

Whoops, there I go again,
just sh**ting my mouth off,

when none of this is really
any of your business, is it?

I guess not.

Oh, I almost forgot, something
that is your business.

Billy and I just made love,
and it was incredible.

So if his eye was beginning
to wander, it won't anymore.

This is really great news, Sam.

At least, for me.

A little late for a house call.

Oh, mind your own business.

Hey, Taylor.

All right, take it easy now.

Well, I did what you told me.

I rested, and I took it easy,

and I think I feel better. Okay.

Is it a real sharp
pain, or all over?

Well, there's a really
sharp pain all over.

Really scared me.

I'm gonna be all right.

I mean, the baby's
gonna be okay, right?

Hold on, give me a second.

You know, it's really
weird, 'cause...

I really care about this baby.

I mean, before, you know,

it was just all about
pretending with Peter and Kyle,

and I guess I really thought

I knew what it would
be like to be pregnant.

But now I know
the real feelings,

and it's just so profound

and just so much deeper.



Listen to this.

It's your baby's heartbeat.

Strong, steady,
and right on schedule.

Oh, wow, it's so amazing.

I mean, even though
this baby's coming

at the worst possible time,

with Kyle romancing me,
and my not knowing

who the father is, whether
it's you, Nick, or Kyle.

It's still the most
incredible miracle.

A new life. Wow.

You know, Michael,

for the first time
in a really long time,

I've got hope.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Of course
you are floating ♪

♪ Floating out to sea ♪

♪ The current is
flooded ♪

♪ With thoughts
of me, me, me ♪

♪ Take your toys home ♪

♪ 'Cause no one
wants to play ♪

♪ You think
of yourself first ♪

♪ And then you feel
betrayed ♪

♪ You're
drinking bathwater ♪

♪ Consuming your dirt ♪

♪ Remind me
one more time ♪

♪ This shouldn't
have to hurt ♪

♪ You seem
to wanna break ♪

♪ What's only meant
to bend ♪

♪ Your cup is empty now ♪

♪ This is where
it ends ♪

Don't... don't say it.

That dreaded
"I have to go to work" line.

This just, this feels too
good to spoil with real life.

Oh, I wish I could slack off,

but the timing
couldn't be worse.

I know, but if we're
moving to Philadelphia...

Ah, this appointment is
nowhere near a done deal.

And in the meantime, I've
gotta continue my practice,

my business with Lexi, not to
mention Michael's lawsuit.

You know what? I really, I really wish
there was more I could do to help.

And you're doing it
by staying out of it.

Michael would like nothing better than
to have you come calling over this.

Ten to one, it's the main reason

he's doing this whole
thing in the first place.

Uh, uh, uh!
I'm going to the shower.

Hey, hey.

On the lips, buster, or
you're not going anywhere.

On the lips?

I gotta get in the shower.
You're right, all right.

Hey, grab that, will ya?
And if it's the hospital,

tell them I'm on my way.


Hello. Dr. Larner from Hutchins here.
Is this Megan?

Oh, yes. How are you,
Dr. Larner?

Well, if you don't start calling
me George, I'll be offended.

Okay, whatever you say, George.

If you want to speak to Coop,

he's in the shower,
I'll get him for you.

No, no, don't bother, you can
tell him when he gets out.

You see, he's made it
to the next level,

and we'd like to fly him,
and you, of course,

here to Philadelphia, to meet the
rest of the search committee.

Oh, wow, that is good news.

Yes, yes, I think
you'll love our campus.

You will be accompanying
him, I hope.

Nothing would be a bigger help to
Coop than having a woman at his side.

Of course I'll be there.
I can't wait.

Neither can I.
See you soon, Megan.

Guess where we're going.



You're meeting with the rest
of the search committee.


One step closer to having all
of your dreams come true.

What, are you kidding me?

I've got my dream
come true right here.

Lexi: Got awfully cold
last night.

In that big bed, all alone.

Isn't the idea of living
together to live together?

You know, I don't know which is
worse, huh, Michael's lawsuit

or Coop leaving the practice
to go to Philadelphia.

You know, if he goes, I have to
handle this entire legal mess myself.

Me against Michael with
absolutely no leverage.

So ask Coop to stay.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Give up an appointment to
Hutchins Research Hospital

and stay and fight a loser like Michael.
I wouldn't even know how to ask.

Well, what if Coop couldn't go?

I mean, as the owner
of his pharmaceutical company,

what if I forbid him from going?

Well, I don't want you to

do anything you
don't want to do.

It'll be a snap.

In no time,

I'll have Coop eating
out of the palm of my hand.

Well, good morning to you.

You look lovely this morning.

Thank you.
I feel lovely.

Well, I gotta get to work, I
got a quartet to audition.

Uh, before you go, I just wanted to
thank you again for the other day.

It was really nice, just
getting away from my problems

and your problems.

Well, I'm glad you had
a good time, so did I.

You know, another thing,
I miss your cooking.

I mean, I know Mario's great,

and most people can't
tell the difference,

but I sure can.

You know, why don't I, uh,
cook dinner for you tonight?

We'll eat in the kitchen.

Just like the old days?
Just like the old days.

See you then.


Seems like your little plan
is progressing nicely.

Yeah, she's asking me out now.

You know what? I think it's just a
matter of time before she spills

everything she knows about Christine
and Nick and this whole mystery.

I gotta tell you, Kyle,
I'm starting to feel

a little guilty
about this whole thing.

Aren't you?

What? About
manipulating her?

No way.
I mean, come on,

it's not like
she hasn't manipulated me,

and everybody else
since forever.

I know, but in the end you
know she's gonna get hurt.

I think that she intentionally
tried to ruin my marriage.

If that's true, she doesn't
deserve one iota of mercy.



I swear it's this fluorescent lighting.
An hour under these things,

and I have a splitting
headache too.

I think this particular
headache came from red wine.

Oh, you have an allergy?

Only when I drink too much.

If I may say so, I think this
guy Rory is big trouble.

Actually, I was drinking
alone last night.

But, hey, now that
you mention it,

next time I'll invite Rory
over for company.

The guy has a wicked knack for reminding
me just how screwed up my life is.

Do we have a meeting scheduled?

What you should be scheduling

is an appointment
with a psychiatrist.

Why bother when I have
you to judge me?

Rory is a creep, and you're
still married to Kyle.

Oh, this is priceless. From
you, a lecture on fidelity.

All right, maybe I flirted with
disaster with Jeff Baylor,

but I'm over it.
I ended it.

Now I'm devoting
my life to Billy.


you've gotta get over
this Christine thing.

A woman died, and I'm the reason.
You don't just get over that.

Is it better to punish yourself?

Somebody has to.

Get out of here
before I fire you.

Hi, you must Jeff.

I'm Jennifer, Sam's best friend.

I doubt she's mentioned
me, but maybe she has.

Once or twice maybe,
what can I do for you?

Well, it's like this.

I know all about you two,
and your whole affair, and...

Sam and I are history,
didn't she tell you?

Well, yeah.
Sort of.

But the thing about Sam is,

she doesn't always
say what she means.

And you scared her big time
with all that marriage talk.

I mean you start that with
someone who's still married,

and you're in big trouble.

Yeah, well, I don't lie,
okay, that's not my style.

If you think I'm gonna talk to you about
this, somebody I don't even know...

it's just the way I felt,
so I said it.

No, don't get me wrong, I think
what you're doing is great.

Honesty, truth,
that whole macho thing.

It's probably why
she loves you so much.

That's right.

She does still love you.

Hell, you turned her
whole world around.

She was bored, still searching,

and when she found you,

it changed her.

She blossomed.

Look, I don't know
what you're suggesting.

She's regretting
your break-up.

I can tell, and for some reason,

she doesn't know how to
reapproach you about it.

So, I'm thinking,

all we've gotta do is get
you in a room with her,

and things will
take care of themselves.

Yeah, but she won't see me.

Don't worry about that.

All I needed to know
is that you're willing.

Leave the able part to me.

Man: Order up.



Oh! Mmm! Portobello
mushrooms are heavenly.

What's the main course?
Please say lobster!

Hey, don't be in such a
rush, anyway it's a secret,

and you love secrets.

Sure been involved in
enough of them lately.

Mmm-hmm. I'm the one person
you can't keep a secret from.

Like right now,

you're keeping a secret from me.

All right.

You're right as always.

All right. If still
loving you is a secret,

then I'm guilty as charged.

It's true, I've never
really stopped loving you.

Here's that special
champagne you wanted.

Shall I open it?

Uh, no, I've got it.


Thank you.

None for me, thanks.

What? What are you talking
about, you love champagne.

I know, but I'm just not
in the mood tonight.

But you go right ahead.


I think that you've
been working too hard.

Maybe we'll get some
extra help around here.

What, a couple of months ago,

you were talking about maybe

getting Nick back here.
You remember that?


And you said,
"Over my dead body."

Yeah, but new face.

Forgive and forget.

If I can forgive you,

forgiving Nick oughta be a snap.

I wonder if
he's still in Dallas.

Baby, you were right about Nick, I
mean, he's not right for this job.

He knows nothing about
running a restaurant.

Eating the food and drinking the
stock, that's what he knows.

Yeah. Yeah,
you're right.

A guy like Nick
is nothing but trouble.

That's for sure.

You lunatic! You almost
gave me a heart attack!

I wanna know what's going
on with you and Taylor.

I don't suppose invoking the th
amendment would do me any good?

Here's my theory.
Nod if I'm right,

kick my ass out if I'm wrong.

First, you're paying her a house
call in the middle of the night.

Then, she turns down
a bottle of Dom Perignon.

Dom Perignon, Michael!

Not to mention the extra
pounds that she put on.

So, to me, this could only
mean one thing, Michael.

She's pregnant.

Nod, damn it!
Yes or no?

Yes! Yes! I'm nodding, yes.
You happy?

And okay, it gets better.

There's a one in three
chance I'm the father.

And who, pray tell,
are the other possibilities?

Kyle's the only other guy I know of,
and the other guy's a mystery man.

Another fine mess you've gotten
yourself into this time, Michael.

What am I gonna do with you?

Well, I know what you can't do,

abandon me.

You're all I got left,
little sister.

Trust me, there's not
a hole deep enough

to keep a Mancini buried.

One way or another, we
always dig ourselves out.

They don't put as much wine in
the bottle as they used to.

Have you noticed that?

It's probably some conspiracy.

A government cover-up or something.
Come here, you.


Yeah, even better
than I imagined.

Uh, uh, no.

You know, a woman invites
somebody up for dinner,

kinda gets a guy's
expectations up, you know?

You know, we've known each
other long enough to, uh,

get to know each other
better, right?

You have all the answers.

That was a question.

Oh, well, no comment
is my answer.

Shut off the lights.

♪ ♪

♪ You are the reason ♪

♪ My heart beats
like it does ♪

♪ You are
the air I breathe ♪

♪ The sun shining
above ♪

♪ You are
the dream I've had ♪

Did that kiss mean
what I think it meant?

I doubt it.
'cause it meant goodnight.


All right then,

good night, Amanda.

♪ Hold me,
just hold me ♪

♪ Don't ever let me go ♪

♪ You are a miracle,
body and soul ♪

♪ Tell me,
just tell me ♪

♪ You'll always be here ♪

♪ To let me whisper,
"I love you" ♪

It boils down to this, Coop.

As the president
of Sterling-Conway,

I'm not allowing you
to move to Philadelphia.

You have a company to run!

Forget that an appointment
at a teaching hospital

has been my dream ever
since you've known me...

wait a second.

Peter put you up
to this, didn't he?

No. Peter did not
put me up to this.

I think that you have
a responsibility here.

Well, I'll tell you what,

grand, my half
of the company's yours,

take it or leave it.

I'll take it.

And I will strip this company down
to nothing, and I will sell it.

You do whatever you want.

Oh, and, uh, by the way,

when I see Peter,
I'll be sure to tell him

that you gave it
the old college try.

Amanda: These are all fine.

Sam, run them over to the art
department, Billy, you stay here.

I wanna give you the new copy
to Flash Sporting Goods.

I know it's here somewhere.

It's nice to have you and Sam working
together again, instead of separately.

Mmm hmm.
Ah, here it is.

Um, I made a few changes, I hope
you can read the handwriting.

Hey, sorry to barge in,
but I'm late already.

Big opportunity for you, if you're
interested. Hey, how ya doin'?

Anyway, Amanda, listen, I'm meeting
this guy about an investment.

He deals in futures,
you know, corn,

wheat, pork bellies,
that kind of thing.

Anyway, five grand will net you ten, easy.
Sometimes overnight.

Now, I'm putting in
another five myself,

I wanna know if
you're interested.

Who do I make the check out to?

To me is fine.

You know, I've always heard there's a
lot of risk involved in commodities.

Yeah, if you're an idiot.

There you go.

You won't be disappointed.

Have you lost your mind?

Looks like it, doesn't it?
Don't you have work to do?

Having your girlfriend pimp
for you, really bad form.

I beg your pardon.

No buddy, you begged her,

and the dutiful girlfriend
that she is, she begged me.

In fact, she actually did me a huge favor
and took the company off my hands.

So now I'm completely free
to go to Philadelphia

if or when the appointment
comes through.

And never mind leaving me here
to fend Michael off alone.

You're actually
scared of this guy.

He's suing the both of us.

Yeah, I know.

And you want my advice, Peter?


Give him his job back.

See, I don't care anymore,

I did my little revenge
number, and it's over.

It's time to move on.

Time to move on to Philadelphia.

Oh, uh, by the way,

good luck.

I mean that.

Michael, you wouldn't
believe how great

it's going with Kyle.

Oh! He's paying
attention to me,

he's being romantic,

and he kissed me!

I'm talking a big smooch.

It was like I was transported
back to a better time and place.

Can you leave those
magazines alone, please?

I don't like them
in neat stacks.

Messy is more guy.

Fine, Michael, it's just
my nesting instinct.

You know, I even alphabetized
my spice rack this morning.

God, I love being pregnant.

You know, all those
th and th senses.

My instinct tells me

that this has
to be Kyle's child.

This coming from a woman who is batting
. in the instinct department.

Michael, I was never
really pregnant before.

Wait a second, you're right.

I need proof before I can tell
Kyle that this is his child.

You're just now
figuring this out?

No more charades, you know what?

I need a paternity test.

Of course, Kyle can't
know about it.

It's impossible!
I mean, besides

tests for you, I'd need
to draw blood from Kyle.

And that's not going to be easy
to do without him knowing it.

Unless you're a vampire.


anything's possible
if you're determined enough.

It doesn't matter.
I'm halfway to

figuring out this whole mystery.

But this is major, Kyle!

Is it more major than having her

eating out of my hands?

The other night,
I mentioned Nick's name,

and she nearly fell
out of her chair.

And, no, she wasn't drinking.

And I know why.

What, why? Why?

She's pregnant, Kyle.



I found out from Michael.


Of course, she's hoping
that it's yours,

but there are
other possibilities.

And I guess I'm warning you because
I don't want this to get in the way

of your romancing the
truth out of Taylor plan.

Yeah, well, it just did in a...

big way.

And to top it all off,

I'm having dinner
with her tonight.

I'm sorry to be the
bearer of bad news.

I should get back
to setting up the bar.

Oh, man.


Too bad Kyle's
doesn't have this.

Restaurant and romantic setting.

What? What?

I want you to kiss me again like you
did last night. Like you mean it.

Kiss you?


You bit me!

Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry.

Wait, let me get that, here.

I guess I got carried away.
Sorry, aw!

There, is that better?

Yeah. Much.


I'm sorry.

Us getting together, so much of
that was about Sam being aloof,

and now that Sam's not
being aloof anymore...

Billy, stop.
Don't say another word.

But I'm trying to tell you...

Look, we are so right together.

I feel it every time
you look at me.

Which is why, right now,
you can't look at me.

But that's okay.

Only when you're ready.

Look, if Sam can blow
one way this quickly,

can't she blow back the
other way just as quickly?

Don't shut the door.

At least not all the way.

I don't deserve this.

Probably not.

I gotta get back to work. I told Sam
I was dropping off some proofs.

There was traffic.
Road construction.

The was down to one lane.

It's a miracle
you got back at all.

I gotta go.

♪ ...comes across
quite clearly ♪

♪ You're confused ♪

Oh, Jeff, you have to go,

Billy's gonna be back
here any second.

Good, 'cause that's
all I need, a second.

Listen, it doesn't make any
difference what you say.

I've decided I'm going to
rededicate myself to my marriage.

Out of guilt and fear.

You're lying to yourself, Sam.

You're running and hiding
in a bad marriage.

I mean, sure, in the best of all
possible worlds, we'd both be single.

And there wouldn't
be any complications.

And, yeah, I pushed too hard.

But I'm willing to stop that.

I'm willing to do
whatever you say,

so long as
I'm still in your life.

I need you, Sam.

Like I've never needed anyone.

But all the hiding and the
running away and the lying,

let's just stop it.

It is stopped.

If I run out of here tonight,

I'm gone forever.
You understand that?

You can walk
as slowly as you want,

I'm not gonna stop you.

Mike: And in conclusion,
I feel that your obligation

as my attorney is
to make sure that

Peter Burns is
deposed immediately.

And to push, at all costs,
my settlement...


Kyle! What can
I do for you?

Let's cut the preamble
and get right to the point.

I know that Taylor is pregnant, and
I know you're acting as her doctor.

Look, I'm obliged not to discuss
my patient's conditions

with anyone else but her.

Well, no offense, buddy,

but I don't think you're
in a position to do squat.

I know you're
in financial trouble

'cause there's not
a hospital around

that would work with you.

And I heard about

your little lawsuit with Peter,

the only person
who will work with you.

Are we here to play Dr.
Mancini, this is your life,

or is there something I
can do for you, Kyle?

I need a paternity test.

Right away.
And I want the test results

before anybody else,
including Taylor.

So there's, uh, there's some
question you're not the father?

I will pay you
$ , for the test

and your silence.

You do need cash,

am I right?

Yeah, but I'll take a check.

Already filled out.
But first.

I want you to tell me how
the hell we're gonna do this

without Taylor finding out.

You'll need samples
from her, right?

And some blood from me?

Already got it.

She dropped this off
after your date.

Now, I'll take that check
if it's all right.

Thank you.

I get the test results first,

or you are not gonna live long
enough to spend this money.

Oh, there you are,
I called all night.

I spent the night
in the on-call room.

You spoke to Coop, didn't you?

Did you buy him his plane ticket, too?
I mean, you might as well have.

He left last night
on the red-eye.

For his last interview, which
means he's as good as gone.

Do you know what I think?

I think you're just not happy unless
there's some sort of conflict.

I mean, you always have to
complain about something.

And you can't accept the fact
that I just may not be perfect.

What, have you been taking lessons
from Amanda or something?

You know, she used to
have the same issue.

Yeah, either that, or you
are the one with the issue.

Heal thyself, doctor!

Hi, thanks for waiting.

Oh, my God, you're freezing.

You remember
Dr. Larner.

Yes, good to see you, doctor.

Yes, well, my whole day
just brightened considerably.

If it's possible,
I think you actually

brought some of that
California sun with you.

You're too kind.

Now, um, tell me
how my man here did.

You should be very pleased.

He was intelligent, affable,

everything we're looking for.

Oh, yes, and I almost forgot,
I'm giving a little party

tonight in honor of the nominees.
My place, the Tudor house,

just off University Place, is the
address, you'll both be there, I hope.

We wouldn't miss it.

Good, I promise a very
stimulating evening.

Thank you for everything, doctor.
My pleasure.

This is so exciting,
all my entire life

I never wanted
anything this badly.

Uh, I swear,

I'll do whatever I can

to get it.

You know what? I'll do
everything I can to help.

You look so handsome.
I feel handsome.

It didn't work.

I pulled out all the stops, said
everything you said to say,

nothing about marriage, no pressure,
just my sincere feelings.

It couldn't have
gone that badly.

I'm thinking the hell
with it, I mean,

you just can't keep beating
your head against the wall.

Yeah, unless the wall's
already starting to crumble.

Or if you love her.


it's a slow night, the boss
is out, who knows where,

let me buy you dinner

Together, we will come up
with some kind of Plan B.

Come on, there's always
a Plan B, right?


So, what's that?
That's your, uh, second?

Fourth, actually.

Vodka. There's nothing
better for wallowing.

You know, um, I'm waiting for my
date, he should be here any second.

Amanda, I don't like this.

The dating or the drinking?

The whole picture.

Well, if you think this has

anything to do with you,

or our problems, you're wrong.

I don't miss you, I don't
care if you miss me.

We're bad for each other. I mean,
when we're together, people die.

Come on, Amanda.
Stop this, it's crazy.

I've been working on this,
and I'm on to something.

You mean on top of something.
As in, Taylor.

But she's probably the one on top
of you, or do you guys take turns?

Damn it, you got this all wrong.

No, you're lonely. You're just putting
a little grout between the tile.

Don't worry,
I'm doing the same thing.

Oh, here he is now.

Good news, baby,
our ship just came in.

% return on your money.

Oh, look at that, an investment
that finally paid off.

You know, I once invested
in this jazz club.

Right down the
tubes, big mistake.

You can say what you want,
you can do what you want.

It's not gonna stop me
from finding out the truth.

What truth?
The one fact

that you can't get
through your thick head?

What's that?

What, that you and I
are bad together?

That I don't love you anymore.

You're not even a good memory.

Come on, Rory,
let's you and I celebrate.

Oh, I can't wait
to totally pig out.

What are they doing together?

Do they even know each other?

I don't know, it's bizarre.

Maybe we should go over,
don't you think?

I mean, Jeff was my campaign.

Yeah, let's see what's going on.

Billy, Sam, it's been a long
time, how you guys doin'?


Jenn, I didn't know
that you knew Jeff.

Oh, just met tonight actually.

Upstairs, and Jeff offered
to buy me dinner.

Isn't that nice?

Yeah, it's nice.

Guess it's that
small world thing.

Don't let us interrupt,
you guys have a great dinner.

Sam, I think
our table's over here.

Did you know they
were gonna be here?

No, I had no idea.

But let's use it, why don't we?

I mean, what better Plan B
than to make Sam jealous?

Just ignore them, all right?

We'll just pretend
they're strangers.

Oh, you're absolutely right.

I mean, what do we care whether

Jennifer and Jeff
start something up?

Quick trip to the ladies'
room, I'll be right back!

So, how we doin'?

I'll let you know
when I get back.


You wanna explain this?
You're dating Jeff Baylor?

The man that you know I'm
having an affair with?

You said it was over with Jeff.
That makes him fair game.

And besides, if you're really trying
to make your marriage work with Billy,

isn't it easier if
Jeff is also occupied?

It's just a little weird, okay?

So are you telling me to stop?

No, I'm questioning
your motives.

Oh, boy, Sam.

You've been doing
a lot of that lately,

my motives toward Billy
and my motives toward Jeff.

Oh, you are trying to land Jeff!

I'm gonna ignore that
ridiculous fish metaphor

and ask... why?

Are you jealous?


I say yes.

I also say that you're not
as over Jeff as you think.

I'm sorry, Sam.

You can't have both of them.

Hoarding all of the men for
yourself just is selfish.

You better stop it, and you
better stop it right now,

'cause you are messing with
me, and I don't like it.

Well, I don't like
being man-handled.

Especially not by a woman.

So, if you will excuse me,
I'm going back to dinner.

Oh, you mean leftovers?

Don't you ever,

ever talk to me that way again.

Hey, I think

you probably know why I'm here.

Your timing couldn't be better.

I'm heading to the lab
this very second.

Gail, do you
have those sample "A"

paternity test results?

Yes, doctor, here you go.
Sample "A"?

Thank you.



you're not the father, Kyle,
you're off the hook.

Now, uh,

what do you want me to tell
Taylor when she asks for these?

The truth, of course...
I'll give you ten to one odds

she's gonna lie and say
I'm the father anyway.

Oh, and that's when
you'll lower the boom.

No, no, I'm gonna lower
the boom when she spills

everything she knows
about Nick and Christine.

Uh, Christine and Nick...

Never mind.

Well, now, what's this for?
You already paid me.

Double your fee to ensure your silence.
See ya, Mike.

Oh, Kyle, uh,

there is still the question
of who the real father is.

As long as it's not me,
I could care less.

Uh, Nurse, I'll take a look
at sample "B" now, please.

Uh, sure, I have it right here.


Are you all right, Doctor?

Um, I'm fine.

For a guy who just
knocked up a lunatic.

Michael, Michael,
do you have the results?

Oh, please, God. Please tell me that
Kyle is the father of my child!

Um, sorry, no.
Kyle's not the father.

Oh, damn.

Oh, double damn.

Well, wait, are you the father?

Oh, no no no. I'm not the
father either, Taylor.

Oh, God, then that
just leaves Nick.

Oh, God, Michael.

I'm carrying the demon seed.

Oh, God!
Oh, God!

God help us all.

Hey, beautiful,

where you goin'?

Man, you were
amazing last night!

First class, all the way.

I'll be right back.

Well, that should be no problem.
That's fine. Mmm-hmm.

Hey, you got a second?

You're suing me, Michael.
We shouldn't even be seen

in the same hospital,
much less talking together.

Well, I had to sue you,
you left me no choice.

Anything that happened to
you, you did yourself.

Every action has a root, every
chain reaction has a catalyst.

Oh, save the pontificating
for the courtroom.

All I'm saying is that this could all
be avoided if you'd just hire me back.

Okay, look, I'm extending
my hand to you!

Oh, a hand, really?
Well, it looked

more like a subpoena to me!

Look, are you all right,
Peter, 'cause you're all red.

Have you had your blood
pressure checked lately?

There is nothing wrong with me,
Michael, you are the problem!

You have always
been the problem here!

I have been stuck with you.

You're like a malignant tumor,

you cut it, you burn it,
but it keeps coming back!

Peter, will you be quiet?
People are watching.

No, Mike, no, no. You are
not gonna destroy me.

While I have my sanity back,

I'm gonna fight you,
and I'm gonna fight you,

and I'm gonna keep fighting you!
Help me!

Do you hear me, Michael?
I'm never quitting.

Come on, Doctor, that's enough!

You're a bona fide nutcase,
you know that? Geez!

Uh, look, Peter,

I have an opening this afternoon,
maybe you should come see me.

What, do you think I'm having a
nervous breakdown, or something?

As a matter of fact, I do.

I'll see you later.

I'll be right with you.

You like it here?

Oh, very much! Your wife
has wonderful taste.

She's out of town, you know.

Yes, somebody mentioned that.

I have a confession
to make, Megan.

I find you very attractive.

Ethereal, yet grounded.

I'm sorry, I'm embarrassing you.

No, no, I'm just not sure
how appropriate this is.

It's not appropriate at all.

Which is what makes it so
exciting, don't you think?

I'd like you to come and see me

after everyone's gone. You can
make up some excuse to Coop.

You know, Doctor, you really
should watch those hot toddies.

No, you will be here, Megan,

if you want Coop
to get this appointment.

Anyway, with your past,

I can't believe this
is that big a deal.

What do you mean, my past?


the fact that you were
a prost*tute, of course.

I'll see you tonight.

Billy: Thanks
for meeting me.

Jennifer: I've gotta say,
I was surprised that

you wanted to see me.

I've been trying to
make it work with Sam,

you know, it's...
it's been weird.

One second she's, like, all over
me, you know, madly in love,

and the next second,

she's distant and secretive.

Just, it seems like
whatever she's doing,

it's not sincere, you know?

You're doing
the exact same thing.

Blowing hot and cold.

So I know exactly what
you're talking about.

No, you don't.

You have no idea.

I thought we were gonna cool it.

Well, forget about that,
I was only kidding.

No, don't you know that,

that all my thoughts
and feelings...

it's all about you.

You're the only person
I can trust.

I don't wanna get hurt.

And I don't want you
to get hurt either.

That's the last thing I want.

Don't ask me what we're gonna
do, 'cause I have no idea.

I do, we're just gonna
hold on for dear life.

And never let go.

Hello, Megan.
Come in, please.

Can I take your coat?
No, I...

no, thank you. I just came by
to correct a misconception.

Oh, really? Well, why don't
I pour us both a sherry,

then well get things
tidied up between us.

I had to sneak out
on Coop tonight, so...

look, I know you're under the
impression I'm a prost*tute,

and I don't know where you
came up with the idea, but...

Megan, cut the performance.

I know every
little thing about you.

And believe me, if you
feel it's necessary,

I can provide police records,
names of your clients...

Why you doing this?

I have needs, Megan.
Just like you.

You need to see your boyfriend
get this job. Come on.

You shouldn't be ashamed
of what you are.

History and literature are replete
with beautiful women like yourself,

sacrificing themselves for the
sake of the men they love.

It's really rather romantic
when you think about it.

Now, why don't you take off this
coat, we'll discuss it further?

I'm really a very gentle lover.

Ah! Damn it.
It's my wife.

She wasn't due home
until tomorrow.

So, uh...

you're going to have to
go out the back.

You know what?
I think I might stay.

You know, she might enjoy this.

No! Out. Now.

Let's get one thing
straight, Megan.

If you want your
significant other

to have any chance at this position,
you'll do what I tell you.

So, we'll chat tomorrow. Now, bundle
up, you don't want to get cold.

Sorry, I've just been prattling
on and on this evening.

I guess I'm a little nervous.

You see, I've got something
kind of important to tell you.

You do?

I'm pregnant.
For real.

You're... any idea
who the father is?

You are, Kyle.

And there's no question this time.
I made sure before I told you.

Little bite the other day?

Well, I needed your blood
for a paternity test.

I hope you're not angry.

To be honest...

I've never felt closer to you in
all the years of our marriage,

than I do right now.

I mean, Taylor, your honesty,
your ability to just

push the past aside
and come clean.

If nothing else,

it proves that you and I can tell
each other absolutely anything.

So, you're... you're
happy about the baby?

I'm thrilled.
I am thrilled. Come here.


You know, I'm going
to make you a promise.

When my divorce with
Amanda comes through,

you and I are going
to be a family.

I mean, we're going to be a real family.
Mother, father and their child.

I love you, baby.

I love you too.

Hmm, thunder, it's a bad omen.

You know, I should get going
before this gets too...

Did you mean what you said?

I mean, the love part?

With all my heart.

Amanda: Expedite any accounts
receivable on the Jeff Baylor campaign.

Let's see what we can collect before
we have to close that account.

And I need coffee and aspirin.

Yes, ma'am, right away.

What is it, Sam?

What happened to Jeff?

Well, I thought you of all
people would've heard.

The doctor's say
his knee is mush.

His career's officially over.

Oh, my God.
Oh, poor Jeff.

Well, if he's smart, he'll try and
cash in on his minutes of fame

before he becomes a bubble
gum card trivia question.

You don't understand.
This is going to k*ll him.

He just... he...

Let me guess, your little
fling with Jeff Baylor

turned into true love?

No, we just became
good friends, that's all.

I'm sorry, I'm fine.
I just, uh... it's a shock.

I'm going to go back to work.

Sam, a little advice.

Stick with Billy.

There's nothing worse
than a washed up jock.

You know, I'm starting to realize
that these university get-togethers,

your major schmoozing
skills run on par

with your surgical knowhow.


Meg, you okay?

Been kind of quiet all morning.

I'm just nervous for you.

Why don't they just give you this
job and be done with it, huh?

Don't worry.

Larner over there,
is my biggest supporter.

If I can stay
in his good graces,

everything's going to be fine.

Megan! Coop! Good morning.
Hi, George.

Now, Coop, I hate
to be all business,

but Dr. Miller could use
a little more of your charm.

And smile for God's sake.
This isn't a funeral.

I'll be back.

And the same
goes for you, Megan,

you're looking way
too serious at the moment.

Well, this is very serious,
okay, so just stay away from me.

Oh, how I wish I could.

But I'm trapped in your spell.

Now, the arrangements.

There's a place called
the Silver Inn Motel,

right by the airport.

Good to see you,
Dr. Larner.

Ah! Mike, glad
you could make it.

Meet me in room ,
: tomorrow night.

Coop will be
at the faculty meeting,

so you'll be able to
slip away, and this time,

we won't be interrupted.

That's a promise.

Listen to me.

Well, I sure buttered him up.

Well, excellent,
Doctor, excellent.

That's just the way it's done.

Now don't be late for the
faculty meeting tomorrow night.

They're expecting wonderful
things from you.



I'm the king of butter.

Hey, doll face.

Just thought I'd come by
and buy you lunch.

Don't call me that.

And I'm working
right through today.

So, bye for now.

What, no hug?

I'll meet you
at the jazz club tonight.

Oh, see, now you shouldn't
leave your computer on

when there are snoops around.

Doll face.

Let's see what we have here.

Real estate holdings...

mutual funds...

cash on hand.

Well, well, well.

This must be my lucky day.

Beautiful and rich too?
Phew, you got to love that.

It's more about
finding a way to get

the investment community

aware of Sterling-Conway
and what we represent.

That all depends
on our approach.

Well, exactly. What we need
to do is focus on what's...

Lexi, I need to
talk to you, please.

Amanda, I'm sorry.
I tried to stop him.

That's okay, Julie.

We're right in the middle
of a meeting.

You better have a good excuse

for barging in here, like this.

I just need to know
where I can reach Peter.

It's very important.

They said at your office you'd
be here and I couldn't wait.

You know, Michael,
you are the last person

in the world that Peter would
want to see right now.

I think you should leave.

Lexi, please, this is
something good for him.

He's going to want to hear this.

Well, he can't be reached.

He's up in the mountains
trying to get away

from everything that is
screwed up in his life.

Which, by the way,
is mostly you, big guy.

If you don't get out,
I'm calling security.

No, no, no, please. Look, I want
to drop the lawsuit against him.

I need to talk
to him about that.

Lexi, I've had
a change of heart.

Come on,
what mountains? Where?

All right. All right.

He's up in some doctor's cabin,

in the Sierras, near Bishop.

Uh, Dr. Visconti's?

Yes, that's it,
but there's no phone,

so you'll have to talk
to him in a few days

when he gets back.

No, no, no, I have to
see him before that.

Before he makes up his mind.

Um... oh.

May I?
No, out. Out.

Okay, okay, I owe
you big time, Lexi.

All right, uh, where were we?

Oh, that's right.
The comparisons.

Let's see, they
were here somewhere.

You know what, I must have
left them on my desk.

I'll be right back.

It's too soon for the baby to be
causing you backaches, Taylor.

Try a heating pad.

And please stop
abusing my beeper number.

Save it for emergencies, okay?

Taylor's pregnant?

Huh? Oh, she is? Uh...

Yeah. I guess she is.

And the father is...

Um, Kyle.

And I thought he would've
mentioned it to you by now.

Listen, I'll get out
of your hair. Bye.

So I guess you heard.

You doin' okay?

Oh, I've had better weeks,
but I'll survive.

Oh, trophies and your memories,
I don't understand.

Just had to get them
out of my sight, you know.

Oh, God. So what now?
What are you going to do?

I don't know, all right.

How do you decide something
like that in five seconds?

I'm sorry.

I... I just feel so bad.

Look, I've been
doing some coaching.

Little league.

Maybe I'll coach permanent.
High school, college...

I really don't know.

That sounds good.

I was a major league player.

I's made it to the show.

I was there, and now it's gone!

There's no World Series,
no Cooperstown, it's over.

Uh, I'll just go.

Look, I'm sorry.

It's just... I was always
the come back kid,

you know, when it's...
now I can't.

It's just hard letting go.


Letting go...

I'm pretty lousy at that myself.

I need you, Sam.

I need you so much.

Well, hello there.

I understand congratulations
are in order.

Amanda, I don't know
what you've heard...

Kyle here, is going to
be a daddy, isn't that great?

Oh, hey, pop.

Listen to me, I don't know
if you've heard what happened.

I'm well aware
of how it happens.

Oh! And here comes
the little mother now.

Taylor, you are
positively glowing.

Amanda. Hello.

Amanda: I'm sure you'll be
wonderful parents.

You're both such
positive role models.

And don't worry, I'll keep my
distance from both of you.

After all, being around me doesn't
seem to be healthy to your loved ones.

Amanda, don't do this.

Don't worry, you don't have
to put up with it anymore.

Come on, I want to dance.

Well, I see she's finally found someone
of her own class to sleep with.

Let's get back to work.

♪ ♪

So, now, all of a sudden, Sam's
putting on this full-court press

to make things work between us.

I never thought
I'd this way, but...


I don't feel anything
for her anymore.

You know, it was so much easier before
when she was being all distant.

Now she's so clingy, that...

I can't think about
anything except for you.

I know, I feel
the exact same way,

but I'm not sorry, Billy.

And I know that this
is so painful for you,

but those are the most
wonderful words

I have heard in years.

Get us a table,
I'll be right back.

Sure thing, baby.


My, my, idle hands do wander.

Didn't your parents
ever teach you to knock?

Oh, they were too busy
cheating on each other.

And while we're on that subject,

next time you use
Kyle's office to grope,

you should probably
lock the door.

Look, Amanda,

we'd appreciate it if you'd
keep this to yourself.

Oh, you think I'd say
something to your little wife?


Besides, something tells me
that she doesn't give a damn

what you're doing, or with whom.

What are you talking about?

Oh, you have so much
to learn, Billy boy.

Bartender, when you're through
servicing Mr. Campbell,

Rory and I could
use a round of drinks.

What the...

Hey, man, you could have
put an eye out.

What are you doing here?

Hi, bud, I thought
I'd surprise you.

Have I got some
good news for you.

No, this isn't happening.

No, no, let me get that clear.

You're some kind of
hallucination or something.

No, no, no. Here, let me
get that for you.

I tracked you down.

You see, Dr. Visconti had a bunch of
us up here a couple of years ago.

And, well, I figured you'd be out
by the cabin or down here fishing.

Now, before you get all uptight,

you should know that I've
come to share a peace pipe,

offer an olive branch
for an old pal.

I don't want to smoke your pipe

and I don't want
to hold your branch.

And I'm definitely not your pal.

Oh, come on, Peter,

at least give me
points for trying.

Let me show you, I brought a bunch
of stuff for our camping trip.

You know, guy stuff.

Beef jerky, a flask of
booze, dirty magazines...

This is not our
camping trip, Michael,

this is my camping trip.

Now, would you scram before
some hunter mistakes

you for a wild pig?

All right,
you're forcing my hand.

I'm officially
dropping the lawsuit.

That's right.
No conditions.

All I ask, is you consider bringing
me back into the practice.

Excuse me, but that sounds
like a condition to me.

And you're also littering
National Forest land.

Hey, didn't you hear me?
I just dropped the lawsuit.

Now, go away!

That's it, go away?

You're supposed to at least
consider taking me back.

Peter! You know what
this can do to your karma?


Come here, you...


Is everything all right?

Yeah, I guess.

Oh, about last night.
I'm starting to get worried.

You know, Amanda, she's gonna
have to say something.

No, she was drunk.

She'll keep quiet. She's not going
to upset the balance at work.

There's something else wrong.

I can tell.

Well, it's the stuff she
said about Sam, you know.

Like she knew she was having
an affair or something.

Billy, like you said,
Amanda was pickled.

She probably just
wanted to rattle you.

I don't know, Sam's been
acting so weird lately.

When she shows up,

she's got these flimsy excuses.

It's like... it's like...
she's acting like...

Like you?

So, do you two talk?

I mean, does she ever
give you any indication?

We used to talk a lot,
but not as much anymore.

I think she's probably
preoccupied with work.

So let me ask you something, when you
went out to dinner with Jeff Baylor,

did he mention anything
about his love life?

Anybody he might be seeing?


Billy, you don't think Samantha

and Jeff Baylor are...

that is so crazy.

I... I don't know
what to think.

She's always been
fascinated by the guy.

Well, now that you mention it,

there was a thing, there.


But God, Billy, I don't believe

that Sam would hurt you.

You're too perfect.

Now, whatever's going on,

I want you to know
that you can count on me.

I'm not going anywhere.

Nora! I'm home.

Nora: In here, darling.

Hello, George.

You know Megan, don't you?
Dr. Cooper's friend?

Yes. Yes, I do.
Hello, doctor.

Megan dropped by to talk about

life behind the scenes,
here at Hutchins.

We had the most
delightful afternoon.

Did the committee
make its decision?

Nora, I really can't discuss
that in front of your guest.

Oh, that's all right,
I really should get going.

Uh, thank you so much, Nora,

for such a lovely time.

And you,
Dr. Larner, I...

I don't know what to say, except
thank you for everything.

Well, it's a pleasure.

I'll walk you out.

Bye, dear.
Don't be a stranger.

Thank you.

So, what did you tell her?

Nothing you need to
worry about, Doctor.

Just introducing
myself to the wives

off the committee's advice.

That advice was
for the spouses...

Not hookers.
Oh, Megan.

I think you're making
too much out of this.

I really think we could
enjoy each other immensely.

Oh, I doubt it.

I've known a lot
of sick men in my life,

and you've got
to be the sickest.

Look, know this, you push me,

I push back hard.

Hard enough to get you knocked
out of your little university.

Now, your wife seems to think that
Coop has this all wrapped up.

And you know what, I would hate
to see him not get this job.

Because then Nora
may find out the truth

about her husband's
filthy little mind.

I hope I've made myself clear.

You know, the cabin's
supposed to be

only minutes from the creek.

Yeah, that's what you've been
saying for the last hours, Tonto.

You know, this is
just great, Michael.

I mean, you come here
and you ruin the only peace

and quiet I've had in years.

And then you get me lost
in the middle of the woods,

at night,
with only a granola bar

between me and a slow
death by exposure,

thank you very much.

You've got a granola bar?


That's the creek.


We've been going in circles.

That means the cabin's
only minutes away.

Which way?

Um... it's okay.

That's okay.
It's just a coyote.

They're like small
scaredy-cat dogs,

you know, they're afraid
of their own shadows.

That's why he's traveling
with that g*ng.

Oh, look, Peter,

why don't we start
a fire or something, huh?

Make camp?
'Cause it's getting colder.

Yeah, maybe you're right.
I'll get some wood.

Hey, hey, you know what?

Maybe we should use
these lawsuit papers

to start the fire.

You know, symbolic
of our rekindled friendship.

What makes you think
that I would ever be friends

with you again, Michael, huh?

I mean, look at what
you have done to me.

You've stolen my
chief of staff job, twice.

You've drugged me, you've
cheated me, you've betrayed me.

You almost had me committed
to an institution

because of rage epilepsy
att*cks that you created.

I mean, how much do you
think a guy can take?

Okay, so I've made
a few mistakes,

but I'm turning over a new leaf.

I swear to God, I'm going
to prove it to you, okay?

Well, I'm going to convince
you that, you'll see.

Here, have some of this.
It'll warm you up.

Well, at least things
can't get much worse.


Take... take it!

Look what you've done!
You see this?

Give me that!


Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, what are you doing?

What? What?
Wake up!


Oh, man, what a night.

I'm starving.

What did you do
with that beef jerky

you said that you brought?

I ate it yesterday.

Oh, I didn't notice
you offer me any.

I didn't think
it was a critical item.

You hadn't gotten us lost yet.

I didn't get us lost, Michael.

You got us lost by coming here.

You know, I was doing
just fine by myself, huh.

I was trying to get away
from people like you.

Have a moment
of peace to myself.

We're in a lovely mood,
aren't we?

Better be careful, Michael,

I think I feel one of my rage
epilepsy att*cks coming on.

My suggestion is you just
stay clear of me.



My knee, I think I popped
a ligament in my knee.

We'll get you comfortable, then
we'll take a look at that knee.

Oh, this is just a bad dream.

What would you have done
if you would have

hurt yourself like this,

and you'd been all alone, huh?

You're just lucky I'm here.

This is an incredibly
painful bad dream.

Sorry I'm late, but I had
an interesting idea

for this campaign
land right in my lap.

Oh, really?

Why don't we present
the idea we discussed first?

Sam's put together some
knock out artwork

and Lexi might...

Lexi and I have a mutual
friend who's come up

with a fresh new approach.

Send in Rory.

Julie, over intercom:
Yes, Ms. Woodward.

Rory? You've got
to be kidding me.

Amanda: No, not at all.

He may be working
on pure instinct,

but he's got solid
boardroom sense.

It's more like bedroom sense.

At ease, troops.

Well, let's get right
down to it, shall we?

Statistically, most
investors are, uh...

well, there's no politically
correct term for this... men.

Now the question is,
how do we get them

to put their money
into Sterling-Conway?

The answer is,
we show them Lexi's...

most appealing assets.

Oh, so you're talking
about sex appeal now?

Lexi is everything that a man
looks for in a woman.

Rich, sexy, smart, sexy...

Okay, now imagine her
draped over

a boardroom table,
smiling seductively,

above a logo that reads simply,

"a Sterling investment."

What investor wouldn't want
to put himself in her hands?


Excuse me, that is
the most sexist, inane...

Sam, don't start.

Billy: Come on, this is
stupid and it's insulting.

Lexi, you want to
be taken seriously?

Amanda: I don't like this
attitude from either of you.

No, wait, just hold it.

Sam's right.

That is crass as hell.

And I am not going to stoop to
some cheesecake pictures of me

to market a company that is
already well established, huh?


Daddy always said that I
could sell ice to an eskimo.

Rory, you are a sexist pig.

But I actually like your idea.

Perhaps we can come up
with a classier version?

Great, Sam and Billy
get your butts in gear

and start working
up a new campaign.

And Lexi, I hope you'll
let us take you to lunch,

and we can discuss
targets for print ads.

And the upstairs
and the kitchen are furnished.


Let's go for it.

Wonderful! -month lease,
option to buy.

Would you like to wait here,

while I go work up the contract?

We'd love to. Thanks.

Be back within an hour.

♪ ♪

What is it?
Something wrong?

No, I think
it's perfect for you.

I mean, uh, for us.

Yeah, it is, almost.

I love you, Megan.

And I need to be
with you always.

Will you marry me?


I love you.

Heads up.
Oh, yeah, that's it.

That's it.
Good job, good job.

All right, all right.
Let's go, guys,

That's the way. Good job.
You got 'em now.

You got 'em now, guys.
Heads up, now.

Come on, let's go.

Play's at home.
All right, Ronnie, think Koufax.

One more, let's go. Let's
go, Ronnie, come on.

Hey! All right. Yeah!

Come on in. Let's go, let's go.
All right, good job, guys.

Hey, all right, good job. Good job,
good job. All right, good job.

All right, good job.

Nice going, coach.

♪ ♪

Billy, what's
going on? Hey!


You sleeping with my wife?

All right, look,
this isn't the place.

Answer the question!

Yeah, I am.

And I love her, okay.

And there's nothing
you can do about...

Billy, stop it!

Sam! Somebody
call an ambulance.

Get out of here.
Are you okay?

You okay?
Is she okay? Sam?

Ooh, you're not light.

You get a point for ingenuity.

Let's see if you're still
alive after a few miles.

Well, if I am, you have
to promise to at least

give me a chance to
be your partner again.

Michael, I'm in pain and at
your mercy. Don't start.

Hey, who else would drag
your butt through

miles of wilderness,

just to prove his worth, huh?

Well, who else would've got me
into this in the first place?

Oh, just think about it
is all I'm asking.

I mean, Coop flown
the coop, right?

So you're all by yourself, I mean, do
you really want to go through that

getting-to-know-you routine
with some

new geekoid physician?

I mean, when I'm standing
right here,

willing and able
to step in and take a load

off your shoulders.

All right, Michael,
if you can survive

dragging me through the woods,

I promise, I'll consider it.

I'll consider it.

Of course.

Of course, tonight is
the make or break night.

I mean, we've got
no map and no food

and it's getting colder.

Ooh, I'm going to have to
dig down really deep

to get through this one.

Listen, Michael, if you
need to leave me behind,

I understand.

Oh, no, no.
No way, pal.

We're going to get
through this together

no matter how bleak things look.

Just uh...
just promise me this.

The minute I can stick
a big, juicy, hot hamburger

in one of your hands,

and a cold brewski in the other,

well, then you'll
give me another shot.

Oh, if you could do that,

I'd kiss you full on the lips

and I'd cover our office
rent for a year.


Well, then pucker up, big boy,

you just got
your old partner back.

What the hell is taking so long?

Why don't you take it
somewhere else, all right?

Look, I have every right
to be here.

Shut up, I don't want to hear any
of your self righteous crap.

Hey, I care about her, okay.

And this isn't something
we set out to do.

It just happened.

I'm just as concerned
as you are.

You're the reason
she's in the hospital

in the first place.

Everything was fine
until you used

your way into her life.

Hey, doc, how's my wife?

Is she okay?

I think you better let her
tell you that herself.

I'm fine. Right?

She has a mild concussion. A few days of
rest should take care of that though.

At the moment, all she needs is
for someone to drive her home.

Jeff, I have to go home
with my husband.


Listen, I can't express to you

how grateful I am to you
for all of your support.

Well, I'm confident you'll
return the favor someday.

Yeah, anytime.

And, uh,
where is Mrs. Cooper?

Ooh, sorry, you're still
not quite married.

No, no, not quite,

but Megan 's just down
the street tonight.

She's moving some
of our things into

the house we've leased.

Yeah, the old
Chaney house. I heard.

That place has quite a history.

And I'm sure Megan will do
a lot to warm it up.

Especially with her history.

Excuse me?

Dr. Cooper.

I hope you'll stop by
one of my lectures next week,

so I can introduce
you to my class.

Yeah, yeah, I'd be honored.

The medical students
at this level

could benefit
from your view point

of patient care
versus research careers.


I've been waiting
for you, Doctor.

Ah, sweeter words
were never spoken.

What... what
are you doing here?

I think you know.

What... leave me alone,

or I'll scream so loud,
the whole party can hear.

I don't think you'll do that.

Even though the board
has okayed Coop's position,

I can still make life
miserable for the both of you.

Leave me alone!
I'm going to scream!


Stop it!

Get off her, you son of a bitch.

Oh. Oh, my God.
Stop it, stop it.

You're going to be sorry
for that, Cooper.

You're going to be...
you and your little whore.

Get out of here!

Did he hurt you?

Oh. Oh, Megan.

I got to get to work. I just want to
make sure you're okay, before I left.

Thanks. I have
a pretty bad headache,

but the doctor said
to expect that.

Do you think we could talk?

Like I said last night,

I'm going to need some time.
I got an early meeting.

I never meant to hurt you.

I swear.

Good for you.

You can call my secretary
if you need anything.

Hey, I heard what happened

at the baseball game, yesterday.

Is Sam okay?

Why don't you go
ask her yourself?

I'm sure she could
use the company.

It's true, isn't it?
I could see it in your eyes.

Sam is having an affair
with Jeff Baylor.

Why don't you go spread that around
the whole courtyard, all right?

And then everybody'll know what
a heap my life has become.

I'm really sorry, Billy.

I don't know
what to say except...

well, I'm here for you.

I just need to be left alone.

Can you understand that?

May I?

What are you doing
here, Mrs. Larner?

It must be very
difficult for you.

Sitting alone,
out here in the cold,

while your fiancé,
Dr. Cooper

is inside, fighting
to keep his dreams alive.

Cooper shouldn't have
to fight for anything.

He's the best
candidate for the job.

And if it wasn't for your...

My husband.

Look, Mrs. Larner, I'm...
I'm sorry about all this.

I would never
intentionally hurt you,

but your husband,
he did attack me.

I know.

It's a kind of seasonal
right of passage for him.

Excuse me?

Oh, your not the first
hot ticket

George has propositioned.

But then, men will be men.

Que sera, sera.

So, it doesn't bother you
that your husband came onto me?

That he threatened me.

That he threatened to strip
Coop of his appointment.

You see that
building over there?

That's Larner Hall.

My husband's family built it
along with the auditorium

and the two newest wings
in the hospital.

What I guess
I'm trying to say is,

the Larner name carries a lot
of weight in Philadelphia,

and my husband's
intermittent, indiscretions

are a small price to pay
for being Mrs. Larner.

I don't think you realize
the gravity of the situation.

Your husband is
in a lot of trouble.


George will get a slap
on the wrist,

and a few snickers behind
his back for a few weeks.

You're the one
that's in trouble.

This conversation's over.

Megan, I don't dislike you,

but you're extremely naive

for a woman of your background.

Right now, your Dr. Cooper
is being given a choice.

The job or you.

I don't believe you.

Does he love you that much?

Do any of them love
any of us that much?

Have a nice trip
back to L.A.

Baby, these last few days
have been the happiest

days of my life.

Working together again,
and starting our family.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm happy
that you're happy.

Well, call me crazy,
but that's not exactly

music to my ears.

How can I be happy
unless you're happy?

Why you so down?

I just... I can't stop
thinking about Christine.

Oh, that.

If it wasn't for me,
she'd still be alive.

Kyle, you have to
stop blaming yourself.

I really think
it's much more Amanda...

Taylor, I know what
you're trying to do,

but you and I both
know that it was me.

I mean, if I hadn't
been so damn selfish,

if I hadn't have turned on her,

made her feel like
she was less than Amanda...

Knowing what I've done,
I don't think I can

ever be happy in
a relationship, ever again.

Kyle, there's something
I have to tell you,

but I'm afraid.

Oh, baby.

Hey, there's nothing
that you could do or say

that could hurt
what we have now.

Sorry to interrupt
you two lovebirds,

but I'm kind of in a hurry,
so if you'll sign right there,

I'll be out
of your hair for good.

What is this?

Divorce papers.

One of those quickie jobs
in the Dominican Republic,

you remember how
that works, don't you?

No, I'm not going to sign anything
until I talk to my lawyer.

Like there's anything
to talk about.

Kyle, you should sign your name,

and tomorrow we can
go down to city hall

and you can sign your name
on a marriage license.

Oh, a shotgun wedding,
how nice for the two of you.

And your lovechild.

Amanda, you're making
a big mistake.

No, she's not,
for once in her life.

I'm telling you,
you don't want to do this.

She sure as hell does, and why
would you want to stop her?

How do you argue with that?

Just sign, I've got
to get to the airport.

Trust me, baby,
it's the right thing to do.

Come on, do it.

Maybe we should
synchronize our watches.

hours from now, we'll be
free of each other for good.


Oh, it couldn't be more perfect.

Now nothing is standing
in the way of our happiness.

Rory: I'm meeting
Amanda at the airport.

Hey, will you listen
to me for a second?

Now, I'm clearing out every
cent I got on this deal,

but I want you to hold
another piece for me.


Yeah, 'cause I'm on the way
to the Caribbean right now,

and I'm this close to landing
one hell of a cash cow.

I don't care if it's
a mixed metaphor, it's money.

Look, you know me.

Okay, once I get her on board,
if it doesn't go my way,

she's gonna have
a little accident.



Megan, you here?

What are you doing?

Helping to make
your decision. Goodbye, Coop.

Hey, hey, listen.

I don't know what happened
since I saw you an hour ago,

but you're not walking
out that door

till you tell me what's wrong.

Look, I am what's wrong, okay?

I'm not good for you,
I'm not good for your career.

You deserve better.

Look, don't you think I should
be the judge of that?

No, because you're
a hopeless romantic, okay.

And the truth is, if it
wasn't for my colorful past,

Dr. Larner would not have
treated me the way he did

and you would have
a lock on that appointment.

Look, wherever you go,
as long as I'm with you,

my past is going to
drag you down, okay?

Are you saying you don't
love me anymore?

No, I love you too much
to hurt you anymore, okay?

And if you just think about
it, you'll know I'm right.

So what are you going to do?

You gonna go
back to L.A.?

Yeah, I guess.

What am I supposed to do?

I mean, now that
I've told those...

those hypocritical jerks
to take their job and shove it.

You did?

I did.

And you should have seen
the look on their faces.

They're gonna be talking
about this for years.

What's wrong?
This is a good thing.

Why are you crying?

Because you know why.

Listen... give me this.

I love you,

and I will never, ever
sacrifice our life together

for anybody or anything.

You got that?

Yeah, I do.


Can we go home now?

You got it.

I love you.

Are you crazy?
You signed the papers?

You're divorcing Amanda?

I didn't have much of a choice.

Taylor was standing right there.

Amanda's on her way
to the Dominican Republic.

Yeah, I know all that.

But Taylor is this close
to confessing

the whole Christine/Nick mess.

To let it go this far?

To make Amanda think
that you don't love her?

No, I do, I do, I love
her more than anything.

And getting Taylor
to spill her guts

is the only way... it's the only
way for me to get her back.

And I got hours and nothing
is gonna stand in my way.

I hope you're right.

Mmm, you want another drink?

Damn straight.

And you know what else?

I can't imagine.

After you officially
dump this bartender,

you and I should get hitched
on that pretty little island.

Are you out of your mind?

Maybe so.

But look at it this way,

you and I, two of a kind.

You love money, so do I.

You hate people, so do I.

You think I'm just
some slick pretty boy

who's looking for a good time?

That's fine with me.

Rory, you're getting tiring.

Come on, Amanda.
What have you got to lose?

You know, you're right.

I'll marry you.

Sure as hell
don't deserve any better.

♪ ♪