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07x05 - As Bad as It Gets

Posted: 04/26/22 08:52
by bunniefuu
MICHAEL: You're here?

You're here here?

Yeah, yeah, I hope it's okay.

I-I know it's a surprise.

No, what are you talking about?

I think it's great.

I can, I can hardly
wait to see you.

It's just that I have

to straighten things
up around here.

You know, a bachelor's life.

Okay, I'll see you in a bit.

(water running)


Yes, um, this is
Dr. Michael Mancini.

I have a sick
pregnant woman here.

Uh, can you send an
ambulance right away?

Beachfront Walk.

Thank you.

Oh, Michael, you were right.

That shower is
just what I needed.

I feel great.

Maybe so, Taylor, but,
Taylor, you look terrible.


Yeah, I mean, for a sec you
were all flush from the shower,

but suddenly the blood
has drained from your face,

and now, now, look,
you're getting flush again.

You're like a blinking light.

Michael, stop kidding around.

No, I'm not joking,
I'm not joking, Taylor.

Now... hold on.

Yeah, your, your pulse...
It's, it's weak, thready.

Michael, stop it, now
you're starting to scare me.

Okay, I'm not saying
that we're looking

at impending
cardiovascular collapse here,

but in your condition it's, it's
better to be safe than sorry.

Hey, meaning what?

I'm gonna put you
in an ambulance,

get you admitted to
the hospital right away.

But I feel fine.


Michael, are you up
to something again?

You know, I'm not just
taking care of you, Taylor.

That's my baby you're
carrying in there, too.

I got to try

keeping both you and he healthy.

If you think that that
is up to something,

then you're right, I am.

- (siren wailing)
- Okay, well, I'm sorry.

That's the
ambulance, it's coming.

Okay, we got to go.

But w-w-wait, I'm not dressed.

That outfit is perfect
for the hospital, come on.

But, hey, how'd
they get here so fast?

Well, I have an emergency
button on my pager,

which I pushed when
I saw your symptoms.

Now, come on, get a move on.

- Okay... oh, great.
- Oh.

- Let's get you on the gurney, ma'am.
- Well, is this

- really necessary?
- Get on there.

- Oh, my.
- Okay, yeah, you can get right on there.

Oh, Michael, you're gonna ride

in the ambulance with
me to the hospital, right?

- You're welcome to, Doctor.
- Uh, yeah, yeah.

Well, I'm gonna
follow in the car behind.

- You're going to be all right.
- I'm scared.

PARAMEDIC: Let's go.

(siren wailing)

Okay, this is gonna work out.

Everything is gonna be fine.


Where'd she get
all this baby stuff?


I'm a bachelor living alone,
living alone, living alone.


(sighing): Okay.


- Michael.
- Hi.


Oh, I couldn't stop
thinking about you,

and I know this is weird,
just showing up like this,

- and I don't have to stay.
- No, no, don't be ridiculous.

You belong here.

Welcome home.

(Michael chuckles)

Oh, I just felt like I was
treading water in Chicago.

I feel so much stronger now
and... oh, I missed California.

I feel like I can make
a go out of it again.

You can, and you're gonna
do great. Now, listen to me.

I want you to go out to
that deck and I want you

to look at that beautiful ocean
you've been dreaming about

and I'm gonna get us some
wine. I'll meet you out there

- in a second or two.
- Sounds great.

You know, one of the things I
missed most about California

was you, but we
can take our time.

I mean, I-I don't
have to live here

and in fact it'd probably
be better if I didn't to start.

It's going to be fine.

We're going to
work it out, okay?

Go look at the ocean.

- I'll get the wine, okay?
- Okay.





♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ Sunny weather ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ Let's get together ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ Sunny weather ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Get together ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ I'm movin' around
to the sound ♪

♪ And bein' in love
can make you feel ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ Sunny weather ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ Let's get together ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ Sunny weather ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ Come on, get together ♪

♪ Fa-la-la ♪

♪ I'm movin' around
to the sound... ♪

SAMANTHA: Hello, young lovers.

Hey, good morning, Sam.

Oh, please don't stop your
public display of affection

on my account.

I couldn't be happier for you.

- Thanks.
- Really.

Oh, by the way,
bonne chance in Italy.

Or is it "buon giorno" or
"hasta spaghetti" or something?

But you know those Italians.

They're going to love you.



JENNIFER: You would be
so proud of Billy, Amanda.

He really knows
how to handle Giorgio,

and he loves all
of Billy's ideas.

Well, you have a very
talented fiancé... or friend.

Anyway, I'm sorry
to see you go, Billy.

Yeah, it's gonna
be tough to leave.

I have some good ideas
about who should handle

- my clients after I go.
- I'll tell you what...

I'll make that
determination, all right?

Okay, sure, sure.

So I'm gonna just
take the afternoon,

get Jennifer a quick
passport, and then,

uh, you know, we got to
work out some travel plans.

Hmm, have a good time.

All right, be back
this afternoon.

Tomorrow I'll work
on the transition.

If you want, but take my advice.

When you're bailing,
go ahead and jump.

Just don't yap about it.

You know what, Amanda?

Uh, always nice to
talk to you, Amanda.

Thinks when the
people in Italy are rude,

I won't understand them.

You will eventually.

You'll still be a
gentleman about it.

SAMANTHA: So when are
you going to be in Atlanta?

JEFF (over phone): Tomorrow

for a couple of days,
but I still don't know

what you want me to do.

The favor that you promised me.

I know, but...

Oh, please, Jeff,

all you have to do is send
Billy a fax from Alison Parker.


Alison lives in Atlanta...

(over phone): Yeah,
I got that, but why?

(over phone): Look, I don't
want to get back together

with Billy or anything.

I'm ready to be happy with you.

I just want to make
Jennifer and Billy

as miserable as possible first,

even things out
a little, that's all.

I got to tell you, Sam, I mean,
I, I just think this is wrong.

One favor.

You promised.



(over phone): Okay.

All right, now, take this down.

"Dear Billy..."

I don't understand where
Michael could have gone.

He said he was going
to follow right behind me,

and that was last
night for God's sakes.

Well, the nurse said
he phoned in his page.

Well, then, where
the hell is he?

I mean, he said I was in
some cockamamy collapse,

and, well, you'd think
he'd want to find out

whether I was dead or alive.

Well, don't worry.

As far as I can tell,

the only thing going on here
is a little high blood pressure,

which is understandable
because you're a little bit agitated.

Now, you need to keep calm.

You're right.

Listen, Coop, I know you
think I'm annoying sometimes,

but I could really use
somebody to talk to.

Listen, if I said some things,

that was, that was
a long time ago.

It's ancient history, all right?

It's just that everything
seems so wrong.

I've been having
really bad nightmares,

and I can't get over the fact

that I'm having this baby
for all the wrong reasons.

I mean, look,

I used it to try
to get Kyle back.

That didn't work.

I used it to try to get Michael.

I almost k*lled myself.

This baby is not a life to
me; it's a device to get men.

Whoa, whoa, Taylor, hey, you're
being way too hard on yourself.

No, I am so selfish
and I am scared to death

that I'm gonna ruin this baby's
life and become a worse mother

than even my own.

Listen to me, I don't
know what's going on

between you and
Michael, but it sounds to me

like your self-esteem is
being flushed down the toilet.

Now, you are going
to be a fine mother,

but if someone is
belittling you or using you,

then you need to stand
up for yourself, damn it,

I mean, because the more
you let someone control you

o-or use you, well, then, the
less of a human being you are.

And then, I mean,
what's the point, huh?

I mean, y-you might as
well just give up completely

and just, like, throw
yourself in front of a bus!

Well, I guess I got a few
issues of my own in this area.

Yeah, but I-I see your point.



Dr. Burns, do you have a minute?

Mr. Beck, of course,
please come in.

W-What are you
doing at the hospital?

Well, I'm here for
my yearly treadmill

before I leave the
country on business.

Please sit down.

How are you feeling?

Oh, I'm feeling as good as
can be, thanks to your work,

but I only have a minute.

I just thought I'd stop
by to tell you that I have

two professionals working on
that little business arrangement

we had discussed.

Oh, oh, of course.

Well, good, good, thank you.

Oh, I'm thanking you, remember?

So don't worry.

Your friend will be handled
within the next couple of days.

(door opens)

You take care, Dr. Burns.

- (door closes)
- You, too.

(siren wailing)

Lynn, can I have Taylor
McBride's chart, please?

Her ob-gyn still has it.

I think she's putting
it in the release notes.

Re-Relea... what do you
mean, she's been released?

Yeah, she wanted to go home,
and Dr. Halsey just signed her out.

How long ago?

About a half hour.

(waves crashing)



Oh, Jane, thank God.

BOTH: Michael,
who's stuff is this?

JANE: What are you doing here?

I live here; what
are you doing here?

Jane, you remember Taylor.

She used to be married to Kyle.

And Taylor, you remember
Jane, she used to be married to,

um, of course, me.


so, um...

As you both know, normally
in a situation like this,

I'd tell a really big lie.

There's nothing normal
about this, Michael.

Right. Okay.

So then, um, Taylor,

uh, Jane and I sort of got
back together again in Chicago,

and we're thinking about
making a new start of it here.

But, Jane, uh,

Taylor is, um,

pregnant with my baby,

and she's staying here

until she, of course, has it.

We've also gotten pretty
close lately, Michael.

- We have not.
- Yes, we have.

Michael, after all that
time we shared in Chicago,

you never mentioned
that you were

living with the woman
who's having your baby?

It never came up.

Well, it sure as
hell should have.

Jane, please.

Please, will you at
least let me explain?

I must have been delusional.

I really thought you'd
changed this time.

I have, I swear.

Yeah, it doesn't
look that way to me.

I'm going to a hotel.



I mean, come on, I love you.

(door opens)


Well, look at where
the truth gets you.

- (car door closes)
- I'm glad that's over with.

She never really was
your type, was she?

- Maybe you didn't hear me before.
- (car starts)

I used to be married
to her; I love her.

- (tires squealing)
- I will always love her.

You, I will never love.

No offense, Taylor.

Well, look at this, would you.

We're together.

(moans) Married.

Happy as clams.

The whole world isn't
out to tear us to pieces.

It's definitely strange.

But it gets me thinking.


Now, what do you think
about us getting a house?

Taking the next step, getting
away from apartment living,

and stepping out on our own.

That is funny, 'cause I was
just thinking the same thing.

But then I did the math.


No, no, no, it's not that bad.

I mean, if we pooled our money,

we'd probably have to
sell the apartment complex

in the bargain, but we
could get an okay house.

But if we tucked our
money away for one year,

we could put a down

on maybe a house of our dreams,

and, I don't know,

have some kids.



I see.

So, you're talking

the sensible approach
to starting a family.

Yes, I am.

Delay gratification.


You have any ideas
how to tide us over?

You bet I do.

(clears throat)

Did you sleep all right
on that lumpy, old couch?

For God's sake, Lexi,
put some clothes on.

Oh, sorry to offend you.

You know I just like
to be comfortable.

Yeah, well, doesn't
make me comfortable.

- Oh.
- Go get a robe.


Just as soon as I
get a cup of coffee.

Excuse me.

Um, I just need to
get a little cream.

You don't mind, do you?

Come on.

Look, I'm gonna finish
my breakfast at work.

Wait, Coop, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I just...

Well, you know,

the truth is that, um,

I really like having
you around here,

even if it is just for a year.

Well, good,

because at the end of that year,

we're getting divorce again.

And I'm going back to Megan,

and I don't care what
Jordan says about it.




So, um, I promise to behave.

I don't want to make
this any harder on you

than it already is.

So, have a good
day at work, doctor.

(door opens)



- (knocking on door)
- Keep your pants on.

I'm coming.


Jane, what a surprise.

Yeah, yeah, actually,
I'm looking for Amanda.

You're in the right
place; we're married.

Oh, oh, I guess that explains
why Taylor is at Michael's.

She is? I don't keep
track of her these days,

but you know, things get
complicated around here.

- They always have.
- Jane?

Oh, my God, what
are you doing here?

Um, why don't you come on in

- and have some coffee or something.
- Just put some on.

All right, well, thanks, but,
uh, I-I don't want to barge in.

Um, actually, I just wanted
to let you know that I'm back

in town, and I was wondering if
you had an apartment available

that I could use
just for a few weeks

- till I get on my feet.
- Why don't you take mine?

- It's empty rent's free.
- Oh, no, no, no.

I'll pay my own way;
Amanda wouldn't want it

any different,
would you, Amanda?

See, Kyle, we're old friends.

We know each other pretty well.

I guess.

You remember this night?

The Gala Awards?

The hotel?

I sure do, baby.

That was the night things
started going right for me.

(knocking on door)

Sorry to interrupt, but
there's a fax for you, Billy.

- Came in urgent.
- Thank you.

Is everything all right?


I'll be right back.

(phones ringing)

Oh, hell, come right on in.

What do you know about this?


I told you Alison's been
having trouble lately.

But I wouldn't pay any
attention to what she says here

about still loving you.

Amanda, clearly she's
in some kind of trouble.

You know, she needs
me; you were talking to her.

What's her phone number, huh?

Billy, she's in a rehab unit.

I already told you that they
don't allow her to take calls.

When you talked to her, did
she ask for me or about me?

No, not really.

This fax is a surprise.

But even if she is
still hung up on you,

don't look back there.

I mean, I know what it's like

to let your past
back into your life,

and it can destroy you.

So, take my advice.

Ignore this,

and appreciate what you have.

(liquid spilling)


(phone ringing)



- Hello!
- Sam, it's Jeff.

How you doing?

Oh, I couldn't be better,
sweetie pie, thanks to you.

So the fax got to him okay, huh?

Mmm, boy, did it ever.

Oh, it was great.

Oh, Billy looked like he had
seen a ghost when he read it.

Pretty damn sexy
one at that, the dog.

You know, Sam,

I've been thinking
about this all afternoon,

and I-I just feel rotten
doing your dirty work for you.

Dirty work?

Oh, get off it, Jeff.

I'm just getting my
fair share of revenge,

after the ground glass
that Billy pulled me through

for the last four months.

Well maybe, but, you know,
the Samantha I fell in love with

didn't just hurt people
for the pleasure of it.

I can't believe you are
being so sanctimonious.

(scoffs) I am the victim here.

Don't you get it?

Yeah, Sam, unfortunately I do.


(dial tone)

Jeff, what don't you...

Oh, don't you hang up on me.


(funky jazz plays)

- Hey.
- You made it. Mmm.

Well, Jane wanted to see
the hippest place in town,

but we couldn't get in,
so we're slumming it.

- (laughter)
- Hilarious.

Kyle, this place is great.

Well, thank you; I got a table
right over here by the bar.

Hi, Peter.

- Hi, Jane.
- Hey, Jenn.

Jane, God, it has been forever.

I know; God, it's
good to see you.

- Yeah.
- Oh, she won't be around for long.

JENNIFER: Oh, I'm moving

to Italy with Billy.


- Can I, uh, get you guys anything?
- Uh, Megan,

Jane, do you two
know each other?

Ex-Michael-wife number one,
ex-Michael-wife number four.

That's funny. I didn't
know you married him.

Well, it was over before
either of us knew it.


I think we should open a
bottle to celebrate Jane's return.

- Don't you?
- Yeah. Megan, bottle of Cristal.


Yeah, I better get
back to work, too.

- We'll, you know...
- Talk later.

- Yeah.
- Okay. Bye.


Well, you two really have
a wonderful life, don't you?

Oh, well, it took a
while, but we got there.

KYLE: And we are not
gonna let anything screw it up

ever again.


(crowd chatter, music playing)


(clears throat)

Gentlemen, mind if I join you?


I'm a friend of your friend's.

We don't have friends.

Oh, yes, you do. Mr. Beck.

You know a Mr. Beck, Jack?


Come on, guys. I'm the one
who started this whole thing.

Just... just want you
to be gentle with her.


This is not the real
thing we're doing here.

This is just a favor for me.

We're here on business.

We can't be bothered.

You're bothering us.

(whispers): I know. That's
what I'm trying to tell you.

MAN : You say

any more, friend, and
Jack's gonna get really angry.

Now, we're gonna be
around here for a couple days.

And if I were you,
I'd stay away from us.

You might get really hurt.


- Hi.
- Amanda. Hi.

Come on in.

How's the, um... the
job search coming?

Oh, not so great right now.

Well, I figured as much.

Just back in town, no
recent corporate experience.

But I think I have
the solution for you.

Really? Why don't you tell
me what you think you've got?

AMANDA: Well, yesterday,

I landed an account with a
fairly large clothing retailer,

and they were
looking for an agency

with an art department
fluent in fashion.

And you told them you
were, and you're not.

So you thought you'd b*at
me down and make it seem

like a favor so that you
could get me for cheap, right?

Well, I guess you
did a little growing

when you were in
Chicago, didn't you?


Let's have lunch.
We'll negotiate.

Jane, you are here. Thank God.

I thought you had flown
back to Chicago. Look,

you, uh... you
can't walk out on me

before we even get started.

I really can explain everything.

I'd love to stay for this rant,

but I have a photo
sh**t to get to.

So, lunch tomorrow,
Ca'Brea at : , and

I hope you outgrew
this in Chicago, as well.

Let me explain
so we can get back

to what we... what
we had once again.

Michael, I don't
want what we had.

The only way that we
can maybe work this out

is if you're honest
with me, and right now,

you're not off to a good start.

Okay. Okay, look, I...
I should have told you

about Taylor in
Chicago, but honestly,

I was only there on the
chance that I would run into you.

So, the other thing
didn't seem that important.

- Michael...
- Oh, I mean...

Yeah, I mean, she
is carrying my baby,

but I don't even know
how that happened.

I mean, no.

I know how...

It's just that it shouldn't
have happened,

because I don't love her.

I love you.

And the whole deal
with Taylor is that

she has to move out as
soon as the baby comes.

She knows that.

But the only reason
she's at the beach house

in the first place is because,
for once in my ridiculous life,

I was trying to
do the right thing.

And I don't know
what I'm gonna do

if that's the reason

that I lose this
chance with you.

Well, Michael, there's...

something that I
should tell you, too.

When we were married, Michael,

there was nothing I wanted more

than to have your baby.

And sometimes I wonder

if maybe that would
have kept us together.

And when I saw Taylor
pregnant with your child...

I don't know... maybe my
maternal instincts kicked in.

That's sort of perfect in a way.

Why don't you come
out to the beach house,

and then you and I can help
Taylor through this together?

I mean, I mean,
it-it could end up

being a sort of
practice run for us.

Well, I'll think about it,

but it would depend on
whether or not she needs me.

Well, don't worry about
that. I'll talk her into it.


No, you won't, Michael.

Taylor and I will talk,

and I'll let you know
how things turn out.



(both laugh quietly)

Hey, you don't get out of here
without kissing me good-bye.

Just going for a
run. I'll be right back.

The law's the law, Mister.

Besides, I'm gonna
miss you. Mmm.

What's wrong?

Nothing. I'm just
gonna go for a run.

I'll be back.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(siren blaring)

Wait. Nurse, get a doctor.
My boss was injured

on a sh**t. This thing...
it gashed her arm.

Julie, calm down. I just
need a couple of stitches,

so if you could page
Dr. Mancini or Dr. Burns?

Of course, but first we need
to get you into a wheelchair.

No. I told you, I'm fine.

NURSE: Sorry. Hospital policy.

All right.

NURSE: Hi. This is the ER.

I need to page Dr. Burns.

MAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Burns to ER one. Stat.

- (pager chiming)
- Dr. Burns to ER one. Stat.


What is it? What's the
matter? Are you all right?

What's gotten
into you? I'm fine.

Just a little work
accident, that's all.

Oh. Oh, of course. I'm...

I'm sorry. I'm just a
little... little tired, that's all.

Dena, uh, get a treatment
room ready for Amanda

and a suture tray, please.

- I'll be right back.
- Okay.


(touch tones sounding)

Hello. This is Dr. Peter Burns.

I need to speak with
Mr. Beck, please.

Yeah, I know that
he's out of town,

but I need to reach him.

This is an emergency.

No, no, I said, reach him!

Did you hear me?

All right, all right,
I'm-I'm s... I'm sorry.

When you speak to him,
would you please tell him

that our deal needs
to be stopped, okay?

It must be stopped.

Thank you.

(upbeat instrumental
jazz playing)

MEGAN: Oh, bourbon
and soda, please.

You know, you have
been down all night.

You should be dancing.

Come on. Tomorrow
night's your last night here.

Then off to sunny Italy.

Yeah, I guess, but
now all of a sudden,

Billy's acting weird.

He's pulling away
from me at light speed.

There's this distance that
was never there before,

even in the middle
of things with Sam.

And I know I should
just confront him about it

and get some kind of answer.

I know I'm not crazy.

Well, you are if you do that.

You guys are brand new.

I mean, don't put it
on the line just like that.

I mean, by demanding answers
about the way he's acting.

Ride it out, you know?

I mean, what do you expect?

He's just a guy.


- Oh.
- Here you go.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Here. Keep the change.

Oh, no. That's
okay. I'll just...

I'll start you a tab.

Suit yourself.

Uh, listen, Megan,

if you're worried
about Coop, don't.

He's really happy.

And the year'll just fly by.

Yeah, I-I hope so.

LEXI: Oh, and if you
have any concerns about

familiarity... those old
patterns of husbands and wives,

that it's already starting
to develop... rest assure,

I will keep my guard up.

But then again, I don't have
to tell you how men are, huh?

Well, I know how my man
is, and that's all that counts.

(clears throat)

Yes, darling, but
he is still a man.

A man who's always appreciated
a woman of a certain class.

You want to know something?

Before this little
sham wedding to you,

Coop and I sat by the ocean,
and we married our hearts together

for real and forever.

So, as soon as this
phony marriage is over, and

we get a little nest
egg out of the bank,

I'll be as rich as you are,

and you won't be
wearing that ring.

I will.

We'll have to see, won't we?

Oh, um, would you do me a
favor and get me some more nuts?

I'm a little hungry.


Coming through.
Into ER two. ER two.

- ER two. We're going to two.
- Yeah.

Just got the page. What the
hell happened? Right over here.

We were at the beach
house, we were talking,

and the contractions started.

Michael, we bonded. I
love Jane. She's great.

She's much more
understanding than you ever were.

Yeah. Uh, set up an IV.
Get her pulse and pressure.

Get a fetal monitor, and,
uh, prep her for an exam.

The contractions
stopped on the way here,

about , minutes ago.

MICHAEL: Oh, good. That
means she's probably stable.

It's just a false alarm.

But you're gonna have to
take it real easy until you deliver.

Okay, but if this is
the truth this time,

I want Jane to come stay
with me at the beach house.

- Are you being honest, Michael?
- Yes. What the hell

do I have to do, okay?

You don't believe
me, ask her O.B.

It's all right, honey.

We were just talking
about you a lot tonight.


Sure were on the
phone a long time.

Someone not feeling well?

What did you say to
Megan tonight at the club?

Aw, Coop, calm down, relax,
go get yourself another drink.

I want an answer, Lexi. Now.

(laughs) Hey, Coop,
I don't remember.

Except that, you know,
she did hurt my feelings.

She was going on and on
and on about how she was

the only woman for you, so...

I might have gotten
a little defensive.

Reminded her how
there was a time

that you couldn't keep
your hands off my body.

How we used to be welded
together for hours at a time.

Lexi, I don't know
what's going on with you.

You have taken this
already sick situation,

you've turned it into
something even more perverse.

Now, I'm telling you
straight, either you stop it...

Or what, Coop?

You're gonna go tell
Jordan that your wife

wants to have sex with you.

Hm? Or are you just gonna

call this whole
perverse deal off

so you can get sued for fraud?

Listen, I don't
care who sues me.

I'm not putting up with
any more of your crap.

Oh, yes, you are, Coop,

because sweet little Megan
is counting on that money now.

You think she put
you in this situation

so you could blow it
over your little beach...

- Hm?
- Why don't you shut up and go to bed.

Why don't you be a man, Coop,

take control of the situation?

- Don't... touch me.
- (pants, laughs)

Ooh, Coop doesn't like it

when the girls are
running things, huh?

Nah, you like to be in the
saddle, don't you, Coop,

so you can take
what you want, huh?

But you can't,
because you're afraid.

- I am telling you, shut your mouth.
- Come on, Coop,

shut my mouth.

You want to take control of
things, take control of things.

Be a man, Coop, or
did you forget how, huh?


Oh-ho, yeah?

Is it right? (grunting)


(purrs) Is it morning already?



that twisted thing that
happened last night...


It didn't happen.

- You understand me?
- Aw, come on, Coop,

we both had a little
too much to drink.

Besides, with our history,
who can blame us, huh?

You know very well who.

That's why you goaded
me into it in the first place.

Damn it, your mouth
is shut on this forever.

I'm sorry, Coop, I don't
mean to make you feel used.

(giggles) Thought we were
just being a little adventurous.



the adventure's over.

Uh, one thing.

I thought maybe you could

just do me a little favor, hm?

I thought it might look better

if we put the rest
of the settlement

into a joint account

for the both of
us... Sort of a real

thing, you know?

Or what?

You're gonna let
something slip to Megan?

Of course not.

No, she would leave
you if she ever found out.

I don't want that.

No, I want us all to
be happy, believe me.

I don't believe anything
you say anymore.

And I don't believe what
I'm turning into, either.

I'll take that as a yes.

(door opens)

(door closes)


(door creaks softly)

Hey, you okay?

Oh, yeah. (laughs, sniffles)

It's nothing. It's just that...

I was walking back
from the bathroom,

and I saw you and Michael
in bed together, and...

Well, it's not that I'm jealous.

I told you I thought you two
were great together, and...

I don't really belong with him.

I just don't know if I
belong with anybody.

What? Of course you do.

No, I'm going crazy. I mean...

everyone's gonna
have a husband or a...

boyfriend or a...

wife or a girlfriend, and
what am I gonna have?

I'm gonna have
a screaming infant

who's gonna keep
me up all night long.

And, Jane, I like my sleep.

I don't want to give up my life.

- I mean, what am I gonna do?
- It'll be okay.

We'll take it one day at a time.

Yeah, but then that
one day's gonna come

and I'm gonna have a baby,
who shouldn't be with me

and vice versa.

You know, some people just...

they're not cut
out for this thing.

Taylor, listen to me,

you are a good person.

You are gonna be
great with any child.

No, you're kind.

You're a good person.
You and Michael

want a family, don't you?

Well, yeah, yeah, someday.

You should be the
parents of my baby.

- Would you do it?
- Stop right now.

You are under a lot of stress,

and I don't think you
know what you're saying.

- No, I think I do.
- Taylor, you need rest.

I am gonna go
make you breakfast,

and no more talk like that.

Whatever you say.

JENNIFER: It's so hard to know

what to take on
a trip like this.

I mean, it's not
a vacation, but...

you don't want to travel
with a dozen steamer trunks.

We need to have a talk.

What is it?

What's wrong?

I don't know, uh,
you probably noticed

that I've been a little
preoccupied lately.

Yeah, a little.

I got a fax from Allison Parker.

She's an old friend of mine.

(scoffs) She was
more than a friend, Billy.

You were gonna marry her once.

Yeah. And it seems as though

she's, uh, she's in some
trouble down in Atlanta

and she needs my help.

Allison, uh, is an alcoholic...

I don't understand.

What could you do for her?

I could be her friend

and give her some moral support.


Can I see the fax?


I mean, I am your
fiancée, right?


"I will always love you.

I wish I could see
you once more."

Friend, Billy?

She wants you back.

She's... emotional, you know?

I'm not going
down there for that.

I just want to make
sure she's okay.

I want you to call her and
tell her you're getting married.

The rehab... center
will not let her take calls.

What is going on here?
You don't trust me?

You don't think that I'm
being honest with you?

No, I...

I don't know.

I just wonder if you're
being honest with yourself.

I can't have this discussion.

You know, I'm, like, trying
to do the right thing here,

and I thought at least
you would understand that.


(door opens)

(door closes)


Okay, I only have one
question: is she seducing you?

I have to hear it
out of your mouth.

No. No, she's not.

Of course not. No.

(Megan sighs)

AMANDA: All right, I'll
be at home waiting for you.

But get Jennifer
to close up for you.

Okay? And, um,
maybe we'll stay up late,

watch an old movie or something.

You know, just like a
regular old married couple.

I will do my damndest.

Hey, you're not going after
my wife again, now, are you?


Don't you
understand? I don't care

about either one of
you, so leave me alone!

Wait a minute, wait a minute,
let's get this straight, okay?

I'm the one in charge
here... Can you get that

- through your thick skulls?
- Get out of the way.

If it's money you need, I'll
give you more than Beck.


Told you not to make Jack mad.

(engine starts)

(tires squeal)

(tires squeal)


Oh, for God's sake.


I am so sorry, lady.

- That was just all my fault.
- Yeah, it sure as hell was.

I really...


(muffled yelling)