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07x10 - Dr. Jealousy

Posted: 04/26/22 08:54
by bunniefuu
(alarm sounding)

(Jane sighing)

(Michael groans)

- Thank you.
- Mm. Mm-hmm.

Oh, isn't this great?

(Jane clears her throat)

Waking up together
like this, huh?

I mean, really great,
like in perfect. Mmm.

Michael, do you have
something you want to tell me?

Yes, Jane.

I missed you when I was gone,

and I thought about
you all the time.

And when I wasn't missing
you and thinking about you,

I was doing some soul-searching.

Did you sleep with Megan?

Jane. (sighs)

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.

I'm sorry. (laughs)

- I love you, and I trust you. I do.
- (Michael laughs)

You know, Megan
and I are just friends.

And she had to deal
with some family stuff,

I was there to help her,
and that's all there was to it.

Yeah. Michael, I don't
want any more secrets.

No, me, neither.

I promise, I won't
keep any from you.

How about you? Promise, too?

I promise, but there's just...
there's-there's one thing.

What? Oh, no. You
met another guy.


No, no. I got a job
working for Amanda.

- Really?!
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, that's great.


Yeah. I brought in
this big new client.

The account's worth millions.

- Wow.
- Mm-hmm.

- So, who is the big client?
- (knocking)

Oh, I'm on pins and needles,

- but I got to get the door.
- Okay. -Love you.

(Michael grunts softly)

(clears his throat)

Hello, Michael.

(grunting, thudding)

- Michael?
- Jane...

What did you do, Michael?

Oh, my God. Alex, are you okay?

Yeah, fine. Nice to see
Michael hasn't changed much.

What is he doing here?

He's my big client.

Oh, stopping by was a mistake.

I'll call you later. (laughs)

At the office.

Michael... (laughs)

You always were a class act.

(Jane sighs)

All he said was hello.

It was the way he said it.


Okay, maybe I overreacted.

Maybe? I haven't seen
the guy in eight years.

It's not like we kept
the old flame burning.

Not that there ever was a flame.

What am I gonna tell Amanda?

Yeah, that you no
longer have a big client.

She offered me %.

I'm talking gross,
if I landed him.

Oh, landed him.

Like you were on the top,
and he was on the bottom.

No, Michael. This
is about money.

- If we're gonna have a family...
- Oh, come on.

I'm a surgeon. I
got plenty of dough.

The problem is, Jane,
you're still attracted to him.

I am not!

I saw the way you looked at
him when he was on the floor.

He was in pain. You
practically broke his jaw.

I have to get to work.

That is, if I still have a job.

Sometimes you
can be such a jerk.





♪ Well, come on in ♪

♪ Well, come on ♪

♪ Make me happy ♪

♪ Come on and tell me why ♪

♪ You're acting
like I never tried ♪

♪ So go ahead
and tell your lies ♪

♪ 'Cause we both know
it ain't no big surprise ♪

♪ Ain't no big surprise ♪

♪ Well, I see ya ♪

♪ Well, I see how you are ♪

♪ Well, I've seen
a lot these days... ♪

- Hey.
- Say, what's up, bro?


(tennis shoes squeaking)

(ball bouncing)

(high-pitched whirr of camera)

(high-pitched whirr)

(crowd chatter)

Come on, little brother.

Come on.

- (grunting)
- All right.

(speaks indistinctly)

Bro, you've been spending
too much time behind a desk.

- I'm getting warmed up.
- Come on.

- Just getting warmed up.
- Come on.

Come on. Come on,
little brother. Come on.

If you don't want me around,
why don't you just say something?

What are you talking
about? Let's go.

Come on!

I can tell by the way
you're playing, Kyle.

I just want to win.

- Come on. (grunting)
- I'm not buying it, Kyle.

You know, Amanda sprung
this whole job thing on you.

Maybe this isn't the best time

for me to come barging
back into your life.

(sighs) Look, what's
going on in my life

has got nothing to do
with you, and I'm sorry.

I shouldn't take it out on you.

I just... (sighs)

Man, I think Amanda
is protecting Peter.

But protecting him from what?

His past. Something
he told Matt.

I think Matt wrote
it in his journal,

and whatever it
is, Amanda read it,

and then she tore it out.

Well, did you ask her about it?

Yeah. Yeah, I did.

And she blew me off.

She said that Matt tore it out.

I don't know.

I guess there's a part of Amanda
that's always gonna love Peter.

Just... Just live with that?

I got no choice.

LEXI: Honey, Caesar built Rome

with a lot less than I gave you.

Now get your butt on
the road and land a client.

Do I get to talk
here, Ms. Sterling?

Ha. Talk any more, and you'll
be looking for employment

in the wonderful world
of food service, hmm?

(Lexi scoffs)

Oh, Megan this is not good
timing. What do you want?

A job, if the
offer is still open.

Mm, well, it's not.

I just hired Miss
Idiot over there.


On second thought.

(clears her throat)

Um, you're fired, and don't
ask me for a recommendation,

because you don't know
squat about advertising, hmm?

(sighs) Well, it's
your lucky day.

You're getting in
on the ground floor.

For-For the record, I don't know
squat about advertising, either.

(Megan laughs)

Yeah, well, like my
good-for-nothing father

used to say, "Honey,
why sweat the small stuff?

What you don't
know you can learn."

And so can I.

Someday soon,

I'm gonna have my own
big bad advertising agency

with my name on the door,
just like you-know-who, hmm?

JANE: Just need to talk to her.

JULIE: She doesn't
want to be disturbed.

Amanda, I have some bad news.

And I have an assistant.
Her name's Julie.

She announces the visitors.

I'm sorry, Miss Woodward.

Forget it.

I may have lost
the Bastian account.

If I did, you have every right
to fire me, no hard feelings.

I just talked to Alex.

He's nursing a sore
jaw, not a grudge.

He's staying with the agency?


Oh, thank God.

You know, I just
don't get Michael.

I mean, after all the promises
we made to each other,

he's still acting like
a petty, jealous fool.

AMANDA: Well, then,
open your eyes, Jane.

That's Michael in a nutshell.

He is a fool.

Well, I guess you'll
have to call me one,

too, because I love
him, despite all his faults.

Well, like they
say, love is blind.

Oh, and for the record,

if Alex did bail,

there'd be plenty
of hard feelings.


(phone ringing)

- Morning, Peter.
- (phone ringing)

Uh, that's your
private line there.

Amanda didn't sh**t
you in the ear, did she?

Hello. Burns here.


Now, I know someone is
there. Hello? Answer me!

You know, you're really
starting to tick me off with this.

Wrong number?

What do you want, Michael?

MICHAEL: Remember
that guy from Matt's journal?

That creep that slept with Jane

the-the night
before our wedding?

Well, he showed up at the
beach house this morning.

I punched his lights out.

That's nice. Now get
out of my office, will you?

You know, the
thing is, I love Jane,

and I want to be with
her, maybe even forever,

but this Alex guy is back now,

and, uh, well, I'm kind of
sweating the competition.

What would you do?

Well, off the top of my head,

I probably wouldn't
have punched him.

Yeah, I do sort of
feel bad about that.

The thing is, Peter,
it's just tearing me apart

that she might still be
attracted to this guy.

Or worse yet.

She might jump back
in the sack with him.

Michael, for some
inexplicable reason,

the woman loves you.

Now, my advice is,

just accept that, and
forget everything else.

Peter, how can I forget that
she's been unfaithful, huh?

What if she succumbs again? Oh.

And what if she doesn't?

Are you gonna risk all of
your happiness on a "what if?"

That's it. What if.

Will she... or won't she?

I need to know,
so I'll test her.

I'll starve her for sex and
see if she turns to Alex.

- No, Michael.
- Yeah, yeah.

Then if she sleeps with
him, then I'll dump her.

And if not, we'll
plight our troths.

We'll live happily ever after.

- Plight our troths?
- Oh, Peter.

Thank you so much.

I could never have come up
with this plan without you, buddy.

♪ Tonight you're
all I want to find... ♪

Excuse me. Um,
I'm looking for Kyle.

Oh, he, uh... he
took the night off.

Um, left me in charge.

We live in the same building.

I'm, uh... I'm Ryan McBride,

Kyle's younger, you know,
better-looking brother.

(laughs) Megan Lewis.

Um, I'll call him at home.

Oh, um... I'd love to help you,

you know, any
way I can, if, uh...

Fine. You can tell him
that I got another job,

and I'm sorry I'm
not gonna be able

to give him two-weeks’
notice, but I start tomorrow.

Oh, yeah, if it were my club,

I don't know if I'd
let you go, Megan.

If this was your club, I never
would have worked here.

Tell Kyle thanks.

Uh, c-can I... can I also
tell him we had dinner?

Um... sorry.

I don't have dinner with
younger brothers of ex-employers.

In fact, I've been
eating alone a lot lately,

and I prefer it that way.

But it's, uh, a big city.

I'm sure you'll find
somebody to eat with.

(door opening)

Oh. I'm sorry I'm late.

I... I got held
up at the office.

A new client.

Yeah, well, at least
it's not Peter for once.


I gotta get to the club.

Wait, I thought we had a date.

You said you were
taking tonight off.

I did, and spent
most of it alone.

Oh, come on.

I'm out hustling
business all day

to put cash back
in our bank account

and you're angry with me?

No, that's just an
excuse, Amanda.

An excuse for what?

For not wanting to talk
about whatever's going on.

You know, I feel
like I just walked in

in the middle of
this conversation.

Well, the conversation's over.

See ya.

Take a bowl, medium-size,

and we'll start with
salt and pepper.

(knock at door)

This is the aioli sauce,

a mayonnaise-type
for our cold lobsters.

Crushed ground pepper...


I-I-I know I should have called,

but I've got an emergency.

C-can you wait just a minute

and let me check on something?

Wait, I keep getting
these phone calls, okay?

They keep calling and calling

and they, they're
hanging up on me,

but I-I think they know.

Hmm? Know what?

That-that I was involved
in Amanda's kidnapping.

Peter, maybe
you're feeling guilty

about putting Amanda in jeopardy

and taking the ransom.

You're projecting it
on these phone calls.

This is not about guilt.

This is pure,
unadulterated fear here!

You know, not only
do I lose Amanda here,

I could lose my career.

I'm looking at jail time!

Okay, okay, let's
say you're right.

Who's making the calls?

Well, I-I don't know!

It's gotta be the kidnappers
or the guy that hired them.

Who else could it be?

You're the only other
person that I told.

No, you told someone else.

What are you talking about?

You confessed to Lexi.


And Peter, to be honest,

I can't believe you put that
kind of power in her hands.

Hold-hold-hold it. Hold it.

W-when did she tell you this?

In our last therapy session.

She's a patient?


There was a little
too much chemistry.

I was going to prevent
the full exploration

of the doctor-patient


When exactly did
she tell you this?

Oh, come on!

I-I-I-I-I can't, I can't...



She, um, she said you confessed,

and it made her sick,

but she wasn't
going to the police,

so I-I-I ask her why.

And she said something like, uh,

'Well, do you really think
they'd do anything about it?'

And, uh, I said, well, to
arrange a phony kidnapping,

to put Amanda in jeopardy,
that you would probably get...


Oh, God.


She didn't tell me anything.

I told her.


We been had, Doc,

by the biggest bitch of 'em all.

(knock on door)

JULIE: Miss Woodward?

Your ticket to San Francisco.

You need to leave now

or you're gonna
miss your flight.


Listen, where can I reach you?

You can't.

Uh, if anyone calls,
have Jane handle it.

And Julie? No one
can know about this.

No one.

I understand.

(office phone ringing)

Hello, Burns here.

Hello, who's there?


Peter, it's me, Lexi.


Well, you're that last person
I expected to hear from.

Well, I've been
thinking about you.

A lot.

How you feeling?

Is that, uh, b*llet
wound all mended?

Oh, good as new.

How are you?

Gee, I thought with all that

running around the
woods with Amanda,

that kidnapping thing,
I thought you'd be out.

You know about that?

Hmm, you hear things.

God, I can only imagine what
Amanda's been put through.

Poor thing.

I have a tight schedule,
so thanks for calling.

Hey, look wait.

Peter, um...

I really need to talk to you.

About what?

Not over the phone.

Could we meet for a drink?


Well, I'm checking my
schedule right now and...

how 'bout next week?

Uh, Peter, I wouldn't ask

if this wasn't a matter
of great urgency.

Please say yes.

For old times' sake.

All right, for old times' sake.

Tonight. You name the place.

Uh, let's say
Kyle's club, : ,

and don't be late.

(dial tone)

(door opens)

Peter! Just thought
I'd let you know.

Operation Jane is
going full steam ahead.

I apologized to Jane

and her ex, uh, you-know-what,

and I'm going to have
dinner with them tonight.

This is what they make
libraries for, Michael.

Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.

It's just, well, I gotta
memorize this stuff

before I meet them.

(turning page)

Body Language?

Oh, yeah. It's all
part of the plan.

You see, I don't want to
be the last one to know

if Jane is getting it on
with this rag merchant,

so I'll observe
their body language.

Then I'll know
their true feelings.

You're not serious?

Oh, dead.

Oh, yeah, for-for instance, um,

if someone covers their
mouth with their hand...


Or if someone leans back
when they're talking to you...


Or if someone rubs
the side of their nose?

Those are all
signs of deception.

So if I... I...

What if my nose itches?

Mock if you want, but
there's scientific merit to this.

I'm tellin' ya.

Um, the wider the gesture, the
more you can trust somebody.

Or if, uh, they
have fast breathing

high in the chest, then...


Direct eye contact.

See what it says about that.

(muttering): Direct...

- D...
- It says get out of my office!



♪ That you're fearful
I won't understand ♪

♪ All that we have
left to overcome here ♪

♪ All the things
you're afraid to ask ♪

♪ I'll be here to tell you
that you're everything ♪

♪ I will never be
the one to leave ♪

♪ I don't wanna stray the
course you're keeping ♪

♪ It's just without you... ♪

(clears throat)

You're late.

Uh, well, I'd apologize,
only it was intentional.

I wanted to see if you'd wait,

and sure enough, you did.

Oh, I like the scotch here.


Recently, I haven't had the
urge to be in my apartment.

Hmm, living alone,
it can be hard work.

So is living with
the wrong person.

Right, and I was
the wrong person.

I didn't say that.

And now you just threw your
love for Amanda in my face.

Please, enough of that.

I know you're the one
who's been calling me.

Aren't you the clever one.

Sorry about all those hang-ups.

I just didn't know what to say.

I mean, after finding
out your dirty little secret,

how you arranged
a phony kidnapping

all so you could be
Amanda's rescuer.

Well, it's been quite a shock.

So obviously you want something.

What is it?


I want you.

I just can't decide

whether you'd look
better behind bars

or in my bed.

So do I have a choice here?

Hmm, sorry.

Criminals don't have choices.


I'll be in touch.

You're starting to sweat, Peter.

There she is again.

Who, Megan?

Yeah, yeah.

Is she looking at me?


Are you sure?

Yeah. She's looking at her menu.

She just looked away.

She wouldn't have done
that if she didn't like me.

Why do I suddenly feel
like I'm back in high school?

S-So, what-what's her story?

Uh... complicated.

Oh, perfect.

That means we got
something in common,

other than mutual
attraction, of course.

Hey, um, listen... I
can't really ask her

'cause she's, like,
already rejected me,

but you could ask her for me.

- No.
- Yeah.

No. What are you...? We
are back in high school here.

No, I'm not gonna do it.

Like, come on!

Okay, you owe me. Big.

I owe you.

So I hear congratulations
are in order.

Well, thank you.

You have been so great.

You know, it's not many
bosses that would let you quit

without any notice.

Well, I just hope this change

is your ticket to good times,
and I'm gonna miss you.

Now, that?

That-that will get you a
table anywhere in this place.


Well, I just ordered takeout.

Lexi piled all this work
on me, so I'm a little...

Well, you're here. Stay. Eat.

See, my little
brother is by himself,

and, uh, you'd join him.

Come on.

I will have the kitchen
put a rush on your meal.


Thank you.

(clears throat)


I knew that you'd eventually
come to your senses

and have dinner with me.


So, remind me,

how did you guys meet?

- Hmm, well, Jane and I...
- Alex and I...


- Go ahead.
- Okay.

Jane and I were both applying
for the same part-time job...

At Marshall Field's,
and I'll never forget

you were so competitive.

Well, I'll never forget

the dress you were wearing.

So, your first interest
in Jane was sexual.


No, no, no. That's okay.

What I meant was
she designed it herself.

It was unique.

Like Jane.

Um, you have something
wrong with your nose?

- No.
- I'm just asking,

because I'm a
doctor, and you seem

- to rub your nose a lot.
- JANE: No, he doesn't.

Michael... why don't
you stop dancing around

what's really
bothering you here.

- I slept with Jane.
- Okay, I don't think that's an issue

- for Michael, right, honey?
- That's right,

- I can be just as mature as the next guy.
- Really?

- Mm-hmm.
- Then why did you hit me?

JANE: Honey, I would
really like some coffee.

Because I'm a
hothead, all right?

I always have
been. If you ask me,

it's one of the qualities
Jane loves about me.

I, uh, don't tend to
overthink a situation.

I believe actions speak
louder than words.

I'll see you at home.

Oh, and, uh, for the record,

I didn't hit you because
of what happened before,

but as a warning that you
shouldn't let it happen again.

You know, uh, you really
should get that nose checked out.

Um... you're-you're
looking at me

like you wish I'd drop dead.

(laughs) Am I? I'm sorry.


The problem can't be me,

'cause women usually
find me amusing.

Oh, am I'm sure they
also find you arrogant.

You know, you're
nothing like Kyle.

Oh. Well, at least you
noticed something about me.

Why are you so down on men?

Because of guys like you.

Because I used to
use men as crutches

instead of walking on my own.

Um... you know, I've
changed my mind.

Could I just get
my entree to go?

WAITER: Oh, certainly.

(TV playing quietly)

Oh. What are you
doing sitting in the dark?

Watching some
football highlights.

Seems like I never get
to see a game anymore.

Oh. Well, sorry I'm
late; I should have called.

I have been running
from meeting to meeting.

Yeah. I know. San Francisco.

Jane told me.

Dropped by to take
you out to lunch.

Sorry I missed you.

How'd it go?

San Francisco?

Um... pretty much
the way I'd hoped.

(chuckles quietly)

I'm not stupid, Amanda,
and I am not making this up.

You're hiding something from me.

And if there's
one thing I learned

from my marriage with Taylor,

it's that a relationship based
on secrets never works.

Forgive me, but I don't think
there's a point of comparison.

What were you doing
in San Francisco?

I was taking care of business.

Any more questions?
You haven't asked me

about the missing
journal page all day.

I'm gonna go to bed.

- Am I invited?
- That's your call.

(door closes)



- Yeah?
- Hi.

- What's this?
- A chance to prove yourself.

Well, maybe I could
put some clothes on first.

I'm not used to having
business meetings

- in my underwear.
- Frankly, I hadn't noticed.


Skyler Soap.

I know they're traded on the
New York Stock Exchange.

Right. And I got a call
from their CEO last night.

After -plus years,
they are shopping around

for a new ad agency.

Well, I mean, shouldn't
you send in the big g*ns?

Well, you're the only
one at the agency

with an MBA, which
could be an asset.

The guy is hung
up on credentials.

So, speed-read the
file and hit the road.

Whoa. Where am I going?


And don't let me
down. It would make

holiday dinners
very uncomfortable.

(groans): Oh...


Are you stalking me?

(chuckles) If I were a stalker,

you would be the
last woman I'd stalk.

Then what the hell
are you doing out here?

I'm headed to
Jerome for a meeting.

Don't tell me...

Skyler Soap.

- This is really getting weird.
- Yeah, well,

- yesterday it was fate.
- I didn't know you as well.

So... you need

a hand with that
flat tire, or what?

No, that's all right, go
ahead, I can handle it.

I don't know, the desert's
no place for a woman.

Oh, please.


It's just, I was watching
the Discovery Channel,

and they had this program
about snakes, poisonous snakes

found only in Arizona.

Did you know they
love the shade?

They slither right
off the desert floor.

One could be under
your car right now.

Coiled up, ready to strike.

- Last chance.
- Okay.

Look, I don't see... yeah, yeah,
I think I could use some help.

- (Megan grunts)
- I used to be a gas jockey.

Piece of cake.

- (grunting)
- MEGAN: All right.

Do you ever... do you
ever check your spare?

- No.
- Well, you should,

because it's flat.

(groans) Great!

I'm out here in the
middle of nowhere

in snake country, my
cell phone's not working...

What the hell am
I supposed to do?

Well, I could give
you a ride to Jerome.

They probably have
a service station...

- We could have your car towed.
- I hate this.

What if I said it was a freebie?

I'd still hate it, but
I'd accept the offer.

- Excuse me.
- Mm-hmm.

sure she's in there?

Why don't you go
take a look for yourself?


Whoa. Boy, I don't
do so well in the heat.

I hope they got a buzzer or
something in case I pass out.

Michael, hi!

Jane, hi!

(laughs): What
are you doing here?

- Oh, do you mind if I join you?
- No, of course not.

Um... I, um...

I joined the gym this morning,

'cause I wanted to get
in shape for our wedding.

Oh, "our wedding."

Oh, I love the sound of that!

Michael, about
last night, I just w...

Oh, yeah, I know,
I know, I know.

- I was out of line again.
- No, you weren't.

I was gonna apologize
this morning at home,

but you left so... early...

What? I wasn't?

(laughs): No.

In fact, I thought
you were very sweet.

- Wow.
- And forceful,

and you were right...

Your hot temper
turns me on. (laughs)


You know, um... things are
going so well for me here,

I hate to ask
you this, but, uh...

does anything about
that Alex guy turn you on?

Oh, Michael,

no, nothing!

Okay. Okay, then
you don't have to worry

about me tagging along on
your business dinners anymore.

(laughs): Okay.

Mm, uh, Jane?

- What?
- I was thinking that...

maybe we shouldn't have
sex till after the wedding.

Oh, Michael, what?

Yeah, well, even if I wanted to,

we can't, 'cause, you know,
somebody could come in.


(lock clicks)

Where is everybody?

(laughs) At lunch? I don't know.

The whole building?

MAN: You heard me...
I'm committing $ million

to advertising in
the next fiscal year.

You want a crack at it,

you'd better get your
people down here.


Oh, I can't meet
with anyone today.

Oh, but we... I have
an appointment.

I'm Megan Lewis with
Sterling-Conway Enterprises.

And-and Ryan McBride.

Amanda Woodward
Advertising, sir.

We came all the way from L.A.

You fly or drive?

Drive, actually. Well,

at least I did.

Yeah, I like to drive, but...

I don't get behind the
wheel much anymore.

I want to hear your
ideas, but I'm late for lunch.

And if I miss my lunch,
I don't get a chance

to take my afternoon walk.

I really like my walk.

How does tomorrow sound?

Uh, : a.m.?

- : would be fine.
- Yeah, that's great.

That would be... great.

(indistinct chatter)

Thought the band was supposed
to be playing, not fighting.

Oh, that's rock
and roll for you.

- Can I buy you a drink?
- No, actually,

I need to talk to you
and Kyle in private.

It's important.

Oh. Well, um, as you
can see, Kyle's busy,

but if it's that important, you
and I can talk in the office.


Well, I was...

thinking of slowly
sliding into a confession,

but instead...

there's your ransom money.

(laughs) You're kidding.

No, no. Here.

Check for yourself.


Where did you get it?

Well, I-I called in a favor
from an ex-patient that, uh...

The guy you talked
to Matt about?

Yeah, yeah, Mr. Beck. You
met him in my office, actually,

and I had him check up on
the kidnappers and the ransom.

Uh-huh. And he got
it for you just like that?

Well, he's a very powerful man.

- Peter...
- Hey,

you know I can't stand
to see you unhappy.

I read Matt's journal
from cover to cover,

and you talked about this
Mr. Beck more than once.

Well, Matt and I spent
a lot of long hours

- in the E.R. together.
- Mm-hmm.

I've known men like Beck.

In fact, I've lived with one.

Well, I told you it was a favor.

Beck owed me
for saving his life.


'Cause I don't want you or
Kyle or anyone, for that matter,

to sacrifice himself for me.

Never again.

(Kyle clears throat)

- AMANDA (gasps): Oh.
- What's going on?

A lot. A lot.

Peter got, um, our money
back, the ransom money, all of it.

What? That's amazing...

considering the
cops hit a brick wall.

I'd be real interested in
hearing how you pulled that off.

(laughs) It's a long story.

I'll bet. I'll bet.

But, hey, you did it, and, um...

we are both very thankful.





(footsteps approaching)

What are you doing in my room?

Oh. Thought you might
want some company.

- Oh, so you just let yourself in.
- Mm-hmm, yeah,

the door was open.

Got some chips and
some beer and stuff.

You were trying
to steal my ideas.

Uh, last we talked, you
didn't have any ideas.

Get out.

Come on, Megan, I was...
I wasn't doing anything.

I just... I hate being alone,

and you're the only
person I know in this town.

You know what? I thanked you

for the ride... I don't
owe you anything else.

Wait a minute, I didn't mean
that you owed me anything.

(quietly): Good night.



I don't want you putting
Peter through the third degree

forcing him to tell you
how he did what he did.

Yeah, what is it with you?
Why are you still protecting him?

I'm not. What makes you
think he needs my protection?

The journal, the missing page.

How many times do we
have to talk about this?

I don't know anything
about a missing page,

except that it's missing
and Matt probably tore it out.

Well, at least we
agree on one thing.

We both wish we'd never
read the damn journal.

I'm getting a beer.

Hey, what are you doing?

I don't think Matt
would mind, do you?



- It's after : .
- (sighs)

He's blowing us off.

Yeah, after I
stayed up all night

reading articles on branding.

- Cows or products?
- (hammering)

Very funny.

Hey, excuse me?

What... what's going on?

Change of ownership...
Some big conglomerate

bought up Skyler Soap.

Wh-When? We just
met with him yesterday.

He didn't say anything about it.

(sighs): Well...
from what I hear,

nobody has the heart
to tell the old guy.

He gave his life
to this company.

And this town.

Well, this was a wasted trip.

(sighs) At least we got
to know each other better.

You know, I have to go back
to Phoenix and pick up my car.

Do you know if there's a
bus that goes through there?

Oh, no, it's okay, it's okay.

Well, you could ride with me.

Can't beat the fare, and, uh,

I promise some
good conversation.

Yeah, well, you had me till
that bit about the conversation.

Well, I... I won't say anything.

(hammering resumes)

ALEX: So...

what is it about my
new line you don't like?

(laughs) I'm sorry, Alex,
your designs are great.

I was just... I was
thinking about Michael.

Ah. You know...

I don't mind if you call him.

Okay. Thank you.

It'll just be a minute.


(line ringing)

- Hello?
- Hi, honey.

I just wanted to
hear your voice.

I tried you at home.
Where are you?

Uh, I'm at the gym; I thought
I'd hang out for a while.

You know, maybe lift
some weights, take a swim.

Okay. Well, I-I won't be late.

Michael... you
sound a little weird.

Are you sure you're okay
about my dinner meeting?

Well, sure, honey, I'm fine.

You do what you have to do.

- I'll see you later.
- Okay. Bye.

- Thank you.
- Well, you're very welcome.

(indistinct conversation)

Amanda and I were
thinking more along the lines

of a bright-eyed,
optimistic campaign.

Amanda can wait.

- Okay.
- These last few days,

spending this time with you,

has made me realize that...

well, how part of my
life has been missing.

Come on, Jane, admit it...

You have feelings for me, too.

Well... of course I do.

But not the kind of feelings
that you're talking about.

Well, then it
shouldn't bother you

if I kiss you.

You can take my word for it.

Words lie; lips don't.

- (clacking)
- What's wrong?

I can't believe this.


I'm out of gas.

- This trip is cursed!
- (sighs)

No conversation, remember?

Especially from someone who
drives around with a flat spare.


Where are you going?

To answer nature's call... not
that it's any of your business.


(gasps, grunts)

Just a little humor. (laughs)

(Megan continues laughing)



(clears throat)

(takes deep breath)

(laughs softly) Right on time.

Come on in.

You know, this dress is new.

You always used to notice
when I'd buy something for you.

What do you want from me?

(Lexi sighs)

I want you to make love to me.

The way you want to make love
to Amanda but know you never will.

And if you don't, well,

then I'm just gonna have to
tell Amanda what I know, and...

well, that would be a
fate worse than prison,

wouldn't it, Petey?

Kiss me.

Why? When you
know I don't love you.

I'll never love you.

Hm. I can love
enough for both of us.

(Lexi laughs softly)

You're gonna have
to do better than that.

I'm not gonna do this.

Lover, you got a lot
riding on those lips.

Now, shut up and kiss me.

Go on and tell Amanda!

I'm not making love to you!

Honey, I've done my
homework... She's at the club.

I can be there in minutes.

Well, I'm calling
your bluff, lady.


Well, you know, I
really overestimated you.

You really are as
dumb as you look.

Shut the door on the way out.

When Amanda hears that
you kidnapped her, you're dead.



(phone rings)

The Upstairs.

Hey, Kyle, it's Peter.

I need to talk to Amanda;
it's an emergency here.


You know, I know
she's here somewhere...

but I haven't seen her.

But I'll let her
know you called.

No, no, no. I-I have
to talk to her right now.

Well, when you
put it that way...

(puts handset in cradle)

(dial tone droning)


I don't think I've ever seen
so many stars in my whole life.

Makes me wonder
why I live in the city.

Huh. I just
remembered: no snakes.


- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.

Megan, you are so beautiful.

- I'm more than that.
- I know you are.

No, you don't know.

You look at a sky full
of stars, you look at me,

and you think, what
the heck, go for it, right?

I was just gonna kiss you.

Yeah, well, you know what,
maybe I don't want to be kissed.

Maybe I don't want
your hands all over me.

Maybe I don't want to
get to know you better.

I'm sorry, you just
don't understand.

I just...

I just can't get involved
with anyone right now.


(quietly): Wait'll
the bitch hears this.
