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07x11 - Not Quite All About Eve

Posted: 04/26/22 08:55
by bunniefuu
Amanda, there's something
that you need to know.

From you? That seems unlikely.

Honey, you are gonna
enjoy this little bombshell.


Peter, just stay away from me.

He's a manipulating
son of a bitch.

Do you really hate me this much?

What the hell's going on?

Well, what is it? I
haven't got all night.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

Got some problems
we're working through.


I just wish they'd keep me
out of their tawdry little spats.

(whispers): Oh, my God.

Can't do it, can you? Huh?

- Just...
- You can't do it

because you love me too much.

You can't tell Amanda
about the kidnapping

because I might go to prison,
and then you'd never have

what you really
wanted, which is me.

You bastard!

You're gonna beg
me to come back!

You think this buys you time to
get Amanda back, you are wrong.

I'm taking her down,
before you even get close.

I'm gonna show you
what a sorry-ass bitch

she really is, huh?

(engine starts)

(tires screeching)




♪ Hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ Oh, darling ♪

♪ Arrow Highway, take me home ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ From Pasadena ♪

♪ And down the coast
to Lemon Grove ♪

♪ Well, the pink
and yellow houses ♪

♪ Foothills by the sea ♪

♪ Remind me of a daydream
that will fade eventually ♪

♪ If you need someone ♪

♪ And when you need someone... ♪


Hey, what's going on?

Sex is going on, Michael.

I didn't get back
that late last night,

and you were already asleep.

Well, you know
what, I was tired,

- and I got an early surgery this morning.
- Hey, hey, hey!

I have needs, you know.

Hey, you think I don't?

Then let's set the wedding date.

Let's not wait any longer.

Why? What's the rush?

I just think we should get
married before anything happens

to mess it up.

Oh, and what could happen, then?

Feel guilty about something?

Michael, what are
you trying to say?


I got to get to work.

I'm sure you can find
something to make yourself busy.


You wouldn't care to do
that up here, would you?

Ah, I would, but I promised Ryan

I'd play some b-ball
with him this morning.

If he cuts in on
my time with you,

I'm gonna have to evict him.

You know what,
I've been thinking.

Think it's time for you and
I to find a new place to live.

What about saving up for a
year to buy our dream house?

That was the idea, wasn't it?

Yeah, but if there's one
thing that's clear to me now,

it's that we have no idea
what's gonna happen tomorrow,

let alone a year from now.

I have to admit, our life does
tend to be full of surprises.

Which brings me to last night.

What was that about last night?

I mean, what was Lexi
really trying to tell you?

Hmm. Don't know, I don't care.

Yeah, well, I think she's
holding something over Peter,

and I'll bet you it's got
something to do with

that missing journal page.

Oh, I'm so sick of
that missing page,

and Peter and
Lexi's little games.

Yeah, well...

She definitely had
something on her mind.

As far as I'm concerned,
it can stay there.

Just the mention
of their dirty laundry

makes me want to take a shower.


(shower running)

- Hey.
- Hey.

How's it going?

Uh, good.

Just on my way to work.

- Oh, great. I'll walk you out.
- Okay.

Hey, did you, um, did you
get your tires fixed in Phoenix?

Um, actually, I got
a whole new set.

The guy said they
were all pretty worn.

Ah, cool.

Yeah. Is there something else?

Yeah, well, you know, you
looked so great under the stars,

I thought maybe, you know,

I wanted to see how you
do under some candlelight.

Yeah, well, keep wondering.

I don't know how
much longer I can go

without taking you to dinner.

You never let up, do you, Ryan?

What'd be the point of that?



I give in, you win.

Dinner tonight.

It's a date.

No, it's not. It's dinner.

PETER: Morning, Michael.

Is everything okay?

Jane wants to set a
date for the wedding.


That's good, isn't it?

I mean, doesn't that tell
you that your plan to put

this Alex character and her
together was totally ridiculous?


It's just the opposite.

Jane kissed Alex last night.

Didn't tell me.

Which means, eventually she'll
sleep with him and not tell me.


I think she's just
marrying me out of guilt.

Oh, then you can be married
and she can cheat on you guilt-free.

Peter, you don't get it, do you?

I'm starving her for sex.

I've, uh, set up the lovebirds
with a romantic dinner

tomorrow night, so
eventually she's got to cave in.

I mean, if she slept
with him the first time,

what's gonna stop her from
sleeping with him this time?

A level of maturity that
you can't fathom, Michael.

Maybe the girl wants to marry
you because she loves you.

Oh, yeah, what a load.


You know something?

We both have exactly
the same problem.

We don't know how to be happy.

Oh, yeah?

I know how to be happy.

Catch Jane cheating...

and then k*ll the guy.

Then I'm happy.


(door closes)

Kyle. Help you with something?

I want to know what you were

trying to tell
Amanda last night.

It was just some lie I made
up about me and Peter

being back together,
and ain't she sorry now.

Yeah, well, I don't buy it.

You got something on Peter;
I'd like to know what it is.

That's wishful thinking, Kyle.

You were there to crush him,

and I would like
a piece of that.

It's not Peter I
want to destroy.

You and I both want
Burns out of Amanda's life.

You give me the dirt,
I'll make it happen.


I'm back from the soap wars.

My brother has a crush on you.

Remember what I said.

Just so you know.

Thank you.


He's got a brother?


Um... he's the guy
that Amanda sent

to get the imaginary
Skyler Soap account.

And, um, I'm having
dinner with him tonight.

You don't seem
very pleased about it.

I don't know, I just...

I don't seem to feel safe
around men right now.

Well, why don't you
invite a friend along?

Be less like a date.

Hell, you can bring me.

I'll be your chaperone.


Well, okay.

Thanks. Maybe it would
be good if you came along.



I'd be really curious to see

what this other McBride
brother's like, huh?

Can't all be saints.

(upbeat dance music playing)

Used to think New York was
the only city worth conquering,

but L.A. definitely
has its fine points.

Honey, please.

New York's a sty.

Where else can you find this
kind of vibrant beauty out here?

I mean, look at the view, huh?

Trying hard not to.

Um, nothing if not
a gentleman, huh?

Yeah, gentleman thief, I hear.

Megan tells me you
tried to steal her campaign

- right out of her hotel room.
- I did not...

- I didn't try to steal...
- Relax, come on, relax.

I like that kind of initiative.

Or did Amanda put
you up to it, hmm?

Look, Amanda doesn't know me
well enough to use me that way.

McBride, why don't you come
and work for an upscale company?

I think I can find
some use for you.

I haven't worked for Amanda
long enough to quit, Lexi.

And I haven't known
Megan long enough

to be ignoring her like this.

Would you like to dance?

You really are nothing
like your brother, are you?

You got the
brains in the family.

(guitar playing mellow music)

♪ Unto myself I must belong ♪

♪ And I will be strong ♪

♪ I will be strong ♪


Sorry about that little
disturbance the other night.

Less said, the better.


Lexi and I have a
few issues to work out.

I'd say.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah.

(music ends, applause)

Is, uh, that the kind of
thing you had in mind?

Yeah, that was, that was great.

You know what, I'm gonna
bring the band back in here.

I'm gonna get them
to finish the night off

with an instrumental set.

That's cool, that's cool.

I know that you and Amanda
are taking a chance on me.

- So when do you want me to come back?
- I'll call you.

Which means never, right?

No. I think you were great.

Look, you know what, I
don't want to be too blunt here,

but the bottom
line is I'm running

a rock and roll club, and
you got a really folky sound.

I really need this job, okay?

I can sing whatever
way you want.

Just-just tell me, just
give me another chance.

Eve, you seem like a
nice person, but I just...

Look, there are couple
of other clubs in town

that would suit you much better.


Eve, wait...

Oh, man.

(footsteps running)

EVE: Oh.

- You all right?
- I'm fine.

No, hey, hey, hey,
you okay? You sure?

- I'm fine.
- No, no. Are you sure?

Yeah, just leave me alone.

(tires squealing, grunting)


She-She just came
out of nowhere.

- God.
- Get me a phone!

You're gonna be all
right, Eve, I promise.

I won't let anything
happen to you.


You know, I'm gonna call the
hospital, see how Eve is doing.

I already called while
you were in the shower.

- You did?
- Yeah, and she's fine.

I don't believe this.

"Sterling-Conway Announces
Move Into Advertising."

They sold off their
assets, acquired an ad firm.

Looks like Lexi's a big player.

That a problem?

Well, I couldn't figure out

why she sent Megan
after that soap account,

but now it all makes sense.

So, it's not a problem?

If she has any
delusions of turning this

into a takeover of my company,
she better buckle her seat belt.

So, it is a problem.

(door opening)

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Blunt to Cardiology...

Well, you're looking better.

I feel almost human again.

Your test results came back.

There's no heart disease,
no serious problems.

No dr*gs in your system?

No reason that there should be.

Anything in your past
history we should know about?

Oh, the girl had
a rough childhood,

followed by a series
of small cold rooms

and nothing much in
the way of relationships.

Well, making it on the road
as a singer can't be an easy life.

I've paid my dues.

I think last night's episode

was probably just
caused by dehydration.

And the big wide world can be

a little overwhelming
sometimes, too.

Tell you what.

Why don't we keep
you in the hospital here

for a few days, huh?

Get you well-fed
and well-rested.

Don't you have to be sick
with something to be in here?

Well, you are.

You see, I've-I've
already diagnosed you

with the, uh, Sometimes
Life Stinks Syndrome, hmm?

Get you back on your
feet, get your voice back.

I'll put in a good
word with Kyle.

You know...

I really am a
pretty good singer.

I'll bet you are.

Why are you being so nice to me?

Don't you think I'm
nice to everybody?

Not really.


This message just
came for you, Doctor.

Oh, thank you.

Good news?

Oh, just getting together
with an old friend.

You, eat.

MEGAN: Are you kidding?

Ryan was flirting
shamelessly, and so were you.


Iced tea, uh, no lemon, please.

I was just testing him.

I'll have a vodka martini dry.

You know, if, uh, he
was comfortable with you,

he could be a window
into Amanda's firm.

If you're suggesting that we
use Ryan as a spy, forget it.

I won't have
anything to do with it.

All right, just make sure
he doesn't do it to you first.


I read the news in
the paper this morning.

- Welcome to advertising.
- LEXI: Well, I didn't

realize that you were the
official welcoming committee.

We always enjoy competition.

Competition? Honey, I'm
gonna wipe the floor with you.


here's to dreaming
the impossible dream.

Mm. Make sure the champagne
goes on the redhead's bill.

MICHAEL: And this is
our remodeled kitchen,

which of course has

- that incredible ocean view.
- Well, that's, um...

That's incredible.

MICHAEL: But then now,

you've met with some success
since the old days, haven't you?

Little bit of luck,
some generous friends.

MICHAEL: Oh, come on.

Don't put yourself down.

Now I know Jane here is a
monster fan of your designs.

- Hmm?
- JANE: Michael, really.

No. What? Is it some kind
of big secret or something?

ALEX: Oh, well,

it's no secret, the
feeling is mutual.

Hey, I got a great idea.

Why don't you design
Jane's wedding dress?

Oh, no. Really,
that's-that's not...

No, no. Tell me more.

Well, you'd have to start
immediately, of course,

because we've
already set the date.

We did?

MICHAEL: Well, sure. I mean,

you pushed for it yesterday,
and I thought you were right,

so I reserved the church.

And the soonest they
can get us in is two weeks.

- Really? That soon?
- JANE: Michael,

I'm sure Alex has enough

on his plate running
a national company.

I would be honored to make
something that special for Jane.

Of course I'll do the dress.

That is great!

Okay, then, it's all settled.

Oh, my God, I didn't
realize the time.

I got to go.

Where are you going?

MICHAEL: A medical
convention. I told you.

You didn't tell me about
a medical convention.

Oh, sure I did.

My plane leaves in an hour.

Yeah, I got to hustle.

When are you coming back?

Um, in a couple of days.

You two have fun while I'm gone.

JANE: Mic...




Hmm. Uh...

do you want to go over
some-some marketing ideas

for the spring line?

Why don't I measure
you for the wedding dress?

- Oh, we can do that any time.
- ALEX: Oh, if the wedding's

as soon as Michael says it
is, shouldn't we hop right on it?

Yeah. You're right.

Yeah. Let me, uh...

I'll go get the...
the tape measure.

JANE: Here you go.

- Get those, uh, vital statistics.
- Yeah.

Oh, you probably have
to take your shirt off.

(laughs) I'm sorry.

This is, uh... making
me really uncomfortable.

Well, Jane, it was Michael's
idea for me to design the dress.

I just want to do it right.

I know.

I, uh... It's... (laughs)

It's just that...

we-we obviously once had
feelings for each other, and

we were young and starting out,

and we'll always
have that connection.

But I love Michael,
and I'm marrying him.



- Okay.
- (Alex laughs)

- Let's do the fitting.
- Okay.


(Jane laughs)

(metal rattling)

What was that?

I don't know.

Yeah. Wind must
have blown this over.

(door closes)


(door opens)


Sorry to disappoint you,
Petey, but Amanda's not here.

I sent you the note.


So... what are we doing, huh?

Pistols at paces?

No. I just thought we'd
have a little conversation.

Clear the air.

And what would you
like to converse about?

Oh... I don't know.

Guess how we feel
about each other.

Kind of... a game.


Well, I think you're great.

No. I mean, what we
really think about each other.


You mean that a real man

would have given that
girl Eve a second chance,

as opposed to handling it
like a gutless swine? Salud.

KYLE: No, more like,

I think you're an
effete, spineless snob

who makes his living
off other people's pain.


Your turn.

Okay... macho,
low-life mouth-breather.

You don't deserve a
woman like Amanda.

No, no, pal.

You reached your
high-water mark with Taylor.

No. No, I-I still don't think
you quite grasp the concept.

No. L-Listen,
it's more like this.

(Peter bangs glass on bar)

I can't fathom how you get up

and you look at yourself
in the mirror every morning.

I hate you,

and I hate the fact that
you're always slinking around.

Here you go.

Get another shot.
(clears throat)

(Kyle bangs glass on table)

So we're gonna get
personal here, hmm?

- All right.
- (liquor pouring)

Remember when I snuck
in, looking for the kidnappers?

(Peter puts bottle on bar)

I was looking for that
missing journal page.

Now, I'm not sure
what's in it, Mr. Marine...

but I'll bet it's something about
how much Amanda loves me.

And she just can't bear
to throw that entry away,

because she wants to read it


and over and over.

(glass breaking)

I could k*ll you right
now, you know that.

Does that mean
that I win the game?

(door closes)

(glass breaking)

AMANDA: Hey. Don't
take this the wrong way,

but Kyle mentioned that
you asked Megan out,

and the point is, I don't
like you chasing after her.

And you're asking me this why?

I mean, is this a family issue,

a business issue
or a building issue?

All of the above.
She's in tight with Lexi.

All she has to do is
steal one great idea

lying around your
apartment, we lose a client.

Let me just say this...
Nobody tells me who to see.

Okay? Not my
boss, not my brother,

and definitely not
my sister-in-law.

So, with all due respect,

I would appreciate
you backing off.

I didn't get where I
am by backing off.

But I will take your
position under advisement.

(laughs): What is that
supposed to mean?

You gonna ask Kyle for help?

Kyle doesn't run my business.

And he doesn't run my life.

And neither do you.

(door opens)

- (door closes)
- (gasps, pants)

- Well, well, look at you.
- (groaning)

She kicked you out,
didn't she? I told you.

I knew this would happen if
you kept acting like an idiot, hm?

She did not throw me out.

As a matter of fact,
I'm hiding out here,

pretending to be at
a medical convention.

Oh, God. I'm almost
afraid to ask why.


Well, it's all part of the plan.

I spied on them,

both of them, at the
beach house last night,

until that rat finally left.

- And they did it?
- Well, not exactly,

but they're gonna do
it, and when they do it,

- I'm gonna catch 'em.
- Michael, why are you doing this?

Because I love her, that's why.

- (door opens)
- JANE: Hello?

(whispers): That's Jane!

Don't tell her I'm here.

JANE: Is anybody around?

(laughs): Jane! Hi!

- Oh, hi, Peter.
- Hi.

You don't happen to know
where Michael is, do you?

Michael, hmm, no.

No, not exactl...

You look stunning today, Jane.

Oh. Thank you. Well, he ran
off to a medical conference,

and he didn't leave me
a number or anything

where I could reach him.

Really? Well, that's unusual.

Well, he'll-he'll probably call.

He usually calls, doesn't he?

- Yeah.
- Well, he'll probably call.

Oh, you know what, there must be

- an itinerary on his desk or something.
- Uh...

(Jane sighs)

Uh, so, Jane, so tell me
about this Alex character.

He's just an old friend. Why?

- What did Michael say?
- Oh, nothing. Just-just whatever

was in Matt's journal, that
you had an affair with him

a long time ago.


I did.

And I feel horrible about it.

But it happened eight years ago,

and I had no idea it was
gonna affect him like it has.

I was just trying to be honest

so that we could
start with a clean slate.


I don't know what to do.

He won't believe me, that my...

my feelings for Alex are over.

I just love Michael so much,

and I want to get
it right this time.

Well, he's lucky to
have a girl like you.

Well, I can't find
anything in this mess.

Oh, well, if he calls
in for his messages,

I'll tell him you're
looking for him.

Thanks, Peter. I'll be
working at the house all day.

PETER: Okay. Good to see you.

- Bye.
- Bye.

(door closes)

Well, uh, are you satisfied?

No, I'm not satisfied.

Did you hear that
pause in her voice?

When she mentioned
her feelings for Alex?

- Pause?
- That was a pregnant pause.

She obviously cares
deeply for the guy,

but wants to spare me
the pain of those feelings.

And she is not gonna
get away with that.

(door opens)

(door closes)

This is the fax, if
you want to read it,

but basically, Intertech
cancelled our account

as of : New York time.

And Face Works
confirmed that Lexi Sterling's

been after them to jump ship.

(Ryan chuckling)

Lexi somehow got
ahold of my client list.

You gave it to her, didn't you?

Interested in hearing my denial?

It wouldn't make any difference.

I'm cutting anyone who I
can't trust a hundred percent.

So I will make it
short and sweet.

You're fired.


Y-You're joking.

Is that what it
looks like to you?

It looks like I'm being lynched.

This is not a court
of law, it's a business.

If you haven't figured
out the difference by now,

maybe you should
go back to school.

Oh, I know the difference.

I've also been around long
enough to smell a setup,

and this one stinks.

Nice knowing you.


Ryan. What brings you to
Sterling-Conway Enterprises, hm?

I have a confidential
matter that I need to discuss.

Could you give us
a minute, Megan?

Oh, by all means. I, uh...

wouldn't want to
interrupt anything.

- We still on for drinks later?
- Yeah, we'll see.

Amanda just fired me for
selling you her client list.

And you know
that I didn't do it.

- Aw. Life can be so unfair.
- Not that I wouldn't

do something like that
under the right circumstances.


And what might those be?

Well, if I were to...

slip into the captain's
chair, as it were...

Which reminds me, you do
still have an opening, don't you?

(clears throat) I don't know.

I mean, what do I need you for

when I already have a
mole in Amanda's agency?

Can your mole get you these?

(Lexi clears throat)

Detailed marketing strategies.

You're right.

No secretary can get
me this kind of info.

Well, that would depend
on the secretary, wouldn't it?

Some personal assistants
take more initiative than others.

And have I taken
enough initiative

to warrant being hired?

You're not exactly ready
for the captain's chair,

but I think I can slip
you in somewhere.

Can you be here
tomorrow at : ?

I'll be here at : .

(door opens)

Oh, Peter, I'm-I'm...

glad you're still here.

Um, how's Eve coming along?

Oh, she's doing fine.

I'm getting ready
to discharge her.

Oh, good. I was on
my way to offer her

an apartment in the building.

Oh, that's so nice.

You feeling guilty
about firing her?

No. I am not the one
who let her go; Kyle did.

Oh, Kyle did. Oh.

Did Kyle tell you
about last night?

Of course he did; we
tell each other everything.

- That's not what I hear.
- Oh, you think

there's something
he's not telling me?

Or maybe something
you're not sharing with him.

Would you just tell
me what happened?

We had a couple
of drinks, and...

well, he lost control,
threatened to k*ll me,

you know, his usual.

He thinks the missing journal
page is about me and you.

He thinks you know all about it.

WOMAN (over P.A.):
Dr. Burns, . Dr. Burns...

I think he's right.

I just came by to see
how you were doing.



guess we're both survivors.

But if you want to do
more than just survive,

you've got to do something

about this hair.


(brakes squeak quietly)

(grunts, yells)


I'm sorry to bother you
this late with work, Alex.

- It's no problem.
- Just, I thought maybe

we could go over some things
on the spring ad campaign.

- (sighs) Amanda actually...
- Jane, Jane, I know you.

This isn't about work.

What's wrong?

(Jane sighs)

It's Michael.


I think he's having
an affair with Megan.

Megan... that's
one of his ex-wives?


He just, he left town.

He... he hasn't called, he
didn't leave me a number.

I'm pretty sure Peter
was covering for him.

Jane, I'm so sorry.

If there's anything I can do...

It's useless.


How can I marry Michael if
I'm already suspicious of him?

I don't think you can.

I just don't want
to lose him again.

I'm sure there's some
innocent, rational explanation

to all this.

(crickets chirping)

(dog growling)

(vicious barking, growling)

(growls, barks)

Shh. Shh, shh.

It just seems so much
like the old Michael.

You know, I...

(wry laugh) I thought
we were past all that.

I thought we were... moving on.

Well, it sounds like Michael's
moving on without you.

But I'm not.


I love you, Jane, and I want you

to be with me from now on.

Alex, I... I can't.

- I couldn't. I...
- You came here

for a reason tonight,
because you knew

this is where you could come.

I came here because
I-I needed a friend,

I wanted to talk.

You wanted more than that.

You wanted to be heard...

and touched.

You are way off base here.

I don't think so.


MICHAEL (quietly): Hey, buddy.

Got a little, uh, pit
bull in you, don't you?

- (nervous laughing, coughing)
- (barking)

Ah, I got an idea... Let's
see if this works, okay?

Huh? Want to go get
it? Yeah, go ahead, boy!

- Go get it!
- (barks)

- Stupid mutt.
- ALEX: Wait, please? I'm sorry.

- This is just...
- It was a bad idea.

- I'm sorry if I've been leading you on.
- No, you haven't.

It's just... let Michael go.

I can give you
everything he can't.

- But I love him.
- No, you don't, you just think you do,

but I am the only man who
loves the Jane you are today,

right now.

That's why you love me.

I know you do, you
can't say you don't.

See, I'm right.

(car door closes, engine starts)


You keep it.


I fired you yesterday
if I'm not mistaken.

You did, and I wanted to give
you a little going away present.

I know who your company spy is.

Why don't we go into your
office for a little privacy?

Julie, would you grab
me a cup of coffee?

What kind of game
are you playing?

I didn't want you to leave
with any false impressions.

And how did you come by
this classified information?

Hmm, that's classified.

Here you go.

Ah, thanks, and, uh, Julie,

one more thing.

You gave Lexi our
client list, didn't you?

What? No, of course not,
I mean, I would never...

You also told Lexi about
Amanda sending me to get

the soap account so she could
send Megan to try to scoop us.

Wh-Who said that?

It's not a matter of who said.

I can prove it.

No, no, I mean, it
wasn't like that, really.

Forget it, Julie, you're busted.

I'm so sorry, Amanda,

it's just that I couldn't turn
down that kind of money.

Get out.

I hope you'll accept
my humble apology.

"Humble" isn't exactly a
word that suits you, Amanda.

Okay, then get back
to work, McBride.

I'm not paying you to
stand around loafing.

Hmm, am I to understand

that means you're
offering me a raise?

I guess I am.

Your own office, too.

Hmm, I can live with that.

Those documents are worthless.

They're ten years old.

Oh, my mistake.

Honey, your mistake was
making me your enemy.

Well, they say a man's greatness

is defined by the
greatness of his enemies.

(scoffs) Don't flatter yourself.

Honey, wipe your
nose and come with me.

You're on my payroll now, huh?

Oh, the Wicked Witch.

Come to collect your little spy?

I wouldn't turn my
back on her if I were you.

Hmm, you know, Amanda,

I notice that employees
are a lot more trustworthy

when you treat them
with an ounce of respect.

Well, if you had an
ounce of respect in you,

it'd die of loneliness.

If I need some advice
about loneliness,

I'll be sure to call you.



Hey, stranger, welcome home.

Hey, how's it going?


Oh, you look tired.

Oh, just a little
hungover, I guess.

Oh, you go out
drinking last night?

No, no, I, I just stayed
here, worked into the night.

Guess I didn't realize how
much wine I had till it was too late.

Oh, well, you
know what they say.

Time flies when you're having,
um, whatever you were having.

(Jane laughs)

So, how'd the convention go?

Fine, fine.

You know, I, uh, I just
kept thinking about Alex.

What about Alex?

Well, you know, will he ever
get the dress done on time,

or, uh, does he
need more fittings?

Everything's right
on schedule, Michael,

just like your little
trips out of town.

Oh, and what is that
supposed to mean?

You tell me.

No, you tell me.

When can I ever
tell you anything?

When we trusted
each other, that's when.

(Michael groans)

(door closes)

I'm not saying that
she doesn't have talent.

Look, everyone deserves
a second chance.

Which is why I'm going to
give her a second chance,

sweetheart, I'm just saying
that I don't have high hopes.

Right, after you.

(indistinct chatter)

Oh, my God.

Look at this place; it's huge.

Check out this living room.

All right, so we could
entertain in here.

I was hoping for something
a little more intimate, actually,

and don't forget,
if it's not perfect,

the deal's off, we
go back to plan "A."

Yeah, but that means that
we save for one more year.

Well, that shouldn't
be too hard,

since Peter found the ransom.

Yeah, an-and wasn't that a
convenient little magic trick?

Wait, don't tell me that
your nose is still out of shape

because Peter found our cash.

It's just starting
to piss me off.

I mean, come on, here we
are, we're trying to get away

from the courtyard, and
whose name pops up?

Peter Burns.

Well, that's interesting because
you're turning into Peter...

Petty, jealous, going
behind my back.

- Going behind your back how?
- Peter told me

about the little bar fight
you had the other night.

Did Peter also tell you
that he broke into our place

to look for that
missing journal page?

Oh, I can't believe you
are still talking about that.

It was a secret
about him, wasn't it?

Look at you... You're
still trying to protect

your ex-husband,
and it's making me sick.

I'll send you a get-well card.

(indistinct chatter)


- (door opens)
- Man.

(music playing)

♪ Wonder where
is my place in life ♪

♪ Looking everywhere ♪

♪ Turn around and
the road is gone ♪

♪ I'm lost and a little scared ♪

♪ And I... ♪

- Hi.
- Hi.

- God, y-you look, you look great.
- Thank you.

You want to go downstairs,
maybe grab some dinner?

Yeah, maybe, um,
there's something

that I, uh, I want you
to know about me first.


oh, please don't
tell me you're a guy.

No, this isn't funny.

- Oh.
- (laughs)

Um... I like you.

You seem nice.

I like you, too.


Okay, here goes.


I used to be a
professional woman.

Right, and you're, you're
not living up to your potential.

No, I mean the
oldest profession.

♪ I will be strong... ♪

I was a call girl.


Yeah, oh.

No, it's, uh, that's... it's,
it's color... it's colorful.

Colorful, right.

You see, I had this
pattern where, um,

when I would feel empty I
would fill the void with some guy,

and I can't do that anymore.

I have to, uh...

make myself whole,
heal on my own...

and then hope

that the right guy will come
along and either love me or not.

He will.

Anyway, maybe, um,
we should just skip dinner

and you can sleep on this,
let me know how you feel.


♪ Open your heart ♪

♪ And cast the first stone ♪

♪ And I will be strong ♪

♪ I will be strong ♪

♪ I will be strong... ♪



I want to apologize.

No, you know what? Forget it.

No, I shouldn't have
exploded like that.

No... yeah, but I was
way out of line, too.

Yo, you were right about Eve.

She looks great,
she sounds fantastic.

I want to, I want to
promise you something

and I want you to
promise me something.


I promise that I don't know

where any missing
journal page is.

I don't have any
secrets about Peter or,

or anyone, I swear.

You believe me?

I do.

And will you promise
never to bring this up again?


I promise.

Well, then, this
is where it ends.

Whatever the secret
was, it died with Matt.

(Eve singing)

♪ I... will be ♪

♪ I... ♪

♪ Will be ♪

♪ Strong... ♪

♪ Hey, yeah ♪

♪ I will be ♪

♪ Strong. ♪


(cheering and applause)

(Peter laughs)

Congratulations, you were great.

I couldn't have done
this without your help.

I don't know how to thank you.

Oh, please, you don't
have to thank me.


Um, excuse me.


It's a full moon.

Beautiful, isn't it?

I told someone about our secret

years ago, and he
wrote it in his journal.

But he's dead now
and I tore the page out.

I'll never tell another soul.

What about Kyle?

Don't you tell him everything?

No, not this.

I told him there
were no more secrets.

Thank you for all
the years that you...

For everything.