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07x25 - They sh**t Blanks, Don't They?

Posted: 04/26/22 09:25
by bunniefuu
MICHAEL: Now, that
was worth waiting for.

JANE: Oh, and
worth coming home to.

(Michael laughs softly)

You know, they say I
have the hands of a healer.


Oh, that reminds me, how's
your sprained ankle doing?

Oh, it's okay, I guess.

Maybe you ought to
keep me in bed all day,

just to be on the safe side.

You know what,
that's a great idea.

You stay here and you don't
move, and you order lunch in.

Oh. Hey! Hey, hey,
hey. Where you going?

Oh, I got a breakfast
meeting with my lawyer.

Why? I thought
you were exonerated

of all sexual
harassment charges.

Uh, yeah, I was,
but in the process,

my reputation got
dragged through the mud,

and, as a doctor, you know,
reputation is very important,

so I'm countersuing.

Oh, no, Michael,
that's a terrible idea.

A mistake was
made, it-it's over.

Oh, that's easy for you to say,

no one's every
questioned your morals.

Honey, forget about it.

Move on.

Move on? Jane, this lawsuit
can solve our financial crisis.

Besides which, all
anybody's gonna remember

about these sex charges

is that I probably
did something wrong

and that I probably
covered it up.

Well, Michael
Mancini is not a crook,

and I'm gonna prove it.

(door opens)


EVE: Peter?

You hopeless romantic,
are you making me break...

"Sorry about breakfast.

"Drove Amanda to
see Kyle at rehab.

How about a nice
dinner tonight?"


Baby, hi.

- Morning.
- Oh.

How are things?

Good, uh, good.

How are you doing? Are you okay?

I can't complain. I-I just
stopped by to see you.

I'm so glad you did, I
wanted to see you, too.

- But, I, uh...
- What?

I-I have to get to my
therapist in about five minutes.

Oh, well, I won't keep you.

I just wanted to, um,

be here for you, give
you someone to talk to.

Well, that I got.
That's all we do here.

We talk and then we
talk and we keep talking.


Well, what do you talk about?

Besides me, I mean,
and our relationship.


you know what, I'd rather
not get into that right now.

Is there something you
don't want me to know?

No, just, you know,
stuff that I'm working out.

That you're keeping from me.

You know what, I'm-I'm
gonna get to my session, okay?

Wait, because I'm
the problem, right?

It's my fault you
can't let me down,

so you just shut me out.

I-I didn't say that.

You didn't have to.

Okay, you want the truth?

You are exactly right.

Baby, I can't let you down.

That's why I didn't want
you to come here today.


I know the way out.

Let's go.

I take it it didn't
go very well.

Coming here was a stupid idea.

He's closed off and
he's very hostile.

Well, everybody handles
therapy differently.

Not everybody talks.

Some experience
it and process it.

You know, I am little sick of
your well-meaning support.

Well, you weren't
very sick of it last night

when I saved you
from being r*ped.

I thanked you last night.

Now, I suppose I'm
gonna hear about it

- (alarm chirps)
- any time I ask you for a favor.

You want to know what
your problem is, Amanda?

(sighs) Do tell.

Somebody else was
in charge last night.

Somebody else is in
charge inside that building.

You just can't stand
not being in control.

And you have a cure
for my problem, Doctor?

Yeah, I think I do.

For once in your
life, just once, let go.

And for once in your life,
Peter, shut up and drive.




♪ You're a temptress ♪

♪ You're a charlatan ♪

♪ You're happy at good-bye ♪

♪ And I think you
made me crazy ♪

♪ For the rest of my life ♪


♪ And I think you
must be mental ♪

♪ But your delivery shines ♪

♪ In film school,
you're a prodigy ♪

♪ You attend your
lectures high... ♪

Well, that was a
grueling experience.


Yeah, I hate it when
nearly naked women

- rub me with oil - Mmm.

In a tropical paradise.

Hey, wait a minute, there's
a good idea for a slogan.

"Adventures in Paradise."

Isn't that a book?
And a TV show?

No, no, no.

No, the guy said he wants
something new and unusual

in a marketing slogan.

How about "Skin Surfers"?

I don't think he
wanted an R rating.

All right, I got an idea.

I'm gonna just throw
out an activity to you

and you tell me
just the first thing

that comes to
your mind, all right?

Like, um, parasailing.



Okay, hiking.

Getting lost.

I don't think this
is a good idea.

I mean, we represent
different companies.

We shouldn't be
working together.

(chuckles) Working?

Honey, you call this working?

We're swimming, we're
fishing, we're hiking.

It's more like sleepaway
camp, with sex.

(Lexi chuckles)

BOTH: Single's camp.

I knew that was gonna happen.

We come up with a
great idea together,

now who's gonna run with it?

I don't know, you could take it,

and I can come up with
something else or vice versa?

Or we could
develop it in tandem.

Oh, yeah, and just,

uh, have Amanda
Woodward Advertising

merge with Sterling-Conway?

I don't think so.

Well, why don't we just,
um, flesh it out together

and then flip a coin, hmm?

See who owns it.

Winner takes all.

Mmm, I don't think
that's such a good idea.

What, you don't think you
could rise to the challenge?

You're on.



Changed your mind
about leaving, I hope.

No, I just wish I'd quit sooner.

That way I could be
working at a hip club by now.

Where do you want me
to send your last check?

Well, you see Peter so often,

why don't you
just give it to him?

You're jealous?

That's where this
is coming from?

He drives you off to
some personal melodrama,

and I get nothing
but a crummy note.

What is that about?

It-it's about a friend
helping a friend.

Meaning what?

You're gonna keep
big, strong Peter around

to protect you, just in case
Rikki G shows up again?

I don't even know you anymore.

You know who I am... I'm
somebody who doesn't have to toy

with somebody else's husband

because I can't make
it work with my own.

You're gonna have to do a
lot better than that, Amanda.

(chattering, laughter)

Yeah, with any luck, I
should be home tomorrow.

You must be exhausted.

Lexi said your trip's
been nothing but work.

Yeah, it's pretty intense.
I'm getting a lot done, though.

So, what do you
think your chances are

of winning the campaign?

Mmm, I'd say fifty-fifty.

Yeah? That's
exactly what Lexi said.

I miss you.

Yeah, me, too.

I better get going, though.
You know, I got a lot to do.

Back to the salt mines.

Mm-hmm. Back to the salt mines.

Um, all right, so I'll
see you tomorrow.

I love you.

Yeah, me, too. Bye.

(dial tone drones)

You know, this is the best damn
campaign I've ever come up with.

I mean, we have come up with.

Think we'll beat
the competition?

Oh, no question.

Hell, there's nothing
left to do but, um,

turn it in and claim our prize

at the award breakfast
tomorrow morning.

Uh, there's still that small
matter of deciding who owns it.

Yeah. You know, I just
think it's just so arbitrary

to decide over a coin toss.

- Well, that was your idea.
- I know.

I know, but don't you
want to fight for it? Hmm?

Decide on the basis
of a real contest?

Come on, we'll, uh, test
our mettle against each other.

What did you have in mind?

A little duking it out or, uh,

triathlon, or maybe...
a drinking match?

Well, you know, it is Mexico,

and, uh, I do believe that
tequila is the official drink

of single's resorts everywhere.

You wouldn't stand
a chance, Lexi.

Try me.



Room Service, please.

% agave, straight sh*ts?

Whatever. You've already lost.

(door opening)

- (door closing)
- Peter, is that you?

Not exactly.

Audrey, what are you doing here?

We cannot be seen
together like this.

I'm in the middle of a
lawsuit against the hospital.

But I miss you.

And I just saw To
Have and Have Not

at the Nuart, and, you know,

I was just feeling kind
of Lauren Bacall-ish.

Well, have not
tonight, okay? I'm busy.

Now, let's go...

You back with your
wife again, Michael?

Well, yes, we
are living together.

But only because she
has a medical condition.

Boy, this doctoring thing really
runs deep in you, doesn't it?

Well, absolutely, you know?

Easing pain is not just
a way to do business.

Now, listen, as soon
as I get that settlement

from the hospital, then
you'll get your cut, okay?

- Oh, that's terrific, Michael.
- (chuckles)

But, you know what,

I'm gonna need just a little
something to tide me over.

A little something like you.

So, just put your lips together.

Audrey, you know what,

this is really fun, but
it's also a really bad idea

because Jane's gonna
be here any minute,

and if she catches us together,

it could ruin our whole
wrongful termination scam.


But as soon as that
settlement comes in,

I expect to do a little
celebrating with you.

- Actually, a lot of celebrating.
- Mm-hmm.

And, you know what, honey?

I'll have bells on.


WOMAN (over
phone): Erwich Center.

Yes, hello.

Um, may I speak
with Kyle McBride?

WOMAN: Who is calling?

This is his wife.

Uh, can you hold?

Yeah, I'll hold.

PETER: Eve, I'm home!

I come bearing gifts.

"Sorry about dinner.

"Hope you had a
good time with Amanda.

Maybe I'll see
you for breakfast."

WOMAN (on phone): Hello?

Oh. Yeah, hello, um...

WOMAN: He's not answering.

Oh, he's not in his room?

WOMAN: No, do you
want to leave a message?

No, um, no message.

Thank you.

We haven't seen
you around before.

This your first time?


Well, it's number six for me.

Give me a special rate, now.

I don't plan on making
any return visits.

No, neither did I.

It's kind of worked out, though.

I get a couple weeks
of peace and quiet,

and my old lady
loves it when I detox.


Why is that?

Well, I'm out of the way.

She get a lot of
sympathy from her...

"I told you so" girlfriends,

gets a little nookie

- from her old smart-ass boyfriend...
- Shut up.

I come home and
everybody's happy.

I said, shut up!

Hey, hey, hey, easy!

I'm not talking about your life.

LEXI: Down, that's
all I have to say.

You are going down.

- RYAN: No.
- Oh, my goodness.

- No one's going down.
- I need a little bit of air.

No one's going down.

♪ No one's going
down, down, down. ♪

Hey, hey.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Back to the salt mines.
- (laughs)

Wait a minute, I got it.

Let's change our slogan.

Let's change it from
"The Single's Camp"

to "The Drinking Camp."

- Mmm.
- Uh-huh?

- Mm-hmm.
- That's good...

A health resort.

But people don't
come for the waters,

they come for the boozes.

- Hey, yeah!
- (laughs)

Boy, all this talk about
water's making me thirsty.

- Drink some juice.
- I'm j...


I think I better go.

Yeah, yeah.


Uh, that's a good idea.

Oh, boy.


uh, wait.

You, um...

Hey, wait, that's
the wrong door.

And we still haven't
decided who owns the idea.

- Oh.
- (laughs)

What are you
doing in the closet?

Hey, come on in.

It's really very cozy in here.

And they got good juice.


Ryan, you know what
I used to do at camp?

Oh, mm-mm.

PETER: No, her name is Burns.

She might be
going, uh, by Cleary.

WOMAN (on phone):
All right, I'll check Cleary.

You're home. Where you been?

- Out. Didn't you get my note?
- Out?

I've been calling hospitals
all night long, looking for you.

Yeah, well, you
should've tried the clubs.

: a.m.?

Tell me, please, w-w-what
clubs do you go to at : a.m.?

I was playing a gig
with my old band.

You know, the one
you had Amanda fire

because it was
a little bit too hip?

Oh, right, right, that one.

I guess that's why you
missed your appointment

with your parole officer.

Oh, God, I forgot I was
supposed to see him yesterday.

PETER: This is great, really.

I mean... this is just great.

You're gonna have
to help me here,

because I don't know
what to do, okay?

This is all very new to me.

Am I supposed to lie for you?

Is that, is that what I do here?

Don't do this to me again.

Oh, Peter, get over yourself.

This is about my
parole appointment.

No, you mean parole violation.

I'm just gonna go call him.

Why don't you go
and meet with him?

Or do you want to
go back to prison?

Is that what you want?

Yeah, that's exactly
what I want to do.


Why are you doing this?


I'm gonna go call Greg
from the other room

and then I'm going to bed.

Maybe I'll see you later.

(door closes)

(door opens)

¡Dios mio!

(Lexi groans)


Oh, my God, where are we?

Turn down the sunshine.


Oh, my God, what time is it?

What time zone is it?

Oh, we forgot about the banquet.

Come on, I think
we can still make it.

We're gonna miss the deadline.

Hurry up.


All right, come on.

(grunts) Here, take that.

(camera shutter clicking)


Okay, that'll do it.

We missed it, didn't we?

Oh, I think there's some
flan left on the buffet table

if you hurry.

It was the tequila.

It was vacation rules.

It was really stupid.


So what do we do now?

Pack up and go home, I guess.

Uh, mum's the
word on this, right?

I mean...

Oh, yeah.

(clears throat) So, you, you
going home on the : flight?

I'm booked on
the : , actually,

so, uh, I guess I'll
see you back in L.A.

Yeah, right.


Mm-hmm, bye.

(door opens)

What is this?

Looks like a lawsuit.

Yes, and why?

The harassment charges
have been dropped,

you've gotten your license back.

You smeared my good
name with innuendo.

I may never get
another decent job.

You've got your privileges
at Wilshire Memorial again

with back pay.

Yes, but it's a hostile work
environment there now.

Thank God this country has

a court system that
protects victims like me.

You know, Michael, I've helped
you every step of the way here.

Well, you want to help?

Settle out of court.

How much?

$ million by end
of day tomorrow.

That's crazy.

It'll cost you at
least that much

in lawyers' fees
just to fight it.

Now, I suggest that
you go back to the board

to hash this out before
I get really insulted.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(indistinct chatter)


Oh, all dressed up,
only one table setting?

Looks like a cry
for company to me.

(chuckles) You wish.

(chuckles) No, no, no, that was
merely a professional opinion.


And frankly I don't
hold any grudges

over the way you once
sexually manipulated me.




Visconti, uh, you tried
to jump in my pants.

I think you're alone tonight

because most men run
away when you talk like that.


Yeah, most men run away
when I talk like anything.

Then I suggest you
change your approach

a-and go for a
different kind of man.

I-I mean, forget the
Coops and the Peters.

Go for the, um, shy,
perspiring, yet tender type.

Hmm, so we are talking
about you lusting after me.

No, Lexi, but, as a
Zen master once said,

to catch a butterfly, you
must wait with an open hand.


I'm ready, Louis.

(Visconti chuckles)

(clears throat)

(knocking on door)


- Hey.
- Welcome back.


Oh, I missed you.

It's good to be home.

Oh, thank you.

You know, you're
just in time for dinner.

I want you to tell
me all about it.

All about what?

About Passion
Island Incorporated.

Did you win the
account or did Lexi?

Oh, oh, let's not talk
about Passion Island.

There's something
I have to tell you.


I wanted to call you,
but Amanda said not to.

Um, Kyle had a
breakdown, he's in rehab.

What, re-rehab, what happened?

I don't know all the details.

Oh, my God.



You looking for Eve?

She won't be home till late.

- How late?
- Breakfast.

Oh, she's fighting
with you, too, huh?

She's singing at
some after-hours club;

I told her not to.

I don't know where it is.

Well, actually,
that's why I'm here...

To double her salary if she'd
stay with the house band.

Oh, how nice.

Well, if I see
her, I'll tell her.

Um, I wanted to
apologize to you, too,

for yelling yesterday when
you drove me to see Kyle.

How kind.

(Amanda sighs)

Come on in, we can cry
on each other's shoulder.

Well, I can't even
connect with Kyle,

and he's obviously avoiding me.

Well, Eve's avoiding
me and her parole officer.

Oh, that's not good.

I mean, you and I can
work things out with her.

What is it about us, huh?

Do we drive people
we love to the brink

or do we have impossibly
high expectations?

What is it?

Oh, this is a very
depressing conversation.

(crickets chirping)

So, Kyle's in rehab?

What, you thought it
wasn't important enough

- to tell me?
- Uh, you were a thousand miles away.

Mm-hmm, yeah, they
have phones there, Amanda.

Ryan, your brother has a
problem; he's getting it fixed.

There was no need to call.

There was nothing you
could do about it, anyway.

Well, you're sure doing
something about it, aren't you?

Getting cozy with
your ex-husband.

And where's your
wife tonight, Doctor?


(door slams)

(Amanda exhales)

And where are you going?

I'm gonna find Eve, to keep
her from ruining everything.

Just... make yourself at home.

WOMAN: Amanda
Woodward Advertising.

Yeah, hi. Is Amanda there?

Uh, of course she is; she
never leaves this early.

Actually, she did go.

But if this is Dr. Burns, I
have a message for you.

Yeah, this is Dr. Burns.

Ms. Woodward says to
just stay at your apartment

and she'll meet you there.


Um... thanks.

I got the message.

WOMAN: Mm-hmm.

(handset clattering in cradle)

(loud rock playing)

♪ There's no doubt ♪

♪ Sold me out ♪

♪ What makes you
think that I don't know? ♪

♪ I see your lies ♪

♪ In your eyes ♪

♪ It's time to reap
the seeds you sow ♪

♪ I'll stand by you ♪

♪ That's what you said ♪

♪ But now you haunt me ♪

♪ To the end ♪

♪ I think I'm gonna ♪

♪ Explode ♪

♪ Out of my way ♪

♪ There's hell to pay ♪

♪ I'm beaten and ♪

♪ Black and blue ♪

♪ I'm taking control ♪

♪ I'm out of this hole ♪

- ♪ I'm beaten and black and... ♪
- (whistles blowing)

This place is...! Nobody move!

(panicked screaming, shouting)

(siren wailing)

Freeze! You're all under arrest!

This is an unlawful assembly!


OFFICER: Stop struggling!


Hey, I-I've been up all
night looking for her. I...

She's fine. A little
ragged, maybe.

She spent a few hours in lockup

for being at an
unlicensed rave club.

But I was able

to get charges dropped.

- Oh, thank God. Thank you.
- Look,

I let Eve walk,
because in my opinion

everybody deserves one chance.

But this was it.

Next time, it's straight back

to women's
correctional at Stockton.


- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.


Oh, Peter, I'm so sorry.

- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay, it's all right.

Just hope that you...

get this rebel thing
out of your system.


Is it, uh, too unladylike?

I mean, Amanda would
never be this wild, would she?

Or are you afraid I'm
just gonna embarrass you

at the next foundation dinner?

What are you doing here?

Who are you trying to
hurt, huh? Me? Amanda?

You know what, I
was going to tell you

that I was through
with the band,

I was through with
staying out all night,

but you know what, if you would
just much rather punish me...

You know what, you're
punishing yourself,

that's who you're punishing.

I thought you were here for me.

I am.

(whispers): But I'm afraid.

It feels like you're-you're...
you're risking all of this

to try to prove something.

I don't want to lose you.

You have a funny
way of showing it.

I came by last night, but, um, I
guess visiting hours were over.

They wouldn't let me in.

Yeah, we hit the sack
pretty early around here.

You know, I don't know
if I'm gonna be able

to stay up late enough to
run a club when I get home.

Kyle, I'm really sorry
I wasn't here for you.

I mean, I was
out of the country.

Nobody even told
me what happened.

Oh, no, hey, forget about it.

This is something that
I got to do on my own.

I just... I miss you guys.

I miss you, I miss Eve...

Amanda, of course.

- Yeah, Amanda.
- How's she doing?

Oh, she's great,
yeah. She misses you.

Oh, man. I feel so badly
about how I pushed her away

when she came to visit me.

Yeah, well, she's cool.

I mean, she
understands, you know?

She's... she's just
waiting for you.

We're all... we're all waiting
for you to come home.


Ryan, I have never
fallen this far before.

I feel like I let
everybody down.

No, man.

No, you haven't.

I mean, especially
Amanda. Especially now

that I'm out here
in the middle of...

(sighs) Oh, man, I don't even
know what I'm in the middle of.

I-I want you to
promise me something.

Name it.

Promise me that you will take
care of Amanda while I'm here.

I want you to swear.

Look, Kyle, I'll take care
of her... I swear, I promise.

I promise.



Ah, two million bucks...
That is very nice.

Now it would help if
you gave me an apology.

JANE: Michael, you
got what you wanted.

- You don't have to rub it in.
- Oh, yes, I do.


Fine, fine.

Oh behalf of the board, I
would like to formally apologize...

Oh, no, no, I want
a personal apology.

Oh, yeah, I feel very bad

that you didn't
believe my story, Peter.

- Michael, get over it.
- PETER: Jane, thank you.

Michael and I go
back a long way.

I think, um, I'm big
enough to say that I'm sorry.

Yes, you are big enough, Petey.

Now, let's hear it.


Atta boy. I accept.

Now, Jane, let's
get out of here.

This place holds so many
bad memories for me.

Michael, there's a few reporters
out in the nurse's station,

so... If you don't mind
going out the back,

I'd like to avoid any
unpleasant publicity.

You understand, buddy.

Sure. Why not?

(indistinct chatter nearby)

JANE: Honey,

- isn't the door that way?
- (clears throat)

Yeah, but everybody needs
their minutes of fame.

MAN: Dr. Mancini?

(reporters shouting questions)

- (knocking)
- LEXI: Hey. -RYAN: Hi.

Is, uh, Megan around?

I think she's caught
up in a meeting.

But come on in,
honey, I'll entertain you.

Oh, come on. That vacation thing

is over with, it's
back to the real world.

Ah, reliving old
heartburns, I see.

- (chuckles) Here, join me.
- I'd better wait for Megan.

She is my... dinner partner now.

Mm. You look upset.

What's bothering you?

- Nothing.
- Ryan, come on.

We're friends now, right?

Sealed with a... Well, we both
know what it was sealed with.

That was an
accident, Lexi, okay?

We never should
have... done what we did.

Yeah, okay. So stipulated.

Now, come on, why
don't you tell Mama Lexi

what's bothering you, hm?

Well, um...

well, it's just I've
never been comfortable

with Peter living
so close to Amanda.

You know, the
whole spousal thing?

Well, last night, those two
were getting very friendly.

I mean, maybe it's
just paranoid, but,

uh, with Kyle in rehab?

Yeah. It's not...
paranoid, Ryan.

- Wh-What do you mean?
- Well, I went to this

fancy hotel, and I
saw the two of them

go to the front desk, get a key,

and walk up to a
room, arm in arm.

What?! Recently?

No, this was a
couple of weeks ago.

But, uh, Ryan, this
isn't anything new.

The two of them have had a
long, obsessive history together.

Like what? What are you saying?

I can't really talk about it.

But... I can only imagine

what went on up in that room.

I got to go.

Hey. Where are you going?
Aren't we having dinner?

Uh, something just
came up. I'm gonna have

to call you later. I'm sorry.


- Hi!
- Hey.

- Come on in. Guess what?
- Uh-huh.

I just got the lead in Baby Doll

- at the Bay City Theater.
- Oh! Mwa! Congratulations!

That's great.

You want to read the
Karl Malden part with me?

- Oh, no thanks. I, um...
- You want something to eat?

- Uh, no...
- Or just a drink?

No, really, I just came by
to give you a little something,

- if I could...
- Oh, good.

- (laughs) No.
- I like that.

Well, you... Oh, look at this.

You're gonna like
this even more. Huh?

That's a down payment
for a house or a nice car

or school tuition.

- Three hundred grand!
- Mm-hmm.



- Oh, Michael - Hey, hey!

This was the best
acting job ever!

- Audrey, Audr...
- (squeals)

You've already got the part.

Now, listen, listen, um...

Look, I-I never date actors,

and, um, I'm back with Jane now.

But you said you
were just with her

because of her
medical condition.

Right. Well, I thought about it,

and, uh, it's not like you're
not a wonderful person,

because you are,
but, uh, she is my wife,

and, you know, family
values are important to me.

I thought I was
important to you.

Aw, come on, Audrey.

You're a great kid.

And I'm never gonna forget you.


Take care.

MEGAN: I just want
you to see these.

Um, oh, that's what
I'm talking about.

- That's great, Megan.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah. I love it.

How did, um, things go with you
and Ryan down at Passion Island?

Uh, pretty well, considering
we came home empty-handed.

Yeah, I'm surprised

neither one of you
landed the account.

Yeah, well, I guess the
competition was just too stiff.

Mmm. You know, I'm gonna sound

like an idiot for asking
you this, but, um,

did anything happen between
you and Ryan down there?

Oh, Megan, of course not.

Come on, I have
learned my lesson.

Why do you ask?

Well, I understand last night

Ryan heard about
Kyle and he ran out,

but then tonight
he comes by here

and he leaves immediately
and I just... I don't know,

I just don't know what's
going on with him, that's all.

Well, Megan, he's
probably really upset

about his brother
being in rehab.

You know, Ryan, he's...

he's one of those
old-fashioned kind of guys

who really cares about
the people he loves.

You're really lucky to have him.

I am lucky to have him,

and you know what, I'm lucky
to have you as a friend, too.

Thank you.

Oh, you.

Eve, you home?

- I want a word with you, Burns.
- What?

- The hell are you...
- I want you to stay away from Amanda.

Oh, not you, too.

Just get out of here, will you?

- When I'm done.
- Well, you're done now.

I'm expecting someone.

Oh, expecting Eve?

Or is it Amanda that
you're waiting for?

Look, I-I don't know where
you're coming up with this,

Ryan, but you're
way out of line.


I know all about your
affair with Amanda.

What affair?

- I know what I see, and I
also know about you two

getting the hotel
suite together.

Look, pal, I don't know what
you're talking about here...

- You don't know what I'm talking about?
- No, I don't.

You have an explanation
for everything, don't you?

Well, all I know is
my brother's in rehab

because you put him there.

To get him out the
way, I'm thinking.

Kyle is in rehab because
he's addicted to dr*gs.

dr*gs you prescribed for him

so he could relax because
he's sh**ting blanks.

He can't even
give his wife a child,

and you're gonna... you're
gonna move in on her?

I am not moving in on Amanda.

Yeah, well, you better
move away from her

or you're gonna
have me to deal with.

(phone ringing)

(door slams)


Peter, it's Amanda.

Um, is anyone
else there with you?

No, Amanda, I'm alone.

Oh, well, you are
not gonna believe this.

I just took a home
pregnancy test.

It's positive.

You're pregnant?

No, no, I, uh...

I wouldn't tell...

I wouldn't tell anybody
about this actually.

All right, well, um,

I'll meet you at the club then,

and we'll go to the
hospital together.

Great. I'll see you there.


Come in.

Excuse me, Mr. McBride,
your wife's here.

Send her in. Send her in.

Kyle, I...

Eve, what are you...

I'm sorry that I had
to lie my way in.

I-I had to see you.


I didn't know who
else to turn to. I'm...

It's okay. What's going on?

Peter and Amanda
are having an affair.

(laughs) No.

What, no way.

Well, that's what I
used to think, too.

Kyle, everybody has
seen them together.

Ryan, Lexi, even me.

So what? They're old friends.

It doesn't mean anything.

No, Peter's been obsessed
with Amanda for years.

Maybe he was just...
he was looking for a way

to push you out of the picture
so that he could have her.

I mean, he pushed you out
of the picture now, hasn't he?

He pushed you all
the way into rehab.

No, no, he is my friend,
okay? I have a drug...

I had a drug problem, for
God sakes, I mean, come on.

Which he got you started taking,

didn't he?

What are you saying?

Are you saying that he
set this whole thing up,

that he got me hooked
on dr*gs to send me here?

'Cause if I thought that
were true for one second...

Amanda's not completely

blameless here.

She had a thing for Peter
years before you came along.

I mean, she wouldn't be
the first woman in history

to sneak out the back alley.

You know, at least if I
were gonna cheat on you...

cheat on you... cheat on you...

No, Amanda...

Amanda loves me.

Yeah, well, guess what?
Amanda's pregnant.

It's got to be Peter's
child, since you can't...

You're sterile...
You're sterile...

You're sterile...

Amanda is pregnant?

Amanda and Peter are
making fools of both of us, Kyle.



Give me your keys.


Give me your keys.

Why? Why? Where are we going?

You, nowhere.

Me, to hell.

No, Kyle, wait.

Kyle, wait, talk to me about...

(sighs) You know, I
have really been thinking

about that thing that you
said to me the other night,

that whole butterfly
thing and the open hand.

Office hours are over, Lexi.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no,
I'm not here for any therapy.

I just...

I need you to, um,
speak more plainly.

All right, in that
case, please leave.

I'm going home.

(sighs) You know,
it's really hot in here.

What do you do, you
crank up the thermostat

and sweat the confessions
out of your patients?

You know, I-I don't think
you need to sit down.

Oh, don't worry, I'm
not gonna seduce you.

I just...

I just want to understand.

Well, only that you shouldn't
chase after men so much.

Let them come to you.

Yeah, but, what if they don't?

I mean,

I really get scared, you know?

I see all these
really lonely women

and they're walking
around, and I think to myself,

you know, they're just
not trying hard enough.

Or maybe they're
trying too hard.


sometimes walking away is
the sexiest thing you can do.

Nah, you just like
to watch my butt.

There is that.


But, um,

people don't like
to feel scared,

and when you come on
strong, some men run away.

Yeah, but, I mean,
if I walk away first,

you really think that
they're gonna follow me?

I think your hour's up.

Thank you, Louis.

I think I got a
handle on this now.

(clears throat)

You know, if there's any way
that I could return the favor.

Oh, yeah, I know.


I want to talk to
Dr. Burns. Where is he?

- He's not here right now.
- He's not at the apartment, either.

So he is either at the club

or he is here in this building,

somewhere; I want to
talk to him. Where is he?

Why don't you leave
him a message?

There's your message.

MICHAEL: Take it easy,
man. What's your problem?

- No problem.
- Call Security.

Everybody all right?

Yeah, yeah, we're okay.



I guess he's not
here, either, huh?

(busy signal)

Hey, any messages?

(phone rings)

Hey, Peter, I'm on my way.

No, it's-it's not Peter,
Amanda, it's-it's Michael.

Look, uh, Kyle is out of rehab.

What do you mean out of rehab?

He's also out of
control and he's looking

for Peter like he
wants to k*ll him.

Wait, what are
you talking about?

This isn't making sense.

Yeah, well, maybe not,
but I think he's heading down

to the club now and I
just hope Peter's not there.

AUDREY: We were
so good together.

Oh, Michael.


And in a reversal of a huge
sexual harassment lawsuit,

Dr. Michael Mancini
has just settled

with Wilshire Memorial
Hospital for two million dollars.

MICHAEL: Um, no, I have no
ill feelings toward the hospital.

I only hope that
this poor little nurse

who made all these false
accusations against me

will get the help she needs

to get her head screwed
on straight again.

REPORTER: Thanks for updating
us with the latest information

about the Wilshire
Memorial Hospital

sexual harassment lawsuit...

We'll see who gets screwed.

Why aren't you in rehab?

What the hell's the
matter with you?

You're sleeping with my
wife, and I am gonna k*ll you.

You've lost your mind!

I am not sleeping
with your wife.


Kyle, stop!


