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09x09 - Here Comes the Son

Posted: 04/26/22 10:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on nypd blue...

Connie mcdowell?
Yeah, that’s me.

Rita ortiz. I guess we’re
partnering up.

You are ruining my evening.
Get over here and sing!

Mrs. Hornby, I think we better
get a few things clear.

I want you to sing.

How much more clear
do I have to be?

I took this job
to protect you,

But obviously you’re looking
for a maid or a baby‐sitter.

Eddie didn’t have a problem
with it.

I’m not eddie. I don’t sing,
and I don’t fetch.


Who are you working with?

Connie mcdowell
and andy.

That so?

I figure work
with your kid,

Maybe you and me
get to hang out.

What’s with the bags?

You’re such a great detective.
Figure it out.

You don’t want to talk?

You staying at the 15th?

Then there’s nothing
to talk about.

You don’t think this
is taking it too far?

[ Door opens ]


Come on, guys.
What is this, a union meeting?

Let’s go. Huh?


Morning. No i. D.,
One in the head.

Two males, latino, mid‐20s.

One cracks on the head
and takes the cash.

The other went in back,

Then came out with the doa
throwing sh*ts.

The doa is a cop?

Not with a pearl‐handled g*n.

Have you talked to the pros?

Clark just started.

Mcdowell and ortiz
are doing a canvass.

Everybody just stay seated
and don’t chatter.

Nobody got a look
at the perps.

How many johns were there?

Uh, the doa, two others,
and this guy.

Mamasan didn’t recognize any of
the johns as regulars.

Yeah. Uh‐huh.

Hey, you, wake up.
You, sleepy ‐‐

What did you see here?

[ Slurring ]
I was getting a back massage.

Then what?

I hear, "pop, pop, pop,"

And I wake with a cop
poking me in the ribs.

Get a look at the guy
who did this?

I‐i gotta go home.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

A man died trying
to stop this robbery.

I think it deserves
clear thinking.

My car’s just out front.
Can I go?

Go back to sleep.

You give him back those keys,
it’s your ass.

Excuse me.

Get anything on the canvass?

Yeah. Esu found three wallets
under a car down the block.

One of them was the doa’s.

Mcdowell and ortiz ran them back
to the massage parlor ‐‐

See if the madam puts
the other two in the place.

Chief adis called.
In the last month

There’s been four massage‐parlor
rip‐offs in the bronx ‐‐

Same description on the perps,
same m. O.,

Same type of g*ns.
Anyone shot?

Ours would be
the first sh**ting.

5‐2’S coming down
to compare notes.

One of them’s your dad.

You got any problems with that?


They’re coming
to help on our case,

Or are we helping on theirs?

It’s your case, but you’re
working together.


If you got any problems,
let’s hear ’em now.

I’ll take it
in my office.

Our doa was a shopkeeper
with a p*stol permit.

Figure he got ripped off
in his room

And then chased the perp out
trading sh*ts.

The mamasan said one guy,
terrence olsen,

Was in the waiting room when
the sh**ting went down.

He’s a cardiologist in soho.

He was a d*ck on the phone,
but he’s coming in.

Robbery on baxter.

Connie, you and rita are up.
Greg, you and baldwin help out.

Let’s do it.

I’ll tell you in the car.

Have you got a minute?
It’s very important.

Yeah. In here.

First of all,

Mrs. Hornby wanted me to extend
her deepest apologies

If she offended you
in any way.

Tell her no big deal.

I don’t know exactly
what happened. I don’t care.

I’ll be the first to admit
she’s not the easiest woman
to get along with at times.

Look, it’s nice of you
to come down here, but, uh...

I think mrs. Hornby’s been
worrying about this a little
more than I have.

Second, mrs. Hornby would like
you to come back

And provide security.

No. No way.

She promises
it won’t happen again.

She’s better off with
somebody who entertains ‐‐

Somebody who can sing ‐‐
work with balloons, maybe.

I think you’re right.

But she feels more comfortable
with a detective in her home.

She won’t give me a moment’s
peace till I get you back.

Ask eddie gibson
for another referral.

She doesn’t want
to meet anyone else.

I tell you what‐‐
i’ll add $50 a shift.

That’s $250, which, I would like
to see you get anywhere else

For four hours of doing
basically nothing.

Yeah, ’cause my whole goal
in life, workwise,

Is to avoid as much work
as possible.

I apologize. $300.
That’s $600 a week ‐‐ cash.

I got a young son at home.

It’s not worth it to miss him
two nights a week.

Let me let you in
on a little secret.

Mrs. Hornby doesn’t have
any children.

Eddie worked for her for
a year and a half.

Eddie’s driving
a brand‐new suv.

Eddie is being treated by the
top oncologist in new york.

She cares about those
who are close to her.

Things a guy like eddie gibson
would do or would put up with

To get those kinds
of handouts, I wouldn’t.

So that’s not a big
selling point with me.

You can lead a horse
to water.

I got work to do.

When you realize your mistake
and call to the job back,

The offer will be back to $200.

Yeah. Go wait by your phone.

What do we got?

Burglary as*ault ‐‐

Two white males pose
as exterminators

And get into
this lady’s apartment.

One’s keeping her busy,

The other’s going through
her jewelry box.

She gets hit, starts screaming,
they book.

Where is she?


She’ll be all right.
Her vision’s going.

She couldn’t give us anything
for i. D. On either.

These guys heard the screaming,
chased the perps.

One perp got away.
They held onto the other ‐‐

A donnie hertzner.

Where is he?

He’s on his way
to bellevue also.

He got a little banged up in a
scuffle with these guys.

Got a witness over here.

Take that.
We got this.

Hey, fellas.

Guy must have been a handful.

Yeah, he was throwing elbows
and kicking.

He must have been on something,
’cause he didn’t quit.

Where were you guys
when this went down?

Out front here.
I’m doing a roofing job.

I came down for some tools,

And I hear a woman yelling
for her life.

Next thing, two guys sh**t
out the door,

And me and him
start chasing them.

You live around here?

Yeah, in the building,
just above mrs. Woodrow.

Heard her scream.
By the time I got out,

The scumbags were down
the street.

He was struggling with one.
I gave him a hand.

Have you heard anything?
She gonna be all right?

We don’t know yet.

You get a look
at the one who got away?

Back of his head.

Once we get a name,

We’ll have you look at pictures
in case you can i. D. Him.


Thanks for helping out.


We’re gonna head to bellevue ‐‐
talk to the victim and the perp.

We’ll be in contact when we’re
ready to show you some photos.

I don’t get a card?

There you go.

We’ll call you.

You call me.

You watching donnie hertzner?

Yeah. He’s in the o. R.
He developed some bleeding.

His old lady’s around
somewhere ‐‐ shelly hertzner.

She’s pissed ’cause
she can’t see him.

I’ll go get her.

Me and my husband have
a standing agreement.

If he calls me his old lady,
he’s on couch that night.

I’ve always wondered what big
romantic came up with that.

How long you been married?
Two years.

How was he
with you being in vice?

He had a problem with
the hours, the outfits.

You were ready to get out?

I was ready to do whatever I
could to save our marriage.

Is it better?

We’re working at it.

Shelly, i’m detective mcdowell.
This is detective ortiz.

I want to see donnie.
They won’t let me see him.

Who was he running with?
What do you mean?

He did a burglary.

And whoever he did it with
hung him out.

I don’t know anything about it.
Please, just let me see him.

Tell us who
he was running with today,

And we’ll let you see
your husband.

And it didn’t come from me.


Andrew sime.

He’s been trying to suck donnie
in ever since donnie got out.

Call it in to greg
and baldwin.

When can I see him?
I’ll find out.

Hey, don.
Rita’s in a case.

I can’t say hi to my old friend
from the bronx?

Come on in.

How’s she doing?

She’s great ‐‐
working out great.

Who’s she partnering with ‐‐
connie somebody?

Mcdowell, yeah.

What’s she like? Married?
Divorced? Party girl?


Party girl?
Not on squad, she’s not.

How about the men here?


I’ve worked with cops
for a long time now,

And I know cops are dogs.
Admit it.

I didn’t deny it.

I know one of your codes
is that a cop

Never goes after
another cop’s wife.

That same rule apparently
doesn’t apply

For an assistant da’s wife.

If anything,
at rita’s last command,

They went after her like they’d
been shipwrecked‐

Some resentment from me,
my office, lawyers in general.

That’s not happening here.

But if some of the guys do

I’d hope that, you know...

I’m not gonna keep an eye
on your wife for you.

It’s not like i’m asking
for one of your kidneys, tony.

I’m not gonna keep
an eye on her.

Let’s make this the last time
we talk about it, huh?

If I was a cop, you would.
You’re wrong.

It’s great seeing you.

[ Sighs ]

You’ve been through this drill a
couple times before, andrew.

Looks like you testified
against your accomplice,

And worked out a plea
each time.

Yeah. So?

That how we’re doing this?
Doing what?

What did I do?

When you’re old and gray,

And you’re regaling
your grandkids

With stories
about your wild youth

And you gather the little
moppets around,

Tell them about the time you
posed as an exterminator

With your buddy donnie

And how you tried to rip off
the 80‐year‐old woman.

But she wouldn’t give it up,

So you sucker‐punched her
and ran,

Leaving donnie behind
to get his ass kicked.

Then go on about how
you been busted before

Posing as an exterminator

And how people
saw you flee the scene

In your exterminator outfit

And how you’d never worked
as an exterminator before

So there was no other reason
for you to own the uniform.

But you might want to leave out
how when the cops came,

Instead of ditching them,

You had the exterminator

Balled up
on your bedroom floor.

Yeah, okay.

Let’s write it up.

The accomplice, andrew sime ‐‐
he went for it

He acts like he’s on
a snootful of ddt

But he cleared up long enough

To pin the whole thing on his
running buddy, donnie hertzner,

Who those two civilians
detained at the scene.

What’s hertzner saying?

He went doa
about 10 minutes ago.

You’re kidding.

From what?

Bleeding into his brain.

Off the beating he took from
those guys on the street?

Looking like it.

We gotta find t
what happened out there.

All we’ve been hearing is these
two guys were good samaritans

Who responded when the old lady
started screaming.

The perp
was throwing punches, too.

One of the guys got a busted lip
trying to hold the perp.

That’s some of it.

But now we gotta find out
everything that happened.

Let’s go

You got a second?

I’ll tell you what
i’m not up for ‐‐

Going back to the nonsense

Of us having to act like we
don’t know each other at work.

I’m not gonna do it.

I think i’m pregnant.

You think?

I took a test.

They both came back positive?

Yeah, otherwise I wouldn’t
think i’m pregnant.

You dropped this on my lap,
i’m sorry if i’m a little
mixed up here.

That’s why i’ve been
the way I am.

How did this happen?
I thought you were on the pill.

I am, but i’m pregnant.

It’s gonna be all right.

So what’s next?

I don’t know.

I gotta think.

At what point do I get involved
in the decision process?

I’ll let you know.


Hey. It’s been a while.

Hey, brian, how you doing?
How’s louise?

Real good.
Everyone’s good.



Come on, shake hands
or something.

Brian howerson,
andy sipowitz.

Are we ready to get started?

Coffee room.

We’ve had four reported massage
parlors hit in the last month ‐‐

Two hispanic males in their 20s,
in early morning,

Stick up the madam,
and hit the road.

Any luck with witnesses?

Madam’s put on the floor
right away.

Any i. D. S on the johns?

People don’t show i.d.s
in places like that.

On ours, esu found wallets
dumped nearby.

One belonged to a doa.

Another i. D. Was identified
by the madam

As belonging to a john.

Maybe they’re not related.

What kind of g*ns
the perps carry?

Silver‐colored automatics.

One of the guys have a mustache,
the other clean‐shaven?

The guy with the mustache
had a woolen hat?

Maybe they are related.

First step ‐‐ we get on the
phone to commands in the bronx

And have them pull 61’s on
wallets reported lost or stolen

The day after your robberies.

Why don’t you explain
the oversight?

I didn’t say there was
an oversight.

I just meant we should cover
our bases.

Let us take care
of commands in the bronx.

You hunt for your john
who lost his wallet.

Sorry to interrupt.
Dr. Olsen to see you.

Speak of the devil,
here he is.

We’ll be looking in.

What is there to talk about?

I’d rather you just gave me
the wallet ‐‐

Let me get back to the office.

We need to talk to you
about lost it.

It just fell out
of my pocket.

Any idea where?

Well, I knew that, I wouldn’t
have lost it, right?

When did you notice
it was gone?

When I got home.

Were you in chinatown
last night?


Ever heard of a massage
parlor in chinatown

Called the shanghai
diamond garden?

Please, if I could just
have my wallet ‐‐

We can’t do that, dr. Olsen.

It was part of a homicide

The guy who tried to stop you
from being robbed

Died from his wounds.

We would like to think you did
all you could to help.

But if not, now is the time
to make up for it.


Start by telling us
what you saw last night.

I don’t know
about any robbery,

And I think I should talk
to my attorney.

Were you a part
of this robbery, dr. Olsen?

Why on earth
would you think that?

Then why would you need
a lawyer?

Help us, and we’ll get

From these perpetrators.

No one will know
you went to the place,

No one will know
you cooperated.

I think I need to speak
with my attorney.

We’ll be in touch.

The man asks for an attorney,

You just keep on
like he never said a word.

I thought he might
come off it.

You teach him that?
I might have.

Next time me and howerson
take the room.

You take the phone calls.

What are you talking about?

Wasn’t exactly
a success in there.

He wasn’t talking no matter who
was in the room.

We’ll never know,
will we?

You’ve been working this
three hours.

We’ve been on it a month.
We’ll take the room.

We contacted an individual,
josh laurie.

Reported his wallet stolen

The morning of november 2nd
of this year.

That was the day after
our robbery at, uh...

House of lee massage
in the bronx.

Mr. Laurie admitted
to being robbed,

But he couldn’t identify
the perpetrators.

He did say that when he reported
the credit card stolen,

The company inquired about
a purchase that same morning

At an electronics store
on brookner boulevard.

Name of the shop is...

A guy tried to buy a big‐screen
tv with laurie’s credit card.

The clerk couldn’t keep him

But when the guy split,
she got his plate.

Who’s the guy?

Vincent perez.
Junior’s looking into him.

Grab him up.

Hey... I’ve updated a few bosses
in the last 26 years.

If he wants more than
the bare bones, he asks.

And don’t call my son "junior"
in front of me.

Perez has a rap sheet
for grand larceny.

Lives in throgs neck.

Between fordham road
and the highway.

We got a quick way
if you wanna follow.

They’ll find it.

You ever had
a partner before?

Of course.

Did you keep it
strictly business,

Or did you happen to chat
about your personal life?

This a roundabout way of
getting to me and my dad?

I talk to you about cynthia
and andy jr.,

And if theo throws a decent
pitch or barfs in school,

You know about it.

If there was something you could
do about me and my dad,

I would talk to you about it,
but you can’t.

It doesn’t mean
keep it a secret.

You’re not a neutral party.
You guys hate each other.

I don’t hate him.
We just‐‐

We don’t think the same.

Now who’s keeping secrets?

What happened with you guys?

All right. Legally...

When do you read
a guy his rights?

Soon as he’s
in custody.

Before you talk to him
or after?


How many times
have you done that?

Never. Anyone with half a brain
would lawyer up. Why?

When your dad and me
were at the 2‐8,

We worked a robbery
on an 84‐year‐old woman

Who got beat
with the butt of a g*n.

We got the perp in.

He gave a full,
detailed confession.

When I was on the stand

And the d. A. Asked if I advised
the perp of his rights

Before I talked to him,
I said yes.

Yeah, but you hadn’t.

When your old man
got on the stand

And they asked him if i’d given
the perp his rights when I said,

He said he never heard me
do it.

Maybe he didn’t know better.

Oh, he knew better.

So he did it
to spite you?

He was scared
of getting caught in a lie,

And the case was tossed.

I gave him hell for it.

When I drank,
I gave him worse hell ‐‐

In public,
in front of other cops.

Two months later, the perp did
another push‐in,

And an old lady got k*lled.

I got drunk and found your dad
to fight him,

But he wouldn’t come out
of the bar.

I pushed it way too far.

The fact is
he told the actual truth.

Yeah, which got
an old lady k*lled.

I’m sure a week doesn’t pass
when that’s not on his mind.

Unit one to unit two, suspect is
riding up on a gray bicycle.

Unit two moving in.

I’m sure he’s got his version.
That’s just mine.

Freeze! Police!

Don’t sh**t me!
Don’t sh**t me!

I said freeze,
or you’re gonna get shot.

Stay down.
Nobody’s gonna sh**t you.

What’s your name?
I didn’t do anything!

Just answer the question.

Vincent perez.
I swear I didn’t do anything.

Hold your tongue till I tell you
differently, we’ll be friends.

You keep talking,
we got problems. Understand?

Excuse me.
Excuse me!

Suspect is coming with us.

Perps riding with you

Got a habit of getting bruised
on the way to the house.

He teach you that, too?

He’s all yours.



Now, just to confirm, mr. Perez,

You understand your rights
as we read them to you,

And you’re willing to talk
without an attorney present?

Yeah, and I think I know
why i’m here.

Before you say anything,

Take it easy.
We’re your friends.

We’re trying to help you.

That’s good to hear.
Now if I could just explain ‐‐

Let me explain something
to you first...

If he’d let him,
the guy would roll.

...absolutely ready to do.

But if you lie to us,
our hands are tied.


Where were you
this morning 2:00 a. M.?

Work. I’m a stock boy
at the supermart.

Is this not about
the credit card?

Tell us about the credit card.

Please, I can’t do
any more jail time.

I’ll tell you where I got it.

Just help me out...okay?

We’ll see.

Julio alameda sold it to me
for 50 bucks.

I’ve been out of jail six months
and straight, all of it,

But I ain’t making jack
at the market

And I wanted the sony

So I did something stupid.

Where’d alameda get
the card?

He didn’t say.

He say anything about
being a stickup man?

I don’t know him
real good.

And we’re just supposed
to believe this?

That’s all I know.

Please...i really do not want
to go back to jail.

No promises, but we’ll see.

Alameda’s places.

Julio alameda.

Yeah, we heard.

Honey, not vinegar ‐‐
that’s what gets the bees.

Have a seat, cheryl.

Thank you.

We wanted to talk to you about
what happened this morning.


Those two good samaritans

Who apprehended
one of the burglars ‐‐

Did you see them
grab him on the street?

I did.

Were you there
the whole time?

I was.

They fought ‐‐
all three of them?

Like bear cubs
in a gunnysack.

Were they fighting
the whole time,

Or did the burglar
ever quit fighting?

He quit, but he kept
running his mouth,

So they gave him one good.

What do you mean by that?

Is that armani
or a knock off?

’Cause it’s working
either way.

Cheryl. Just tell us
what happened.


The burglar dude was kicking,
screaming, and punching,

The other guys
were giving it back.

They ended up on the ground,

And then there was some talking
back and forth,

And the big white guy ‐‐
whack! ‐‐

Nailed the burglar’s head on
the curb, and that shut him up.

How many times did the white guy
whack the burglar’s head?

Once. Why?

’Cause the burglar’s dead
because of it.

Well screw him anyway.

Speaking of which...

So they both have the suspect
on the ground

And the fighting had stopped?

Then macpherson knocks
the suspect’s head on the curb?

Remember, macpherson has
injuries from this guy.

But the fighting had stopped,

So macpherson wasn’t
defending himself.

The suspect was mouthing off.

It doesn’t make any difference.
The suspect capitulated.

All v*olence had ceased.

No one was in danger of any
physical harm at this point.

Macpherson committed an
aggressive act

That led
to the suspect’s death,

And that act constitutes
deadly physical force

Under the penal law.

So, what’s he looking at?

Manslaughter, first degree,
"b" felony.

Mandatory jail time.


What about the other guy,

He was holding the suspect down
when macpherson hit his head.

Acting in concert,
equally culpable,

So that’s manslaughter too.

But no mandatory jail time.

Possibly probation if he
testifies against macpherson.

Let’s bring them both in.

This is why I signed up
for this job.

Have a seat.

We need to talk more about when
you detained that guy.

Okay. How’s the old lady?
She’s fine.

Who started throwing punches?

He did ‐‐ throwing elbows.

Anybody hit him in the head?

I hit him in the jaw a few times
after he connected on me.

Standing up?
We ended up on the ground.

You found the scumbag
he did it with yet?

Yeah, he’s locked up.

So what’s this
all about?

He have a g*n
or a knife on him?

No. When the other guy
helping out

Held that dickhead’s arms back,
I patted him down to make sure.

What’s the problem?
He died.

From what happened on the

They think so.

What, like, a heart attack?

Brain injury.

He looked fine
when they took him away.

He was walking around.

Did he hit his head when
you were fighting?

No. I don’t know.

Look, there was an old lady
screaming out the window,

And I helped out.

I got kicked and hit
in the process.

There was a lot of other people
on the street just watching.

Me and that black guy

Are the only two that did
anything about it.

Now you come at me with this?
Am I under arrest?

No, just trying to find out
what happened.

I told you.

[ Tires screech ]

Please, mr. Alameda,
do not move.

Son of a bitch.

[ Tires screech, horn honks ]

What’d you think you were doing
hitting a cop?!

You didn’t think
you’d get hit back?!

Police brutality!

Don’t you hit him!

Let’s get off the street.

I didn’t.

We got this guy.
He’s ours from now on.

Wait until me and john have
another conversation

With the doctor.

The doctor lawyered up.

He’s gonna lawyer up again.
It’s a waste of time.

How can covering our bases
be a waste of time?

You cover them.
I’ll give you an hour.

How about you wait
till we get back?

What are you doing here?
What do you want?

We need another minute of your
time, doctor.

I don’t have
anything more to say.

We got a homicide to solve,
so we can talk in private

Or air your whoring out
in front of your patients.

Then we could head out to
westchester, talk to your wife.

That’s blackmail.

You should be sick with yourself
that we gotta thr*aten you,

Where if you’d have followed
your oath and stuck around,

You probably could have
saved that guy’s life.

He had a b*llet in his brain.

He had no pulse.
He was dead.

Just tell us if you saw any of
these guys rob

The shanghai diamond garden last
night, and we’re gone.

Him. Done?

Was he the sh**t?

He was who hit the woman
in the front.

I really have to go now.

We appreciate it.

Have a seat, mr. Ewell.

What’s going on?

We’ve encountered a bit
of a problem, mr. Ewell.


The guy you and mr. Macpherson
detained at the scene ‐‐

He died as a result

Of mr. Macpherson slamming
his head against the curb.

He was tired of that prick

Cussing and fighting
and kicking us.

Was he kicking and fighting when
mr. Macpherson slammed his head?

You mean,
at that moment?

He ain’t looking at no charges
brought against him, is he?

Oh, man.

We’ve been instructed
to tell you

That if you testify
against mr. Macpherson,

You could save yourself
jail time.

What’s jail time
got to do with me?

The guy died as a result
of injuries he received

While being detained by you
and mr. Macpherson.

I didn’t hit his head
on the curb.

You were holding him down.

He robbed an old lady.
The lady was screaming.

Apparently, she ‐‐

We know what happened.

We know you were doing
the right thing,

Nobody in the squad is happy
with the ramifications,

But the man died.

If you agree to testify against
mr. Macpherson ‐‐

Mr. Macpherson?

The only one on the street
to get involved?

Mr. Macpherson, who got punched
by that assh*le like I did?

I’m gonna testify against him?

What kind of punk‐ass bitch
do you think I am?

It’s an option
you need to know.

You can take your option
and shove it.

I want a lawyer,

’Cause this is about some of the
most messed up bunch of ‐‐

It’s an open offer
if you change your mind.


Hey, john, you seen my dad
and his partner?

They’re in the pokey room
with mr. Alameda.

How long they been in there?

Since they got back ‐‐
a half‐hour.

Son of a bitch.

How many times
I gotta say this?

I wasn’t in no cathouse!

Mr. Alameda, I don’t think
you understand.

We’re trying to help you.

How it help?

You cuffin’ me
in front of my boys,

Ruinin’ my rep as a decent guy.

If that was disrespectful,
we’re sorry.

Guy smacked him,
and he’s apologizing?

laying on the honey.

You really wanna help me,

You get me a slice of pizza
and another soda,

’Cause I can’t think
when i’m hungry.

Then you better
be ready to talk.

I won’t know
till it’s here.

We’ll get the food, and then
we’ll keep talking.

Just go get my food ‐‐

And some smokes!

[ Door closes ]

Got tired of waiting,
so we took a shot.

Yeah, the guy’s tough.

We’re just getting started.
He wants food.

You’ll have the courtesy
not to talk to him ‐‐

Not in the middle
of our interview.

Back in a little while.

What do you want?

There’s no smoking
in this room.

There’s no soda drinking
and no pizza coming either.

Guys who hit cops
don’t get buffet meals.

What’s up with you, man?
Where are the other guys?

They got sick of your attitude,
so they sent for cops

Who aren’t afraid of getting
their hands bloody.

I didn’t mean to hit that dude.
He startled me.

No, you sucker punched him
clear as day, julio,

And I got news for you ‐‐
that cop’s my father.

Mmm, yeah, uh‐huh.
And he’s my uncle.

He’s my dad, you prick!

I don’t give a damn
who he is!

Julio, this will keep up
until morning

Unless you tell us what happened
at the shanghai diamond garden!

Then you’re out of here
and at central booking,

Where no one can get to you!

Or just keep saying you were
getting laid last night,

And when my arms get tired
from beating you,

I’ll just handcuff you
to that chair

And put this sign
on your chest,

And we’re gonna parade in
every cop in the house

To come in
and work out on you.

I didn’t mean to hit nobody.

Last night i’m sure you didn’t
mean to k*ll that guy either,

But somehow he is dead!

I didn’t k*ll him, man!

Then who did?

Don’t say
you weren’t there,

Or you don’t know.
We got you identified.

Carlos shot that guy, man.
I didn’t sh**t nobody.

What happened?

It’s my job to get the dough
from the lady out front

While carlos goes
back to the johns.

Is that the same setup
in the places in the bronx?

The same deal, except this time
carlos goes in back

And comes running out ’cause
some psycho’s sh**ting at him.

Where are we gonna find

Down at the pool hall
on the concourse.

I’m supposed to meet him there
in an hour

To divvy up the takes.

Write it all down.

Start with the place you
took off in the bronx

And finish with the one
in chinatown.

Two years ‐‐ two years of this.

He’s in jail, no lawsuit,
fired off the job.

John, lighten up on the kid.
He got the job done.

Oh, detective,
cory beacham called

And asked me
to tell you "400."

He said you’d understand.


Good night.


Is that $400 a week?
A shift.

For sitting around
while she sings old tunes?

I’d do it
in a gorilla suit.

That’d be easier.
She couldn’t see my shame.

You’re crazy
if you turn it down.

[ Clears throat ]

What do you say
after we grab carlos

We give the collar to your dad
and howerson?

You think?

They’ve been working
the case a month,

And if we take
the collar,

It’d just be another thing
eating at your old man.

How could you beat
that man?

You watch the interview?

You’re a bum.
As big a bum as he is.

If you’re pissed off
because we stole your play,

As far as we’re concerned,
you can have the collar.

You turn my kid into a goon
and then rub my nose in it?

We’re doing what’s right.

You got a lot of nerve talking
about doing what’s right.

I wouldn’t have hit him
if he didn’t hit you.

You know where you can stick
your collar.


You wanna piss on my shoes,
knock yourself out,

But it’s us who got the beef.

Your kid don’t belong
in the middle.

I’m not talking to you
about my family.

Keep on like this,
you won’t have a family.

I got you to thank
for that.

Look, 20 years ago you and me
had a legitimate beef.

And maybe I pushed it too far.

Back then, I pushed a lot
of things too far.

I’m sorry for that.

Now accept my apology

And quit dragging your kid
through the mud

’Cause you’re angry
at me.

You know the phrase "day late
and a dollar short"?

Yeah. My son and me
didn’t talk for years,

And not too long after mending
fences, I lost him on the job.

Not a day goes by

That I don’t wish I could have
them years back.

You don’t want that
happening to you.

Go to hell.

[ Hammering ]

Man: hey, shut up down there!

Mind your own business!

[ Knock on door ]



I’m ‐‐ i’m processing this
and dealing with this

The best way I can.

By yourself.

For now...

I can respect that.

Not having to worry about us,
about you,

Would be one less thing
weighing on me.

Then don’t worry.

Are you leaning towards
one decision or another?

No...i don’t know.

Well, i’ll support
whatever you do.

Thank you.

But just so you do know,

If you’re thinking about having
the kid, i’ll be there.

We can get married ‐‐
whatever you want.


Just listen.

I want you to have all
your information straight

For when you decide.


I grew up without a dad,

And I swore I wouldn’t turn
around and do it to my child.

I’ve made conscious decisions
throughout my life

To prevent that happening.


Here we are.

And if you decide
to keep the child,

I’ll be there.

You wanna stay here tonight?


It’s so good to see you.

You too.

There’s egg salad and sliced
tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Thank you, marta.
Have fun tonight.

Thank you, ma’am.
I’ll see you at 10:00.

Cory mentioned one of
the things holding you back

Was your wanting to spend time
with your son.

Yeah, that’s right.

Well, bring him next time.
I love children.

He’s in bed, usually,
by 8:00,

So i’ve got it
all worked out.

Good night, ma’am.

[ Door closes ]

I think marta has been
stealing from me.

There’s jewelry missing,

And I don’t have
that many visitors.


I haven’t told cory yet.

Why not?

He’d fire her outright.

So, what do you want to do?

What about those little, tiny
hidden video cameras?

Yeah, but those are more
about catching a nanny

Taking a wooden spoon
to your kid.

Trying to see a maid

Who has full access to your
place to begin with

Palm an earring
in grainy black and white

Is a little more difficult.

I’m just supposed to
stand by

And watch my jewelry
fly out the door?

Now, you relax.

I’m sorry.

Leave something of value
in a specific spot,

Make sure nobody else
has access to the room,

And then see if it
turns up missing.

I did ‐‐ a necklace,
and it’s gone.

Then you got a problem.

Could you talk to her

Without letting on
that I put you up to it

Or making it look like
it’s about stealing things?

Well, that conversation’s gonna
be about the weather then.

Would you please
take care of it?

I don’t need to know
any details.

How long has she been
your maid?

10 Years.
Do you mind if I sing?

You know, I was thinking

Maybe we should go over
the ground rules

So we don’t repeat what
happened the other night.

We’ll be fine.

Let’s just jump in and see
where the winds of fate take us.

♪ You make me feel so young ♪

Remember that one ‐‐ dancing
cheek to cheek at the prom?

♪ You make me feel like... ♪

Spring has sprung.

You are a delight!

♪ The moment that you speak ♪

♪ I wanna... ♪

You get out much?

Oh, no.

When was the last time
you were outside?

Not since the att*cks.

♪ Go play hide and seek ♪

♪ I wanna go
and bounce the moon ♪

♪ Just like a toy balloon ♪

♪ You and I ♪

♪ Are just like
a couple of tots ♪

♪ Running across a meadow ♪

♪ Picking up lots of
forget‐me‐nots ♪


He’s just starting
to go to sleep

’Cause he was really wound up,

And he didn’t have
any ice cream after 7:00.

All right.
I’ll talk to him.

How’d it go?

I gotta look at the maid for
stealing jewelry now.

Anything I could help with

No, I got it.

Andy, you’re doing
the right thing.

Think of it as adding
to theo’s college fund.

Yeah, I guess.

I better go. Let me say
good night to him.

I really appreciate
you doing this, connie.

You’re doing me
the favor, andy.

Any time.

Oh, um...

He cleared his plate after
dinner without me even asking.



Hi, daddy.

Hey, squirt.
Connie’s gotta go now.

Sleep tight?


I had a lot of fun tonight.

When are you coming back?

Next monday.

I promise.



Don’t let
the bedbugs bite.

Where’s that
stuffed animal?

Where did it go?

[ Whispering ]