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09x12 - Oh, Mama!

Posted: 04/26/22 10:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on nypd blue...

I wanna know what’s
going on.

Don’s overprotective.
Sometimes he can get paranoid.

Does he have reason
to be?

To the extent that’s any
of your business ‐‐ no.

[ Gasps ]
oh, you son of a bitch.

What are you doing here?

Son of a bitch!

All this time accusing me ‐‐
all the paranoia!

Maybe I didn’t catch
you in the act.

Never once!

Oh, don’t give me that.

I am not coming home tonight.
You are gone by morning.

Do you want to have
a baby?

You want to?

I do.

With me?

Only with you.

Do you have a problem
with this blind date?

I don’t like the idea
of you building a relationship

With my son that maybe
gets tossed out the window

Because of some guy
who comes along.

I will always have time
for theo.

Don’t put yourself out.

Are we fighting about

I had a wrong reaction.

Was that maybe on account
of you considering me...

A good part of
your lives?

And not wanting
to see it go away.

Did you see someone
suspicious by the building?

What do we got?

Daniel hancock, b*at to death.
No forced entry, no w*apon.

Who’s he?

Super ‐‐ joe santiago.
Called it in.

Neighbors complained about
a loud noise from the inside.

I came in with my passkey,

And see the kid’s tv turned on
with no picture,

Then I see the kid
laying on the floor.

You know him?
Just seen him around.

How old is he?
16, Maybe.

You see anybody suspicious
hanging around the building?

No one that stood out.

Hey. Parents?

Just a mom.
She’s on her way from work.

She work nearby?

Didn’t say.

She know what happened?

Not from me.

Let us know
when she gets here.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Couple of whacks on the head.

Looks like he’s 12.

Yeah. Lives like he’s 12.

Why do you care
where the mom works?

I hate telling parents that
their kids are dead.

I want it over with.

Doas that have been
dead a month ‐‐

Going through doors
rolls off my back.

But the worst is telling parents
that their kids are dead.

[ Sighs ]

"So real you can feel
the punch."

Wasn’t your dad into boxing?

Borough middleweight champ.

You ever get into it?

When I was 14,

He started taking me to this gym
in red hook to spar.

b*at the crap out of me.


You ever give it back to him?

When I was 17 ‐‐
floored him with a left hook.

He said i’d become a man.

We never went again.

You been in contact at all?


Mom’s here.

[ Groans ]

What’s happening?
What’s going on?

Mrs. Hancock,
we have some bad news.

You might want to sit down.



What do we got?

A b*llet came through
the bedroom window,

Probably from the park.

Who’s this?

Doris booker,
doa’s grandmother.

Doa? The call we got
was sh*ts fired.

Sarge didn’t want
the press down here,

So he kept the specifics out.

How old’s the doa?

3‐Year‐old girl.

We should check
with crime scene.

Uh...see if we can get a
possible b*llet trajectory.


Mrs. Booker?

I’m detective ortiz.
This is detective mcdowell.

Any idea
who might’ve done this?


I woke up this morning...

I come in...

And I find her...

Like that.

You didn’t hear a g*nsh*t?

I take medication
to help me sleep.

If c. C. Needs me,
she gets me.

Where are c. C.’S parents?

My daughter lisa
is in south carolina,

Trying to get
her life together.

C.c.’S daddy’s somewhere...
I don’t know.

What kind of trouble has your
daughter been in?

Bad checks, shoplifting,

i’ve had to raise c. C.

Is this your apartment?

It’s lisa’s.

So, no one stands out

Who maybe had a grudge or a debt
with your daughter?

I don’t know.

I’ll update the boss.

Okay, mrs. Booker, um...

We’ll keep you posted as soon as
we know what’s going on.

First I lose
my baby to dr*gs.

Now I lose hers to a b*llet.

I don’t understand.
[ Crying ]

I’m so sorry.

I’ve never set foot in
a police station before.

It’s a real trip.

Yeah, we say that
every morning.

[ Door closes ]

Jordan, your mom tells us
you might be able to help us

Find out who k*lled
daniel hancock.

I don’t know. I mean, I didn’t
see it happen or anything.

Then why’d she say
you could help?

All I told her was I saw him in
a fight yesterday.

With who?


His name’s swirly?

It’s james killick,
but we call him swirly.

’Cause every day for a week,

These seniors would shove his
head in the toilet and flush it.

And the water swirls, right?


Any idea
what the fight was about?


It was just talk, or
were they throwing punches?

Swirly was throwing punches.
Daniel just tried to block him.

You know these two well?

I don’t know them
at all now.

I mean, we used to play
in the same sandbox,

But we’re ancient history.

You ever see them fight
like this before?

I usually don’t pay attention
to anything they do,

But it stood out.

Where we gonna find james?

Probably the arcade
on st. Mark’s.

So, daniel’s really dead?

Don’t be too broken up
about it.

I’m just saying...
It’s a trip.

You can leave.

I’ll go tell andy and john about
this killick.

I’ll do it.

3‐Year‐old girl?

Yeah. Mom’s in south carolina,
dad’s a ghost.

Mom got any beefs?

Not big enough to k*ll
her 3‐year‐old.

Nobody’s jumped
out like that.

Neighbors said
that there was

A big engagement party
in the park last night,

And that’s the direction
that the b*llet came from.

If the little girl was standing
in her crib...

We got the guy whose party it
was, devon clarage ‐‐

Affiliated with
the 6th street crips.

We’re gonna check complaints,
then go snatch him up.

Check with seth ‐‐
the cars from last night...

If they heard anything.

And rita ‐‐
got a sec?

I got a message from don.

Before I call him back, is there
anything I need to know?

We’re, uh, separated.

I’m filing for divorce.

It’s amicable?
So far.

I hope everything works out
for the best.

Sorry for all the headaches.

Is that all you needed?

That’s it.

You ever b*at guys in here?

Like, b*at them till they tell
you what you want to know?

Sit down, james,
and be quiet.


Where were you this morning?

I don’t know.

Were you with anybody?

Couple of mean sticks.
You know, jerky kids.

Can anyone vouch
for you?

Vouch for what?

Why would I need that?

When’s the last time
you saw daniel hancock?

Is this about him
getting k*lled?

You know anything about it,


We hear you had a fight
with him last night.

What was that about?

I don’t know.

What did he do?

He’s just a jerk.

Weren’t you his friend?

I guess.

If you and daniel had a fight
like friends do sometimes,

And it got out of hand,

You need to tell us about it so
we can maybe help you out.

Are you asking
did I k*ll him?

Did you?

Yeah, I guess.

Tell us what happened.

He pissed me off last night.

So, I went to bed mad,
and then I woke up mad.

Then I went back over
to his place,

And he was still
being a jerk.

So,, I got a hammer,
and I hit him.

How was he being a jerk?

He wouldn’t let me
have his games,

So i‐i‐i‐i b*at him,
and I took his games.

Where’d you get the hammer?

In his kitchen.

In a drawer.

There was knives, and I could’ve
stabbed him ‐‐

But he was a jerk,

So I smashed his head
till his brain came out.

You’re sure about that,

We need you to be accurate.

I’m sure.
I hit him good.

What did you do
with the hammer?

I threw it in a trash can.

I don’t know where.

You got parents at home?

Yeah, my mom’s home.

Okay, we’re gonna have someone
sit with you

While you write down what
happened, okay, james?

Yeah, okay.

Do I write in
what a jerk and nerd he was?

Write whatever you want.


Detectives, mrs. Killick.

We need to talk to you.

About what?

About your son, james.
Open the door.

Is he okay?

Why don’t you put something on?
We’ll talk about it.

Oh. I was cleaning.

Okay, well,
just get something on.

Oh. Sure.

[ Scoffs ]
what is this, dr*gs?

Or just loony.

Smells like dog crap
in there.

That’s one of 10 odors i’ve

Mrs. Killick?

Let’s go.

I’m ready.

Oh, did james get into another
fight at school today?

Lady, you need to put some
clothes on right now.

I’m sorry.
I was cleaning.

[ Groans ]

Explains swirly.

[ Dog whimpers ]

So, devon, how’d your engagement
party go yesterday?


by the way.


Heard the party went
all night.

Yeah, we had a good time.

Also heard it got a little rowdy
after the old folks left.

That’s why i’m here?
Disturbing the peace?

You know a lisa booker?


Who fired their g*n off
last night?

I don’t know.
Not me.

We got neighbors who say they
heard sh*ts from the park.

We ain’t stupid.
Somebody busts a cap,

Half the p. D. Gonna be down
there with swat teams.

We see that you
plead a dealing charge

Down to possession,
did 18 months?

You’re on probation
for another 36.

So, what about it?

The party last night?
We know there were other crips.

One call to your p. O.,
You’re back inside

For associating
with your g*ng.

Why am I getting
messed with?

We want who fired their g*n
at your party.

Look, i’m getting married
in a month, okay?

Our families, friends ‐‐ some
still caught up in gangs ‐‐

They threw us a party.
That’s it.

Damn, you can’t even let me
have that.

Someone got sh*t last night.
It’s nothing too serious,

But it’s looking like it came
from a stray b*llet.

If you help us, we’ll make sure
this stays an accident.

I didn’t fire no g*n
last night.

Who did?

If this sh*t comes back
to your party,

You’re going back to rikers.

I told you the truth.

So, now you do your thing.

[ Sighs ]

Get in the cage.

[ Door clangs ]

There’s no hammer
in killick’s apartment.

Emergency services checked
routes from the doa’s apartment

To the arcade
where killick was grabbed,

Checking garbage cans
for the hammer ‐‐ nothing.

Greg’s at their school,
checking killick’s locker.

What did devon have to say?

We’re gonna let him

Think about it
in a cell for a while, though.

Your check came back

On any jobs called in
last night in the park.

sh*ts fired 2:12 a. M.
Over on "a."

That’s the other side
of the park.

Officer on foot patrol got
alerted to it

By a gypsy cab driver
before the guy drove off.

The officer
got his license plate number.

Comes back to a ryan lipe.

We’re on it.

Can somebody do me a favor

And get this guy in the pokey
in a cell downstairs?



I heard you got a confession on
the daniel hancock homicide.

Yeah. A kid. 16.

You got a statement?

No m*rder w*apon yet,

We may not need it
with a statement.

There’s something going on
with this kid.

Something that’s gonna get in
the way of us charging him?

He said he’d
b*at the kid’s brain out,

But the doa only took
a couple of sh*ts.

Then the hammer not being
where he said it was...

He covering for somebody?
I don’t know.

I’ll tell you one thing ‐‐

Whatever it is,
it runs in the family.

The mother’s completely nuts.

So, this kid’s nuts,
as in he’s got tiny aliens

On his shoulder
giving him advice?

Or just nutty like
half of who we collar?

Nuts like the kid of a mother
who answers the door for cops

Buck naked,
covered with baby powder.

We gonna collar him,
or not?

I don’t wanna put this kid in
the system if we’re not sure.

Yeah, I agree.


Let me know.

I’ll check with
the youth officer.


Hey, john?


You got time for a trim?

Of course.

[ Clears throat ]
what are you reading there?

A travel book on africa.

You plan on going to africa?

Yes, I am.
And thank you for asking.


What, baldwin?

You were supposed to call me
yesterday after the doctor.

Oh. I fell asleep
the minute I got home.

Everything normal?

Everything’s fine.

How many weeks?

She give you
all the do’s and don’ts?

No smoking, drinking,
raw fish, and hair dye.

Oh, so the baby
won’t come out blond?

I think it has something to do
with chemicals.

Yeah, I got that.

I’m really busy today.
I should get going.

You sure you’re all right?

You been real quiet lately.

I’m just busy
and always tired.

You tell the doc about it?

She says it’s normal.
I’m just not used to it.

Next time you come, then,
call me from the sarge’s desk,

And i’ll carry you
up the stairs.

[ Laughs ] I think
I can handle the stairs.

No, seriously, though,
valerie, anything I can do.

Hey, you know, I passed by that
city kids store in soho.

Some very cool furniture.

Don’t go buying anything yet.

I won’t.
I’m just excited.

I’m glad you’re excited.
I’m just...tired.

I gotta go.

I’ll call you.

It’s not just
the flight reservations

And hotels and safaris,

But going to tanzania,
you have to get sh*ts

For hepatitis, yellow fever,
and tetanus.

And you have to take pills
for malaria.

We booked our first night
in arusha, at the momella lodge.

Oh, if you’re
a john wayne fan,

That’s where they filmed

Who’s "we" ‐‐
or do I wanna know?

Ray maxwell and i.

You remember, his bulldog
puppies were stolen?

You guys, uh, going out?

We’ve been seeing
a lot of each other,

And it’s been going
rather well, knock wood.

[ Clears throat ]
why africa?

In ’93 ray went on safari with
the dog breeder’s association,

And he’s always
wanted to go back.

This time of year, there are
about a million brindled gnus

And zebras migrating south.

Plus the big five ‐‐

Lions, leopards, rhinos,
elephants, and buffalo.

Downside is, it gets crowded
with tourists.

Plus, it rains.

Getting there in the first place
is a concern.

I am not a happy flier
at the best of times,

And now, with all the unrest,
it’s really got me in a state.

What you do is,

You get on the plane last
and yell, "mohammed?"

Anybody raises their hand,

You head back out and try for
the next flight.

That’s a terrible thing to say,

[ Door opens ]


Uniform grabbed up a kid
out in st. Mark’s place.


The kid was trying to sell
video games outside an arcade.

Didn’t have a good explanation
where he got them.

Greg’s in the area.
He’s picking him up.

Looks good.

Some nice layering
going on there.

All right, b*at it.

And I won’t be able to baby‐sit
theo for three weeks.

But it looks like
things are working out

With detective mcdowell,

Yeah, her and theo get along
pretty good.

What do you mean by that?


So, marcus ‐‐ "dark avenger,"
"swamp demon," "w*rlord."

Where’d you get these?

I traded some cds.

Traded who?

Are you even allowed to be
talking to me

Without my aunt here?

Game changed the day
you turned 16, marcus.

You know a daniel hancock?

I guess.

Did you hear what happened
to him this morning?

Yeah, they made an announcement
at school.

That where
you heard about it?

No, I was home in bed.
I had a stomach ache.

These games belonged
to daniel hancock.

So, do better than
a stomach ache,

Or we’ll figure you’re involved
with k*lling him.

And then your new "adult" status
is gonna land you

A very adult m*rder charge.

Hey, hey, hey!

I didn’t do anything to him,

Marcus, i’m gonna say a word,
and you respond

With the first word that comes
into your head.

Like, if I say, "cat,"
you might say, "dog."


James killick.

Explain yourself, marcus,
right now.

I was just the lookout.
It was all nick.

Who’s nick?

Nick bowen.
Did james say I hit daniel?

Don’t worry about james.

Let’s hear
what you have to say.

Swirly ‐‐
you know, james ‐‐

Comes up to me and nick last
week, sucking up,

You know, saying we should come
by daniel’s

Because he has all these new
video games.

So, me and nick go,

And we game a bit,
and then we split,

Because we’re not buds
with them or anything.

I used to hang out
with swirly.

What next?

We’re walking to the subway,

Nick tells me he ripped off
daniel’s apartment key.

He says we’ll
go back there one day

After daniel’s left for school
and snatch the games.

And what he says goes?

Nick said he’d kick my ass
if I didn’t do it with him.

So I said i’d just be
the lookout,

But standing there in the hall,
I freaked.

How’d you find out
what happened?

We had a meeting spot
for after.

He said daniel was home,
and he had to hit him.

So then we went to central park
and dumped the hammer.

Where in central park?

In some bushes
by the duck pond.

Where’s killick fit in?

Well, how does he know what
happened in the apartment?

I told him.

After what happened
got around,

Nick gave me the games and told
me to sell them.

And then swirly saw me with them
at the arcade,

He asked what happened,
and I told him.

What made you think he wouldn’t
go to the police?

I guess we used to be best
friends a while ago.

I told him the truth,
hoping he would just drop it,

But I guess he’s a rat.

A rat that stood up
for your scrawny ass.

He confessed to it, marcus.

Didn’t implicate anyone.



We’re going to the park.

[ Scoffs ]
nice catch, jerk‐off.

Hey, you nick bowen?


Let’s take a ride.

I’m playing ball.

You’re done now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What is this?

He your son?

Yeah. What’s going on?

His name came up in a case.

We’re asking him some questions
down at the station house.

What kind of case?

A kid at his school
got assaulted.

We’re talking
to classmates.

You hit somebody?


You know who did?


That don’t quite
clear it up.

The kid don’t fight
and wouldn’t be around it.

It’s not in him.

We just want to talk to him.

Once he’s cleared, we’ll bring
him right back.

He 16?


If we get your permission to
talk to him,

It’ll get him home faster.

Like, in an hour,
or i’m coming down there.

’Cause you’re not gonna pin
something on him he didn’t do.

I been locked up.
I know the deal.

You got it, boss.

So, who got assaulted?

m*rder*d, actually.

You hear about
daniel hancock?

Got around.

Where were you
this morning?

no one saw you there,

And you weren’t
marked present.

I skipped.

I walked around.

I just didn’t want it getting
back to my dad.

You walk by daniel hancock’s


Did you happen to stroll
by central park,

Maybe near the bushes
by the duck pond?

I was more around soho.

You must have an evil twin,
because a witness saw you

At daniel hancock’s building
this morning,

And someone else saw you near
the duck pond dumping a hammer.

The fingerprints on it are
being analyzed right now.

Maybe this witness

Is saying I was at those places
to cover his own ass,

’Cause it was him who hurt
daniel hancock.

That won’t explain
your fingerprints.

I don’t know anything
about any hammer.

Marcus says different.

I knew it.

I knew it.

You went in
to take the games.

Daniel surprised you,
you got scared,

And you hit him
with the hammer.

The medical examiner says that
you only gave him two sh*ts.

That says that you weren’t
trying to k*ll him.

If that’s the case,
you tell us now,

And this goes down
as a different deal.

I didn’t do it.

Hey, nick, we got the hammer,
and we got marcus.

Marcus is a p*ssy
who’s putting something on me

That he probably did himself.

Your dad did time in jail?

6 Years.

Oh, yeah?
Did he talk it up?

’Cause acting like this says you
want to try it for yourself.

I got nothing to say.

You’re entire day,
minute for minute,

And you start
with when you woke up.

Have a seat, mr. Lipe.

Last night you told an officer
on avenue "a"

By thompson square park,
that you saw a guy

sh**ting at another guy,
and then you took off.

We’re looking for a better
description of what happened.

Who fired the g*n?

Black guy, white guy?

Black guy, I think.

You think?

You take off from the scene.

You’re hazy with your

You have something to do
with that sh**ting?

[ Scoffs ] no.
That’s ridiculous.

Then quit trying to convince us
you were involved.

I’m not going to tell you

The only reason I told
the officer last night is ’cause

I thought he was gonna give me
a summons for speeding.

We’re gonna pull your hack
license if you don’t tell us.

I bet you would,
wouldn’t you?

Mr. Lipe, why turn this
into a problem for yourself?

Just tell us what you saw
on the street.

I will not
cooperate with or assist

The new york city
police department.

I’m guessing here,
but did the nypd

Do something to anger you
at some point, mr. Lipe?

"Driving while impaired" ‐‐

That’s what I was charged
with on april 4, 1991,

When it was prescription
cold medicine I had taken.

But officer pat murphy,
being a rookie,

And not wanting to admit
he made a mistake,

Lied to make the facts fit.

So I get
my hack license pulled,

And my driver’s license, and I
end up losing my livelihood.

And it took 18 months to get
them both back,

Costing me $8,400 in various
legal fees and fines,

Which I had to borrow
from my mother!

Even though the judge ruled it
was police department error,

I never got so much as an
apology from officer murphy,

His supervisors,
or the department.

Mr. Lipe...

Look at me.

I’m sorry
this happened to you.


I am absolutely sorry
you went through this.

And on behalf of the entire
new york city police department,

We’re sorry.

You’re just saying that.

Look at me.

We’re sorry.

Thank you.

Now, what did you see
last night?

[ Sniffs, clears throat ]

Um, I was driving,
and I saw two black men

Viciously yelling at each other
over a parking space.

So, I stopped to watch,
because, I admit,

I like to watch people fight
and yell at each other.

Until one guy
pulled out a g*n.

That’s when I sped off,
and I heard the sh*t behind me.

Can you describe them?

They looked to be
in their 30s.


The one who pulled a g*n was
standing next to a work van

For, uh, quick rooter.

Looked like it was his van.

That’s all I saw.

Thanks for your help,
mr. Lipe.

Okay, right.

You got what you needed
from me.


I was gonna
set you guys up,

But I guess
it’s still too soon, huh?

Tell us about daniel.
What kind of kid was he?

I don’t know.
A nerd?

Does he hang in your crowd?


What was your crowd?
The tough guys? The dope fiends?

The tough guy dope fiends.
[ Chuckles ]

[ Knock on door ]


Can I leave soon?

Shut up.

His dad’s here.

We tried to hold him off,
but he’s making a fuss.

Um, any word from the lab
on the hammer?

Uh, I just talked to them.

Nothing but smudges,
like they wiped it down.

You mind watching
the door a minute?

You bet.

Time’s up.
Where’s my kid?

Why don’t you come in?

Why don’t you just get my kid
so I can leave?

He can’t leave.
He’s looking at a collar.

What the hell
are you talking about?

Take a seat.

Where is my kid?

Nick was involved in a burglary
on one of his schoolmates,

So sit down
and maybe you can help him.

A burglary?

He couldn’t do a burglary.

His accomplice
gave a statement.

And we got blood prints
on the hammer

That he used
to b*at the classmate.

He couldn’t do that.
He’s soft.

Well, he did the robbery.

And unfortunately,
the kid that he b*at d*ed.

He couldn’t do that.

Keep saying that.

Keep whining,
and watch him do a full bit.

Or help us
get his statement,

And we’ll try
and work out a deal.

You know the routine.
You’ve been there.

But it’s now
or never.

What’s he said to you?

Nothing. He won’t talk.

’Cause he
couldn’t have done it.

We’ll see you in court.

What’s he get for a statement?
Tried as a juvenile?

We could push for it.

Where is he?

Come on.

Hey, pop.
We out of here?

Your dad wants
to talk to you.

Did you do
what they’re talking about?

I didn’t do anything, pop.

Look me in the eye when
i’m talking to you.

If you made a mistake here,

You need to stand up to it
right now and be a man.

If you do that,

They can help you
get time off a sentence.

Son, I might have failed you
everywhere else in your life,

But I can help you now.

But you gotta
tell the truth.

I didn’t do it.

What got taken
in the robbery?

Six video games.

Video games.

Pop, I didn’t do it.

Then why are you
looking at the ground?

All right.
That’s enough.

Dad, stop!

You throw your life away
over video games?!

I wasn’t trying to hurt him.

He wasn’t
supposed to be there.

What did I teach you
that made you think

It was all right to hurt people
for the hell of it?!

I was just trying
to stand up for myself!

What’s that mean?

He wouldn’t let me leave.


He said he was gonna tell on me,
and he kept pushing me.

Why’d you use a hammer?

’Cause he wouldn’t
back off.

So, I took it out of
my backpack, and I hit him.

And then he kept coming,
so I hit him again.

And then he fell on the ground,

And I kicked him till he stopped
messing with me.

In the apartment,
it was you alone?

[ Crying ]
i’m sorry, pop.

I’m sorry.

Sit down, james.

We got to talk to you
about your statement.


You didn’t k*ll daniel,
did you?

Yeah, I did.

Marcus and nick confessed.

You didn’t come up.

So, either they’re your good
pals and they’re protecting you,

Or you made it up going
on what marcus told you.

Daniel was your good friend,
wasn’t he?

I guess.

Yeah, so instead of actually
hurting daniel yourself,

You feel more responsible
for it happening, right?

I invited up marcus and nick.

He didn’t want to have anything
to do with them.

I was the jerk, not daniel.
Daniel was nice.

Is that what the fight
was about last night ‐‐

Trying to make friends
with marcus and nick?

He said they were jerks,
and they are jerks.

I ‐‐ we just got no friends.

It’s my fault.

I deserve to go to jail.

We need to have someone
come pick you up, james.

My mom is home.

Are you all right going
home with your mom?

She acted really odd
when we saw her earlier.

She’s weird, but she’s okay.

All right, well,
we’ll give her a call.

You just sit tight.

Why’d nick k*ll daniel?

He got scared.

Have a seat.

You live on 7th, by thompson
square park, mr. Carr?


You work for quick rooter?


Did you have a confrontation
late last night

With someone on the street
by your work van?


You fire your g*n off?

That guy boxed my ass in,

So there was no way I could get
out in the morning.

He’s telling me to kiss
his ass.

Did you fire your g*n?

Yeah, I did, but I got
a target permit for it.

Where’s your g*n now?

It’s in my apartment, but it was
still in my van last night.

Is it a .22?

Yeah, it’s a target p*stol.

Come on. This guy was acting
like he was on something.

And he was in my face.

We found a .22 shell casing near
where you argued last night.

Yeah, yeah.
That’s probably it.

I fired over the guy’s
head to have him back up.

I mean, come on.

If I wanted the b*llet in him,
I would have got it there.

There was a 3‐year‐old girl
who lives across the park,

And she was sh*t

By a stray b*llet that came
through her window.

You guys are kidding, right?

The medical examiner took
a .22‐caliber slug

Out of her body.

That slug matches
the shell we found.

Now we got to match
them both against your g*n.

Is the girl all right?

She didn’t make it.

[ Exhales ]

You guys looking at me
for m*rder?

More likely,
the d. A. Will file

A second‐degree
manslaughter charge.

Well, what am I looking at?

You need to get yourself
a good lawyer, mr. Carr.


Am I going to jail?

That’s up
to the d. A. And the judge.

You need to get yourself
a good lawyer.

Good night.

Night, greg.

All right, you guys.


What the hell’s going on
with you and medavoy?

Nothing. Just both got
a lot going on.

Yeah, okay.

You going tonight?

No, I can’t make it.

All right.

I’ll see you.

We’re in a basketball league.

And medavoy’s third wheel,

So he’s feeling all hurt,
like a woman.

I just work here.

Is boss gone?

I’ll take this guy
to central booking.



Yeah, hey.

Um, so, listen,

What are you doing tonight?

Why? You want me
to sit with you?

No, actually, theo and me

Are gonna check out
that "monsters, inc.,"

You know, before it’s gone
from the theaters.

Yeah. He’s been clamoring.

And I was wondering
if you’re not doing anything,

You know,
theo would love to see you.

Sounds great.

We could grab a hot dog
or something,

Make an evening of it.

Devon clarage
still downstairs?

I, uh ‐‐

Yeah, we got to kick this guy
that we grabbed up earlier.


Oh, here’s lady godiva now.

How’s it going, mrs. Killick?

I am here to pick up
my son james.

Yeah, he’s in the coffee room.
Come on.

Is he okay?


Prisoner: hey, I was
supposed to get out of here.

Free to go.

Oh, so, i’m free to go, huh?

Free to go back to my job,
if I still got it,

Free to go
back to my fiancée

And tell her why I got
hauled up in here.

Well, if you need a phone call
to your boss, we’ll make it.

I want an apology.

We’re not gonna apologize
for doing our job.

What do you all have written
on your car doors ‐‐

"Cpr," right?

Take off, devon.

"Courtesy, professionalism,
respect" ‐‐

Ain’t that a joke?

Killick’s still in there
with his mom?


Doing what?

You see that?

I’m taking her for a walk,

Find out what she’s doing
to him.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Clears throat ]

Mrs. Killick, i’m gonna need you
to sign some papers

Before we can let james
go home.

Why don’t you come
with me?

Yeah, that’s fine.

Come on. Come on.
Let’s go.

[ Door closes ]

Hey, james, um,
what your mom was just doing,

Does that happen a lot?

I don’t know.

Every day?

I guess.

She, uh, she ever touch you,
like, where she shouldn’t?

What ‐‐ what’s up?
What’s going on?

James, i‐i think
that your mom is ill.

I think that she
needs medical help,

But you got to tell me
what she’s doing to you

To make that happen.

You’ll help her,
like, get her to a doctor?

Yeah, we’ll get her
to a doctor.

Does she touch you?

I guess.

Do you sleep in the same bed?

She makes me get in her bed.

What does she do?

She gets on top of me.

You have sex?

It’s ‐‐ it’s okay, though,
’cause she’s just sick.

She needs a doctor.


James, you have any
other family nearby,

Anybody that you can stay
with for a little while?

Why would I need that?

Why don’t you have a seat?

She’s okay, I promise.

She’s just ‐‐ she’s just
a little sick,

And she’s fine when
she’s not sick.

It’s okay. Stay here.

How long I got to be
at this place?

A few days, till things settle
out with your mom.

If I just told her to stop,
she’d stop.

I don’t need to be here.

It’s just for a little while.

Am I gonna miss
a lot of school?

’Cause I
shouldn’t miss school.

No, you can go to school.

I’ll stop by your apartment and
i’ll pick you up some clothes.

I shouldn’t be here.
I should go home.

Please, can I go home?

Sorry, james.

Who’s clark?


And you’re james?


We’ll get you
something to eat.

I’m not hungry.

Well, we’ll get you some food
to stare at.

Anything else?


See you soon, james.

What did we just do?

[ Exhales ]

Did we just throw
this kid in the fire?

If we let him go home,

In six months,
he’ll k*ll his mom or himself.

They’re gonna eat him
alive in there.

Hey, it’s either this
or you take him home.

Pretty far up. Yeah.

That’s higher than
an airplane.


There you go.

That was good.

Who was your favorite monster
in the movie, connie?

Uh, I kind of liked
the little one‐eyed guy.

He was funny.

I liked the big, fuzzy
blue guy.

He reminds me of you,

How come?

Because he’s strong.

Oh, good.

Well, good night, you guys.

I had a great time.

Thanks for the candy.

[ Smooches ]

Good night,

Can I check the mail?

Here you go.

Thanks for coming.

Thanks for inviting me.

Well, good night.

Good night, andy.

Hey, pop.


Not too tough to find,
I guess.

Yeah, you should consider
branching out.

They got other restaurants
in the city.

I suppose so.

What do you need?


Everything all right?


I just wanted to tell you

Thanks for being there
for me... Growing up,

Keeping me out of trouble...

Caring about me.

And if I haven’t
said it before,

I just wanted
to say thank you

And tell you that I do
appreciate it.


I appreciate you saying so.


You hungry?

Yeah, I could eat.