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09x15 - g*ns & Hoses

Posted: 04/26/22 11:03
by bunniefuu
previously on nypd blue...

I miscarried yesterday.

Are you all right?
Did you see the doctor?

I’m fine...

But the baby!

Your husband and my wife
are having an affair.

They’ve been seeing each other
at least seven months.

Oh, you son of a bitch.

What are you doing here?

Son of a bitch.
All this time accusing me!

All the paranoia!

Maybe I didn’t
catch you in the act ‐‐
never once!

Isn’t this cozy?
Don, get out of here.

I knew it.
You knew what, don?

How long you been
banging her, tony?

You’re drunk. Go home.

[ No audible dialogue ]

Connie: firebomb.

The abortion clinic?

It went up around 5:00.

D.o.a. Is a security guard.

Looks like the fire k*lled him.

Clark: anyone see it?
no one’s come forward.

Greg and baldwin
are doing a canvass.

Ortiz is pulling
the surveillance tapes.
The owner been contacted?

Security company called her.

She’s with the head nurse
checking if anything’s missing.

Connie: i’ll get them.

Uh...i was at the gym,
so I got your message late.

Tonight ‐‐ 7:00?

I’m taking theo
to the planetarium ‐‐

Some kind of light show
and a guy droning on and on

About "billions
and billions of stars."

Sounds interesting.

Theo asked could she come.

I figure having a woman
around is good for him.

So, is, uh,
theo partial to blondes?

What’s that mean?

Andy, come on.

Who are you trying to kid?

You two are out together,
like, three nights a week.

[ Clears throat ]

Once a week, maybe twice,
and always with my son.

Yeah, in dark rooms filled with
billions and billions of stars.

Which ain’t exactly
a candlelit restaurant.

It’s educational.
I’ll bet.

You’re stepping
over the line.

I apologize.

Detectives sipowicz
and clark,

Jennifer martin, rn,
and dr. Claire wachtel.

Any idea who did this?

Well, I could give you
about 200 candidates.

Religious groups?
Religious, pro‐life ‐‐

Some are just plain wackos.

Any threats recently?

Well, we don’t have bars
on the windows,

and a guard for show.

Meaning there’s
always threats?

Any of them stand out?

Whenever my life or the lives
of the people that I work with
are threatened,

It stands out, detective.

But as far as any groups,
specifically threatening
to firebomb...

No one’s done that,
if that’s what you’re asking.

What about patients?
Anyone angry at you? Suing?

Patient information
is privileged.

We get that,
but your guard was k*lled.

We can’t discuss patients.

is our stock in trade.

Without that, we might as well
shutter the place.

It looks like you’re
gonna have to anyway.

Not for good.

Can you help us with the groups
who have threatened you?

Claire: i’ll get the file.

It can’t be easy
living under siege.

When your guard gets
k*lled by a firebomb,

You open the books.

Anything on the canvass?

A janitor from down the street
saw a white guy

Sprinting from the direction
of the clinic early morning,

But he couldn’t i. D.
But a lot of folks
weren’t home.

Some guy called about finding
a g*n, wouldn’t say more.

You and medavoy.

Dispatcher got a 911 call
taking responsibility

For your att*ck ‐‐ a group
called "save the babies."

The claim doesn’t have them
making previous threats.

They know where
the call came from?

Pay phone on bowery.

Uniform’s safeguarding it
until crime scene can dust it.

Anything from the cameras?

The guy’s wearing a mask,
but he looks white.

Run "save the babies"
with intelligence.

Meantime, keep working
the names you got.


Um, andrew sloin for detectives
sipowicz or clark.


Come on.

Tony: who’s this?

He, uh,
heads one of the groups

Who’ve been threatening
the clinic.

We called him
from the crime scene.

Should we head out
to recanvass?


We got a homicide.

Sit down, mr. Sloin.

Um, so why, exactly,
did you want to talk to me?

Are you the leader
of a right‐to‐life group

Called "soldiers of god"?

Yes, I am.

You go by any other name ‐‐
"save the babies"?

We are a registered
nonprofit organization

Under one name ‐‐
soldiers of god.

I’ve never heard of
"save the babies."

Well, let’s talk about
you and the soldiers.

You lean toward
the militant side.

This is about the abortuary,
isn’t it ‐‐ the one downtown?

The women’s health clinic
that got torched.

What do you know about it?

Just what i’ve
heard on the news.

Did you have anything
to do with it?


What about the rest
of your platoon?

Any of them involved?

I wouldn’t know.

So you’re
just a bunch of rogues

Who congregate
under a catchy name, huh?

We are religious people

Who come together to share
ideas toward a common goal,

That being the abolition
of abortion

And the rescue
of innocent babies.

In the past, have you
tried to accomplish that goal

By gluing the encounter
clinic’s door locks,

By cutting
their phone lines ‐‐

Some members, individually,
take an active stance

Toward the goal, but as far
as my having any knowledge

Of an individual’s activities

Or the group having
any knowledge of it ‐‐

The way I understand it,

Lesson one in active rescue
is trust no one,

And that includes
other rescuers.

So that was a coincidence ten
of you showed up with handcuffs

To form a daisy chain around
their front door last year?

Ten individuals.

And on may 20th, ’98,

When your members spray‐painted
"mommy, don’t k*ll me"

On the car doors
of five patients,

That was pure chance?

I think we’re going
in a circle, detective.

We’ll stop when I hear the name
of who torched that clinic.

Detective, we are a nonviolent
religious organization ‐‐

That’s enough.
Go on. b*at it.

Go with god.

"For do I now
persuade men or god?

"Or do I seek to please men?

"For if I yet pleased men,

I should not be the servant
of christ."

Galatians 1:10.

"Don’t let the door hit you
on the ass on the way out."

Sipowicz 10:42.

[ Door closes ]

[ Rock music plays ]

Turn that down, please.

[ Music stops ]

You mr. Larson?


Detectives jones and medavoy.
You called about the g*n?

I might know where a g*n is.

Then let’s see it.

Little patience, chief.

We gotta work out
terms of deal.

And what deal
would that be, chief?

Someone I know
may or may not have...

19 Unpaid parking tickets
he’s got a warrant on him for.

Now, if that warrant
went away,

He might be able
to produce a g*n.

This your car, luke?

Sweet, huh?

I’ll give you even money the
mystery g*n’s in the glove box,

So give it up,
and where you got it,

Or you’re a collar
for the g*n and the warrant.

Glove box is empty.

Then it’s in the trunk
or somewhere else,

But if you don’t produce it
in five seconds,

We’re searching the car
and you’re coming in.

It’s in the glove box.

I was looking
into reupholstering,

Paint job, too ‐‐ really
working her back to cherry.

It was under the back seat,
wedged between the springs.

How long you had the car?

Two weeks.

Got it from my uncle
who bought the farm last month.

So why’d you say you didn’t
know who the g*n belonged to?

My uncle got the car
at a police auction
five years ago.

No chance it
was your uncle’s g*n?

He was a hippie.


We’ll look into it.

Yo ‐‐ the warrant?

We were gonna put some time
into this firebombing we got,

But it’s probably better
spent on your parking tickets.


[ Indistinct chattering ]

Name’s gloria simmons.
Two in the chest.

Super found her.

What got him here?

Downstairs neighbor

Of water coming
through her ceiling.

She was d. O. A.

His name’s victor razo.

I’ll take him.

How you doing, mr. Razo?

Shocked, you know?

What, uh, what can you
tell me about her?

Nice enough.

I just can’t believe it.

Was, uh, was she married?


They have a 3‐year‐old boy.
Husband’s an accountant.

You know where he works?

Some big firm.
I don’t know.

What’s his name?

Um, roger simmons.

When was the last time
you saw him?

Mr. Razo?

Is this gloria
with her husband?


What’s his name?


We’ll be in touch
if we need anything else.

This is the woman don
was having an affair with.

The one you caught him with?

And the husband’s who came to
the squad to tell you about it.

That kind of puts me
in the middle.

Well, that’s nothing i’d
tell the boss for now.

Thanks. Good.

We’ve got to find
the husband.

And don.


You heard what happened
in the bar that night.

He’s been acting crazy,
but he wouldn’t do
something like this.

Yeah, no. No way.

Man: just tell the cops
the place was bombed

By save the babies
in the name of jesus

And praise jesus
and we’re gonna do it again.

Woman: sir?

Call came in around 8:00 a. M.

Crime scene couldn’t get
prints off the phone.

Three hours after the fact,
he’s still pretty amped up.

That doesn’t jive
with the pro‐lifers

We’ve been talking to.
They got a steadier hand.

Anything from intelligence
on save the babies?

They never heard of them.

Fire chief said the b*mb was
a standard molotov cocktail ‐‐

Beer bottles, lighter fluid.

Stuff you get at a bodega.

Figure someone who’d
planned it would’ve
used gasoline.

And would’ve
made a coherent statement.

So if we’re looking for
an amateur,

I guess we owe mr. Soldiers
of god an apology.

I’ll send flowers.

Sorry to interrupt.
There’s a woman here to see you.

She was all covered up

And asked that I get her
somewhere private.

She’s in interview three.
What’s her name?

She wouldn’t say ‐‐ just
that she was at the clinic
this morning

And she needed to speak
to you.

you’re the nurse ‐‐ martin.

Jennifer martin ‐‐ yeah.

I‐i wanted to know
how the case was going.


Have you talked to
any of the pro‐life groups?

A few. None of them
are looking good for it.
Some things don’t add up.

Like what?

Ms. Martin, do you have
something for us?

People don’t sneak in
dressed like spies

Just to see
how a case is going.

Maybe i’m a little paranoid

Because my office
was bombed today.

I mean, has that
ever happened to you?

Is something bothering
you, ms. Martin?

I’d like to know
how many times you
have been taunted

On your way out of work,
and then followed home,

And then walked out
your front door the next day

To find a miniature graveyard
with little white crosses.
Ms. Martin...

I have been with this clinic
for five years,

And we have put up
with a lot of terrorism,

And so have our patients,

So I understand and agree
with dr. Wachtel’s position

On patient privilege
and confidentiality,

But i‐i just...

Pete, our security guard
who d*ed,

He was a sweet man.

And I have two kids, myself.

And I am sick of fearing
for my life.

You should
take a seat here.

Am I right thinking
that you want to help,

But you think doing that
might betray dr. Wachtel?

I believe in
what she stands for.

But that’s not going to help
find who did this.

Whatever you give us,
we’ll say we got anonymously.

No one will ever know.

I’ll know.

This is a patient list?

From the past year.

The asterisks are people
you should talk to first.

As suspects?

They had complications,
lodged complaints.

Some of them made threats.

It’s all spelled out
on the sheet in back.

I could lose my job for this
or be sued by dr. Wachtel

Or e‐every person
on that list or both,

So...safeguard that.

Don’t let anyone know
where it came from.

We never saw you.

And please ‐‐
don’t call me a spy again.

Bad choice of words.

Well, ellen, if you
could page don again,
i’d appreciate it.

It’s very important.

Tell him it isn’t
about the divorce.

I just need to speak
with him right away.

Thank you.

Any luck finding don?

He’s not answering at home,
his cell, or pager,

Which could mean
he’s ducking me

Because he assumes
it’s about the divorce.

What about his secretary?
Has she seen him?

She said he had
an early appointment,

And then he was supposed to be
taking a statement at the tombs,

So keep paging him.

Chief of deeds called.

A car registered
to a roger simmons was found

With a d. O. A. Inside.

What’s the significance?

Uh, that’s our d. O. A.’S

Any i. D. On the body?

All they said was d.o.a.
9‐4 In brooklyn.

Check it out.

Hey, boss, uh,
ballistics came back

On the g*n found
in that mustang.

Apparently there’s
a body on it.

A jane doe dump job
from five years ago.

But luke’s uncle owned the car
when the dump job was found?

Luke’s uncle bought the car
at a police auction

Seven months later,
so he’s in the clear.

But at the time
the dump job came in,

Dmv said the car was owned
by a woman named paula thomas,

Same age and description
as the d. O. A.

Missing persons got anything
on paula thomas?

There’s no report in new york
or jersey,

And chances are
there isn’t one.

The car was registered in new
york, last address was new york,

And we came up
with a father in queens.

He should be here soon.

This him?

Hi. I’m noel thomas.

I’m here to see
detectives medavoy or jones.

Right here, mr. Thomas.
Greg medavoy, baldwin jones.

Hi. How are you?

Come in and have a seat.

Thank you, sir.

Sorry to drag you away
from your store,

But we need to ask you
some questions

About your daughter paula.

Paula? Is she
involved in something?

That’s what we’re
trying to determine.

When’s the last time
you saw her?

Five... Almost 5 1/2 years.

Why so long?

We had a falling‐out.
She was a difficult kid.

And you’ve had
no contact at all?

Two years after she left,
I called her apartment,

But she wasn’t there anymore,

And last year we hired a p. I.,
But nothing.

You said she
was difficult ‐‐ how?

dr*gs. Stealing.

She was with this guy
we didn’t like ‐‐ a real bum.

He got her hooked.

Was he ever violent
with her?

He’d smack her around.

Was there a specific reason
you never filed

A missing person’s
report on her?

She’s always threatening to go
to california with the bum,

So we just figured
that’s what happened.

Have you talked to paula?
Is she all right?

What are you trying
to determine here?

Did your daughter own
an old‐model mustang?

Yeah. I gave it to her
when she turned 17.

Well, the present owner
found a g*n under the seat.

She wouldn’t have a g*n.
She’s a decent kid deep down.

Mr. Thomas, we’d like you
to look at some photographs,

But I want you
to prepare yourself,

Because they’re photos
of a dead woman.

Is it paula?

Baldwin: we don’t know.

Oh, god!

We’d like to talk to
the boyfriend you mentioned.

Sonny wood.

Take your time, sir.

Have a seat, mrs. Rookard.


Now are you
going to tell me

About the case
you want to discuss?

Have you ever been
to the encounter women’s clinic?


The clinic was firebombed
this morning.

We’re hoping you can help us
find who did it.

How could I possibly help you?
How did you find me?

Let’s concentrate on seeing
if you can help.

How would you categorize
your experience at the clinic?

Good? Bad?

This is private business.
It’s doctor‐patient privileged.

We understand, and we’re not
trying to pry into your life.

We just want to solve
the firebombing.

Were you less than satisfied

With the way you
were treated at the clinic?

I guess.
Could you tell us why?

Am I going to have to testify
in some kind of trial?

Ma’am, you’re jumping
1,000 miles ahead.

Do you understand
what would happen

If my family found out
I went for abortion counseling?

They would never
speak to me again.

My father is a deacon
in our church.

Answer us honestly,
and we won’t let it
get to that.

Answer honestly about what?

You made and canceled
seven appointments

To have an abortion,
is that correct?

I couldn’t decide
what to do.

Did the clinic take
any action?

They refused to see me again
because they said

My pregnancy
had gotten too far along.

Did you leave it alone
or contact them?

Oh, my god. Do you ‐‐

Do you think I firebombed
the clinic?

Did you contact the clinic?

I was very angry and ‐‐
and confused.

It was the worst time
of my entire life,

But writing them a few letters
doesn’t make me an arsonist.

Ten letters,
two of them saying
you wish they’d burn down.

Well, I wish
I hadn’t written them.

But I am glad
they turned me away,

Because my son is a gift
from god.

Are you involved with
any right‐to‐life groups,

Maybe one called
save the babies?


Where were you this morning
around 5:00 a. M.?


Can anyone confirm that?

My sister.
She’s staying with me.

Are you done?
May I leave?

Man: you ortiz?

Ortiz, mcdowell.

Tim young.

Can picker was pulling through,
found them, stopped a radio car.

Any i. D.?

Nothing. No wallet.

It’s the husband,
roger simmons.

You seen him before?

There was a photo
at the apartment.

You check the trunk?

I was waiting for crime scene,
but be my guest.

So, what’s your
thinking here?

There a note?

No, but he’s
positioned right for it,

And the g*n’s where it’s
supposed to be.

su1c1de not work
with who you got?

No, it does.

Looks like he k*lled his wife
this morning and it got to him.

We’ll be in touch.

What are you thinking?

Don could be dead.
Simmons might have k*lled him.

We don’t know that.
We’ve got to check
his apartment.

Why don’t you give me
the key, and i’ll check?

I’ve got to see
for myself.

Don, it’s rita.
Open up.

Don, it’s rita.

Let me.

It’’s the big
square one.


[ Door closes ]




I said, "nothing."
He’s not here.

I didn’t mean
to scare you. Sorry.

Mrs. Stancil, if you won’t
tell us where your husband is,

Then we’d like to
speak with you.

No one can watch your kids
for an hour, huh?

No neighbor or family?
A friend?

Look, if you can’t come in,
then we’re gonna stop by.

No more arguing. No.
That’s it.

We’ll see you soon.

[ Hangs up ]

Mrs. Stancil. From the list.

Her husband made threatening
calls to the clinic.

Pain in the balls.
[ Exhales ]


Patient list.

A few up from the bottom.

Does jones know about it?

I don’t think so.

Sit down, sonny.

Why don’t tell us
about paula thomas.

Sort of sounds familiar.

You dated five years ago.

Her father owned
a hardware store.

He hated you.

I’ve had a lot of betties
hate me.

Try to focus, sonny.

Paula thomas. Brown hair.
Lived in queens.

Okay, what about her?

When did you see her last?

Eh, five years ago.
She dumped me.

That was it.
Who cares?

We do. Paula got
k*lled five years ago.
What do you know about it?

You serious?

She’s dead?

[ Exhales ]

Did you carry a g*n
back then, sonny?

I never carried a g*n
in my life.

You ever drive
paula’s car?

I didn’t know
she had a car.

No? Vintage blue mustang.

She never let you
take it for a spin,

Maybe around
the jewelry district?


Oh, that’s odd, sonny.

’Cause the same day
her car got towed
from a no‐parking zone

In the jewelry district,

You took a collar
for trespassing

At the impound lot where
her car was being held.


That was why we
broke up. The car.

It’s all rushing back
to you.

I borrowed the car,
it got towed ‐‐

Which I knew was going to be the
last straw with us.

So not seeing the forest
for the trees,

I thought i’d steal it out
of the impound

And she never knew
what happened.

But I got busted, she broke up
with me, and that was it.

I never saw her again.

So no chance you were
breaking into the impound

To retrieve the g*n
you hid?

The g*n you
used to k*ll paula?

I didn’t k*ll paula.

Sonny, we understand
you denying it,

Seeing how it happened
five years ago,

And you being convinced by now
that you got away with it.

But when a case
is five years old,

We have to dig deeper
to solve it.

Tap federal resources like A*F
who’ll tell us whose g*n it is,

Where it came from,
the whole history.

And when it gets
traced back to you,

You’ll want to put forth
an explanation

Of why you did what you did

Because believe me,
you don’t want to go to trial

Without explaining
your side of it.

Run that g*n with the A*F,
the fbi, the gto, whoever.

I didn’t k*ll her.


Andy: yeah.


I, uh ‐‐
I found the simmons’ son.

He was at preschool.
An aunt’s got him.

What’s up?

I was checking
the incoming calls

T.a.r.u. Got off gloria simmons’
cell phone, and...

There was one this morning.
From the cozy court inn.

That’s where I found her
and don that time.

What do you think?

We should take a ride.
Just to rule it out.

We’ll, uh,
we’ll be on the air.


I’ll get on with A*F,

See could I put their feet
to the fire.

Baldwin: okay.

We should go if we’re gonna
talk to mrs. Stancil.

How’d it go
with sonny wood?

I like him for it.

You, uh ‐‐ you have
a minute, baldwin?

Yeah, sure.

What’s up with you?

It’s the patient list
from the abortion clinic.

What am I looking for?

The name with the line
next to it.

I don’t know what the story
is or what you know about this

And it’s not my business.

But, baldwin,
since she’s on the list,

She may have to give
a statement, so I thought
you’d want to hear it from me.

Does this mean she
had an abortion?

I don’t know.

Then what the hell
does it mean?

It means that she
was a patient there.

And a week later she
said she had a miscarriage.

[ Knocks on door ]

I don’t mean to interrupt,

But that dr. Wachtel from the
clinic’s here with the lawyer.

Hide that.

Detectives andy sipowicz,
john clark.

Attorney david hyatt.

House counsel
for the encounter clinic.

And you met dr. Wachtel
this morning.

What can we do for you?

Dr. Wachtel received
two very angry phone calls

From former patients
of the encounter clinic,

Saying that your detectives
had interrogated them

Regarding this morning’s

They wanted to know
who gave out their names.

We also would like to know.

First of all,
it’s a firebombing homicide,

And we found them
in the course
of the investigation.

We’ve pretty much
ruled them out as suspects.

Our concern is how you found
these women in the first place.

We’re working
from various sources.

Is one of them a list
of the clinic’s patients?

We have various sources.

Both of the women
you talked to

We’ve had trouble with
in the past.

Now somehow, you know this,
so you must have a list.

And i’m asking again ‐‐
what are you doing here?

If you don’t return the list

And stay away from the encounter
clinic’s patients,

You are going to be sued.

Your guard got k*lled.

Aren’t you interested
in finding who did it?

Doesn’t his family
deserve that?

I explained to you the
importance, the sanctity,

Of the confidentiality

Which doesn’t change the fact
a guy was m*rder*d

And we need to find
who did it.

Produce the list
or you’re being sued.

And not just the department.
Yourselves individually.

Can’t help you.


See yourselves out.

If you need us,
we’ll be working your case.

Last chance. Turn it over.

Or i’ll get a court order
and force you to.

See you then.

He’ll get that court order.

I don’t doubt it.

That’s not gonna
look too great for you.

I’ll deal with it if it happens.
Just work the case.

Baldwin, they’re waiting
for me at anticrime.


What’s wrong?

Did you here about the
firebombing at the clinic?


Something you
want to tell me?

What are you
talking about?

You lied to me.

About what?
What do you think?

You didn’t have
a miscarriage, did you?

Yes, I did.

You had an abortion.

What was your name doing
on their patients list?

What patients list?
Where did that come from?

What, is that your
main concern now?

I went for counseling.
Just counseling.

For an abortion?

Which I didn’t have.

I was considering my options,
and how dare you call me a liar.

What do you expect?!

You made every decision
on your own.

You never consulted me!

And nothing ever came up
about abortion counseling.

What difference
would it have made?

I would have known
what you were thinking

Instead of
having to guess.

Maybe I was trying to save you
the agony I was going through.

Yeah? Well, you made it
ten times worse.

I could have helped you.

I wanted to help you.

’Cause you loved me?
Or ’cause you were duty‐bound?

And what does that mean?

You said you’d marry me
and be in the baby’s life,

But you never said
you were in love.

I had a few things
on my mind.

That should have
been first.

Our baby was first!

I think the way things
turned out,

We dodged a b*llet.

You’re due at anticrime.

[ Gasps ]
oh, god.

Oh! God. Oh...

I got it, rita.

15Th squad to central k.

Man: go ahead, 15th squad.

We can hear you,
mrs. Stancil,

And we can hear the baby,
so open the door.

I said I don’t know
where my husband is,

So if you don’t mind,
i’ve got my hands full.

How’d you get the eye?

Hit my head on a cabinet.
Thanks for asking.

I didn’t say
you could come in!

You moving out?


Men’s clothes.
Your husband moving out?

That’s not your business.
Now, will you please leave?

Were you a patient
at the encounter clinic?

Yeah. So?

You know your husband
was making harassing calls?

He wouldn’t do that.

Clark: the clinic
got your phone number
off their caller i. D.

I don’t know anything,
and if I did I wouldn’t tell

’Cause I don’t need him
locked up and not working.

I got four kids.

We’re not looking to lock him up
for the phone calls.

We just want
some information.

Did you have an abortion
at the clinic?

How is that your business?

Did you not tell
your husband about it,

And that’s what got him
so mad at them?

Doing the procedure
without his consent

Was the gist of his
phone calls to the clinic.

He wasn’t happy about it.

Is that why he hit you?

I’m not pressing charges, so you
might as well quit asking.

He in any
right‐to‐life groups?


When’s the last time
you saw him?

Last night.

Did he leave mad?

What is this about?!

The encounter clinic was
firebombed early this morning.

He wouldn’t do that.

Man: ...bombed by "save the
babies" in the name of jesus,

And praise jesus
and we’re gonna do it again!

We can get you some
public assistance.

Chances are you’ll be making
more without him

Than if he were here.

And it won’t cost you
any black eyes.

He’s a stock boy at the food
court market on 14th.

Son of a bitch.

I want you to know i’m off
the clock here.

I expect to be reimbursed.

We’ll see about that.
Have a seat, mr. Stancil.

There was a fire

Down at the encounter women’s
clinic this morning, jim.

It looks like arson, so we
just gotta talk to everybody

Who called them recently making
a complaint or a thr*at,

Just to rule them out.

Did ‐‐ did you make
some calls to the clinic?

I made some complaints.
What about?

My wife had our kid chopped up
and vacuumed out

And didn’t tell me about it
till after.

You didn’t know
anything about it?


Did you sign any papers
saying it was okay?

No. They just
k*lled my kid.

They can do that?

The lady on the phone told me
the law says they can

Right before
she hung up on me.

So the people at the clinic
weren’t too understanding.

That head lady’s
a hard‐ass bitch.

Whoever did it
might have been

Somebody trying to
teach her a lesson.

There’s the law,
and then there’s what’s right.

And if that’s what whoever
did this was thinking,

Then he gets a beer on me.
Are we done?

Jim, we may have a little bit
of a problem here.

Why don’t you
sit back down?

You see, talking to you,
hearing your voice ‐‐

Did you call 911
this morning?


Man: ...bombed by "save the
babies" in the name of jesus

And praise jesus
and we’re gonna do it again!

That’s not me.

Oh, jim, come on now.
That’s you.

We got fingerprints
off the phone on bowery

Where the call was made,

And a witness who saw the
perp running from the clinic.

Now, once we get your prints
and we run a lineup,

You’re gonna be a collar.

Wha‐‐ what is this?

What are you trying to do?

Trying to help you, jim.

The d. A. Will try to make you
out to be a drunken dope,

But talking to you,
that doesn’t sound right.

Hell no!

Then you gotta make sure

That your side of it
gets heard.

If this was
a political issue

Or what they do goes against
your religious beliefs,

That’s what you
gotta get across.

That can work for you.

How ’bout if I said, um,

This was a wrong
being made right.

Lay it out for us.

Maybe I drink too much.

Maybe I give my wife some raps
on the head.

But she shouldn’t be
able to k*ll my kid for it!

You bombed the clinic
to make sure

This doesn’t happen
to anyone else.

That’s right!

I don’t care what
I called that bitch!

She could have
been nicer on the phone!

What’s "save the babies"?

I made that up
to throw you off.

Why don’t you
spell that out for us, hmm?

How you doing, partner?

I’m fine.

You know, there’s nothing
someone you love can say

That’s so bad that it
can’t be taken back or forgiven.

Hey, greg, did you
get word from A*F?


Uh, the g*n from the mustang
was originally purchased

By a guy named tim roberts
in hollywood, florida.

Try and get
in touch with him.

He’s dead three years
from liver cancer.

His widow says
they used to own a g*n

That tim sold
to one of his friends.

She didn’t know who, and she
can’t recall a sonny wood.

All right.

I guess we won’t bring
that part of it up

When we go back
at sonny wood.

What exactly will we
be bringing up,

Seeing how
we have nothing on him?

Follow my lead.

Uh, partner...

You’re obviously
a little tense.

Think there’s any wisdom
in taking time to regroup?

I’m fine.

Am I out of here?

Where you from, sonny?

I was born in decatur.

What took you to florida?
Sunshine? Good dope?


You got a very
selective memory.

Hollywood, florida.

I heard of it.
Never been there.

I’m gonna say a name,

And then i’m gonna give you
the opportunity to tell us

Your side of what happened
to paula thomas.

What is it, the true
name of god or something?

You say anything
outside of telling that story

And you’re a collar
for the homicide.

You’ll do 25 when you
could have done 10.

You ready?

Tim roberts.

Don’t know him.

He thinks ’cause tim roberts
been dead three years

We don’t know what
went down in florida.

Can’t say we didn’t
give him a chance.

He doesn’t think we
talked to roberts’ widow.

Or that she remembered her
husband selling you his g*n.

Which is too bad,

Because she dug up the receipt
her husband made for the g*n.

That puts it
in your hands, sonny.

The g*n that k*lled
paula thomas,

That you committed a crime
trying to retrieve.

See you at trial.

You really think 10 years?

Depends on how straight
you are with us.

I mean, I was a stone
junkie back then.

I’m reformed, though, now.

What’s that got to do
with paula?

I stole this necklace that she
had and she found out about it

And she was gonna turn me in.

[ Breathing heavily ]
so, um...

I accidentally ‐‐
I swear to god ‐‐

Accidentally sh*t her
trying to calm her down.

What’s the story
with the car?

After the accident
I hid the g*n under the seat,

Went down to
the jewelry district

To try and hock her stuff,
but the car got towed.


You know, like you said,

I broke into
the impound to...

Get the g*n back.

That’s a sob story
if I ever heard one.

I wasn’t thinking
straight back then.

[ Door closes ]

So, ten years...

Time off for good behavior,
I could be out in what? Six?

Could be.

Thanks for this.

Sure thing.

[ Knocks on door ]
man: tony rodriguez?

Captain pat fraker. Iab.

Captain fraker,
how do you do?


What brings you down?

Introducing myself,
first of all.

I just took over command
of group 67

And, uh,
thought i’d say hello.

All right.

And I thought i’d
get my hands a little dirty

Before I settle
behind a desk.

Some questions came up
on the don harrison case.

You’re on top of things.
That just jumped off.

How’s it coming?

Wrapped up.

Roger simmons sh*t his wife,
sh*t harrison,

Then drove to brooklyn
and blew his brains out.

We have a solid timeline

Were you aware of
the marital tensions

Between harrison
and rita ortiz?

I knew they
were divorcing.

Any sense of why?

Now how does this fit
in the case?

Some of his coworkers suggested
there might have been some

Impropriety behind the scenes
unrelated to the homicide.

Impropriety here?

Don harrison ever visit
the squad?

A few times to see how rita
was working out.

Was there ever an altercation in
the squad between don and rita?

His coworkers
said he mentioned one.

It was hardly an altercation,
and it was over pretty quick.

What was the nature
of the incident?

That’s between rita and don.
What’s this about, captain?

Harrison was convinced
his wife was having an affair

With a detective
in the squad.

Do you know
anything about it?

I saw no evidence
of that.

Would you be surprised
to hear don suspected

You were having an affair
with detective ortiz?

That’s not true.

If you are, it’s something you
want to get in front of.

My relationship
with rita ortiz

Has never been
more than supervisory.

Anyone who says
different is lying.

That would be
don harrison’s friends.

They can kiss my ass!

Tony, i’m just asking
a question.

And i’m answering.
I run a clean squad.

If you want to waste your time
trying to prove otherwise,

Be my guest.

No point in that.
Is there?

Pleasure meeting you.

Andy: how’s she doing?

Hanging in.

Listen, if you don’t mind, i’m
gonna bail on the planetarium.

I thought i’d get her home,
make sure she’s okay.

I’ll explain to theo.

Okay. Tell him we’re still on
for the zoo tomorrow.

Do you have any physical
evidence tying sonny wood

To k*lling paula thomas?

Just the g*n.

Which, aside
from his confession,

We can’t prove
he ever touched.

This is true.

I hope you have a good
rights waiver, signed and dated.

We did.

You’re gonna need it.
And a video statement too.

Yeah. I‐i’ll leave
that to baldwin.

You should’ve seen him
in the room, counselor.

He ‐‐ he had the perp thanking
him for letting him confess.

Quite an interview.

I’ll get a video team up here
as soon as possible.

Something else
you wanted to say?

I was going to ask you
the same thing.

Maybe we should cool it
for a while.

I’ll be right out.

She all right?

I’m taking her to dinner.

And if anyone’s
available to join,

I got a hunch she might
want to be around friends.

Yeah, sure.

I’m in.

Jones: me too.
I got theo.

I could get theo.

We were just
talking and, uh,

Would you mind if the rest
of us joined you and connie?

No, not at all.

I thought you might
like the company.

I, uh ‐‐ I appreciate it,

But if you have
something else to do...

It’s what we want to do.

The squad sticks together.
We’re a team.

You’re on the team.

[ Exhales ]

Come on.

♪ ♪

( Classical music playing )