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10x03 - One in the Nuts

Posted: 04/27/22 12:37
by bunniefuu
Give us a second and then we’ll
be right up, all right?

What do we got?

D.o.a.’S a rocky morton,
local hustler.

Apparently, he got shot
in the nuts.

I haven’t
been inside yet.

Shot in the nuts like a gay
quarrel type of thing?

I haven’t been inside yet.

Anyone see it?

No, the d. O. A.’S buddy was
upstairs with a plumber.

They heard a g*nsh*t.


Coming through.

Here’s the plumber.

D.o.a.’S buddy’s in the kitchen.
His name’s joel robinson.

Did you get the tape out
of this?

It’s not even real.
Just a shell.

One to the head,
one to the nut sack.

Hope he took the head shot

I’ll take the buddy.

Detective sipowicz, joel.
How’d you know him?

We’re partners.

Like, what kind of

What other kind is there?

The kind that get shot
in the crotch.

Oh, no way‐‐ rocky got
more trim than he could handle.

Where were you when this
went down?

With the plumber snaking
the john next door.

Rocky’s got both apartments.

For overflow inventory?

This is all legit stuff.
It’s just bulk purchase.

Any of it missing?

Some pda's, I think.

Which is what?

Palm pilot‐‐ keeps phone
numbers and stuff.

I don’t know.

I’ll need makes
and models.

What’d you hear when
you were snaking the john?


We go out to look,

And we see this guy running down
the stairs wearing a mask.

So the plumber went after him,
and I found rocky.

That his g*n next to him?

He have a lot of enemies?


I don’t know.
I can’t think right now.

Anybody else have a key?

He’s very

So why has he got a
fake camera?

He’s also tight with
a buck.

He grew up in rags.
Give the guy a break.

All right, joel.

Get that list started.


Heard a shot,
went after the guy.

Shot or sh*ts?

They were running a sewer snake,
so he couldn’t tell.

No description on account
of a mask.

How’d he lose the perp?

Guy got into a black
4‐door and split.

He was too far away
to get a plate.

So, life partner?
Business partner?

He says the guy wasn’t gay.

He sure pissed someone

That there‐‐ nightmare
number one.

Mr. Davis here was
getting robbed,

Traded sh*ts with the perp.

That’s right.
I did.

We got it now.

So, what happened?

I glanced up at the door

Just as this chili‐picking
son of a bitch

Was pulling his mask down,

Aiming his g*n and
yelling, "open the till."

And did you comply, or did you
start sh**ting right there?

He got the jump on me,
so I coughed up 100 bucks.

As soon as he went for the
money, I started blasting.

Did you hit him?

He was hobbling when
he boogied out of here.

And this happened in
the store?

I know the rules.

I’ve been here 11 years.
The g*n’s licensed.

He shot back.

There’s probably a slug
in the wall.

Was this a chili‐picking
irish guy or what?

Gimme a break, okay?

But you’re sure
he’s latino?

I saw brown before the
mask came down.

Central’s trying
to raise you.

Sector boys asking
to respond to a scene

Of a male hispanic shot a couple
blocks over on 13th and 2nd.


We’ll be back for your
statement, mr. Davis.

Get this guy’s g*n and license
down to ballistics.

Give that little
irishman my regards!

That was baldwin.

The robbery at the grocery store
they responded to,

Owner’s pretty sure he put
at least one round

Into the hispanic male
who held him up.

It’s three blocks
from here.

That differs a little.


Javier rojas‐‐
that’s your real name?

And you got shot by a 6‐foot,
dark‐skinned black male

Who tried to rob you down
the street?

Yes. Big guy.

Were you at a grocery store
three blocks from here?

Owner’s not gonna identify you
as the guy who robbed him?

Before you go any further
with this thing,

If you did do it,
now’s the time to tell us.

I didn’t rob anybody!

We gotta get this guy in.

Ride in the bus with this guy
to the e. R.,

And stay with him till you
hear from us.

You ever see this guy

No, first time was when
I opened the door

And he was holding his stomach
saying, "call an ambulance."

And where were you?

In the bedroom.
I heard my wife scream.

When he dropped to the ground,
I screamed.

I ran in and found him
on the floor.

Anyone else here when it

No, my son’s at school.

Can I go to work now?
Do you need us anymore?

If we need you,
we’ll be in touch.

Swing by the market,
show this to the owner?

Yeah, i’ll head off
medavoy and jones.

What’s the word
on rocky morton?

Two collars for receiving
stolen goods.

Then it was a robbery.

Whoever did him had to
have been buzzed in.

You can see the front door
from where the buzzer is.

We’re thinking the partner’s
involved‐‐joel robinson?

He’s not ruled out, but
the plumber accounts for him.

We’re gonna talk
to a chloe o’connor.

She was involved
in a domestic dispute

With the d. O. A. Last month.

B.c.i. Got an address
on her?

Just the name of her work‐‐
primo video.

I’m checking the address.

Might want to get robbery

Checking patterns
on small electronics.

I made the call.

Detective mcdowell?
Your sister called twice.

You got anything on that guy
shot in the apartment?

Javier rojas‐‐ no collars.
The deli owner couldn’t i. D.

We’re working on a
current address.

Jones and medavoy?

Heading to the hospital,
hopefully get a statement.

Didn’t know she had
a sister.

Me neither.

And you’re just
calling me now?

No, I understand.


What’s so important?

I’m working.
I can’t just leave.

Primo video’s on west 4th.
I’m gonna hit the can.

All right.

All right, i’ll be there,
but I got 10 minutes.

My sister, michelle.

She’s in the city?

For the last three months.

This is the first
you heard from her?

Suddenly, she needs
to see me.

She all right?

I couldn’t tell.

I need to step out
a few minutes.

Everything okay?

Yeah, my sister’s in town.
I’ll be back soon.


Oh, my god.
You scared me.

Connie, sweetie,
how are you?

I’m fine.

I can’t believe
you’re here.

Yeah, yeah, things
have been great.

I didn’t want to get in touch
until things got settled

And I got calmed down,

You didn’t seem too calm
on the phone.

I was going through a little
panic, but i’m better now.

Are you hungry?
Did you want some coffee?

No, thanks. are you?

What’s it been?
Like, a year?

About that.

You look great.

You look beat up.

And pregnant‐‐
six months.

Healthy as can be, too.

I don’t know the sex yet.
I want it to be a surprise.

Who hit you?


The same frank?

You know, i’m telling you
right now,

I don’t need a lecture,

Things have been good.

We’re just going
through a rough patch

And things
just boiled over.

Are you moving out?

That’s what I wanted
to talk to you about.

I need a place to crash
until things cool off.

Is this a regular thing?

No. No.

He’s just going through
a real rough patch.

You can’t be getting beat up,
and frank should be arrested.

No, you are not
gonna do that.

Promise me
that you won’t do that.

Well, at least he’s
coming in to talk,

’Cause you can’t live like this,
especially with a baby.

Oh, god, just no lectures,

No lectures right now,

This thing on my eye
is two hours old,

And, no, I don’t have
all the answers yet,

But bringing frank in
for a little talking to

Is not gonna make
anything better, okay?

So just promise
that you won’t.

You can stay with me
as long as you want.

Thank you.
Thank you.

I love you.

Have you seen a doctor?

Made sure
the baby’s all right?

I’m kind of paying
out of pocket.

i’ll take care of it.

Do you have
all your stuff?

Um, not everything.

Where are you staying?
I’ll pick it up.

I’m at the rogers hotel
on houston,

But just pick up my stuff

And leave frank
out of it, okay?

( Sighs )
go to the doctor.

And call me when you get
to my apartment.

You know the address.


I gotta get back.

I knew
I could count on you.

Thank you.

See the doctor.


Chloe o’connor?
Detectives clark and sipowicz.

We need to ask you some
questions about rocky morton.

Can you get
the front counter?

When’s the last time you
saw him?

A month ago.

That result in a
domestic‐disturbance call?

The judge said to steer clear
and I did.

What’s up?

What’d you argue about?

He owed me money
for work I did for him.

Putting up drywall?

What’s it matter seeing as I did
what the judge told me,

And I am not
in violation of that.

He got robbed
this morning,

And you’re on record
for having a beef with him.

I let him take
some photos,

Which he wasn’t supposed to put
on the internet and did.

I wanted more money.

After court,
I let it drop.

Can you account for yourself
this morning?

I was home, then I got coffee,
then I came here.

‐ Was anyone with you?
‐ No.

Until you can account
for all of it,

You give us where to look for
who could have robbed rocky

Or we’re gonna build this
case on you.

Anton butler‐‐ pimp.

Rocky burned him on a
coke deal,

And he said he’d always
get payback.

You’re showing us
where he lives. Let’s go.

Come on.

[ Sighs ]

East river park‐‐ hispanic male
d. O. A. In a porta potty.

Looks like he’s shot
in the gut.

Fits the description
of your perp

In the deli stickups
this morning, right?

But you already have someone
you like for that, right?

We think we do.
He’s in the o. R.

Figure it out.

You find anton?

Guy bounced around a lot.

We just got
an address.

Where’s the girl,

Back at her meaningful job.
She’s reachable.

We’re gonna check with
the d. A. For a warrant,

Then hit anton’s place.

What’s b.c.i. Got on him?

Possession, dealing, and a g*n
charge that got dropped.

We’ll back you up.

Everything all right?

Six months pregnant and her
husband’s whacking her around.

We bringing him in?

I promised I wouldn’t,

But if it’s you
doing the talking,

Then technically, i’m not
breaking the promise.

Where is he?

Andy, you got a guy
to pick up.

He can wait an hour.

Your sister want
her husband collared?

Not at the moment.

Then let the husband wait.
Pick up your suspect.

I’m sympathetic, but we got
a lot of things to take care of.

You got a place to look
for him?

We’ll get uniform
to snatch him up.

They’re staying at
the rogers hotel on houston.

I’ll take care of that.

Go with rita.
She’ll fill you in.

We’ll make time.

D.o.a. In the porta potty.

Looks like he got one
in the side.

This guy fishing
off the seawall found him.

What’s your name, sir?

Albert simon, 71,
stanton street.

I’ve lived
there nine years.

How’d you find the man?

I was fishing for striped bass,
which is a losing proposition,

But I need the sunshine‐‐

Did you see the man go
in the john?

I did not.

I approached the facilities
with a full bladder.

The first one there is
a catastrophe

with human waste.

So I tried the second one,
but the door was locked.

So I waited.

After a period of time,
I knocked with no response.

I could have easily gone behind
one of these trees,

But I have a certain degree
of respect for the community‐‐

How’d you get the
door open?

I used a small steak knife
that I use cleaning the fish.

Did you see anyone put him in
there, anyone milling around?

It’s important
you remember.

I have to be up front.

I’ve been drinking.

Rita: okay.
Thanks for your help.


[ Flies buzzing ]
don’t they ever
clean these things?

[ Groans ]

.45 a*t*matic.

Some cash...
A couple checks.

[ Sighs ]

Made out to speedy mart.

Ski mask.

So this is the guy who robbed
the market this morning.

[ Sighs ]


So the guy we found shot
at the apartment‐‐

He was telling the truth
about being robbed?

Excuse me.
Detectives mcdowell and ortiz.

We’re here for
a javier rojas.

He’s still in the o. R.

The b*llet slipped
next to his spine.

He paralyzed?

We don’t know yet.
That’s his brother out there.

He’s looking for some answers
as to how javier got shot.


Estaban rojas.

Do you know what happened
to javier?

He’s saying
he was robbed.

Where? By who?

Over on 13th and 2nd.

We’re having a problem coming
up with witnesses.

The address we got on your
brother is astoria.

Do you know what he might have
been doing over on 13th and 2nd?

We’re looking for anybody who
can help us figure this out.

Yeah, he’s got one friend who
lives in the east village,

But I don’t know her name.

Liz jimenez?

Like I said, I don’t know who
the friend is,

But I do know the name
liz jimenez.

They dated in college.

Is there bad blood,

Anything that could lead to
him getting shot?

No. She have something to
do with this?

We found your brother
at liz’s apartment.

She and her husband said

Javier pounded on the door
needing help.

They said they didn’t know him.
Javier told the same story.

What’s your brother’s
relationship with liz?

I told you‐‐ they dated in

They sleeping together?

I don’t know anything
about it.

When your brother said he was
heading to the east village,

Did he say he was gonna
get laid or what?

Just to see a friend.

A married friend?

Does liz’s husband know they
still see each other?

Liz’s husband ever
thr*aten your brother?

not that I know of.

Are you thinking he got
shot at liz’s?

We’re gonna find out.

Tv’s on.

Teams in position?

Side team in position.

Front team in position.

We’re going in.

Yo, anton!
Open the door!

[ Knock on door ]

[ Scraping ]
that’s a window.

Son of a bitch!


I’m hit!

Freeze, assh*le!

Don’t move!
Don’t move!

Drop the g*n!
Drop the g*n!

Drop it!

On the ground!
Hands behind your back!

Don’t sh**t me!

15Th squad to central "k."
Officer shot, 14th and "b."

Have a supervisor and a
bus respond forthwith.

You okay?

It’s just my arm.

Over here.

Stop right there.

You’re awful quiet there,

Attempted m*rder of a cop
witnessed by 10 other cops,

I guess i’d have a lot on
my mind, too.

Y’all didn’t say nothing
about being no cop.

So that guy you shot
in full uniform

Wasn’t enough of
a tip‐off?!

This is a done deal, anton.
You’re locked up.

The only question now
is what kind of time.

I personally got
no interest

In you ever being
on the street again,

But we got a case to clear,
so you got one shot,

But if anything comes out of
that mouth that isn’t the truth,

I will tie you to that chair,

And I will push you
out that window,

And there ain’t a cop in
this building

Who will say that you
didn’t jump!

Y’all freaked me out.
Y’all just freaked me out.

You tell us what happened
this morning.

He owed me 3 grand in rock.

I told him if he ain’t give up
the money by this morning,

I was gonna come visit him,
so I did.

How’d it go bad?

He didn’t give it up.

I sat him down, my boy held
his arms, and we had a smoke,

And some ashes fell on
his arm.

Happened to get some burns
from it,

That’s just the
price of business.

What about the two b*ll*ts
in him?

Wait, what now?

The one in his nuts.
The one in his head.

Didn’t nobody
sh**t dervis.

Who the hell is dervis?

Dervis watts who owes me
3 grand in rock?

That was this morning?

All morning,
and when I left,

He was alive and thankful
to be that way.

You know rocky morton?

Never heard of him.

You know chloe o’connor?


How do you know her?!

She worked for me.

Turning tricks?

For a while,
and then she split.

Said I got her hooked on rock,
which I do not do.

[ Knock on door ]

I need a minute.

Y’all saying this ain’t got
nothing to do with dervis?

Don’t you move.

What’s his story?

Claiming he was totally

Tend to believe him.

Robbery called.

They got word a guy named
chris nelson

Was off‐loading
these palm pilots

Like the ones stolen
from rocky.

B.c.i. Set up a meet with him
in a half‐hour.

This guy’s a collar
for attempted m*rder of a cop.

Okay, thanks.

That was liz jimenez.
She’s back at her apartment.

The desk sergeant called.

Uniforms are
bringing frank up.

They get him
at the hotel?

Yeah, coming back from
the bar.

He wasted?

They said not too bad.

When did andy and john
head out?

Just a minute ago.
You were up at anti‐crime.

I can’t keep him here
all day.

I want to go in,
but I promised michelle.

Would you guys mind
having a talk with frank?

We’d be happy to.

I mean, this is a guy beating
a pregnant woman.

We got it.


Five minutes, then we’ll
go get liz.

You bet.

Um, look, what’s going
on here?

We know you beat your wife
today, frank.

This is the place where my
wife’s sister works, right?

Frank, our time
in this room

Is gonna consist of us talking
and you listening.

Okay, cool.

Got it.


So here’s
where we’re at‐‐

We talked to everyone involved,
and we worked it out

So that you’re not gonna get
charged with spousal abuse.

You talked to michelle?
What did she say?


I’m sorry.
And i’m serious.

You open your mouth one more
time before we tell you

And we’re gonna haul your ass
right down to a cell.

What you gotta come to terms
with right now

Is that your wife doesn’t want
anything to do with you anymore.

So no more contact.
No more phone calls.

No more nothing.
It’s done.

You go your merry way.
She’ll go hers.

The alternative to that
is you getting locked up.

So what’s it gonna be?

I can talk now?


She was slapping on me.
I was defending myself!



What’s it gonna be?!

All right.


[ Chuckles ]
i’m done.

You know, we’re done.

I understand now that our
relationship was just too heated

And we can’t be around
each other.

[ sighs ]

This is a big wake‐up call
for me.

I appreciate you guys treating
me like a human being.

How long you been in
new york?

Three months.

From where?


Go back to chicago.

If you lay hands on this girl
again, you’re going to jail.

And these aren’t
empty threats, frank.

Don’t find out
the hard way.

Beat it.

How’d it go?

It didn’t.

Were you looking in?

Yeah, I was, and, uh,
"go back to chicago"?

Did you give him a pat on the
ass on the way out?

He said he’d stay away knowing
he’d get locked up if he didn’t.

He’s a liar!
His word doesn’t mean d*ck!

What’d you want us to do,
put a g*n to his head?

Lean on him a little!
Put some fear into him!

We lean on him, we send him
home all pissed off

And ready to take it out on
somebody, like your sister.

He’s only gonna respond
to a real threat,

Not pleasant conversation.

What’s the problem?


We talked to her sister’s

We made it clear that he was
to keep away from her.

He made it clear that he

Connie, we did what we felt
was right in the room.

And i’m saying you could have
done a little more.

You know how we can avoid this?
Don’t ask us for any favors.

All right,
everybody chill out.

Rita, you and connie
go get liz jimenez

And see what the hell happened
at their apartment this morning.

You got this chris nelson?

In the pokey.

Do your interview.

Mellow out.

I, uh, I need a minute.

I’ll get the car.


Where’d you get the
palm pilots, chris?

Bought ’em from a guy.
Didn’t get his name.

Hmm, so credibility in
the swag game

Is about having a trusting
face like yours?

It’s not swag, okay?
I pay for ’em and resell ’em.

Only difference between me
and circuit city

Is the 8.25% kickback
to the government.

You specialize
in electronics?

I know pda's, dvd players, cd
burners, high‐end, high‐quality.

You know anything about
security cameras?

Not much of a market
for them,

But I am aware of
their function.

Did you happen to notice the
camera over the door

When you took off
rocky morton this morning?


Yeah, morton, the guy you took
the palm pilots from.

Hey, I paid for
those palms.

The guy I bought ’em from
called himself lamar.


You think you can sit
there bullying us

’Cause you had a mask
on inside,

But I guess you didn’t notice
the two exterior cameras.

Seems like rocky knew
a little more about electronics

Than you there, chris.

You know what this boils
down to?

Stick to what you know.

Which doesn’t include

I was told this would be
an easy score.

Told by who?

Crack whore,
chloe something.

She said this scumbag
that was pimping her

Had a lot of stuff.

She said we’d go in,
hold a g*n on the guy,

Who she said would crap his
shorts at the sight of it,

Take what we could,
and split.

But he didn’t crap.

He‐‐ he jumped at me.

How’d his pants drop?

When we were fighting, I somehow
got ahold of his belt.

When’d your g*n go off?

I was running out, and he was,
like, on the ground

With his pants at his ankles
crawling at me like a crab,

And he got ahold of
my foot.

I was just trying to
get free,

And I let one go.

I think it hit him in
the leg.

Then what?

I was out the door.

He didn’t fire back?

He didn’t have a g*n.

When’d you fire
the second shot?

I only shot once.

There was two b*ll*ts,

I squeezed that trigger
one time and beat it.

Where was chloe
during this?

History as soon as
he jumped me,

And that’s when I
fired one time.

He yelped, let go of my leg,
and I was gone.

Write down what you said.

We ran into javier’s brother
at the hospital‐‐ estaban.

We know you dated javier
in college.


Why’d you lie about it?

Javier didn’t want to
involve us.

Who shot him?

He was robbed down
the street.

There was no blood trail
leading to your apartment.

Javier told us he was shot
down the street.

Are you out of your mind?

You gotta be out of
your mind.

We find your ex‐boyfriend shot
in your apartment,

And here you are still
playing games.

If you don’t start telling us
the truth right now,

We’ll put you in handcuffs
and take you to jail.

Who shot javier?!

I didn’t see!
I was in the bedroom!

What was your general impression
of what happened?

Javier came by to talk.

My husband forgot papers
for work.

Javier hid in the closet.

We went to the bedroom
to get his work.

My husband heard a noise,
grabbed his g*n,

And told me to stay
in the room.

And I did.

I froze.

I should have gone
out there.

Did your husband suspect
it was javier?


Have you been sleeping
with javier?

When you made it into the living
room, what was going on?

Javier told us to say
he got shot down the street.

Why’d javier cook up
a fake story?

Did your husband thr*aten
him if he didn’t?


Javier gets shot
by your husband

And volunteers to say
it was someone else?

I dated both javier
and ricardo.

I got pregnant.

Javier was too wild,
so I married ricardo.

He was a better husband.

That’s even less
of a reason

For javier to cover
for the guy who took you away.

My son...

Javier’s the dad.

Does your husband know?

We never talked about it.

Javier knows, though.

That’s why I still let him
come by‐‐ to see him‐‐

And I know that’s why he wanted
to tell the fake story‐‐

So our son’s life
wouldn’t be ruined.

Well, we’re gonna need to talk
to your husband now.

[ Sniffles ]

Chris nelson gave you up.

What’s that mean?

You brought him in on an easy
score and it went sour.

He also indicated you might have
reason to do it past money.

Mainly that rocky
was pimping you.

He’s lying.
I’ve never been a hooker.

You got two pross collars, and
people call you a crack whore.

It’s a lie.

You stick to your virtue and go
away as an accomplice,

But not just on a robbery,

Because there’s two b*ll*ts
in rocky‐‐

One in his nuts and
one in his skull.

You want to take all the
weight on this

Or is there more
to this story?

I don’t know anything
about a m*rder!

Where you from, chloe?

Centerville, indiana.

How long you been in
new york?

Nine months.

Came here to act,
sing, dance?


How long were you in town before
you were on the street?

Two months.

Where’d you meet rocky?

In a bar.

I was strung out.

He gave me a place
to stay.

Then he put you on
the street?

When’d you stop
getting along?

After he started selling
me to guys,

Like, for weeks on end.

[ Voice breaking ]
I said that I hated it

And that I wanted
to stop.

He said I had dope to pay off.
We got in a big fight.

That the domestic disturbance
last month?

I said, "just give me the money
to go home and we’re even."

He told me to go to hell
and kicked me out.

[ Sniffles ]
I had nowhere to go.

So you came up with
this plan?

First his partner, joel,
tried to put me up,

But then he ran out of money,
and I flipped.

I went on a 2‐week binge

And had to stay the night
in the hospital

Because I slashed
my wrists,

But, yeah, after that,
I came up with a plan.

It wasn’t supposed to
go like this,

And I don’t know anything
about rocky getting k*lled!

What do you know?

[ Sighs ]

When we came, rocky just
jumped chris

And started fighting him
over his g*n.

I got scared!
I ran!

Did you hear sh*ts?

Just one, but then I was
out the door,

And chris was, like,
a few seconds behind me!

And no second shot?

I just heard one,
and then chris was there.

I swear!

Wow, he’s really dead?

And chris really shot him
in the nuts?


That’s the first good thing
to happen to me

Since I got to new york.

All right,
write it down.

Start with indiana.

The husband’s lawyered up.
He’s not saying anything.

But the wife says
he fired the shot?

The wife saw him leave the
bedroom with the g*n,

But she’s claiming to not be
an eyeball witness.

And we believe her?

Who knows?

The husband’s a collar
regardless, right?

The other guy, javier,

He’s saying he was shot
down the street?

But everybody knows
that’s a bunch of b. S.

You need to make a call?


Now, where were we?

I was gonna say b. S.
Or not,

You gotta get javier to come
off his statement.

Then the husband’s
a collar.

All right, you and greg get
down to bellevue

And get javier
off his story.

Lieutenant rodriguez.


How about just letting it
slide next time

Instead of busting my
chops in front of my boss?

The way she was shaking
her hand so violently,

It looked urgent.

All right.

This chick, chloe, and the guy
she did the robbery with,

Neither is saying they fired
or heard the second shot.

M.e.’S report came back.

The b*llet in the d. O. A.’S
head matches his own g*n.

The b*llet found in his crotch
came back a different caliber.

No prints found on
his g*n.

He took himself out from the
pain of being shot in the balls?

I don’t know. We gotta talk
to his partner,

See how far apart he
heard the g*nshots.

All right, good.

Any news on your sister?

she checked out fine.

She’s napping right now
at my apartment.

I’ll call you later.

Hi, we’re detectives
jones and medavoy.

We need
a minute with javier.

I’ll be right out here.

We just heard.
I’m sorry.

I’ll walk again.
You can bet on it.

Javier, we talked to liz.
She told us what happened.

I was shot by a guy up the
street from her apartment.

Hey, to be honest
with you,

It’s a real noble thing
you did,

Changing the story to protect
your and liz’s son,

But the truth is out now.

I was robbed and shot up
the street.

Javier, you stick to that
story and ricardo,

Who took your girlfriend,
took your kid,

And shot you, he walks,
and you may never walk again.

He didn’t take liz.

He didn’t take my son.

She married him because
he’d be a better husband,

And she was right,

And he’s a good father
to robert.

I’m not gonna ruin
all that.

So you’re letting him get away
with sh**ting you?

You’re gonna make us call to
have him released?

I was robbed and shot

By a guy up the street
from her apartment.

You’re emotional.


When you calm down,
give us a call.

We can talk.

Take your card.

What I said
is what happened,

And i’ll never say anything

All right, then.

You’re a stand‐up guy,

You’re crazy, but you’re
a stand‐up guy.

Where were you headed,


When you get picked up
at the airport,

That’s usually an indication
you’re heading somewhere.

Albany to visit my uncle.

This your bag?

You always carry 20 grand
when you visit your uncle?

Rocky didn’t have his g*n on him
when he got robbed.

We need to know how it
wound up lying next to him.

He must have had it
on him.

He didn’t, and we got your
print off of it.

How’d it get there?

I’ve held that g*n before.

Did you fire it today
or any other g*n?

I haven’t fired a g*n
in years.

We got a subpoena to do a
paraffin test on your hand

That’ll determine you fired
a g*n today.

You’ve known rocky how
many years?

It don’t make sense that you’d
k*ll him over 20 grand,

But that’s how it’ll go down
unless we hear different.

Oh, god.

How’d you two hook up?

I was in accounts payable
at a shipping company,

And he had a bulk‐rate racket
on bringing in chinese pottery,

And we hit it off, and he
brought me in with him.

Doing the books?

the grocery shopping.

If a truck pulled up at 4:00
in the morning with 200 vcrs,

I’m the one who
carried them up the stairs.

When did he start running

You see, that’s when
it turned the corner.

Three years ago,
it changed him,

And then when he started selling
girls like sex slaves,

That’s‐‐ that’s sick!

It’s sick!

How well did you know
chloe o’connor?

She’s a nice girl.

Indiana girl right off the bus,
and he treated her like hell.

You know she was involved

In what happened in the
apartment this morning?

Yeah, when I came out of the
other apartment,

He was bleeding on the floor

"Get my 9,
you stupid assh*le!

We’re gonna find her
and blow her brains out!"

So then you got the g*n,
and then what happened?


He was...

Just squirming,
all bloody and pitiful,

Screaming every name
in the book at me,

Which was nothing unusual, but
he said he was gonna k*ll her.

I mean‐‐

He was such a bastard
to her.

So you shot him.

He never should have gotten
into running girls.

That’s‐‐ that’s an evil

All right, let’s go.

When you write this up,

Land on how he threatened
to k*ll her,

How you were afraid
for her safety.

Sure. Thanks.

You are such a chicken.

All right, then,
who goes first?

Me first.

Truth or dare?

[ Chuckles ]

I can’t believe i’m
doing this.

Truth or dare?


Hmm. Okay.

Do you remember the names
of every girl you slept with?


I was stuck in an elevator once
with some cheerleaders,

But I just refer to them
as "the squad." Is that okay?

Your turn.

All right, truth or‐‐

Lose the top.

Truth or dare?


Are you gonna do truth
all night?

Is that your question?

What do you think of me?

Do you take me seriously,

Or am I
just a fun distraction?

I’m thinking back
to a conversation

We had at a certain
hot‐dog stand,

And you told me you just
wanted to have fun.

if that’s changed‐‐

It hasn’t.


Truth or dare.


I think those pants
need to go.


Truth or dare?


Get that shirt off.

You take it off.



You’re not supposed
to dare a dare.


Let’s play something else,


So, you working?

I’m going to suny.
I will be going to suny.

There’s a problem with some
of my credits transferring,

But it’s getting worked out, and
then i’m gonna get my degree.

You’ve been talking about
this degree a long time.

Have you thought about setting
it aside for a while

And just getting a job?

Well, you can’t get much
without a degree.

You might better serve
yourself starting small

And keeping things

’Cause school doesn’t seem
to have worked out so far.

I’ll think about it.

It’s not just
about you now.

There’s gonna be
a baby involved.

I’m aware of that.

What about frank?
You don’t let up.

I’m just worried
about you.

You don’t think i’m
a little bit worried, too?

I’m scared to death.

Of frank?
That he’ll hurt you?

How about of being
on my own,

Of being a mom
and staying clean,

Which I have throughout
this entire pregnancy,

And diapers and providing?

God, it’s like the whole
world’s coming down on me,

And i’m scared to death.

Maybe that’s a good thing.

Now you have to
stop running around

And get your life

I really want to.

Let me help.

[ Sniffles ]

[ Doorbell buzzes ]

Frank: michelle, it’s me.

Oh, my god.

[ Loud knocking ]

Frank, go home
or i’m gonna‐‐
I wanna talk to my wife.

She doesn't wanna
talk to you.

’Cause she wants me
in jail?

Is that why I got dragged into
the police station?

I asked you not to!

One guy threatened
to break my arm.

Quit lying, frank.

You’re right.
It was very pleasant.

It was a great afternoon.

Michelle, can I talk to you,

Go home.

What do you want?
Say it and go.

I’m sorry.

I feel awful, you know?

I made a mistake, and I
want to make it up to you.

I don’t deserve
this kind of thing, frank!

I’m not gonna stand
for it.

Can we just get coffee,
talk a few minutes alone?

I’ll bring you
right back.

Just...let me throw myself
at your feet

Like the sl*ve that I am.

[ Chuckles ]

This is a big joke?

It’s just something that
he says.

Just a coffee, you know?
10 Minutes?

I love you.

I’m sick over this.

Wait outside.

[ Door closes ]

Don’t do this, michelle.
Give it the night at least.

Just let me hear him out.
He’s the baby’s father.

Don’t go home with him.

I’ll call you.

[ Sighs ]

( Violin plays )