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10x15 - tr*nny Get Your g*n

Posted: 04/27/22 14:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

Theo wet his bed again‐‐
three nights in a row.

Have you talked to him
about it?

I will.
Where’s the clean sheets?

Sheets are still dirty.

I thought you did
the laundry.

Ran out of detergent.

You were supposed
to pick some up.

You need to remind me with that.
I got a few things on my mind.

I got a few things
on my mind, too.
I’ll be late.

I know.

I’ll try to remember detergent
on the way home.

I’ll take care of it.

I don’t want to be shirking
my duties at home.

Don’t take this out on me.

I’m talking about detergent.
No, you’re not!

That’s all right, sweetheart.
Just, uh, just feel better.

We’ll work something out,
okay? Okay, bye.

What’s the problem?

[ Sighs ]
andrea’s got the flu.

She can’t watch the baby.

Call the service.

I am. Will you wait
till they get here?

I gotta take theo to school.

I’ll drop him off on my
way to work.

I’ll drop him off on the way
to the crime scene

I gotta get to
and i’m already late for.

I gotta go by court.

You have a baby.
They’ll understand.

We have a baby.

Right? We.

Don’t even start with this.
You’re taking the lead with her.

I’m taking the lead
with theo.

I help out with theo.

You don’t help out at all
with michelle.

She sleeps. She eats.
What do you want me to do?

Take her out
for a game of catch?

Have you ever thought
to change the baby’s diaper?

Are you kidding?

Do you ever think to get up
in the middle of the night

If she’s crying
or warm up a bottle?

No, because you’ve
been obsessed with her

And protecting her
like a bear with a cub.

Maybe for the first week.

The whole time.

This is an excuse for you
not to help out,

And you know what?
And i’m sick of it.

As much as i’d rather stay
in our happy home here,

I gotta go to work.

And this is what,

You laying down the law,
what you say goes?

I’m leaving before I say
something I can’t take back.

Hey, squirt.

You ready?

Are you leaving?

Yeah, i’m going to work,
and you’re going to school.

But you’re coming back?

Of course i’m coming back.

But you said
you were leaving.

Theo, i’ll
never leave you.

I love you.


I promise.

You okay?

Come on. Let’s go.

[ Indistinct chattering ]




Greg: female, no i. D.

Clark: jones is talking
to the guy who called it in.

Andy: what is she, hispanic?

Indian maybe?

Yeah, maybe.

We notified bias unit

Ligature marks on
her neck, stabbed,

No apparent signs of r*pe.

The contractor opened up at
7:00, found her like this.

Didn’t see anybody
milling around.

Did he seem legit?

Yeah. I got his name.
I’ll run him anyway.

Morning, andy.

Yeah, morning.

Crime scene’s on the way.

We’ll start a canvass.

Used to have
a homeless problem here,

But not in a while.

Do yourself a big favor‐‐
stay single.

You guys brawling again?

Stay single.

Um, we got an i. D.
On the d. O. A., Boss‐‐

Selmia usef, pakistani, 18,

Lives a block
from the crime scene.

How’d you get her i. D.’D?

She was arrested in a stolen car
six months ago.

The charge was dismissed.

Father bailed her out.

There’s no answer
at the number he left.

So we’re heading
for the building.

Anything on the canvass?


Yeah, and crime scene,
they came up empty.

babysitter problem.

I’ll put in
for the lost time.

What problem?

Service was booked.

What about the other‐‐
it’s covered.


Man: hi.

Gordon dillit.
Need to report a robbery.

I got robbed, technically.

Detectives john clark
and andy sipowicz.

This is my wife, sharon.
It’s an insurance issue, really.

Ego‐wise i’m good.
He got his.

In here.

[ Grunts ]

Where’d this happen?

12Th near second.

Around 12:30,

I was coming home from
a spark job near columbus.

Guy jumped me.

English, please.

I’m a claims adjuster.

They say it’s an
electrical fire.

I say different.
What I say goes.

So you were coming home?

The guy probably saw me
taking cash from the atm.

It’s too late to get cash.
I know.

Anyway, he grabs me,
I spin.

Tagged him, tagged him again
real clean,

But i’m used to a ring.

So I danced into
a trash can.

I went ass over teakettle,
which is‐‐

We got it.
What’d the guy take?

And my wife’s bulova watch

That I was supposed
to get repaired,

Which should have already
been repaired.

It was my fault,
no question.

Did you get a look
at the guy?
Nah, awful dark.

Was he white, black?
Anything about him?

He went down too quick.

Thinking about it, though,
there’s blood on the sidewalk.

Dna, maybe.

Is there any hope of getting
the watch back?

It was an antique.

We’ll check with area

But honestly,
it’s a long sh*t.

Eh, so we get the insurance.
We replace it.

My mother gave me
that watch.

Sweetheart, honey...

You never know
with these things.

Let’s leave it at that.

[ Knock on door ]

They’ll take a report

Give a description
of the watch.

We got a photo.


D.o.a. In a hotel on "d."

Connie and rita
will meet you there.

We’ll get in touch with you
in the next few days.

Hospitals, too‐‐
to look for this guy.

Left jab, left cross,

Busted chin and nose‐‐

Can you find your
own way out?

Another henpecked slob.

Yeah, couldn’t shut her up.

I’m saying she made him
that way.

Yeah, and i’m saying...
[ Chuckles ]

I don’t know what i’m saying.
I’m gonna get my coat.

Have a seat, mr. Usef.

Greg: would you
like something to drink?

No, thank you.

You said on the phone you wanted
to talk about my daughter.

Uh, yes.

If you don’t mind,
could you please tell me why?

When’s the last time
you saw her?

Last night.

Where was she going?

To a boy’s house.

Which boy?

Someone she
had been dating.

Do you know his name?

I don’t like to speak it.

Well, how about you write
it down or something?

What’s going on with selmia?

I would like to know
now, please!

[ Sighs ]

We found a body, mr. Usef,
and we think it might be selmia.

I’m gonna show you a picture,
and you tell us if it’s her.

I knew.

I knew one day.

You knew what?

I told her to stay away
from him.

How many times?
A thousand.

W‐what’s her boyfriend’s
name, mr. Usef?

Mike brandt.

American boy.

I told her.

Do you know where this
mike brandt lives?


And at this moment,
i’m glad that I don’t.

That’s good thinking, sir.

Now, uh, go home
and wait to hear from us.

Mr. Usef...

Call this number.

They’ll tell you when her body’s
ready to be released.

[ Door closes ]

That’s not exactly
my reaction

If one of my daughters
got k*lled.


[ Camera whirs ]

D.o.a.’S mark halsey.
A bunch of s*ab wounds.

So a tr*nny pross?

No, he’s just
a snappy dresser.

That was a statement,
like, "I know he’s a tran‐‐"


We haven’t talked to him yet‐‐
miles landon.

Clark: how you doing,
mr. Landon?

You know him?
Sort of.

He come in much?

Yeah, I guess.

You ever consider
writing a play?

’Cause you got
a real way with words.

Another one down.
It’s hard to get excited.

What do you know about him?

And no more of your
miserable opinions.

Went by lana.
Comes in sometimes.

Who’d he come in with
last night?

A couple of different guys.
I didn’t pay attention.

Didn’t look up from your p*rn
mag even for a second.

When the money is on the
counter, I don’t gotta look up.

You got anything can help
find who did it?

I was out having a smoke,
and one of the guys

Came running out
and screeched off in his car.

I got a piece of the plate.

You just told me
this now?

You didn’t ask,
and you’re being an assh*le.

Get out of my sight.

What kind of attitude
is that?

Got a cell phone here.

You gonna run it?

Yeah, I thought I might.

I’m just asking.

We’re working.
So let’s just work.

We gonna canvass?

Yeah, separately.

D.o.a.’S dad give us
a place to look?

She had a boyfriend.

We’ll run him
then snatch him up.

Anything on the canvass?

Smoking‐sheets joint.
No one would talk.

Andy and john got a hit off
the license plate

From the hotel manager.

Turns out it’s gordon dillit
from this morning.


get mr. Dillit settled

In the paperwork room,
will you?

I must say, you do quick work.
I commend you. Bravo.

This way.

This the robbery victim from
this morning with the wife?

He thinks we found her watch.
The guy’s half a nut job.

He got a record?

But seeing
who he’s married to,

You could see the guy
just snapping.

Yeah, behind every great

Let’s go.

[ Door closes ]

So... Paperwork
for the watch?

You ever been to the
glenden arms hotel?

What’s that got to do
with the watch?

Answer the question.

Never heard
of the glenden arms.

You were seen there last night.
You know a hooker named lana?

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, lord.

No, it’s,
"oh, detective sipowicz,"

’Cause i’m who you need now.

What happened
with the pross?

This‐‐ this can’t get back
to my wife.

Clark: worry
about your story.

You a fruit?
No, absolutely not!

You must have flipped out
seeing lana had a d*ck.

Lana... Had a...

[ Sighs ]
it was a man, huh?

Gordon, we’re trying to steer
you in a direction

Where what you did was
justifiable, you get that?

What I did.

I‐i mean, we never...
Got to the sex.

All right, start when you
walked into the hotel room.

We, uh...

[ Sniffs ]

This is embarrassing.

We negotiated price.

I laid my money
on the television.

She sat down
on the bed and...

Withdrew my‐‐

We get it.

And then the door burst in,

And there’s this man standing
there with a Kn*fe.

He demanded all my money,
everything out of my pockets,

Says he’s gonna keep me
in the room until midnight,

Then take me to an atm
for more money,

But they got in a fight,

And when they weren’t looking,
I ran away.


This man and this lana
over my wife’s watch‐‐

God help me‐‐

Over who was gonna
get to keep it.

You saying she ran
a murphy game on you?

I don’t know
what that means,

But I got the feeling
that they were partners.

I mean, she...
Called him randy, wavy hair.

And they
just let you run away?

Well, they were yelling
at each other,

And then when she
went into the bathroom,

He followed her in,
and I ran.

I understand making a false
police report is a crime,

But i’m still a victim,
and for some reason,

You guys aren’t
treating me that way.

Lana was stabbed to death.

Oh, my lord.

You sure you left
when you did?


And this other guy
actually exists?

’Cause you don’t want
to waste our time again

With another phony robbery.

Of course he exists.
If he didn’t, i‐‐

I didn’t k*ll her.

Any way to prove that?

I passed a woman
in the hallway.

Sh‐she was in
the next doorway.

I ran right past her.
They were still yelling then.

Go talk to her.

Up. You’re
waiting in a cell.

A cell?!

My lord.

Come on.

Oh, my lord.

When was the last time
you saw selmia usef, mike?

This is about selmia?
That’s why you brought me in?

Seeing I just asked you a
question referencing her name,

Yeah, that’s probably
a safe bet.

Why, what happened?

Last time you saw her,
Last night.

She crash with you?

She went home before midnight.
What the hell is going on?

She’s missing.

Talk to her dad.

He probably shipped her
back to pakistan, guaranteed.

Where’d she say she
was heading last night?

Home. I’m telling you,
ask her dad.

He’s from the old country, man.
That muslim‐law thing.

We did talk to him.
He hasn’t seen her.

Well, there’s a thing in this
world that’s called lying.

I mean, come on, guys.

So her dad didn’t want
you two dating.


Would you guys go through
breakups because of it?

He wanted her to live like a
robot, and he hated my guts.

That tends to cause
a little friction.

Did she try to break up
with you last night?

No. Did we argue a little?
Yeah, but we didn’t break up.

Argued over what?
None of your damn business.

I don’t know where
selmia is, okay?

I’m out of here.

Selmia’s dead.

Oh, my god. Why’d you
say she was missing?

We lied.

Well, you guys
can go to hell.

We need to see what your
reaction would be.

Yeah? Here it is,

Here’s my freakin’ reaction
to getting maneuvered.

And we need to see
what your temper’s like.

All right.

Everybody chill out here.

Whatever you say, mike.

Selmia’s curfew
was at midnight.

She bolted out of my door
about 10 till

So she could make it.

I went to bed.
That’s the last I saw her.

You’re not gonna mind
sticking around

While we look into your
story, are you, mike?

She’s really dead?


[ Sighs ]

[ Telephone rings ]

Hey, boss.

Tony: what did gordon say?

That the whore and her pimp
were running a game on him.

He’s saying he booked
while them two were arguing.

Why’d he leave that
out this morning?

Didn’t want his old lady
finding out about the whore.

We believe him?

He’s not going anywhere.
We’ll keep chipping away.

Still waiting on
the d. O. A.’S cell phone dump.

Gordon said the pimp’s
name was randy.

We’re looking to see
if that name pops up

In the d. O. A.’S records.

May I help you?

Uh, I need to speak
with someone

About the selmia usef
case, please.

Hi. Detective jones,
detective medavoy.

I‐is there somewhere
we may talk in private?

Sure, yeah.
Right this way.

[ Sighs ]

I’m sorry, miss.
I‐i didn’t catch your name.

I’d prefer not to say.

I can only say
I am selmia’s cousin.

If that is unacceptable,
I will leave now.

Uh, no, t‐that’s fine.

No one must know we spoke.

Whatever you say stays here.

Selmia’s father...


He’s my uncle.

Earlier today,
he told my father
that he k*lled selmia.

Wait, ahmend
k*lled his own daughter?

For disobeying.

For bringing shame to him.

They call it
an honor k*lling.

Now, your dad said your uncle
told him this, or‐‐

I overheard my uncle say it
directly to my father.

Is your uncle a violent guy
as far as you know?

Not before this.

Had he made threats to selmia
before her death?

Not that she told me.
I should leave now.

First thing‐‐

We’re sorry for the loss
of your cousin.

You obviously
must have been close,

And second thing‐‐ we really
appreciate you coming in.

We know it took
a lot of courage.

Thank you,
but I have to leave now.

And third thing‐‐

We’re gonna need
your information.

I cannot be involved
past what i’ve already done.

You just gave us evidence
of a crime.

That makes you
a material witness.

If we have to,
we’ll force you to testify.

We’d rather it didn’t
come to that.

We’ll do everything we can

To leave you out of it
past this.


[ Door opens ]

Detective? Detective clark just
called from downstairs

And wanted me to tell you

He got the tr*nny pross’s
phone records back,

And there are calls
from a randy‐‐ randy roupe.

He said he’d meet you out
front in five minutes.

Thanks. John...

How do you like
the apartment?

Oh, I love it.
It’s so perfect.

Thank you again
for subletting it to me.


I finally finished painting,

And my new dining table
is being delivered on saturday.

Maybe you could come
to dinner next week.

I feel like I haven’t
seen theo in forever.

Everything’s okay as far
as me living there, right?

No, it’s just, uh,
a delegate told me

That they’re really
cracking down

On detectives in the same squad
cohabitating together.

If I get popped
and I had to get
my own place again...

Oh, that’s terrible.

It’s just some grumblings
i’ve heard.

Nothing directed at me
and connie yet or nothing.

But in the event that you
didn’t like the apartment,

That would have been
an alternative for me.

But you like it, so...

Detective, if you need
to move back in,

Absolutely, i’d move out.

No, if you’re settled in,
it’s yours.

I’d find other

I would never tell you how to
live your life, detective‐‐


I’m gonna tell the boss
we gotta pick up this randy.

But I wouldn’t
make any big decisions

Based on what a delegate
says one day.

Those things tend
to blow over.


It’s what they say and do over
a period of time that counts.

I’d give it more time.

[ Door closes ]

You know a mark halsey,

Sure don’t.

Took four calls from him
last night and no clue?

Mark halsey‐‐ tr*nny pross,
also goes by lana.

Yeah‐‐ lana. Okay.

Didn’t know his guy name.

What’d you talk about?

"Want to go to a movie
tomorrow night?"

"What movie?"
"Is 3:00 okay?"

Back and forth like that.

When did you see
him/her last?

She’s dead, right?
She die?

What do you know
about it?

Son of a bitch!

Clark: you have something
to do with it?

No, but I know who did‐‐
that little sweater‐wearing f*g.

His name?

Gordon something‐‐
her last trick.

The guy slashed her up.

He’s saying different.

Saying what? Me?
Saying I did it?

That little psycho.

Some balls.

Lay out your side,

I for lana.

Pimping her out.

I was not her pimp.

She was a friend of mine.

Were you protecting her
last night?

Yeah. I was waiting in the car

For her to call with
the "all’s cool,"

But it never came.

So I take a walk inside,

I hear yelling,
then screaming,

And then this gordon goes
sprinting past me

Covered with blood.

Did you go after him?

I went to her, but she‐‐

I tried to save her,
pump her chest...

She was all cut up.

Son of a bitch.

You ever think
to call the cops?

She was gone.

I had her blood
up to my wrists.

I panicked.

So you didn’t run a murphy game
on this gordon.


You didn’t murphy him
and steal his cash

Then keep him to take more cash
after it turned midnight?

Hell, no!

’Cause we got conflicting

On one side,
there’s the insurance guy.

On the other...

Oh, so it’s automatically me?

Look, he wants to throw you
a line about some game,

Good for him.

But you believe him?

A guy out whoring?

Shame on you.

That’s deep
from a tr*nny pimp.

Anybody back you up?

It’s unbelievable.
My friend got k*lled.

That’s my friend.

All right, mourn in the cell.
Get up.

You ever hear of the expression
"running your mouth"?


It means talking too much,

And what’s interesting

Is that people
who commit crimes,

A lot of them end up
telling someone else

Either because they’re
nervous or they feel guilty

Or they’re trying to brag.

They run their mouth,
like you’ve been doing.

Running my mouth?

We know you confessed
to your daughter’s death.

That is not true.

Hell, yeah, it is.

That happens to be
a crime in this country.

This is my home
for 10 years.

I know what the laws are,
and I obey them.

Except when it comes
to your family.

Then it’s cultural law,
right? Hmm?

If that’s the case,
just tell us, and we’ll
factor it in.

Who would tell you
I did this?
Plenty of people,

And they will testify that
you admitted to k*lling her.

I didn’t k*ll selmia.

She was my daughter,
and I loved her.

We know you k*lled
your daughter.

So if you keep lying, here’s
another expression‐‐

You can kiss your
ass goodbye.

Talk to her american

He hasn’t been telling
people he k*lled her.

I did not k*ll selmia.

Did you hire someone
to do it?


Go ahead
and keep lying, then,

But you will
get charged with this,

And I will be there
when you get sentenced.

I told people I k*lled selmia
to try and gain respect back.

She had ashamed me, and my
community look at me as a fool!

You took credit for k*lling
your daughter.


Ahmend, you confessed
to a crime.

People don’t ordinarily confess
to crimes they didn’t do.

That’s how we look at it.

That’s how the courts
look at it.

So unless you can provide
evidence to the contrary,

You did it!

Now, can you prove
you did not do it?

I did not k*ll her!

That’s not good enough.

So roupe never got dillit
to an atm to get more money?

Dillit says he escaped
before they could.

Great if we had them on
security camera.

Better if we had a full
written confession.

So we’re on the fence.

Leaning towards roupe,

But we’ll see with this monica

That connie and rita
are bringing in.


When dillit split,
he passed a woman

Who saw that he didn’t have
any blood on him

And could still hear roupe and
the d. O. A. Fighting‐‐so he says.

Hotel manager gave us a place
to look for...him, actually.

Dan hoffnagle’s
his real name.

So we’re waiting
on this dan/monica

And doing background
on dillit.


Valerie: so, ahmend?

He went for it?

Not to us,
but we like him.

We got enough for a collar?

A direct admission to the niece,
copping to it, that’s strong.

It’s not like an ex‐con
saying it.

Uniform found a bloody Kn*fe
a block from the crime scene.

It’s on its way
to the m.e.

We’ll go canvass
where they found it.

Keep the dad around.

Detective sipowicz?
Terry gail returning your call.

I think he’s a co‐worker
of gordon dillit.


So, uh, monica...

You at the glenden arms
hotel last night?


’Cause we’re curious.

You looking to bust me
for something?

You got
a guilty conscience?

I’m saying my line of work.
This about that?

It’s about the he/she pross
who got butchered

In the room next to yours‐‐
know anything about it?

No. I heard
about it, though.

It’s tragic.

So you didn’t hear it
go down?


Next door, paper‐thin walls‐‐
you didn’t hear a thing?

I might not have been there
when you think I was.

We know you were ’cause
someone saw you, dan ‐‐

Oh, you’re gonna call me dan
and expect me to cooperate.

Cooperate or we will make this
about your line of work...


[ Sighs ]

And it’ll bank some goodwill
for any future scrapes?

Depends on your honesty.

I heard a lot of yelling,

But that ain’t a first
in that fleabag,

And then, it went,
like, too quiet.

You know
who was next door?

I knew it was lana.

You two friends?

You know, seen her around.

Did you see who she
went in the room with?

I didn’t see him go in,
but after it got quiet,

I stepped into the hall,
maybe check up on her.

Saw this guy
come out of her room...

With blood on his pants.

What’d the guy look like?

Short, sweater,
a real square.

I just froze.

What’d you do then?

Grabbed my stuff and split.

Her being your colleague,

It didn’t occur to you
to call the police?

I just figured
you’d find him anyway.

I mean, I freaked.
I split.

Anybody else hanging

On my way out,
I passed a guy.

I’d seen him around.
I don’t know his name.

He watched out for lana.

There you go.

The guy with blood
on him,

Would you recognize him
if you saw him again?

Yeah, and he should fry.

What, like we don’t got
it tough enough?

Write down what you saw.



What’s your name?

Clay haas. Haas.

We need your help, clay.

It’s dutch.
That’s why it’s "haas."

If I was german,
then it would be "hoss."

Got it. There was a bloody Kn*fe
pulled from this dumpster.

You know anything
about it?


Pay attention here, clay.

This girl was k*lled
last night a block away.

All right, come on.

Whoo! [ Giggles ]

Ooh. [ Laughs ]

Talk to derek.

Derek? Derek knows
something about this?

He did it.

Derek k*lled this girl?
Oh, yeah.

Where we gonna find derek?

This is dried blood, clay.

Yeah, derek. He did it.

Oh, don’t open that!
Don’t let her out!

Selmia’s wallet.

How’d you get this,

She tried to k*ll me.

This wallet belongs to the girl
that was found last night.

She comes running at me.
I defended myself.
This girl here‐‐

She works for derek.

So you stabbed her.

I told derek to stop sending
his spies after me!

I’ve been telling him
that for years!

May I please leave now?

First tell us
about tim lacotta.

What about him?
Did you call my work?

You have something to do
with him getting fired?


But you did file
a complaint against him

For coming on to you.

He got fired for being

Slapping my ass in the copy room
was icing on the cake.

How is this relevant?

Think about it, gordon,

And think about how it may help
you put together a defense.

You had a problem
with gay people.

You’re not the first.

Oh, okay. Okay!

So because i’m such
a vicious h*m*,

When I saw this lana was a man,
I started slashing away?

You making light of it
or trying it on for size?

Did you even try
to find randy?

He says he passed you
in the hall covered in blood.

What about this woman
in the room next door?!

She backed it up.

A lie.

That’s a complete, total,
utter lie!

And i’m the pope.
See, just saying it
don’t mean much.

I had no blood on me.

My clothes will have
no blood on them.

Not perfect, but it’s a start.
Can we search your place?

Sharon, she thinks I went
to get her watch,

And you’ll show up
asking for my clothes.

You got much bigger things
to worry about, gordon.

If there’s no blood on them,
it’ll help your case.

Do we have permission
to see them?

It’s the end of my life.

Stop whining
and start helping yourself.

Fine, yes.
Search my clothes.

We’ll be back.

Selmia was late for her curfew.
She took a shortcut home.

Yeah, the perp,
the homeless guy,

He was hearing voices
along the lines

Of someone coming to k*ll him,
and their paths crossed.

We got the dad and the boyfriend
still in custody?

We’ll kick ’em.

Well, it’s close.

He just gave us permission
to search his house.

That tr*nsv*stite monica got
bailed out last year by randy.

This monica say that she knew
randy when you talked to her?

Not like that.

And a pawn shop on "b"
called in response

To that alert we put out
on the stolen watch

Gordon said was taken
during the murphy game.

Shop owner said a white male
pawned one this morning

That fit the description.

Only problem is, the guy
gave a fake i. D.‐‐

They get him on video?

They don’t have video,

But the description he gave
of the seller matched randy.

Anticrime was getting the watch.
They should be back by now.

Tony: you going
up to anticrime?

I was just trying to get
to the point.


Come here.

You know a dan hoffnagle,
also goes by monica?


You don’t know monica,

But you bailed her out
of jail last year. Sit down.

You didn’t know her guy
name either, huh?

Those he/she change
their names all the time.

I got confused.

When’s the last time
you saw her?

A few weeks.
She makes it a few hours.

How much speed she on?

How much were you on when you
busted in on lana last night?

Drug‐free, boys,
and I didn’t bust in on anybody.

Monica copped to getting
coached by you, randy.

Did she?
Is that a fact?

Time to start positioning
yourself on how it went bad.

All right.

What did monica get in return
for lying to you guys

About me coaching her?

Get her out from
under a warrant?

Give ’em a break, they’ll sell
you their own mothers.

Trannies are liars
about everything‐‐

They’re own sex,
for god sakes!

You really are a deep
thinker, you know?

You’re quick
on your toes, too.

Let’s see wiggle out
of this.

Never seen it before.

They got you on
the pawn shop camera.

The clerk knows your face.

Don’t look at me
for an excuse.

You’re way
out of my league.

She lunged at me
with a Kn*fe!

And then stabbed herself
26 times?

I tried to calm her down,
but she was like...

Hey. Start over,

And try being honest
this time.

It was her idea
to murphy the guy,

But I do the legwork.

So I say proceeds other
than me.

She didn’t agree.

Started screaming,
about to blow it.

I’m like, "shut up,
you dumb‐ass bitch.

In 20 minutes,
you’re gonna have another 300."

Came at me with the Kn*fe.

Which you brought in
in the first place.

She wrestled it off me!
Lana was a guy, remember?!

So she wrestled the Kn*fe
off you.

Then she stabbed herself
26 times.

What if I sa‐‐

No, that ain’t gonna work.

This is heavy lifting,

And you’re using
lightweight machinery.

Give it a rest and just tell
the truth, why don’t you?


[ Sighs ]

Wait here
till they’re done.

Can I talk to him
for a sec?

Is that all right with you,
mr. Usef?

All right.
Keep it civil.

Selmia and I just wanted
to be together.

You should have
let her go‐‐

She’s dead because of you!
You understand?!

She’s dead because of you!

What did I tell you?!

It was nobody’s fault!

It was random.

It is my fault!

I was not strong enough...

To make selmia behave
like a proper woman!

[ Sniffles ]

I, uh...
I’m heading out.

Andy: all right.

How much more you got?

Hour, maybe more.

Good night.

Clark: good night.


Those can’t wait?

I don’t want to be thinking
about them.

You lay awake thinking
about files now?

I do.

’Cause what you’re avoiding

Will still be there
when you get home.

Regardless of what time
it is.

Oh, is that how it works?


Go home.

Got your message.
You spoke to the d. A.?

She said that we could drop
the watch from the robbery.

So I get it back now?

Thought it might help you out
with your wife.

Can’t tell you how much
I appreciate that.

Suppose your opinion
is I deserved what I got.

I’m past it, gordon.

And you’d be right.
I got very lucky.


So you know,

Sitting in that cell seeing
my life coming apart,

I really took stock,

And i’ve got
a much greater appreciation

For my wife and our home,

And i...won’t jeopardize
them again.

Sorry it took an extreme
circumstance to get me there,

But i’m glad it did.


I ran into a delegate who
mentioned a great florist

On second avenue who does lovely
things with gerber daisies.

Just passing it on.
Good night.

[ Door closes ]



Looks really nice.


Theo’s down at joey’s.
We pick him up at 9:00.

The baby’s asleep.

[ Clears throat ]


Got these for you.

That’s very sweet.
I love gerber daisies.

Thought you might like ’em.



This is a sampler.

You got a little bit
of everything in there.

Thank you.

What have we been
fighting about?

Nothing that matters.

Let’s don’t.


It’s really
been hurting me.

I don’t want
to be doing that.

There’s a reason
we moved in together.

I mean, there’s a‐‐

There’s a reason why we wanted
to be together, right?


Do you still feel it?

More than I think
I ever have.

That’s new for me,
and new things...

They tend to throw me
a little at first.

Well, I went
from being single, you know,

No responsibilities
other than my own

To having a family and living
with three people.


It’s throwing me
a little, too.

And stir in that we’re
both stubborn as hell...



I don’t want to lose this.

I don’t either.

Let’s start over, okay?
Let’s start fresh.


Starting tonight?

I’d like that.

[ Classical music playing ]