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10x16 - Nude Awakening

Posted: 04/27/22 14:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

Hey! What’s up?
What the hell
are you doing here?

I’m selling magazine

We’re not forgetting you
helped bury my old partner.

I didn’t know
that was your partner.

Yeah, well, looking at you
brings me bad memories.

You’ve been making
decisions lately,

But they haven’t been
good decisions, dad.

Letting internal affairs
flip you,

Announcing to the world
that you work for them?

Those two moves alone have
turned our lives upside down.

And here I was thinking
I stood up for my son!

You’re my only family, but don’t
make decisions for me anymore.

[ Sighs ]

[ Water running ]

Oh, brr.

[ Gasps ]



It’s okay!

No problem!

How’s it going?

My dad’s not returning
my phone calls now.

What’s his problem?

He’s sulking.
Now I gotta deal with that, too.

I’m not exactly sure
what happened.
Give it a shot.

Driver says sh**t walks up,
sh**t him in the arm.
Grazed him.

Driver hits the floorboard,
presses the gas with his hand.

Car ends up there.

The sh**t drove off.

Driver wanted to leave,
didn’t want to press charges.

Aw, geez.

How’s it going, julian?

Oh, you know,
i’m keeping busy, eating right,

Getting shot at.

Ugh! Easy.

Give us a second, huh?

What happened?

I’m just sitting
in my car,

And some guy comes right up
to my window and fires.

So I hit the floor.

Then I hear a groan
like he’d been shot somehow.

So I just press the gas
with my hand.

It was that quick thinking
probably saved my life.

Andy: who was he?

I didn’t get a look at the face
’cause i’m looking at my cd's,

And I turn just in time
to see the g*n go off.

Who’s got it out for you?

start with the a’s.

Hey, guys, you know,
I got my blood spilled here.

How about stepping
off my nuts?

Who we looking for,

This guy
aldo sanfantello.

They call him the dentist.

How’d you screw him over?

No, no‐‐ mutual screwing
over, you know?

But he‐‐ in his mind,
he probably thinks

That I was maybe
a little more responsible.

He’s the only guy I can
think of, all right?

Sanfantello‐‐ s‐a‐n‐‐

This is a busy area.

Somebody walking by could have
gotten shot or run over.

You better be
coming clean, julian.

Am I not the victim
here, huh?

I swear on my mother’s eyes
I am telling you the truth.

Clark: go to the hospital.
No, i’m fine.

Stay at the hospital.
Wait to hear from us.

I am fine!

All right. Okay.


I got shot here!

What are you reading?

Oh, one of those
"how to raise a kid" books.

For the baby?

Right now, it’s theo more,
I guess.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, i’m just
checking to see

If there’s any long‐term
effects to...

Walking in and seeing me
naked this morning.


Like from the side?

Like front and center.

Oh, my god.

Rita, i‐‐

Robbery on 9th street,
you two.

Did I miss something?

No, nothing.

Tony: what’s going on
with your case?

Julian’s steering it towards
some guy that he burned‐‐

Aldo san...something‐or‐other.
Nickname’s the dentist.

Medavoy and jones
are bringing him in.

How was he when you dropped
him off at school?

Dropped him off
at hooters.

He insisted.

Take a seat, aldo.

So, uh, how’d you get
the nickname the dentist?

If there’s a problem,
i’ll extract it.

That’s the stupidest nickname
I ever heard in my life.

If you don’t like it,
don’t say it.

Now, what the hell
am I doing here?

You know julian pisano?

Oh, yeah, I know julian.


We were business partners
for a little while.

How did it end?

’Cause I want to know,

Or you want to turn
this into something?

[ Sighs, clears throat ]

Julian’s got this,
uh, big scheme‐‐

Buying these edible underpants
from thailand

For below cost
and resell ’em here.

Then he tells me they caught
some kind of a fungus

When they were down
in the ship’s hold,

And they’re worthless,
so i’m out two grand.

He’s a two‐faced liar,

And that’s how
our business deal ended.

Someone took a shot
at julian today.


Is it starting to take shape yet
why we brought you in here?

Oh, give me a break
here, guys.

Where were you today?

Did julian put you
onto me?

Where were you?

At home asleep
till you came knocking.

Smart guy like you could
have hired someone

To do his extracting for him.

And hired them with what,

Check out
my bank account, fellas.

I’m overdrawn more
than 100 bucks.

Besides, how am I gonna get
my two grand back from julian

If he’s dead?

Well, that’s, uh,
a valid argument, aldo.

I won’t lie to you.

This guy has wasted
enough of my time, right?

So how’s about letting me
get back to my life?

Stay reachable.

Gee, uh, julian wouldn’t be
dicking us around, would he?

Oh, no.

Lady over here got scammed
for 100 bucks.

I told her to face up to the
fact she’d been had,

But she won’t leave until
she talks to a detective.

Name’s christie haines.


Uh, miss haines?
I’m detective ortiz.

My partner,
detective mcdowell.

Thank you for responding.

About two hours ago,
I was approached by a woman

Who said she was
from ireland

Going to school on exchange
in philadelphia.

As part of a sorority
hazing prank,

They dropped her
in the middle of new york

And took her purse.

She was lost and hysterical,
and I bought it.

How much did you give her?

She took my information,
saying she’d send me the money,

And I was driving her
to grand central station

When she asked me to pull over
so she could buy a water.

She never came back.

You gave a description to the
officer who took the report?

I did.

Okay, we’ll talk
to the sector cops here,

See if any of them recognize
the girl or the scam.

I’m assuming this
is not the first time
she’s pulled this prank.

You’re probably right.
So you should be
able to find her.

We’ll do our best.

When you do, i’d like
to have a word with her.

First thing to do is go
home and wait to hear from us.

May I have your cards?

Miss haines, we may not be
able to find this person.

You may just need to chalk it up
as a lesson and move on.

In other words, you won’t be
pursuing this investigation.

We absolutely will.
I’m just saying‐‐

I don’t need you to prepare me
for the worst, detective.

All I want to know
is that you’re on this.

We are.

Thank you.

You should
go home, ma’am.

No, i’m gonna stay here
and see if I recognize her.

Let’s just see
if we’ll figure it out.

Okay, so...?

Well, we talked
to your buddy the dentist.

Oh, good. Anything?

No, zip.

’Cause i’ve been
racking my brain

Trying to think
of someone else.

Why’d you leave the hospital
even though we told you to stay?

The doctors were finished.

We told you to stay there.

Why haven’t you been answering
your cell phone or pager?

I’ve been in
some public areas.

I think it’s very rude

When people talk on
a cell phone around others.

We dumped your cell, saw who
you’ve been talking to today.

Why would you do that?
’Cause you’re you.

Three calls into
pucconi plumbing supply.

What’s that all about?

Well, the guy...

At that place there‐‐

He also works on cars.

Now, you saw mine
on the street.

The whole front right
quarter panel’s mangled.

Whoa! Hey!
Hey, come o‐‐

Ow! Come on!

You remember what I said
on the street?

I’m not lying to you
about my beef with the dentist.


Okay. All right.

My wife used to work
at pucconi’s.

The son, this douche bag
named pete‐‐

I walk in one time,

He’s got roberta cornered
in the stock room.

So I find out

That he’s been making
inappropriate comments to her.

So I approach him.
I confront him.

He says what he says,
and it turns into him calling

And hanging up on me
at my house.

Why do you insist on wasting
our time every time?

This guy pete‐‐
he’s kind of hooked up.

I can’t just send cops
to his doorstep, okay?

I’ve been calling to find out
if he’s behind this.

If he was, I was absolutely
gonna hand that information

Right over to youse.

What did the guy look like
who shot you?

I told you, I didn’t get
a good look at his face.

I saw the muzzle flash,
I ducked down,

I heard him groan like he’d
been shot, then I hit the gas.

Did you sh**t him?

Don’t lie to me.
We’re gonna find out.

I swear!
On your mother’s eyes?

Julian, I don’t give a damn if
you are taking holy communion.

If I call you on your
cell phone, you answer it.


Get out of here.

I’d like to know how this got
twisted around

To me being the bad guy.

I got shot!

May I help you?

Yeah, I got a little something
I need to talk to someone about.

Yeah, detective jones,

Paul cooler.
How’s it going?

How’s it going?
Paul cooler.

I live on a certain street,
second floor.

Got a vintage mustang
that I park in front.

Paul cooler.
How’s it going?

Anyway, lately,
the dickhead neighborhood kids

Have been messing with it.

So I set up a video camera
in the window

To see if i’d catch one
of the little bastards.

I come home from lunch
and check it,

And let’s just say there’s
an event captured on the tape.

What kind of event?

There was a sh**ting
on 11th street this morning.

You got that on tape?

Let’s take it slow.

Let’s not. Did you catch
the sh**ting on tape?

I did, and I approached
a local affiliate,

And they’re eager
to have it,

But they said they’re
legally mandated

To make sure law enforcement
has viewed it first,

And i’m completely cool
with that

As long as I retain
exclusive rights.

Do the terms "obstructing
governmental administration"

And "hindering prosecution"
mean anything to you?

Medavoy: give us the tape,
let us get our hands
on the sh**t,

Then you can have
the tape back.

Yeah, okay.
We could do it that way.

If I see this tape on the news
before we give the green light,

We’re gonna come down
on you like a ton of bricks.

Do you understand?

Give me the tape.

Check it out.

There’s my information

Tony: i’ll give the heads‐up
to andy and john.

So that’s it, then?

Wait to hear from us.

All righty.

Miss haines. Hi.
How are you?

Fine. How’s it
going with my case?

We have calls out
to special frauds.

We put a description of
the woman who took your money

Out over the air.
Everything we can.

Since she wanted to be dropped
off in that neighborhood,

I’m assuming she lived there,
so after you left,

I asked some people
who were walking by

If they knew this woman,

And a man said that it
sounded like carley.

So perhaps you
could run that name

Through your computer‐‐

We will.

I just think it is ridiculous
that there are con artists

Running around taking
advantage of people

And that’s
just the way it is.

it’s just not right.

Well, we’re doing everything
we can, ma’am.

Shouldn’t I be looking
at mug sh*ts?

If you’d like.
I would.

Let’s go up to anticrime.
We’ll get you situated.

It’s up those stairs.

Where you been today, al?


Find yourself over on
11th street at any time?

No, I was home all day.

You know a julian pisano?

No, I don’t.

Ran your mug past o. C. C. B.

They say you used to be
a button man.

Yeah, well, that was a long time
ago, and that was just rumors.

[ Chuckles softly ]

You ran my mug? What do you
mean, you ran my mug?

This guy on 11th street

Had his video camera trained
on the street today.


[ Tires squeal ]

you gotta be kidding me.

Who hired you to try
and k*ll julian?

See, that’s
my luck right there.

Do you want to spend
the rest of your life in jail?

Start talking.

These two idiots,
a couple of morons‐‐

They want this guy
julian dead.

I needed the money,
so I come out of retirement.

Makes me as big an idiot
as those two, I guess.

After I fired the first shot,
my freakin’ back locks up.

I could barely get back
to the car.

Who hired you?
This guy pete pucconi.

He’s got an i.q.
Like a ball of twine.

And the other guy?

A broad‐‐
this guy julian’s wife.

Julian’s wife was in
on trying to get him whacked?

Yeah, her and pete‐‐
they’ve been banging each other.

From what I gathered,
they wanted julian taken out

So that she could get
the insurance and the kids.

Like I said, her and pete‐‐
they’re a couple of morons.

I was just too desperate
to turn the work down.

Who paid?

Pete gave me five grand
up front.

I’m supposed to get the other
five grand from roberta

This afternoon
once I took julian out.

I’m supposed to meet her
at some bar at 5:00.

Do they know you botched it
this morning?

They tell you
to back off?

they want me to finish it.

I’m telling you, they’re brain
donors, the two of them!

See, 20 years ago,

You didn’t have to worry
about being arbitrarily filmed.

World’s changed so much.

Oh, geez.

Apparently, your complainant
in the scam this morning knows

’Cause I just got
a call from the chief of d's

Wanting to know
what’s being done on it.

Every reasonable thing’s
being done.


You really want us to run
what we’ve been doing?

Yeah, I gotta get back
to him on it.

Description of the perp’s
out to all sectors.

We got a call in
to special frauds.

Complainant look
at mug sh*ts?

Yeah. Nothing.

I told the chief that you’d
talk to the complainant,

See if she’s remembered anything
else about the con artist.

That’s a wasted trip,

It needs to happen.

This is $100
she got taken for.

You’re going.
So go.

[ Sighs ]

What’s up?

All right, julian,
listen up.

I want you to keep in mind
something that was told to me

Before I left home‐‐

Marriage is like raising
a piano

Up to an eighth‐floor

You put everything
you got into it,

But if the line snaps and that
thing starts heading south,

Run for your life.



And this conversation
is headed where?

We found the guy
who tried to take you out.

Who is he?

He was hired
by pete pucconi.

That mother‐‐
oh, he’s gonna get his.

I’m telling you,
he’s gonna get his.

Your wife
was in on it, too.

What did you just say?

Her and pete
were in on it together.

They were trying to take
you out for your insurance.

I don’t know where you guys
get your information‐‐

It’s the truth, julian.

I know you don’t want to
believe it, but it’s the truth.

You’re gonna walk in here,

You’re gonna tell me
that my wife,

The mother of my kids‐‐
she wants me dead?

She’s trying
to get you dead.

You think about it‐‐

Finding her and pete
in the stock room

And him calling
and hanging up?

You never had any suspicions

That them two were
having an affair?


No, it’s wrong!

No! No!

We’re sorry.

Here, i’ll call her.
We’ll ask her right now.

No, you can’t.

Then what am I supposed
to do, huh?!

We got a plan.

Me and my wife‐‐
we lock horns sometimes,

But that doesn’t mean
she wants me k*lled!

We’re gonna find out
for sure,

But we need you
to keep your head

And do what we
tell you to, okay?

There’s no way.

There is no way.

This is ridiculous.

You looking for christie?

Yeah, we’re detectives
with the 15th squad.

Do you know where she is?

You have an update
for her or something?

I’m sorry.

She and I are friends, but
that was stupid of me to ask.

No, we don’t have
an update.

You don’t know how long
the guy’s gonna get?

What guy?

Maybe we’re talking
about two different things.

I’m sorry.
Never mind.

What, uh‐‐ what are you
talking about?

The drunk driver.

Which drunk driver?
The one
who k*lled her son.

You’re not here about that.


I shouldn’t have
said anything.

How long ago
did this happen?

Three weeks.

Christie goes to the cemetery
every day this time usually.

That’s why I asked‐‐in case you
had some news I could pass on.

How old was her son?

Was she a single mom?

Should I have not said

Um, no, it’s fine.

In fact, it’s good
that we know that now.

I’m sorry.
I’m gonna go inside now.

You get julian to pose
like he’s been shot.

Then you take the fake photos
to show his wife.

Who’s expecting
the hit man to show up,

But i’ll pose
as his buddy.

Why risk it?
If the hit man’s cooperating,

Have him take the photos
to her.

Way too unreliable.
He’d try and book?

He’d book, he’d tip her off,
his fake teeth would fall out.

We’ll take julian
and meet you in the alley.

You know which one
i’m talking about?
Oh, yeah.

You getting the blood
and the camera?

We’ll get everything.
Just get him over there.

Poor son of a bitch.

On the way, do you mind
if we swing by my dad’s?
Andy: no problem.

I gotta get over there
and give him a kick in the ass.



Maybe he took off
for the weekend.

Without telling me?

What’s the matter?




Come on.

15Th squad
to central "k"‐‐

Have an ambulance and a 4‐5
supervisor respond

To 8412 fordham road

We have a d. O. A.

All right, john.


John, come on.
Come on.

Come on, john.

Okay, come on.

Come on.

It’s okay.

It’s all right.

It’s okay.


[ Sighs ]

John, where’s your dad
keep his g*ns, huh?

I need to get
his cleaning kit.

John! Where’s he
keep his g*ns?

It’s okay.
It’s okay, john.

You just stay there.
It’s okay.

Oh, god.

He was on the job.
We found him like this.

He was cleaning his g*n.
It was an accident.

Yeah, okay.

When you take him out,
I want him treated respectful.

John: I want
to see him again.
Andy: john...

I want to see him.

I can’t believe it.
Andy: yeah.

Rita with him?

I’m so pissed off at that guy.

That’s not
screwing your son up.

That’s not ripping
his life apart.

Who knows what he was
going through.
I don’t care.
It’s unforgivable.

Was there a note
or anything?

He was cleaning his g*n.
It was an accident.

Was there a note?


[ Pager beeping ]

Medavoy and jones
are with julian.

I’m supposed to meet ’em there.
Have they called here yet?


Have they heard?

Not from us.

I gotta go.


Hey...what the hell?

Where’s julian?

We had nothing to hold him on,
so we let him walk.

You didn’t get
any of our pages?

It’s clark’s dad.
He’s dead.

Oh, no.

Andy, you’re serious?

Yeah. Rita’s over
with john right now.

Oh, my god.

The pressure got to him.

We gotta get julian back here.
We have to take care of this.

I think I know
where to find him.
You guys wait here.

It’s unbelievable.

I understand what
you’re feeling right now.

This guy takes my wife,
turns her against me,

Tries to get me k*lled.

But this ain’t a particularly
smart thing to be doing, julian.

I want this guy dead...

By my hand.

You got twins.

What are they,
2 years old now?

If your wife goes away
for trying to have you k*lled

And you go away
for k*lling pete,

Who’s gonna take care
of ’em, hmm?

Where’s the g*n, julian?

If you bolt
out of this car,

I’ll have to sh**t you
in the back.

You’ll never get close
to that prick.

It’s in my pocket.

You have any contact
with the squad?

Anything from john?

Who’s john?
John your partner?

Don’t worry about it.
Get on the ground.

Do I get shot in the front
or the back of the head?

The front.
We need to see your face.

Good point.

Okay, what, like this?

[ Imitates g*nsh*t ]

Blood, blood.
I’m falling.

Ow. Uh‐oh.

Oh! Uhh!

Never marry a stripper,

Especially the full‐nude ones
that give hand jobs in the back.

That is the best piece of free
advice you’ll ever get, boys.

Hold still.

They hate men.
This is what I found out.

Because their main
contact with us

Is while we’re tossing
dollars at ’em

And staring at their muffin.

So they start to think
all men are suckers.

More blood.

That’s what I was to her‐‐
a sucker with money,

And then when I ran out of it,
look what happened.

Just close your eyes
and relax your jaw a little.

This look like
the real thing?


Hold your breath.

Well, whatever.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

He did so much good
for people.

He got to be a cop.
That’s what he always wanted.

He got to see you grow
to be a good man,

But he needed to put an end
to it in his own way.

He made his choice,
and it’s done.


There’s nothing you can do
if someone wants that.

They’ve thought it through,

And if he didn’t share
this with you,

Then...he was making
his own plans in his own way.


[ Sniffles ]

This is a lot in
a short time to deal with,

And it can really knock you
sideways, john.

So don’t hold it inside.
Talk to someone.

[ Sighs ]

Talk to me...

Or someone that we can put
you in contact with.

Just don’t be afraid
of that.

The last time I saw him,
we fought.

You did everything
you could for him.

I told him to worry
about himself.

I turned him away.

Don’t do this to yourself.

This has nothing to do
with you, john.


Mourn for him.

Grieve for him.

[ Sniffles ]

But don’t take on the guilt.


Valerie: when’s the meet?
Baldwin: 4:00.

They both gonna be there,
julian’s wife and her boyfriend?

Do you mind not calling him
her boyfriend?


Seeing as i’m the husband
and i’m right here.

All right, julian.

Guy’s name is pete pucconi.
No, he’s not gonna be there.

What do we need to hear on
the wire to solidify the case?

I’d like to hear her say exactly
what the payment is for‐‐

The m*rder of her husband.

Just get as much testimony
on her part

That she’s totally complicit
in what happened and how.

I’ll take care of it.

And try and have her
implicate... Pete.

Was that hard?
julian, relax.

You’re all set.

You ready?
Yeah, let’s go.



How’s john doing?
Do we know?

He’s hanging in there.

I feel so bad for him.
It’s terrible.

I’m sure you’ve heard there
was a 25‐year‐old cop

Who took his own life
last week.

Clark’s dad
was cleaning his g*n.

It was an accident.
His pension stated the same.

His insurance stated the same‐‐
cleaning his g*n.

Got it.


Who are you?

A friend of al’s.

Where’s al‐‐ if I even know
who that is?

He’s laying low.
He sent me.

I don’t know who you are,

I just told you who I am,
so let’s cut the nonsense.

You have the five grand?

I’m sorry. You must have
the wrong person.

I don’t know you.
I don’t know al.

How about julian?
You know him, right?

Knew him, anyway.

Oh, my god.

Now, where’s the money?

Let me see ’im again.

He’s really dead.

The son of a bitch
is really dead.

Oh, this no‐good skank!
I hope she fries.

Hey, relax.

You be in my shoes,
you try to relax.

We can’t hear when
you talk.

You’re gonna ride
the lightning, baby,

And i’m gonna be there
to throw the switch!


Were you there?


Was it quick?

Yeah, a b*llet can travel
pretty fast.

Can I get the five grand?

So that’s it.
He’s gone.

There’s no coming back.


It’s pretty crazy when you
think about it, huh?

Sure is.
No, wait a minute, then go.

So it’s
not suspicious.

Sit down.


Drink your beer.
Look more casual.

How long you and pete been
seeing each other on the side?

A year maybe.

So, this is what you do‐‐
k*ll people for a living?

Something like that.

Listen, do I have to notify
pete that julian’s dead

Or will you?

No, i’ll tell pete.
Don’t worry about it.

So, how many people
have you k*lled?

I don’t know.

How long you and pete
been cooking this up?

A while.
Do you enjoy doing it?
Is it like a big rush?

Not exactly.

So, you got an insurance
policy on julian?

That what this is
all about?

Have you ever used
a chainsaw?

I saw this thing on this one guy
who used a chainsaw.

So nasty.

[ Chuckles softly ]

You must not even bat
an eye anymore.

They’re not even human beings
to you, are they?

Why don’t you shut up
and leave?

I apologize.

I’m not trying to get on
someone like you’s bad side.

Have a nice life.

She’s a collar.

[ Van door opens ]

All right, roberta,
it’s over with.

What’s going on?!
Who are you?!

The police.
Let’s take it easy.

Stop it!
Aah! Aah!

Hi, sweetheart!
Hey, how you doing?!

Oh, my god!

I’m back from the dead,
you no‐good cheese bag!

Back in the van,

Baby, I have no idea
what they’re accusing me of!

I was listening in, roberta!
I heard everything!

Pete said he’d k*ll me!
Julian, you gotta help me, baby!

Shut up, both of you!

I love you!
Kiss my ass.

It was worth it, julian,

To finally give myself
to a real man like pete!

And I gave him everything!
It was worth it!

[ Car door closes ]

All right, come on.

Come on.

Where’s the wife?

On her way
to central booking.

Detectives from the 6‐2
are picking up pete pucconi.

How you doing, julian?

Never better.

I’m sorry for
what you’ve gone through.

There’s no sympathy needed,
lieutenant. I’m alive.

My no‐good bitch of a wife
is headed up the river,

But i’m alive.

Half full, julian‐‐
that’s how to look at it.

That’s right‐‐
new lease on life.

New man starting tomorrow.

So, why is everyone so glum?

I’m the one
who almost got k*lled.

Don’t worry about it.

Anything from john?

He’s heading back to his place.
Rita’s with him.

Christie haines
is on her way up.

Oh, man.
Who’s this?

The woman who got
taken off today.

Can i‐‐ I need 20 bucks
from everybody.

What’s going on?

This woman lost her son three
weeks ago to a drunk driver,

And today she got taken for
100 bucks, and I just‐‐

I’m gonna tell her we found
the money and the perp ran off.

Anything else we can do
to sell her?

Um...can‐‐ can one of you guys
play the perp’s boyfriend?

Right here.
I’ll do it.

You sure you’re
up for it?


Consider it
a token of my thanks.

Yeah, all right.
Come in the coffee room.

What do I do?

I’ll fill you in.

Make him a husband.

Yeah, right.

Have we heard anything about
the funeral arrangements?

I haven’t.

I’d like to notify the borough
so people can send flowers.

I don’t know
anything yet, john.

Miss haines.
How are you?

Fine. What’s going on
with my case?

Really good news‐‐

We found the woman
who ran that game on you.

Oh, my god.
I don’t believe it.

She was with her husband.

We caught the husband,
and he had the money on him.

Where is he?
We have him in a room.

His wife got away, but we’re
still actively looking for her.

Thank you.

So now we’re gonna
go in the room,

And the husband is gonna
give you your money back

And apologize.

Okay. Yeah.

Right this way.

[ Knock on door ]

Andy: do you have something
to give the lady?


I would like to apologize
for my wife’s behavior.

As a result, me and her
will be parting ways.

There you have it.

May I say something?

Go ahead.

It’s not the money.

It’s the trust.

That is what you steal
from people.

Things have happened
in my life,

But I have held
on to my faith and my trust

And my belief in other people,
and it has not been easy,

And you and your wife tried
to steal the rest of it from me.

But you didn’t.

I still have some left
that you can’t take,

That no one can take.

I want you both
to know that.

Ma’am, my wife and her actions
aren’t worth your time.

They’re not even
worth your worry.

I’m the one who’s had
his trust stolen.

Even though I have to say

She seemed like a...
Nice person when we met,

And i, uh...

I rea‐‐ I loved her.

[ Crying ]

Oh, please don’t
do that, okay?

Your wife gave me
the fake tears, too,

And I find it very

[ Crying ]

Please don’t do that.

Connie: come on,
miss haines. Let’s go.

It’ll be‐‐
it’ll be all right.

[ Whimpering ]

Is it from your dad?


Do you want to watch it
right now or wait?


Are you sure you want
to be alone?




Call me
if you need anything.

All right.

I’m so sorry.

I’ll call you later.


[ Chuckles softly ]

This is a little strange for
me, as i’m sure it is for you.

So forgive me if I fumble
around here a little bit.

You know how much
I loved your mom.

She was everything to me.

When she passed, I didn’t
think I could go on,

But what kept me here
was you.

That’s what I lived for...

Making sure that you grew up
to be the best man you could,

And you have.

And i’m so proud of you.

I haven’t felt right
since your mom died.

Things are falling apart
more and more.

It’s harder to get up
in the morning.

It’s harder to fit in...

Find meaning.

I’ve looked at what lay
ahead for me,

And I don’t want it.

I have done wrong by you,

I’ve made mistakes,
and i’ve dumped things on you

That no son
should have to deal with.

The mistakes that...
Break your spirit...

k*ll your hopes are the ones
you can’t rectify.

Either way, my job
raising you is done.

I just want to have some peace
and be with your mom.

I’m sorry.

I know this is wrong...

But I just don’t have any fight
left in me anymore.

I love you.

Keep making me proud.

[ Classical music plays ]