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02x03 - The Reykjavik Ice Sculpture Festival is Lovely This Time of Year

Posted: 04/28/22 07:32
by bunniefuu
ANNIE: I'm just saying, it's unnatural.

MAX: It's a natural climate.

How could a natural
climate be unnatural?

ANNIE: Okay, what about snow?

You love a New York snowstorm.

MAX: Snow? Oh, you mean the brown stuff

that moistens the trash. That snow.

ANNIE: Max, that's super cynical.

You just went hard to,
like, one extreme of snow.

That's... you sound like
my grandfather, okay?

Next you're gonna be telling me

that public transit is overrated or...

MAX: Well, that's a given.
Who doesn't like a car?

ANNIE: Those arguments are
so not even related.

MAX: The comfortable car
to public transit.

[small dog yapping]

[yapping continues]

[yapping continues]

MARCO: Hey, I hope I didn't throw you

with the whole moving in thing. Did I?

I know it's a... It's a really big step.

- So, um, I don't want to...
- No.

Uh, no. Uh, yeah. That's a good...

We should have
that conversation, for sure.

[clears throat] But, um,

Annie's really upset
about her interview.

I feel like I should just, like,

be with her tonight? Is that okay?

Oh, yeah. Oh, sure, yeah. Of course.

- Okay.
- Of course. We can, uh...

We can pick it back up tomorrow.


- Breakfast?
- Yeah. Yeah.

- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- I'll see you tomorrow.



- MAX: Who needs a winter?
- ANNIE: LA is, like,

bright and sunny on the outside,

but it's totally dead on the inside.

It's like someone painted
a coffin happy colors.

MAX: I grew up in this coffin.

ANNIE: Hey, Cass, you okay?

Oh, yeah, totally. I'll be right back.

ANNIE: It's like living in a simulation.

Okay, Megan, what the f*ck
does this mean?

Bravo. Bravo. That's code bravo,

alert passengers to danger.
And, uh, means...

In-flight emergency,
so Megan is in danger.

Hmm. Decoding an emoji chain

instead of dealing with
our actual issues? Great.

Okay, what do you want from me?

You know, that...
That View-Master slide clue

got us f*cking nowhere.

I'm supposed to wait around for nothing?

Oh, we didn't magically
solve it in a day.

- It must be impossible.
- Listen,

Megan sent me a message through Eli.

You know how much trouble
she'd have to be in

to get him involved?
So can we please focus?

All right, what does this mean,
dancing sisters or what?

No, no, no, no, no. Best friends.

Megan always calls me her bestie.

- You guys are so annoying.
- You know what, killjoy?

I'm kind of sick of waking up,
flying, coming back,

having boring sex with Marco,

blah, blah, blah. Let's live!

What... my life isn't boring.

- Is it?
- Yeah, good.

You know what, you're right.
Let's disappear.

Then we never have to face Marco,

we don't have to bring
cute little donuts to AA

and we can stop trying to figure out

who's pretending to be us.
Remember that part?

It's gonna end really well.

Okay, so, um, penguin, chain, uch.

Penguin, key. Penguin, key.

I don't...

Wait. That's a puffin.

Puffin key chain.

Wait, this stamp.

I know this. It's a mural.

It's a mural, and it is, um...

It's Reykjavik.

So, crown, uh...

A queen wears a crown,
queen of Long Island.

Megan! She's talking about herself!

Okay, so, uh, "Urgent, bestie.

"Get the puffin keychain to

"the queen of Long Island in Reykjavik.

- "Emergency!"
- Yes!

Oh, for f*ck's sake.
We're going to Iceland?

Listen, Megan pissed off our government
and a foreign dictatorship.

She really f*cking needs me,
so get on board, lady!

Do you recall Dot grounding us
or did we just, like,

conveniently black out during that part?

[theme music plays]


[whispers] Cass.

[whispers] Oh, my God, I'm sorry!

- I didn't know you were up.
- No, it's okay.

I didn't want to wake you. Um...

something came up last minute
with the airline,

- so I gotta go early and...
- Cassie.

You told us about your, like,
extra-curricular shit, so.

Yeah, I'm actually really glad you know.

[indistinct whispering]


Hey, that View-Master, will you
keep working on it, please?

It's just, like, you know.

Oh, no, I'm so sorry.

I don't really have time
to work on, like,

the sociopath
that's dressing up like you.

I have to wash my hair, so.


- Jesus, we're on it, okay?
- Okay.

Thank you.

[indistinct PA announcement]


- Early flight, huh?
- Hi!

Uh, yeah. I'm filling in for someone.

You know, the world never stops.

God, you really hate time off.

Wait, tell me you're going to Berlin.

I don't want to get stuck there
again with nobody fun.

Oh, actually, I'm, um...

Oh, Iceland. Okay.

I'm not allowed in Iceland.

I'm not allowed in the country.

You're not allowed in Iceland.

Yeah, well, I slept with
this girl called Dara

on the Reykjavik route once.

She was like... she had, like,
a Bjork thing going on

but she was, like, obsessed
with volcanos.

Wouldn't stop talking about volcanos.

Okay, well, not my route.
I'm actually, um...

- I was heading to get a coffee.
- Oh, cool.

We should hang out again, right?

- Yeah, I would love to.
- Yeah.

Okay, great, well,
text me when you get back.

- I will.
- And have a safe flight.

I will.


Hey, hey, can I get a jump seat
for this flight?

Sure, but there's somebody ahead of you,

so just wait over there.

Another flight attendant wants
to go to Iceland today?

It's f*cking Carol.

Uch... God.

f*cking Carol.

- Carol.
- Cassie.

First time to Reykjavik?

- Hardly.
- Oh.

I like to visit the
Om Nom Chocolate Factory

on a semi-regular basis.

The sea salt chocolate almonds,

they are hailstones from heaven.

Mmm. Mmm!

Must be nice to have seniority
with the jump seat.

It's pretty amazing.

'Cause this is like my eighth
time trying to grab it.

- Oh, no!
- Yeah. The thing is,

my grandmother lives there

and I just really hope I can see
her again before she dies.

It would mean the world to my family

if I could have one last

conversation with her, you know?

- Huh.
- It would mean so much...

- Huh. Uh-huh.
- ... to me, emotionally.

Um, but you know what?

It must be so cool to have priority.

I mean, years at Imperial
Atlantic has its perks.

This is a final boarding call, Keflavik.

Final boarding call.

Listen, Carol, I would...

never ask this
if I didn't really need it,

but I am begging you,
can I have your seat?

Please, I will buy you
all the chocolate.

I will pay for future flights.

Anything you need, please.

Carol Atkinson? You can board.

CAROL: [sighs] Thank you.

Really? You're gonna let
Black Market Carol

- walk all over you?
- Honey, I am so sorry.

Please tell your grandmother
I said good luck.

And... [speaks Icelandic]

- [scoffs]
- [speaks Icelandic]

Okay, she needs to wipe
that smug smile off her face.

You have dirt on her. Use it!

Okay, Carol, here's the thing.

I didn't want to have to do this.

But I know about the buddy passes.


I know you sell buddy passes for profit.

It's like an underground
buddy pass ring.

Yep, you know it, I know it,

the f*cking bathroom attendant knows it.

[laughs] No, they don't.

They call you Black Market Carol.

They call me what?

Black Market Carol.

We made t-shirts.

- f*ck.
- Mm-hmm.

They're really cute. I'll send you one.

So listen, here's the thing.

You could keep your jump seat,

um, but I doubt you're gonna
be eating those almonds

when I tell management about

your little criminal history, so...

[inhales sharply]

[whispers] Thank you.

Actually, really sorry
about the blackmail.

That's not me, but...

bye, Carol!


STEWARDESS: Welcome aboard,
ladies and gentlemen.

- [speaks Icelandic]
- _


Carol Atkinson.

Shane! Oh, my God!

You're on this flight. With me.

We're together. Again.

I thought you were trans-Pacific route.

You know, the, "see the sights,
eat the fish"?

Yeah, I'm doing a last-minute cover.

- Oh.
- So I hear there's fish

- in Iceland, too, which is fun.
- Of course.

And you're jump-seating
a flight to Reykjavik

under a false identity,
so that's also really...

- f*cking fun.
- Oh, my God.

No. I... I just wanted...
I wanted to get away.

And you landed on Iceland?


Yeah, there's a... There's a...

Reykjavik ice...
very cold festival there

that I'm dying to see.
You know, I miss the snow.

I'm a New Yorker, with the snow!

- You know?
- Got it. The snow.

I love the snow.

Am I calling you Carol
from now on, or...?

Oh, my God, you know, she... sorry.

She, um... she just gave me her seat.

She didn't want it. It was so weird,

but I guess they didn't change
it in the computer.

Black Market Carol willingly
gave up her ticket to you.

You shouldn't call her that.
She's a very sweet lady.

Yeah. Okay.

Have a safe flight, Carol.

Oh, shit, shit, shit.


Okay, I know Shane didn't
believe any of that,

but lay off, all right?

Annie and Max, they're working
on the View-Master,

and Megan needs me.
She needs me right now.

OTHER CASSIE: My goodness,
you keep repeating that

like you need to believe it yourself.


where are the other...

Who are you?

Well, I'm you, silly,
if you made better choices.

Bartender, could we get two sodas

with a little twist of lime?

Okay, hi, there's no one
actually here, so,


So maybe there's a better option here.

You can relay Megan's message
to someone more qualified,

- like, oh! There's Shane!
- Oh, my God, wait.

That's why Shane's not on
his regular route.

Oh, my God, he must know
that Megan's in Reykjavik.

Shit, I've gotta get to Megan
before he does.

Or, we can let Shane do his job.

You take a little me weekend away,

come back home, bring those
little donuts to AA

and talk to Marco about living together.

What is... what is that thing?

[stammering] What is that?

Oh, that?

Listen, I used to be
a complete nightmare.

But with a lot of hard work,

I really got my life together,

and I think you can, too.

I mean, Annie has a ring.

I think you're next, honey.


Grace was a f*cking dead end.
The lake was a bust.

Figuring out these slides
is all we've got.

I already digitized them.


Come. I got something better.

Come. Come.

So, basically the software
identifies the characters

in the slides and then
the algorithm matches them

with similar patterns online.

So hopefully,
something will shake loose.

Also, I was thinking
we'd leave around, like, noon?


Lunch? My parents?

Did you forget this was happening?


Uh, no.

Hold on.

I know we joke about it, but you're not
actually nervous, are you?

No. What? I am not... I am not nervous.

- Parents love me.
- Mm-hmm.

Why would I be nervous?
Because I have no reason to be nervous.

- You're so cute.
- I just... I thought that maybe

- it was bad timing.
- Oh, the timing's bad.

- Yeah, it was just bad timing.
- [knock at door]

You're cute.

- Someone at the door.
- Uh-huh.

Hey, morning.

- Hey, Marco.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Hi!

Hope you're both adjusted to the time.

- Um...
- Uh... yeah.

- Annie.
- Yes.

I know you didn't want to talk about

your interview at dinner
last night, but, um...

people fall off the mountain
all the time.

They just have to keep on climbing.

Yes. Um, thank you.
I... I... I will, yes.

Marco, you've got the best vibe.

Aw, thank you, man.

Is Cassie ready?

- I'm sorry?
- Cassie, she ready?

- Um...
- Oh.


[under breath] Come on.
Where are my f*cking gloves?

♪ I... I... I... I need, I need you ♪

Annie. Hi, honey. What's up?

Hi, Cass. Uh, so your very
lovely boyfriend, Marco,

just showed up with some
very beautiful pink roses

to take you to breakfast.

Okay, um, okay.

Can you tell him I'm covering
a flight for a friend,

- please, please, please?
- Is that what you tell him

every time you go on one of
these secret missions?

Are you... are you never gonna tell him?

I mean, you have to tell him
at some point, right?

I actually don't think I do.

I don't... I don't think
I have to tell him,

Okay, look, Cass...

if you're not serious about this guy,

just like...

he's obviously very,
very serious about you.

I know, listen,
I am serious! I am serious.

Just because I don't tell my boyfriend

about my very top secret job

does not mean I'm not serious!

- Come on!
- Okay. I...

I get that, it's just,
when you live together,

- it will...
- What?

What'd you just say?
Did you say something?

Did he mention us moving in?

Um... no.

But now you're making it sound
like he asked you to move in.

Did he ask you to move in?

Holy f*ck, Cassie.
Are you dodging Marco?

- Is that what this is?
- Okay, um, Annie.

Listen, I love you. I... uh, the wi...

The service is really bad.

Can you please just talk to him
for me, please?

I love you in advance. I love you. Bye.

[pretends to cry]

God, it's really cold here.

Oh, I know what you're thinking.

Look, it's not a big deal
that you just lied to Annie.

And Shane.

But old habits, they die hard, honey.

- It's okay.
- You know what? Shut up.

Also, who's this new one with
the f*cking engagement ring?

Does she really have to exist right now?

Yeah, no, she's super f*cking annoying.

Don't worry, she's on the
verge of a nervous breakdown.

You just can't tell 'cause of
the whole Little Miss Perfect act.

By the way, you look very anxious.

Is it because of all the running around

and the lying?
Uch. Doesn't it feel good?

No, it doesn't. It does not feel good.

Listen, if Shane finds out
I'm looking for Megan,

he is gonna be so f*cking mad.
I gotta get in these bars,

I have to find her
and get the hell out of here.

There's like ten people in this country.

It can't be that hard.


You can't sleep on the shuttle.

you don't have to worry

about your blonde double!


[glasses clink]

♪ You're wasting away ♪

♪ In an empty space ♪


Can I help you?

Want a drink?

Yeah. Uh, but no.

No, I'm not doing that. [clears throat]

Um, I'm actually looking for someone.

This is a very good friend of mine

and we used to come here a lot together.

Have you seen her?




- [woman speaks Icelandic]
- Oh, a picture.

Yeah, sure.

- [camera shutter clicks]
- Okay.

Oh, we're doing a sh**t now. Okay.

- [camera shutter clicks]
- You guys are very beautiful.

WOMAN: Takk.

[whispers] f*ck.

[Icelandic pop music plays]


- No!
- Take me for one more...


Uh... excuse me.


- [man exclaims]
- I am so sorry!

I'm... I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

MAX: Okay, so my beagle
got hit by a car here.

- ANNIE: What?
- Yeah, but then

my parents replaced it.

It was a completely different color,

and I didn't... I didn't notice.

- For three years.
- Wait, Max, are you kidding?

- No. [laughs] That's it!
- That's so sad.

I mean, it was fine. A beautiful dog.

Well, wait, wait. What about, uh...

- What about your work?
- What about it?

Well, what do your parents think
that you do for a living?

Oh, yeah, no. They know I'm a hacker.

They're chill, okay? You're lovely,

they're lovely, you're gonna be fine.

I promise.

- Yeah. Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?

[doorbell rings]

Is this my long-lost son?

Come here! [laughing] Hi!

- And you must be Annie!
- Hi!

- Hi! Come here!
- Oh.

- [growls happily]
- Oh, wow! Okay, hi.

Demir, she's real! She exists!

I think she took off
her engagement ring.

If we have to sit here much longer,

someone else is gonna
beat us to the payoff.

This is bullshit.

Be patient, cariño.

Say "be patient" to me again.

So what do you want?

Come on, bae. Let's turn things up.

You look good. She looks good, Max.

- Doesn't she? She looks great.
- Yes.

Do you want tea? You want tea.

Sure, thank you.

Uh, I'm sorry. Did you, um...

Did you think that I was fake?

Oh, of course, honey.

You're the first.
After so long, who knows?

She means you're the first
girl I've brought home.

Yeah, you're special.

Like, don't let it go to your head, huh?

Um, that is a lovely, uh, painting.

- That's... it's beautiful.
- Oh, sweetheart, it's shit.

But it keeps my hands busy.

Come on. Demir,
what is that proverb, honey?

A person without a hobby
is like a dog without a face.

Annie, my father.

Everything he says is a proverb.

Everything is a proverb.

- Right.
- Come, come, come!

Tea! Tea time. It's tea time.

- Yay!
- Ginseng or chamomile?

Uh, ooh, um.

- Gingseng, please.
- Ginseng.

Oh, I love this stuff.

I used to drink a ton of it.
That's how we got Maxie here.


It does wonders for fertility.



Yeah, uh, sorry.

You know, I'm gonna switch
to chamomile, actually.

- Okay, sure.
- MAX: Don't you hate chamomile?

No, I love it. I love chamomile. Yeah.


Sorry, no luck.

But, would you like to try
our world-famous svid?

Oh, the sheep's head? No. [laughs] No.

It looks... it looks great,
but maybe another time.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

- f*ck!
- ♪ I... I... I... I need ♪

- ♪ I need... ♪
- Hey, Davey, what's up?

Hey, are you all right?
You sound anxious.

I've said four words.

Well, if you're feeling anxious,

you can talk to me about it.

A year sober, it's a major milestone
and it is normal. Um, what?

Oh, no, I'm just... I'm... I'm at lunch.

Oh, and, uh, I had that lunch
with Jenny,

and she told me all about
this podcast that she's doing,

and it's all... all about normal
people that find themselves

in the middle of tragedies,
but it's not...

It's not exploitative at all.

It's very tasteful, what she's doing.

Uh, okay, that sounds...
That sounds really cool.

Yeah, so anyways, she was, uh,

she was thinking that maybe
that thing with Alex Sokolov

might make for an episode,

because you know, you know,
you're known as that drunk woman

who woke up next to
the dead guy, and maybe

this is a way you can
set the record straight.

Okay, here's the thing...
Jenny needs to learn

the definition of Alcoholics Anonymous.

It's anonymous.

- Yeah. [chuckles]
- And also,

no one knows me.
I was like a blip in the news.

There's been like a hundred
international murders since then.

Right. Yeah. No, I get that.

I get that.

But, um... I guess she was just, uh,

- you know, hoping that...
- SHANE: Cassie.

DAVEY: Um...

- Shane!
- Hello?

- Davey, I gotta call you back.
- Okay.

- Hi.
- Hi.


Shouldn't you be searching
for ice sculptures?

Uh, I'm gonna go tomorrow.

Yeah, I'm gonna go tomorrow.

I... I want to miss the day crowds.

Or the night crowds,
or whatever the hell this...

Uch. This : pm night thing
is really freaking me out.

I heard this place has
the best sheep head in the land.



We should try some.

I miss us,

and our little excursions.

Right now?

- The hákarl.
- Oh, my God!

And the svid.

CASSIE: [clapping] Mm-hmm.

A decapitated sheep's head,

Um, sorry, we did not...

- Brennivin.
- Okay.

"Black death," as we call it.

- On the house. Please enjoy.
- SHANE: Thank you. Wow.

Thank you. Um...

- I'm just so surprised.
- What?

I mean, as much as we've
traveled all over the world,

I have never known you to be
an adventurous eater.

Oh, yeah. No. Me, I love head.

Whatever is their delicacy,
I want to have it,

in my mouth, so,
they didn't even know that

and they brought it, and, lucky me.

- ♪ I... I... I... I need ♪
- Yay.

- ♪ I need you ♪
- I'm so excited.

I'm just gonna...

Everything okay?

Yeah. Great. I'm... mmm. I'm so...

Mmm. Oh, God.
I was craving that all day.

Do you know what's so funny?

Most people that sample
fermented shark get sick.


What a coincidence.
You were on my flight.

Total coincidence.
I don't believe in coincidences,

but, here we are. Coincidence.

I... I don't know how that
happened. I mean, I...

- Oh, more.
- SHANE: Yay.

- The blood pudding.
- Much appreciated.

Take these sh*ts out of here
before I take one.

I love you so much for that.

Can you also take this, please,
and close our tab?

I'm sorry, what are you... No, no, no.

No, no, no, wait. Are you...
You're going somewhere?

We just started this whole meal.

I'm gonna scarf this all down
really fast,

and go see the sights. We're in Iceland!

You're such an adventurer, you know?

But if I'm being totally honest,

I am starting to worry about
some of your impulsive behavior,

that it's becoming problematic.

I mean, we've known each other
for so long,

but there are some things
that we are not saying,

things you're not saying,
things I'm not saying.

I'd hate for those things
that we are not saying

to start to come between us

as friends.

- I don't...
- Sorry.

- Uh, your card was declined.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.

Run it again, that's not...
I just used it.

- That's not possible.
- Here, it's okay. Take mine.


- [cell phone chimes]
- And leave it open.

Oh, my God.

Who's having a f*cking shopping
spree at a hardware store?


She's got a power-to-weight ratio

that'll really blow your hair back.

- Runs like a honey.
- Oh, does she?

Does she really? Ask him how many times

it's ever left the garage, huh?

Whose child are you?

What does my future
daughter-in-law think?

[quietly] I'm sorry, you
f*cking told your parents?

No, I didn't.
It's just out there, though.

I can tell in the way
he talks about you.

He lights up like a Christmas tree.

Papa, just... let it chill for a little.

Tell a woman there's a wedding
in the sky,

watch her look for a ladder
in the blink of an eye.

MAX: Don't say things like that.
That's not a proverb.

- PAPA: It actually is.
- [camera shutter clicks]

MAX: Wow. Okay.

ANNIE: Slide number one.

The... the license plate...

Could you put your phone away
for a sec, babe?

- Just, like, two seconds?
- Uh, no, no, no, no.

It's okay. I understand.
It's a dusty old car.

Um, how about I pull up some
old photo albums, Annie, huh?

Did you know that Max's mother

used to dress him up like Elvis?

MAX: Okay, we don't need to do that.

ANNIE: Um...

Yes, uh, yes. Sorry.

I just need to do one quick thing.

Can I, um... I'll meet you inside?


We'll go find the albums.

I'll see you in a sec.

- [line ringing]
- ♪ I... I... I... I need ♪

♪ I need you ♪

- Annie?
- Hey. Um, I think I got

a lead on another View-Master slide.

Uh, great. That's great. That's great.

That's... so glad to hear that.

Quick thing... my, uh,
my credit card is not working.

I think someone is...
[stammers] using my credit card.

Okay, well, that's unsurprising,
when all of your passwords

are, like, "bunny ."

No, no, no. You're not listening to me.

See, someone is at a hardware
store and they bought,

like, chains
and tarps and ropes and shit

and they're putting it
on my credit card.

Okay, well... I mean, that's essentially

everything you would need
to hide a body.

- What?!
- Well, it's just, you know,

in my experience with my old clients,

that's, you know, what they would...

Look, I don't want to know
this shit, I just do, okay?

Oh, my God,
you're not helping me at all.

This is not...
This is not helpful at all.

Okay, look, chill.
No one's gonna believe

that you bought anything
at a hardware store, you know?

That's hilarious.

No, I know. There's clearly more

to this person's insane plan.

Oh, my God, you're right.
This person is...

She's gonna do more insane shit.

There is a psychopath
who is impersonating me

who is spending money on my credit card

and I decided to travel to
the opposite end of the world!

Okay, Cass? You just went
into a full-blown

existential tailspin and I need you

to pull the f*ck up, okay?

Okay, it's just, the thing is

I'm really trying to hold it
together here

but sometimes I just really

would like to...

Look, I get it. I get it, okay?

I am going to stay
on this View-Master slide

and, you know, we'll just,
keep trying to figure out

what the f*ck this crazy person
is planning next, so

you're not implicated any further.

Just please get back here
as soon as you can?

- Okay?
- [alarm goes off]

- [fire alarm blaring]
- Oh, God. Annie,

there's like a, um,
fire alarm. I gotta go.

- Cass?
- Oh!

- [alarm continues]
- [whimpers]

- [alarm continues, muffled]
- What is all this?

- Pink roses, really?
- Well, honey, you did

leave some loose ends back home.

I mean, you stood up Marco,
you left Annie and Max

with the View-Master.

You're kind of shirking
your responsibility.

No, I'm not shirking. I'm just
trying to help my friend!

You tried, you really tried,
but now, you have two choices...

You can cut your losses and go home,

or you can continue to ignore me

and see what your life becomes.

It's not a pretty future.

DEPRESSED CASSIE: There's no point.

She's not gonna listen to us anyway.

Listen, you have gotta call your bank

and figure out these charges.

Do you know what fraud
can do to your credit score?

Also, don't forget
you owe Benjamin a debrief.

God, is it getting louder in here?

- Augh!
- [alarm stops]

GOLD DRESS CASSIE: False alarm, I guess.

[ice shaking rhythmically]


You know, they really need
to lay off you, huh?

I mean, you've had a long day.

Your entire world's falling apart.

- You are holding it together.
- Yeah, thank you.

You have every right to feel anxious.

Remember when a little drink
would take the edge off?

- f*ck.
- Come on.

You can trust me.

Who am I gonna tell?

Plus, I've kept your secret so far.

Haven't I?


[whimpers quietly]

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck...

You do not need a drink.


You do not need a drink right now.

You do not need a drink right now, okay?


You do not need a drink right now.


You just need a f*cking meeting.

You need to find a meeting. You need...

You need to find a meeting.
Let's find a meeting.

You need to go to a meeting right now.

Hunh! Okay, gotta stay calm.

You're fine.

You do not need a drink right now.

You're gonna be fine. Get up.

Just get up. Please get up.

Get the f*ck up.

Get up. [groans] Get up.

Get up. Get up. Just go to a meeting.

Please go to a meeting.

You f*cking idiot, just go to a meeting.

Get up!

Just get up.

So do you just follow me around now?

- Is that your new job?
- You're not the only person

staying in this hotel, Cassie.

Please. Who reads a newspaper
in a lobby?

You're pretty basic.

- You want to do this?
- Sure.

Great. Here's a hypothetical.

If you were here in Reykjavik,

to aid a fugitive,
that would be very unwise.

Oh, my God, Shane.
What are you gonna do,

turn me in for enjoying Iceland? Please.

SHANE: I'm here to close a case.

You've been hunting Megan for a day.

I've been hunting Megan for over a year.

Oh, my God, I'm not hunting
anyone. You're f*cking crazy.

And even though Megan did commit...

Hi there.

Even though Megan did commit treason,

for which there are very
real consequences,

I don't think that our girl
deserves to end up

like this.

Oh, my God, I don't need to see that!

Yes, you do.

Because subtle hasn't worked on you.

There is a North Korean agent named Hawk

who is searching for Megan.

Now, you don't want
to cross paths with Hawk,

or anyone associated with Hawk.

Otherwise you are going to end up

like this dead man in the pictures.

You are my f*cking friend, Cassie,

and I cannot let you
wander down this aimlessly.

Maybe you don't care about
my real or actual job,

but you are in very real
and actual danger.

You know, I told you,
I came to Iceland to see the...

Do not tell me you came here
for some f*cking ice festival!

Why is that so hard to believe?

Because I know you!

You know what, Shane?

- You don't know me.
- Oh.

No, you don't know me.

Because I almost did something
very, very bad

in my hotel room just now,
but I didn't. But I didn't.

And maybe there isn't some
stupid f*cking ice festival.

Who f*cking cares?

I'm trying to be a better person.

I'm trying to be different and
new and make better decisions

and I don't know where Megan is.

That's the truth.
I don't know where she is.

I wish I did, but I don't.
Even if I wanted to find her,

I couldn't 'cause I would
probably f*ck that up, too.

So you know what? You want to follow me

all over town? Go ahead!

I don't care. I don't care.

In fact, this is me
yelling in this lobby,

that I don't care. Excuse me.

Will you tell him that I don't care?

f*ck off!

- Environmental law firm, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, we need more honest lawyers.

Yeah, I mean, I'm not gonna
get that job, so.

Oh, sure you will.

She's just nervous about it, that's all.

- Yeah?
- I mean, I'm... I'm not nervous.

I just... I tanked the interview,
you know, so.

- Aw.
- Well, we are rooting for you.

And obviously we would love
for you to settle down

- on the West Coast with us.
- Careful, Mom.

Don't get Annie started about LA.

If it's not Nobu or the lights
of Santa Monica Pier,

- she's not into it, right?
- MOM: But, a West Coast wedding

would be beautiful.

Max's uncle has a vineyard in Sonoma.

- Gorgeous.
- New York

is not a place for a baby.

Too much noise, too much garbage.

Oh, uh, yeah, no, totally.

But we're not planning
on having kids, so,

you know, that's not a thing.


She means just like,
not right away, you know?

Uh, no, yeah, no, I mean,
I mean never. I don't...

I don't want kids.
I've never wanted kids, so.

Okay, that's pretty definitive.

Yeah, can we talk about this
another time...

ANNIE: Yeah, also, you know,
I don't know,

uh, if I'm an honest lawyer.

Or if I'm a Sonoma bride,
or if I'm a West Coaster.

Um, I'm really happy that you guys have,

you know, drafted this plan
and I really hope

it works out for all of you
but I'm also, um,

I'm kind of done talking about it.

Yeah. Uh... I'm gonna...

- [fork clanks on plate]
- get into this.

[clears throat]



Their hotel?

The security camera's in the bar.

No sound, though.

Well, get it for me, ASAP.

[knock on door, door opens]

DOT: Hmm.

[can opens]

Please, make yourself comfortable.

You said you wanted a sit-down.

I'm here, I'm sitting down.

Well, Bowden owes me a debrief.

I've been calling,
but her voicemail is full.

I think you've mistaken me
for Verizon Wireless.

- That's very funny.
- Mm-hmm.

Bowden talked to the mark
right before the bombing.

Her intel is crucial. If I could
ever get her on the phone...

She doesn't know her intel is crucial.

That's good for us.
She wants to be useful

and she think it's just
a gas line expl*si*n.

I grounded her for her own safety.

What do you want me to do,
throw her into an active volcano?

[Benjamin sighs]

She constantly misses
her contact windows.

She does not follow orders.
Something is off.

We need to keep her on a tighter leash.


You know what I meant.

I'm aware you miss being
in the field, Mr. Berry.

She's out there and
you're stuck behind a desk.

That's why you wanted my job.

Get out of the office more.

Well, I'll let you in
on a little secret...

It's just a bigger desk.


Sorry to interrupt, Ms. Karlson.

Deputy Director Wiles
is on the line for you.

Oh. And stop fixating on an asset

using fun semantic gems like "leash."

Someone in HR might mistake it
as a crush on Cassie Bowden.

And that's messy.


So, you know, I wanted to come here.

I needed to come here
to help my best friend.

I wanted to... I wanted to.

You know, the acts of service
sort of thing

that we all work on but all
I did was piss off my boyfriend,

I pissed off my boss,
ate a disgusting shark delicacy.

Point is, um,

I haven't had a drink
since I lived in New York,

and I... I almost ruined it
tonight, but...

but I didn't. I didn't, so,

so that was... that was good. Um, so.

Okay, thank you.

[under her breath] Oh, my God.

Hey, I'm Jimmy. I'm an alcoholic.

GROUP: Hi, Jimmy.

I, uh... had two years.

Now I got five days.

Yeah. The hardest part
is when you're alone, you know?

I just miss who I was back in New York.

That stands for a couple of us
here tonight.

I actually, um,

I met someone else who reminded
me of home just last week.

And, uh, she reminded me
of my big sister.

She had this Long Island accent and,

you know, she didn't say much, but...

she didn't have to, really.

CASSIE: Sorry, sorry, sorry.

What did you just say?

Um, this lady you're talking about,

is she like a short lady
with brown hair?

- Very nasal. It's a...
- No crosstalk.

- I have to... I need one second.
- No crosstalk.

- I need one second.
- Nope.

No, no, this is very, very important.


- Okay.
- Yeah, so.

Uh, yeah, that's it.

Uh, hi. It's Jimmy, right?

- Yeah.
- Hi. So this might be

the most insane coincidence of all time,

but where did you meet
the woman from Long Island?

I really liked your parents.

I mean, you know, not that I thought...

I was gonna not like your parents,

I knew I was gonna
like your parents, but I...

You know, I actually
really liked your parents, so.


Insert snarky comment here.

Snarky comment here.

Okay, you're upset about the kid thing.

The kids thing? Jesus, Annie.

You know I didn't want kids, Max.

We have talked about it a million times.

I disagree. We joked
about it a million times.

Okay, and then your mom's in the kitchen

making fertility tea trying to get me

to drink it so we can go,
you know, make her grandkids.

My parents
are really f*cking nice people.

They didn't deserve
the very special episode

of Annie Mouradian that showed up.

[phone chiming]

- Samantha. Is that...
- _

Davis & Carlisle investigator Samantha?

That's who you've been texting all day?

ANNIE: She figured out another slide.

A German license plate?

Do you want to move to LA?

Wait, I don't understand how this...

Wait, what?

Do you want the new job?
Do you want to marry me?

Are you f*cking high right now?

No, I'm angry.
Because I was excited about

introducing my fiancée to my family

and you took off the f*cking ring.

Okay, first of all, we are
still in discussions about that,

and I didn't want your parents
to get the wrong impression.

Yeah, super. Drop into lawyer mode.

Okay, you know what, second?
I told you this morning

that I was not in a good headspace,

so yeah, I'm sorry, I was
a little distracted today.

Okay? Some crazy shit
is going down with Cassie,

a lot of which you don't even
know about.

Well, I'd know if you told me,
wouldn't I?

You know what? Lastly?

I don't know if I want
the f*cking job, okay?

I don't know. Even if they were
to make me an offer,

which they probably won't because...

I'm a mess of a human being, so.

Why do you think that is, Annie?

I don't know, Max, but it sounds
like you're about to tell me.



[door closes]

[laughs humorlessly] f*ck.




f*cking Megan. God.

[phone chimes]

[line ringing]

It's Annie. That's all you get.

- [beep]
- What the f*ck, Annie?

You just texted me.

God, I hate when you do that.

Uh, listen, that car?
That's the one that blew up

- in Berlin.
- Max?

I just don't know how the car
connects to the lake.

I mean, I know this is all
part of the puzzle,

I've been putting it all
together but, like,

ANNIE: Come on, Max, we have
to talk about this.

CASSIE: Still, we don't know
who's doing this

and honestly, why.

Anyway, I'll be home soon and we
can figure this out together.

I love you so much.
Thank you for everything.

I owe you.

f*ck! Max!

[muffled screaming]

[body thumps]



[Exposé's "Point Of No Return" plays]


♪ You're taking me ♪

♪ To the point of no return ♪


♪ Oh oh oh ♪

♪ You're taking me ♪


- Cassie.
- Ha! I found you!

Oh, my God. I can't f*cking believe it.

I cracked your little emoji message,

and I got your, um,
little puffin keychain

and I f*cking found you! I'm a genius.

What the f*ck are you doing here?

I'm here to help you.
I flew across the world!

- I'm here!
- I don't need your help, okay?

- [door opens, bell dings]
- MEGAN: We're closed!

You being here is gonna get us
both f*cking k*lled!

I'm confused.