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11x12 - Chatty Chatty Bang Bang

Posted: 04/28/22 11:40
by bunniefuu
Leaving the scene.
It just happened.

We were in the area,
heard the job over the radio.

The guy's iffy. The girl's going
out of the picture.

Oh, where is the ambulance?!

It's coming, ma'am.
Anybody see anything?

Neighbor saw a light‐colored
suv come speeding by,

Hit the cyclist,
jumped the curb, hit the girl.

She didn't get
a license plate.

Hey, her first!
Come on!

Take it easy, huh?

[ Sobbing ] please.

That tony grimaldi?

Yeah. It's his daughter
that's d. O. A.

He's a mob guy.

Driver's lucky
he kept going.

This crowd would have
k*lled him.

She's dying!
Do something!

Whoa! Help her!

Sir, come on.
He's doing everything he can.

[ Sobbing ] he left her.
Please, please.

[ Ambulance door opening,
closing ]

Get the little girl first.
Get her over to the hospital.

Car fitting the description

Was just spotted on broome
and lafayette.

Driver was att*cked
at the scene.

Let's go.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Man: he did it, man.
It was your boy that did it.

Come on.

Man #2: forget about it!

All right,
knock it off!
Come on.

These two groups of guys were
going at it when we rolled up.

We're still trying to figure out
what was going down.

What did I say?!
Get back.

Hey, you‐‐
you in the knicks jacket.

Come here.
What's your name?

Pete amechi.

What happened here, pete?

Me and my buddies
went looking for that guy

Who ran over that little girl‐‐
we spot the car.

It's got dents on the bumper,
the grille.

So we cut the guy off,

And we're holding him
till the police show.

But then these numbnuts
jump us

Because they think we're
attacking someone innocent.

Where's the black guy
who was driving this suv?

He boogied
during the fight, man.

Pete, what are you doing?

Mind your own business,

That's all I know, guys.

Let us handle this.

We've had enough loss

We don't want to have to lock
any of you guys up.

Do what you got to do.

We need to know
who was driving this suv.

We need to find him
before they do.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Breathing heavily ]
15th squad, p. A. A. Irvin.

Oh, uh, one second.

Roberta blank from a.c.s.
Confirming for today.

Uh, tell her I'll be there.
Or does she want to talk to me?

He'll be there. Or would you
like to speak with him?

Oh, fine.


She'll see you at 2:00.

Child services?

Yeah, michael's been staying
with me.

I just go to make it official

Are you adopting him?

No, no. I'm just getting
qualified as a foster parent.

How's it going?
It's good.

How long is he gonna stay
with you?

I don't know.
As long as he needs.

White female over at bellevue
was r*ped in her apartment.

Rita, you and greg go talk
to her in the hospital.

Baldwin, you head down
to her apartment building,

Start a canvass.

What's the latest?

Little girl's d. O. A.

The guy on the bike's
going into the o. R.

[ Sighs ]
anything on the suv?

Belongs to a 60‐year‐old doctor
from the upper east side.

He reported it stolen
last night.

What about the driver
that was b*at up at the scene?

We identify him yet?
Not yet.

Crime scene's processing
the suv for prints.

The father of the d. O. A. Girl,
he's mobbed up?

Yeah, he's tony grimaldi.
He's underboss for the gambinos.

Which means we're not getting
d*ck as far as cooperation
from anybody down there.

If we don't find the driver
of that car before they do,

We're gonna wind up
with another homicide.

Keep in touch
with bellevue.

If this guy on the bike
pulls through,

You want to be the first guy
he talks to.

Right here.

Mr. And mrs. Foster?

Detectives rita ortiz
and greg medavoy.

If we could talk to you
a minute in private.

If you're up to it.

It's all right.

Can you tell us
what happened?

A man rang the doorbell.

He said he was from
the cable company,

And he had the hat on.

So I opened the door,
and he pushed me in.

What did he look like?

30, White, brown hair.

Heavyset, short goatee.

And he didn't have
the cable company uniform on,

Just the hat.

Would you recognize him
if you saw him again?

What happened after he pushed
you into your apartment?

He put a Kn*fe to my throat
and pinned me down

And said he would k*ll me
if I made any noise.

Did he say anything else?

Just sick,
sick things like...

Like was he bigger
than my husband.

And he knew my husband
was at work

And that he wouldn't be
coming home to save me.

Excuse me.

If you're done,
we need to finish the kit.

Please don't tell my husband.
It would just make him upset.


You think she's okay?

She's pretty shook up.

Mr. Foster, do you keep
a set schedule?

I guess, yeah.

Any problems with people
at work?

Someone at my work
did this?

It just sounds like the guy
who did it knows your schedule.

Should I be talking to people
at my work, asking questions?

You should be directing your
energy toward helping your wife.

Let us handle finding
who did this.

You're not the type
to jump the g*n

And start looking into people,
are you, mr. Foster?

No, I'm not
the vigilante type.

Good. We'll be in touch.

Do you know him at all?

Listen to me.
Here's what you got to do.

You got to get him
to turn himself in.


who was that?

Anonymous caller
on our hit‐and‐run this morning.

He said the black guy
the italians were b*ating on

Is calvin george.

They give anything
past the name?

Andy: I'm checking
the phone book.

Off chance the guy
who r*ped michelle foster

Knows her or the husband,
maybe a stalker.

I'm gonna call into
the husband's work,

See if anyone had a beef.

Around the time of the r*pe,

A neighbor saw
a suspicious‐looking guy

Speed off in a taurus‐‐
she got the plate.

It's registered to norman reese,
battery park city.

Let's do it.

Got it.

Where you going?

Calvin george is listed,
address in red hook.

Junior, look at this.

Come here.
Out of the car.

Come on.
Everybody, out.

What's going on, guys?

Engine was overheating.

Come here.

Your other buddies laying
into that guy at the scene,

That's one thing.

But if anything happens to him
now after the fact,

That's premeditated,
and I will hold you responsible,

And you will get
locked up.

Just letting the engine
cool down, detective.

b*at it.

Got a call about a group
of guys making threats.

Yeah, we handled it.

What's going on?

You know a calvin george?

Yeah, I'm his mother.

Where is he?
I don't know.

He's not
in the apartment?

Go ahead and look if you want.
The door's unlocked.

Could you check it out?
Apartment 1f.

We need to talk
to your son, ma'am.

He might have been involved
in an accident this morning.

I don't know nothing
about that.

Those men that were across
the street, they do anything?

They were pounding
on the door,

Yelling, "calvin,
get your ass out here."

What kind of accident?

A hit‐and‐run.

Believe me when I tell you
calvin is better off with us

Than he is with those guys
who just left here.

You understand me?

If calvin calls or shows up,
you let us know, for his sake.

Nobody inside.

You do like I say.

So, mr. Reese,
what's a c. N. A. Do?

Is that computer‐related?

network administrator.

When all your computers
freeze up,

And people start yelling
at each other,

I'm the guy who gets called,
and then you yell at me.

[ Laughs ]

So, uh, your system down?
Is that why you brought me in?

Where were you
this morning, 8:00?

Um, home
installing a cooler

To over‐clock the processor
on my rig.

We'll just assume that's
something computer‐oriented.

Yeah, see,
how it works is‐‐

You know a woman named
michelle foster?

You ever been to 742
east 12th street?
I don't think so.


You drive a taurus
with that plate number?

[ Clearing throat ]

See, somebody saw you
drive away from there,

And they wrote down
your plate number. we gonna
handle this?

I don't understand
what the problem is.

Michelle foster
saw your face.
Yeah, so what?

So you r*ped her,
you techie assh*le,

In your little cable guy hat
with a Kn*fe at her throat.

No, i‐i did not r*pe her.
I mean, not technically.

I did what she wanted.

How did she make it known
to you what she wanted‐‐

Telepathy through a peephole
of a door?

Over instant messaging, man.

She laid it out how she liked
it, and all I did was respond.

What are you
talking about?

Me and this michelle
who goes by "nasty girl,"

Met in a chat room on‐line,

A r*pe fantasy chat room,

She told me she wasn't getting
it rough from her husband,

And she went on‐line.

All I did was respond.

I got to admit, norman,
that's a new one.

I saved the i. M.'S.

She gave me instructions
on what to wear,

What to say, her address.

I‐i even got
her phone number

To confirm
that it wasn't a put‐on.

I called and I confirmed.

You talked
to michelle foster?

You got all the correspondence
on the computer at home?

Then why did you lie to us

When we asked you if you knew
michelle foster?

'Cause I guess I knew
it was too good to be true.

This idiot is claiming
that michelle foster

Wanted him to come over
and r*pe her.


He says he's got correspondence
that'll prove it.

We're heading over
to his place.
Toss it good.

Rita, will you look
into this with greg?

I got that 2:00
I need to get to.

No problem.

[ Telephone rings ]

15Th squad.

Oh, one moment, please.

Florence george,
calvin's mother.

Detective sipowicz.

[ Clears throat ]

Okay, calm down.
You all right?

We'll be right over there.

What's going on?

Somebody just fired sh*ts
into her apartment.

Any witnesses?

Nothing solid.

A couple people
saw two white guys

Speeding off
on a motorcycle,

But nobody got the license‐plate
number or make of the bike.

If I had been in the front room,
I'd be dead.

Has calvin contacted
you yet?
About five minutes ago.

He swears he didn't run over
no kids this morning.

Is he
on his way in?

Why not?

He's got a warrant out
on a pot possession charge,

And he knows y'all gonna
put him in jail.

Did you tell him you almost got
k*lled over this?

He's scared.
He don't know what to do.

Your son is walking around with
a bull's‐eye on his chest.

He didn't do
no hit‐and‐run.

Then he needs to get his ass in
right now and explain himself.

As long as he's on the street,
there's nothing we can do.

You could arrest
those italians

That was parked across
the street this morning.

For what? For parking
across the street?

They're probably the ones
who sh*t my apartment.

If you want your son to live,

You need to get him
to turn himself in.

You're not married,

No, but I am involved in
a relationship with someone.

Are you heterosexual?
Yes, very much so.

As a squad detective,
are those hours pretty regular?

If it becomes an issue,
I can make alternate plans

To have someone
look after michael.


My girlfriend,
who's an assistant d. A.,

Or fellow detectives
who are parents, also.

I assume you have weapons
in the home.

Just one, and I'm usually
attached to it.

You have any experience
at raising children, mr. Jones?

I've been involved
in a mentoring program

As you can see
from my application.

In terms of managing behavior
or discipline‐‐

I wasn't given the impression
that there a whole lot of people

Jumping at the chance
to take michael in.

He's not a stray dog,
mr. Jones.

He's a child dealing with
some very serious issues.

I've know michael gorman
a couple of months now.

I've been with him
through the death of his mom

And his dad
getting locked up.

Mm‐hmm, I respect that.

But I've worked hundreds
of cases like this.

When someone who's close
to the child

that they're ill‐equipped

To deal with bad behavior,
sometimes extreme behavior,

They come back to me
saying they can't do it anymore,

Which leaves the child crushed
when they have to move out.

I was raised
by my grandma.

She got sick
when I was 14,

And I was basically on my own,
staying with friends.

This one buddy of mine,
his dad was a cop.

I started having dinner
a lot at their home,

And I ended up moving in
with them

Until my grandma
got better.

But my friend's dad was
the only guy I could go to,

The only guy I could confide in,
that I could trust.

I'm not some do‐gooder
with his head in the clouds.

I've been there.
I know what michael needs.

And if you give me
the opportunity,

I can provide that
for him.

We'll schedule a visit
to your home,

Review your references

And the rest
of your application.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Right this way.

That's michelle foster
from this morning.

The r*pe victim?

We checked into
this norman reese's story.

He's got all kinds
of documentation

that she invited him over.

Any evidence that they spoke
on the phone beforehand?

He gave us a number
he called,

And it was for a coffee place
in the east village.

They said
it's not that unusual

For customers
to take calls there.

You run reese with b. C. I.?

No record.
Not even a parking ticket.

See what she says.

So, michelle, just a couple
of questions for you.

Do you use
the internet much?


You ever go into
chat rooms?

What kind of chat rooms
do you go into?


I went into one about
vacationing in the bahamas.

Have you ever been
in a chat room

Called "female for male
rough play"?

Do you know a man
named norman reese?

You didn't meet mr. Reese
in the rough‐play room?

I already told you I haven't
been in that chat room.

When you do go into rooms,
what's the name you use?

"Michelle f."

Have you ever used the name
"nasty girl"?

What on earth
are you talking about?

The man who att*cked you
this morning,

He says that he met you
in a chat room

And that you invited him
to come over.

That is outrageous.

He has a lot of evidence
to back it up,

Including a phone call to you,
confirming your interest.

It's a total lie.

Is there any possibility
you went into a chat room,

Invited this guy over,
and it got out of hand?

No! No! Absolutely not.

I don't know any...
Norman reese?

And I have never been in
any rough‐play chat room.

I answered my door
for the cable company,

And I was r*ped!

I cannot believe this
is happening,

And I can't believe
you're doing this to me!

We'll look into it
some more.
You do that.

I tend to buy her story.

Yeah, me too.

We got more digging to do.
I'll fill you in.

All right.

We got to get
this calvin george in

Before those loony italians
k*ll him.

We're running guys
he's been collared with.

I'll pitch in on that.

Before you get going, I have
a quick announcement to make.

Just want
to let you all know

That I'm putting in my papers
for retirement.


I got my appointment with
the pension board in a few days,

So soon after that‐‐
maybe a week.

You leaving to something?

Security director job.

Which you accepted when?

I interviewed for it
last week.

I accepted yesterday.



Yeah, absolutely.

We'll miss you.

As soon as my last day's
firmed up, I'll pass it on.

Well, how about that?

Well, we got work to do.

Boss, we ran the screen name
"nasty girl"

the internet provider.

It came back
to a courtney bates.

Not michelle foster?

Courtney bates.

That wasn't something
we should have checked

Before leaning
on the victim?

The i. S. P. Was being a real pain
in the ass earlier

About opening their records
without a court order.

They finally relented.

It took some convincing.

Maybe threatening's
a better word.

I don't want to know.
Just get this courtney bates in.

So, uh, boss?


Any particular reason
for the sudden departure?

I know
the squad's curious.

Speak for yourself,

It was time for me to go.

The outcome of the trial,
did that factor in?

Next, are you gonna ask him
to turn his head and cough?

It's okay, andy.

No, it was time to go.
You said it already.

He don't need to put you
under the hot light.

I can't say the trial
didn't factor in,

But, uh, it's just time
for me to go.

Where you guys at?

Going to have a conversation
with tony grimaldi,

The father of the d. O. A.

See if he can get his boys
to back off

From hunting down
calvin george.

I was just curious.

You're nosy.

I'm just curious.

Mr. Grimaldi.

You have our
deepest sympathies.

Thank you.

I know this is the last thing
you want to do,

But we need to talk to you
about this morning.

Did you see what happened?

I was in the kitchen.

We know people in this
neighborhood look up to you.

Has anybody given you
information that could help us?

We were out of coffee.

So I sent theresa to get some
from the corner market.

If I would have got up off
my lazy ass and done it myself,

She'd still be alive.

We're very sorry, sir.

Mr. Grimaldi...

There's people out there
right now,

People associated with you,

Who are looking
for the driver of that car.

They already fired sh*ts
into his mother's apartment.

My daughter's dead.

You think I give a rat's ass
about the son of a bitch?

We know you care about the other
guys out there looking for him.

We tried to let them know if
anything happens to our suspect,

They're going to jail,
but they're not listening to us.

That's 'cause they know
this son of a bitch

Ain't gonna do
any real time.

Vehicular manslaughter,
possibly two counts,

And fleeing the scene
of an accident?

He'll do time.

Let us do our job and let each
of your guys stay out of jail.

If this guy don't pay
a fair price

For taking
my daughter's life,

When he hits the street again...
All bets are off.

we'll take care of that.

I'll put out the word.

He's right here.
Don't hang up.

It's calvin george.

I'm putting him on the phone
right now.

No, it's him.
You have my word.

Detective sipowicz.

Come in and tell me
where you were this morning.

Calvin, how can I say
I believe you're not

Based on a phone
conversation, huh?

Don't worry about your damn
pot possession.

Worry about your mom
who got sh*t at.

Worry about not getting
k*lled by that lynch mob

Who's out there
looking for you right now.

Now, where can we meet you?

I'm gonna get the car.
I'll meet you in front.

Yeah. Uh‐huh.

Have a seat, courtney.


You a student?

Yeah, but I'm taking
a semester off.

You know
michelle foster?

You didn't go
on the internet

Pretending to be
michelle foster?
Pardon me?

We got information that you've
been going into chat rooms

Under the moniker
"nasty girl"

And claiming to be
michelle foster.

Well, i, uh,
don't know that person,

And I've never in my life
called myself "nasty girl."

Michelle foster was r*ped
this morning

By a guy who thought she was
inviting him over for rough sex.

Because of what
this "nasty girl" said

In a chat room?

There you go.

Well, I'm sorry
to hear that,

But I had nothing to do
with it.

Then how's the name "nasty girl"
get back to your account?

I bought my computer

It was somebody else's
before that.

I sometimes lend it to
the space cadet down the hall.

There's a thousand ways
I could have been hacked.

All of which
we'll be looking into.


We need your computer.

And the name of the space cadet
down the hall

And who you bought
the computer from.

Let me get this straight.
You stole the car?

But you didn't do
the hit‐and‐run?

[ Scoffs ]
how's that work?

I'm walking down the street,

And I see this white boy
pull up in this dope suv...

And he hopped out and headed
around the corner...

With the doors open,
the keys in it.

It's like he was asking me
to steal it.

So I did.

And you were driving,
and these italians cut you off.

And start b*ating the hell
out of me.

I figure it's 'cause
I stole the truck.

If you boosted this car on
elizabeth street, like you say,

What were you doing
in little italy to begin with?

I was looking
for my wallet.
Yeah, huh?

I'm at a bar down in the village
last night‐‐ tricky's.

I start talking to
this white chick‐‐ anne marie.

She invites me back
to her place.

I'm thinking maybe she got
the fever.

But we get there,
and I'm already drunk as it is,

But now she lights up
some weed‐‐ that was it.

I passed out on the futon.

When'd you leave her place?

About 5:00 a. M.

It was still dark out,
which is gonna factor in later.

So I head home,
but when I get there,

I realize I don't have
my wallet on me.

So I go all the way back
to anne marie's.

The problem is, I don't know
where she live exactly

'Cause it was dark out
when I left,

And I was still half drunk

The next thing I see is the suv
with the keys in it.

What's this anne marie's
last name?

I don't know.
I never got it.

What are the cross streets
where anne marie lives?

I don't know that, either.
I wish to hell I did.

But your wallet's still gonna be
at this anne marie's apartment.

No, see,
'cause here's the thing.

After I got att*cked
and was walking around

Trying to figure out
what to do,

I felt something in my jacket
in this pocket up here,

And it was my wallet.


See, I never put it there.

So I must've been drunk
last night.

There's no way
of proving that story.

It's the truth.
I'm starting to think
it ain't, calvin.

We got a witness who puts you
behind the wheel of that suv

At the scene
of the accident.

They got the wrong brother,
plain and simple.

'Cause you're just
an innocent bystander

Looking for
a mystery apartment

So you can find
your lost wallet

Which wasn't really lost
to begin with.

Yo, is this a ride?

Is this getting shoved down
my throat no matter what I say?

Calvin, you need to keep
in mind one thing.

If you keep lying, the family
of that little girl

Are gonna stay pissed off
at you.

And we're not gonna be there
to watch your back

Every day
the rest of your life.

So show remorse,
admit what you did.

It's the best way.

And if you don't believe us,

Ask your mom
if those were real b*ll*ts

sh*t through her window
this morning.

I was looking for a girl
named anne marie's‐‐

I don't want to hear
that bullshit story again.

If I did it, I'd tell you.
But it wasn't me.

You're making a big mistake,

Only god can judge me.

you hold on to that.


[ Camera shutter clicks,
film winding ]

[ Knock on door ]

Calvin george?

He's denying it.
Big surprise.

We'll go back at him
in a bit.

What's the story?


No, your choice of tie.

It's just time.

Don't go selling
that weak crap to me.

There's no hoodwink here,

Is it ortiz?

What do you know
about that?

It was a hunch I had,
but you just confirmed it.

There's nothing going on,

But if it were,
it'd be a private matter.

And this security gig,

I'm sure he was real sweet
at the interview,

But it's just
a matter of time

Before you're snapping up
whores for him.

Who knows?

I'm already signed on,

Then this is 'cause
you got dropped off the list

For captain's pay?

It tells me I'm not getting
any further on the job.

That's a punk move.

Never once in my life have
I punked out of anything.

If you cared
about this job,

If it had any meaning
to you at all,

You'd turn it back on them
and fight.

I don't want to leave.

But I gave the department
everything for 18 years.

I took a b*llet,
and they let me down.

[ Knock on door ]

Got a call from bellevue.

Ray espinoza,
the guy on the bike,

He's in recovery and alert.

[ Door closes ]

You still want to be updated,
or did the bus already leave?

Yes, I want to be updated.
And don't push me any more.

Ray espinoza?

from the 15th squad.

You made it.

You think I'm bad?
You should see the truck.

[ Chuckles ]

You got a lot of family outside
waiting to see you.

First, real quick,

Did you get a look
at the guy driving the suv?

All right.

We got a photo array
we're gonna show you.

Tell us if you recognize
the guy, okay?

Driver was a white guy.

We're talking about the driver
of the suv who hit you.

Yeah, white guy, young,
dark hair.

You're sure?

I looked right at him
when he was coming at me.

Was there a black guy
in the car at all?

No, not in the front.

Only guy I saw was the driver,
and he was white.

I'd just like you to know

That my wife hasn't stopped
crying all today.

We're sorry to hear that.

There's a lot of ways
to do things in the world.

You got a case to solve.
I respect that.

But stomping on the victim?
You got a lot of balls.

Tell us
about courtney bates.

I don't think
you're listening to me.

You know the name?
I can't place it.

Courtney bates,
blond hair,

Called your office 19 times
the last two weeks.

Place it now?

[ Chuckles ]

What's going on?

You having an affair
with her?

How does this pertain

To catching the guy
who r*ped my wife?

We got the guy
who r*ped your wife.

But he was duped on‐line into
thinking he had her consent.

What we need to figure out now
is who put him up to it‐‐

You and courtney
or courtney alone?

This guy thought he had consent,
and you believe that?

Mr. Foster, if you want to keep
yourself out of jail,

You need to stop slapping back
everything we say

And just answer
the questions.

Are you screwing courtney bates?
Yes or no.

It's more of
an emotional intimacy.

What'd I just say about
answering the questions?

Okay, yes, fine.

But I had no idea she would do
something like this.

She ever shown crazy
behavior before?

Has she ever threatened to do
harm to your wife in any way?

Did you put thoughts
into courtney's head about

What life would be like if your
wife was out of the picture?

No, no way.

You understand,
if that were true,

You'd be the first guy banging
around on his wife who didn't.

I swear to you, courtney and I
had a mutual agreement‐‐

Sex and nothing else.

Look, I love my wife.

She's just old‐fashioned.

As far as fidelity
and whatnot?

In the bedroom.

She's puritanical.

But I never meant for her
to be r*ped, and...

[ Sighs ]

If courtney had anything to do
with this, she can go to hell.

All right.
Go be with your wife.

But if we call
and you're not there,

She hears about courtney.

Excuse us, ma'am.
May I help you?

Detectives clark and sipowicz.
Have you been here all day?


We've been told that there was
a car stolen this morning‐‐

A big, silver suv‐‐
from right out front here.

To stay in business
in this neighborhood,

You got to mind
your own business.

See, the thing is, ma'am,
the owner of the car,

He's an elderly man
who bought it for his kids,

And the insurance company
is refusing to pay

Because the story
doesn't add up.

He's saying that
a white kid stole it,

But ultimately a black guy
was found driving it.

We're just trying to
straighten everything out.

So this has nothing to do

With tony grimaldi's daughter
being k*lled?

[ Clears throat ]
uh, it might.

Then why didn't you just
come out and say it?

Because everybody's been lying
to us today.

And if everybody
keeps on lying,

An innocent guy
is gonna get k*lled.

A boy from the neighborhood,
something of a hoodlum,

Parked it out front here,
and then he ran off.

A minute or so later,

A young black man got in
and drove away.

The boy from the neighborhood,
what's his name?

The old man and his insurance‐‐
you're a good liar.

I apologize for not being
completely up front.

Theresa grimaldi was
a beautiful young girl.

Out of respect for her memory,
I'm gonna tell you what I know.

But I'll never talk
about it again.

Danny pugliesi.

Thanks, ma'am.

Appreciate your help.

You never been in a police
station before this morning,

Have you, courtney?

Then we'll just chalk up
all the lying you did then

To an ignorance
of the process.

I'm sorry,
but what are you talking about?

You sleeping with jason foster,
for one.

You can't say I lied about
something you never brought up.

are you 3 years old?

Well, you didn't.

We'll make this simple,

You choose between "a"‐‐

You plotted michelle foster's
r*pe and don't give a damn.

Or "b"‐‐ it was a prank
that got out of control.


How'd it start?

Well, she's controlling
and manipulative,

And she uses the fact
that he's a decent guy

To get what she wants.

You know all this about
a woman you've never met?

Jason told me.
Got it.

He's a successful stockbroker,
and he needs to be in new york.

But she keeps whining about
moving back to north carolina.

What else did jason say
about his wife?

They stopped having sex
a month after getting married.

She takes pills,
drinks all the time.

He's miserable.

How'd you get the idea
of the r*pe chat room?

One night i, um...

I had too much sangria
with some girlfriends,

And I just thought
maybe a little scare

Might give her
some motivation.

So I went on‐line.
It was a joke.

Did you discuss your joke
with jason?

If it worked and she moved out,
I was gonna tell him.

And then you'd get married
and be happy together?

I don't know. Maybe.

I didn't mean for her
to get r*ped.

That was absolutely not
my intention.

I'm sorry
if it went too far.

I'll do whatever you want me
to do.

I'll write a note,
apologize, okay?

Can I leave now?

you're not going anywhere.

You're under arrest.


Get up.

[ Knock on door ]

What do you want?

We're looking for
danny pugliesi.

You his dad?

Yeah. What do you
need danny for?

We heard he might be a witness
to the hit‐and‐run.

He would've said something
to me if he did.

We need to talk
to your kid.

Come in.

Danny, get out here!

Heard you got calvin george
in custody.

He better stay there if he
knows what's good for him.

Calvin didn't do
the hit‐and‐run.

What, al sharpton have
a protest march or something?

You didn't see that
hit‐and‐run, did you?

Been busted before‐‐
grand larceny auto?

Oh, what's that about?

We got a witness
saw you dump that suv

On broome off lafayette
this morning.

Then calvin hopped in
and took it from there.

But it was you
that hit theresa grimaldi

And that guy on the bike.

Don't even think about
pinning this on my son.

He didn't do nothing.
Danny, right?

Okay, then the next step
is running a lineup‐‐

Matching your son's

With what we got
off the car,

Comparing dna from hair
we got off the driver's seat.

You're gonna want to avoid
all that.

Danny, you didn't do this.

He did do it, and all your
douche‐bag buddies

That you were going after
calvin george with

Are gonna know danny's
who we're looking at.

So if he don't come clean

And start protecting himself
right now,

It's gonna be open season.

It was an accident.

Oh, my god.

I was partying uptown
with some guys.

We took the car for fun.

I was on my way home, and
I thought I saw a cop behind me.

So I turned onto broome
and I gunned it.

It was an accident.

We're gonna have to
take him in, mr. Pugliesi.

What's mr. Grimaldi
gonna do to me, dad?

I'll talk to tony.
I'll make it right with him...

Before he hears
from someone else.

Your son will be at
the 15th precinct, mr. Pugliesi.

I'm sorry, dad.

Come on.

Keep him safe?

You have our word.

Any question
as to whether

Courtney bates
acted with malice?

Going into that chat room,

She absolutely expected
that something bad

Was going to happen
to michelle foster.

Then it's conspiracy to commit
r*pe or r*pe by proxy.

Either way, she's a collar.

Is it worth
pursuing the husband?

Sounds like he was telling
courtney lies about his wife

To keep her in the sack.

He's a dog,
but it's not criminal.

What about the guy
who did the r*pe?

This is a bad guy
with bad instincts.

Still, it boils down
to consent.

And from everything
you're telling me,

Reese thought he had it.

So we get him
on the next one?

I'll see that it's put
in front of the grand jury.

Still, he could walk.

Danny pugliesi went for it.
Junior's taking his statement.

Page me when he's done.

And we want to kick
calvin george.

For the failure‐to‐appear

It's our thinking
he's had a bad enough day.

I'll have the warrant

And get
with tony grimaldi.

Make sure he knows
who really k*lled his daughter

And to keep his g*ons
off of calvin george.

Heading there right now.

We'll break the news to courtney
and get her to booking.

[ Telephone rings ]

15Th squad.

Hey, I'm gonna head home
first and change.

There's a d. O. A.
Over on rivington.

Who's up?
We got it covered.

[ Siren wails ]

Two in the head

No i. D. On him.

His name's gio pugliesi.

We'll notify occb,
see if them or the feds

Have gotten anything
over their wires.

So, a mob hit?

Come on.
We'll be back.

We're with our priest.
If you could keep it short.

We found
gio pugliesi's body.

Gio's dead now?

Yeah. And we know
he came to talk to you.

[ Exhales sharply ]
I can't believe it.

All this in one day.

Where's it stand
with gio's son?

I suppose whoever did this
felt it was better punishment

For the son
to spend the rest of his life

Knowing he was responsible
for his father's death,

Just like I have to spend my
life thinking about what I lost.

We'll be looking
at this hard, tony.

I'd like to get back
with father debenidetti,

If you don't mind.

So, this lady at child services,
is she gonna talk to me?


I'll tell her
this is where I want to be.

[ Sighs ]

When do they decide?

They didn't give me
a time frame,

But I don't think
it'll be a problem.

She said it wouldn't be
a problem?

That's the impression
I got.

And if she turns us down,
we can go to somebody else?

Don't worry, michael.

One of the things they were
asking was who'd watch you

If I got stuck on a case
that went late.

What'd you tell them?

'Cause I'll be all right
on my own.

Just to be safe, valerie
volunteered to be backup

If I can't get home
at night.

You come here
or I go to your place?

Uh, either.
We'd work it out.


It's good. Thanks.

I got to finish my homework.

Hit it.

And I really appreciate
your help.

You're gonna need it.

I'm not saying that
in a bad way,

But this may get

So just call me
when it does.


Everything's gonna
work out.


So, when's the new job

I think next friday
is my last day in the squad,

So a week or so
after that.

No downtime.

I don't want any.

I got to admit, the transition
to private sector...

You're wearing it
pretty good.

The decision's made.
It's public knowledge.

It's a weight off.

And it's given me
a little perspective.

I might have taken the job
a little too seriously.

It's serious work.

Still, there's nothing wrong
with a smile now and then...

And having a life.

Is that where I come in?

I hope so.

Being honest,
I'm a little scared by it.

I don't date around
a lot.

When I get involved,
I take it seriously.

Rita, for one,
you're beautiful.

You're a great detective.
And you're easy to talk to.

I haven't come across

With all that going for them
much in my life.

It's not something
I would take lightly.

Excuse me.

I‐i got that. Thanks.


This is a hotel, right?