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11x19 - Peeler? I Hardly Knew Her

Posted: 04/28/22 11:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

May I present detective
kelly ronson?

Old homicide of mine might get
re‐opened off dna.

Do you remember a guy

That we put away in '86‐‐
leonard peeler?

Black guy?
r*ped and k*lled a white girl.

Maybe we missed something.

Did you arrest
the wrong man?

Is the person who r*ped
my daughter still out there?

I didn't r*pe that girl!
I didn't k*ll that girl!

I want to know
what happened, leonard.

You want to cover your ass

So you don't have to face up
to what you've done to me!

A jury convicted
this guy, andy.

He didn't do it, though.
He didn't do the crime.

The guy was found slumped over
on the stoop

At delancey and ridge.

No i. D., No shoes or shirt,
bleeding from the head.

Resident of the building
called it in.

He stabbed?

No, sh*t in the head.

Doc says the b*llet's
lodged behind his ear.

The guy should buy
a lottery ticket.

How's he doing?

Stable, alert.
He's tough as nails.

He say who sh*t him?

Says he can't remember...

Or his name or his mother's name
or his address, even.

What, like amnesia?

That's what he's saying.

You got some doubt?

Traumatic amnesia can
wipe out the event,

Like the moment he actually
got sh*t

Or maybe a short period

But his name,
his mother's name?

No, no one around here
has seen that before.

You gonna operate on him?

b*llet's lodged in the bone.

Going after it would do more
harm than good.

Can I talk to him?

Yeah, just try
to keep him calm.

He's pretty freaked out.

Detective clark.


You got sh*t.

That's what
they're telling me.

And you got no idea
who did it?

I really don't.

Delancey and ridge,
you live near there?

I honestly don't know.

Friends near there?

I don't know.
You know, maybe.

"Maybe" like you do

And you're not ready
to remember it yet?

"Maybe" like maybe.
I can't really say for sure.

So, uh, when does your
memory begin?

When the policeman nudged me
awake on the stoop.

Before that,
it's just blank.

Okay, well,
I tell you what,

These detectives are gonna take
a photograph of you

And get your fingerprints.

You think I'm a criminal?

Or you were bonded or work
for the government.

Right, right, got it.

Okay, we'll do that,
and we'll go from there.

All right, good, good.
I'd like to know who I am.

It's pretty distressing,
if you know what I mean.

Okay, we'll get to work
on it.

Dna doesn't lie, your honor,

And, in this case,
the dna says beyond any doubt

That leonard peeler
is not the man

Who r*ped and k*lled
cindy clifton.

That's right!

That happens again,
I am clearing the room.

Go on.

Something went wrong here,
your honor.

As a result, 18 years of this
man's life were stolen from him.

State your case, counselor.

I urge you
to grant the motion

To give leonard peeler
his freedom.

I've spoken with a. D. A. Haywood,
and she does not oppose it.

That's correct, your honor,
the state does not oppose

As long as the dismissal
is without prejudice

As we reserve the right to
refile against mr. Peeler.

I'm granting the motion.

I'm vacating the conviction,
effective immediately.

Mr. Peeler, I'm releasing you
from custody.

I ask for your patience
during the short time

It will take
to facilitate that.

Anything further, counsel?

No, your honor.
Thank you, your honor.

This court is in recess.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Prints on this john doe
came up empty‐‐ no record.

This guy doesn't
remember squat?

Nothing from before when he
got picked up this morning.

Childhood memories, what
ice cream tastes like, nothing?

That's what he claims.
"Claims," exactly.

My bullshit detector
is in the red here.

Rita and I could head down
where they found him,

Show his picture around.

Good. I like that.

Hey, so they cut
peeler loose?


Don't let it get you down,

You know, I just need a little
time here, guys. Thanks.

Hope you don't mind.

Maybe a fresh pair of eyes
wouldn't hurt

Because, obviously,

I might have missed
something back then.

So, anything jump out
at you?

Ann marie fusco‐‐

She's who peeler claimed he was
with the night of the crime.

Yeah, but he wasn't,

And that's one of the things
that put him away.

It's ann marie sullivan now.

She might be a good place
to start again.

I've been trying to get ahold
of her the last few days.

Did she call back here‐‐
ann marie sullivan?

Not when I've been
at the desk.

Let's go talk to her
at her job.

You want me working this
with you?

Where you going?

Now that peeler's sprung,

This case is back
to an open homicide.

The d. A. Squad is looking
to take it over.

They called asking for
your folder.

No one goes near that thing
other than me or junior.

If you can get them
to hold off for a week,

I'd appreciate it.

I'm taking this case
a little personal.

All right.

Ann marie?

Detective sipowicz.

This is my partner,
john clark.

I'm completely swamped
right now.

Could we do this later?
No, I'm sorry.

I left a couple messages
for you.

We're launching a new line
in less than a month,

And, to be honest with you,
I'm not exactly eager

To get involved in this
whole thing again.

We'll make it brief then.

[ Sighs ]
I'd appreciate it.

Leonard peeler's
been released.

Yeah, I heard he might be,
but not acquitted, right?


He still may have been

But something's come up.

The dna and that guy
in prison

That leonard peeler
supposedly confessed to.

I've been following it
in the papers.

As you know,

One of the things that did
get him convicted

Is him saying that he was
with you that night.

Yeah, and he wasn't.

Are we really gonna rehash
this whole thing?

We're investigating a m*rder.

Which took place, what,
20 years ago?

18, And that doesn't make
any difference to me.

How well did you know
peeler back then?

We both worked
at altman's.

I did weekends at the
costume‐jewelry counter.

He was in the loading dock
or something.

We'd see each other
when I came in,

Never outside of work.

He knew you lived in the same
area as the d. O. A. Girl,

Which is why he tried to use you
as an alibi.

I don't know how he got
my address.

Maybe from somebody
at work.

Why would he claim that
he slept with you,

Knowing that the detectives
would come right to you?

I'm not a criminal psychologist.
I have no idea.

Now, I'm sorry,
but I gotta get back to work.

But, just so we're clear,
ann marie,

Before we go forward on this
and do everything we can

To put leonard peeler back
in prison

And not focus
on the possibility

That it was someone else who
still might be out there,

Peeler wasn't with you
that night?

I was alone.

Now, whether he k*lled
that girl or not,

I don't know anything
about that.

Why are you so upset?

Because he's out now,
and he could come after me,

And I don't want to deal
with this anymore!

The guy still don't
remember nothing, huh?

No, not yet.

That's the damnedest thing.

This young lady named
sue monroe lives there,

But she's at work, though.

[ Knock on door ]

That apartment there
is empty.

I'm still trying
to rent it.

[ Door opens ]


What's your name?

Cómo te llamas?



Detectives, ma'am.

Did you see this man outside
the building this morning?

No, I'm sorry.

Thought you said
that apartment was vacant.

Wrong floor.

The one upstairs is...
I think.

Why does it look like you just
swallowed a bug, mr. Tollins?

I didn't. I'm not.

What's going on
in this apartment?

Nothing, why?

Open it.

Am I allowed to do that,
I mean, legally?

Didn't I just tell you to?!

Corisa, dónde estás?

Wait right there.

It's empty.

The window to the fire escape
is open.

No sign of them.

Condom wrappers.

[ Creaking ]

On your feet.
Okay, okay.

Move it!
Okay, okay!

Sit there.

You know, I just came here
for a legitimate massage.

What do you know about the
people who were here?

Only been here
a couple of weeks.

Paid cash and kept
to themselves.

How many girls
were working here?

You want to get
locked up?

A couple of girls,
I guess.

The girl we saw couldn't have
been more than 13.

Were they all that age?
Not as far as I saw.

You get a kickback for
looking the other way?
No, ma'am.

You better hope we don't
find out different.

I'll get crime scene down here.
15Th squad to central k.

Get your clothes on.

Anything on john doe?

No one recognized the photo
around where he got picked up,

And no blood trail leading to
the stoop he was on.

Nurse said he remembered
something on the sh**ting.

15Th squad.

Head down there before
the fog sets in again.

A father thomas dwyer
at st. Eugene's.

Detective sipowicz.

Yeah. All right,
we'll be right down.

Ann marie wants to talk at her
church with her priest.

What's that mean?

We're gonna find out.

Father dwyer?

You're the detectives.

Yeah, what's going on?

Ann marie sullivan spoke
with you earlier?

Yeah, is she all right?

She's extremely upset.


She asked that
I be there with her

When she talks to you.

If you'll follow me.

Are you ready, ann marie?

Why don't we tell them what
you and I talked about?

My dad...

[ Sobs ]

...he was old‐school italian,

And I was living at home
back then.

[ Sniffles ]

My family, they would
have disowned me.

Was leonard peeler
with you that night?

[ Sobbing ] yes.

[ Sighs ]

I'm so sorry.

[ Sighs ]

I was 19.

Once I told the lie,
I had to stick to it.

He spent 18 years
in prison.

I know, and I live with the
guilt every single day of it.

[ Sobbing ]

Thanks for seeing us, joe.
This is my partner, john clark.

John, nice to meet you.
You, too, joe.

So, yeah, I heard about
peeler getting kicked.

Ann marie fusco‐‐
you remember her?

It's ann marie sullivan now,
and she just admitted

That she lied about being
with peeler back then

'Cause she didn't want
her dad to know

That she was sleeping with
a black guy.

You're kidding?

Well, the planets sure
lined up wrong for peeler,

Didn't they?

You guys want something
to drink?

So, peeler didn't do it,
wasn't involved,

No accomplice, nothing.

So you came all the way over
here to point that out?

The case is open again
now, joe.

I came here to see if maybe
you had any files, any notes,

Any recollections of events
that could help us out.

What I remember‐‐
it was a good case.

Well, it wasn't.

Your informant who claimed
peeler confessed to him,

The dna, the timeline that we
forced peeler to commit to,

And now ann marie fusco‐‐
it's all gone down the tubes.

You're trying to blame me
for this, aren't you?

No, I am just trying to find out
who k*lled cindy clifton

Because it wasn't
leonard peeler.

Well, I can imagine what he's
been telling you about this.

Andy had just got his shield,
and I was running the show?

Nothing like that.

Were you not there?

Was that a cardboard cutout
of andy sipowicz in that room?

I was there.

'Cause I'm not holding
the bag on this.

All we're asking for
is some help.

Well, I can't provide any.

But good luck,
and I mean that.

If you think of anything,

No, no, I'm not going
back there.

You guys can
if you want, but...

And this is the last time
you come to my house

Hitting on me
about that case.

We should get back.

You came here to blame me.

I'm pissed, joe.

I'm really, really
pissed off...

But I'm not blaming you.

[ Sighs ]

So, mr. Creel...


Naked in the closet‐‐

You want a chance
to explain?

Two priors for solicitation
of an undercover officer,

Loitering near
a pross stroll.

All right, yeah.

So, what,
you want the big act?

What act?

You know, the one where I tell
you that what I did was wrong,

And I'll never do it again,
and beg forgiveness.

You know what, ladies?
I patronize prostitutes.

I go to women, I give them
money to have sex with me.

Fee paid for
service rendered.

And if this country
weren't shackled

To some 19th‐century sense
of morality,

That's the way it would
be treated.


I used to go to bars.

Drinks on me, dinner on me.

L‐o‐o‐ong conversations.

You know what the difference
between going to a hooker

And the scene at the bar is?

Hookers are cheaper.

Plus, I don't have to listen
to someone explain to me

Why her boss is an assh*le

'Cause he won't give her
more responsibility.

So, yeah, I did it.

Lock me up.

Oh, you're damn right
we're gonna lock you up!

The girls in that place
were 13.

You don't think
we know that?

You didn't see anybody
that age with me.

Every one of those rooms had
a padlock to keep girls in.

Every one of those rooms
had condom wrappers.

The girls in that place
were underage

And held against their will!

So drop the whoremonger's
rights crusade

And tell us
who runs the place,

And maybe we'll let the judge
know you cooperated.

Or you keep throwing up
this smoke screen,

Then you're on your own‐‐
sexual as*ault of a minor.

[ Groans ]

[ Sighs ] rosa‐‐
I don't know her last name.

Sometimes she has young
girls around,

But I have nothing to do
with them.

Where are we gonna find
this rosa?

I don't know.

She changes apartments
every few weeks

And calls me with
the new locale.

So I promise you
I don't know where she is.

I don't go for children,
I swear.

I swear!

Previous locations of
the cathouse...

And don't open
your mouth again!

I remember a man
with a g*n,

And I was struggling
with him,

And the g*n went off,
and then I fell,

And I remember a woman

You remember what the man
looked like?

I can't see his face.

You see what he's wearing?

It's too foggy.
It's like‐‐

I remember it like it was
a dream.

Are you sure it isn't?

What does that mean?

You're aware that what you
claim to be suffering from‐‐

Full‐blown amnesia‐‐
that it's very, very rare.

The neurologist said that.

So you understand how it
makes us look at you?

Like I'm lying.

Well, we've got to entertain
the idea.

Well, I'm not.

I'm not!
I mean, hell, I wish I was!

For argument's sake,
if you were,

And you were involved
in something

Over dr*gs or money
or something else

That you wouldn't want
the police to know about?

No, I couldn't be involved
in anything like that.

Why not?

I just‐‐
I don't think I could.

Well, if that was the case,
we could understand

How you might not want to be
forthcoming right away.

We could forgive the charade
to this point,

But, if you keep
clinging to it,

It's gonna mean
real trouble.

Like when this is all
sorted out,

You're gonna be doing more time
in jail just because you lied.

I'm not lying!
I‐‐ I don't know who I am!

I don't know who did this
to me!

I just‐‐ a man sh*t me.
A woman screamed.

I just‐‐ I can't see their
faces clearly, that's all.

Oh, my head hurts
like hell.

I gotta cut you off.

We'll be back.

All right, thanks.

Woman in the building
across from where

This guy got picked up
called the squad

And said she might have heard
g*nshots last night.

Anything more from him?

Rare amnesia or good actor.

You sure you want to do
this now?

[ Music blaring, laughter ]

Detectives sipowicz and clark
to see leonard.

You're not welcome here.

We just need to talk
to him, ma'am.

Talk to him or harass him?

We need a brief conversation
with leonard, then we'll leave.

You're not welcome here.

[ Laughing ]

Is there someplace
we can talk?

You guys got
a lot of nerve.

It's all right.
I'm gonna make this quick.

Then we can get back
to celebrating.

Ain't nobody gonna spoil
this party!

Just so you know,

Ann marie fusco admitted
that you were with her

The night of the m*rder.

We'll forward that information
to the d. A.'S office.

I'm sure they'll move for
a dismissal as soon as possible.

Why'd she lie,
or do I need to ask?

She was young,
scared of her dad.

So she'd rather I go to prison
for 18 years

Than let her daddy know
she slept with a black man?

It's terrible what she did,

But her lie isn't just the one
thing that put you away,

So don't fixate on her.

Don't tell me what
to fixate on, okay?!

I don't need any advice
from you!

But I'll just tell you

That if you go looking to settle
up with ann marie,

It's gonna send you

I ain't going near
that bitch.

I ain't doing nothing
to jeopardize my freedom.

Since we're starting from
scratch now,

We're looking for who k*lled
a 12‐year‐old girl back then.

Is there anything that
you can tell us,

Assuming you're in the mood
to help?

I don't know nothing about it.
Didn't then, don't now.

Cindy's family said that they
saw you talking to her

An hour before they found
her body.

She had a lemonade stand.

On my way to
ann marie's place,

I stopped and bought
a glass.

I had a niece that used
to do lemonade stands.

I knew how it'd make her smile
if folks bought stuff.

My niece is 25 now.

You didn't notice
anyone suspicious

Hanging around cindy
or her lemonade stand?


All right, then.

Enjoy your party.

When do I get my apology?

I feel bad for what you
went through,

But we had
two witnesses lie.

You and your partner,
joe brockhurst,

You got your mitts on me,

And you didn't look nowhere
else, not for a second!

I did my job.

I got nothing
to apologize for.

Yo, detective?

Let's say we flip it‐‐
I put you inside,

Take you away from your family,
people you love,

Stick you in a hole for
something you didn't do,

And leave you there to rot
for 18 years.

How would you feel?

Think I'd owe you
an apology?

Honestly, I never heard
g*nshots before,

So I didn't know
what it was.

Around what time did you hear
the noise, miss elspeth?

3:00 This morning, but I thought
it was the tv up loud.

Then I heard about the man
who was sh*t, so I called in.

[ Knock on door ]

Did you hear any kind
of fighting

Coming from up here
last night?

No, when I don't have
the aid in,

Only the sharp noises
get through.

You're sure you never seen
this guy before?

I don't know his face.
What's his name?

We're trying to figure
that out.

I couldn't find my key.

What's the name of the lady
living here?

Jessica dubinski.

How long
she been a tenant?

Six months. Quiet, nice.

Neighbors say anything
about a noise?

No, they're all college kids.
They're out all night.

There we go.

Miss dubinski?

Oh! Oh, no!
Stay back.

sh*t once in the head.

There's a man's shirt
over here,

Cell phone, car keys,
and wallet.

Tim keating.

Is he our guy?
Is he john doe?

Yeah, he's john doe.

So, we have any idea what
the hell happened here?

No. But time's up on
tim keating's memory lapse.

15Th squad to central k.

Man: go ahead, 15th squad.

Hey, the woman running those
girls out of that apartment‐‐

Rosa‐‐ vice picked her up.
She's on her way in.

And the little girl‐‐
Wasn't with her.

But getting this lady‐‐
that's big.

Yeah. We're gonna find
that girl.

I talked to cindy clifton's

They might be up
for talking later.

In looking at the m. E.'S reports
on cindy clifton,

There's no mention
of defensive wounds.

It doesn't look like she fought
off her attacker at all.

She was 12 years old.

Remember the attempted r*pe
on that 11‐year‐old,

Jennifer dinardo?
She fought like hell.

I'm just saying, if we're
starting from scratch,

We might want to look
at the possibility

That cindy knew
her attacker.

Did you guys look down
that road at all back then?

We had peeler in custody the
same night of the m*rder.

He was our guy.

All right.

Well, cindy's best friend
back then‐‐ angela malcolm‐‐

She still lives in the city.

We should call her.

I did. She's coming in.

[ Sighs ]

Thanks for helping out
on this.

You'd do the same for me.

Sit down, rosa.
I have done nothing wrong.

Then why'd you sneak out of the
apartment this morning, huh?

It is wrong to leave
an apartment?

Out the fire escape with
an underage girl

You kept under lock and key?

No one is under
lock and key.

I live with girls who are new
to this country.

I give them place to stay
and help them find work.

When you say "work,"
you mean sex, prostitution.

There is none of that.

We found the condoms.

We talked to one of
your customers.

We know what you were
doing there.

No, no, no.
It's not true.

It is not easy here
for a young woman

Who doesn't speak the language,
but, no, not that.

We're already very upset
about this.

Lying to us, it only makes us
more upset.

If you do it again, I'm putting
you in jail for a long time.

You understand?

The young girl at the
apartment‐‐ corisa‐‐

Where is she?
I don't know.

You left with her,
didn't you?

I gave her back to the man
who's in charge.

Who's he?

I only know his first name‐‐

How do you contact him?
He contact me.

Where is corisa?
New apartment.

That's all I know.
That's all they tell me.

Next apartment to work.

Write down the address.

Tim keating.

And this is my address?
I mean, is that current?

Mr. Keating, this doesn't
jog your memory at all?

I mean, I know this is
my license.

I remember seeing it

Jessica dubinski‐‐
do you know her?


Well, you got her number
in your cell phone.

She looks familiar, but, no,
I don't recognize her.

Mr. Keating, tim,

We're done with your
confused‐little‐boy act.
It's not an act.

Were you seeing
jessica dubinski?
I don't know.

Did you go to her apartment
and have an argument?
I don't know.

Did you do something to
her you didn't mean to?
Like what?

Oh, my god.

Is she dead?

Did you k*ll your girlfriend
then turn the g*n on yourself?

Now that we know your name,
we're gonna be talking

To your co‐workers and
your family and friends,

If one of them says you
were having trouble

With your girlfriend, you're
under arrest for m*rder.

Oh, my god.

If this is something
you planned,

We can help
with a reason why,

Or if this jumped off
out of an argument‐‐

I don't remember anything
like this.

A beautiful girl
sh*t in the head,

Your stuff
in her apartment!

I don't recognize
that girl.

I don't remember
hurting anyone.

If I did, I'm sorry, but‐‐
god, I hope I didn't!

All right, enough.

He doesn't leave this bed.

Have a seat, angela.

So, that's crazy about this
whole leonard peeler thing.


So he's not the one
who k*lled cindy?

Doesn't look like it, no.

Are you guys gonna get sued now
or something?

We're not really concerned
with that right now.

Our main focus is finding
who did k*ll cindy.

You were best friends with her,
is that right?

Yeah, I lived
two buildings down.

One of the things we're
looking at now

Is the possibility that cindy
may have known her attacker.

I can't believe you guys
have to start all over again!

Well, we are.
I don't mean to be rude,

But this whole thing's been
a little tough on us.

I understand.

So if you could just
help us out

By answering the questions,
we'd appreciate it.


Were there any men back then
who cindy was afraid of

Or who spent a lot of time
around her

Or were inappropriate
with her,

Anything like that
you can remember?

She had already started
to develop,

And she looked a little older
than she was,

And I remember guys were
starting to check her out,

But she never said anything as
far as any guy doing anything.

Was cindy happy at home?

Was she scared of her dad
or any relatives?

No, she was happy.

I mean,
as far as I can remember.

This was 18 years ago.

I know that.

The only thing
I can think of, though,

Was mr. D'ambrosio.

Cindy babysat for them,

And some of the girls
in the neighborhood

Thought he was cute,

And I think cindy even said it
at one point.

Would he drive her home?

No, no, the d'ambrosios
lived on the block.

Do you remember d'ambrosio's
first name?


Appreciate your help.

Good luck.



[ Sighs ]

I'm gonna go hassle a guy

That cindy clifton thought
was cute 18 years ago?

Gotta start somewhere.

Come on.

Amnesia‐‐ let me find it.

"Cases of complete loss of
memory are extremely rare."

I don't know if the doctor
hipped you to that or not.

Yeah, she did.

But the d. O. A.,
Jessica dubinski,

Her ex just showed,

And the d. O. A.'S mom
said that jessica and her ex

Had some bad blood
since the breakup.

Oh, really?

Most of my friends
said their divorce

Was a kick in the pants.

We went ahead and dumped
the ex‐husband's phone.

They should be faxing over
the results soon.

If anything pops regarding
tim keating,

Could you give us
a heads‐up?

Sure, but you got
a uniformed cop

Sitting on keating at the
hospital, right?


Good, 'cause if he does
have amnesia...

"They may even leave their
homes, wander for a while,

And start a new life
somewhere else."

There you have it.

Uh, thanks, boss.

Have a seat,
mr. D'ambrosio.


How do you take
your coffee, pete?

A little sugar, thank you.

We're investigating
cindy clifton's r*pe and m*rder.

I saw on the tv about the guy
that was accused of it.


So he didn't do it?

No. Cindy used to babysit
for you and your wife?

That's right.

How long?

Oh, six months or so.

In looking at the case again,

There might have been
a possibility

That cindy knew
her attacker.

What makes you think that?

Evidence we have.

I see.

Looking back now and keeping
that aspect in mind,

Does anything jump out
at you?

Go ahead.

In the weeks before cindy
was k*lled,

She never wanted to leave
our house.

When me and my wife
came back,

Cindy would offer
to do chores

Or ask if she could
watch tv

Or she'd say she
was sleepy

And could she stay
at our place?

Did you ever
ask her about it?

Once. I was walking her home
one night.

It's just down the block.

And she was literally
dragging her feet,

So I asked her, "is everything
all right at home?"

And she didn't answer me,

But I had
a really bad feeling,

You know, I mean,
deep in my gut,

That there was
something wrong.

Why didn't you bring this up
when she was k*lled?

That black guy
was in custody.

He was the one that you guys
said did it,

And nobody from
the police department

Ever came by to talk to me.

I don't want you to take
offense to this

'Cause it's
a standard question.

We're not gonna find out
that you had

An inappropriate relationship
with cindy, are we?

Because the time to talk
about that would be now.

I never laid a hand
on that girl.

Okay, then.

Is that all?

We appreciate your help.

I'll get this to the lab.

Yeah, we need to get the dad
in here, too.

I'm really shocked.

I saw jess two days ago.

This is such a blow.

Saw her where,
mr. Dubinski?

We met for lunch.

About something specific?

Just to sh**t the breeze.

Speaking from experience,
mr. Dubinski,

That's an odd relationship
to have with an ex‐wife.

Jess and I were moving on.

We realized we had
a lot in common,

We just weren't any good
at being married.

So no interest
in reconciling?

No, we were better off
as friends.

The reason we brought you in

Is because jessica's mom said
the divorce had been nasty,

And it was still nasty
between you.

In our wedding photos, her mom
was the one with the scowl.

She never liked me, so
I wouldn't trust her word.

Can you account for yourself
this morning at 3:00 a. M.?

Well, I was in bed...

The doorman can tell you
if I left or not.

You think I'm involved
in this?

It's standard procedure
to look at loved ones,

Present and former.

Do I need an attorney‐‐

I mean, not because I did
anything, but just to be safe?

If you can get us
to the k*ller,

We'd rather not deal
with the hassle.

Like, do you know of any other
men in her life, a boyfriend?

Yeah, she was seeing a guy
named tim keating.

Have you talked to him
about this?

Well, he's on our list.

Because she wasn't very happy
in the relationship.

Did she say why?

She said he was doing coke‐‐

And one time she overheard

This phone conversation
this tim was having

With what sounded like
a pretty angry coke dealer.

Like that he owed money to?

She wasn't specific,
but she was scared by it.


Why didn't I do something
about it then?

[ Knock on door ]

Excuse us.

You ask him if he had any
association with the john doe?

He knew of him.

Dump came back
on his cell‐‐

10 Calls to john doe's
place of work.

This guy playing us, putting out
coke dealer theories?

Ain't that a question
for him?
He's hinky.

If he knows we dumped his phone,
he'll lawyer up.

Or confess.
Your call.

Locked door here.

Anyone in there?!

It's okay.
We're police.

No te asustes.
Somos policias.

Hablas inglés?
Cómo te llamas?


Anna, estás bien?

[ Cries ]

Estás lastimada?

Viene alguien a buscarte?

[ Sobs ]

Se fueron.

They left her.

Does she know the other girl‐‐

Conoces a una niña
que se llama corisa?

De tu edad,
tiene pelo largo.

Ahora no hay peligro.


[ Crying ]

I'm a little nervous.

I've never had to identify
a body before.

They lift the sheet.

If it's jessica, you say so.
That's it.

I‐i gotta admit,

My nerves are compounded
by guilt

For not doing anything
about this tim keating.


I mean, thinking back,
she was scared of the guy.

You haven't located him?

We did, mr. Dubinski.

He was sh*t
along with jessica.

Oh, man.

Look, you gotta find
the cocaine dealer.


That's him!
That's who sh*t me!

You son of a bitch!

Calm down, tim!
Get him out of here!

We got something
to talk about?

You didn't k*ll him.
He just identified you.

So you got something to say,
or you just gonna sit there

Working your mouth
like a dying fish?


A miracle.

Why'd you sh**t your ex‐wife
and tim keating?

How did I not k*ll him?

Mr. Dubinski,
it's time to focus.

He was screwing the woman
that I love.

I couldn't live with that.

I'll get him to the house.

Come on.

[ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ]

So, how'd it go?
Is he the guy?

Yeah, he gave it right up.

You did great.

Why did he sh**t me
and jessica?

He said he was jealous.

He saw the two of you together,
and he lost it.

Any of this
coming back to you?

It's starting to, like,
it's familiar.

What I'm afraid of now is
how bad it's gonna hurt

When it really does come back
to me.

'Cause I'm getting the sense
I loved this girl.

Get some rest, mr. Keating.

I'll be in touch.

All right. Thanks.

So, the second girl
we found‐‐ anna‐‐

Social services has her.

They contacted a charity

That returns stolen kids to
their parents,

And they're gonna
take the case.

What about the madame,
this rosa lady?

Collared for promoting

And child endangerment,

And we ran the name she gave us
past vice‐‐ asberto.

They know him, but he's only
a step above her,

Still small‐time.
They're looking for him now.

And corisa?
In the wind.

One girl's safe.
That's something, right?

Good work.

Everything going
all right?

I'll assume your case is
proceeding and you'll tell me
about it when it's necessary?

Yeah. Thanks, gibson.

Okay, then.
Good night.

Good night, sarge.

Thank you for coming in,
mr. Clifton.

Why don't we grab a cup
of coffee?

Is there a reason
why you requested

I come alone,
without my wife?

We'll be talking with everybody,
but individually.

I'm having some coffee,
mr. Clifton.

Care for some?
No, thank you.

Water, soda,

Can we just please
get to it?

We're starting over,
as you know,

And one of the things
that we discovered

Or rediscovered, I guess,

Is that cindy didn't have
any defensive wounds.

Meaning it doesn't look like
she fought off her assailant.

If you plan on getting
into the specifics

Of how my daughter was r*ped
and k*lled,

I can tell you right now,
I will absolutely not sit here

And have those wounds
re‐opened again.

We're sympathetic,

But we also need to find out
who k*lled cindy.

I understand.

But I want you to be
damn careful

What you say around me
and especially my wife

When it comes to the details
of how our daughter was k*lled.

That's fine.

We believe cindy may have known
her assailant.

Does anyone come to mind
who could have had

An inappropriate relationship
with her?

If there was,

I wouldn't have waited 18 years
to tell you about it!

[ Scoffs ]

Are we done?

One more thing,

And we're gonna be asking this
of everybody.

Since dna was recovered
from cindy's clothing,

We're gonna need
a dna sample from you

So that you can be eliminated
as a suspect.

We're sorry,
but it needs to happen.

You must be
out of your mind!

It's standard
procedure, sir.

What do you know about
standard procedure?!

You put the wrong guy
in jail for 18 years!

You know what, mr. Clifton?

Let's make ourselves a deal
here‐‐ we'll be careful

About the details about your
daughter's death

If you stay careful about how my
partner investigated the case.

Two witnesses lied.

That is not the new york city
police department's fault.

I have no faith in you
or your department,

And if you have any more
questions for me or my family,

You can contact
our attorney!

How did I miss all this
back then?