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12x03 - Great Balls of Ire

Posted: 04/28/22 11:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

These fish
are dying here.

The dead rat, then the
vandalizing the car, now this?

Any candidates?


You're done now,
or I'll be back.

I wish to hell it was me,
sipowicz, but it's not.

Lay off the twinkies, pal.
You're goin' soft.

What you're doing could be

I think I'd rather
be misinterpreted

Than walk around
with a stick up my ass.

Clark's in his car,
racked out.

Seems like he's keeping
a lot of late nights.

[ Horn honks ]

What's so tough
about updating me on cases?

We got a system here.
It's changed.

And you better change,
or you better leave.

What do we got?

Lester byrd.
Shot three times in the chest.

I can see where
he's shot, medavoy.

Who called it in?

across the hall.

She didn't see anything,
just heard the sh*ts.

Super let uniform in.

Rita and laura
are talking to him now.

Apparently it was
about 7:15.

"It" being when the neighbor
said the sh*ts were fired

Or when uniform got in?

Um, sh*ts.

John clark, 15th squad.
Glad to meet you.

Uh, we'll get
a camera started.

Let's just do the job.

What I've been doing
the past 20 minutes.

We talked to
the next‐door neighbor.

He says byrd
was an ex‐con.

Thinks he got out
pretty recently.

How recent?
Within the past week.

He also said byrd complained
about a woman harassing him.

Girlfriend? Wife?

He didn't know.

I'll get started
on the phone dump.

We'll see what the other
neighbors have to say.

That was connie.

Theo didn't show up at school
this morning.

The girl that walks him

Should have had him there
a half hour ago.

Well, where is she?
She's not answering her cell.

We got this covered.

Andy, if you need
anything, call.

Mr. Sipowicz?

Victoria brinkers.
I'm the associate principal.

I just got off the phone
with your wife.

Theo arrived.
Is he all right?

He seems to be.
This way.

Was there
anyone with him?

The guard said
he was by himself.

What happened?

We're not sure.
Here he is.

Thank you.

Hey, kiddo.

You want to tell me
where you've been?

It wasn't my fault.

He told me we were
gonna see you.
Who told you?

The detective.

What detective?

The one who said
you had to see me.

This detective‐‐ did he show
you a shield like mine?

Honey, would you know him
if you saw him again?

I don't know.

so what did he do then?

Took me to his car.

Theo, when you were in his car,
did he do anything?

Did he...touch you
or try to touch you?


He just drove us around.
Then he dropped me off.

He didn't do anything to you

While you were in the car
except drive?


Where was anna?
She's supposed to be with you.

Down the street.

She lets me walk
from the corner by myself.

Listen, buddy,

You know you are never
supposed to talk to strangers,

No matter what‐‐ we talked
about this, remember?

But he said he was
your friend, dad.

Anybody could
say that, theo.

But he knew stuff‐‐

About matt having
a cold last week

And mom's birthday.

He mentioned
those specifically?

All right.

You should
get in your class.

Everybody, listen up.

Apparently, this squad
hasn't been keeping

The movement log current.

That's gonna change.

From now on,
per department policy,

You're to sign in
when you arrive,

Sign out
at the end of your shift,

And do the same whenever
you leave the building.

Is that clear?

All right.

I'm putting you
in charge of this, john.


What do we know
about the victim this morning?

Byrd was released from clinton
about two months ago.

Did six years
on a five‐to‐ten for r*pe.

Got a long sheet,
mostly sex crimes.

We found a second neighbor
who said byrd had complained

About being harassed
by a woman.

He didn't get her name.

I've got a call
into his parole officer.

Yeah, we dumped his phone,

And his last call
was to a drew deroche.

He's also got a sheet‐‐
armed robbery, as*ault.

We're gonna pick him up.

Lt. Bale: good.

I heard there was an issue
with your family.

Is everything all right?

It turned out
to be a false alarm.

Ortiz: theo okay?
Yeah, he's fine.

Glad to hear it, andy.

Normally I'd tell you to put
the morning against lost time,

But, under the circumstances,
I'll let this one slide.

Sipowicz: yeah, listen, I got to
sit out this homicide today.

I'm behind in my fives
and need a day to catch up.

Baldwin can work the case
with john, if that's okay.


Hey, why not?

I don't like taking detectives
off their catching order

Because they get behind
in the paperwork.

The longer I wait,
the longer it's gonna
take to get caught up.

One day.

And I'm not
setting precedent here.

Somebody fill him in
on the log.

[ Door closes ]

Wait'll you hear
this one, andy.

Any gaskets you got unblown,
they're gonna blow.

I'm here to see
mr. Sipowicz.

Back here.

I came as soon as
I got your message.
Theo's okay, right?

Mrs. Sipowicz said
he wasn't hurt or anything?
Yeah, yeah.

I can't tell you how glad I am
that theo's okay.

I mean‐‐
sit down, anna.

Tell me what happened.

I walked theo to school,
same as always.

He said you let him off
at the corner

Instead of walking him
to the gate.

Because he asked me to.

He says the other kids
make fun of him

When they see me with him.

But I always watch to
make sure he gets in okay.

Are you saying
you did that today?

I got a call on my cell.

I looked away
for ten seconds.

Ten seconds, mr. Sipowicz,
I swear.

I looked back.
I didn't see theo.

I figured he was inside.

I'm so sorry.

We tried calling you.
We couldn't get through.

Why was that?
I think the battery
in my phone died.

I must have left it on after
I got that call or something.

I'm really sorry
this happened, mr. Sipowicz.

I hope you still want me
to help out with theo.

This is serious, anna.

I know.
It's a crime‐‐

People are gonna go
to prison.

Anybody who had anything to
do with it is going to prison.

Do you understand?

What does that
have to do with me?

This guy got his hands on theo
because you turned your back.

On top of which,
he knew things about us‐‐

Things that only someone
close to us would know.

You think I had
something to do with it?

No, mr. Sipowicz.

You're an adult, anna.

You will go to prison if
you don't tell me the truth.

I'm telling the truth.

Do you want to spend the next
20 years of your life in prison?

[ Gasps ] oh, my god.

Somebody came to you
and asked for help with it.

Who was it?

It happened the way
that I said.

Don't lie to me.

I'm not.
You gotta believe me.

Maybe you needed money
or you got in trouble,

But somebody got to you‐‐
I want to know who it was.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Give me his name!
There isn't one!

His name,
or I am gonna get angry!

I swear to god
that I am telling the truth!

Why won't you believe me?

I love theo.

I would never do
anything to hurt him.



So, drew, you been out,
what, 8 months?

How's that goin'?

Peaches and cream.

Does this mean I don't have to
check in with my p. O.?

You know a lester byrd?

Les and I did some time
up in clinton.

We shared a cell.

Any contact
since you got out?

We talk every now and then.

He called last night.

What about?

I've been doing some
shape‐up construction work.

He wanted me to recommend him
for a crew.

Where were you
at 7:15 this morning?

Tearing out a kitchen
at 85th and broadway.

We started
a little before 7:00.

If les is in trouble,
I got no part of it.

Anyone can confirm
you were there?

The foreman, steve pines.

Look, all I did
was tell les

I would give his name
to some guys.

Les is dead.

For real?

He was shot.

Ah, man.
The poor dumb assh*le.

A r*pist tends not to be

The most popular guy
on the cell block.

You know anybody
who had a beef with him?

No, no.
Les was a get‐along type.

He didn't have the physique
for confrontation,

If you know what I mean.

What about
since he got out?

I don't know.

There was a woman.
She was really on his ass.

You know why?

I never got the whole story,

But she said lester
had done her.

She was one of the women
he r*ped?

That's what she said.
Lester said no.

I don't judge.

So what was she doing
to him?

Oh, calling him up
and yelling at him.

Calling his p. O.,
Trying to get him violated.

This one job he applied for,
she made a stink,

And they wouldn't hire him‐‐
it was a big hassle.

What, you blame her
for being pissed off?

Hey, whatever happened,
les did his time, all right?

You get out,
you deserve a fresh start.

The past is past, you know?


Well, did byrd give you
the woman's name?

Um... Blair.

Hillary blair.

Can I go?

Where we can reach
your foreman.

Talked to the d. A.'S office.

They say that byrd
was originally charged

With three r*pes.

Three r*pes
and he did six years?

They dropped
two of the cases.

the dna evidence went bad‐‐

Something about the lab
contaminating the samples.

Let me guess‐‐
hillary blair

Was one of the cases
that got dropped.

I talked to byrd's p. O.

He said blair called him
a couple of times

Claiming he violated parole,
but nothing panned out.

He got the sense
she was on a vendetta.

Who were
the other two victims?

Eliza todd,
kathy markowitz.

Okay. Bring in blair
and look into the other two.


Blair's already
on her way in.

And I ran the other victims.

Kathy markowitz died in
a car accident two years ago.

She was the one whose case
actually went to trial.

And I'm waiting on an address
for eliza todd.

You weren't around,
and we didn't want to wait.

That's okay‐‐
if you get a good lead,

You don't have to
track me down.

Just keep me informed.


Where's sipowicz?

He had to run an errand.

I didn't see him
signed out in the book.

I didn't get a chance
to tell him

About the log
before he left.

Tell him when he gets back
and get his name in the book.


What are you doing here?

Where were you
at 8:00 this morning?


Answer the question.

Drop dead.

I said,
"answer the question."

Hands off, sipowicz,

Or you're gonna be looking
at an as*ault charge.

He's a kidder, this guy.

You want to tell me
what this is about?

Someone rode my son around
in a car this morning.

And you think I did it?

Where were you?
At the gym.

Which you can confirm with
the guy who checked me in,

The guy who spotted me when
I was doing the bench press,

And about 10 other people.

I will.
New york fitness.

St. Marks and second.
Knock yourself out.

If you were behind this thing
today, you want to tell me now.

You're losing it, sipowicz,
you know that?

'Cause if I find out
you're lyin',

I'm coming down on you
harder than you can imagine.

How do I get this through
your thick skull?

Whatever happened to your kid,
I had nothing to do with it.

That better be true.

'Cause one way or another,
I'm finding out.

Okay, look, all joking aside,
and I say this as a friend,

You're ready for
the rubber room, dude.

And if ever find that you're
threatening my wife or children,

I'll k*ll you.

Still big with
the empty threats, I see.

It's not a threat, hatcher.
That's a promise.

[ Chuckles ]

Uh, detective,
if you wouldn't mind.

I'm busy, john.

It'll just take a second.


Why, der fuãœhrer
come after you?

Let's just say I'd
consider it a personal favor.

This guy is gonna have us
raising our hands,

Asking if we can
go wee‐wee.

Thank you so much.

Hey, medavoy...
Yeah, andy?

You busy?

Not especially.

These pranks are starting to
get out of hand.

I gotta do something about it
before somebody gets hurt.

You mind helping out?

What can I do?

I'm going through
my old files,

Picking out guys who might
have something against me.

If I put a list together,
could you run some names?

Find out
if a guy's been released,

Where they're living now?

Yeah, no problem.

It's gonna be
quite a list, andy.

Rate I'm going at,
it's in the low thousands.

Well, anything I can do
to help.

Be like old times.

I mean, if we'd ever
actually partnered up.


Why don't you have
a seat, miss blair?

I want to know,

Am I here because lester byrd
complained about me?

Why do you ask?

Byrd told me
he was gonna call the police

If I didn't leave him alone,

Which is the definition
of irony.

Look, I haven't done
anything illegal.

If byrd's uncomfortable
or thinks he's being harassed,

Too bad.

No, we haven't had
a complaint from him.

Good. I guess.

Then why am I here?

We need you to answer
a few questions.

Where were you
at 7:30 this morning?

Taking a shower at home.

Can anyone confirm that?

Of course not.

What's this about?

Lester byrd
was k*lled today.

My god.

My god. How?

He was shot.

And you think I had
something to do with it?

Well, we're talking
to everyone

Who had contact
with him recently.

Yeah, it's routine.

Why do I have trouble
believing that?

Look, I can't pretend
I'm broken up by the news,

But I didn't k*ll byrd.

You seem to have
gone out of your way

To make contact with him.

You care to tell us why?
Why is it relevant?

We see a lot of
crime victims.

Not many do
what you've done.

Byrd was supposed to
go away for 20 years, okay?

The d. A. Said
he was gonna plead guilty.

It was all simple.

Then the dna got thrown out.

And because two of us made
weak i. D.'S in the lineup,

Our cases were dropped.

And if that weren't enough,

Byrd started saying
that he was the victim,

That he'd been framed.

Lester byrd was in my apartment
for three hours.

I remember when
he tied my hands above my head

And put duct tape over my eyes.

I remember when he whispered
in my ear‐‐ my left ear‐‐

That it wasn't r*pe
because he loved me.

And he wants to pretend
it didn't happen?

To make me disappear?

Not a chance.

You have much contact
with eliza todd?

We talk from time to time.

You ever talk about byrd?

I don't think I'm gonna answer
that question.

Miss blair, we're not asking you
to incriminate anyone.


The more information
you can give us,

The quicker we can
rule people out.

Do I look stupid to you?

Look, ma'am, if we don't
ask you these questions,

We wouldn't be
doing our job.

Do your job...

But you're crazy if you think

I'm gonna help you find
whoever k*lled byrd.

Well, that can be construed
as obstruction of justice.

I don't give a damn!

Do I have to stay?

Am I under arrest?


Let me know when
you find out who did it.

I want to pin a medal
on her chest.

How was it?

It could have
gone better.

What do you got?

I did a web search
on byrd.

I found this in
a r*pe victims' news group.

"I point my g*n at his head
and pull its magic trigger,

Watch the blood bloom, see his
sightless eyes staring up at me.

Lester byrd, r. I. P."

The screen name on the post
is "marksman."

There's a bunch like it,

All pretty much
along the same lines.

Any idea who it is?

I put a call in to
the web site service provider,

But they're gonna
want a subpoena

Before they'll give up
a name.

Tell 'em it's
a homicide investigation,

The subpoena's on its way.

Also, we got an address
for eliza todd.

She's on bleecker.
We're gonna go talk to her.

Sounds good.

[ Sighs ]

Yeah, thanks.

I, uh, I saw one of
the files on your desk.

It was a case from 1989.

You really that far behind
on your fives?

Somebody snatched theo up
this morning.

That's why
he wasn't at school.

You said he was okay.

All the guy did was drive him
around for a half an hour.

You think it's the same
guy that's been pulling
the other stunts?

Yeah, and now
he's ramping it up.

Plus, he's getting
personal information about me‐‐

Stuff that only my family
should know.

You look at hatcher?

He alibis out‐‐

Which doesn't mean he isn't
working with somebody.

Now you're looking at the files
to check out other candidates.

All right, what can I do?

Detective clark, there's some
people here to see you.


Uh, they wouldn't give
their names.

One of them says
she's a...friend.

Hey, johnny.

Is this a bad time?

What do you mean?

I'd like to turn myself in
for m*rder.

I want to know‐‐
is this a bad time?

You said I should come by
sometime, remember?

Okay, right.

Uh, probably not
a great time right now.

This is my friend

Angela does
party planning.

Oh, yeah?
and promotion.

Kelly said you invited her
to a‐‐ whatchacallit‐‐

A racket at the american legion
hall in college point?

Did I do that?
Among other things.

College point?

I have such
a much better venue than that,

If you're
ever interested.

She's the best, too.
I swear.

Okay, uh, I kinda got to
get back to work now.

What about the tour?

Could we do it
another time?

I want to see the rooms
where you make people confess.

We got some things
going on right now.

I‐i could show 'em around
if you want.


It's probably...
N‐not a good time.

Can we get a picture,
at least?

Excuse me.

Now the three of us.

Uh...may i?

Thank you.

Oh, this is a keeper.

Take the picture, greg.

Miss todd, have you had
any contact with lester byrd

Since he got
out of prison?

God, no.

He's really dead?


I can't tell you how many
feelings that brings up.

Have you discussed byrd
with anyone?

My therapist.
Some friends.

Hillary blair?

A few times.
We've stayed in touch.

What does she have to say?

About byrd?
She's pretty angry.

Not that hillary said anything
about k*lling him.

Are you angry at byrd?

Well, anger doesn't
do me much good.

I try to focus on acceptance
and getting on with my life.

Your husband feels
the same way?

I don't have a husband.
I'm a single mom.


There's something
you should probably know.

My daughter was conceived
when I was r*ped.

Lester byrd
is her father?

I still have a hard time
saying that...but yes.

The r*pe was the worst thing
that ever happened to me.

But when I found out
I was pregnant,

It felt like I was being given a
chance to make some good of it.

So I took it.

That might seem strange
to you.


Ella's a beautiful
little girl.

Did lester byrd know
he was the father?


Did he say or do anything

That made you think he'd be a
threat when he got out of jail?

The only thing I remember him
saying was that he loved me.

Oh, yes‐‐
and that I loved him.

It was pathetic, really.

So needy.

Not that it seemed that way
at the time.

We have to ask‐‐

Where were you
at 7:30 this morning?

Ella stayed at a friend's
last night, so I slept in.

Meaning you were alone?


That was some story,


I'm sorry,
was that too personal?

Did I cross the line?

Let's head back
to the squad.



Ah, look what
the cat dragged in.

Big, fat polish rat.

Pouring drinks now, huh?
That's a real step up.

A friend of mine runs the place.
I'm helping him out.

Want a shot?

Here, on the house.

I want to ask you
some questions.

That right there is all
you're getting from me.

Where were you
at 8:00 this morning?

If you're not gonna drink that,
you're gonna have to leave.

We don't allow people
to loiter.

Somebody's coming after me.

Coming after you how?

If it's you,
be a man and admit it.

[ Scoffs ]
why would I come after you?

All you did was lie about me
under oath and ruin my career.

Is it you?
Yes or no.

At 8:00 this morning,

I was helping unload
a shipment of liquor.

You don't believe me, talk to
the guy who made the delivery.

Of course, that doesn't mean
I don't have an accomplice.

You don't want to
piss me off

Any more than I already am,

Lay a finger on me,

I'm gonna sue you
for every penny you got‐‐

You and the
police department.

You're smashed.

You wish.
I can smell it on you.

Salesman came in
with a new scotch.

We sampled it.

On the house.


What goes around comes around.
Think about it.



Richard lockier.

You put him away
for armed robbery in '86.

What about him?

Well, he was paroled
three years ago.

Apparently, he lives
in your neighborhood,

Like, a couple
of blocks away.

News to me.

He had a real hard‐on for you,
didn't he?

Theo walks past this building
on his way to school.

Well, the address
is two years old.

I'll keep looking into it.

Thanks, medavoy.
Appreciate it.

That was the internet
service provider.

Marksman is the screen name
for eliza todd.

I'm thinking
she didn't mention it

When you talked
to her earlier.
No, she didn't.

Well, we'll bring her in.

Don't forget to get a hall pass
from the teacher first.

Oh, yeah.

"I hold the g*n in my hand.
It looks like a metal fist.

"I imagine pulling the trigger
and the beautiful expl*si*n,

Relief and release sh**ting out
into byrd's body."

Did you write this?

God, this is embarrassing.

Uh, yes.

It's just fantasy,
that's all.

Cheap therapy.

A way of dealing with some
very strong feelings‐‐

I thought anonymously,
but, clearly, not.

There are a lot
of posts here.

I thought I was okay
while byrd was in prison.

But when he got out,
a lot of anger came up.

That was just
my way of dealing with it.

So it isn't true?

None of it.

You don't own a g*n?

Absolutely not.

I've just written about it.

Um, is there anything else?

My daughter's gonna be home
from school soon.

I need to get back.

Miss todd, we're gonna have to
search your apartment.

For god's sakes, why?

Because these make it sound
like you have a g*n.

Well, I just told you‐‐
we'll need to check.

You can't.

I mean it.
I‐i won't allow it.

Oh, we can get
a search warrant.

So if you do own a g*n,
tell us now.

'Cause if you say you don't,
and we find one,

It'll be bad for you.

Yes, I have a g*n.

Where is it?

It's in a can over the stove
on the top shelf.

It's got a trigger lock
on it.

I never used it
for anything.

when did you get it?

When I heard byrd
was gonna be released.

This irrational fear
just took hold of me.

I had to do something.

Is it registered?


I bought it from somebody
I don't really know.

It's illegal
for me to have it, isn't it?


I never even fired it.

We'll test it. If you're
telling the truth, we'll know.

Are you gonna arrest me?

Well, let's take this
one step at a time.

My daughter's
gonna be home soon.

I need to bring her
over to the neighbor's.

Okay, but you'll be
coming back here with us.

I understand.

She go for the g*n?

Yeah, we're gonna
pick it up.

Baldwin's taking her down
in the car.

What about the sh**ting?

Says she has
nothing to do with it.

Do you believe her?

Well, she doesn't seem
like the kind

To put three into a guy,
but who knows?

we got her either way‐‐

If not for the m*rder,
then the weapons charge.

You're gonna stick her
with the g*n charge

Even if she didn't
k*ll byrd?

That's right.

She got r*ped.

If all she did
was get a g*n

To protect herself in her
own home, why put her away?

If the g*n's illegal,
she goes into the system.

Next question?

Boss, crime scene found
a bar tab in byrd's trash.

It's dated last night.

I thought we'd talk
to the bartender,

Find out
if he saw anything.

Why don't you do that.

Don't do me any favors.


Like changing the topic when I'm
getting into it with the boss.

You're not gonna get anywhere
arguing with the guy.

He just digs in his heels.

I'll be downstairs.


What can I do for you?

Do you know somebody
named lester byrd?


You recognize
this picture?


He was in here
last night.

We get a lot of people.

I bet you do.

That sheet back there‐‐
is that for gambling?

That's illegal, isn't it?

Let me take another look.

Yeah, he was in here,
but I don't know his name.

What'd he do?

Sat by himself,
nursed a couple beers...

[ Bugle fanfare plays ]

Made a bunch of calls
at the pay phone.

Anything else?

Another guy came in later.

Looked like they were arguing.

Could you hear
what they said?

No, but it was
pretty intense.

What did the second man
look like?

White. Bulked up.
Lot of tattoos.

On his neck?


He didn't stay long.

He got up and left
after about 10 minutes.

Looked pissed off.

Deroche's foreman said
he was on the job

When byrd got k*lled,

Worth having another talk
with him.

Hey...sorry about saying
I didn't know the guy.

I get in the middle of things,
and it's just trouble.

Yeah, thanks for
summoning up your courage.

Just a couple of things
we need to clarify, mr. Pines.

Look, is this gonna
take long?

I still gotta clean up
the site.

When we talked earlier,

You said drew deroche came in
this morning around 7:00?

You sure about that?


Pretty sure.

There's a security camera
in the lobby

Of the building
that you're working in.

We're getting the tape pulled
to see when

He actually
came in this morning.

So if you want to
reconsider your story,

Now would be the time.

[ Sighs ]

It might have been
a little later.

How much later?

8:00, 8:30.

Why'd you lie,
mr. Pines?

Before I say anything more,
we gotta talk protection.

Who did you need
protection from?

It's not me.
It's my nephew ben.

He's in the clinton
correctional facility.

He's a good boy.

He just screwed up
a little is all.

Does he know deroche?

Can you protect him?

If it's necessary.

[ Sighs ]

Deroche came to me and said

If I didn't give him a job on
my crew that ben could get hurt.

I checked with ben.

Ben said that he had a lot
of pull on the inside,

A lot of friends, and that
I should do whatever he said.

How long has deroche
been working for you?

That's generous.

He collects a paycheck,
shows up now and then.

Did he say why
he was late this morning?

Just that if anybody asks,

I should say
he was there at 7:00.

Did he ever mention
the name lester byrd?


Do you know where he is
right now?


He never came back
to the site

After you guys picked him up
this morning.

Am I in trouble for lying?

No. We understand you were
trying to protect your nephew.

And you're gonna help him?

If your story holds,

We'll see that he's moved
to a different facility.

Got a minute?


You can go.
Thank you.

I tried
deroche's home number.

He wasn't there,
but I talked to his mother.
What'd she say?

He's doing
everything right,

Doesn't want to
violate his parole.

I sweet‐talked her
a little.

She admitted he was having
adjustment problems.

Did she say what those were?

It sounds like he's having
trouble keeping a girlfriend.

Adjustment problems?
That's what she called it.

She said
he's usually home by 5:00.

I've got anticrime
sitting on the house.

All right, well, we should
talk to this ben pines.

Bale mentioned
he'd like an update.

Well, why not?

It's been 10 minutes
since the last one.

You know what?
This is getting really old.

Adjustment problems.

I need an assurance.

Ben, we got you down to rikers
fast enough, didn't we?

I need assurance
I ain't goin' back‐‐

Not to clinton.

I'm there when drew finds out
I talked to you, man,

I'm ground beef, and they
gonna serve me for dinner.

Look, you help us out,
you got nothing to worry about.

You got our word on that.

You're gonna leave
my uncle alone, right?

I mean, he's just
been watching out for me.

Yeah, he's not
in any trouble.

Now, what do you know
about drew?

Well, we worked
in the library together.

That's where I told him
about my uncle,

Which was stupid.

We hear
he was pretty hard‐core.

He hurt you?


But I've seen him hurt plenty.
You can believe that.

Well, how well do you know
lester byrd?

Not lester, but leslie.

That's how we knew him.

Drew and leslie
were a couple?

Drew picked him out as soon
as he came up on the block.

Les was a baby.
You know, soft.

So deroche punked him out?

Les was his boy.
He ran errands for him.

He brought him food.

Sometimes drew loaned les out

To other guys for favors,
you know?

Just life on the block.

Well, how did les
take to that?

Not so bad.

They got to be this,
like, couple.

Drew, he'd look out
for les.

Les, he learned
how to sew.

Made his own clothes‐‐
like chick clothes, you know?

Came to be if you looked
at les the wrong way,

Drew would come after you.

What happened
when drew got out?

I don't know.

But I heard he wasn't
taking les's calls.

Les was pretty upset,
I know that.

You think drew k*lled him?

We're looking into it.

We're also working on

Getting you moved
to a different facility.

Oh, please.

I thought
we covered everything.

Sit down.

Byrd must have cleaned up pretty
good when he wanted to.

And what does that mean?

Well, he had those
high cheekbones, full lips.

When he put on tight pants
and a sexy blouse,

Whew, boy,
he must have been a babe.

I don't think of
he's as babes.

We know you two
were a couple, drew.

Everyone in prison
knew it.

Inside's inside.
Rules are different.

A babe's a babe.

What's with this guy?

Hey, man,
there's no shame in it.

You found another man

No, I didn't!

Do you find me attractive?

Don't take this the wrong way,
but, no, I don't.

Well, why not?
You're a guy.

Byrd was a guy.
I didn't find
him attractive either.

Oh, so the whole time
you were banging him,

You were pretending
he was a woman?

That's right.
And as soon as
you got out of prison,

And you could be
with an actual woman,

Then you wouldn't
go near him.

You have sex with him
since you been out?

You're lying.

No, I'm not lying!

You couldn't stay away!
That's not true.

You were with him
last night.

I ran into him and we...

Talked for a little bit,
and that was it.

People would think
you two were a couple

When they'd see you,
wouldn't they?

I don't care
what people think!

Yeah, you do‐‐
a big tough guy like you?

And in the eyes of the world,
you're no different than lester.

He wouldn't stop though,
would he?

I asked him to.

I asked him to help me.

Did you go to
his apartment this morning?

He said that he was mine
and I was his

And that we were stuck
with each other.

The little runt.

What happened
in the apartment?

Pranced around...

Looked at me with those eyes.

It doesn't matter
the circumstances.

You fall in love
with somebody,

That's not something
you can shake.

He made me breakfast.

And when I finished eating,

I went over to the sink
where he was doing the dishes.

Picked him up, and I carried him
over to the bed.

[ Voice breaking ]
I kissed him.

I told him I loved him.

God help me.

I shot him.

He go for it?

Yeah, he's writing
it up now.

I talked
to corrections.

Ben pine's on his way
up to coxsackie.
Glad to hear it.

For what it's worth,
ballistics came back negative
for eliza todd's g*n.

Big surprise.

I talked
to the d. A.'S office.

They're moving ahead
with the case.


I'm wondering if you'll
reconsider this one.

Todd was scared.
She did a stupid thing.
Nobody got hurt.

She probably would have
thrown the g*n away.

You're confident
about that?

Point being,
we got the g*n.

She can't do anything
with it.

Why put her away?

Because the g*n's illegal.

And if this were
a 20‐year‐old black kid,

We wouldn't be having
this conversation

Because you'd already
be taking him downtown.

[ Door closes ]

Thanks for backing me up.

Let's go tell her.

How's it going?

I'm nowhere.

I sent some pictures
over to connie‐‐

Hatcher, fraker,
a few others.

Theo didn't pick
any of 'em out.

So what are you doing?

Going through my files,

Putting together a list
of people that hate me.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Medavoy's running
some of the names.

I could run some names.

No, it's covered.

Something else I can do?

Look, andy, I know it's been bad
between us the last few days,

But you got a problem,
and I want to help.

Tell me what
I can do to help.

I can't trust you
with this, john.

What do you mean?

Your head's someplace else.

This is my family.
I can't risk it.

It seems to me
like I'm getting the job done.

Most of the days you're
half asleep and hung over.

It seems to me like
I closed a case today.

In between visits
from your girlfriends.

Is that what this‐‐
come on, andy.

I didn't ask those girls
to come here.

They wouldn't have come if you
hadn't talked them up in a bar.

Oh, you're telling me that you
never talked a girl up in a bar?

Yeah, I did.

You gotta get your head
back on straight, john.

Until then...

I can't trust you.

Did you submit a five

Saying you advised eliza todd
of her rights

After she told you
about the g*n?

I guess I did.

That was
the district attorney.

Todd's lawyer's screaming
the g*n's inadmissible.

They're gonna kick the case.

I'm sorry, lieu.
I made a mistake.
A mistake.

How many times have you advised
someone of their rights

Before you read
their statement?
Almost never.

And how many times
do you admit it on the five?

Almost never.

But this time you did.
Why is that?

Like I said, lieu,
it was a mistake.

Everybody gets one mistake.

That was yours.

And I thought
you were better than that.

Listen, lieutenant,

Why don't you just admit

Locking the girl up
was a bad call?

I didn't see any fives
on my desk today.

Some personal business
got in the way.

Then you can take today
against your lost time,

And tomorrow you can work
your cases

And get those fives on my desk
by the end of the day

Or you're walking.

Good night.

I just got a call.

Richard lockier died
a year ago...cancer.

Thanks for looking into it,

I can run some more names.

That's okay.

Anything I can do.

I'll see you tomorrow,

Good night.

good night, greg.



Heading home?


What you did today‐‐
that was a good thing.

That woman didn't belong
in the system.

Anyone could see that.

Bale didn't.

I happened to
get the fives.

You'd have done the same thing
if you'd had the chance.

Yeah, but the point is,
you did it.

You took the risk.

That meant something.
To everybody.

I feel like
we worked ourselves

Into a bad place pretty quickly,
and I don't like it.

Could we start over?

Make tomorrow day one?

Along those lines.

I'd like that.


I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, what's up, kiddo?

I had a nightmare.

What happened?

Somebody was chasing me.

You know who it was?

[ Yawning ] he didn't
have a face.

Come here.

What happened today
was pretty scary, huh, pal?


It won't happen again.

Why did that man take me
in his car?

Ah, it's like he was
playing a trick on me.

You mean like a joke?

Yep, like a‐‐
like a joke.

Can I stay out here
for a few minutes?

You bet, squirt.

You stay with me.

There you go.