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12x05 - You're Buggin' Me

Posted: 04/28/22 12:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

I just put in my papers.

So take it easy.

I'll see you around.

You better hope not.

When they were
servicing the car,

They found a listening

Whoever talked my son
into that car

Knew things to say to him.

If crimes
have been committed,

They're to be investigated
by the squad or i. A. B.

They're not to be investigated
by you personally.

Whatever happened to your kid,

I had nothing to do
with it.

If I find out you're lying,

I'm coming down on you
harder than you can imagine.

I don't want to work
with you no more.

You don't want me?
I don't want you.

We get a divorce.

Right, let's let it go
at that.

Drop dead!

[ Telephone ringing ]

Yeah, sipowicz.

Where is he?

I'm on my way.

Talent pool is getting
a little thin around here,

My friend.

Might be time
to head home.

Oh, trying to get rid
of me or what?

Not at all.

Okay, then,
give me another beer.

Hey, andy.

Are you done?

Club soda for my friend.

I don't want no club soda.

It's time to go, john.
I'll drive you home.

What "go"?
It's not even last call yet.

How'd you know
to find me here?

I was walking my dog.
I saw you through the window.

You got a dog?

John, it's time to go.

Okay, first of all, I say
when it's time to go.

Second of all,
give me my keys.

You ain't getting your keys.

Give me my keys.
Those are my keys.

Come on, john, get up.

Get off of me!

He gets ready to leave,
call him a cab.

What's the matter?

You don't want to stick around
and counsel me, huh?

Give me those damn keys!

You're in no condition
to drive, john.

You want to stay here

And keep making an ass
out of yourself,

Get home by cab.

[ g*nshots ]

You hit?

I'm all right.

Where did that come from?

I don't know.

Stay down.

I got this, andy.
Stay there.

[ Groans ]

Somebody call an ambulance.

Call an ambulance!

I saw connie downstairs.

She says
you're going to work?

Couple of stitches,
I'm fine.

Where's the boss?

He went back to the house
with ortiz and murphy.

So what were you doing
at the bar at that hour,

If you don't mind
my asking?

Got a call from the house

That clark
was having a problem.

It was legit?

In the sense that
he was having a problem?


But you don't know
who called the house?


I wonder if whoever's
been doing harassing

Upped the ante.

I doubt it.

The way this guy's gotten to me,
if he wanted to k*ll me,

He wouldn't take some wild sh*ts
outside a bar.

I guess it's possible
he was going for clark.


Unless it was random.

Let's go.

You know detective
john clark?


You saw him
in the bar last night?

Oh, yeah.

Did you notice anything
he might have been involved in?

A fight, an argument.

To tell you the truth, I was
kind of busy last night.

Ah, the hell with it.

He was a pain in the ass
last night,

Same as he's been a pain
in the ass

For the last four
or five weeks running.

What are we
talking about?

Getting loaded, sloppy,
getting into arguments.

It's one thing
after another.

Did something specific happen
last night

That might have led to somebody
coming back with a g*n?

I wouldn't doubt it.

All I can tell you

Is that I wish
you'd encourage him

To do his drinking
someplace else,

Because I don't want to have
to be calling for somebody

To come and pick him up
every night.

You're the one who called?

Right, I'm the one
that called.

And I hate like hell
to have done it.

But at a certain point,
enough's enough.

Can you tell us anyone specific

Who clark might have had
a problem with?


Is there anyone
who could tell us?

See, I hate this.

A detective
was sh*t last night.

You don't have to
tell me that, I know.

[ Sighs ]

Listen, I got a guy
who's working the door ‐‐

He's an off‐duty cop.

He got off
before the sh**ting.

Maybe he saw something
before he left.

We need to talk to him.

I know you do, only
I ain't giving him up.

I'll talk to him,
explain the situation.

He wants to come in,
it's up to him.

That's not gonna work.

And if we have to find him
on our own,

Both of you are gonna
have a problem.

How are you, detective?

I'm all right.

We need you in one piece
around here, please.

I know.

There are some friends
to see you.

I showed them to
the coffee room.

What are you guys
doing here?

We're doing the same thing
you'd be doing.

Woman: can we maybe go out
for a cup of coffee?

Can't we do it here?

Uh, sure, yeah,
that's okay.

So, what brings you?

We care about you.

We care about you,
and we love you.

You have a home group.

That means there are people
who are there

When you get into trouble.

Are you under the impression
that I started drinking?

The important thing
is what comes next.

Who told you that?

I want to know.

I got a call.
From who, al?

What do we say, andy?
Principles before personalities.

Woman: the who doesn't matter.

Listen, somebody ‐‐
for whatever reason ‐‐

Has been playing some
kind of game with me.

They sent stuff to me,
they talked to my kid.

This is part of that.

You still don't pick up
a drink.

I didn't pick up a drink!

If you did, you did.

[ Sighing ]

All right, thanks
for coming, guys.

I appreciate it.


What can you tell me
about last night, detective?

It was a pretty uneventful
night, until the end.

There was apparently
enough an event before

So the bartender put in a call
to get you taken out of there.

If it's the guy I think it is,
he's got a thing about cops.

I wouldn't put too much
into it.

How much had you had
to drink?

A few beers.

You have any altercations
with anyone?

That would lead
to a sh**ting, no.

Any altercations at all?
No, sir.

I'll expect you to be

Through the course of this
investigation, detective.


Probably you got other things
on your mind right now,

But should you want to get
into it,

I got back some information
on how it is

Your credit card was used to
order that child p*rn.


A request
for a credit history

From a private investigator.


His agency. I don't know
if it was him directly.

Thanks, greg.

Doesn't this make you like
him more for the sh**t?


Still think it was more
likely intended for clark.

Or random.

What are you doing here?

I figured I was better off
coming into work

Than staying home and going
over things in my head.

You can really
take the day off.

I'll just catch up on some
paperwork, take it easy.

I'm fine.

Well, if you're up to it,

I know internal affairs wants
to talk to you about it.

I've just gotta run down
to fill a prescription.

Whatever you need.

How is it?

It's all right.

I guess you got to worry
about infection, right?

I change the dressing,
it shouldn't be a problem.

Andy, I'm really sorry
about this.

It's okay.

I was the one carrying on,
and you get sh*t.

I can't tell you how bad
that makes me feel.

It's not like
you saw it coming.

I gotta run out of here
for a second.

I'll be back
in a little while.

[ Clears throat ]
excuse me?

How's the servicing in these
security cameras?

No complaints.

Are you happy
with the company?

They've been good.

I've got to look into them
for my store.

You mind telling me where
they're located?

I think they're
on the west side.

Andy, quã© pasa?

You got a minute?

Well, for you ‐‐ anytime.

Andy sipowicz,
jessica simpson.


Doesn't she look like
jessica simpson?

I don't know who that is.

You've gotta get out more.
Talk to me in my office.

Make yourself
comfortable, dear.

Hon, see if she wants

Come on.

Did I hear that you got sh*t
last night?

It was nothing.

Well, "sh*t" and "nothing"
don't exactly go together.

Were you on a case?

Why'd you do a credit check
on me, stan?

What are you talking about?

My card was used to
order child p*rn,

And a request
for a credit history

Came from this office.

You're telling me
that wasn't you?

We have 27 licensed private
investigators working here.

There's bad blood
between you and me.

There's no bad blood
between me and them.

I didn't do it.

This goes into
my personal life.

If you applied for a loan,

Maybe someone was doing
a credit check

On behalf of a client.

I didn't apply for any loan.

A mortgage,
a new job of some kind?

None of that.


The problem is that,
even if I ask around,

What it's gonna come back to

Is that the credit‐history
request was made

On the behalf of a client.

You know as well as I do

That those are confidential

I want to know who requested
that information.

Let me see what
I can come up with ‐‐

As a personal favor.

Martens: what time was it
that you went to the bar?

I got there about 2:30.

Where had you been up
to that point?


Kind of late
to be going out, no?

I got a call
from the desk sergeant

Saying some guys were giving
detective clark a hard time.

I went down there to see if
I could be of any assistance.

How did the desk sergeant
know this?

He got a call
from the bartender.

You get a lot
of 2:00 a. M. Calls

About detective clark?

This was the first.


So you got there.
Now what?

Things had calmed down,
I talked to detective clark.

Then the two of us
walked out together.

Was detective clark impaired
at that point?

No, he was not.

In your opinion,
he was fit for duty.


What happened
when you got outside?

We got maybe 15 yards,
I heard 3 sh*ts,

And I was hit.

Detective clark took cover,
he checked my condition,

Tried to ascertain where
the sh*ts came from.

When that failed,
he called for an ambulance.

Was it
detective clark's feeling

That the sh**ting was related

To whoever had been giving him
a hard time earlier?

He didn't know.

Lieutenant, has detective clark
demonstrated any behavior

That you believe might have
resulted in the sh**ting?

Not that I've observed.

This doesn't appear
to be a pattern?



We're gonna let you carry
the ball on this one.

But the files get cc'd
to i. A. B.,

And if you interview anyone
on the job, let us know.

Obviously, if there's any sign
of police misconduct,

We'll notify i.a.b.


I appreciate you letting me
do this in here,

Instead of under
your boss' nose.

We appreciate you coming in.

They find out
you're working in a bar,

They could hurt you.

Murphy: nobody's looking
to hurt you.

Well, being a cop,
I couldn't sit back

And not say anything.

Someone got into it
with detective clark?


Which wouldn't have
been the first time.

I mean, not for nothing.

He gets a load on,
he starts in.

Starts in how?

He comes on strong
with the girls,

Whether they're with someone
or not,

Gets chesty with whoever.

I cut him some slack,
'cause he's on the job.

What about last night?

Well, last night,
I'm not sure.

I know he was getting very
familiar with this girl,

And then some guy come in and
got into it with him about her.

They got into a fight?

Things were definitely heading
in that direction.

So I stepped in,
told the guy he had to leave.

The girl left with him.

How pissed off was he
when he left?

He was plenty pissed off.

Whether it was at the girl
or at clark,

That I don't know.

Any idea how we can get in touch
with this girl?

I don't, but only 'cause clark
was inside the 10‐yard line

Right there in the bar.

There's a chance he might know
how to get in touch with her.

Thanks for the help.

Look, guys, you gotta keep
my name out of this.

We'll do our best.

Got a second, john?

He know anything?

He said you got into it
with some guy over a girl.

Murphy: he said you were making
out with some girl,

A guy showed up, and he had to
get between the two of you.

Did it occur to you
that was his version?

What's your version?

I was talking to a girl,
a guy showed up,

He was a little miffed.

I bowed out gracefully,
that was it.

This girl you were talking to,
any idea how we can contact her?

Why would you want
to contact her?

We're conducting
an investigation here, john.

You're right, you're right.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Sighs ]

Let's see.


Yeah, I think
that's from last night.

Can I help you?

You do security‐system

What are we talking about?

High‐end, professional‐grade

You carry that?

Somebody you want to nail?

The owner around?

Hey, guy, you know, I can help
you with whatever you need.

Let me talk to the owner.


You installed a security system
at the i.p.i. Agency?

I don't divulge that kind of
thing, detective.

All right.

What can you tell me
about this bug?

It's a tts 2400.

Loses a little range
in bad weather.

Other than that,
extremely dependable.

You sell them?


Who'd you sell this one to?

Detective, do you understand
the nature of my business?

I don't care about that.

I want you to go
through your records.

I want the name of the person
that you sold this to.

When people come to me,

They come to me
with an expectation

Of absolute confidentiality.

If I have to get
a court order,

I'm gonna tear
this place apart.

Any illegal wiretapping,
spying, or stalking

Done with any of your equipment,
I am gonna nail you for.

You and I both know,

As long as what I sell
is legal to sell,

There's no criminal liability
based on what's done with it.

Now, I'm used to dealing with
law enforcement, detective.

Please don't try
to intimidate me.

Somebody's after me.

They know things about me.

They planted this in a car
I use

And got information
from my personal life

And used it
with my 8‐year‐old son.

What happened to him?

He got into a car
with a stranger,

Got ridden around
and dropped off.

That was this time.

Serial number's
still intact.

I'll go through my records,

I'll call you
with whom I sold it to.

Thank you.

When it comes to kids,
all bets are off.

Where were you last night,

Christine: I was working
on a paper at the library,

And then I met some friends
to go eat.

Where was that?

This place, the old stand,
where we go to sometimes.

Did you meet anyone
at the old stand?

I don't know, like who?

Like a guy?

I talked to a guy
for a little while.

It wasn't a big deal.

Do you have a boyfriend
who showed up last night

And got into an argument with
the guy you were talking to?

No, I don't.


A detective was sh*t outside
of the old stand last night.

Now, we don't know how much
you know about that.

I don't know anything
about that.

This guy you were talking to ‐‐

Who we understand you were more
than just talking to ‐‐

May have been
the intended target.

If it was your boyfriend

Who was responsible
for the sh**ting,

The best way to help him
is to let us know that.

I told you, I don't have
a boyfriend.

Christine, stop it.

We have an eyewitness
account of a guy showing up

And pulling you
out of the bar.


That was my father.

Why was your father there?

Because I'm underage,
and I was using a fake i. D.,

Which I guess now
I'll get busted for.

According to him, I've abused
dr*gs and alcohol,

And I shouldn't be drinking,

How'd he know
you'd be at this bar?

He tracked me down.

He managed to walk in

Right when I happened to be
kissing this guy,

Who I'm sure
I'll never see again,

Thanks to my father totally
humiliating me.

That's my dad.

He drove you home?

What'd he do after that?

I don't know.

Smoked a million cigarettes,
sat at the kitchen table.

He came into my room to make
sure I was still there.

Did he leave the house?

Not that I know of.

Wait a minute.

Are you thinking it was him
that sh*t somebody?

We don't know yet.

Oh, no.
He would not sh**t anybody.

He doesn't have a g*n!

Not that you know of.

No, he would not sh**t

Oh, my god,
he's my father, okay?

He was just worried
about me.

He ‐‐ he is doing the best
that he can to raise me

Since my mother split.

He was just looking
after me.

Is there anyone who can vouch
for your father being home

Between the hours of 2:00
and 3:00 a. M.?

Yeah, I can.

I got up in the middle
of the night.

I went ‐‐ I went to his room.

I wanted to see
if he was still mad at me.

He was asleep, so I
didn't want to wake him.

Was he there in the morning?

Yeah. Yeah, he was there
in the morning.

He's always there
in the morning.

He made me breakfast.

He went to work.

You burt?

What do you need?

First thing I need

Is for you to get your head out
from under that dashboard.

Ain't there anybody
behind the counter?

You ever install anything
besides stereos?

Like what?

Like a bug.
Like this bug.

I never saw it before.

You might want to be
thinking about

When the guy that sold it
to you

Picks you out of a lineup.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

When that happens,

You're gonna need all the help
you can get.

Who told you
to install this?

I ‐‐ I don't know,
I don't keep track.

Was it stan hatcher?

I was told
it was not illegal

To have these installed
in your own car, all right?

Was I misinformed about that?
If so, I'm sorry.

Was it stan hatcher?


What did he tell you?

It wasn't enough I thought
my wife was going out on me,

I had to run up a $5,000 bill
for him to prove to me she was.

He said he'd wipe out
the bill?


What else did you do
for the 5 grand?


I didn't monitor the
transmissions from the thing,

He did.

That's right, he did.

He gathered information

Based on conversations
that took place in that car.

And then someone used
that information

To talk an 8‐year‐old boy
into taking a ride.

What are you saying,
that that was me?

That 8‐year‐old boy
was my son.

And if he has to,

He will definitely
pick you out of a lineup.

Kidnapping is
a class‐a felony

In the state
of new york, burt!

Do you know how much prison
time you're looking at?!

Do you want to hear
what he told me?

He said some woman wanted
to convince her husband

They were vulnerable,
convince him that

Whatever they spent
for security was worth it.

Hatcher told me
to pick up the kid,

Drive him around for 15
minutes, and drop him off.

He told me the kid's mother
knew all about it.

Did hatcher give you
a shield to use?

I swear to god,
I wasn't mean to the kid.

I thought of something that
happened a while back.

I don't know if it has to do
with this or not.

What's a while back?

Two, three weeks ago.

Something to do
with john clark?

This guy was coming into the bar
for a while,

Sort of a semiregular ‐‐
short, nerdy.

If I had to guess,
I'd say he was an accountant,

Worked for an insurance company,
like that.

There was this girl he was
working, a looker ‐‐

Tall, blonde, great body,

Unless he had a lot more money
than he was showing,

Not the type he was used to
scoring with.

But when I say
he was working her,

I mean buying her drinks,

It looked for a while there
like he was doing her taxes.

Clark b*at him
to the punch?

He got up to go to the bathroom,

Clark moved in
like a panzer division.

I remember watching the guy
come back to his seat,

Try to stay in the game,

Then have clark and the broad
waltz out of the place together.

Wasn't this
a couple weeks ago?

Until last night,
the guy stayed away.

He have any contact with clark
last night?

Not that I saw.

I thought I should just mention
he came in last night.

And you're thinking the guy
might have nursed something

All that time?

I saw his face the night
clark took off with the girl.

He could nurse this for the rest
of his life.

We need the name
of a girl, john.

Yeah? One without
normal appetites?

You met about two weeks ago in a
bar, then went home with her.

Tall blonde,
late 20s, early 30s.

She supposed to be
the sh**t now?

There's a guy you might have
pissed off by taking her home.

I have no idea
of any of that.

She's like a lawyer
or something.

This was when?

About two weeks ago.

She might have been with
a group from her office,

Who she left to go sit
with this guy.

Who she left to be with you.


Yeah, I remember her.

Her name was corrine ‐‐
or colette.

Let me tell you, greg,

This is one you'd sell your
family into sl*very for.

Last name?

Never knew her last name.

You know where she lives?

Yeah, london terrace.

That's like a square block,
london terrace.

Yeah, she had a corner

It was 9th avenue
and 23rd street.

We took the stairs,
it was on the third floor.

That ought to do it.

Get in the car.

What are you doing?

Get in the car or I'm gonna
k*ll you right here.

Thought you coming to me
for help

Signaled a new spirit
of cooperation.

You thought wrong.
Get in.

[ Engine turns over ]

Get out.

Get out!

What are you doing?

Don't you say anything.

There may be some doubt in
your mind what I'm capable of.

I'm here to put
that doubt to rest.

Andy, take it easy.

I said don't say anything!

Now, you have resentments
against me, I understand this.

To you, they're justifiable.
To me, they're not.

That's not gonna be
resolved between us,

And that has nothing to do

With what
I'm about to tell you.

You involved my family.

You crossed the last line.

This g*n is untraceable.

You involve them again,
I will use it to k*ll you.

Do you believe
I'm capable of that, stan?


Do you understand that I
have never been more serious

About anything in my life?

You've got a g*n to my neck.
I get that you're serious.

Do you understand?

Yeah, I understand.


Hey, johnny.

I didn't know
you worked here.


These detectives left
their cards for me.

It's in ‐‐ it's in regard
to a case.

What kind of case?

They're gonna have to talk
to you about it.

You can't?
No, not really.

Hey, guys.

They're good guys.

This is detective medavoy,
detective jones.



Why don't we go in here?
It'll be more comfortable.


Would you like something
to drink?

I just got off the phone
with internal affairs.

They want you in right away.

What is it this time?

They wouldn't say
over the phone.

You know the old stand,


Well, we're trying
to locate a guy

You might have gotten to be
friendly with in there.

Who's that?

Well, we don't know his name.

Does he have a particularly
distinguishing characteristic?

We know he's short.

Not big on short.

And, uh, he was covering
your bar tab

Up until the night that
john clark came along.

I don't need anyone to cover
my bar tab, detective.

Well, we're not saying
you needed him to.

We're just saying he did.

You got to be friendly with him
over a period of time,

And it's possible that he was
helping you out with something,

Maybe your taxes.

Larry matelka.

And it wasn't my taxes.

It was a real‐estate
investment trust

He was explaining to me
in excruciating detail.

What about him?

Well, do you know
where he lives?

God, no.

Know where we might be able
to find him?

He must have given me his card
at least six times.

Want me to see if there's one
I haven't thrown out?

Yeah, that'd be good.

I'm sure it's
in here somewhere.

this g*n is untraceable.

You involve them again,
I will use it to k*ll you.

Do you believe I'm capable
of that, stan?

Hatcher: yeah.

Do you understand that I have
never been more serious

About anything in my life?

He was wearing a recorder?

Every time
you talked to him.

After last night's incident,

He turned over tapes
and transcripts

With times, dates,
and locations.

Are you interested in hearing
what he was doing to me

Or doesn't that make
any difference?

Sergeant martens is doing

Exactly what he's supposed to be
doing, detective.

I suggest you try to respond
without the attitude.

All right, forget
about the small stuff.

My tires get slashed,
my fish get poisoned,

My credit card gets used
to buy child p*rn,

Members of my aa group
get contacted

And told lies about me.

We'll forget about all that.

When my 8‐year‐old son gets
talked into a car by a stranger

Who knows things
about my family

Because I've been bugged,

That takes it
to a different level.

Hatcher did that?

He was responsible
for having it done.

I got a statement from the guy
he had approach theo

And install the bug.

You're talking about multiple
felonies hatcher committed.

That's right.

Which is why this should
have been approached

In an official capacity,
instead of the way you did it.

It's a little tough
to hold back

When it comes to your kid.

I'm sure it is.

And I don't take any pleasure
in doing what I have to do.

What are we talking about,

reckless endangerment ‐‐

It's up to the d. A. Whether
they file criminal charges.

I'd say at a minimum,

We're looking at
a departmental trial.

Would you do me a favor and
hold onto this until tomorrow?

Tomorrow will be it.

Medavoy: you know a bar called
the old stand, larry?

On 3rd avenue?

Yeah, I know it.

You been there recently?

I stop in for a drink once
in a while.

You stop in recently?

I may have stopped in recently.

Why is that of interest
to the police,

If you don't mind me asking?

There's an incident
involving this girl.

We wanted to see if you
knew anything about it.

Well, who's the girl?

Corrine o'malley.



Been there, done that,
bought the t‐shirt, next.

Well, we heard that

You might have been stuck
on her there for a while.

This is new york.

Too many fish in the sea
to get stuck on anybody.

So there never came a point
you got irritated

That you spent all this time
and all this money on her,

Only to have another guy
swoop in and score?

Who said anything
about another guy?

Well, the thing about a bar,

There's other people

People saw you trying your
damnedest with this chic.

Building up what

You must have at least thought
was a relationship.

Last thing I'm interested in.

Something that would lead
to something?

No way. I'm on the prowl.
Here today, gone tomorrow.

What happened, larry?
You go to the bathroom,

Suddenly, it's the other guy
she's looking at.

The other guy
she goes home with.

More power to him.

Is that what you thought?

He's a player, I'm a player.

You're not a player.

Go ahead, greg,
I'll be right back.

Why am I not a player?

Because you're not.

You're a guy who wants women
to like him,

And you got
your feelings hurt.

You gotta be kidding me.

I went out with
a hooter's waitress,

And I broke up with her.

Oh, my god, that's him.

Jones: are you sure?

That's him.

All right, thank you.
You mind waiting by the bench?

What was that all about?

Did you really think
you could sh**t somebody

In the middle of new york
and not have anyone see you?

I didn't sh**t anybody!

That gentleman was
in his apartment

Across the street
from the bar.

He was awake, smoking
a cigarette.

He looked outside,
and he saw you.

Listen to me, larry.

You sh*t a cop.

Now, we don't think
you're a bad guy.

We think you're a good guy
who did a dumb thing

Under emotional duress.

Now, you get in front
of it, a judge will understand.

You keep stonewalling, you're
looking at serious time.

He acted like
I wasn't even there.

Who did?

I actually do notice it
when people ignore me.

Most people do.

I don't know about most people.

I know that,
on those rare occasions

When I get invited to dinner
at someone's house

Or I'm attending a wedding
or a bar mitzvah,

And disappointment registers
on the face

Of whoever it is assigned a seat
next to me, I notice it.

I don't say anything about it,
but I notice it.

Well, what this guy did
is a lot worse than that.

So I went home,
crawled into my hole

And promised myself I'd never
set foot in that bar again.

Until the other night.

I thought maybe she'd be there.

Maybe she'd be wondering
what happened to me.

Instead, you saw him.

With his hands
all over some other girl.

Where was the g*n, larry?

In my apartment.

I went to get it, I came back.

I looked in the window,
and I saw he was still there.

I waited across the street.

When he came out,
I sh*t at him.

Is that officer hurt bad?

He's gonna be okay, but
you could have k*lled him.

I'm very sorry.

[ Crying ]

Chief, I asked your nephew
to be here,

So that if anything detective
sipowicz told me isn't true,

He can set it straight.

From what I understand,

Detective sipowicz has put
himself in a world of hurt.

That may be.

It's a shame.

It is a shame, isn't it?

Brought it on himself.

See, that's the part
I think your uncle

Might want to make
his own determination about.

Well, what is it detective
sipowicz is saying?

A credit‐history request,

Conclusively attributed
to your nephew's agency,

Enabled detective sipowicz's
credit card to be used

To order child p*rn
in sipowicz's name.

That true?

I didn't do it.

He's been given a statement
by a burt savaro,

Which I've seen,
that describes how your nephew

Pressured him into planting
an illegal listening device

In detective sipowicz's
department car,

And then using information
derived from that bug

To talk detective sipowicz's
8‐year‐old son into his car.

Why would I do all this?

I think you did it
to destroy sipowicz's career

The same way you think
he destroyed yours.

Started small to get him nervous
and paranoid.

And you were careful,
but not too careful,

So, with a little digging,
it led back to you.

And then, when you had
his kid snatched

And sipowicz did
what you knew he would do,

You were waiting there
with your tape recorder.

Who's this guy,
perry mason?

Shut your mouth, stan.

Based on what we both know

About your nephew's
previous conduct, chief,

Does what I said
seem all that unlikely?

[ Sighs ]

What do you propose
as a solution, lieutenant?

Bury whatever there is
on detective sipowicz,

In return for which,
no criminal charges

Are filed against
your nephew ‐‐

Assuming detective sipowicz
is willing.

He threatened me with a g*n.
I have proof of that.

And he has proof you committed
a half a dozen felonies.

You want to go
head‐to‐head, stan?

Yeah, I want to go head‐to‐head.

I want to take that son of a
bitch down, once and for all!

In which case,
here's what's gonna happen ‐‐

Sipowicz will very likely
get fired off the job,

Possibly have charges brought,
won't get convicted,

Won't do time.

You, on the other hand,

Will absolutely be brought up
on charges,

Will make an unsympathetic

And will definitely do time.

I'd plan on 8 to 10 years.

Can we talk about this

Here is the only way
you'll avoid that ‐‐

You don't get to live
in new york anymore.

Your agency's got an office
in miami.

They'll put through
the paperwork

To get you a p.i. License
in florida,

And that's where
you're gonna live.

You don't got near sipowicz
for the rest of your life.

And, if you're smart,

You'll keep your contact
with me to a bare minimum.

Lieutenant, I think
our business here is concluded.

In my office.

You want to be here?

What do you mean?

The way you've been
conducting yourself

Leaves me with the impression
you don't want to be here.

I want to be here.

You're gonna have to show me.

The clearance rates
on my cases

Are as high as they've ever
been, boss.

I'm talking about you
coming in hung over,

Hitting the bars at night,
sleeping around,

And nearly getting
your partner k*lled.

You think I don't feel bad
about that?

I don't care what you feel.
I care what you do.

From this point forward,

I find you going out
on a jag at night,

I'm transferring you
out of my squad.

Yes, sir.

[ Knock at door ]

Come in.

We're finished.

If you're willing to let what
you have on hatcher go,

The tape recordings
will disappear.

What does hatcher say?

Hatcher's gonna do
what he's told.

That means relocating
out of new york,

Steering clear of you
and your family.


That's it, then.

[ Clears throat ]

I appreciate you interceding
like this, lieutenant.

I don't want
your appreciation.

After assuring me

That you wouldn't freelance
the situation with hatcher,

You did exactly that.

I guess, at a certain point,

My emotions
got the better of me.

I understand, which is why
I went to bat for you.

What I want you to understand

Is how contemptible
I felt doing it.

I don't take any satisfaction
in brokering deals.

I live by rules.
I honor my commitments.

While you remain in my command,
you will do the same.

If you assume that
you've won me as a confederate

And act on that assumption,

Your leaving the job may come
sooner than you think.

That's all.



You feel like going
to the gym?

I can't.

An hour, 45 minutes?

Can't do it, john.

How 'bout dinner?

Listen, man ‐‐

I don't want to make up
any phony excuses,

And I don't want to preach
to you,

But the way you've been
acting bothers me.

It disrespects
the people you work with,

It disrespects the job.

And you're so screwed up, I
don't know if you realize it.

I guess that's a no
for dinner.

That's right.

You put through that request
for reassignment?

Didn't get a chance.

Can I ask if maybe
you could hold off?

I mean,
if there's not somebody

That you're set on
working with

Or till you find somebody

That you're set
on working with?

I would make every effort

To not behave the way
I've been behaving.

I know that probably rings
a little hollow right now,

But if you could just kind of
struggle along with me...

We'll try it.

Thank you.

I'll see you tomorrow.