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12x07 - My Dinner with Andy

Posted: 04/28/22 12:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

The jury found your dad
not guilty.

If he's back on the street,
he might come after me.

Michael's going to have an order
of protection against you

By the end of the day.

You love hiding behind
that badge, don't you?

Do you want to take a swing?

as*ault on a police officer?
I don't think so.

You compromised
a m*rder case.

No, a defense lawyer
got lucky.

Consorting with a witness
was inappropriate enough.

Keeping it from me so that I
couldn't take the stink off you,

That is unforgivable.

Clark's a grown man.

He don't want me being
his father.

Yeah, he does.
Spot him the mistakes, andy.

Teach him to ride out the
losses, and you won't have to.

What are you doing here?

God bless, andy.

Want to grab something
to eat?

You want to?

[ Sighs ]

I didn't expect to be sitting
here like this.

I don't want to keep going
around like we've been.

My fault.

It doesn't matter.

No, I've been a jerk.
I know that.

Here you are, sir.

Come on, let's eat.

I mean, I really know it.
You know?

I'm really sorry for it.

John, I don't doubt
that you're sorry for it.

I didn't doubt it
when you told me before.

I just can't go around feeling
the way I'm feeling.

Which is why you're trying not
to feel anything at all.

Drink, sleep around...

[ Clears throat ]
anything to take the edge off.

Kind of works, you know,

Yeah, yeah, it works
for a while anyway.

That's why we do it.

Problem is, at a certain point,
it stops working.

Then we don't know
how to do anything else.

[ Sighs ]

Wish I could have done
things different.

I wish I'd said to my old man
how much he meant to me.

I wish I'd tried harder
with jen

So maybe she wouldn't have gone
out the way she did.

You did try.

I just can't lose
anybody else, andy.

I can't have anybody else
check out on me.

I just don't want anything else
to get taken away.

Some things get taken.

Some things get given
in their place.

What you got to do
is just stick around.

[ Inhales deeply ]

I will if you will.

You got a deal.

Lucy welker.

Says a guy grabbed her and
pulled her into the alley,

Started punching her.

He rob her?

Any sexual as*ault?

Says he just gave her
the beating and took off.

Who called it in?

Deli owner down the street.
He didn't see the guy, though.


Miss welker,
detectives sipowicz and clark.

Want to tell us
what happened?

I already explained
to the other policeman.

Yeah, it'd be good
if you explain it again.

Could I get a blanket
or something?

I'm really cold.

Yeah, here.

Oh, thank you.

So, can you tell us
what happened?

I left my apartment and was
going to the grocery store

When this man grabbed me
and pulled me in the alley.

He threw me against the wall
and started hitting me.

Did he say anything?
No, he just kept hitting me.

Then something must have spooked
him, because he ran off.

What did he look like?

Like one of the homeless
you see around ‐‐

Big hair, a big, bushy beard,
like a lion.

White lion, black lion?


Do you know him
from around the neighborhood?

No, I've never
seen him before.

Would you recognize him
if you saw him again?

I'm not sure.

Did you notice anything
about him ‐‐

what he was wearing?

It happened so fast.

I think he was just crazy,
you know.

All right, we'll talk to you
again in a little while.

Maybe some more
will come to you then.

Meantime, they'll check you out
at the hospital.

Oh, I just want to go home.

Don't worry, they'll take good
care of you.

Thank you for your coat.

No problem.

White, homeless guy,
looks like a lion.

It solves itself.


Good morning!


I had a little trouble
at mcgowan's last night.

What happened?

A guy shows up.
He starts making problems.

I try talking to him.
That didn't work.

Now I got my hands on him.
I'm moving him out the door.

well under control,

When all of a sudden,
his girlfriend ‐‐

5 Foot nothing ‐‐
hits me with a left hook.

The little ones
are tough, greg.

This woman could fight

She got you good.

I feel like I got a neon sign
on my face.

You know,
a little makeup could help.
You think?

I got a few things in my bag,
might bring the shine down.

Detective jones,
bobbi kingston is here.

Hey, baldwin.

I thought it would be all right
to bring her back.

I hope you don't mind.
If you're busy, I can just ‐‐

Oh, not a problem.
Come on, greg.


Uh, thanks.

I was going to give you
a call.

Michael's got a game
thursday night,

And he'd love if you could
come see him play.

Oh, sure.

So, what's up?

Baldwin, I'm not here
as your caseworker.

More as a friend.

Michael's dad has filed
a petition with the court.

He's requested a hearing to
modify the placement order.

All right,
what does that mean?

Well, in all likelihood,

It means he's going
to ask for custody.

You got to be kidding me.

He'll start out with something
less ‐‐ visitation probably ‐‐

But he wouldn't be doing
all this

If he wasn't ultimately
after custody.

Craig k*lled michael's mother.
He nearly k*lled his aunt.

You can't tell me the courts
are going to consider

Giving michael back to him.

I can't tell you what the courts
are going to do,

But he was not convicted
of either crime.

And as a matter of principle,

The rights of the biological
parent are given weight ‐‐

A lot of weight.

When's the hearing?

This afternoon.

How come somebody didn't tell me
about this before?!

They don't have to
tell you at all.

As far as the courts
are concerned,

You're just a place
for michael to stay.

You know that's not the way
it is with michael and me.

That's why I'm here.

What can I do?

Well, you need a lawyer,

So I'm going to go back
and get you some names,

And then let's just see
what happens at the hearing.

Thanks for doing this.


What's this one?

He didn't want to give
his name,

Just that he had something
important to talk to you about.

I don't know what constitutes

I got a situation at home.

I got to take
some lost time.

Everything all right?
My foster son ‐‐

His father's trying to come back
into the picture,

And there's a hearing
I need to attend.

Anything we can do?

No, but thank you.

Do what you got to do.

Desk sergeant said
we had an as*ault.

Right, that's ours.
A homeless guy beat up a woman.

She give a description
we could put out?

That'd bring in half the bums
in the city.

We're going to see if she does
better when she's calmed down.

Let me know after you talk
to her again.

That's quite a shiner, greg.

How'd you get that?

I, uh, slipped in the tub.


How does that give you
a black eye?

When I went down, I caught
my eye on the spout.


Well, sounds painful.

Yeah, 2 inches another way,
I could have lost the eye.

Well, you take care of that.

I will.

[ Sighs ]


When you slipped,

Was there a guy lying in the tub
with his fist cocked?

Excuse me, I need to talk
to the detectives

Who caught
the lucy welker case.

That's ours.

Detective clark.

I heard she was beaten up.
That's right.

She say who did it?
A homeless guy.

Is there someplace
we can talk?

[ Clears throat ]
right this way.

Lucy welker is supposed
to testify for me this afternoon

In a felony m*rder case.

I'm assuming
she didn't mention that.

No, she didn't.

I called the hospital
when I heard about the attack,

And they told me
that she walked out

Without them having
a look at her.

She's not at home.
She's not answering her cell.

I think she's on the run.

What's the case?

The aberdeen warehouse fire.
You know it?

Is that with this
korensky guy?

Who's he?

He sells, like, discount
electronics ‐‐ tvs, vcrs ‐‐

But he's a bad guy.

Torched one of his warehouses
for the insurance.

How'd he get charged
with homicide?

Is that
where the fireman died?

What does lucy welker
give you?

She was korensky's secretary.

She saw him putting cans of
accelerant into his car.

How badly was she hurt?

Some bruises.
Nothing broken.

She have any relatives
or friends in the area ‐‐

People she'd go to?

She has a sister in
basking ridge, new jersey.

Other than that,
nobody I know of.

We'll get on it.

If you don't mind,

I'd like to put some of our
d. A. Investigators on it, too.

We caught the case.
We got it.

Is there a problem here?

Frankly, last time I worked
with you two,

It really didn't turn out
too well.

We're in or we're out.
You want the case, take it.

let us do our work.

Keep me posted.



My partner wasn't the problem
last time.

I was, and, uh,
I'm sorry for that.

It won't happen again.

You have my word.

If you want me to believe that,
show me.

Understand mr. Korensky's
under no obligation

To answer
any of your questions.

He's agreed to speak
with you solely

Out of concern
for miss welker's well‐being.

Appreciate it.

Should I deem any question

I will cut off
this interview immediately.

Are we clear?

I'm sick
what happened to her.

How long has she worked
for you?
Three years maybe.

Know anyone who would want
to hurt her?

For what?
For anything.

Absolutely not.

You have contact
with her recently?

[ Chuckles ]
guys, look where I am.

It's not like she's been

You ever call her?

Of course not.
That would be inappropriate.

You have contact recently
with anyone else ‐‐

Your brother,
people from work?

Simon, don't answer that.

What, they don't have
the phone records?

I talk to somebody
from work every day.

I got a business to run.

I don't let nothing stop me
from doing that.

You talk to anybody at work
about lucy?

Fellas, we are done.

If you think I'm going
to let you stick

A witness‐intimidation charge on
my client, you are mistaken.

The best, I got here.

Let's go.

I don't have nothing to do
with the fire,

And I don't have nothing
to do with this.

It's just coincidence
she gets beat up

The same day she's going
to testify against you?

Detective, I said we're done!

What's the matter, you don't
have enough problems?

What are they bothering me for?

You lean on witnesses, you're
only going to make it worse.

Give lucy my best.

Where are we
with lucy welker?

Checking planes, trains,
and automobiles.

Nothing from the airlines yet.

Me and john also have been
looking into korensky.

What have you found?

His father started a business.
Simon took it over.

He's been arrested

For going after somebody
with a baseball bat.

They dropped the charges.

He allegedly threw a guy
out a window.

He survived.
Also dropped the charges.

About a half a dozen more that
follow the same general pattern.

What'd you get
when you talked to him?

Chesty prick laughed at us.

I just spoke
to the port authority police.

Lucy welker bought a ticket
on a bus to basking ridge.

Soon as you got her,
give me a call.
All right.

Can I help you?

James mcgowan
to see lieutenant bale.


Mr. Mcgowan, come in.

Thanks for stopping by.

I don't believe I've seen you
in my bar, lieutenant.

No, you haven't.

We serve a liberal glass
for new york's finest.

And charge full price,
I hope.

[ Chuckling ] always.

So, if you don't mind my asking,
what's this about?

Mr. Mcgowan, we have certain
rules in the department.

One is that an officer can't be
employed by a bar.

I received an anonymous tip

That one of my detectives is
working as a bouncer for you.

It's a lie, sir, flat‐out.

Greg medavoy
isn't your bouncer?

Greg? No?

A customer, for sure,
but that's all.

So, he didn't get that black eye
working for you?

No, we had a bit of a donnybrook
last night, and greg mixed in,

But that was strictly
as a friend.

I'd lay money that the guy
we had to put out

Was the one who called.

Mr. Mcgowan, I spent
a number of years

Working in the department's
internal‐affairs division.

That gave me a pretty good ear
for when someone's lying to me,

So I'm going to repeat
my question.

And if you lie to me again,

You can expect the state liquor
authority and the vice squad

To become a constant presence
at your bar ‐‐

So much so that eventually
you'll padlock the doors

And walk away.

Now, let's start again.

Is greg medavoy working
as a bouncer for you?

He k*lled this boy's mother.

He was acquitted.
He got a good lawyer.

The acquittal means that
the crime never happened.

If you could have seen
what he did to that woman ‐‐

As far as the court is
concerned, it's a nonissue.

Now, you said there's an aunt.

Craig beat her up when michael
was staying with her.

Will she testify to that?
I don't know.

I don't know.
She's scared of him.

I'm still trying to get
in touch with her.

Any chance she could attend
the hearing this afternoon?

Probably not.

We can't bring up the attack

Unless there's someone
to testify to it.

Craig did time in prison.

He was arrested
for domestic v*olence.

We need someone to testify

To his current propensity
for v*olence.

You know, after you called,
I spoke to bobbi kingston.

She said you were the best thing
that ever happened to michael.

I don't know about that,

But I think we have
a pretty good situation.

Seeing craig is just going
to mess him up.

I understand.

Do you think the court
will give craig custody?

not the issue today,

So let's just deal with
what's in front of us.

Worst case,
can they give him custody?

Could they? Yes.

He doesn't care
about michael.

He just wants to get back
at me.

I got to do whatever I can
to stop this.

All right.

I'll get in touch
with judge colish

And let him know
we'll be at the hearing.

Thank you.

[ Gasps ]

Lucy, stop!

Stop, lucy!

Oh, no!

Let go!

Let me go!

Please help me!

Lucy, calm down.

Please help me!
Hey, let her go!

Take it easy.
We're police officers.

Is she under arrest?

Sir, just let us do our job.

I want to know,
is she under arrest?!

Hey, assh*le,
you want to get locked up?!

For what?!
Obstruction of governmental

You guys got a name for
everything, don't you?!

I'm telling you, keep talking,
you're going in.

Tell them you couldn't find me.
Tell them I was already gone.

Lucy, just calm down.

I really need to see
my sister.

Right now,
you have to come with us.


You guys might want
to get in here.

Can I finish what I'm doing?

The boss is laying into her
pretty good.

I got to call you back.

So I think you might want
to get in there.

[ Sighs ]

The district attorney has
declared you a material witness

In the case, miss welker.

That means that,
should you try to run again,

You'll be placed in custody.

And if we have to,
we'll put you in the civil jail.

Hey, boss.
I don't understand.

I don't know
how to make it any clearer.

Take off again,
and we'll arrest you.

Detective clark,
I'm under arrest?

Only if you flee.

Oh, my god.

Boss, she needs a minute.

She needs to understand
her status.

[ Sobbing ]

Let me know
when she's ready to talk.


Am I really under arrest?

No, you're not.

I'm sorry I ran away.

You were so nice to me, too.

It's all right.

Can you tell me what really
happened this morning?

I should call my sister.
She's expecting me.

Okay, you can do that
in a minute,

But, lucy, who was it that
assaulted you this morning?

[ Sighs ] oh.

I've seen him around
the office.

His name is lou de silva.

He told me that
if I testified against simon,

He'd cut my throat,
and then he hit me.

I kept asking him to stop,

But he just kept hitting me.

It's okay.

I can't testify.
I can't.

You're going to have
to put me in jail.

No, we're not going
to do that.
I'm scared.

God, I'm so scared.

[ Sobs ]

What are you doing, craig?

I'm varnishing this bench.

When I'm done,

I'm going to varnish
that one.

Michael and me,
we got a stable situation.

The best thing for him would be
for you to leave us alone.

I'm hoping that means
something to you.

I should have come and talked
to you man‐to‐man about this,

But my lawyer didn't think
it was a good idea.

Tell you the truth, I was
a little afraid to see you.

That doesn't make it right.
You deserve better, my brother.

What's really going on here?
What are you after?

I want to see my son.

Okay, you going to tell me
you found god?

You been saved?

Not going to brag about it, but
I'm not the man I used to be.

That man lived in a bottle.

Wasn't sober two days in a row
from the age of 13.

Hurt a lot of people.

I got to answer for what he did,
but I ain't him.

I've been clean and sober
seven months.

Don't live in a bottle

The bottle account for your wife
getting beat to death?

I didn't do that.
Michael says different.

Michael's angry at me.
He got a right.

That don't make everything
he says the truth.

That's the difference between
you and me, craig.

I know michael's telling
the truth.

Jones, I'm not trying to come
between you and michael.

I just want to be a part
of my son's life.

That's not going to happen.

I got no fight with you,

But there's things I need to do,
being his father.

Hope you can understand that.


I'm grateful
for what you done.

I'm looking
for a lou de silva.

Is this the correct number?

I'm with the new york state
taxation and finance office.

Mr. De silva's
due some money,

And we don't know
where to send it.

It's about $1,200.

All right, great,
we'll send someone out.

And he's going to have
to sign for it,

So we're going to need
to see some i. D.

Mm‐hmm, thank you.

Where's he now?

Long island city.
He'll be there in half an hour.

Hi, my name's janet welker.
I'm looking for my sister.

Yeah, detectives sipowicz
and clark.

We're working
your sister's case.

Is lucy here?
Is she all right?

She's okay.
She's upstairs sleeping now.

Detective murphy
will fill you in.

We'll be back later.
John, sign us out.

Hi. This is detective ortiz.
She's working the case, too.

How do you do?
Would you like some coffee?

Tea, if you have it.

Why don't we go back here?

As soon as I got lucy's message,
I got on the train.

Does she tell you much
about work?

[ Chuckles ]

I knew, from the start,
it would be trouble.

This korensky sounded
just dreadful.

Some people are equipped
to deal

With the korenskys
of this world.

My sister's not one of them.
She's fragile.

Not much in the self‐confidence
department, unfortunately.

I think this was more than
a failure of self‐confidence.

I've seen her
in similar situations ‐‐

Admittedly, none quite
so dramatic.

I honestly don't know
if she's up to testifying.

I blame our father.

What did he do?

He drank, yelled.

Our mother was dead.

Lucy was the only one
living with him,

So it all fell on her,
and she just took it.

I tried to protect her
when I was there,

But once I went away to school,
that wasn't very often.

Did he hit her?

Oh, yeah.

Why didn't you call someone ‐‐
the police?

[ Chuckles ]

People like us
don't do that.

What's going on?

We got to head down
to family court.

What for?

Your dad asked for a hearing
in front of the judge.


He's asking for visitation
rights with you.

You're kidding?

Tell the judge I don't want it.
That's what matters, right?

It's a little more complicated
than that, michael.

It's not complicated for me.

Because it's your dad, the judge
is going to hear him out.

But he's also going to hear
from you, me, and bobbi.

My dad's pretty good
at persuading people

When he wants to.

Think the judge is going
to go along with it?

I can't say
it couldn't happen.


Well, no one's talking about
custody, though, right?


But it could come up later.

I don't believe it.

But that's not
an issue today.

All we're talking about is
should he be able to see you.

I don't want to see him, and I
don't want to live with him.

One thing at a time, okay?

[ Sighs ]

I want to stay with you.

Then you're staying with me.

That's a promise.

I don't care
what the judge says.

Then that's the way
it's going to be.

[ Sighs ]
come on, we should get going.

Sit down, lou.

I don't know what you want.

I ain't done nothing.

Where were you at 7:00
this morning?

I was in bed.

Who's going to back that up?

My girl.

Who we know is
an upstanding citizen.

You asked.

I don't think so, lou.

I think you were out
on the street,

Beating up a nice lady
named lucy welker.

Don't know her.
Never seen her.

That's funny.
She's seen you.

In about five minutes,

She's going to pick you
out of a lineup.

Then she's blind as a bat
or lying.

This ain't no penny‐ante
as*ault charge.

It's witness intimidation.
That's minimum a 10‐year bit.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Take off your clothes, lou.

What do you mean?

I said,
"take off your clothes."

You going to violate me?

No, no such luck.

We're going to have
your clothes tested,

Because we're betting
that you're stupid enough

Not to have changed them
since you beat on that woman.

We find her blood on them,
you're done.

[ Sighs ] okay.

Okay, look, maybe I hit her

But it wasn't
no witness intimidation.

What was it?

I was going after her purse.

You didn't take her purse.

I saw somebody coming.
I panicked.

I'm new to this.

You're raising the bar
on stupid, lou!

I'm telling you
what happened.

Yeah, you just happened to try
and rob the woman

Who's about to testify
against your boss?

First I heard about that.

We know korensky
put you up to this.

You want to help yourself,
you give him up.

Thanks for the advice.

I give up korensky,
and I'm done.

Forget helping myself.

Whatever time I got to do
for as*ault,

I'll do standing on my head.

What do you mean if you give up
korensky, you're done?


I don't mean nothing by that.


[ Sighs ]
yes, sir?

Come into my office.

Close the door.

Sit down.

this is the patrol guide.

You have a copy, right?
Yes, sir.

Section 120.14 ‐‐

"Off‐duty employment
is prohibited

"When it involves employment
in any premises

"Licensed by the state
liquor authority,

Pursuant to the alcoholic
beverage control law."

Is that page missing
from your copy?

No, sir.

So you knew you were violating
departmental regulations

When you went to work
at mcgowan's?

Sir, if I could just explain.

I received an anonymous

That you were working there.

I've confirmed
that allegation.

As a result, I've referred
the matter to internal affairs.

You're going to send me
to them?

No, detective,
you're sending yourself there.

The guide couldn't be clearer.

You chose to ignore it
for a couple of hundred bucks

And all the watered‐down scotch
you could drink.

Still, lieutenant,
all respect,

I'm not the first guy to do it,
not by a long shot.

You're the first
under my command.

I'm not trying to be harsh,
but you've given me no choice.

I told the squad
how I wanted to run things.

You didn't listen.
I tried giving rips.

They didn't get your attention,
so here we are.

i‐i worked there a week.

I don't care.

I expect you to carry out
your duties

While this makes its way
through the system.

Is there something else,

No, sir.

Then we're done.

[ Door opens, slams ]

[ Water running ]

[ Door opens ]

You okay, medavoy?

He cleaned my clock, andy.

He cleaned it good.

I'm going to wind up going
to the trial room.

He said that?

Look at me.
My hands are shaking.

They're going to dump me
back to uniform.

55 Years old,

I'm going to be
on the street again.

Why is he doing it?

I broke the rule.
That's what he said.

One whole week
I worked at that place.

He doesn't want me here,

[ Sighs ]
what am I doing here?

Medavoy, listen to me.

You're going to get
through this.


End of the day, you're going to
be right back where you started.

So what?

So a couple of years from now,

Somebody can come in
and find me at my desk

With my head in a puddle
of cold coffee?

Is that what I'm fighting for,

You got to decide
what you want.

You want to put in your papers,
you've earned that right.


Yeah, I got to think.

Go home, get some rest.

Call your delegate, figure out
what you're going to do.


Yeah, that's good advice.

[ Door opens ]

Your honor, mr. Woodruff
is gainfully employed

And has established
a stable home,

As the pay stubs and rent checks
we provided show.

He regularly attends meetings
of alcoholics anonymous

And has been clean and sober
for seven months.

He acknowledges
a less‐than‐perfect past,

Which is why he's asking
for the chance

To repair the damage
he's done

And rebuild a relationship
with his son.

Thank you, miss friedman.

I have an application
for intervention

From michael's foster parent,
mr. Baldwin jones.

Archie day, representing
mr. Jones, your honor.

Judge colish, we object.

Mr. Jones has no legal standing
in this matter.

Miss friedman,
the only standard here

Is best interest of the child.

Particularly since there's been
no law guardian

Appointed yet,

I have no objection
to hearing him out.

Your honor, we submit

That mr. Woodruff's petition
should be refused.

He is a convicted felon with
a history of violent behavior,

And he was charged with
murdering michael's own mother

In michael's presence.

He was acquitted,
and we strenuously object

To these kinds
of prejudicial statements.

It's out of bounds, mr. Day.
Keep going.

Mr. Woodruff's
violent history

Far outweighs
his recent, brief,

And not altogether
convincing stint

As an upstanding citizen.

In addition,

Michael has testified against
his father in open court.

And as his criminal
record shows,

Mr. Woodruff responds brutally
to those who oppose him.

Any contact with him would
present a grave physical

And psychological threat
to michael.

Your honor, craig woodruff
served his time in prison

And met every condition
of his parole.

Should he be punished
for that?

That's not what we're saying.

Mr. Jones and his attorney,
for reasons of their own,

May not be convinced,

But we have affidavits
from those who are,

Who know mr. Woodruff ‐‐
his minister, his employer.

Fortunately, we're not deciding
custody here.

The only question before us

Is whether michael should have
some minimal contact

With his sole surviving parent.

Mr. Woodruff has submitted
ample evidence

Of a change in circumstances.

Absent evidence of a current
propensity to v*olence

On his part,

I don't see any grounds
to deny the petition.

Pending psychological
evaluations of the parties,

I am granting petitioner
one supervised visit a week.

Thank you, judge.

If I hear you've abused
your privilege in any way,

That's the end of it.

Do we understand
each other, sir?

I know I got a lot to prove,

I'm grateful for the chance
to see my boy.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Thank you.

Hi, lucy.

Oh, I can't do this.

Now listen to me.

As soon as we start, I'm going
to put you on the stand.

The clerk is going
to swear you in.

Then I will start asking

It'll be just like
we discussed.

How long will it last?
I can't say.

The defense has to ask
their questions.

Can't this be conducted
in the judge's chambers ‐‐

Somewhere away from
where he's sitting?

He has the right to be present
when lucy testifies.
Oh, god.

He can't come anywhere near you.
He can't talk to you.

All he can do is sit there.

He'll be looking at me.

Just don't look at him, luce.

I really don't think
I can do this.

Lucy, I'm going to stay here.

If you start to get nervous
about simon, look at me.

Focus here.
Tell me what happened.

You're going to be in here?

Right in front.


The judge knows what happened
this morning.

I can get a continuance until
tomorrow if you need it.

No, I want it over with.

Thanks for sticking around.

No problem.

[ Sighs ]

Michael, it's only an hour.

A lot can happen in an hour.

Bobbi will be with you
the whole time, all right?

Craig does anything out of line,
she'll be all over him,

And you know how tough
she can be.

It won't be that obvious.

It'll be the way he says
something, a look.

She won't see it.

Then you come tell me,
and I'll let her know.

I don't see
why you can't be there.

Why do they get to say what
I got to do with my life?

Because they're the court.

Afterwards, we'll go get
a pizza and rent a movie.

How about that?

Can we go to john's?

But if you think you're putting
pineapple on a pizza I'm eating,

You got another think coming.

That ain't gonna happen.

Michael, are you ready?

He's not my dad.

He's just this guy
who k*lled my mom.

You got to do this, son.

Come on, baby.

Hey, how'd it go?

Lucy did great.

I was really nervous at first.
Then it went away...a little.

I was so proud of you.

How'd the cross go?

They didn't get to it.
What happened?

The defense asked
for an adjournment.

They'll do the cross tomorrow.

I don't see
how they can do that.

It seems so unfair.

What does this mean in terms
of providing protection?

That's what we came here
to straighten out.

She's not done testifying.
She still needs protection.

I don't want anybody racking up
overtime on this.

Give it to the night watch.

Would that mean different
police officers?

No. Boss, I'll take care of it
off the clock.

You're going to work through the
night, pull a shift tomorrow?

I'll be fine.

Up to you.

I just have to grab
some things.

Why don't you and your sister
wait downstairs.

I'll be there in a minute.


Will you be in court tomorrow?

I'll see you then.

Maybe I'll run over there
with you.

You don't have to do that.

Yeah, I'll just check out
her apartment

And get her set up
for the night.

It's on my way home.

No, it's not.

Sure, it is.

So your boss is sending you
to the trial room.

Boy, you must have pissed him
off good.

I don't know how.

See what they put
on the table.

Maybe you take some kind of rip
and be done with it.

Just tell me this.

Since when is working
a door at a bar

Something you get sent
to the trial room for?

Look, as your delegate,

I'm required to inform you
that working in a bar,

You're in violation.

if they came down on everyone

Who's done what you've done,
they wouldn't have enough cops

To patrol
the staten island ferry.

This guy is on a mission,
is what it is.

He's looking to clear out
old guys like me.

You going to eat that roll?

Take it.

You think they'll dump me
back to uniform?

In a trial room,
anything's possible.

24 Years on the job, I'm going
to finish up walking a beat.

Don't get ahead of yourself.

Do you ever feel

Like maybe you're trying to hang
onto something

That maybe didn't want
you anymore?

Me personally?

If I put in my papers,

What am I looking at

How many years you got?

24 Years ‐‐ you get half pay,
plus change.

Your bennies stay the same.
[ Sighs ]

Your co‐pay goes up a little.

Yeah, I can't make it
on half a paycheck.

I was hoping to put in
at 3/4.

That's another 11, 12 years
unless you got a disability.

No such luck.

Any chance there's trouble
with the ticker?


If a doctor says
you need a stent,

The department considers it
a disability,

And that puts you out on
immediate 3/4 pay.

What's a stent?

A little thing ‐‐ it keeps
the cardiac artery open.

You don't even notice
it's there.

And that gets you 3/4?
Tax‐free, no less.

You can go to a doctor and
ask for one of these things?

It's like getting a filling.

I know two guys done it
this year alone.

You going to eat that butter?

Take it.

A stent.

Brass ring, my friend.

All clear.

Keep the curtains drawn ‐‐
all of them.

And if somebody knocks,
don't open the door,

Even if it's somebody
you know.

No matter what they say?

Tell them to try next door.

All right.

[ Telephone ringing ]



No, we're not interested.

No. Thanks anyway.


I need to sit down.

Just don't think
about it, luce.

My heart's going so fast,
I'm not going to sleep a wink.

Lucy, come here.

Come here.

See that car
across the street?

That's my car.

I'll be sitting in there
all night.

Call me on my cell,
I'll be up here in 15 seconds.

All right?


You're going to be fine.
I promise.

All right.

[ Sighs ]

That was a hang‐up?

I didn't think
she needed to know.

Whatever pay phone it came from,
I'll get it dumped.

[ Clears throat ]
you going to be okay?


I can come by and spell you.

Oh, I got it, thanks.


This is a toothbrush,
toothpaste, razor.

You'll need them,
come morning.
Yeah, thanks.

I figure you probably didn't
have any of that in the car.

Yeah, you got that right.

All right,
I'll see you tomorrow, john.


[ Sighs ]