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12x09 - The 3-H Club

Posted: 04/28/22 12:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

Since when is working a door
at a bar

Something you get sent
to the trial room for?

There is no way in the world

That I deserve a 30‐day rip
for what I did.

And I want my day in court
to say that.

Craig snows the judge
into granting him
supervised visitation.

Now he's bucking
for full custody.

Let this one play out,

You'd do anything
for your kids, right?
Michael's my kid.

You're late, detective, and
you were supposed to have
brought michael with you.

He left school after 2nd period.
I don't know where he is.

Bring him back or I'm gonna
forget that I'm a christian man,

That I obey the law,
and I'm gonna come after you.

[ Sighs ]
what's doing, andy?



Oh, are those the study tapes
for the sergeant's test?

How's it going?

How's it going?

It's going good.

Yeah, I got
the trial starting.

I know.

Hey, what will be, will be,


Hey, uh, any word
on michael?


I got the trial
starting today.

I know.

I figure the worst thing
that could happen,

They flop me back to uniform.

Well, you take it up on appeal,
that happens.

Ha, yeah, well, if that happens,
uh, that's it.


Job does that to me,
I'm done.

There's an e‐mail there
from michael.

He says he's all right,
but he's not coming back

While there's a chance
craig can get custody.

Maybe we can trace it.

Do me a favor.
Can you get in touch with taru?

Um, okay.

I got to get out of here
for a while.

Where you going?

I'm gonna go for a walk.


We have a report of
a possible molestation

From an elementary school.

Ortiz, you and murphy respond.

Hey, craig, open up!
It's baldwin jones!


Either open the door
or I'm gonna break it down!

[ Grunts ]

Hey, craig, where are you?

Come on,
we got to talk about this.

Hey, craig!

I came in,
he was dead on the floor.

How'd you get in?

I knocked,
there was no answer,

But I could hear the television,
so I took the door.

What time was this?
About 8:30.

Why were you here?

Because I wanted
to talk to him.

I just got an e‐mail
from michael,

And I wanted craig to know
what he was doing to this kid

By trying to get custody.

Maybe it was stupid.

Oh, it was stupid.

What time did you get in
to the house this morning?

A quarter to 8:00.
And before that?

You want me to account
for my whereabouts?

We need for you to account
for your whereabouts.

I woke up in my apartment
by myself.

I went to the corner to get
a coffee and a paper.

Around when was that?

7:15, 7:18,
Something like that.

The e‐mail the
only communication

You received
from michael?

We're gonna want
to talk to him.

You're not thinking he's
a possible suspect in this?

If you caught the case,
would you?

Give us a minute.


You understand, I have
to place you on modified duty.

I guess as long as
I'm gonna be a suspect,
you have no choice.

You made yourself
a suspect.

What this guy did
warranted a visit.

I thought that's what you
were paying a lawyer for.

I didn't feel like I could
leave it to the lawyer.

How many g*ns you got listed
on your 10 card?

Where are they?

One's here, one's in my locker,
one's at home.

Go home, get the one
you got there,

Voucher the three of them
with the desk sergeant.

The boy doesn't want the nurse
to check him out,

But he was overheard
telling some other kids

He'd been sexually molested.

Any reason to think
he made it up?

None that I can
think of.

Where is he now?
He's in here.

How you doing, eddie?


I'm detective ortiz.
This is detective murphy.

I said what happened

It would be good if you
could tell us, though.

I was walking to school.
A guy pulled up in a van.

He said he had dvds
for five bucks.

I said, "which ones?"

He said, "'dodgeball,'
'shrek 2,' and 'k*ll bill.'"

I said, "let's see them."

He said he'd show them to me
if I got in, so I got in.

What happened then?

He drove to under the bridge,

Said he didn't want to take them
out where people were around.

Then he got all weird,

So I jumped out
and walked back to school.

That's it.

What do you mean,
"he got all weird"?

Just said some weird stuff.

We need you to tell us
what he said, eddie.

It's no big deal.

We kind of need to put it
in our report.

You have to write reports?

Yeah, we got to write

He said if I gave him
my underwear,

He'd give me any three dvds
I wanted.

What'd you say to him?

No way.

Did he touch you
or try to get you to touch him?


[ Voice breaking ] yeah.


[ Sniffles ]

On my butt...

And in the front.

Did he make you do

He tried to.

I made like I was having
an asthma attack.

He got scared
and kicked me out.

Do you remember anything
about him?

He smelled bad.

Was he white, black?


Can you make a guess
how old he was?

I don't know.

Was he older
than your principal?


Was he older than us?

I don't know.

How about his hair?

Do you remember what color
his hair was?

He had a beanie on.

Do you remember anything
about the van?

[ Sniffles ]
it was brown.

Was it ford or chevy?

I don't know.


I know the license‐plate number,

[ Sniffles ]

You remember it?


You sure of that?

I wrote it down
in my notebook

So I wouldn't forget.

Thanks, eddie.

You did good.

You did real good.

Just the facts, greg.

These guys don't want to hear
a lot of elaborate explanations.

I'll take you through
the sequence of events,

We'll minimize the best we can,
and that's it.

Don't embellish.

Let's get started.

How many years you been
on the job, detective?

24 This april.

Ever have any disciplinary
action taken against you?


Civilian complaints?


Will you describe what you
were doing at mcgowan's bar?

I was helping out
on the door.

How long
did you work there?
A little more than a week.

No further questions.

You said you've been on the job
24 years, detective?

That's correct.

You have an opportunity
to acquaint yourself

With the departmental

Against members
of the service

Working in
a licensed establishment?

Not every regulation's given
equal weight, sergeant.

Did you know it was against
regulations, detective?

Yes, sir.

I assume you knew mcgowan's
was a licensed establishment.

I‐i knew that, too.

No further questions.

Could I s‐say something,
mr. Commissioner?

Think whether this is something
best said by your attorney.

No, i‐i'd rather
say it myself.

My whole time on the job,
I never took money,

Never looked the other way
to get something for nothing,

Never did a wrong thing.

Are you expecting a combat cross
for that?

[ Sighs ]
no, commissioner.

I'm just trying to put
what I did in perspective.

My daughter came to me
to help her buy a house.

She doesn't feel safe
where she is

And she wants to move
to long island.

She picked out your basic
starter house ‐‐

2 Bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths.

And she needed me
to help her.

So that's all
I was trying to do.

[ Sighs ]

And...i thought maybe
you should know that.

Hey, can I talk to you guys
a second?

I went home
to get the other g*n.

It wasn't there.
I don't know what to do.

Baldwin, you might want to talk
to a lawyer.

Am I under arrest?

Let's not get ahead
of ourselves.

When was the last time
you saw the g*n?

A week ago, maybe.

I had the painters
at the house.

When they got done,
I took it out of the cabinet

And put it back on a high shelf
in the bedroom.

Michael must have taken it.

This stays with us.

What about bale?

You turned the g*ns
over to me.

Are you sure you want
to do that, andy?

Tell me you didn't use that g*n
to k*ll this guy.

You think I would actually
do something like that?

Tell me you didn't.

I didn't.

You turned them over
to me.

So, when did craig move in?

Six months ago.

Did you notice anything

About the kind of people
he associated with?

I don't see no people.

What about neighbors?

I know he was friends
with a woman.

But I keep my nose out,
so I don't know.

You see something between them,
mr. Kosovic?

He's in 3‐f.

I get a call from
pain‐in‐the‐ass woman in 2‐f,

There's water coming in
from the ceiling.

So I go to his apartment

To see where it's coming from,
and she's there.

Who is she?


Is she home now,
do you know?

Husband at work,
she home all day.


So, did you know
craig woodruff?

Just to say hello.

Were you ever
in his apartment?


And he was never in yours?

[ Laughing ] no, never.

Someone said they might have
seen you in his apartment.

I don't know
why they would say that.

It's very important that you
tell us the truth.

Well, I understand that.

If you're concerned
something will come out

About the kind of relationship
you and craig had,

The best way to prevent it
is to tell us the truth.

If it has nothing to do
with the homicide,

It will go no further
than us.

We find out you're lying to us,
that's something else.

[ Sighs ]

I was...very foolish.

In what way?

I believed that behaving
a certain way

Would make me more
of what I wanted to appear

In the eyes of the world.

I've had two children,

And I do the best I can
with what god's given me,

But I ain't no beyonce,
and I know that.

How did it start?

We saw each other
in the building,

And he was friendly
to me.

I was friendly back.

Then it escalated
and became more than that.

Did your husband
ever find out?

No, no, he did not.

And I made sure that whatever
was going on

Between mr. Woodruff and myself
stayed outside of my home.

Now, that was very important
to me.

I did not want to disrespect
my husband in any way.

And I certainly didn't want
my children seeing any of this

Or knowing this
about their mother.

And I maintain that.

It must not have been too easy
with him living down the hall.

It most certainly
was not easy.

But that was what I did.

When you make a mistake
such as I made,

It is your obligation

To keep it from hurting
other people.

Did mr. Woodruff cooperate?

Oh, he had no choice.

I was a weak‐willed woman
at first,

But I became
a strong‐willed woman.

And mr. Woodruff,
he knew that.

When can we talk
to your husband?

He's a supervisor
with the transit authority,

And he's at
a management seminar.

I‐i don't know
when he'll be done.

All right,
would you ask him to call us

When he gets back?

Well, wait a minute,
why do you need to talk to him?

See if he knows anything.

You're not gonna say anything
to him, are you?

If he doesn't know, we're not
gonna be the ones that tell him.

[ Sighs ]

[ Knocks ]

This is gerard donnelley.

He's with the squad
at the 7‐2.

Detectives ortiz and murphy.

He's been working a homicide

That might be related
to the case you caught.

The victim was
an 11‐year‐old male, white.

He'd been sexually molested.

We have a witness who i. D.'D
a brown van as being involved.

Ours just came back

As being registered
to a church on 11th street.

Yeah, you're welcome
to ride along.

Thanks, lieutenant.
You got it.

So, it's registered
to the church?

Who was driving the van
this morning?

Can I ask
what this is about?

It may have been involved
in an accident.

It's probably wrong,
but we have to check it out.

We just need to fill in
all the blanks.

Well, uh, lynn cahill
is who drives it.

She works in our
feeding program.

Anyone else?

Not that I'm aware of.

How about you,
you ever drive it?

Well, I have on occasion.

But, uh, as I said,
normally, it's lynn.

Where can we find lynn?

Find her in our soup kitchen,
all day, every day.

we need to impound the van.

Is that
absolutely necessary?

I'm sorry to say it is.

These officers will stay with it
until it gets towed in.

We'll get it back to you
as quickly as we can.

How long have you been
at this parish, father?

[ Chuckles ]
it's three years this march.

Where'd you come from?

St. Agnes, in harrisburg,

Thought you'd try out
the big city for a change?

Actually, the diocese
closed down that parish

And there was a need
for someone here.

Thanks for your time,

Thank you.

Dominus vobiscum, father.

Et cum spiritu tuo.

[ Chuckles ]

Uh, this is tammy carlisle,
michael's aunt.

I know tammy.


Why don't we go back here
and talk?

John clark.

Tammy carlisle.

[ Clears throat ]
how'd it go down there?

[ Sighs ]
I said what I have to say.

And they'll call me

When the trial commissioner
has a decision.

We got to go do this.

If he wants to cut me a break,
he will, that's all.

Where were you
this morning, tammy?

Um, I was at home
till about 7:00

And then at work
after that.

When was the last time
you saw craig woodruff?

More than a year ago.

He's been m*rder*d.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Scoffs ] my lord.

You're someone that craig did
a lot of damage to.

He k*lled your sister,
beat you physically,

And now, here he was back to do
more damage to your nephew.

Are you suggesting
that I k*lled him?

If you did, tammy,
the only way we can help you

Is if we know about it.

I did not.

You own a g*n?


When I got all done putting
myself together

After craig beat me that time,
my husband vowed

That no one would ever lay
a hand on me again.

Where's the g*n now?

[ Sighs ]
it's in our home.

We're gonna need to go with you
while you pick it up.

Are we gonna be arrested?

We need to do some tests
to determine whether or not
it's the m*rder w*apon.

But it's an illegal g*n.

We're in possession
of an illegal g*n.

Will we be arrested
for that?

Let's take things
one step at a time, hmm?

The e‐mail was sent from an
internet cafã© on avenue "b."

He used the account
of a friend of his.

You contact the friend?

Yeah, I got him and his parents
coming in.

May I speak to
detective jones, please?


What'd michael say
in the e‐mail?

Just that he was all right
and he didn't want me to worry.

You think he k*lled craig?

I don't know, tammy.

He'd have had more reason
than anybody.

Yeah, that's true.

Between me and you,

I hope to god you got him
someplace safe.

Why don't you have a seat?
We'll be with you in a minute.

How's it looking?

Too soon to tell.

The aunt?

Still checking, not likely.

What about jones?

No way it's him.

How much of that's
not wanting it to be him?

Boss, I know the guy
five years.

This isn't something
he'd do.

You voucher the g*ns?

Find another suspect,

Or we're gonna have to start
looking at jones hard.

There's no question
that detective medavoy

Was working a licensed

There's no question that such
employment is prohibited.

As such, I find
detective medavoy guilty.

And because I sympathize
with you,

Trying to do right
by your daughter,

And because I don't believe
justice would be served

By worsening
your financial situation,

I fine you five days' salary.

We're adjourned.

So, tennyson, when's the last
time you saw michael?

I don't know.
A week ago, something like that.

Do you know
where he is?

Well, he sent an e‐mail from
your account this morning.

He's probably getting yelled at
for using his too much.

They're always scheming
something, these guys.

You know he hasn't been
in school.

Figured he was sick.

You didn't call him, let him
know what the assignments were?

The teachers all have web sites
for that.

Has he not been sick?

He's been missing.

Not that I wouldn't be going
crazy if it were tennyson,

But it has happened that
boys disappear for a while.

You folks should know this
isn't just a missing kid

That we asked you
in here for.

This is a homicide

Michael's father's
been m*rder*d.

Oh, my god!

if you know where michael is,

You need to tell us now.

I don't know where he is.

When's the last time
you spoke to him?

If he knew,
he'd say he knows.

I'm giving him
another opportunity

To think about whether or not
he does know.

Are you thinking that michael
might have k*lled his father?

We just want to talk to him.

I understand you want
to protect your friend.

I'm sure he told you
not to say anything

About where he is to anybody,
no matter what.

Now that there's been
a homicide,

You can't protect him

We have police officers
looking for him.

We will find him.

And when we do, if it turns out
that you knew where he was

And you're not telling us,

You could find yourself
in a lot of trouble.

Do you know, tennyson?

He stayed in the port authority
bus station

For, like, two nights.

Then he called me,

Said he was too scared
to stay there anymore.

Jason stays in mya's room
most of the time,

And I said michael
could stay in his room.

I want it understood, no one
knew anything about a homicide.

Jason is who?

Tennyson's brother.
He's in school at nyu.

We need your assurance
that no one's gonna call michael

To let him know
we're coming.

Nobody is calling anybody.

[ Sighs ]

Thanks for coming in.

I hope everything works out.

Say hi to michael.

He's been holed up
in an nyu dorm.

Well, can I go with you?

Lieutenant wants you
in the house, baldwin.

Michael's got a g*n.

If me being there stops him
from doing something stupid,
I'd like to be there.


Meet us out by the car.

[ Knock on door ]

Hey, michael.

What's going on?

Let me have the bag.

Give him the bag,

You had me scared to death.

I'm sorry.

This it?


We're gonna need to talk,

How come?
You don't ask
the questions!

These detectives are
gonna ask the questions,

You got it?

And if it turns out you lie
about anything at all ‐‐

I'm not gonna lie.
Let's go. Come on.

Excuse me, is there
a lynn cahill here?

Thank you.

Lynn cahill?

We're detectives.
Can we talk to you for a second?

Yeah, yes.

Do you drive the
church's brown van?

Did you drive it
this morning?

Who did?
No one did.

Do you take it home
with you at night?

Who, besides yourself,
drives it?

As a rule, no one.

And you keep the keys
to it where?
In my bag.

Has anyone ever
taken the keys?

Miss cahill, that van
was used by someone

Who sexually molested
an 11‐year‐old boy.

How do you know that?

The boy wrote down
the license plate.

We don't ask people's
backgrounds here.

They line up,
they get their food,

They eat, and they leave.

maybe you could call us

If you think of anything
out of the ordinary.

Where is the van now?
It's been impounded.

Oh, that's going to present
a hardship for us.

We're sorry.

Why did you take the g*n,

I'm not much of a fighter.

I figured
I might need something

So people
would leave me alone.

Where were you this morning?

In tennyson's brother's
dorm room.

Anyone see you there?

His brother did.
What time was that?

He came in to get
his books for class.

I think it was about 8:00.

How long had you been
in the room?

I slept in the room.

What time
did you go to sleep?

Like 9:00.

That's kind of early.

I didn't have anything to do.

I couldn't call anybody.

I figured the best thing to do
was just stay in the room.

When was the last time
you saw your dad?

That day when he had
visitation at court.

You haven't seen him since?


Michael, he was found dead
in his apartment this morning.

[ Inhales ]

I'm not sorry he's dead.

Nobody expects you to be.

You're a kid, michael.

If you had to sh**t him
'cause you were afraid of him,

People will understand.

I didn't.

We're gonna test the g*n.

If it was used to k*ll him,
we're gonna know.

Best thing he ever did for me
was get himself k*lled.

[ Sighs ]

You guys get any kind of
a bad hit off the padre?

Not especially.

I did.
I did a little digging.

Turns out there was
a criminal complaint

Pending against him
in harrisburg,

of sexual molestation

And forcible sodomy.

We should talk to him


Alibi isn't exactly airtight,
but I don't think he did it.

A uniform just found a g*n

In the laundry room
of the building.

Any fellow tenants
you're looking at,

You might want to look
at harder.

Sorry to interrupt the seminar,
mr. Barker,

But we did need
to talk to you.

These seminars are about
a half‐hour's worth of material

And six hours
worth of doughnuts.

What time did you leave
to go to work this morning?

Same as usual ‐‐
7:00 a. M.

You go by yourself?

Do you know
craig woodruff?

Just from seeing him
in the building.

You never had any dealings
with him?

No, sir.

Do you know
he was m*rder*d?

My wife called
and told me.

Do you own a g*n,
mr. Barker?


You ought to know that a g*n
was found in the building.

It wasn't mine.

That g*n is gonna be put
through ballistic tests

And dusted
for fingerprints.

If it turns out to be
the m*rder w*apon,

And it comes back to you
or your wife,

The fact that you're
lying to us

Isn't gonna work
in your favor.

What reason would I have
to be lying to you?

Do you know if your wife was
acquainted with mr. Woodruff?

Only to say hi to him
in the hallway.

Is it possible
there was more to it?

Are you suggesting my wife
was unfaithful?

Was there any reason for you
to believe that she was?

The answer's no.

Is it possible that craig
forced himself on her

And she used the g*n
to defend herself?

We don't have any problem
believing the first part,

'Cause we know what
kind of guy he was.

Then why are you
working so hard

To try and find out
who k*lled him?

You know the answer
to that.

There are inconsistencies
in your wife's story.

What kind
of inconsistencies?

Just believe us when we
tell you she's a suspect.

My wife would never
k*ll anyone!

We're gonna put her
in the laundry room

Between the time
of the k*lling

And when that g*n
was discovered.

We're also gonna put her
in woodruff's apartment.

You're just grasping
at straws!

No, sir!

Now listen to me.

The d. A. Is preparing to go
to the grand jury.

Your wife is gonna be
indicted for m*rder.

What you need to be
thinking about

Is how you can help her.

You know, people think
'cause I'm easygoing

That I don't have it in me
to explode.

Is that wrong?

I shot craig woodruff.

I shot him and I hid the g*n
in the laundry room.

You know, all he had to do
was leave it be.

[ Clears throat ]

There's nothing he had to say,

Just allow my wife and I
to go back to our apartment

And work it out
between ourselves.

He didn't do that?

No, he thought he'd have
a little fun.

Talked about
his sexual prowess,

How I had better get used
to the fact

That there was now no way

My wife would ever be
happy with me again.

And what did you do
at that point?

I had dinner
with my family.

I‐i tried to go to sleep.

Then, around 5:00 this morning,
I decided, you know,

I‐i needed to tell mr. Woodruff
that if we were to continue

Living down the hall
from one another,

He had to respect my wife...
My family.

And he had to respect me.

He was angry I woke him.

He ‐‐ he cursed at me.

Then he laughed at me.

And he slapped me in the face.

And you shot him.

I had no forgiveness left.

We appreciate you coming in
with us, father.

There's a few questions
we still need to ask.


Were you at the church
this morning,

Say, between the hours
of 7:00 and 9:00?

I was.

I hear confession
between 8:00 and 9:00.

What about between
7:00 and 8:00?

Um, I rode
the stationary bicycle

Between 6:30
and quarter after 7:00.

Then I went over to the coffee
shop on the corner

And had breakfast
from 7:20 to 10 of 8:00.

Between 8:00 and 9:00,

Was there anyone other than
the penitents who saw you?

It's sounding like you suspect
me of something, detective.

We're just trying to account

For anyone who had access
to the van.

I see.
What about it, father?

Sister claddagh would have
seen me at the rectory

When I returned
from the coffee shop.

Luis saw me when I went
into the church.

Who's luis?

He sweeps the church
every morning.

We'll need
contact information.

This isn't an accident
you're looking into, is it?

You said you drove the brown van
on occasion.

When was the last occasion
you drove it?

I would guess
several weeks ago.

Now, what is it exactly
that you're investigating?

A boy was sexually molested
on the way to school.

We have reason to believe
the person responsible

Was driving that brown van.

[ Voice breaking ]
dear god.

When you told us
they were closing the parish,

That wasn't quite true,
was it?

It was completely true.

Oh, so the charge that you
sodomized a 14‐year‐old boy

Had nothing to do with it?

That charge was investigated
by the police department

And by the
district attorney's office,

And it proved to be
completely false.

Did the bishop have anything
to do with that?
No, sir!

That boy was found to be
mentally unstable.
I bet.

Is there anyone
you can think of

In a position to take the van
without permission?

No, I'm sorry, I can't
think of anyone who
would have done that.

You might have done it,

I might have,
but I didn't!

You don't need anybody's
permission to take it.

You want to take it,
you take it.

No one's gonna tell you no,
and, what's more,

They're gonna close ranks around
you when you ask them to...

No questions asked!

Can we maybe step outside
a second?

You have it fixed in your head
I've done something wrong.

I don't know there's anything
I can do to change that.


You're damn right.


I'm trying to get him
to tell the truth.

I think he is
telling the truth.

'Cause with that collar on,

They're incapable
of telling a lie.

Excuse me, there's a lynn cahill
here to talk to you.

She says it's important.

Let her come over.


You have father mcintyre
in there?

Yes, we do.
Is he a suspect in this?

We can't really
get into that.

I hope he's not a suspect.

Because he knows the right
things to say when someone dies?

He's genuinely concerned
about the poor?

He's got a nice smile
when he passes out the wafers?

Why don't we hear from her
why it is?

It's because his chastity
isn't challenged by young boys,

It's challenged by women.

You know this?


There's also someone
in the food program

You might want to talk to.

Who's that?
His name's eric.

I asked around,
someone I trust told me

He had a set of keys
to the van made.

When's the next meal?

Do you want to tell
father mcintyre he can go

Or should we?

My husband is here,
and I'd like to talk to him.

I think he may be in
with the detectives.

But I need to talk to him.

As soon as they come out,
you can tell them.

How'd it go?


Five‐day rip's not bad,

Turns out you were right
to go to trial.


Anyway, glad it's over.

[ Door slams ]

This was an exercise
for you.
No, detective.

This was an enforcement
of regulations.
It was an exercise.

It was out of the
command‐and‐control playbook.

It made you feel
like someone

Who's not afraid
to make tough decisions,

A man in charge of men.

You might want to take a deep
breath right about now.

Oh, I've done all the deep
breathing I need to do.

I've laid awake at night
for a week.

I haven't been able
to eat.

I walked into
that trial room today

And my hands were sweating
and my mouth was dry.

And you put me through that
for nothing.

You could have told me
to stop working in the bar

And I would have quit
that very minute.

Instead, you tortured me...

Not because you had to...

Because you could.

I understand you've been
through an ordeal, detective.

And I can see that it's put a
great strain on you emotionally.

I think you should take
the rest of the day.

tonight you'll sleep,

And tomorrow
you'll come in fit for duty.

How'd it go, medavoy?

Mrs. Barker.
Where's my husband?

He's gonna be processed.
What do you mean?

Your husband confessed
to the m*rder of craig woodruff.

He's been placed
under arrest.
That's wrong.

He'll have an attorney.
He'll have a trial.

No, that is wrong.
What he is telling you is wrong.

Look, I have something
to tell you,

And you need to hear
what I have to say.

I told craig that he had
embarrassed me

And that he had humiliated
my husband.

He laughed at me.

He put his hands on me.

I tried to push him away,

And when he wouldn't let me,
I shot him.

Mrs. Barker, we understand
you're carrying

A fair amount of guilt
over what happened.

But if what you're trying to
do is to help your husband,

This isn't the way to do it.

Was your husband
lying to us?

Of course, he was.
He was trying to protect me.

Or you're lying
to protect him.

I shot him!

And I hid the g*n
in the laundry room,

And that is
the god's‐honest truth.

That's him,
in the plaid shirt.

Talk to you a minute?

What about?

We'd rather talk to you

Hey, I ain't losing
my place in line.

We'll make sure you get
something to eat.

I'll make sure
I get something to eat.

Walk out of here with us or
you're gonna embarrass yourself

In front
of all these people.

[ Sighs ] mother teresa.

She sticks a knife in
when you ain't even looking!

You fingered me for them,

Now, that wasn't
very smart.

You know why you're here,
right, eric?
No idea.

We have information that you
have been selling bootleg dvds.

You took me out of there
for that?

We're under a lot of pressure
to make arrests for that.

All right,
I sold some bootleg dvds.

And just so we can complete
the statement,

Were you selling those
out of a brown van?


Who does that belong to?

The church that runs the food
program where you picked me up.

Did you ever sell
any bootleg dvds to him?


There's no turning back now,

You admitted to the dvds,
you've admitted to the van,

And this kid's gonna pick you
out of a lineup, 1, 2, 3.

What's he saying?

That you roughed him up.

Maybe he tried to run off
without paying

And you went to stop him.

Were you in the van
with him?

What do I get for that?

Less than a year, maybe
that gets suspended, too.

[ Sighs ]

Yeah, I was in the van
with him.

What about this kid...
The one you m*rder*d?

[ Sighs ]

I take back
everything I said.

It doesn't work that way.

I lied about everything!

This is the best possible
approach you can take right now.

You have a sickness of the mind.

This sickness causes you to have
an insatiable desire

For sexual contact
with young boys.

Would you disagree
with that, eric?

I'm done talking.

Sometimes, you've had
to force young boys

To provide you with
that sexual contact,

Which was the case
with these two young boys.

Say if that's the case.

I want a lawyer.

This boy got away from you.

This boy did not.

I said I want a lawyer!

When you were finished having
sexual contact with this boy,

You choked him until
he was dead!

I think you have to stop
talking to me now.

D.a. Wants to interview
the husband and wife both.

They'll probably end up
submitting it to the grand jury.

What do you want to do about
the g*n charge on the aunt?

What g*n charge?

It's in the fives.

The aunt had possession
of an illegal g*n.

You might want to redo
that five.

I think it inadvertently
got thrown away.

All the people this guy came
into contact with got hurt.

It's enough now.

I'd like to talk to you two
for a second, if I could.

The guy from the food program
lawyered up,

But he's good for it.
Oh, yeah?

He went for the dvds,
the van,

And the initial contact
with the kid.

Put that together
with the kid's testimony

And the witness from the van
in the homicide,

He's going away.

That's great.


Can we talk privately?

Sorry about before.

This case sent me back
to when I was younger.

I was an altar boy.

You got molested?

Oh, yeah, the whole tour ‐‐

Trip upstate,
cabin in the woods,

Honor and privilege
of being chosen.

[ Exhales ]
he get caught?

Cirrhosis got him first.

Anyway, I appreciate you guys
being professional.

I wish I could have been
more so.

You were fine.

Can I buy you two dinner?


[ Knock on door ]

Hi, michael.

Turns out it was one of the
neighbors that k*lled your dad.

They figure out what they're
gonna do with me?

What do you mean?

Baldwin's just
a foster parent.

He can send me back to social
services whenever he wants.

You're thinking
'cause he got mad at you,

That's what he's gonna do?

It's not like I'm his kid.

I cause him
a lot of trouble.

He's probably sick of me.

I'm fine with that.

I'd rather go back
to the agencies

Than have him be
all mad at me.

The reason he's mad at you
is that you are his kid.

Your whole world is what
your kid's going through.

But it wasn't my fault.

Maybe it was stupid
to take the g*n,

But all the rest of it ‐‐

I know that.
Baldwin knows it, too.

Then how come
he got mad at me?

Because, at that moment,
he couldn't help himself.

He'd been so afraid what
might have happened to you,

He was so relieved to see you
in one piece,

Everything came crashing

He could have just as easily
burst into tears.

I don't know about that.

You should know this ‐‐

As much as any father loved
any son, baldwin loves you.

You ready?

Take care, michael.