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12x15 - La Bomba

Posted: 04/28/22 12:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on "nypd blue"...

The reason I came by is because
I wanted to apologize

For what I said to you
and baldwin earlier.

Don't worry about it.

No, it wasn't professional,
because the truth is,

I wasn't feeling
entirely professional.

Listen, tonight's shot,

But I'd really like
to have dinner with you soon.

I'd like that.


I have to check.

Yeah, it's clear.

what have we got?

Looks like
a pretty basic device ‐‐

Enough to take out the car,
but not much more than that.

What are the chances
of recovering anything?

Not good.

How much expertise
you figure was required?

Anyone with ordnance training
in the military

Could have done it.

There's a dozen books
available on the internet.

Any i. D.?

Yeah, his name
is brett keenan.

That's his daughter
over there.

Where was she
when it happened?

Pulling into the garage.
She heard it.

Miss keenan, is it?


I'm very sorry
about your dad.

It's not a great way to start
your day, is it?

You work here?

You know how long the car
had been here?

Since last week.

He was traveling on business,
got back last night,

And went straight to
his apartment from the airport.

He had a meeting
this morning in new jersey,

Which is where he was
on his way to.

Are you aware of any disputes
he might have been having?

There's always disputes.
It's the nature of the business.

We're interested in anything
that might have led to v*olence.

This wasn't a businessperson
that did this.

This was an aberrant,
sick individual

Who held my father
responsible for something.

Any guess
who that might be?


We'd like to get a list

Of past and present employees
if we could.


What was your father's
personal life like?

He divorced my mother
forever ago.

He had a rotation of willing
b‐school graduates

To service him in return for
being able to say they did.

That's as much
of a personal life as he had.

Whoever k*lled your father
was knowledgeable in expl*sives.

Does that suggest
anyone in particular?

If it did,
I would have told you already.

Now, I have a conference
in frankfurt to prepare for

And a funeral to plan.

Is there anything else?

If we could get
that list.

It's upstairs in my office.


b*mb went off
when he started the ignition.

the car sat for weeks,

So there was plenty of time
to rig the thing.

Any history of threats?
Not that we know of.

We got a list of past
and present employees
from his daughter.

Who is one of the coldest
human beings I've ever met.

Oh, yeah?

The feds are interested
in a possible t*rror1st link.
As is my boss.

We haven't got anything
that points in that direction.

If you need a warrant, anything,
will you let me know?

Chief of detectives
has already called twice.

Whatever you know, as soon
as you know it, bring it to me.

You got it.

Hey, we should
divide up the names,

Call, and
have them come in.

All right, we'll start
with the former employees.

When we're done, we'll move on
to the present ones.

You'll call me
if you're taking a statement?

I may call you
even if we're not.

[ Chuckles ]

Free for dinner?


Yeah, tonight.

Just so happens I am.

Got a report of a homicide
in an alley. Who's up?

That'd be us, lieu.

Corner of east broadway
and pike.


What have you got?

White male,
looks like he's in his teens,

Apparently beaten to death.

How'd the job come in?

Sanitation worker over there
found the body around 7:00.


I.d. From
the coventry school.

Garrett tinslee,
date of birth ‐‐ june 11, 1987.

Makes him 17.

Credit cards.
Looks like about $200 in cash.

Still has his watch.

Let's go talk
to the garbageman.

Hey. Found the body?


What time?

About a quarter to 7:00.

I see kids up here all the time
smoking dope and whatnot.

Ever see this one?

I didn't look at his face.

Do us a favor and look?

I'd really rather not.
I got a thing about dead people.

I think of the family.

I can't stand it.

Just see
if you recognize him.

[ Panting ]

Yeah, I know him.

He was a real assh*le.

Hey, al.


Phil beckett?
That's me.

Detective medavoy.
Why don't you come this way?


This is phil beckett.
Detective jones.

Thanks for coming in.

This is about brett keenan?

Why do you say that?

I ran into him on madison avenue
not two weeks ago.

We swore we'd get together.

I called his office this morning
to set a date,

And they told me
what happened.

What were the circumstances
of your leaving the company?

Well, the circumstances were
that it was time.

Brett offered me
crazy money to stay,

But if he taught me anything,
he taught me

That you have to be
willing to take risks.

I wanted to build
my own business.

I had to leave the nest
to do that.

So you parted
on good terms?

I loved this guy.

He's 10 years younger than me,
and I considered him my mentor.

I just hope
his daughter won't have

To see his body
all burnt up.

I'm sure they'll do their best
to spare her that.

What was
your position exactly?

I was in cost accounting,
personnel, long‐term planning.

Brett would send me in
to put out fires, basically.

I was his go‐to guy.
That's what he called me.

Can you think of anyone
brett dealt with

Who had a knowledge
of expl*sives?

I'll tell you
what comes to mind,

And you can make of this
what you will.

He was down
in colombia last year

To try to nail down a contract
to provide cell phone service.

Now, I know he had dealings
with the government.

I know there were all kind of
shenanigans go on down there,

And I know that he had a problem
with his security service.

Do you know
what the problem was?

I do not.

Excuse me just a second.


Tell him to get the figures
from howard,

Keep on going with the report,

And I'll find time for him
by the end of the week.

Call and tell him I'm running
10 to 15 minutes late.


So if we need information
on any of these names,

Where do we reach you?

Forget about
these office numbers.

Just call my cell phone.

I'm reachable
24 hours a day.

Thank you.


What can you tell us about
the kids he hung out with?

Ordinary kids,
nice kids.

I just want to sell everything
and move away from here.

I know.

Did anything
happen at school

That you think
might be related to this?

He went to coventry,
for god's sake.

Oh, my god.

[ Voice breaking ]
there's his backpack.

He brought it home from school
yesterday and left it there.


Was he around any kids
who didn't go to coventry?

If they didn't
go to coventry,

They went to fieldston
or dalton or collegiate.

Was your son
into dr*gs at all?

like any other teenager.

What a waste
of a life.

Would you know where he would
have gotten pot from?

For god's sakes,
it's on every street corner.

Is that what you're gonna focus
on ‐‐ that he smoked pot?

We're trying to figure out
who k*lled him, sir.

If we know it was a drug deal,
that might lead us to them ‐‐
stop saying that.

Garrett wasn't involved

In dr*gs or drug deals
or anything like that.


Yes, sir?

Take garrett's backpack
out of here, please.

Garrett was a good kid,
wasn't he, inez?


Inez knew him
his whole life.

We pay for her son
to go to coventry...

With garrett.

That's very generous of you.

It was garrett's idea.

That's the kind of kid
he was.

The outfit providing
security for keenan

When he was in colombia
was carlson and associates.

They said the problem was with
a bodyguard named avi mosier.

All they would say was that
they let mosier go,

And he's currently working
for another security firm.

I'm calling over there now.

Avi mosier?

Who's asking?

Detectives clark
and sipowicz.

What's the problem?
We just need to talk to you.

So talk.

We're not gonna talk here, avi.
We need you to come with us.

I got a guy inside
I'm bodyguard for.

This your partner?
It's two men
on the door.

Guy got another
bodyguard inside?

Get your partner
to call for a replacement.

Tell them
I'm going with them.

You understand,
for our safety,

I got to ask you
for your g*ns before you get in.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Sighs ]

There's a lot
of sadness here today ‐‐

People crying,
holding each other,

Trying to make sense
out of what happened.

What can you tell us
about garrett, dr. Weaver?

I didn't know him too well.

His records indicate

That while he wasn't
an outstanding student,

He did the work
required of him.

Never failed any courses.

Any problems
related to dr*gs?

None that I know of.

It should be noted
that at coventry,

We have a zero‐tolerance policy
regarding dr*gs.

What does
that mean exactly?

The first time you're caught,
it's an a*t*matic suspension.

Second time,
it's an a*t*matic expulsion.

Can you tell us anything about
the crowd garrett ran with?

I think it's fair to say
he was among

The more popular,
socially active students.

With a fair amount
of money.

His family was always
quite generous to the school.

I assumed garrett as well.

Think it was possible that
someone was shaking him down?

Anything is possible.

I would doubt,
if that was the case,

It was another
coventry student doing it.

There are families here with
more money than the tinslees.

Was garrett ever in trouble
for anything other than dr*gs?

We make it a practice here

To keep our student records

You know that if necessary,
we can get a court order.

I don't think there is
anything in his records

That relates to this.

Dr. Weaver,
with all due respect,

This might not be something
you're in a position to know.

What I am
in a position to know

Is that families who entrust us
with their children

Expect us to be discreet
about what happens here.

One of those families' child
was just k*lled.

I can promise you
that discretion is low

On the list of things they're
currently expecting from us.

That means if you force us
to get a court order,

We're gonna comb through
not only the records
of garrett tinslee,

But of every student that
garrett came into contact with.

Six months ago,
garrett and a female student

Were discovered
in an empty classroom

Engaging in sexually
inappropriate behavior.

Both were required to write a
letter of apology to the school.

Both were given a warning if any
subsequent incident occurred,

Both sets of parents
would be notified.

What's the girl's name?
She comes
from a good family.

I know this would cause them
a lot of pain.

We'll be as discreet
as possible.

Her name is quinny stein.

What happened, avi?

You and brett keenan
didn't get along?

In bogotรก, your bodyguard
with you 24/7.

Who knows? Maybe he couldn't
stand israelis.

That sound likely?

Why not? I can't
stand them, and I am one.

Clark: when's the last time
you saw him?

When I leave bogotรก.

No contact since then?

No, why? Somebody thr*aten him?
You think it's me?

You were trained
in the use of expl*sives

When you were in
the israeli army, is that right?

So if you wanted
to make a car explode

When the driver
turned on the ignition,
you know how to do that.

Hey, guys,
I make good living.

I have a beautiful
american girlfriend

And a condo in fort lee.

Why I want
to blow up cars for?

Brett keenan's dead, avi.
Somebody blew up his car.

You think I do this?

We know
he got you fired.

Big deal.
I get another job 1‐2‐3.

You want to tell us the truth
of why it was you got fired?

I sleep
with his daughter.

He found out?

We're together all the time.
How could he not find out?

She talked to him, I talked
to him, he don't want to listen.

He called the office,
"say good‐bye to avi."

When's the last time
you saw his daughter?

What difference
does this make?

We're gonna ask you to just
answer the questions for now,

Not worry about
the significance of them.

I see her now and then.
We keep it quiet.

We're gonna need for you
to stay here for a while.

You gonna tell my boss
I'm a suspect, huh?

Not yet.

You do,
I lose this job, too.

[ Sighs ] are my parents
coming down here?

No, quinny.

At 17, you're old enough,
we can talk to you yourself.

Soon as we're done, we'll drive
you back over to school.

It doesn't matter.

When you showed up,
I was ready to ditch school.

I'm, like, so emotional
about this, I don't even know

If I can talk about it
without breaking down.

You break down,
you break down.


You and garrett
were going out?
Not really.

Just friends?

When's the last time
you saw him?

Yesterday at school.

Did you talk to him
after school?


What'd you do
after school?

What did I do?

Like hung out at the park,
went home,

Did homework,
went to sleep.

Any idea who garrett went
to meet last night?


Did you used to get high
with garrett?

I don't get high.

Garrett did,
though, right?

I guess.
Just pot, though.

You know
where he got it from?

No idea.

No idea about that,
you don't get high,

And you and garrett
were just friends.

You think I'm lying?

We know
you and garrett were caught

Having sex in
an empty classroom.

First of all,
it was only oral.

Second of all, so what?

You think that means
we were going out?

Here's the thing, quinny ‐‐

This is
a homicide investigation.

That means
there are no secrets anymore.

We're gonna look
into garrett's life

And the life
of everyone he knows.

What does that mean?

It means we're going to talk
to your friends, your parents,

Anyone who might
conceivably know anything.

Please don't tell
my parents about that.


Then don't
hold anything back.

I'm, like,
sick with grief,

And you're treating me
like a suspect.

Where did garrett
score his pot?

From serge.

You'll tell us
how to find serge?

Is there any chance you won't
broadcast it all over the world

That I did?

Yes, quinny.

If at all possible,

I would really like
not to be known as a narc.

who's there?


What's the problem?

There's no problem.
We just want to talk to you.

What do you want
to talk to me about?

We'll explain that inside.

We don't conduct business
in hallways.

I'm really
kind of busy right now.

This won't take long.

You know, I'm really
not comfortable

Having you guys
barge in on me like this.

If we have to get
a search warrant, we'll do that.

Then when we come back,

We'll want to know why you were
so reluctant to open the door.

How do you know
garrett tinslee, serge?

From around.

Overlapping social circles ‐‐
that kind of thing.

Did those social circles
ever overlap into drug sales?

No, they didn't.

Can I help you
with something?

I'm fine.
Just answer her questions.

You're fine, but you're
looking in my bathroom.

I want to make sure
there's no one else in here.

When's the last time
you saw garrett?

I have no idea.

Where were you
last night, serge?

At a party
in williamsburg.
Until what time?

Where are you going?
Thought I heard something.

Hey, relax.

I'm not gonna relax.
She has no right to go in there.

[ Whistles ]
look at this ‐‐

The brooklyn
botanical gardens.

Now we have a problem.

Can you tell me
exactly what it is

That couldn't be discussed
on the phone?

Why don't you come down here,
miss keenan?

When's the last time
you saw avi mosier?

What does that have
to do with anything?

Maybe just let us ask
the questions for right now.

I don't know when the last time
I saw him was.

Since you've been back
from colombia?


Did your father know
you were seeing him?

I'm 27 years old.

I don't clear it with my father
who I'm seeing.

How did he find out you were
seeing him in colombia?

He sensed it, he asked me
about it, and I told him.

In retrospect,
I shouldn't have done that.

Why would it represent
a problem?

Because it was
a distraction.

Daddy wanted me
concentrating on business

And avi concentrating
on bodyguarding.

Did avi ever look for you
to make it right?

Why would he do that?
I'm not his mother.

He got fired, he got fired.

Go out
and get another job.

Speaking of that, we wanted
to go over some people

That were on the list
that we got from you.

God, now?
Yeah, now.

I don't have time now.

And where did you find out
about avi?

We heard there was a problem
with the bodyguards in colombia.

Who even knew about that?

A colleague of your father
apparently knew.

I know all
my father's colleagues.

I can't imagine any one of them

Paying attention to something
as trivial as a bodyguard.

Phil beckett.

I would hardly call
phil beckett a colleague.

What would you call him?
An idiot, a flunky.

My father
couldn't stand him.

He worked there 11 years.

Yeah, performing marginally
at best.

When my father decided
to clear out the deadwood,

He was one
of the first to go.

He said they parted
on good terms.

If you call being escorted out
of the building by security

"Good terms,"
then they did.

Now, who else do you want
to know about?

[ Scoffs ]

Can I
offer you something?

No, thanks.

What we'd really like to do,
if we could,

Is take a look
around your garage.

Your husband told us
he has some company records

From when he was working
with brett keenan.

I don't think there's anything
like that in the garage.

Would you mind terribly
if we took a look?

No, not at all.
Uh, please.

Where is your husband working
currently, mrs. Beckett?

Um, his office is over
by columbus circle.

It's his own company?

Yes, it is.

He very much wanted
to be his own boss

After he left
working with brett.

We haven't been able
to get in touch with him

At any of the numbers
that he gave us.

You know, for some reason,
he's had nothing but problems

With the phones
in that building.

He's also not
answering his cell phone.

Well, maybe he had a meeting.

Do you know what your husband's
doing with ammonium nitrate?

Well, he comes
in here at night,

And he gets involved
in so many different projects,

I've lost track ‐‐
you'll really have to ask him.

When's he due back?

Unfortunately, he's leaving
for the airport this afternoon.

He has a meeting in atlanta
in the morning,

And he was making a 5:30 flight
out of laguardia, so...

We're gonna need you
to come with us, mrs. Beckett.

W‐what's going on here?

We need you
to help us find him.


Everything I was growing was
for medical purposes.

What are you sick with?

Chronic fatigue syndrome.

That's for real.

I also like to be able
to provide it

To other people who are sick,

Maybe so they suffer
a little less.

Is that so wrong?

Do you provide it
free of charge?

Compare my profit margin
with the drug companies ‐‐

I come off like mother
freakin' teresa, all right?

Did you provide pot
to garrett tinslee?

I have a confidential
relationship with my customers.

I do not divulge.

You said you went to a party
in williamsburg last night.

What time did you leave?

I don't know ‐‐
10:30, 11:00.

Where'd you go?

I came back to the city.
Where'd you go in the city?

I went to veselka,
had a bowl of split‐pea soup,

And I left veselka,
stopped off at the gem spa.

Bought a copy of "spin,"
"the nation," "the robb report."

Then I went home.

Did you stay at home?
Yes, I did.

Is there anyone who can vouch
for you staying home?

I talked to some people
on the phone,

Talked to some people

What is this,
the inquisition?

Garrett tinslee
was k*lled last night.

Well, guys, I grow pot,
all right?

I don't do v*olence.

Even when people don't pay me,
I just let it go, you know?

The thing is since he was k*lled
and you've been busted,

You're in a position
to help yourself.

What are we talking about?

You give us information
that helps us find out
who k*lled garrett ‐‐

We'll talk to the d. A.
About going easy on you.

Going easy?
As in I walk.

You're not in a position
to negotiate here.

There was enough weight in
that farm you had going for you

To spend your next
10 birthdays locked up.

On the other hand,
if you cooperate,

We may be inclined
to persuade the d. A.

That there were some problems
with the legality of the search.

Up to you.

All right.

I fronted garrett
about five pounds a month.

He'd break it up
into quarter ounces and sell it.

He have any partners?

This kid javier,
who's his maid's son.

I know he worked for him.

Garrett kept what he needed on
any given day in javier's locker

'Cause he was paranoid
about getting busted.

I hope that's
gonna do it, guys.

That's all I got.

We'll let you know.

Can I talk to you privately?

Let's go in here.

[ Sighs ]

Uh, you said that
if there were any secrets,

You'd find them out.

Is there one
you held back on?

Garrett got me pregnant.

Even though I would
have had to leave school

And even though
it would have completely

Turned my life upside down,

Even though everything,
I wanted to have that baby.

He talked you out of it?

He said
he'd say it wasn't his.

He said if I had it, he'd have
nothing to do with me.

I couldn't tell my parents.

They wouldn't
have let me keep it,

And they wouldn't have let me
have an ab*rtion.

They would have
made me have it

And then
give it up for adoption

Or thrown me
out into the street.

Who made
the arrangements?

Garrett's maid.

She took me to a clinic in
washington heights after school,

And when it was over,
she took me home.

She was crying.

I was...numb.

[ Chuckles ]

proud of it, though.

He'd never do it around me
'cause I'd k*ll him,

But I've heard that he brags
about how we did the deed

And then he had
to take care of it.

He took care of it.

He was playing basketball
that day.

Mrs. Tinslee will be home
in about one hour.

We'd actually like
to talk to you, inez.

Your son
wasn't in school today.

He wasn't feeling good.

I told him
he could stay home.

But he's not at home.

Maybe he go out
for a little while.

Where would he have gone?
How come you want to know?

We need to talk to him
about garrett.

He don't know anything.

Was he friends with him?

They knew each other.
I don't think friends.

Did garrett
ever get him into trouble?

Why was your son suspended?

Just fooling around ‐‐
doing what kids do.

It was dr*gs.
He got busted with dr*gs.

He made a mistake,
and he was sorry.

He promise me
it never happen again.

Did he know
you got that girl an ab*rtion?

If garrett tell him,
then he knows.

Was it garrett
who asked you to do it?

He came to me crying
like he did when he was a baby.

He said he couldn't
tell his parents

And the girl couldn't
tell her parents,

So the only one
that could help them was me.

God, forgive me.
I knew it was wrong.

But i‐i took care of him
all of his life,

So i‐i said
I would do it.

Where's your son now, inez?
I don't know.


[ Speaking spanish ]

[ Speaking spanish ]

Then we have to consider him
a fugitive.

That means putting his
description out over the radio

And police all over the city
looking for him.

[ Speaking spanish ]

I‐i'll find him.

Whatever you found in that
garage is gonna get thrown out

'Cause you didn't
get a warrant.
We had consent.

When it's her husband
standing trial,

You don't think
she's gonna deny that?

We're getting the warrant.
It's too late.

If you had any suspicion,

You should have gotten it before
you ever set foot in there.

Well, you know of a judge
who would have

Signed a warrant
on our mere suspicions?

You got a d. A. Who's been camped
out here all day on this case.

She would have drawn it up.

She's still got to get
a judge to sign it.

Before we went in that garage,
we had nothing.

Yeah, let's just hope
we can find the guy.

What you better hope
is that you get a confession.

[ Knock on door ]

I told francine that
the most important thing now

Is that we speak
to her husband directly.

The thing is
he's got to be in atlanta.

might have to wait.

But he said he was meeting
with the coca‐cola people.

We're very concerned that
whoever k*lled brett keenan

May be going
after your husband next.

Why would they do that?

Your husband
was brett's go‐to guy, right?

That's what
he used to tell me.

So, for that reason,
we think he may be marked.

Oh, my god.

You have
to help us find him.

Why can't you just call him
and tell him all that?

We don't want to spook him.

Sometimes people
hear something like that

And they do
something foolish.

They might
get themselves k*lled.

Well...what can I do?

Let me know
when you have him in custody.

Yes, boss.

Sipowitz: if he sees the call's
coming from your cell phone,

Chances are
he'll pick up.

What you have to do then

Is keep him on the phone long
enough for us to get a location.

But what do I say?
Just say
what you normally say.


[ Sighs ]

Hi, honey. How are you?

Oh, I don't know.

I was just thinking about you ‐‐
thought I'd call.

Well, I thought maybe we could
take a drive this weekend ‐‐

You know, go upstate,

Look around those junk stores
that you like so much.

You'll be back from atlanta
by the weekend, right?

[ Sighs ]

Keep talking.

You know, i‐i'd like
to come with you

On one of these trips

No, you wouldn't have
to be responsible.

Um, while you're working
or at your meetings,

I could go
sight‐seeing, shopping.

[ Sighs ]

Yeah. Okay. Next time.

Okay, honey.

Well, I love you,
and have a safe trip.


9Th avenue
and 23rd street.

He should be right here.

Do you see him anywhere?

You got him on the move?

No. According to the technician,
he's standing still.

If he's standing still and he's
right here, where is he?

Oh, my god.

You see him?

Yeah. He's right there.
Where, in the cab?


[ Tires screech ]

Hey, get out of the cab.
Let's go. Turn off the engine.

What's going on?

Come on.
Get out of the cab.

We're going for a ride.
Put your hands on the car.

What did you tell them?

They said
you were in danger.

Don't go involving other people
in my affairs, francine.

I'm sorry.

W‐why are you driving a cab?

All right, come on.

I'll see you
at the house.

Get in.
Put your head down.

[ Sighs ]

May I help you?

T‐this is my son, javier.

I'm detective ortiz.
This is detective murphy.

He wasn't
running away or nothing.

Okay. We're gonna talk to him
for a little while.

I can be with him, right?

It'd be better if we
talk to him by himself.

But I would like
to be with him.
No one's gonna hurt him.

Just to be there when you
talk to him ‐‐ that's all.

I‐i don't say anything.

[ Speaking spanish ]

John, would you see
if she'd like anything?

Of course.

Can I get you something?

Where were you
last night, javier?


You didn't go out?

I went to get something to eat.
After that I was home.

Your mom with you?
She was at work.

How come you got
suspended from school?

I got caught with some weed.

Whose was it?

You weren't
holding for anybody?
Hell, no.

You were holding for garrett.
We know this.

What happened? You didn't want
to hold for him anymore?

Why do you think
I was holding it for him?

If I hold,
I hold it for my own self.

We think you were holding it
for him 'cause he asked you to.

I ain't no ret*rd.

I ain't gonna do
something stupid

Just 'cause somebody
asks me to.

We don't think that.

We think you wanted to
get a good education and
make your mother proud.

The first time you got caught,
it meant you got suspended.

If you got caught again,
you would've gotten kicked out.

But garrett figured he
had the right to ask

Since his parents were paying
for you to go there.

You guys
got it all twisted up, man.

What did he say when you
told him you didn't want
to hold anymore?


I don't think
it was nothing.
It was nothing.

I don't think
spreading it around

That your mom arranged that
girl's ab*rtion was nothing.

My mom's been wiping his ass
since he was a baby.

And now he's all grown up,

He figured the same way
my mom worked for his parents

That I'd work for him.

What did he say when
you told him you didn't
want to do it anymore?

Either I kept the weed willingly
or that he'd plant it on me,

And if it was the word
of a kid whose parents

Paid two tuitions and gave
$20,000 a year on top of that

Against the word of a kid
whose mother was a maid,

Who did I think
they'd believe?

What did you tell him?

I would take my chances.

That's when you brought
your mother into it.

He knew she was ashamed
of doing that for that girl.

He said his parents would
fire her ass if they knew.

He said to keep me in school
with all those rich white kids,

He'd have her turning tricks
out on 116th street.

He'd have her
down on her knees ‐‐

[ Sighs ]

Is that
when you hit him, javier?

She raised him, you know?

More than
his own parents did.

She raised me
and she raised him,

And one of us
had to stand up for her.

Yeah...i hit him.

I beat his head
into the ground.

[ Sighs ]

Where is he?

He's gonna have
to stay here for a while.

What did he do?

It was him
who k*lled garrett, inez.

[ Sobbing ]

You don't need to spend
a lot of money on a lawyer.

Let legal aid provide one.

If you're not happy with them,
you can always switch.

This is ‐‐ this is m*rder?

It's probably manslaughter.



There were extenuating

Your son's a good boy.

The court might be
pretty sympathetic.

What were they?

What were these
extenuating circumstances?

Your son can tell you that.

Clark: if you were starting
your own company, phil,

Why were you driving a cab?

Driving a taxicab ‐‐
where does that put you?

Out on the street ‐‐

Lets you pick up on trends,

Lets you talk to
a broad cross section of people.

Brett keenan fired you.

Where'd you hear that?

He had you escorted
out of the building.

I don't know where you're
getting your information from,


You kept it going as long
as you could, but it's over now.

I want to know who told you
that I was fired.

We talked
to his daughter.

Oh, there's an unimpeachable
source for you.

We confirmed it
with security personnel.

Someone who woke up on third
base thought she'd hit a triple.

You don't have a company.
You don't have an office.

I proved the naysayers
wrong before.

I'll prove
them wrong again.

we've been in your garage.

We know you made the b*mb.

Well, I don't know that you had
the right to go into my garage.

Your wife let us in.

We've now got
a search warrant.

We've already found
expl*sive chemicals.

We're gonna find diagrams.
That part is over.

What you want to do now,
phil, is to be truthful

And try to cut the best deal
you can with the d. A.

To make this as easy
as possible on your wife.

[ Sobs ]

She thinks I'm terrific.
You know that?

She thinks whatever
I set my mind to I can do.

She's a good wife.

Sends me off to work with a
hearty breakfast under my belt

And a "wall street journal"
under my arm.

She never knew what was
waiting for me when
I got to the office.

She never knew the way
that he made me feel ‐‐

Like I was
stupid, incompetent.

When did you decide to do
something about it?

I worked for him 11 years.

I accepted that this
was the way he was.

Deliver excellence on‐demand
first time, every time ‐‐

No pats on the back,
no margin for error.

He decides to make changes

And I don't fit in ‐‐
that's okay.

What wasn't okay?

I needed an extension
on my health insurance.

Francine...had something ‐‐

Women's problems.

I went to him with it.

He was barely listening.

I followed him out
to the elevators.

I told him that she needed
a special kind of therapy

And, if that didn't work,
an operation.

And he said...

"Sorry, kemo sabe.
No can do."

So you made the b*mb?

Yeah, I guess I wasn't too
stupid to do that, was i, brett?

I delivered some real excellence
on demand that time.

You'll want to put
all that about your wife

In the statement.

I only hope
when he turned the key...

There was enough time for him
to realize who k*lled him.

[ Knock on door ]

Full confession.
Ties to al qaeda?

Either that
or a pissed‐off ex‐employee.

D.a. Taking a statement?

She's in there
with him now.

Good work.

[ Sighs ]

How long you figure till
she's done with the statement?

I'll take care
of booking him.

You sure?

Good night.

Yeah, night, boss.

I'll see you, john.

Take care.

Night, detective.


[ Sighs ]
sad story.

Should we take a rain check
on dinner?

You gonna run him over
to central booking?

I got to run home
and feed the cat.

We'll do it another time.

Or we could get takeout.

My father keeps an apartment
in the same building

As the guy
that got blown up in the car.

Oh, yeah?

Corner of 71st and park.

Wait a minute,
he keeps an apartment?

Most of the time he's either
in oldwick or down in florida.

Not bad.

In my family, it's good

That everybody doesn't have
to be in the same place.

You have a place of your own,
though, right?

Yes, I do.

Pretty good
with those things.


Watch this.


[ Laughs ]